- 'T " ' '- --- ". v-:r-r v-. .v, VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1878. xv Stogie Copies 10 Cents NUMBER 26 t . f : C : : 1 . ,-! r t . ' . ' i . WILMINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. - Fifty cents per line for the first in r aertion ja. 1 twenty-live cent per line (urTiich additional insertion. . U KighMSj lines, Nonpareil type, con UtiCute Hquare.', j . Vll advertisements will be charged at lire above rates, except on. special con ... tracts. . : i '' ; 's . : . rfoecial. rates can' be had for a longer time than one week. , , REuULARTIPUBLICAN ticket , OF NEW MOVER COUNTY, iHK HIIEKIFF, .VIKl'JIEN H. MANNING. r'O.K CtJSllK feUPKltioi; toyilT, S1ACEV Vr a A M tl I N C Iv. r'iKolt KKttMTIiROF IlfcKlJS,' j; juEi'lI E. SAMPSONV . f ' HiHTUKAbUKEIt, ' KLIJAll HEWLETT. , run cokoneu, KDW'Alil) I). HEWLETT. v , K)K sUKYKYUlt, JOHN KEN'Ij BROWN." 4- - - l " - . : i - - - ''' iTECilSKATUKK. ' HI UUI'.SK OK Rlii'HFXyN'f ATINKS, 1)U. 1 1 EN II Y E. KCOTT, ' WILLIAM II. WA UDELL. i . - KOU TIIK Hl'JffATlV ( ii y BrtEirs. The Hon Thomas S. Aslic was on our si reels last week.- ' Tin' "chooner. Alabama, 152' tous,, own ed in Pliiladelplia, welit ashore on I he uliallows neuT I laid Heail,- Lots of people'' went' to Smithvlll. on Tuesday1 ; un the I'asport and the Underbill to tu hvat the i'antata of Esther,", coining j lo hack in thenight. It is reported thai M '-.I ulius W.'NV-right, born in this city, has died at Hiekory. -Mr J, l. oung of this cily has gone to paii f jrnia to study medicine witji his uncle, Dr. Langdon. - r-There were live boats in the yacht fleet on Monday,-, the Frolic, the noiinie I:isi, the Kosa, .thy lictta ami the Kiplde. Ti e liosa heat ''them, all.- Prof Uonzilcz, a new iiiu-iical liht.a baritone, has turn ' tnl tipilirc, shaking' musical circles. " : Thc dog tax is being enforced.- -A new road, branching from the Wr'i;htsvil1e turnpike, now leads to jMapiiboro. r-f-There .is a temper unce revival on the tapis her , gotten ' up by Mr. Jonas Houghton, a dUt'in Kcished temperance advocate.. Fifty pt lrwns signed the pledge at his furst meeting - :'.-A new Compress Com pany; ban been orgauized here with Capt. E.J. Penrijrpackcr as its Presi- (hnt The Thalian Amateurs of Miss I'.radley's school aro'gjving the "nk,et sort. of entertainments at the Tileston Upper Koiin. ' Piatt D. WulLcr, Esq ,of llockingham, has mar- riej,l a M,iss Covington ; at lteidaville.t- Tlie-possessioh of the, Marint Hos pital property has been resumed by the U. S Uovernmcut, Dr J. F. Jving the punhaser having voluntarily rclimpui theU his claim upou it. ..; . LATEST NBWB ITEMS. '.The Stanley Matthews committee has Miimcnccd its investigation. The l'rcsideut is at West l'oint aU lending the graduating exercises. The PollvT comtnitteo are still wal lowing iu the tilth of Louisiana iHilitic?. More forgeries and more lying. The frve nearly at au eml. i The Kmieror of tSermiuy is so uiuvh bttlcr that he iwihmcs to give a graud recei'tion to the Congress before it ad tjourns; I he member are all at Berlin tut are cpding their 'time thus far in etchainging ciiilities. ' , - ' m ai There j no rtcorvl of a single failure of lrf. llarter's Fever anil Ague tfpeci he to etlcct a siwly anU permanent ee, iu 05c has robbed this diacaie of U terror. - in rich sectious of our ccunirv. v I 2t Toe blood when dencieut iu in, kild up unhealthy tiasue. Dr. liar- krV lroQ Tonic furnlhe irvu to the blood in its pner chemical form, glr a true bai for health and strength Dromll teasels hare been at our Wf for tytnX day to load with kr from Mrs, Wood' orchard. W the arnarent ease with which " fruiu cao be disrHweJ of, will viaea new and lnerasexl Interest in toit rahuog. It must b profitable If i f'orerly Baaaaged, and Is too much like J of our other resources allowed ; he dormant when rrop? derelop- t would lead to euch a chanye in 5 CITY ITEMS. X-WANTED. Some three orfour,bo'f tfM the POST every Sunday morning. Ajyfy to W. L N. fellers, at this office. For church directory see fourth page, Sampson is Foster(ing) his strength. O whcrt-O where is Schcnck? Why Shotwell has ku kluxed him.- ,"A lady from Jacksonville" passed through this city a few days ago. We arc going to Waddell a man to I ie Jegiilature as well as to Congress. Maj. C.M- Stedman, who has been absent for geveral days, attending the fcrtale Convention,' has returned. Dutler has captured the Potter com n ittee, and it will hereafter be known an the Butler fcspoon Gang, j., 4 Colonel Ike Young has been making a desperate , light bu Colonel Shatter, hi s old enemy. We are for peace. . The Democratic Judicial Convention nominated Captain tSwifi Galloway for Solicitor, and if he should be elected wjll make a very excellent officer. . Vance is workfng hard for the sena to' up. ,Uc has a very able man to d :i) with Senator Merrimon is bo fool in politics. He usually kuows where and when to strike to make his blows fe t. Konn:. If the different ChurcheB of ihe i itv will send to the office of the , u time of service and the names of rer- sops officiating when there is a change wq will uoiish tucm each ounaay morn inr. C.donrI 'Tlmmn.4 Bkenli f'h.iirman of the ltepublican State Executive CoLmilte, waquite sick at the Ebbitt Houfe in j Washington, D. C, during tbi past week. He rcovered sufficiently leave Washington Thursday night fod hime. He has 6ur best wishes for X1"n auover couniy. ; ine nve gen hi4 s -eetly recovery. . 1 tleen 8electeby die cmnuiittoe were . . , I VVjf'key Mcares'wo mean little Wakey I tin? first. (Wakey Mearea wants the lrqiceediiigs of the Board of.Magis- trates iublihed in the two Dcnocratic paers. lie dofs not desire that Re- publicans should know what he does. ''T ie two" daily papers" are tho only ones the poor fellow can see. Poor boy, beUer lake a drink. Otic of Governor Vance's stories has H jtltoi down here from Raleigb. Some body said to Vance, "You certainly can't deny that Merrimon has made a good Democratic Senator.'' Said Vance, '"It reminds me of au old farmer over, J iu aicuowea. ins nciguoor saiu io 11 - 1 1 TV A.I. anolhtr neighbor, 'Well, Jones has made a cood crop this year 'Yew 1 ojm iu iuu uuijuuwi "v oirv.v I (lie! I101.1C he made it with.' " , The couveution held at Burgaw in Friday, by the liepublicaus to select delegates to represent Fender county in the! Senatorial Convention, seems to have got things badly mixed. Messrs. Wilson, Foster and Sampson all claim the county. Which one will be the! . . a . 1 . a tion, no one can, with tho present T a lights tell. live Democratic Mate uanTention met at Kaleigh on the idtn ana nomi- natcd for Chief Justice, W. N. 11. ' . ...... a i smith; for Associates, lhoa. o. Asne 01 . . Ma a a Anson, and DilUrd, of Richmond county. All of these gentlemen are considered by the legal profession as very fair lawyers, and will make a much belter Supreme uourt man ine people expected from the Democratic party. It arguca well that bucd, leuowa as tk-hencV has been laid on the shelf. A..Jl n1M1K,nvf.,A maat. i - .x. ingoi tne iwaru ot .7 aiouers was held Wednesday morning. Present Commissionera Worth, Sand era and Holmes. The Chairman being absent, Mr Worth was selected as Chairman pro. The folloiog jurymen were drawn for the June term of the Superior Court, which convene In this city on the 20th insk. tiat , Krt Week-Evader Mc Bride, CUus Schriter, Jos. It. eff, S. Hanstein, J. Chasten. Joshua U. Wright, Jamea WU son J ILti. FUnner, 8. BlamenthaJ, J. F.C.UberUCieorgw,Mre. anJ Miller. 8coaa WetkIL B. Wood.Sr, John Hewlett. John Martin, JohmUOaat well, Wm. Goodman, J. F, BarndU, Blackwooa WiUiaas, Joteph Jooe, Jamrt Guthrie, Lewis HolUapworu, r?cro Dkkson. and W. IL Dradley. stsia warranto to lb aaonnt of t- S3 fct th saalntenaac of aix Inaanw renona in the, roc Utw, were tam cd oter to the Bosuvl by th Oer k of the County AndtUax Ommltt. Th adjourned. See ad. of Jhn S. James, J. P , lax usiin J6- Scc ad. of Clert and Treasurer, con cerning" dogs. See al. of P. Canada, Collector, for proposals The Republicans have captured the Key to the situation at Washington. Fighting "Pan" has not been heard of lately, llaye yon taken the gaff off of him, friend Lfrjrwfer - ' - rs -- . - t HlVM has ihf rim house locked ,and has the Key in his bosom next his heart. A blackmailer, black-hearted forger and a perjure is the best the Potter investigating committee can do in the shape of evidence, which wi'l certainly be of benefit to the republicans and a great damage fb the Democrats, on ac count 6t the (character of their wit ness' - ' I ' :,t . Bank Consolidation The Daw- Bon and the Fjjrst National Bank have consolidated. Mr. E.' E. Burruss re- mains as President, with Mr. James I. prosecuting Dawson, the late President of the Daw 8on'Bank,as Yjice President. ;The other omcers ot the! -bira National remain the same asf before, excepting two changes in the Directors. - Some peopll we have seen in our life time, think to Xool an editor is a tbarp piece of buaipeii on their part but I . . 1 . M S ... - Lwneninai.Tery&auie - editor turnsaround na mat ne Has Mad out that they wereianstakeu, that no ssteam car naa blowfl them uj', or church teep' "en oi them, or some sort of " ""r"-" vnu., uun yes, very dull, indeJ. t t . . ' "' ". M k . . - LlBOAV , J Ulie It, loo 4 : x "e- 1 tnuer couu,y natorial couvntion inetto day. Each nsuip appintea one from their nmbeHo recommend a co nmittee of "Te lo meei w,a. a"Ke conunuee irom accepted by thd eon veniion, afier which the convention t proceeded to ballot for a choice for a jeandidaie for the S:a'.e Senate, with tla following resuii: First Balloli-Fo.sVir li; Wilson,;;; scattering, 2. J On the soconfi ballot Foster received the unairimouslvole of the cjnventioir and the committee of five were so in-' structeu. f , The alovewas handed iu by Mr. Foster, and ni At be correct. Ei. I SoMETiitNu Worth Knowi nu. We copy the following sketch from aa old family bible jpckmging to a youflz friend of ours,! printed I more th vo a hundred vears aero, thinkins? that ner-' . . 4'.' - . " haps it may intlrest some of our r.-ad- era s it did us.? for we are of the oulii jyu mail ik is jyuiciuni" worm. Know- ing "The bible contains 3, 5dJ,4S) ictteri; ,10,679 04 31,193 j yersc?; 1,1S I ,. .n4 .; i'v. ..1 8 chapters; and 06 books. uo nuiu "and" occurs 4,622 timef ; "Lord," 1,S51; "reverend," onllr one time and that iu the CXI Psalml The 27 inverse of the 7th chap, of Ez The 19th chap. contains the alphabet. f the book of 2J Kinn I arii-l ihn 97lh rhHin ff lark 1 n H n pa si1ia I aa aa va a ve aA vtutr. vi awiaftf t V nuavi . - T- , . . . . The first man recorded as buried in a coffin was Joseph, 00th chap, ot (.lencsis 2Gth terse. where but in the 15th I i . . 1 chapter of 2nd pmotby is- the name of grandmother ntentioned. There is no 1 word of more tljan six syllables iu the . r bible. Met tins of the; Board ef Mazlstratcs. I At a adjournfxl mcctiDg of the Board 1 0r Magistrates on irew Hanover county, j neia yWterd "t j the Court 1 Uouse in this city, there were J twenty-eight o(tff thirty-two magistrates l present , includioj the I Chairman and SjcreUry of the Coard. The I ' tJw. ir. man.Justica O. d.rn.ley,Jr.,Cbairmnof the Oommittc. lappoiated at tbc list meeting to recommend liegUtrars, and Judge of elcctioa. and albi( nocesMry sa recommend cbansra in the ' different Pol townihira in thekwjntT, Buak the follow- ins report. I For Eitrar and Jdea of Fkctwo: rair waaw vrrta mtuw. Rrcutrar -J Q rittman, r Jadna ct Ekctioo O A Wtogtn, OL IMraw. 8 A UkLarvloo, W U lloare. rtaut waaif uwa wviMos. - i Recwtrar W It Topp. ; JoJiea-W It farker. S II atoitcti, J A LoweTy,JS W Mgka. Rrsiatrarr-D S Bsuatia JoJw-J C insadce. T O Bectiri Geo U Jackson, aaael Stcarl. Tta waas. lUstrar Wp. JacoU. Jadfaa F O icbiaaoo, R S KaichSr, ACen Cnu. ) B UargraTt, fViSarw waan. ' LV$Urx Juc Kewdikh. Judges F J Lord, F C SingWtary, Elias llalsey, Jno G jNorwood. ' . K1FTU wfD. ; , Registrar J CMill. ' Judges WUket Mirris, J W Branch, Alfred IIowc, W A Jdrdau. PolliDg plaje changed to Sbaipe'i store on Queen, between tourth and Fifth streets. I CAPE rEABrfeWNSUIP. Registrar A J Graojy. J udges Iredell JohtjsoD, Jmc s Cowan, Benjamin Wilson, Luk Grady. , Polling place change I to Castle Hayne. ' HABNETT TOIVNBHir. Registrar A A Mcwoley. . i . Judged C O Morse, A 11 B$ck , J A Hewlett, James Monk. . Polling place changed to McComber'i store y - . MASON BOKO TOWNSHIP. Registrar John A 1 airow. - w Judges H Ii Home, Hewlett, F M Hewlett. FEDERAL roiST Louis Tod, G W TOWNSHIP. . Registrar J II Horde, Judges D R King, James O Wilson, R B Freeman, Stephen Keycf. Polling. place changed to Oak Hill School House. 1 Upou motion tho report of the .Com mittee was received and . adopted, and tha appointments rccomtnei ded by the Com mittee for Registrars ana Judges of Elec- . tion confirmed, together with the changes in the different polling mended. places as rccora- Justice D. G. Woith, Chairman of the Committee appointed la inquire into the propriety of ablifchifg tho office of County Treasurer, reported progrtsi and asked for further time tion was granted. bich upon mo- On motion of.Justicb Walker Meares it was Resulted, That the iiiaiijics iu the Killing places be 'publiiffj ed once a week lor lour weeks in the tw this city. Justice J. N. MaQitt daily papers of of Harriet town- ship, then offered tho following resolu- tion, which after cousid rablc discussion was fiually adopted : Be it Resolved, That three bo appointed by a committea o ie Chairman of this lioardto procure troth tho Clerks of tho bupenor and. Crimiual Courts, an abstract of tho names of ill male persons conviciC'i 01 leioines biAce, the passage 01 tne Act ol AssemUlyd qualifying such persons Irom vouns, anu sr.au have a ' II a m printed alph voetical lis of such names itiriiiiiluHl each Registrar and Judge of elec- tio-i, and that this Committee be instruct l. lo obtain from the Solicitor of the Comity, a list of tho criufes that by the Am 01 norm Carolina uisirancuiso an elector. ... . . .r 1 hn ..hair under the Ijiegoing resolu tion announced tho following committee, J. N. Maffi-t. L. II. Bowtlen. E. II. He Quigg. On m mn of Justice 1. J. Grady the m?etin a 'i)urucd until the first Mondav iq August, unless sooncrjlcahcd together by tho Chai- 1- AVKTrEVil.i.JJune 5, 1S7S hiiT0tt lViSTi.-rro-tUiy Mai. Bur Igcss with his 'handson; little fellows left ns. The Mj r ami liU handsome- i ... L-t . 1 ijr uiiiicu vonij'iinjr ui;viti a gooa lm prcssiou : with u. The little soldiers whiH here were, ns : I have been in formed, the very essence of decorum: pol'tc, dignified, and, f course, frisky as kids while oil dutt their drilling was greatly admired by those who know all about such matters. We saw them J leaving this morning with fecllncs of 1 resrret that their visit could not be Ions I U w cr with uf. Many of tbm are the sons I of gentlemen in yotirfcitv intimately b j and favorably kaown h the writer of this letter. Amons j tlem are Judze French, (.Jco, Harriss, Imhj., A. J. IIow- Eq , Dr, Uarrbs 4d A. Johnson. The Judicial Convention is now in 1 session, have baIlotcd bftecn times J without making a nomfnatioa,. though the work is progressing in a qaiet, dig I nified manner. There ale eiiht candi dates before Uc convention, and a dark bore may be trotted ;ut-jet. Une .u; . K, ,wi iafil of th j it is composed of as mub. if not more, J ability than U usually found in such I aasemblage. There aw lawyers, edl- I tor, merchants, minuCicturers and I lots ot rvod farmers in it. The lijrctte man haabU hands full j this week, with soUieri, (tboagh they I were ardinV the . ;c4dTe.tiwB, the Baptist lesuvai and rerai crot&er I editors lo notice, lie mf Kws sight f a . . 5 . I rotter and the Iutua fraud. AU caedidatea for 5?olitor, who fail 1 to get the nomioaUoo, taiga be jatifia- ble in reportiag a frand somewhert of courss) tha iaveaiitott need not Kodad Onslow, it aaigb ettharrajis the retaraiog board of that onty to ahow how thy retaraed S aaora voCea pc4le4 in the cvaoty tn their whold nussber amoBBtt to. Hit rutitr cf the i DewKtaik party ahiit fto be beord, if at nay tund ahonkl W, rcirrte tothd0T0dafttlgatM. Tka 3-. a. W party, hat yosi susy adre which wcl t xpuia au aMt iu if J, . FortheFocU Ilomeslccids ts. Old 1ebts The Constitution of the United States does not allow any state to pass ao ex pod f ado law, nor legislate so as to impair the right of contracts, which if true, the sundry' stay laws, and limi tation acts passed during and since the late rebellion are h .constitutional and void, and we think that those who pro pose to collect their ante-bellum debts hare slept too long upon their supposed right, to expect a court of justice to afford them relief. If the General Assembly had no right W Stop the I statute of limiuUon, it had no power 10 mate tne iimiuuon acts retroacUTe j reixospecuve, so as. 10 onng 01a aeois I jf w t.. 1 1 " I in date. We bare had much uncon- I stitutional legislation since A. D. 1861, causing great injury to the ; estates of i" pcupic, wuicu cuuuui. 00 repaireo. 1 Financially most " of us are impover ished by bad legislation, therefore we would suggest to those who hold old claims against the people to destroy them, or allow them to be compromised at the estimated value placed upon them when given in for taxation. We are inclined to believe that but few, if any of the old debts contracted upon the, faith of negro property ought to be paid considering the relations we now occupy, one toward another. . Bono Publico. Wilmington, June 15, 18f 8.. To the Editor of the Post; . - J?ir:-; My name was used at the Bar becue convention without my knowl edge or consent; I also understand that 1 was nominated as a candidate for the Lower Houe. I hareby decline any such nomination, and declare my in tention to support the regular nominees and advise every.other honest Republi can who has the interest of the party at heart to do the same. ! t John A. Holt. NEW AD VERTJSEM ENTS TAX LISTING. flMlK Dax Llsllog al tue City Hall for the ' - i J r . .SlHte, Counly ami City, will positively r)oee upon expirilloa of 20" IAY3 FK'M JsT INSTANT. JOHN S. JAMES, J. IV June 1- It Tax Lister. iroiosals lor Furnish ing nations and Ship Chandlery lot nuo Vessels?. T?( A0 I I CUSTOM liorsE. I CoLUttToK s Drnca. Juneitb. iiCH. SbALKD pronteala will be received at tbls . . otnee uuill L o'clock, noon, of Thursday, June 2Tih. 178, for supplying Rations and fblp Chandlery (to be bid for separately) for 1 ne use or tne crews and v ease is or we United Statea Revenue Marine Servleein this Collection District for the fiscal year ending j une io, isi:. ('bedules or articles of Ship Chandlery to Vboa?bUs r bidsand to waV interest of the C oe om ior. win ue iurnisneu on appucauon escrfed to reject any or ail ve u elect. 11 deemed for tne iovemutentsotodo. . W . 1. CAN A DA Y, Collector. OFFICE CLERKS TREASURER CITY OK W1LMINUTON. jff. t. " . ' JiK 1.1h, 1CK DOGS. o W.NfilW and keepers of dints laae notJK that on Monday, ITtb Inst, the Cart will be 1 sen t out and all dogs found runu'ng al laraa rllbout batlja will be taken up and killed. An officer will n sent out lo lake a list of all dot kept in tots, and the penalty will be enforced on ail part lei tailing to procure ta.t;e, whether Ibry allow their a"ogsto run at lar- er bk4... , '.-'! IIKNHY HAVAOkn '; . . " . : . ! ju 1 HI Treasurer. ) ' $25 REWARD. "Jt'tl 'THE CATTVRK Ol I3LL.L. IIOHIN SON. a h3 earaped Jane Srd frvHu the cutody of aaofSccr. TaeaWva reward will WpaM a his arrnt and rctorn to latl. Jaae 1 1 MsrrsT t llmn ua. 1 xilC CCkly Ut pUDIlr. W IU.be pabltakwd dartaf U OaattTsa- 1 s (MBMti. a w matsrwMS. i C aM will aaJeasor toetrvaasse srMcaa doctnaa aa mm jaae v : QUARANTINE HOIICK. fyt m4 ait taa 1st aVay aas. K r I uaaraatasa wUI aa tamei. a anasljia att j vaai iraa aaaitti mt tba Chfw rae Kitae. adoaaUiatisaata s4 aay ktadas wA dc wiw- I j r ana t rita Mraaadia4 taaMawaJUsJj . - .. 1 w-.txennrrv. I iai iavl nsnwfVaUaaavXC NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO TM HOME - LESS. TTwtriTir. TTv -r Arnnl HOUSES AND LOIS .: w xI FUR SALE CHEAP; rnBKU EXDOUB ezdtcmentow the great L redacUon knd splendid terma offered to I w ' A1f- JIAMINETHB LCATIO . 'I A Larxe 8 Room Hoom corner of 4th d I A. Wainat streets. opposUOoLH. u. Man- I LaoaX A JHo. galoot wiuu apicaua tmw mu goo4 wmct. -1 91 Room H Lot, feet front J by 15 feet deep, oa 3d bet wees lianover anaunuiawicK weu. SIX Room Hoaae on CaUe between eth and 7th streeta. Premises ooinplete. ALSO a Six Room Hoaae next to and ad joining tha above. In good condition. TTOUSEaod Lot oa Dtckeroon between TT OUSK and Lot 00 4 lb atreet between XX. Viueen ana wooater auaeta. TTOUSE and Lot on th between Cwlle a aau nueen nreeta. TTOUSE and Lot on Branawick between 11 l TTOU8E and Lot on Market between 13U JLian TTOUSE andLot on Queen between lOtb X.X. TTOUSE and Lot on 9tb between Harnett IX a TTOCSE and Lot on 9th adjoinlns the TTOUSE and Lot on Church between jib 11 TTOUSE and Lot on Dudley between Bth 11 ana iwn streets. TTOUSE and Lot on Uth between Church 11 and CasUe streets. I H A. VK OTHER BUILDINGS IK Till? ABOVE WILL MOT SUITE I'EOPLJTi. SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS AND IN EICELLENT LOCALITIES. r c OT corner of 2d and Mulberry atreeU 4-1 MxlX! fee one of the lineal la the city. I or . I : 1 on Front street near Woosler 2Sx reel. I t OTori DranaWIck between 2nd and 3rd 1 i HreeU lixlUO feet I OT next to and adjolnina Ihe .aboTe jtjxtwfeeu . t THESE Lots are within on Itiock of the Wilmluxton A Weidoo KaUroad abopa, ! and within two Blocks of the Carolina Cen tral Kali road Depot If none or the above or following will suite, 1 have others that x wui eii. - -i . FIFTY I-O'i'S. T?IrTV splendid BulMlBc Lota on Market X? and 17th atraeta. In the Tery pretUest GOOD FARMING LAND. 1 ftft Acres of Good Farmlaa Land la J W 1'eAder counly. I A Hraall farm in rrumwlclt couoly on town CTeea, j TUE above rrooerty will be sold very 1 cheap for cash, or oa terms that will suit Uiepurrbaaer. NOW ts tha time to fltO VIDK a borne lor your faanlly. Do not con tinue to pay blgh rant and die poor, but bar while you oaa. Tha rant row. pay will buy ron a noma of roar own. and wbea you are ihu job win oa maas.im you naa suca sa opportunity. W. f. CAHAUAT. IJn . On Princess st. bet. Froat and ad. PARSOLS. Larje iwl I! and soma Bloc at to UEDE1CK. I . FANS ! FANS ! 1 fWJraeasra.a sw allceautotl 3 UEDIUCK. LINEN AND I COTTON LAWNS. beanUfal stock of Bxwrsd Law a. aiW rw plecrs very saparkir Llaea Laaa( to rents worth Id reals- ncard rtqa4 " j eaata. " ; ' ' UELE1CK. WIIITFTBKOWN ; UXEJJ til l fct kVyaad uaiUtSNa. at- ! . . W ! ' MafuilkWUsa-allkUsdaas j ItDTS WEAB. j I 1IEDE1CK. "'' ;'- i aaaBaaaasaBjaawaaaaBBsBaaaBHBasMaHawasWBBHBaBBB BA G INS! BARGAINS!! VLTi.wuBasviara an htada at Ivy tSMfta. UCOlUCtC. f EAXaa aa ltaT taad m aama i'UwtSjusf taeada Cheaper 2C VS. csw Frant sva4 Jtattat tC, Jw TnfUaa.X.C. jSW oil octtjt rkvavu r. k NEW AD YER11SE2IEXTS. HENNING & TEEIi PK1LERS IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, A OWTTjaAL IMPLEMENTS. IROSr, !. trpenter Tool. KlckualUx-a B.u SSSS&SaiSfiSS? Wheeta. Kims. Hpokwy Ilnb. Axles. Hot-- vw . n rT,, nop T-wtna. kutm r orks Bpooos, Brashes-nsb Lint. Hook thinker! CottoDn8eine Twine, FUx OllUof Twin. Seine Rom. BcJm. 1!miu imu. suMer W lavit especial atUntion to our Urn ISUpSeea, attia ocumor wtoaeraiiow. i ' Zfw stblished Hxvrdwawre IXonso of .V Wo. 0 SXjurket SU j Wilmington; It. C. march t PARKER & TAYLOR, DE.VI.KES IN -j' Kerosene Oil, Stoies, Metals. Gnus, Lanterns, Fail-bank s Scales, rUMrS, BRASS AND 1IION HOSIN STRAINERS. DlPl'ERS AXD SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealer in ." .- - ., I TIN AMD SHEET IRON WARE, JanUIy. WILM.INUTOM. X. C. Visit or Communicate . With Us. T17K INVITE AN EXAMINATION OK . 11 sample, price, terma and oilers. : Have on hand and receiving dally aamplra w voora, oupu1, Aioiaanua, t lour, imudle. ' fcoap. Meat. Lard. 4.C a. fcxerui oruera ror all dM-rliluua o( Merchaadlae. Receive and aett all derrln. Uona of produce. - . ,! y a. Want a tuirhaMr Uw nt Uki.w' , aullabletodrlvea CoUfa acu.ry. Mill or 1 rower uoume tmsine.and Tubular W. lauiicry. Aiao. turee pair fret Ktunea, with Uear, Hbaniog, dx.; will ell low down! 11. we nesouaie for me tirclinj and ' t) of TurpenUne IM.U1U rl.c. a. Haiuulea ol MerchandlM trot tu n v point wben reouerted. " rlTTtWAY SC11I!LKEN. mh S-tf Brokers and I'om'u Merchant. a. N.C. IF fur and Miiquoru for llefticinal Use, march 1 tf ; REASONS WHY PEUUY DAVIS PAIN - KILLER J '131 TBI . j, ' - ,,1 Best Familr Mediciuj of the Aft ! And why It should be kept always near at . bands 1st. FAit-Kiia-sa l the moil ecrtaia ; Cholera curs that mvdtcai adcae baa '. produead.. - . : V. 2nd. TaiK-KitXJ(.aaa I4amcraa4 lyt- : eatery remedy, seidoaa If eer laiia. 3rd. PAtv-Kiutta will rsrs nmti I Vina in may part f fa yiui. A ataie doaa usually affect a cure. lib. rar-RiLXH will cure dytrpdajd ' I ad l(ssUon, if uard accorrti u$ t uurr- Mh. ria-ICit4.a ts an aimoat nvt fail . lag aura for wodia Cwida, C-ba, ac Ma. ranr-Biut-ca has prl a , Rsiusdjr nr I eer aad Af w. aad ttm i rttf; it baa cared the anuat awtiaate TUu Patw Kit4a a a fisJBat i aa aaaaiad ur Im4 tuttm. tfeili-l. 1 liaraa, Braiara, i frf-taiaa. a. . Ms. rus-CitXis t nrnt rw. a laMattasaa4rtr(aartryaa . . atausdia. , th. rAt-Kii.Ma wiildatry wl.r. ma. WbitjUvwa 4 iwa at rU f frosa paoa aa ta ar fpiHmttnm. ma. ri-Kiau cwrr lla4arb, scad lllb. rata-KJuaa atU ia m d aaraaa aa saaay a aij.r ta Uwxe SmI tasrSar t4iaw . taua, I'aia-Kitssa a Ww Waoea tw -peM w Lain r a- r mm4 i a aawdjr Vrae ptymsmtmm, aih to karat aad anac ta err taasiiy TW . asasplicuy attat'a l a, W1ia ta rrwM arwsy rf tfaS varWrsur! rad4 ay i. a4 . Use g raai aaaiwaatt m aaa as4 a9ssag Itiai naa aw a.H' iaii tfctsrwra ta aw aaaaa St lsafrrUa aawa nv-f m ia to SI y Mjsm.ti" W UkM ai tisanidyxMj ttf aara aiaaytoaw TVa faia-litaa atkaalk. fwm lamd ta saws aukrw M W 4iwl , r iaiaas rsiwiaaiin ia I s Ml tsr fnnrtaaw,. wi.i m swiiimna s amf Mt MM4 m, rKMfassaasWV imttiittfi!. w aar w4 awy ttoraas. t rt? aaarty y nmmitf MaMsvaMsA X. GUEEXWAL1). Dr.txa tit toAiyrsz i ixrea 11a . noins jld Kim .:twtaNaUCalaVt .nraxroxixs AWtcu aw. "IxiUaa Gut CiXaT aw t IVOv 15 St v A -i - -X " :':' l: : .'X':"' i 1 I:.-'