m .aw ,.. sr. v r yr . t VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NOIvTU CAROLINA, SUNDAY, JUNE 7, .1878. Shgle Copies 10 Cents NUMBER 21 . VV1LMINGTQN POST ADVLU . -.: TISING , RATES. i Kifty.ccnV" per line for the .l'tr.4 in i 4crtioii and twenty-live. rent per lino '.f" (or each "additional insertion. i , ' .EigUt (S)diner, Nonpareil tyji.;, eoi--.;.: 'suWe a. ninro. . . ' '.'' All ;idverti(MUiMi-t will lr ( h;jiir'l at ; abov'. r.ites, e v-opt on jpreivl f(,n tr.K't . ' : . . - . " y- . -Spev-ial r.iii'i ran Iw h.nl '..r iiJonger -time than one week. r The aiibiwriptwn prioo to Tin:: Wii, ; MiN'iToX VotiV h $1 01) per. -'year;, .''Mix iiumtln Z" cent. : -.-, ''. Allc'Miiinunicrtioinofi bu.si ii.'.ilini Nl I,,; addrPs.xt.Ml t) 'Ylll'. Wll.MIXiTN Post, Wilmington, N. C. REbULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET . OF MW1IAMER COUNTY. . . nut MiEKin V .-i ru n i:x ji; manning, r .. I , It !.!. 1 .1 I.U. I I p,:-"-' Jn.Md'll I,. f AMlVO.N. , ! ::. i 1 i;i-.i ." ' KI.I.IAII. UKAVK-KI I'. , ; i i ij Lhim'.n i.i:, ' i;iv. iaV i . il i;w i,i;i r. 1 OU .M'UVI-.V'i:,- : ! j-)iiN kj:nt inn avn. : , ;t . ' i . i i .a;i : h l : " ; 1 K H M SK iff RKM l'SlvN I A I I : I-.., I )K. IIK.NK'V i:. Mnl T, ; ' NVII.I.IAM-II. WApKKI.I, M Hi Till K, ;;i .na 11 TIIK- :;I'X'0IIAHT10M Ob- SO I. inKita' liicAVKs. I o i Tnur il.ty-th ilOtl) of M iy the tiitr.il annual ceremonies, we to held at Iho National tVnietcry. The prosses sioii was iiif'anial, b jiirj c mtp ne I -of L'jl. 5IbsoiVs battalion of N. O..S, ii.",-. the K"-e Mud and l-'apc I V.ir I'.aiifls and several td' the soeicties of the city., which appeared wilh their bariut is. At ahoittl Ii.ilf past I p.. in. all had enleiel tlte1 iVmetery anil gathered u-o'tin'd.. the. -tan I. " j- . . ; 1 : l'.aiMt giave anil niound wtie vl.-.'.M '-- wilh liatioual Hags which were arrang-. ' ill with mcst excellent tast' and pre ii'.nl a v?ry . bcuvililul appearance Much erfditlis du to tA'd. l'.i ink Iho t'liairinaii cf the CiHnuiittee of arrange-; inents. for the exeeHeiit propriety oft ho decorations. -y . j IImii. V. 1. Uan.ulay presided ;it tlio tiand slaud and took charge id' the ceremonies. .After music, by the l'iud, ltie .sel.eted. choir sang beautifully I't'oiviradcs We tWio Unco Mrc." aiid prayer was oll'ercd Uy ltev..-.M,r (irecne, i;he'elioirtheusaiig','1Kest,Sldictr, Uest,- Hllcr which Mr. Tauaday introduced Tttie viator ol the day lleo. Z. Ftviic!i, K ' ,.i'n a short and graceful Speiclu The oration is )rinfcd . below nnd .-peaks for itscl f. I t"w as a ghw i ng :ual el-"iie,nt Irihulo to the dead and the ciiuso for which they fell, , and Hit ugh !tVtl. was one of the most appropriate ever dtiivcriMl fiotn that stand. T Afiir tlio oration" the vhoir iaiig ever Them Over With lWautiful I'loweri" and a salute, was lirf d by the military. It is rare tint we h.i ve ever Wjtd so creditaWo ft salute. . r Thj? Oeuietery was looking .beautiful? ly. m it In all.ils showedTlawnM .ir.d the linfllery in perfect order. M I J . I' K K N C II ' .M ' 1 K 1 . .. We, have inH t -day to pciforin a jcre.l duty. A duty imperative upon U who, ax citizens of tli'n' great coun try ,"ar- enjoying the frccdor.i and 1 luvs- - Hp of ntropg, paternal government conttreu uhu them bv the victoiics of thoe h'o i!ecp hero. : '' ! Though w ec-uuo m ru uiuer f t tho lyjto the country ojlliCM" brAvc men, we "mc.ot l motif n aLne. Veaumcd ilic right on .such an occaiou a thi to -!. t of their aehievenuMUs tell the Ury i.f their dectlsj hoping and tupmiug that year alter year, as this 5y 'comes arxutnd, orators will "ntiauo to hold up to the country their awple fyr emulation tj.V hate no apologies to oiur fjt'the rrt e UVe iu Idec c-reniotiK-3 t dy. .U u iu ''n feeiiwr of shame that we hu iato thi hallowel4lW, but tBtg iiUhcm ith 'a feclirg of prile d a jpitit v( thsrtklulnes lor the fntiUg of paying thi hom-r t lu fcemeryol hrrvms, j We arc not alone iu the priloiinioce frthUdaty. The um tm above us o-dT, hines upJo n)llkn wf eur ""trjmea ud WKialry women, who, ttrDnjVout the lenjtU and breadth of ti aaUm. ar at ihl hour navinf the mme tribute of resptct to tbc compan- I inns in arm ( of .these wbo lie here ; and in uuuillutl lo UlC COU8CI0USDCM OI rigbt.l I I . . . . ' m ' 1 !t!oing whicb you feel in doing this service you may be assured that you are to-1 the government; had been so dis play deceiving the hearttelt thanks and posed, and: had then had the arms for igood wishes of thousands of the wid- lowetl ai t fiith e1 ess. On Ih is same - bright Mimuicr day, lhroiighont . the north, tb-y are now winding . their way in grand procession, with banners llvinir. and with purlands I I'jlil- 11. ..1 I and iiowt-rs innuuieraoie, lo.ine nome soiuierd. inesc speaking iies mat cinett ries, to decorate the graves of tell us the .ames of some of the regi tli. ..soldicr.4 who were so fortunate as mcnts to wliich they UdotigeJ,' infoim to among frieuds with kind and i'.ving hands io. close their eyea.. r l lf to all business is suspended. 'l iter.: the entire- population participate in the grand jcerernony and they send up thanks to heaven for the knowledges J ' I and consciousness that the graves of those dearly loved ones lying buried in the fir oirrioiilh, are receiyhtg'thc same attention from a few oldjcomiade a, and many pratelul people. I tinny not be inappropriate to refer t the--more immediate cause, which hd to (he great slaughter that has dot- led land with these cemeteries. I I -.. to .-tate britlly what brought ili - In rots here." . lilth- inoie 'than K'veiiteen vear . 'the neat otiesl ions that had been it.uii.g the puUlie mind, both north ..1 , marv vrars. whirl, evrn ..,s. .1.1 ..t. i ii.-vv ...it vyi irtii i .u'um laavi .uv i. i. iilIi titii'- to nler into no .'. had ?otten lli.-i.p.-.,ple so excited it w?s evident - ' " I th it ',;!eat even's ; were impendingj. i.inv thought that '-our dearest institu lions at d free government itself, was in ijjiiiV' r. Tlieie was an indefinite feel ing that '..-o'mclhing serious was to hap l!u, htit -that such a lonjr. bloody war in the w'inh of the future, no one sit -.pec ted'.' ' ' i - 5 ' 111 .was unlorluoato that nether eec t'tiii "understood, er appreciated the ; tjcnglh. ol' the other. The n prientalive m- u of either bc,c tii. ttio.s to whom the ueople looked i ..-i..; ... 1 ri l'li'Fi 111.111,1'MI II VI 111 ill tlV-tlUU) A w - v i who, iivm vcais of association with, ani.'pb.,..TVijiiii of, at the National ti.pito their to be appooents, should have' known better, b it whether be- I.i it or rot.-they refocsentcd to tli. ii- . -nstiiuents that there was no .i!....,! .. ......' ti ih. i a;.lo winild iio't light, and-that if they - did i . . ' I ill" -War would not la-t six months. I.uiled into security by ' tueh repre :.i!ali ns, the masses of the people p.li'l tiiinparalivcly; little aucniiou to tllti' sttrr'ui?: event of the winter of I ;ii i, thinking that the trouble w t'Uul be in somo manner settled by the Kolitici-iiiA :il'ier the usual amount of I blu'.te-i'Jhad bee.n.exp?nded, and it was ipit ii,ntil thOotuid of the guns fired upon Fort utxiter, reverberated through out the union, that they, the men who were to bear the brunt, who were to do the actual fiirht'uur, realized- that war was upon them .'With the exception 3uf the veterans oi' the .Mexican war, there were in. the country but few who kuew what war w as. They had an indefinite idea of its honors, but most of them thought that this war was to be a gala march to Clia- lestoti, by the ono side, or to Bos ton Ivy t he other. 1 The 5.ound of the guus hi the harbor of Charleston echoed I h rough out the north, from the St. Croix to the Coluur bis, and from the lakes lo - thciTcnnes'- see, Saeh excitement as U caused will not asain be wiUiesseii lor many years, Very many, up to that time, had not iven up hopes of a peaceful solution of thc dilUcultieV, but the first gun upon Minuter put au ena to an uegouwvu. Men sto i.l appalleil at tne auuacuy oi the act. U brought home to tuem me lael thtl the south meant fight. That war with all it horrors was upou them, and.lhkrUoit.br long it must continue till Mneidc or the other was conquered; for the idta tbat two coternmenis in place of the old ouo could erer exists, never for a moment received consl-iera- lieu.. . - The shock caused inaction but for a iriouic.it . The wund of the guns nat not itiot nwsy, the ftory of Anuerson I jATQr 0 rxrpciutte the idcoj aud ptiu delVnvo waAiiot coiH-luded, lfor the j . iit UhJh they f-ught and did. cry '"Maim' was suuueu uivuSbw the cUie, AUsges ana towns oi iw northern Mate. rrtyHnes IVr the timo were ebliterattd. Tbe" niHiositie of the Ut political cAtup4iA wcie forgotten, IinCvdn wen, lKu W0 Kcll tn rblg m-u, uet wpo lb f0'k, ,t' - ..i ... . . - .i - i iv ol uoioowin , - 'it a 4 a atructU to t mh ahould gel I, fame, Ui k I-l' buie the lawyer hu . I . !. ..1 if. XM-lliBK! cietK m. cM benca. : . , - , f Thoce w&a oiU w4 kat keokewtre only loo t aorantc U car htt the faviHea of thoat wht kad taloted. Nttvr ia the history of the worM tw lbtM bet uU aa p W. j. Emy. thiug that piade life pleasant v;ih to be sacriliccd ler this grand idea, I THE FRESEnVATlOX 01 Till; UNION.. , It is notj exaggeration to say, tbatif them, a million cf njen could have been enrolled - in !the spring of. 18GI, instead of Ghe seventy-five ' llu-uatid, called for. It was at jllns lime that, ir.ost v thte heroes en tipri-d iinun llit ir career as 11? rwi . . t us of the tktiona of these men. .We know that lien lie here that followed tne' "girnqntal colors in all. the bat tles of the ar- At t rt lonclson, at , 1! Tort HudsMin, at Chickauiauga, at Vicksburg, it yhattanooga,. 4ind upon the grand march to the Kea. Others that fouyht! in all the battles of the IV'tomae, from the first A ppomattox Court House. Army of thtl Bull Uuu to Others that 'ought in the everglades ol Florida, aid on the fands before Fort "ague, parity ot them were at the ,al1 of r oi t isher, aitd ln,m ourofn ouservaiiou ivve tm.w mat very many of them sufed tho indeocribable hor rors oi llic pntsoa. pens, la every place, P,acP W here i danger. i-nd duly called, there' thcte bkave rut n wire, to be ibu.ud.- it.wouia L.e impossu.ie to rente liicir maiUliai. al,OI LTavt TV, or veil ItiC Victories of the several armies to which h" "ey. uetongcu. l i!eir bravery, incir, L.i-l . . .. 1 . . .(' . . .. I 1 1 ",aw fau can riyoe. Known i . n , . . . -.- oy tnose wno3saw ."ii'l sii;'rel lijcm. Volumes, :t pfai-e, or heursol elo quence, by thp tuo;,t ;conipi tent writers and speakers !n the land, w uti! I fail to "do justice totfbtir I rayciy; their devo tion to the c;ise; tht it y,;n s of latijiue, their monlh-j of sitknis-, and -their many trials, ajfid I vi n't.r--t say that of all the Nainal Vei'.K tei it s there is not another wlierc so' many of the bat tles and placf s of suffering are repre 8entck as in thjis beautiful spot. A rt'val aiithorsav.-: "11' -tric truth oucht to be ito les Vavrtd :hai reli- y K'ou, an-t ii i.tjino iiuu.e.auei in- pas- ions anl pujdiers of tlo-prts. nt time ba11 have beei..,ie e..,.!,,!, the bi-t..ri;ui then writing .f-en n.it bear iestimuny k the fact that h.,,.- sol.lier. b-re, wi out:'murmuri- lhei- .snllcrings and dangers. and aifroinplished re. tilts nevi r i r- . . i l-i ' .1 i -1 1 . . before excel'Wl, then . he will 'not bi- faithful' to "historic truth." i It was nc ileau s'ruvgle in Vvhich they were engaged. ,lt was the greatest and most important civil war the world eversaw. A coi!Hict,tlie lin which awoke the nations oSlthe earth. The lHOple of the world s1lod as sjK clators of the conflict. It was to decide whether in this, age a dcnocr.aey of yieh ma'gni- ge would prove a s uece- or a fail ure, i Aud now die pie.-tiou -arises, did they die in vain? Have tltvir young lives gone (-4 naught? Has no good come from tl(is great . conflict? The liberation of fur millions of slaves is, of itself, a craSnl result. Hut whe.u we see those forme'ty blaycs made citizens, with the avemt's of advaneeiuent oneu to them, ihatahey may by improving their opportunities fr education, and by tneir iudusti-y secure to themselves some of the hnghesl positions in the laud, wc are lost in admiration at the change. Instead of .two- p'gmy nation that I would have been constantly at!; war with tach other. and at the,uiery of the weakest of the powers of thclold world, that in the end would hav become appendages to to some foreigij power, we see a giant. a laoric OI govcrjmcui iuav yoiuuiauus tu0 wrect and'4aduiiratiou t f the worlJl, Ju presljge pruiectiog its citi.-ns t:i the reau)tcs. sectioijs of the "cailb The rtueiii that cavcjUc to the cr(.,t COBt!,ct il forever settled. Thou-h they mar.kromiime to time, be agitated by mn n imliortant niijh'ritT, it U eTWen thatthy : caii never agaia'Vii- - , juturb ttte peace of the cou.itrv. j This tate cllNhiog's, thi beriug, a j -t wcrf bepiIathol lo ut by these I cWpinr brATesli well worth prc?crv tog J ao j it joc th metnorv thai we. f uj c,erT;jooc vf us, u-e every cn- i n,.,! uUiikv .- r ' u$ 4ll urc ns0jvc thai c will Ja out utniootlto ptccrve intact thb sr4Ud toweiioj KepnUiv jt ua not fjrst to Ty a tni wte of jjj lu thC jiienvoiy vt tlilw Ihaw ,1, He iaUooder ccuittciy. Vrom our staadpvuotliae mu l k opo tbem i M baTU3 Dis."ri5i -leu, tanaji larj I kraveUi aose rau dewy. AcvrJ -Ik., -..err htin lr thd tiht, I reH tir bill - . l: .. I - linear, r: TL. tieai ia nt tof tr, r ,ownj, oe, btt witJi tbarity uwnlt I fcrjtTe tb etwyr iW ft, j ,iT jreTe 'reftiti. i 1 CXra U CITY I ITEMS. Tax itinr is ciin;r on.' liipe peaches in market. The Mayor is having a quiet time. The city is making a war on dogs. Polities are gettiDg up lo fever heat. The weather is beautiful f'r yacht- in: fc?euator Merrimon will at;ccpt cur thanks for documents. We arc not going to hare any phona grapti machines in our office, f ! ' I" - : -.!"' -t';':' The young sailors are busy getting their yachts ready for the next races. Wilmington has the finest and best vegetable market in the United Stater. Ievj:sue- Cutteb Colfax. lias been ordered to New York for repairs. i IOdgecombe county has endorsed lion. V. I. Mabson as a suitable candidate for Congress. , I , Js the cjuntry prepared for another rebellion ? l'hat is the meaning of the i'otter investigation. .. j A fter the next rebellion -.'the country will have use for larger cemfteries than they did for thp last one. i 1 The c-teenied wife of mr townsman,' Mr. ilunstiue -of this city, died with heart tlieficase yery'.-.uddeuly on Monday last, 'j J: Maj, II. J. Durgrs's left hre on Thurs day w ith; his corps of Cadets for Fay ellevilk,. where ho-ex peels to spend several days. ' Gov. ijFogden, wc unh'istand, voted with the Democrats for the army bill. He should explain - this action to his constituents at once. Judge' Cox, the Celebrated ; ' hold Ilobesou and save the slate," is' a can didate for Couj-res in the K vleigh dis trict, ogain-t Jos. J. Davis, the present ni.'ib r i s i ;u editor 'slopped, while in Washing- ton la-t week, a,t the Riggs House, and lie says it is the best hotel in that lity. I He certainly knows for he is a jn tg? of I gool catling. ,' We place to-J-iy, at the head of the local page, our regular Republican ticket, jioiuitiate l by a regular liepubli can Convention, which every good Rc pubtiean'dtight and will supportJ J ilui F. (i.irrell has' called on the editor ..f this paper and reputed that .. .. l !.J.. .l :.ll wo'shoiihl state, for him that he will hereafter act 'with the Uepublican arty, w'.iieh we will do w ith plcusure on his authority. : A parting chat between husband aud wile. l'ear wijel have to leave on, business fur a fi-w dnvs;"' "All right my dear hu.b and, but please don't leave one of those phonograph's in the house while you are awav,; The Senate has increased the River ana Ilaruor appropnatiou Mr me uape t ear bar improvements to . ib,"W. Ihis we owe to Senators lvanM.m ana Merrimon, w ho are al ways looking out fjrour improvements. . !; Aflir the next election, if the Polter Tildenitescairy it, we may expect some fail for the boy. 'There will be a light or a fojt race, and w e don't believe that it will be Mr. Haves that will run, it kevs sis in the Cabitunt. A lilt U TltlNO. A colorol ledttici.tn .tepiKd up tj a certain Deniwratie law - yer a few days ago, and taid : "I know Aoti and vou know me, for vour father's brother wai my father father."-. The! lawyer was comidctelv " araly.-.d. A ditr;culty took place in the her part of Urunswlck county on 1a?t S.U urd.iT niht between two white men by the ntnieef Trauk M'rn am! Jriai Wi!n, V tie cut and th other got Ta htad broke and it t orrtcd be will UW ' . , Mr. John H. Wilder, fnatily of Currituck cuntT,but fot 3?) ears a res- : i.,.i ..i' i!,;. riir kt Ki npaiJeiK-f blent of '-thi city, died fcl hU residence on Wedm-dj j I a I in hi ii$.h rear Mr. Wilder wa one ( tbe root rrer ub! chirm of tbU city, arl Icrr wr frien! and m eorasic. Exvt k-ios 1'AS.rv radM Ci,ie ujirravOa Ibur-Jay mot oiog aa es.- cari-ja riir, oailins '.f aS?ot fiAy of the Oailotte btttoc? kco anited irt thU cily TV . . f . . -". lis .'Tkirt, wl lfc, t lVt tbe nut tb rAfrt. Oa Fiidiy t to heo Lake, ai ea tAtrday ly et h Wnjlttil! 5td .4tki a4 rtafwel kw ta. Mr, Ctatk, abo lud cuirg vt tW waiif thf mr la U Uy dtxrire credit l.v git i tWa a )f itl Uo. Rev. S. S. Ashley, for many years a citizen of this city, and member of the State 'Constitutional Contention of 1868, . after which he was elected in 1S6S on the Republican State ticket Superintendent of Pnblic Instructions of this state but resigned in 1870, and is now a Citizen of Atlanta, Ga., aud edi tor of the Atlantic Rrpullican,s in our city paying his many friends a visit. .We would like for Potter to investi gate ISorlh Carolina, and inform the country how it was that Onslow county with a total of only 1,300 votes, and 600 of those Republicans, could be car. ried by Col. Waddell, at th j last elec tion, oyer Col. Canaday by 1)00 ma jority ? This is a conui.drum that no one but a Democrat like Potter can answer. Col. C. L. Harriss, editor . of the Raleigh Ecjidcr, was in the city a few days during the past week. , .We hope the Second District will do itself the' honor to nominate a news paper man for Solicitor, and if Colonel HarriES will accept he will make a very proper man for the place,, being a first class lawyer as well as a news paper man. j .Our Visitors." Col. Thos.B. Keogh and the Collector of Internal Revenue thi.listrict, Col. 1. J. Young, were in our city on Memorial Day. "Dr. Juhns, editor of the Carolinian published at-Elisabeth Ciiy.N. C.,paid us a short .visit' on Thursday. , Major Irant, of (Joldsboro, and Major Foote, of Wehl'jii, a'lt ended the Memorial ser vices in this city on the 30th. A 1 ION A I, M EMOB1 A I. DA Y. The chairman 'of the National Memorial Asocinrion invited the Gray to join in with the Ulue this year, in paying re spect to those heroes who died near this city for the Xlniou catue, aud the honor of Ore old flisiJ There ,was but two gentlemen who wore the Gray present, Col. I. J.Young and W. .P. Canaday. Heretofore,. the Democrats have sid if the Memorial Association would, do awav with a general procession they would take pleasure in attending the service at the National Cemetery, Col; Urink, the Chairiuan, for the purpose of giving them a chance did not have any general procession ; and he paid particular pains to send them invita tion, not a single one of which were accepted. What excuse they have for it we know not,exeeptitheir hatred for the cause tlvt these poor men died in man- tainin. This is reconciliation. The eiKjuiry has been made why the Uuited States Revenue Cutter Colfai L . j : at 1alf.inil9t OI1 the mhf . O F tbe Confcderat Memorial Day, and didd not on the "0ih; the National Memorial Day. It was certainly a surprise to many, andtwe understand some of the ofliccrs attended on the 10th but not a single one attendetl on the oOth. Are they all raid of their loyality to the Uniou Sinc$ writing the above Capt. liarr hauded in the statement below, which we publish at his ! repiest, and advise him herealtcr to read the paiers and such Ulistakes will bo averted .Many persous were no tloubt.surpris- ci that the llagsofUhc National vessels in port were not half-mastered on Dec oration Dav. , This occurred from the reason that the clliccrs were uuder the impression that thy observances cf the day w?s to be on the, last day of the month. The oHUer fifel much chajrin cil at the f rror. ! DIED. I w 1 1 m;i -uu tne ?Mb instant, of ceTe- h'i arp!y.JOiiS H. wn.ltKKtMW -I'm hold Uoif ill nolcaJt away a perfect man, neither i:i He hetp.the evil doer." NEW ADVFHTISEMESTS OF Fir K C LKR K & T R E AS J RE R 1 - - I. I t r V vl" W 1 LM I NUTOX. N. Mil JHb,lT4. ihk; oudin 'Hltr's A ol Af.rijfme ha ccne of :W IMUr m every Ma e f xi$ lv!i-a ey lt tv vttkia i s. . . .' . 1 . .. lfc-e iVff -lc UaM . t lk ert d - ' - ' aftcj lb? fit day cf lose. LKifnar aad ftat j " kterf , m tnt a ! tare tlf 4 !. IFNRViAVAe. j - ore Tiaa arr. TArlacl Hour. 'I IIK H t SKIT HOI B1 ! M n i 1 ita aad 4aa.tata tiwa. i u Ju. u u ta mt tqw . 1 ,'44a aMM a4 tat tu f ta la ia ,fcui aa fstt4? JTai r- aw aa ft f aa. auata aaM 9.a. a a4 aB afar 4a-r l wilXAAatA.vWra. - -.-10AklX AW awtwaia mJJ ta taaw, e. ra. w aaaaa j aa. Atal aa. HtJ-ia MaVar4 Xaaaa,3, NEW AD VESTZSEMESTS PAKSOLS. ' k Lrj Handsome Btock at 11)1 to pi uo i - HEDRICK. FANS ! FANS ! 1IEDRICK. LINEN AND COTTON LAWNS. t - ( - beautiful tock of flj n ml Lawns, also a few pieces Tery rapcrior I4aen Lawns at 20 cents worth 30 cents. i " : Figured Pique al8$ eenta. j UEDRICK. WHITE BROWN LINEN DUCK for Borland Oentlf men, al ho a fut btock of all l4 at MEN'S WEAR, j HEDRICK. BEjAINS I BARGAINS!! T KRT Great Bargain la all kluds of lry Oood. HEDRICK. GREATLY INCREASED SALES- EAD us to believe that we are selling- 1 J i First-class ttoods Cheaper ihin they can be bad in tfieiiiy. HEDRICK N. V. cor. Front aad Market st-y t' ju 1 Wilmington, N. C A Card. j S IX a heiid-blUclroalated on tbe atrects l thU cliy on yeKlerday, my name is an nounced ka one of thanpeakera to addiek a mass-mettinic to be bald at Hlltoi on Hat- urdar. the 7th loalant. I hereby decUra kthat the use of my name, for tbat purpose was entirely unauthorised, ana tnai i nave 110 onnectlou with the aaidmovemeuU iu 2-lt J. If. AKHOLE.. Carolina, Coiiiral Kail- way Company. OKKJCK OKN'L 8UrERINTENIKNT. I VlLMINTO!, May IX, 1S7S.: J . ma CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. - . i -"i 'I ' ON and aAer Monday, antli Inslatit. the lollnwiDK iSchcdule will be oH?ratcd on this ltailway : - i ,f rA-8KGEU, MAIL AND EXPKE&J TRAIN 1 Ieavc Wllminrton at.. :.: T. M. Nu. 1. Arrive si Hamlet L. a r. M. Charlotte at. kW A. M. ) Loave Charloiie i. ...7:' r. M. N. Arrive at Ilanut-t al lilS 1. M. ) " Wilmington ol... T;liA M TRl-WWKLt FBiUHT A ACCOM '.V TRAIN. - - I Ixave Wllmlniton V A. M., and CharroU 7:Z A. on Tat-adajs, xiiartdaya auu Hatardaya. . ' -i : ica i lnbor oa a.m. toir5 FiJ aad A. M. got of Wil, on Monday. M edncauaya and Irldays. MIELBY DIVISION MAIL. FHEKJUT A rASSKNGEIt ANDEXrBKSS. No. a. t a v Chariot li. 4 Aniveat tihelbjr. ft:-. A. M. MWA.JI. Train Noa. I " 3 aad I mn laJlr eerH Sunday. Pawner r lor lUJelxh lare WilMlactoa fr. M r. M .tu l Chariot l m 7; P. al.. make rioaa oonnmloo ml llamlef. artlvinc al Kalclgb IKiiA. M. raenrer for atrvlll and Wetea N. I I C. R. K. br No. I Train arrive at Matcvtlle xi momiBf tiL:artTllalof We.- trra Koa- at I. Mn aad Ah Title mim evening. ...... j V. Q- J0HK8ON, i Cklal Carta eer sad aperlatsadcsL may 19 . u QUARANTINE NOTICE JN Ad aftrr the let day of c oarantla will ktHlnml, a rolo alt rr-l frofu oath of the (pf fear Rieer, and am ail aTia ! ay a 4 at cikjK darlat t itrt age. ri?ui aad ail prMi cowW aiU tltalf k aotlce aad Vrtaf I keif taxk N the t;aralia HaUoa far larrtaa. W.olcf.Tt!W A tVit at WUaata. X C r ATamrrttxa. X. C Majr Icv I n the MATTrm or saki el v. vi t: aad tlwrM W. Mifcaaa. ran f um araa nf Ykfc Mttam. mi WUaatka. fs.C. ' . - - ! A nmat ta takraatry kaa aaa muni M4UwlfMt(IMttIW4KMiak w Caaa raar FAMrtet , Tta canda agalaat M Il at Hart W. t arm a4 trmt ibr itaaaaiy.aa4 What r. Miaaaa. af la araatattaia. la bataf taUaa. la aaal taatt M. waa aa mtf mtimmtm fcaakrafaa AlAa)a( inaww. mmm w yi mmj ejiai aa4 taa aai my mt aajr any Ukniav.aalt I aaata aaaaM AU i arlilaa Tle. taa mi J-, A. Km taa (.-M pxaaa iwairhft i M Umrmrf m a JMIliKUt. lattJrt rrnrF Tir-Sr aaaWSa 4aJf JrJ'Jrf Aam.M at ta tm f1W(aV Mr IhaWMay 4aMMM malv'-Mv" mrVtZm arti" at" ataiii'aa? taal NEW AD rEHllSEJfEXJS. HENNING & TKllLl - 1EALEES IX '- ;;. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. ORCULTfHLVL IMI'I.EMENTSw 1TX. J 6tei, Nails, Axo, sUes. fcuovcU.Ool UrsHtmM, Trac OnUns, Jtougha. tlul log, t'krpeater'ti Tools. IMacksuith'a 1W1 w. Vices, Anvils. JLt 4 AVagun and latest VThcela, lUma. 8poke. llub Axle. Uii' low N are. lloD. Twine. Kjttvnt Virk k Hpoona, Brushes. Kish Lines, Hwiksinkm, ! tlottoa tScine Twine, Flax OUlins l tne. ein nope, 6caiei. lleauu. Vols, e!4i;r. urena, fTy rtas, Ac We tOvit FSDCM'in.i attntinn tnmir larw an t extenatve assort mem f 1 UON, wlecud expressly ior bmiih auU farmers' uwp, all ot which, and much morc.-wu oilVr at iow eatpjicca, at tlio New Established- Hardware llouso of UKXNIiMi & : THEIv'.-'.' No. 9 Market, St. Wilmington, W. C. luarch'i PARREK& TAYLOR PEALERo IX Kerosene Oil, Stoies, Mclais. Gnus, Lanterns, Fairbank's i-vales, rUMl'S, 15RASS AND IKON UUIN - STUAlNKliS. DIPi'ElVS A A7 SK1M MlliiS. Manufacturers and wholesale - dealers " in TIN AMD SHEET. 1RQH WARE. No. 1! l- UONT -STKEEr, Jan lily VH.M1N;TN, N. t'. Visit or Comuiuaicatc Vith Us. TV. INVITE AN KXA MI NATION Oi W KauipU-ii, priv. i, t-r iiisnn.1 olUrs. liavcou huudaii.H v.f .iinpl. ol CoOee, uur, M.la,o, Flour, ( 'audit :., tonp, MeatM. Lnr.l, A.'. , 1 Kxivute unl.Ts lor all i'. u.ui MercbaMdls. ltec-ive nn l mH fell de- rij. Uoua of produce. . . Waul a liirt'h;iM-i- for nue luilloi.i Tower Double Knmc. aud Tul-ular l r. suitable to drlvp a Cotton Vm lorv, Mslt -i 1 iatillery. Alw, llinc- pair i'- h i I Hlon-. w ith tiear, Nlianidi;. Ar.; will m-II tow .low n. I. Wp m-i:otl:t for U.t piirc!iaj u.l ttaleol Turpentine lCst.;!. mt.di', , Ki.iiiU-h ul Mt rclin.disc srtil' , :u. poiulwben niu-u-d. I Kl TKWA V A St'ilt 1 K 1:N. mh S If l!r.kcrs and C'o;u'u, M. rcluit-. Z 2 3 CITY-HALL f 5- En N.C. II incs ami lAfjuors i'ir IMctliriita! march 1 tf V REASONS WHY - P Ettlt Y D A V Ih PAIN - KILLEli is Tit.n I Best Family MciitHc of the Ac ! Aud wb' it tbouM 1-t V( I t alsajj !.nf t -' baud : 11. P!V-KlM.ltt 1 ih' l.to l ,.t. , Cliob-ra rare liiot ntoliC! trSfan rodumL. . . cniry rroioi, eM,Mfu tiJ ,3rd. 1'AIH-Kltj a wUi cure ranjH I'uln In axir art. tt ,rtrn;. th- ritS-KlH-ia mV. rvtt-& -' 1 1 ndictatlvB.il u4 srm-iinj i.j u.m . -tlnt , itear lor udsica ...j-ii, oki.. .j . Remedy Mr evrr n. Vti.jd it lerr; ilii rafd uit tt' Tib. I"I Kltlt.M ' -Is-i. !.-nt U r-1 (uticl fr I n lls. TiMM., -listraa. Ilrf, CVjt-. ?--.. Mh. t'AtP-Kll tt a r..i- r. .4 ; for u rmi a-l S t r i'i.ir i a f5"r j ataavdiac.- 'Hk Fai-Kim v4 Mitf- rx. 1 M ttaa. Wbiti tiit. r ; - ttvmm pain Btt V. &rl m$f:-hrLfm.--Mk. ll'KtiAJttt s:n II - -liM5. 4 TooUtacb. lit a. rii-Kiiu( aiU - .4 4 - wm iwwriin;s, , IAa.Uaia-kiuim fc, t-t W t piWirinliif1jitii).rtjH . mil tt ar aa4-tM ta T lc.t IU iF4tv lUaJif-( ii Vnc-t lib IJh. fl .r;f (f4MH MfkenUrrif ea4s4 n. A Uw f rtat aamt 4 7 a aJ . . fel fc tW it!f.i aw. . awi H tapmun fia ti !. : aa n.i ly am Vj l-ry Wit tau4, TV - i fctn a K " kiMwTa: a1- 1 mrv a.4 tmt lb ' 9'wil l'-- i ck ay nt t.Bjj i.vfww . . I'--" 5 X. (JltEKNWALD. " tlx til iJkvU Tvfcaw, - 'tin: &i ok tm- a encu ju . -141131 Gift C.kf tu?.' tau . "$sae.tiafc! jkv-tfc. r IJ -!.--. . . ' V "-!,:"- ' i ; " '" ' - 'f ' -.: tV

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