J ' VOLUME IX J .,;, j't ,. WILMlN(yroy, NOKTII OAUOIilNA, SSUNDAY, JUNI-: XI. IS7S. Siigle Copies 5 CenU NUMBER 27 MM "a . . I Kt 1 ?n A Ml h; II i II I K r I "v I L.LI I I I i I I I ' J :, - . L v . - i - WILMINGTON POST ADVEl TISING RATES. "Fifty eon fa per lino for the first in .rtiori ind twenXy-five cenU ikt line for Ciicti aMitfoHal insertion." Eight (S) lines, Nonpareil type, cun- witme, aquare.-. ' . - - " All ailvcrtisciiicnls will ho Charged af Ihpkl'ove 'ratcS, except on special con- raijl-t. ; ; - . ,. '. ,' -: 'fecial rates can be hal for a longer ime than One week. , The siib-icription prieelo TriK wl M ! V !!'). v Vv is , $1 00 ",,cr yrKr; ix mnnins . crius. . ; ; Alt (-Vim in ii ni :rt ifii4on bnsi iiesliuiild ,p allrt'cd tn Tlin; Wilmington' pus'r, Wilmington, N. C. REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Klt' SIIKKII J-, ' 1 Ki ll KN JI. MANNING K 'I.KKK M'PI'.i; ( ii u I : SIACHY VavAMUIN!;K. . . rf' I Mf It i ; ;i sl'lMi ' i' I !;!; i ;, : I t'll lltKAbrUKIi, i:il.i.r aii ii i:yu :rr. hDWAiti). u. i)kwli;it. ; run -r'rivKYoii, John ki:n r itiiowN. " i t.miisi.Aimu;. litV.KoK. R.K I'KKsUNT A'l , N I ,s, im. irr-.NUY i:. worr, NV1IJJAM H. VA DDKlih FOIt THf; HKNATI., ' Kill SUNATOIt A. H. M EHUIMON. I iio'utber paper in this city hu lial initi Vines t publish llio "tariV'' of tli Senator Meriiuioti in full, uml m his own party pnpors will not give tiim a fiiir deal mi l let liim ho hrHnl. wc .pub 1 L i in i' it i i . i a io-iiiiy, nu cam l it inn,, ror inc h ucfit of our made'rs. The tVnal'.ir htrikes oulj b lillv, and v'kealt (iov. Zeb. VaiK-v Several se- h; .Ye fre jino,-.4 over in ryes inai nave com ttV ''" A I plelely blindeil him. .S jjiucli so, it is (1, that he i.i unablo L to reply, and i,in pfcsent Hppearauees, he, will not ver in limo to enter tbe Senatorial iv in lecehil)er nexU I penator Merriinott is a.scR,'iitilii; poli- hI ilihtcr, and 'who ever irndertakes ilenl Willi him, uai u riH'Wvn.. more in'inj- than "our Zehl'' has had. ftV itd'vise a cartlul Icxaminatioii of tli 4- Keiiiilnrs tlefeiiOe, a.l he A'alls it. -ii"sr Alloiirns. 1'emorraiic IMrtiiM,' liomtsetf, liiul Failures UltiYet'd InvestltfaUonu Hurts no One i but Democrat le moeralle FtnaiiclaV SlenMiri All Fall, '1 liry lifmpt a I'liwanlly! lteilttcll'on of Ainiy, Biu Kail. "ilwiibHit" lltitier fniibn Si'ttator Blfrrlmuiii- Tnt ill Hill romraOii t at I he , I. tub' r ud ri-atle llutnbi f the ,lfrn. Uemo Mibuir ' Over Heliench- iiit nt.- Potter's Fatt-r.-rDeniot rnls el)vserre Well vt Ihc KrpMleana jTrt rreKlitent ilebnitul. ' v r r.tn our R culitr Cottf ponli nl4 I ' VAIIlS(iVON, 1. 0.; I ' ' JVSV. 1X in, VS7S. Ivntresha adjourned for the sura- irrir. What has it nvcvni'plitdicd ?.,Io ihr cUy i t the Fremiti revolution the nnivenlum had a eustoni. of rewarvling men wriJhatd done the 'n'tate some great mH.-e.hy pacing the' resolution "He Jecrvw ell of his eniulry." The Ue rublieatt psriy fhmild pmw the formal te.'otmioit that this IVmocratic lIoue trctfs nvlT of the Hcpiiblican partf. hcujiuuie need life with loud promises l 4 i great things. It : was to rxptwr tli Jteuible corrupt Ku .of the Kepuldt- Citi party, tilover's ervntmiHee caught onry lVmHrts. So great was hi sue- i C3 in thU line that he iraa openly jeer- leJathy his patty frWnds, and the or tan of the IVmocracv In thiscily blunt 7 joM him that he wa sent out to ex pose Kepnblkan rascality, not lVnio eratic. But every haul he ruader had T Vhtt one result i Alore IVmwrata, Tae measure of ftoam'e passed by the Ho nrre epenle reiHidiaUsk by tke .W iVniocrata io the iNnal ad bane to nothing. Who eau. we-uure I5t alter collapse that ha vvcrtakeu freat aad itrktlr r'tT measure of Wwij the army. . That was the prt taeaie. Out army of iOiK wen f 4 ttni as a vtandinf menace to the bwrti of the people. The orjn here red that a fir other measure iaopiratcd7 prty ritcb op, the 'd Tedtteiejt the army wa the only uij Wft them. It Mmt U ed, a.ja point of honor,', aud, there ,w$re more words o that cfl'ec Under aryJ pressure a caucm was calhxl. It was a complete fizzle. ' In the Senate Sena tojMIcrnWn'ailcmpled't hiake a Hf tljj party capital by giving a pitiful pic ture of the oppression of tbe people of ISoulh Carolina by UnHcd States troops Hi JXo. J lis bubble was most comple tely pricked Senators ''Hamburg" Butler who, to the great amusement of the Ilepubjieana, completely snubbed Mr. Merrimon and, fi'a three minutes el the utter weakness of far. Mertimon's p'iti'.i, and Ihe faiicy ;'oF.tn Wbolf I) mocratic argiiment. , Keilher the ar my ndV its 1 pay U 1 1 be redaeed this J'e ir- The bill, however, provides for a co n iu if'sion to report a plan to Congress vt nu mis ij me iirsi oi next January. The Democrats were to reform our rev en le Iaw3i ' We have only to name Mr. Wood's tffriir bill to rerall thlr inoun tainons failure iir that rneaiure ; and it dived by the bauds of its friends,, in tlx ir own house, over the - threshold of which it n'ever had strength enough to pa.',-?. As every measure of investia tio i into tliM alleged corruption in the vaiiom (Irpartiiieuls of the government ha hevil a failure, so ha eacU' attempt at wholesale retrenchment in, depart- me pn I it xpenses proved illtimed and-im Inii. Their idea of economy con- s in cuttinir down the pay of the lW est class of clerks and now and then tu rping' a few women out of .office, and Hin voting millions of dol'ars for the i.V. loyeinent of every inlel. and creek in Ihc t onntfry. I he money will be ex pended. Syiue contractors, willjill their pmket and in two years the Chan ue Is and haibors wilhagain be filled with uni I. - Who can measitrj the stupend uocs fully oi""lherolter iT)TC?tigation. That will stand out as the greatest and most complete failure of ulL-. lf every party measure ""tbg Denio eraii have clearly bhown theeaKness of Iheir IniaMetl friendship for honesty in I'Olilics al fc Uiej-TaliBterests of the niassos ;the . hjoSen ess or' their own party I'caltyjtnd tbeir utter incapacity to device one single measur of need fill national- lerwlation. Thev came jtit power tit a 'lime when the Repub licans wrre divided in seuKinent and policy, i nvy go nome io tncir cods?u- uvnjts to ye ll ibout the "-frauds they ciiulit not - prove, lillcl lon-with the pro id consJiiusncss of h.tTirig niade a pi i h-ct failure of cvetyarfy mea sure, iiiiu oi iiavinr soiuiiy rc-unitea thell!rpublican party and made smooth the way for the triumphant election of ( ieijeral fJrant as) our' heit President. Or1 niifly th lyuioyrat. of. Mouse of Representative does dei the serve iel"f the. Republican arty. One of the few good things done luring the last moments of this session - 1 . . . ... .1 . . wasjtho passing tne act re-prgauizing audjcxtcmiing tTie life Saving Service. TheiPrekMciit i ure'.to sigirit, audit tliullieconJes a daw. The Old North Static will be beuclitted by tbis most timela-iiUInAfilofAusIaM f V t It w ill be remembered that the Prcsi- dentfa'rt'i4ned f aVOtafcM' iofio'to ltii siaua to settle the difference be- twecn the tNicholl and Packard goy frnirtehi!. '" Wayae McVeagh,of Penn sylvania, was chief of this commUsiou. tts I jibors consisted In, getting enough a Bb a t a" m nirmuer oi ractartt . uegisiaiurw 10 go over to .mcuois 10 give nis crowu a ma- jonly. Packaril was then easily com- pelhil t' strp down ami ont.. A clause appr pri4ting J,01H) (o ay the ex pense of MeVeagU's commission was added to the general appropriation bill in theSenafV 6n toudayl1 The Re- pubiican, beaded by ' Conkling and Blaiipe, attacked it fiercely. The DemlHrrat defendel it. It was hand somely leaten; by a motion to strike out the clause, by more than a party rote ' The president betrayed the Repyblioan vt the .th, aad ftsked tbeltepuhlicitus be had betrayed to toto j Ivt pay tho eipeusca of that bvtmyal." A an exhibition of cheer-' ful. f Christian cheek this measure aUihU without a parallel in our politics. k jts . u-,Vi : A portion of thh letter wa mailed In order that it lutsbt be going into type. At this buur of writing Cwagrea bad not ftiljoUrrdl but wa . making alow progrei tbrvngh Ike civil bill. Jiy a. ii thU (Thursday) morning it bad taken a recede until 7 oVloek, mod i Kew in aewien. - - " nutive Scalea has bn wade chairman of oc ' ol, the most named by CVotre, 1 1 M to consider thlmnfrr efthe Udiaa Buretut ib War IVpwtaaenU. Sometbinf mut be done with or for Ut lftdutt. We are now threatened with one of the Ht ide-prd (aad laatinf ItSaa wrm oar hUlory. ThU morainja telegrama say i v OetKral Crook mjt that ih gnterwmeol m driven the Baaexkt to war aad toVtiaf. Tl held the council with the Bannocks in Aprflhd found them not half, sup-pld-apd starring, lie telegraphed to the agent foe suppliesnd received for answer,"No appropriation." He found that buffalo and game were gone.. The Bannock chiefs said theyv had been allies of the. whites in -recent wars against the hostile, and had furnished General Crook with scouts in the campaigns against the Piutes. and Sioux.. 'Io return for these services they begged General Crook to help them, but he found be could do noth- ' 3?rom , all. Quarters of the Indian country cornea complaints of the WorthlessnesB f Indian officials and outcries against that Democratic economy whicK refusca appropriations 4 for just demands fgainht . the govern ment., and has Eonly time and money for Potter and jjOIotrr. investigations Chairman Scales has a great opportu nity to do tbe country good service, and we are mistaken in the man if he does not . ' : : Potter's comniiltee is to meet- during the summer at some of the summer resorts n the lf, near New Orleans and continue hjls invcstiga'tioiis into Louisiana pojitfes. As the supply of Andersons in tljat state is not yet ex hausted, he may1 be able to furnish a small and dribbling supply of fraud matter for Democratic campaign pur poses. . Auderson bas left the city to avoid being summoned before the ten ate committee. He has a Washineton history which I iba.!l notice in my next letter. i H. U. F. crn 1 1 ikms. ; .3 , )YA A'jf'i ,'. i.c. thtrc or four ft-iy's to Htl the POST efrri ' HkiuIiij iixjritiii'j. Aj''fy to HI E. Xr t'effvr, tit 7m ojli'-f. See fourth pag lor election law. . , Cbl. If. V. fut $i ottr . rfj'tl'ir row: lwide)Uin'ashington.,l).i'.; Single copies of the Po r s II fur five- cents. , ," . ''!.' The Post will be for sale at Harriss' News Stand on ifrunt street. ' '-I-; . "(VI. Shatler s "still 'on t'p" is the way thev putiit in Ualeigh. ! ' V - - -' --;- , , An entire new jjeg.isl ration is rrquiud befcr yoa ian te in August next. , rtj:1- - ' . The .MRgii-trae of the city have been quite busy l tiring the past week. Superior Court, His Honor, Judge lure, presiding,! convenes to-niorrow, Ye have a Postmaster who is on the Brink of departing this life for Jack sonville. The city authorities. re -making a war-on dogs, they should be commen ded for it. i 1 v Messrs.' Kirkwootl and Hewes were in the city the jltst 1 week inspecting sLeamboat; A; " WashingtcBi "; Friend " parsed through this city for Jacksonville, Fl., a few day ago. '..' I j No one ihould move now until after the first Thnrsdayfin Augns, if he dens he looses h.H vote! . If you are in want of a house, see ex-Major CanadaXi l who is selling houses dirt cheap! v V - 1 --J-.--- -.-.i-.M ;.-r--W. P. Canaday has houses for the houseless, lie bought very low, con sequently can sell ow. . Maj. Marcus Krwin, of Ash? ville, is an Independent candidate for'Solicitor in the Sin Judical district. . Harry Hill tell through the wharf at the loot Of Campbell street, a lew days I ago, yd was badly? injured. , '.-'- ' Senator Merrim-n, we understand,- made a speech in tUleigh last night. Lookout for hut shyl Mr. Vance. Misti Lttiily ?latt, neice of the Ptes ideal, and Gen. lll-tinr were married at the White floui o Thr-day lt rrsow who ha moved from one ward ertownshipUi another, ime the first day of Mar, lr? cannot register or vote.' 6 '.'flvT an act of the fmxratk JUgi- latare three inontbi retdeoce in a ward or township iWpatrrd btfire vo can'Tote;1-"1' :":"':"-;-1 ;-. -. " - 4- Yen who are botwele? hoiM at once call 'pv W. P; Ca4av,4w ho wtllgivoyota a Hoo- if he ran! well Cap- I Normeat it po kc i f a a. probable candidate tor the Senate ia Robeaon towaly, at Natwan Strdmaa la Bladea eewaty. K Urje party west dw to the black ftJt jTowads TaelT, bt ol; to the renins eef the tea thej ail rH Thanks to' Senator Merrimpn . foe a copy of the addressea delivi?rei mi the V. S. Senate on the life? and- cfewraeter of the late Senator, Ov ivMorWnV:1- p. . trations books will be opened for the puqose of registration of .tolers on the 27th of Jhue, 1878. .Don't' fait to reg ister ! ' " -! " 1 he Collector of Customs baa notified; the owner8.of steamboala' plying ''tbe ri ver and harbor, i tbat . the rcuf ationi governing them, lasuey liyut-:, raent, will be rigidly enforccd.' nc;;; r - r'i rs: We learn that cervices will be -Ire Kl in the basement of S5. Lukt-'s1 A. M; K. Zion church, corner 'ofj 7tli stud Church, street., both in the morning, aflcriioba anl evening-, at the usual hour. . When the liver acts, freely the diges tion is I good and the blood abundant If the liver is torpid, use DrV Harter's Lifer Tills and yoii will be fortified against billions attacks. -j-'w.I Hon.: (Jeo. W. Stautou', of Wilson county, one of the men who assisted iu organizing in 1S the Hetmblican party of the stale, and a man that stauds high as a busintssmaii aa well 33 in the social world, is a candidate" for Congress in the 2nd district. Sknatomai.'Cun ven rwa.-r-See the card of Messrs. faamnng and Walker, the respective cliainnti of the Repub lican committees of New Jlanover.and Pender counties! , calling the Senatorial Convention at the 2nd of July Burgaw," on Tuesday, This the only way the convention (:ould have been calkd. Capt.'A. II. I'attcrson was robbed at his boarding hoiise in this city, in 1-S.V, of his pockethouk cohtalnlng tnonpy and a lot of very valuabh paprrs. He uevr .niccecded in getting any tract. of it until a few days ago, Ue received a letter frrin a colored man who lives in in Brunswick county, staling that he had found . the?, propviljv Captain, P. srnt vcr and got it. ; ; y "Ni:v Sai.km, Rusk.CiM'inly, Texas, I j October 2, 177. ) , Dr. fiii tfr, r?r s'ir . I suilered two yean with a dislress- 1 1 : eolith : wrui'l jret nolui.ii 10 tirf n my good. 1 . prevailed upoih by' votir a-j-ent l aiias r oremaur-to iry Dr. Jlartcr- Iing I?altn ; I-wa relieved at ouce, and by the time"! Jilad used three bottles, the cough was gone ; 1 was s .und and well. 2w. Rkwaud. A reward of 550 will be paid by the editor for sullicient infor mation t hat w ill lead to the capture and closy cntinemctit of one Ariithcrford. We called fifteen times whilo in Wash ington at the place where he at one time resided, but the inhabitants knew nothing of his whereabouts. Will some fiirml iiMi'-t iii", for a pcrsonfroni Jacksonville wants to see him. If the Chief of Police will call on-us we will guarantee to show hint plenty of hogs without sending his hog cart out in the country to lake up what Tew the thieves hare left the poor larm- crs. ll may be that the fellows who arc running the Kog-cart are to blame and not our Chief. But we hope for the sake of the price of pork next win ter, he will stop the catcher fronigoing in the country now. t Dkowm.d. Oh WVJiicday uiijh-t last a party of gentlemen were in the river bathing near Market street dock, when Mr. James Divine was seen to dive, uu One tluftight, any thins of it until he remained absent lor oate min ute, when the pMy made search for him, but failed to find him. On Fri day morning; his lcdy was fuuud. Mr. D. was about 55 years f age, .a bridge builder bv trade and, we 'cam, bore a very excellent character: Capt. Wa'ker Mcarse calh-1 in to ssy that the record of the Pard ot Maj-ts- trates misrepresented bim -at the last meeting concerning the rt4wthri passed ordering advertisement t-j be publihed io the'diiy papers. He ear Lit reolulitn wa that tbe adtcr- tisement be pob!ihe-l iv the, ctiv pap, but tbat Mr. O. IL ParJey aoteoded the rroluuoa mi it 1juM read "in the daily papers." We are gud t make the crree1lI beo me have always regrdeV .-Cj-- Mearr tth great repet !. The ferry accrwat the Cape Kear riv er at this place b a dtsgrace to the cii. and the city authorities eeht t ro pel the ew eer to famub a irrrr br itabl tj accomaaedate tie pabtic ct have thesa indtcted. Tho boaJtthey are now ttog better, il as ft!, . thcar firn pUced ra this rim yeari ag. Whit y jo Mr. Mayor,' iil w have a ferry that will JU r4.l to the city, or t hall w UU vou3 t have the wal;hi7y fat that rwwd, re-Ii Jt .-. r aI a at!f t I ce- the rivet , f .. . : 7Vj O.u'r Clinrckes To. Day. j 7 St James' church, corner Market and Third streets. - Jkv Dr A A Wataon, Rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock j Sunday . school hat 9 a m; Evening rrayer at 6p m., ;h St1 John's church, corner of Third and lied Cross streets. Rev Georre Patterson Hector. Celebration of Holy Eachuriat at 7 a m ; Morning Prayer at 11 n, Hi : Evening Prayer at 8 1 m : Sun- fday school at 5 p m. ; - - . ! ci ia i. i,v;,u 1 ' .1 i- : of FoutUa and Orange streets. ltevT M Amblerjliector- Services at 11am. and 8 pi a.- Sunday school at 4 p m, 1 j -St 'PaUl's lanr. Lutheran church, comeriofBth bad Market streets, Kev G D'Beraheim; D 1, pastor, tiarman servico at 11 a m. :. English service at 8 pra. i ; 1 I : . Sunday school at 5 n m : Wcfcki v lec- f ture on Wednesday at 8 p m.. 1 j ' 1 nomas' UatrtoJ ic church, on Dock bolwecn Second ; and Third streets. Mark H (irons." rixutor ; 1 Moore Assist ant. Morning service at 7 and 10:30 m ; Evening service at 5 p in ; Daily morning service at 7 .a ! m ; Sunday schools' a bi . First Baptist church, corner of Mark et aud Fifth streets. Rev James B Taylot' jiaator. Sunday school at Sj a tn. Services, at Ham, and 8 p m. Young racffa prayer meeting Tuesday l S p ni ; Church prayer meeting on Thursday at S p 111 ; Brooklyn Mission Sunday school at 1 p m. Second Baptist church, on 6th be tween Church aud Cattle streets. Prea ching at 1 1 a ui, and 8 p m, by Bro J P, King ; Sunday school at S am; Regu lar, prayer meeting' at S p m Tuesday evening. j Fifth Strict M E church, on 5th be tween Nub and Church street. Rev B K Hall, pastor. Services at 11 a m, and 8 p in ; Sunday school at D-a m ; Pray- i r meeting Thursday evening at 8pm; You ng'nien's prayer meeting on Vrea nesday evening at S. p iu. Front SI ret-t M E church, corner of .Front aud Walnut streets,. Rev E A Yates, pastorJ Services at It a m, and l p 111 ; Sunday school at, 0 p - ni; 1 Young men s mcicty Tuesday evening . at f I p 111 : aud regular prayer meeting and letture en Wednesday evening at Si p m. ';.'''.' First Presbyterian church, corner of -Third and Orange streets. Rev Dr J R Wilson, pastor. Services at 11 a m, aud l p 111 ; Sunday school at 6 pm; L'cturc Thursday eveuing at 8J p m : Y'oirng men's praver meeting Tuesday evening at 8 p m. Sceond Presbyterian church corner of Fourlh-aud Campbell streets. Rev C M. Payne, pastor. Service at 11 a ui ami S j m ; Sunday echool at op in; Meeting for prayer at the pastor's study, Monday at 8 p m ; l'rayer meeting on Wednoday at 8 p m. Seamen's Bethel, on Dock, between Water and Front street, Rev vJL, B Craig, chaplain. Services at 5, p in. First F'ree Will Baptist church, cor ner of Bladen and 7th streets. Rev S B Foy, pastor.. Service at 11 a m, and i p ni, and 8 p m. 1 raver 1 meetinjr at 8 p m cyery Friday. ' fot c-trphen s A M E church, Kev J U Fry, pastor. Services at 11 a 111, Ii p m and 8 p m ; official meeting on luesday at 8 - p ni ; preaching on Wednesday at 8 p m ; prayer meeting ou Friday at 8 r m.' v St Mark's Episcopal church, corner of lith and Mulberry streets. Rev C O Brsvdy, Rector. Servicesxon Sundays at Ham, aud o p 111 ; Sunday schwl at St Barnabas at -11 i ui. . First Presbyterian church, corner of 8ih ami T Chestnut -streets, lley D J Sanders, pastor. Preaching at II, a m, and 8 p iu ; Sunday tchool at 3 am. . .First Biiptist. church, on Filth and Cmpbsll st reels. Sunday school at 31 a m ; preaching at l'lj a ni, 1 p m anil 8 p m. liev F R Howell, pastor. First Baptist church, corner of Ninth and Ked Cross streets. Elderberry Pat terMn, astir. Sunday school at U a in i Preaching at 11 a in j Bible school at ." p in ; 1'reacLing at H p, m ; Y oung nu n s prayer meeting etery Monday at 8i !P m: A concert of, prai'-e every Thilrtlay at 6 p m. Tiinity Chsl, M Kt htirch, 7lb and lUuii-wH-W streets, liev A More, pas tor. S-rviw at 1 1 a ni, 3J p ni and 8 p n ; Suinlay schtd at".' a ni. v First Congregational church. .Ser vices every Sunday in Memorial Hall, corner if 7lh and Nun streels, at 11 a m and 8 p ni ; Sunday mIiooI at 3 p no ; Praie and Conference meeting every W'ednesday at 8 p nt. Ebcneier Paptit chuitb, on 7tb be tween Orange and Ann street. W H lUnk. patir. Services at 10J a m, S p m and 8 p m ; Sunday school at 12 M. St. lake's A. M. 11 ioo Church, cxMrnrr Seventh and Church street, ICev. ti. l Farrier,- pastor. Services. 1 1 a m , S p. m. and i p. in. Henry GteeviUe New IJ.k, lab riell.e ; The, II of Maurri,1" U ia pnr an-1 atll he blihed in a few d,vy by T. B. lVteroo A Brother, Pbtla k iphiaj It h a story of the tiae of Lhji lVi, fall Wi of alt the ap'ea ikr Vf it el i well tcd-t. bein pwre, freh, tartliir, anI historically Irar, and t mmi beautifully tran-Jxted froaa He Ficmh of lltary tiicville, and will pev a treat I all1 hirer el aw eicst iotr. btbinp, aw-l eaikal aorvL It wiUbe ied ia.aaifarra iyle aad lWl a ilh "IU; "Kathkea," aod 'Mm Crep4jy ! pwhliobed by lh eacse .in. te tr I. II mat- 1 'j . : . i. Tke RrpMbxJia pperv NwOt Ca retina. sa4 le place they are rwV nhed at. are a'fws:- . '""' !'.. : .tfr aWMst; 5wti4Uia,. Eli belh Cisy ; ri-r fii,Wi, Ckiar. h aaa ; J w, 5aJerii ; Xe i'4t Wlaun ; IV' f , W4.iatr. Crrr Bare y.-lllr: ' John C. Oant well, on', of jndgo CantweJ hating been appointed Cadetln . ihe Ualted States Revenue Marine Service, after a competitive examination hjui.'been ordered to . report for.daty at eoaae point in New Jersey. --The Thalian Amateurs had a largo audience and an acceptable performance at the TUeston Upper Room.- The Eer. Dr. Tatter son is confined by akknesa at Raleigh, j Mayor FSahblate Ss baUdin; a fine residence on Snrset ' Hill. -Superior Court,' Judge Eure-' aeU .to-morrow; An excorsjon oX colored people went down on the Passport on Monday. Pof. Gonzales gave V sacred con cert at the Tem ple of Israel on Monday evening. The fast train on iha Carolina Central - Railway goea to Cbariotte 187 . miles, ia 1 2 hoars and five minutes, or . at the rate of about 15J miles an hour.- The new .Com press buildings are to be located oa the Vick & Mebane wharf. The Vele ran Corps of the Wilmington Light Infantry gave an excursion below to those in actual service last Friday and there waa shooting r for prizes, - and generally a very pleasant time.- The Tileston school, bad closed for the hot season. -Our Bar. . improvement gets an appropriation of 1 160,000.- -Jupiter Tonans and Jnpiter "Plovius were both out very early yesterday mornlng, and there was a great racket and a general wetting down. -i'j v., :, ' 1 ;' 1,11 v ; .' The highest authority In 'New Eng land, the State ' Assayer of Massachu setts, after a careful aualjsU of Hall's egetablo Sicilian Hair Renewer certi fied that it is the best preparation for its intended purposes tbsAbas been ex hibited for examiaa&6o;K that its con stituents are pore and!Lprefully, select ed for excellent quality, and that it forms an efficient preparation for pro moting the growth of the hair and re storing the original color. This world renowned preparation is for sale by all druggists; Record, Red Oat. low. SEW AD VER TISEMENTS HUHviAW, N. C. June 2(, 17. 'V 1HK SENATORIAL VOX VK5T1UN la htrcby cilUtl to tnet at liurgaw .oo ; - TUEDAY, JULY 1S7S. hI 12M.. to uoiutuate a cantlidate' for the HenstorUl ;iHitrlrt. ermpOKed of New Itsn - '''-'"., over and Pender Counties. A. WALK Kit. tlialrmaii lity, K. Com. Pender CO. -! Kit. MAMNINU, Cli-riirn i;. p. Kx. Corn. New UanoTer t v. ' NOTICE, fy TATt: Ot NUKTH CABOJLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. JCNE liTH. I.. Jo Hi Vote i or tbe Klftk WarU, City Wl'iiiintloD, Cape Fno-, HrneU noU FeJ crl r'nt Towtu-bips : Jt A ilEETISO OK THE DO.VIUi Of Jnstiee or tbe Teat lor Kw Hanover Cfftinty, hUd June ih, I7, the POir.lNf. PLACED heretofore e.tatUbeU la jotir r reetive prtt lnet were dlaconUnneij, and In Ilea thereof tbo fullowtag were itlf llhevl : -:j ' : mill Ward- rlitig ftaee at 8tn More.oa Ci- lrei, btveen KovrtJiaaxI J'inli su - .. ! I -ar Town.bli-lrfli a rtct at l Mle llaj e; f . JUrartl Tonbl-ruint nrr t M rotnhei ' sjtore. Kedrrai r4nt Twwr tUp-Follinj Place atct.it Mill l .hool Hooe. JOMN IX)H AN. Serrrtary tloard ef Ja.tKe-t vt Ike lee I tot Ktw lUaorer tal. " . y 1 .... NOTICE; SCnBOtlLE D TAX. 4 IX. botawU aad Mall neerhvat are J. hTTjr Ua4 Uuu a rcivtteae taa leiriad br ttw tMtatr ml VC. 7I, 4 ldlaxa. fU mum tret ay anaalr. l- dltkm to Um bed ale tatr rer'. W boiw ai aeatiera ara au wiur4 utal. la ctvlag la IMi iiajrnn Uaa lav mmm maim pajrmcit aat all yrifcaia. ana la artiaia Um 4la wail a m mt Me. taw4ndlMr U a -. tMamkr. ta aitta. aft tatfr a uw. rwMi a hw wwwauy ata ir ita,i All feMdeta. aaardiaa fcaaaaawraataa raata ad aauait fc: aim aea rri4 ay la af ya aa a aril ae aaaa aa tfca aya rarart- TWa lava U1 aa daa Jaly IjaaM My N ttata tae am mm r taWaaftae. a Ail taru tatveeatM las ua fJ artaaSala at Taaea rtUamo anS Vy mt ta taa aaa at aaia, aa law Jaar iUtaa attatly aalam a. Oanaa; I taw ary aaaaii m JaWaaVBaB UMt ataaai ta ant aaw I aa niii4d rsaw UW 1 raaaavtSat aaa ad taa aaee yaaw 1 iak 4 ta l aaiaa. la taia m.aiaiataaai n tmi n i unify aa4 fmtvmw mmir by aa Sraaa. ifcraau aa ay iiil aadn w aaaak aaaBKaBBBai aaaaaiaBaBk aaaaaa aksa MawBfeuk awara w vfwR""! enauanay vaant wjapawax mmm WWmmwmm y yM ta j au naasraa . i. k. waairMU(. mil oiEATLT laLiiiim am j t-V Ni tm4 tat' ww m koct lr4ClJMai Ma ty OK tat 4 i Ud!4y 1ICMUC3L X. W. ewe. Frwaa 4 Mavluri , je 1 tnUbera3C.tX IM fawt amul VTAat9aVaMa BaVaVafA waaaya aaeanu mm MMUttNcatai XEWAD YERUSEilEXTS. HENNING & TKEL, FOREIGN AND DOMlisTIC HARDWARE, A ORCULTURA.L IMPLEMENTS. IKON, 8tet, Nails, Axes Hpodcu. tihovcU,ll tart, Hauiea, Trace Chains, Plombt. Cat ingt. Carpenter's Tools. liiacksiuiU Itel oa. Vteea. Anella, Ac; Wagon and twt Vbeela. lUai. iSpukex. JIalw Axloa, 11.4 low Mare, Rope, Twine, Halves Forks, Spoons, Bruaaca.Kii'ii Uuea, HookaJsinker. Cotton ISelne Twiae. EUx I'iltinp Twiue, Setna Rope. 8eaJw. JOeaius, rota, tSkidarK. Oeeoa, r"ry l'an. dw. Ve lavit esperlaLatteutlon tootir large" ant exU?utveaM.riimiot UUJ.N.fc.a-Ul expressly Ar Ktuithsaud FartHr-tiw. alt or which, and mnch more, wu utlcr a. luw eat lulcea, at the New EaiabUhed IIvrdwravr Ilouae oC No. 0. Market St. ' ' - '.- . : WUminrton. M. C. march 1 PABRKU A TAYLOR, Kcreseiia Oil, Stores, Metals. Gnns, LanUrns; Fairbanks Scales, UMPS, liUASS AND IKON UOSlN u ... , STUAlNi;ilS. K r . a . 1 11 1 a atuuiACiurtra ana v uoica.c Ucuiti 1 iu f IN AMD . SHEET IRON WARE, 1 No. li IiliUNT STULET, Jaalt.ly . ll.MlNUToN, N..v Visit or Commnnicate With U. E I N V1TE A N. E X A SI I .V A T 1 1 N W aaotnlea. trlt(.iorni aud ottera. ve uu haudaiKl ti-n m- ilail s;iuii.l. .. c Oip, Meals, ixinl, ko. a.-r.xe-ute ortlri lor ;ill ii-t tption of MvrrhiuidlHe, lUwivc nna sill ail ilrMnii. linns of produce. , 1 14. W ant a iuivh:UM-ir for tvn. lutiiLj-, Power Ituublo Exicmo. aud TitUutar l,, r inltalle tu drive a t'oli.m Kact..ry, Mill r l UUIUry. Alau.-llirce pwr t', n -l Mom, with tJear.Sliartinsr. dr.; will sell t. down, an. We Hfutilo lor Hie iiiri-ht ....i sale ot Turpcutiue lUsitilcrii'K; .C--. Hamples ut Mcn liidi-c in-nt to auy polutwlieu rei.n-lel. - rKTTKWAY ft SCIU'I.KE.V.' . UtU S tt ltrukwaandCvui u M rtJii.t s. "A at ("a. 5 5.1 at - Ca rat ClTYHAlt t N.C. II 1 it fx -and lAquovs for lMcdtehtai l'c march 1 tf ' REASONS WHY 4 PKimy iia v PAIN - KILLER - IS TUB ' . Besl faintly Mcdiclue of tli Ae ! And wh H wtionl'l N? krpt'Wi -)- p as - baud: tl. rAli-Kll.l. lt. t.t rK.li, ili'krrurt lliat mu.i v t . ! produced. : Snd. Paid ko.l.i rua HAr.t bi.d l ettterv rud, eidt utttf ia, Jd. r!JI-Kt I n Ht rtire t ratii trf Paina la Mr art 4 tbe a atnle duae uauAiiy iflt a ui, li. I'l KIII4U iliou l)t.a i lndireattoa.il o 1 r-sra!iis i. .1 Mh. t'AI-K 114 H l ; '! 4 U t iBf eure fee M4rj "c u . a , atb. fAITt-K I Ll H ba rt 4i m (( 14 Recaedy fce t t a j ., and t T, er; It h eu'i-d tt .t .nt iUi, f"lt Kiel'! a. a !t..ftSi u- it, an, eaaleil tnm ' t r4 li:iL .(t Uta, . liif, Praar?t t, itt. . lbaiaala aad i ti.'v taa-atofi. fk, rxi-KiM 11 ja4:fv r4s.'l . tram tai mitt Ut- r 1 .-ijaj. r K41 1 r t . it.'. 4 Tant.ica. f ilia- rAli-i.lt.Xx. ulii i .i t, . aektMaai a4 aa4jr a d !;. ta and tAartflTft IHM. I'aiS-lt ft . Mm tiwaiai fcrtart I! alulia IhMf . 4 a vmtvtf nctmt .. IM , wtfr 4. ' a4 Mf ta i'y taaaUy.- VY ' ataafity mtlimr&imt, w'iftr lUiUmi 'y ( .arw taK4 - - ay a awXtraty rt-.a .y v taa t'wl aa'iat t a J .Pt-t lfaad aa a aite.wd txttm . . aa it af,wii nf f aafly tri tXa " au r mni&tJtm4 ! f.i a. aj at laaaMl, . - Ta t at-a4 I ka ft aa4 ra mh ta areaey ae. I W , rya-.al aaaaaiiiii tu it iaa y0Xmr w mil aaaa a-a5y aar ... taW aod aam aarv il a r W - Pm awra ka-y Ur ft i ! ' fSt. 4 awaiifiy ay f-iMaa'y '-Ufaaa tMMattMaltM.HIM. ' : . -iy , N. i KEEN W A 1.1). DtAttx. ts mmtr$: ai iirviu ncias iNO NriT5t I , t V! i