..ir : VOL If MK I X . WILMINGTON, NOlcTII CAIU3LINA, SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1S7S. Siasle Copies 10 Celts' NUMBER 25 n -it- WILMINGTON POST ADVEIt TISING RATUS. I'ifty cents per line for tin; lir.-t in ii'ilioM twenty-livQ cents per li tic, j,r each additional insertion.. r Bight'-(SJ lines, Nonpareil type, tool .'l.iL.iitc s'ttar ' , " ) j At' advertisement, will lie dial led at. j the above r;ite:(,,cxcppt oil special con-- trjiH.'' - ' . i Special rates can lie' had fur :i longer time than one week. REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET .JF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, - HWI.IKN Jl. ANN INC. I ii I. "LEI.K !-l TKI1H i; t M l! I srA(:V VanAMUIni:. v jdi;i' i;. sami'.-i x. ; Hi it ti.k.vsi uei;, I r i i i i a 1 1 11 i :vi -i:ri . im. couuni,!;. .,ivako i; 1 1 1; ;iaa T 1 iu M'Kj;V '.mi in Ki;.Nri;i;i)U'N. - ' "'''-'.-. y l.KjiiiM, l I t; iv. I Ml'. IIMtMK rK rtErMti;si;:.TATINr. IMS. mknkv R sroi r, W1LI-IAM II. WAMilOId.. , I i tL I II I : Nl IN A I I , I. VT KS'I' IS K1V S IT KM S. i . M.ikd lliattJco. II. lVtidlt't 'ti i ;t ii m im ii inainn icr me nri i in i.itir C'liididacy l'rridrnt. Scnatnr.MaltUi'W.. tia t li ii-n t a p i- ' 1 ' I ' . ft . I- ' ..' . !,..(! nai c.Npianaiion on inu) i i'ii ,s iv-.n-iii'iney. He flatly drnit-A aH Andfi n',s laUsinriils.. -. , I b WihhU taritl' bill i ib l;;(t.Mt iii the lion-' by 1 I inajnrit-y. l'b ie will therefore be nu chan;e iif the tarill" lnr 11 tllH ('on;'1rci-'. lli reported that Jho jmlit i.ny e ri -niitfee of the .Senate baye agreed n iai -ini'dHly to lepoit av'.iinst the H'air le-t-i tint ions ol'.l 1m;. Alary land L'i.-diihirf." j L conexpimdent of tlie I i t t-l ti i t- ',yri-h- lias '"interviewed-. ' Ory ille iirant, a brother uf the tiener.il, and he sav.J, "I.mn a. sure .that U., S. (ihnit be the next -.'President oj the 'V til ted Slates a 1 am that I am ihiviv" The frown - Prince lias not as .u .n staled been made Kegtiit, but is atteml iit to the mutiue business of the l'.in perr. KcportH are conllietin as to the toiiilitioii of His Majesty." 'Thirty eiht luek-li4 are said to have been 'vXr tra.-ted. .'-:"' v . ,- (u the -'Uli of July next will ix'. tir nh astronomical event of -;reat inleiet ! a total eclipwe of the sun which will be visible generally hi t tic United 1 MSi.urs. The eclipse will be, .vi--ible from I to ii o'clock in the afternoon. 'I he I'.tth A'f 4otalily in this eclipse ' tuns f ili.i:;inallyl aeio the centre of the I nited States fiotn .Montana; jlo TcxTts, tii'l i between l'-' and l't miles wide. An editor in Venc.uela,South Amvr rcipnaiived Fdward Scaulon let liarcel l"ii, I'Vesidenl .of tjio Veiif z tela douse Vf Keprc'eiitatives, lire eight shots at liim, and then he felt inulted enoiigli ' o e olly draw his "derringer and empty two I'ulletts into P.aieellon. - Scaulon 'bbi'i fit a scratch, but Parcellon m.vU a: hatnhoiny coipsei U or thn e hiote ueh lessors will be apt io iiwli ,ui im pet iron. i . public , that vdil-irs are not to be assaulted with impunity. i I ITY HUI r'tH. I he Kev. .1. U. Tii lor has been pi e-M-nwd nilh an elegant attuol rb.iir t-y hi uriliivuiers of the -,Fir-t P,iptt"t. -t: l.itilo Katie beat the White Jf.iujii the vachl race. - Mr. co. A. ijmith of Norwich; I nn., - is the vw i(;nal etVicer here, Colonel Wad Jell L. is Wen at .Home jollifying. - -?--Kct. Dr. WiUu hai returncl from the irmvteriaa tlcuVral AmciuMv. r The Hcv, Dr. ; lrattcrMi prcachild the jlcealaiirvale enuon at the I'liiver?! It. The Health Officer ivm HU-nihed iMCverjil lot of b;l meat and jhh lately in the witlct.-r-.V gu-' 'tnxn rauht a wild fox in His garden ti this city.- The Charlotte exciir Kuitji . cnt Home In a veiy Hpry jt'tmeof mind. -ihey are orpiui- - jtiBj bcre a new tnilitarr cxmiapy t ; ;W clled the "Iamb" Iight. Infantry,' "fd after CVlonel ,1-amb, of ftte at Viher.--r---Xhe Criminal Ovwrt, Jug Mera, presiding, i doing a liff ktoiaei.- -There u to be a life av i "C ttko ter Pftld Head on Smith iUad.'- A fellow iaeu a fraudn Wit hV for fJ3 at a store on North iitsrtdAt week ( ti V items: WANTED. Some three of four boy' A I) sell the POST every Sutuhy morning, Apply (o W. E. N. Fellers, at (his office. S.'e ad of the )Vcckhj Republic. Jas. WiWm offers ireal estate cheap. tool and cloudy weather yesterday. Sec ad of Jno. S. list in;' .' . .'.,", .Tames, J. 1., tax ivi ui o, mi. canning, ouenn, $ 1 reward. .'- - . . ; I - !'iiil id ba'gai ns -in real estate of - l, ,r,n,v .fn w;i U - . r T I ruadverUsc'ment oHreal estate for isalo by W. 1'. Caiiaday. Jas. Wilson ii one ol the men you shou dej. if you want home." , SiiUlE men should buy a home for tin n 'svveethearls from W. I'. Canaday. .,;' ,j ' ' ':r . - ' I- The same com mi ttee reported in ref V. P. ' anaday oners real estate for , - - (1 ,, i , ' " ; ' I erenCO . 141 . Olieiltmr I tin nlliv I . 1 1 s ,le at abouU w, .at the rent , will cost H y u are rtn.fing, you shbuld sec W. Pi Canaday at once and purchase a home.-' Obi lue.ieloM.. should have a .home I", bid- ihemsel ves in. Apply to W. P. ':in i"lay. ;; aio( wcadrisV.y'ou to ride on the f sir- . I eai ou will find in linpro.es ) our health. I m r " i i r .. M.i in i Hen. buv a home for your- I . I s. Ives and faniilies from? V. P. Cana- d iy, the poor man's friend. -i - ' ' I hi ( is no record'of a single failure of ir. darter's Fever and Ague Speci tic to rlleet a speedy and permanent "cure, its use lias robbed this disease of its terror ;, in Tich sections of . our eon nt i y.' ' - ' '2t I'lni blood when ileficient iii iron, builds up unhealthy tissue. Dr. liar- In's Iron Tonie furnishes iron to the i.i i :.. r... ; iiuMMi iii iv wiwi'v.1 vtiLuiivai iui in. K I i i r i . . 1 . - , . . . i . asacssetl val,uo T rral cslalc ;u- i-ir-111 .i tine iMsi.f fur health nod strength. ROnai rrVMrly Ii4vd by sm-li nu.any J - he iiave receiveu luc urst numoer Wl the irgmia i'lbdrro Jnurnnl, pub- li.Hh'ed'it lUehmond at $1 per year, by .lannv Mantin t Co. It is a forty col umn sheet anil brim, full ojf interesting i ii 1 valuable reading aboul. the weed. I m a ii. a iu j: Li: rr mi:;. The follow- in ' ate me unmaiianie tellers in me ity po.-tollice : - . Mis. Harriet A. '1 homas. L'I7 West ts ..! i eel : New York : C. T. Reynolds .. i ' nv in.: I ok ir,,lt..n ' ' 11 I New -Y.uk : Mrs. Woodsido. Sm'ithville. V"'.! - t ' I .t.'apt. John I-. Devine,; Superiuten-1 lent of the W. & W. and , the W. C. & Railroads, went d jwn the river with j iibout twenty other railroad officials on j ;i fishing excursion last week. They had I juite a jolly time'. They weut out-side o the Jblack-hsh ground and some of I the got sick from tho effect of thi tea, we suppose. We were ple.isevl to meet on Thura lay la-t, Dr. W. J. Oilbert, one of Wilinington's honored son's, who wa oii asjiort visit here to his relatives. Dr. I . is ' one of the leading physician's of -Fremont, N.C., and we are pleased o leam has a splendid practice at his idopted home. We hope for your con tinued success, loctor. We hate received through tho kind ness of our able Senator, Hon. A. S Mcrrjinon. a copy of the addresses de ivcred iu the Senate ami House of Representatives of Congress, on the life in Dleath of llnry Wilson, of .Mama- husetts, late Vice-President of the Pnited States. Mr. Merrimon will c- cept our thauks. Msior William J. MclKtnald for 12 ve.trlm-t cletk of the ioiteu puaies ftenaUv ami m me service 01 in? crnjit 42 years, died in w asnmgwn on n eu- nesday last. In the last Office which no l.ckl no miccwcm ins lamer,, woo ..... '-.. ' . A . b 'ftk .ft died in lSo. His know leuge Ol toe rulcA and modes of rrtceelure in the Sehate tuw jn-rfect, and he had enjoyed the rnttmacy ol tbe great public men OI oil c country lor more nan teniy Jr , or tmk IVarItf ref- erence to the Wk al the Custom n. ft ;.. ii,;, nir. we leara thai the i;...t- 'inMarted da- KUIVflH'A vw- . " .:..L1U,.K.I: . ' Putv on imports, i. cvn- ttl dnty'on tonnage. Kiports-l.JsV4 bale of cotton, vat- r vtv 41 14 bbla. ria. tal- ' t r i? 6 (MA tar. vmlord ttv,S4l.M.WgiallopUit,Taliie4 tnSllr tWt lumber, tal- oed'.tiw:; railrvad ties ral4 Thirty TesU 'entered frv and . rlaml 1W forelm Porta, ( ft. T . Board or ALitnMEX The lioard of Aldermen met in regular monthly session Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock; present hi? llonor, lhe Mayor, and Aldermen Flanncrjiowdtln, VonGlalin, Vnllora v:n.. i ir:n r . Th Fiuanctt committee, on rhe jcfi- ,,on of Mrs- Kbert. Strange reported progress. The petition; of T. J. , Soullierland, in reference to the erection of a wooden building on a lot on Second street, be tween jPrinccss and Chestnut streets. was irranted. on condition that the buildinfr hnll lp onlv onn styirvL wiili a fire proof roof, iU ipeuwon oi v. e. r. jv .o. o. 1 was referred to lji Mvt,r nnd AI.I.t- man JJowden, with p jwer tu act The . committee on Streets and WharVf'K rplllirlf'lt lirmrri' ill r.l'..r. -k ,,.. :;. .,...,, ..'. rafUl. Also on sidewalk. .. M,.t. berry and Walnut streels. Also the i"g of ' at.Faiiu'ing street. jIanicU ;uk1 j.,,. s(m. th;it u hv not granted. Jl?port adopted. The special committee appointed to confer with the authorities of tins (A C. Railwav' ( Virnoajiv, in ri ferniiiii In :i contcmplatctl removal of the1, machine shoP3 plvHaid Company, reported that they uayo no Mea ol removing the sliops at present. The following i evolution, uflVw-d by Alderman Flannci:, was adopted: : c.nn.sriifini of lli strinroiv in monetary atbiirs, iind the general ib-- i i rirpuK nit . ill hniiiiw.i it u lnr..iv .ii-. dered that the penalty' oflwer.ty ti vo per cent. fS.r non-payinent, of b iek (axes on real estate he, and I he 'same is here- by, remitted on all t-ueh k-lioii.n iit.s as may pay the full am-'unstol all back tax due the city within, lh next ensuing u i t v A ! v " ' Thc 4hird p?r.i 'ap't'tol eeiion ,nl' ee was ameudsd' to the Tax' 'Ordinal read as follows : Stocks of all incorporate'! companies and banks doing business in this, city shall be taxed 1 j per ecu!, on the market valiK-f tliereo , in exi e s ot the or banL. .stork Ut lr "ivrn in t h IVuDftill nr nr t i li.r 1 -i n t r . I t . 0 i c. r i . i s,Ch coiupativ or bank The section in telation to bank ; a ! bankers was amended o as to n; -! shall pay I'd month." Petitions from shiidry; i iti.""iis in .re ference, to sidewalks (Mi l'outth street, between Castle and ' Wouste'r streets; also sidewalk on" Red l'nss street, were referred to the Chief of Police. Petition from D. O'Connor and . F. W. tverchiier,;ii reference tolhe erec r ii-ii- .1 o" oi aAyoouen uuuuingon uie corner ofFiah and Ann streets, was granted I Ti... .j.. ..i r... r..i;.... ..;..t .1 U t.Vllllftl.li' IOI HVUIII SIMU Slliyil' I thccity mules, keeping carts and har- uess iii repair, and furnishing driver was awardeil to T. J. Southerland for $30 50 per month for each mule and cart ' On motion, the Hoard adjourned. C o V s T.Y Commissioneks. The Board of County Commissioners met iu adjourted session on Wetlncsday after noon at 4 o'clock ; jreseut, John (i. Wagner, Chairman, and Cominissionvis I). S: Sindcw, P.ti. AVorrh, J. W. At kinson and Duncan Hd nies. The - resignation of James Suiilh, Constable; of Harnett 'Township,' was re.id and accepted, and T. V. Carney was appojinted in his stead. f On motion of Commissi'ftiitr P. ti. Worth, the following levy was ordered: County Assessment Valuation of real and personal proiK-rty , $ I ,7..'h'i. One the H0 valuation I ' cents, amounting to ;fP- ; I poll-., at ?1.2l". anmting fo i total, f SUiNv- tn Uie oo'vaiualion, cents amounting to r.1,-' ; P jlls, W cent, i,,k t.o. . loiai, i i.o . i. Dn tbo ?IW valuation., l cents, 1 I amountinr to 8. k.h t '..i poi'. at ,l ...i. .orWnii.L- "to ti-.S2 VI. Total, J9 030 - Seliedule i H .Ta'a. wh. Orand Mai $i tt Th w diMributtd as frUo rrrnt Vcm, 4 ' eenU en the H0 ytn,,, and .$l. on : ivII. Ctimiua I . . .v,,rt. W ef nls on ttteFH valuation 1 .nl! c IVmds atnl inte- cent on the $t valuation and wnt9 00 n. Old debt. 1 S cent on 1 $00 valuation and ot cents n noil. Total. f l.t on the l valua wn and 3.00i on HI " was rxiemi i-wiArr lloimcs D mMrncieu u nrpair brWce leading from'- the Work l!oue I T - - -' - l h k..tW.-H,.lis: H pet- tk.'Uboe-l; to the ohu,- ty, furn.MnS the pUnk only f-e the , SUcy anAmannge. Cleii of the Ao 1 ditfi -Cmahlee, lurwed over ta the crttain w.rT,.u revrd fn U State Aaditer, K the a,auaa of tcoj..ty iswhKh 0tT Treiree r cvi:ceKo The nr The body of Osborne Cowan, : who was drowned ufl" the steamer A. P, Hurt on Tuesday iaat, was recovered on list Thursday. Corner Hewlett was noti fied and held an inquest over the body Friday afternoon. The jury returned a verdict that deceased came to his death by accidental drowning. The Statcsville American says: We learn from apriyate letter from. Raleigh that the Vance-Merrimon fight is wax iug. warm. Vance, we lejkrn,1 Las. re cently been to Newberne to head off a movejueiit for Mcrrimon in that sec tion, and .Judge Merriinoa will, swn is ... ' j sue a letter simultaneously through the two Democratic "organ's" in lialcigl a Iongjcare to the public deuounciu those who. allege that he was in leag.ie with the. Republicans' who elected lniii United- Stales Senator, and. pitclungl into Vance with gloves off. "Ou Mc-1 DuflV 'Accii'EN i . Mr. William M. Hayes, Jr., who keeps a butcher shop on the i corner ot rMxlh and Chestnut streets, met with quite a severe accident Friday afternoon, at one of.the slaughter houses iu the northeastern part .of the city. L appears that he was standing by while a beef averaging from six to seven hun dred pounds was being slaugh tered, and the beef in 'receiving its deaih blow made a spring iu the direction of Mr. I laves who jumping back to get out of the way, slipped and fell to tlie lb.yr, the beef falling upon bis body, lie was rcscurcd fro-nth is perilous x.-il ion, when it was found he. had "sns'.ahit d a number of severe biui-es wbi-h were very jrainlul. lie thankful' William, it inr:;lit have b?cn worse with thee. W; publish, the letter below, a, a matter; of justice to 1 be ' "(Woodi nil' .. . -f ... . . . . - rMeepiinr-ana t arior .oacii . at I. oin- pany.'jand we take this occasion to s;iy that- through ithe iiegligcnce of the Pullm an Car M;naijer, the editor of this I -paper came very near being killed some tune 'ago, ly tlie upper bcrt)li falling on his! head. -.There is rrcat 'careless- e.-'s some here in the coiistfuctiou or i.ui:ieuipnt olHhe Pullman cars. Vii.ii;i;n Si.i:i:riN; &' Pap.i.ou 1 I'o.vi 11 4'o., No. I M.i:hi:r Sr., Pi i'isi;i K.ii, Pa , Mar 1S7S. l.'iOAH Sin: fit reply to your inquiry mi relation to a verdict -against our com I any for jo.ooo, obtained in Ciiicitmali I'V. a person. who was injured, (.'ir claim- I to be,), by tho (ailing ot au upper berth,1 would say that it was not a 'Woodruff" car, but a iPiiliinan plan of upper berlh'car, which was. purchas ed by th company from parties: hold ing a contract on. the C. C O.. iv I. RaiVNay. , I'm are aware that our n oodrufl daii-of ui'per berth is so arranged that it is imi'ossiiile fur jt to fall, lbping biiMiic.-s is bri k with you, I am, ours truly, ' s. At "iitVi i s Turnip, . . Secretary, --- Iii 1: -Capi.i- at I a n i: 1 r,i:v 1 i.i 1;. The students of the Cape IV.tr Military Vcadetiiy Jiuyj" been on a visit to Fay- ettcville and thev seem to have made a good impression t it our neighboring city by theirdeporlmcnl as.d.discSplinc. The '(t!i:Mi savs of them : - iu Saturd.iv afleriift"u they went out on parade, and went' through with the skirmish drill and oilier .difficult man- o urcs like clock-work, their great pro- heiency 111 marching, deploying into line, and g'dtig through w ith the manu al of arms Ucing still 'another evide've that Major T.urgss strives to improve the niiiuls of Ids pupil- and by eafrying out thoroughly what be profises to teach. - j v On Monday afu rno-ei our two I'ay ctteville companies, with the l.al'ayctle Cornet lUnd, turiutl out an I cm ortsl the Cadets over to fiwau trrvt. ! Alter stacking arms the eoimnauftf was given to brxak ranks, ostensibly, l-r lire pur hc of a little ret, but it turnnl out afterwards that J 110 JvNeill was hing up some "cool and refresluug' In vcr-age-, w hich was hamLi around to the thirsty soldier "boys." 1 .i aim tug at the Jbarracks of the cadets, ihcy.pro- seI three cheers lr 1-ayi-ltct tile, and the Fawltcvillcitoldiers. The Ibdepe-n- dent Company then lallcd on Mjor P.ur"s. who made a vcrr neat huh? iqHHxh in. which thanks Were vxtcuJol t. the cui.er.s f Favtttev i'.le f.r tle verv hk-pital!e manner in whiehtl ey had imaicil the Wilmington ln'js. On Monday night th cadet rtaro.! The Cro-is of St. JohnV and Paddy MiUV to a very c.i.l l:one. Tlieir acting s-bowed con-idcra.e study a weT "ai dramatic talent, ami all th part, were well utAlncd. We beard manv cvmidiment-ary iorchj. svade by inir citijn rrcardtug tlie ervd.table maneer in wha-h the Cadet wt tbrgh with their military exercis Th-; Hkt l: aav; Satu of the cai!t wheat - is bcie hArtt4 thr wk whkh U jteoeraily tair U d joaIiW. IUit ail a;r that lh wh; . fry urtiftHislj injurtsl by the rv4 -in oas tclds it t thJi8t the t will oot pav to hATWSieft. U t t s.a to aa rs4is&At o &t j WVJ. txtt th rnf raatsvA tt-ach t-j taaii iodcsi i( sy! hxU" a ftTTO?. t I' .rw - iisi t ftw,.j tj.i-'-iU4 oa.i lN&rw taut bam us IVsvratisf WU-wiet 4 l& cwsairy, J t.s.3,ti( us'a. ., aays t ; tUj w ul CArtT ;.j '1, XiXl ljU4Vw4i Utt JVAf C.JV ML. Mr.. Jonah Bougbion, the temperance lecturer, who has been lecturing in Ral eigh will deliver an address at the Opera House this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The public arc invited to attend. Ad mission free. ' The Doeteks IJarbecte. About 10 o'clock a. in. yesterday morning a covered vehicle drew up in front of the market with placards on the sides an nouncing that there was about 1000 libs, of beef, mutton and roasted pork and cabbage at Hilton that day, and above these notices iu big letters was, Come to the IJarbecue." After mure by the Paud James Hcaton, Esq., late County Clerk, made a bhort address re peating the invitation on the placards, and the carriage, preceded by another containing Mr. Heaton followed ' bv ,iuile a crowJ .,,.1 towarcls Hj i(l ' v ton.. At HILTON. V " , . On aiiiving at Hilton where not a hundtcd persons were present, and after WilliaiM Tecumsch Cutler; had made a short address, Mr. lleaton staled that the 'convention" was to avemble not until -2 o'clock. At that time W. II. Howe was eleeled chairman, and Aleck Jones and Rranch, Secretaries. The "convention" hen proceeded to nominate a candidate for sheriff' for New Hanover county. The nomina tion for Sheriff was, John F. Oarrell ; for County Cle'ik. F. H. Mc"igg. No other nominations wcJe made. At this peti-'ftl the crowd seemed to l.L- i liie fly anxioiHto inspe-ct the ,'5,000 pouu'ls of "lueat an I cabbage, adyer tised. l iny did not find the magnifi cent banquet which they expected, and slowly seattered hoiitft. ward-, net verv well s iti-fied either iu mind or in stom ach. Mi. II eat "ii, in the meantime, had left f ir the main part of the city. We ought t metitioti that Mr. Oar reil w as present and made a speech asking fir the 'nomination, but did not atfuoum e that he was a Republican. ( ien'ei'al Slcpfieii A. Douglas passed a hue exaiuiriat jui befoio the Supreme Court. Monday .last, and is now a law Vera. His studies were pursued under Chief Justice 'Pcar-on, who said the tienerai was one of the brightest stu dents he ever had. Jnde Dick and Dillard gave hiiu the1 finishing touches, lie thinks of going to Chicago ti prac tice law. JWA SuiV. It Will be seen by an aniiouiieement iu another column that Col. Win. John son,' of Charlofte, is a candidate before n,' of Charlotte, is a candidate before be cofnin Congressional Convention f this ilisiliet. Col. Johnson is a gen lemaa of liigh charavtcr, much busi est cxpert'iicc and qualifications, and th of this tlcm is ' a practical financier, lie 'would doubtless make a 'good member. Hick ory XEW A I) VEllrllSEMESTS TAX I.I.sTlxii. M. 'll persons lislf-J. About yet to list. Tkvenly t tys ajlow-etl. This Is, the I' liirlh. I( you tin. I jottr .none on the IH-- llii'iufiit 1 .1 -t ibis n-.tu-c will ! prca.l in just 1 rtr.it ijim. Ji'liN .IAMES.' J. P.. .Mi!'" ' 1 1 : Tax I.I si or. $25 REWARD. j;'. u mi, 1 -a iTt kk of Hllila KOIUNt N whxrveapv., Jutir .".r. fr-no tfto exispnty of au ol'ii i r. 1 in .v,- r. n nx-l n i'l l-e'iaM 1 for l-fs :r-r ! ,i't l r t 'it n to J il. II. M VNMNO. Tlir vUly ICt iililit. W: 1 1 t . pullish I liir ins thr (tn(re si.'ii.tl i inii-ii -ti. hi ftotiioftrton.' 1. ' . an. I w 1!! . ):(. .i r t'i-irala!r unl lie-pniu-:n U-"iti'is in I rt-ri'l ml.Houlkia. QUAHANTINK NOTICK J i!! i!i-r Us 1! ,tjy tf June. IK. IU ir P W l'i tx; iRlnicol. a OTOll.nn .ll c.- ? fr-i.i ve !i Ihe 1 rsf Kesr Hler. SP-1 -' rit - ! N 1- ; hi! Jin; k t f I'.!..' j;vt j'.rj. t.itu oHimncJ will r . t . - rt-v;ivt . i?Ttes ' hir la t hr 4iftVnHt3t V MH-fl f w tnprctii . W. ti CURTIS V; irolltM- pBJfcKMMS. :-'- v rt it W ittniaffoa. ?t. C rmmxius. N..1V My Sb. t 1 N T1U M ITTt Ri'l smt I1.W. VftX I aal ,tjfi '. M-, prlftrr of th N. C. " A ursl la 1 Jtl'arui It tmismi al .lt lH-f n. vr is I'tiWMsKm. u.-itpt ire -tjfti eaf sw- W. Vie aa4 nxali V 4rwllsavTaA4 ! rc;Ui 1 ae.:a v Is 4 itr n. ;lns Nrvw rely a. w. r--"J l'aBltitr r (MiUim 4 Uftsr Tvsi U- vs.i ar rmj r m Of a4 li a- !ry ft m.f fwtlf t. ti-'tX to fjstrH, rinsa s m tferie . ftvsftii t tf-uUar mt aaf t vwTtr i toi.;-M 'k w4 IUs4rcrU (Win mrm I .MMktwt A wftrtia oftf Ik rrtf t( ZmZ tr 4 ftejikrB't,ai jrw-r lA-t' t -kM. i.t m vi Bin ee nil a a 5 - f rfl mm- isn. mm wwm a mm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO THE HOME- ISS. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP. r I iR EMKNDOUS xcttement over I he great 1 redaction and aplendld lrma offered to buyers of real estate fey V, P. Canajat. Jx AMISKTHE LOCATIOgk A Xrg 8 Room House corner of Ith and XV til not atreets. orposlt CX1. H. It. Mun ton's. j A6I1 Room House cm 7th and Walnnt streets, the highest prt of Wilmington with splendid view and good water. AN 8 Room House and Lot, C9Meet front by la feet deep, on 3d between Hanover ana ttrunswicK atmeu. SIX Room House on Castle i between 6th and 7th streets. Premises complete. AlSO a Six Room House next to and ad joining the aboTe, tn good condition. HOUSE and Lot on Dickerson between Rankin and Miller bt reels. v- TTOTJSE and tjnt on 4th stree't between , Cueen and Wooeter sueets- TJOL'SK and Lot on ttb between Castle OL'SE and Lot on and tfueen streets. XX HOUSE and Lot on Brnnswlck betweeu 6th and 7th streeU. HOUSE and Lot on Market between 13th and 14th streets. J HOUSE and Lot on Queen between 10(h and Uth streets. HOUSE and Lot ou 9lh between Hai nett and Nixon street. HOUSE and. Lot on Uth adjoining the labove. . s !. HOUSE and Ix)t on Church between 5th and 6th streets. I y HOUSE and Ixt on Dudley between nth and 10th streets. , HOUSE and Lot on 11th between Church and CabUe streets. j III AVE OTH EU BtTI LDINCJS IE TII f j ABOVE WilLNOT SUITE PEOl'l.l. SPLENDID BUILDING LOJS AND . IN EXCELLENT LOCALITIES. JOT corner of 2.1 and Mulberry trert J Wix 1 2 fee one of the H nest In theclly. t XOT on Front street near WooMscr j Tli; 2 feet. j rOTon Rmnswlrk between "Jnd and rd i sirecu IjxIOO leel. - f - IOT next to and' adjointnt; the alHj'vc i l ixlm feeu ' . - j I rpntXE Lot are within one lUocki or the X Wilmington , Wetdon KaUroad sliopo. aud within two Blocks of the Carolina t i n. tnil Railroad ItepoL Ifnon of the above or fyllowlDg will suite, I have others that i w in sen. j 1 FIFTY LOTS. 1?i KTY Splendid Building I-..I on Msrket and ITih streeU, In the very prvUirit part of Wilmington. GOOD FARMING LAND: 1 lllfl Arrrs or Good Farming Iand in 1 V'-I'PJcr countj-. j A Small farm In r.iurJ -trick county on Town Creek. . - . VpiIK above property will be sold very 1 cheap for cash, or on ternuthat will suit the purchaser. NOW Is the time to PltO- I UK a borne lor your family. Im ne eon: tinne lo pay high rent and die poor, but bur while you can. The rent you tmy will buy tou a borne of your own. and when yoa are out you win i 1 nsas.ru 1 you iuva such an Vl'Purtuniiy. w. r. cAWAn vY. f ju 9.1 On Princessst. bet. Front and 3d. PARSOLS. Ijire i: l.indsorne Stock it i: 71 to HEDKICK. FANS ! FANS ! I f Wll J fans l,nF atJcesUtofl W HEDIUCK. LINEN AND COTTON LAWNS. a isrsutiful stotk f Biwred Law. !- a fw ptees very saperKw Li at a la a at ..... - JO cent w orth 30 cBta. i " "i Fif artd Phj a ats'i rrato. I. 11 LV RICK, WIUTK 'v BROWN LINEN tUi K Sot IVn a4 CftatlBi mi a fmp ioek bt alt kinds of 1 MDfS WEAR. ! ' - HEDKICK. BA G INS I BARGAINS!! " I.RT i.-ra, Kttixsia la all kt4 wf lj - . iiEnnicic. 6EE1TLT IKEUIED !i!XS j UPss ta w4iwe UmU we art asil'mg I1r4 Clui twt rarrarwt tfc-a tkwy tw assd vmtnf IIEDPICK- 1 Wmxru, S. ti 577 W Awfea t rrJlaa, aarU,EhiSv s-thlr NEW AD VEK H iSEMEXTS. HENNING & TEEL, .rEALiSs-" IN FOJIEIGN AND DOMESTIC AGRC1LLTURAI4 IMPLEMENTS. IKON. 8tet, NaltsAxe. SJe.. ShoveU,Cl JT, Haines, Trace Chains, Ploughs. isi Ings, Ou-peuter's Tool, lilaeksiuith s lk-U lows. V Ices. AnvtU, Ac: Wagoni and Crt Wheels, lUm Spokei, Ilubs Axles, Hot- low Ware. Rao. Twin Knii-.. I'nrirft Spoons, Itrushe.PiiUi Uaw, llooksinkers. Cotton tSeine Twine. Flax lulling Twiue, Seine Repe Scales. Beams. Pots, Sfldens. Oyens, Pry Pans, .tc Invite cspeciaJ attention to our larj. an 1 extensive assortment of 1 Hon. x-lecttxl expressly tot ISruUhsttnU k urni.-n." tm, all ot which, and much more, we otter at low. est juices, at the ITcwr Eatablishcd ' "1 -" , ' Ilrtrd ware House of No. 9 Market St. Wiluintou, N. C. luareh I s , PAKKKR & TAVLOH, lEALKHsj IN KcrosciiLT Oil, StoYGs. Metals. Guns, Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, . 'UMI5, ISllA&S AND li; N K SIN ftSTUAl.NKlLS. niri Eiis a xi) sk iMMi:i:s.r . Manufacturers and wholesale' dealcts ' iu : TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. iv liKoxT srui:i:r jan II ly VII..MlNei l.N, N. C, Visit -or Communicivte' With -Us UK INMPK AN MX AMtNATlitN or fT "ainiili-s, prici-s, tt rns ami .i!-n. Haveou haiidaml r-e-i iii-j .l.iHr ofUofttH-'. Kujiar, Xlohissi s, I J,"i., t .m. i t -toil, Meat. I-Tiil, .c.-. Me rchnndlKe. lUs-iivc hum si II all iK-i i in. ItoiiH of iirtHluct" . v Wmil ii pun Ihm 1 for nc l II. .im 'owcr lV.ublrt Kiitiriie. un.t Tul.ulai l",.. r stlllablu to Uri e a CoUon l a t..iy. M".!l .,' isunery. aikw, tiirt-o p;ir I' . I, i l ,t.iu . I th tteur, islisttiuii. Jr.; will sill J.in! I. Wi luiitiau- lur Uie l.nn-ii.iL- !nij aleolTurpcullno lifHliU. ruo.ftVc. - iSailllili'M of Mcl iliaJniisi- Mlll'l.l point wlifii risiueMftl. I l.TTKW A Y A Si IUI K IA. inhSIf Pi oki rs un.ll on. 11 M rt-liani . 5 t4 3 ClTrHAU i i I N.C. II lir ami 1Aiuovs lor Unite in a I l': anarch 1 tf UEASONb WHY 1 II II It Y I. V I PAIN - KILLER - i tii. Best Family Medlciuc of the Ae '. And wbj It sho'uUi t-c k-pt sis.M . ai l.xiit! ..' ,., I ? lt. lAIVK.It. I tH 1 tin t tftiT U Hist ! h s i.. til. ' pr-ftdiK-ed. 2nd. rl Knoii.wii l!fr.. a ji.i i; . cutcry rvtucdy, e;,i.in u cot i: Vd. PAIS-KlUt I K ii-:i cnr- rarui ... Palu Iu ay arl nu y ti. Mntle vlw uiiui'.j nsaiHiftT lib. PAW K II !,.-. W ill U!f .1, ! ;.. , , j, I loUiccKtluu.il uti .. .: i. 1. 1 .. 'tiOOS. .'h.. PaI1-K ft.! s i in ai?ii"l u'l t t i . , ' Ingcuxe fo )u.laV c,i.i. t jwiti. Ac Mb. I'AI-K II I g u ! f .i-, l m SuM'iFji' ltrosdy h iitn j ft-, uti.l ( u i etr; it Unrori ti i,..i ..,'.! . car,; ' ;th. Pl k 1 1 I 1 1. a ;-.t.M .nv . , noal-il ! i r-i 4- t. '--ji iuro. rtmiM. t at. - j . ... a . Hli T'M Kim r. .t!.i , Hbv-tMaJftliota Sfc l Vr-im;(inii inn tas4llt, Mb. Pai-Ku t a i.i .u.'.s -.i f .... . Wfclllo I 1 Kj . (II c tut t " ffvita pto mtlti tJft.f;t-; Bui-at r.'ta pAi--Kiica t.tt ti i.-. i r m li I b. P At Kill t.i :-. -. - .ft-i a&4 wmmm? a J -. i iu t.wa. . aa-4. !:-? l-ili.. l?lh. I'Ais-kittts l.a .!i.r , pmiir UtHM j -i.l x f tttVif (ftlliHj-.:-t Lr 1 tA4 mtmrtm rjr lium,-f It tmtf4ti a aA!8$..$ fsft V.s"r,4. f' WHSf ll (T- ilwl; w IS? aay t bi. jr ftmi.f.i4- -$ I fa I'lml ajiwftiniit -,fat 4 Ut W llii.i Un-4 t. uAf at s-Bffttlifstf.j ft?y ffM-M. ., . -imff Jhmfmt4n miM Ikn it.:. rftko4j A4l4 lr i4 Srfa TV f ai Kitj a ASM?- sp.Ji s- li la o ,mmr-t , . rrMwM imnini ,t t iAft..4 f waU mil y s. j, i i . . Ac mr iMa tmp rrt I i m-t . (. SVft4 SW f S--f -Jtf ft JTH.9' trftrMt Um k4 a nr U fwt . a.-tr; . .- tAt.jr. JN Uv4lTi,- tJ'i.rvtE. I I n-- l 1 - ..: '. Ux' iii vlf -"Uj: - ; .Htx.oicii Aimct-ii a. . I v - - ''.. ''. 9CMJLt tttiua-t.- " '' . Jfttt l -, m mjts.' p.. T" L '-.. .1 ' i - r -- i i r -: 1 : -

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