-4 J VOLUME IX, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1S7S. ; NUMBER 2S t1 ' ' '' 1 ' -- ; " '" -; .' "-' - " "" '-- r '-- --y ..- - ,,,,..., j i-, . ,.,. ...L a,,' .-. - -- 1 - ' " - , , . , " , -.. POST ADVER RATES. TISING ?' Fifty cents i per line for the first in- erti'n atnl twenty-five, eettt per line for each additional insertion. : Might () lines, Nonpareil type, eon idt'ite a H'juard. : j .' .' j ; All a'lvertUementH will be charged at t jie aboye rates, except on special con tract. t' ! ' 1 ' - '' ' -' i - -Special rates can be had for a longer time than one week. . TlipfcsnWnpti'Mi price to Thk Wil mis;Pi I'osr i .! 00 per year; six -months 73 -cents.'-. A 1 1 r'fTmJii u ii icrt ions on bnsines should .;!.(" addressed' to- TlIK Wll.MINOTON WilmingtonN. C. t REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET !. OF NEW HAN0YE COUNTY, ' FOK KHKItfFF, " TKIMIKN H. MANNING, KU ti.KKK bUrKKInU C!LTUT, Sl'ACEY YawAMUINOIO. , Knit IIKUISTI'.ROF IKKIS, : I'OllTUKASUHKIt. fjElJAH HEWLETT.' I- ;y r FOR CORONF.lt, ) KiAVaIU) I). HEWLIMT. .... 4 - FUJI SURVEYOR, . JOHN KENT I5UOWN. t.KOISLATURK. '- -FOR IHHMEOK KEPRENKNT-ATI N V 1)R. HENV E. KCOTt 'i WILLIAM II. WADPELIi. L . . . ' " "T7" ' ' ' ' TOR THE MF.NA I F, .A NO. Ml KR tlUH FHOM TlIK-WEST Tlie Uopubljciin of Illinois . have li'ild their, state convention at spring- told, and have fotloweil in the wake of Mith;nn snd Iowa. They declaro for llie oll lU-publk-an doctrines and give another diecriug word to tjjie li'ubli tM'ns of tlie Houth .-'Their relution.s nnnoiHice lluit the southern Kepubli- cioi iiiiit fce protectctl in the right to trie, and in all rights. Jliey Kcoiit illl 1 s'.'ojl'ai the mi.-erab'c twaddle afioiil.' the"bltWxly shirt," wiOi which very h mi them Ikmrb'n lisesT (o'Tfoof mirthern dough faces and llunkies. rltOM WA8IIINUTO.V. StciUI I'orrespomtont to lhj IrtT. VX iKHMVN S EAIU.Y WASl!NirON 1 1 IS ' lollY-W0KTHI.r.S ClIARACTKIl OF frMi: WAijlllNNTON LAHOR liEKOnM- i t ks Kkwikskntativk I5km5Hkn AND THK AliMV . IHI.I. HON. J. 1U. l.KAl H WRKSTLFjs MlillTll.Y WITH UsrrKit States '.'.-Knulisii Some Tot t lllNtl -. KVH'KKl-KS OK DEMO- ( mnr 11 a r m i 5? y The Laiy j'O tin not A mowed to tay id- l I rU Ah AS8KJ?8 M.KN1 s Coi. U. M. PoHtil.A" IJE-K0M1NATEI. W AsVuNtiroN, 1. C:, June 27, 7S. A-few- words alHiut the earlier history if Louisiana Andersoii in Washington will be of Interest. He came to Wash ington with the present adminUtration; His record was lolbfritTvct that hebad dcaethe He publican cause great service Ifnij was in danger of losing his life. lUil his manners were so cflersiTe tbal 4 rapidly lost friends. He said he was poor and accordingly he wasgiven lem lrsry woik in the Government Print- ' iiiK olncej Here his natural instincts rapidly developed. He eeemevl filled only niih whUkey and wind. His len ileiK v U brae was only equalled by the iW and vividness oUU imaguation. Amicf the eniploj es of llie office it was iuction whether the hug propor tion and utter uwlessness of his lies atre escclleil by thcif number, or not. When he wasnotUicd lhat Le bad beta lipoiiuod Consul to Funchal be came into the proof room and commenced ioging his jaw in. his moat offensive manner, lis had the adminislralion on the hip. by He was just p ioe in "on the wake." Others had be come rich sod he was r.oW going in for ' pile; and so on. His lentences were WUiered with oaths. All in the room kww him, aod all took ptt la Ihe (euerat chajTing that assailed him fnjm ll. 'kIc. Speaking of his consulship, ad he was joing lo wake tlO.CCO otofitthe first year. When kea how he expected to do it, h said, wit iak and knowing looks thai there going to be an investigation, aod tut he would U lunisfiontd, st stss, and would get fee an4 traveling tpeiucs from Kunchal and for his re- tari there: and that he had somtthlag W tU that would briag him a nice pit. He was UttK hed at foe his aserto Ut k9 vni,i eio two. When ht ht ht woold get 110,000. When ht WILMINGTON tUtheV rWlo havoiLlfiada scar rt -er. ARn'tn, 4 - bj Be bad to steal it. Wherenp- I on there was a unanimous shout that he would certainly take the easiest way to I eel that or any other sum. All of theie remarks seemed to be taken as comnli- I ments by Aodersen. .-'..- That day he went on a big spree. He said he hailc iii i. A ...- "c "'UOfc ",wn,J " wuiuB from Louisiana. He was asked what title he had to be crcdi'.ed to that state. Ills reply was that- he Lad passed throu-ih the stateHwo or three "times by rail, and he added, by God, I once joinj eil a bounty Irom Cincinnati. One of the proof readers, who was per- somilly acquainted With the President, at once sent a note to President Hayes, telling him of AndersonV conduct and his general reputation in the Govern nient Printing oflice. He was asked 19 ca.ll on the .Presidcnti Inuring the in terview the note was written by this gentlvman. Col. A. J. Straight, which . . . . . -i ' . I was sent 'o Mr. bcwail, and bad since i..- . I leen printed iq the evidence. It was found that Anderson's comnrsiion bad been niade out and sent to hitu that I evening. A messenger was sent to nnd I hinnnid recover i; the-President hav- ing lirected that it should at once be -ecalled. Anderson, who was fl rating arotMid the city, 'jrettini: on a bie dru'ik," wxs Hot Un 1 until eirly the next hiorrtiftg at which time he was still drunk. When the messenger asked j him f .r his eommissione, he at once gave it to him. Mr. beward then re- voked it. The story that he refused it u one of his characteristic lies. Col. Straight, at the request of the Pres- f lueni, men saw otaniey aiaunews, ana gave linn Anderson's real history, From that time dates the effotts of Mr. Matthews to recover his letters from Anderson. It has since transpire! that at the time he was appointed to Kuoclial he was intriguing with the Democrats, and that he- also expected o sell his btory to the New York Sun for money to pay his e xpclises to his station. ' Anderson took in one man, Stanley M itt'iews, from the Uepublican party ; but he "scooped in" the whole Demo cra'ie partj. The PoMer investigation c tnitnitire is already sick of the whole b ijiiuM-t. Their labors no longer attract any sctious attention. ' Isaac Cohen and hi next friend, a Dr.- Liwrencc, talk of a coming monster gathering of 100,000 w jrking men in this ciiv. I have known Dr.' Lawrence y sjht and by reputation for years. All accounts agree that Cohen is anoth er of the same stripe,namely,an unmiti gated blatherskite who makes a preca rious ITving off any reform that may temporarily come uppermost. How the laboring men of this District could be so imposed ujhu as they have been by I these men, is a mystery. 'Why Representative llrogden, who managed to maintain a masterly inac tivity during the whole session of Con- gress siiouiu navo. wasen up long a I . enough to vote against the army bill, is a mystery to Republicans here. . May be be has some reasons to give to the Republicans of North Carolina that will be interesting rcadrng here. .The columns of the Post would be a good medium for what now seems a needful ep'ariation. The fr puUin of this city charged . . ... l -.L. ! the Hon. J. M, Leach with being a demagogue. He called upon Ihe edi tor of lhat paper and hhnielf wro'e out what he thought: to be a candul re- traction of the charge. It was printed in lull -just as he left it. Here it is: HON, 3. M. LEACH. We take ideasure in correcting a mis statement in our isiite of the 20tb, in recant to this gentleman. Seeing the article, and being in Ihe city he Called, aod stated, that there is not a word of truth in the article alluding to himself and challenge the proof that he ever gave aa M the legislature ol his alato for 14 years; l,. r iVn.MH Kr.M ... - k; .- . n.mk,r of tVinir". before and since lhe war; or a vote that smack- ed,1he slightest, of deroagoguUm; and declares that the public Journals of h w Sute, the Records of Coogrcw will prove lhe coairary. xi uocs, ciam o our perft f.ction, in lasl Suo h.LbiTK day's ire offered a reward fo, one m i i v , . -'.. ' , . snv. l is quiie apparcu., ct. John is lhe boslalau of North Carolioythehaabet Printer's devil ofUe neprioUog of, lico he favors with h pnff. lot himse f to revise them ana mate we. P...-o common, peopicv Korlh Carolina gels three of lhe new monev order oifice's to be added to the list July first, of this jear. The lVocraU organ hert goe for E.inr. ol Ohio, wilh great vigor, v - ..kwk aurrrn mi iteau nnmnis ButfoeO..Kwlni-a hhi-plae- .i tA rrrthiK bat U iMestWnd or financial theori,tht Idvocate. of sensiWn greenback rK JywouU. by this lime, havn been in ?7 .i ' -r .n iK. wuutL thrr Ut claimed as desirable for the conn- ' i- t A try. feosnjs iom showing to iU satisfaction that the bur den of many Democratic fioanchl sins of omission and commission should bo laid at Mf. Voorhees door, he is given this partirg shot:. "He belongs to a clas of public men wno lnrow, f"! their influence, at.d ary schemes and bull-headed antaeoi ism of such practical measures as com mod the approval of all but extreni- isU. Thus has another great Democratic apostle gone to glory. The same gentle Democratic demolither of reputations 13 now whetting his knife to raise tie political hair of the young and atb'etic Alexandeif H. Stephens, because be op posedthe fplly ofthePot'.cr investigation abd has thje pluck to go home and stick this opinions giving ample reaf'ons for tba faiih that is in him. Turning its attention hj. another famous Demo- I i ,u i ' t -me paper genuy says: ftO lir 14 (ilnvpr u iinirniu1 .mil. .sj".' .1 1 ' . side of his vote he hasn t as much in- rtence in Congress, as one of the tow "headed pages who ruu at his bidding." Thu, having got its hand fairly in in reply to some one who wanted to know whjjr the Democrats "bounced" poorkeejf Polk, if his reputation was .spoil jkv, it replies: ' . 0 "He waJ bounced to e ratify a lone P501 and DS restrained inclination on .nmethinl' - "Birds ifa tLeir nine nests aer.e. ' Onco sang bid Dr. Watt's, or somebody. But, it mair be. that Tilden Democrats are not that kind of birds. The Secretary of the Uepublican Congressional committee ha forbidden the collection t f money from the fady clerks in the Deiarlmentsi In those cases wherp they have been asked, and baye paidiihe money hiis bein refund ed, ' :'- f-'-.;-."" One of tjbc most graiifviog items of North Cardfitia polities that has recent ly come tof aDy notice, is : that of the re nomi nation of Col. II. M. Douglass to be Uniled Marshal for the Western District ofj North Carolina. It. is known here that he had the i endorsement of the members of the bar in his tlistiict, add of leajlrug Democrats and Uapub cans all over the state. It is the more' noticed befcausc it i said that the Hon. O. H. Doclcery was an active applicant for the place. II. C. F. ClfiY ITEMS. Don't fail to register - -vu ciii t vote unless you,d'. . '. The ragetj aO:i the 4t&, at the s mi ml. promises to be a perfect success. The Su erior Court has been dis patching business veW rapidly during lhe P1 wfe Gen. Abbott paid a (lying visit last week to Riergh, the country eat of Isaac J. Younjr. a revenue chief, The General wi allowed to "reti.rn to us in safety. I ;K ; ; - When the liver acts freely the diges tion is godd nnd the bloinl abunJant If the live! is' torpid, u?e Dr. Harter's Liyer Pillsand you will be fortified against bilhous attacks. l-w. We returti our thanks to the commit- tee for a' complimentary invitation to b pre9jent it the annual picnic of tier I . .. i ' minia Lode, which takes place at the Wilmingtofi Garden, "on - Thurslay next. . See .ad. ; .r . i, , 'The South Atlanlic" has commeuc- eJ publishing political article?. It has '-.I' - . . t a . one in infs wcer, aiyiea iiampum s campaign iji South Carolina, and' we suppoose it;will have Vance's campaign in IS7t. in North Carolina hexl- Judge Caiutwell has gained hi suits in the United States Court in fajor of iht) banks li He deserves great crevlil for lhe 4ndid fight be made. We TV" " . . . , fl. understand ihe reneral opinion of the understand the general opi legal fraleriity, here, wasf ag4in t the Judge. I ' . .. - -- The benets of advertising are proen I - . r ASVTV"i "wuii-iwii. .Wir! a ratal card ritintr VrTf.tl.T.Ti. - mio Qnm vP U Jg to tifik i. da, provided I he re l-i. ! j , , . ScxAtoiiAi. CSYtsrur. -one (weeks aothe Kew Unovef connly dekgale W th wtorui reniH. rial CWk .m the 2h. instant, aftrwnr44 Rwas tnongnt JJf I tBAinoeo , Ol w -T"w" tarfUrtn4rfconn. tkn to join a call, which they d bntchangva UJ; the Umw tot Tnrsday ihtSl of Jnly- SwiWW-- I .im mm ?ai the conrl hvt in thts rf .1 LLf..-. i ti electing Hon. Jar:- Heaton Chairman and nominated Hon. Jas. Wilson on the 21 ballot, as the Republican candi dite for the Senate. . ; i i Mr Wilson received 10 votes out of the 1C cast in the convention. We sup pose the Burgaw convention will be held and a nomination will also be made there on Tuesday, but as Mr. , Wilsoa received ta large a majority here on yesterday? t is very likely that he will be renominated there also. We will have more to say about this matter in our naxt. '-'- ' - The 'highest authority in New. Eng land, the State Assayer of Masachu setls, after a carelnl aualysis of 1 1 all's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ilenewcr certi fied that it is the best preparation for its intended purposes that has been ex hibited for examination, that its con stituents are pure &nd carefully select ed for excellent quality, -aid that it forms an efficient preparation for pro moling the growth of the hair and re storing the original color. This world renowned preparation is for ale by all druggists. 12'cord, Jied Oak. Iowa. At the late commencement of the the Uuiversity the following honorary decrees .were conferred; D. D., was conferred cn the llevi J. J. Roberts, of New York, and Rev. James M. Sprunt of Kenansviile ; L. L. D., Hon.. James Grant of Iowa; 1), P., I. li. Killebrn of Tennessee ; A. M., William lFooks of North Carolina, and II. 55. Wesson of' Kentucky. The graduating class num bered nine and was comjvoscd of Wil liam Pinkney Cline, James Mann Nich olson, Nathaniel Heath Street, Henry Thomas Watkins, Elward John Hill, John Bryan Lewis,, Author Arrington, Charles Wilcher Galloway and Ce rge McCorklc. . ; , i ! KNimiTii of Pythian. The , pro-, granune adopted by the committee of arrangements of ., Gerniania 'yodge No. 4, on the occasion of the installation of their ollicers elect, which takis place at their Castle Hall, on ord strcet? on next Thursday evening, July 1th, is as fol lows : The idge will be opened at 7j o'clock p. in ,in fwrm by the C. C. Prayer by the Prelate. Opening Ode by the Choir "Welcome . Sonir." Installation .f Ollicers bv D. D. G..C, John Haar, Jr. Iitallatlon Ode by the Choir. ddre-is in the 'English 'Language' by P. G. C, W. 11. Gcikeu. Music. ' , hirers in the German Language by K.ight John W. Gerdls, K. of R. and S. Music. eilttiiin of Schillers Damon and lNlhias, by P.C II. C. rrempert. Song by the choir. 1 Address in the German Lincuaue by KnigM M. Kasprowicz. Music. Cloong A'ldress in the German Ianjru- age by P. C, John Meyer. Pi;.yer bv.thc I'relate. Closing Ode. The liodge Room will be opeujed at 7 o'clock p. n., and the exercise 'ar ill commence promptly at 7, o'clock. The public are respectfully invited to-be present. r. CltY Bkiei. There is a great re vival going on in Maonboro township under the Rev. J. B. Barlow, Baptist, and more thau fifty persons have been baptized in the last two months. All the schools of the city have closed for the hot season - A countryman approaching the gate at Oakdalc, and seeing lhe statue ol lhe Uonlederate soldier, mistook him lor a live guard aod called out, "Sav, Mister, can I ir It would be more ex citing if we could have a yacht raco leaving the Rasa out, once i a while. Giblem I)dge, colored Masons, have elcclC'l their officers as follows: JojepliC. Hill, W. Master; Williaa K. lice. Senior Warden: Eiijth lane, Junior --Warden; Thomas M. Simmbn, Sceretarv; William J. Kcllogjr, Treasu rer; Kvander . McBrkle, S. Ieacon; James Lxne it Icacon; Wm. M. Phinney, Chaplain; 5 II. Richard- son, o. tewaro; ihiti itroaanurx, j. Stewanl; Bobert NoUe, MarJial; Pom pey SmhH, Tiler; and ihey havje AZ member The. W; Slrag, ton of lhe late Col Siracge, has been sworn la as a practicing attorney I - Dr. J. Francis Kieg and family sail for GUs- gow in the Aachoria in a few drs and will read the sen in Kaore. The New Haoartr Bar aredig boa ors t ihe Isle Mr. WiUum A. Wright Messrs. Hart, Bailey A IV, are bwiKI ing a new Yachl. --A dc which died of snake bite lately was cpend and n small mocain tcake fonnd &t Uched to his Hvrt so tWy say. The aale of stocks and bonds in thk city at nnctMm Ut week were a t4- lowu iS,TW city of AVUnungton net ctnU bonds it KA; W aSttrtt tap- iul stock TTOnungtas 4 WcUon U. R. at 13, par vain lltW; M sharet capl U stock Ka vnssa linann C. at 1 121 . par vain ft$ sharet rspilji stack N'trth Csrviinn CILCatf tt t ft r!o 101, . Our Chnrckes To-Day.": , St James' church, corner Market and Third streets. Rev Dr A A Wataon. Jiector. Mornine Prayer at 1 1 o'clock : Sunday school at 91 a m; Evening rayeratbpm. j - St John's church, corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev Georre Patterson Rector. Celebration of Holy Euchurist at 7 a m ; Morning Prayer at Ham; Evening Prayer at 8 p m : Sun day school at 5 p m. !..!'.. f C... 1! 1 1. kju m. aui a u'iawM vuuiuii, curocr of Fourth and, Orange streets. ; KevT M Ambler, Rector- Services at 11 a m. and 8 p m. Sunday school at 4 p m, St I'aul's tvane. Lutheran church. corner of Gth and Market streets, Rev G D Bcrnheim, D D, pastor. uarman service at 11 a m. : English service at 8 p ro. : J ; . Sunday school at5 p m : Weekly lec ture om Wednesday at 8 p in. ' iM 1 nomas Oatuolic church, on Dock between Second and Third streets. Mark S Gross, pastor: P. Moore Assist ant. Morning service at 7 and 10:30 a m ; Evening service; at 5 p m ; Daily morning service al 7 ak m; Sunday srhooll'l a in. i irst Baptist church, corucr of Mark et and Fifth streets. Rev James B layloi' pastor. Sunday school at i m. Services at lla tn. and 8 u m. Young aitu's prayer meeting Tuesday ' at a p m ; Church prayer - meetinsr. on Thursday at 8pm; Brooklyn Mission Sunday school at 4 p m.! ' becond- baptist church, on Cth be tween Church a ud Castle streets. Prea ching at 1 1 a m, and 8 p m, by Bro J P King ; Sunday ecnool at l'i a m ; Regu- ar prayer liectingatS p in luesday evening. i ImHIi btrcct M L church, on 5th be tween 'Nun and Church streeti. j Rev B b Hal), pastor. bVrvices at 11 a m, and 8 p in : bunday school al fi am: Pray er uieetiug Thursday evening at 8pm; oung men s prayer meeting on Wed nesday evening at 8 p in. rront street M church, comer of 'rout and Walnut streets, R?v .K A Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a m, and p in ; iMinuav school at 5 p m ; Young nieu's society Tueslay evening it 81 p in and regular prayer meetine and lecture on Wednesday evening at 81 p in. rirst I'rthin tcriaii church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Rev Dr J R Wilson, pastor.! Services at H a m, and ( p in ; Sunday school at 5 pm; dure lhursday evening at 81 m: Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 8 p m. 1 Second 1 re-byterian church corner of Fourth aud Campbell streets. Re C 3t raync, pastor. Service at 11 am. and 8 p m ; Suuday school at' 3 p m ; JMecting lor prayer at the pastor s study. Monday at 8pm; Prayer - meeting on tduesday at 8 p m. , - .Seamen s Bethel, on IXxk. between Water aud Trout streets, Rev ;J B Craig, chaplain. Services'at 5 pm. rir.st I ree Will Laptist church, cor ner of lUaden and 7th streets. Kev S B Poy, pastor. Service at 1 1 a m, and i p m, and 8 p m. 1 raver meeting at 8pm eyery Friday. '.' St Stephen a A M E church. Rev J U Fry, pastor. Services at 11 a m, 3 p m and 8 p m ; oflicial meeting on Tuesday at 8 p in; preaching on Wednesday at 8 p m ; prayer meet wig on Friday at 8 p m. St Mark's Episcopal church, corner of Gth and Mulberry streets. Rev tJ O Irady, Hector. Services on Sundays at Ham, and p m ; Suuday school at St Barnatnts at IV p ui. r irst I resbvtenan church, corner of 8lh and Chestnut streets. Rev D J Sanders, pastor. Preaching at II a m, and 8 p m ; Sunday school at 9 am. r irst ISaptist church, on ruth and Campbell streets, i Sunday school at .5 j a m ; preach i ug at 10 a m, 4 p m and 8 p m. Rev F R Howell, pastor. First Baptist church, corner of Ninth and Rett Cross streets. Elder Jerry Pat terson, pallor, eunday school at 9 a m ; Preaching at Ham; Bible school at 3pm; Preaching at 8 pro; Young meu's prayer meeting every Monday at 8 p m ; A conceit of prai?e every l hursday at 8 p m. , i Trinity Chapel, M Kchurch, 7tb and Brunswick streets." Rev A Moore, pas tor. ."-er vices al 11 a m, 3 j p m and 5 p m ; Sunday school at 9 a m. r irt v oHgrcgational church.: t !vr- viccs every Suuday in Memorial Hail. corucr of Tih and i Nun ft reels, at 11 a m and 8pm; Sunday school at 3 p u ; PraiMj and ConferrKce mccling ! every etnestla y at Js p m. Ebcticr Rptrl church, dn 74b be tween lrange and Ann s:rect. j W B Banks, pastor. Vertices at 101 a ro. 3 p in. a ml Spm; Sunday school at 12 M. St. Lukes A. 31. h.' .'on Church, corner Seventh and. Church atreeu. Rev. G. B. Farrier' pastor. Services 11 a m., Z ZK u. and T; p. m. - i v xt: ir.i p vm mEjipsns iim Picsis sf Gerauii Ltiic KM-Lsf Pntt ibiiiit:i Gsrieis, July 4tl, 1S7L aKClXU altlruaamcw at tSotlwk. J I a tnrr r til rammer MSMrm UaJ fTMsa taersat at aayhtoaraSt Tvt Sn (ituraa aad ttK 1 to ae bad of Wm vommAjr, w. n.iiKRtCRx, cvr. vo?tKAsirai. 4, W.MM.U JH IIAAIJa. j. t nAittrrii-jm.w i a-n c.r. i nirtt titr. . xg...w t .t. a. is,t j?5!uv if , j. K i r-uur a. tissasaUM'. Taw Orna War.-A lOO tK 8U1 Shot. : l say mm fswatw j rtm j wmm -y mmwtmsi a nws-s . us tKattswt .oaesj tSrr Orxaaa M ItsJB.' a rartar r fa wttn & aM Va asoeM. to Msmaaii 4tm Mil kwiia iajss.jts ran i a-iivaMtstaavvt'oooiia. weninsl litrt.-'innf lassaim iMSV'W(i4(-a fmmmm.-'-iU t-mrr ,nitaa t4T- 14 X S gt tJVKieaaan. -a tfcaavate r WnMH-sMO AfM s to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS rrls Is to give ncrtlee tnat sssnutls X bankruptcy has lost been issued oat of the I strict Coart of Uw Uitd tMatcafar Um OpaFatr IMstrid ot Korth Carolina against Ui ssUt of Joha H. AUb of Wil ungtoo. In the eoastjr of Mew Hanover In said District, , who has been ad indeed a bankrupt npon his own petition, ihh ui payment of any aeois, ana UM ae Hvery or any property betanging to said Bankrupt, to him or toe bis use, aad the transferoranTpropertybT bisa. are forbid den by law.- Tnat a meetlnc of th eradltnra of said bankrnpt, to prova tbelr debts, and cbooMOM or mora aasignossor his estate, will be held at a Court of Baakratey to be boiden at FayetteriUe. H C beibra Wm. A. Guthrie, Esq., Beetater In Bankraptey of aald IHatrlet. on the SUa day of Aogut. A. iMuiin gagei, an, June 8w U 8 Marshal for said District rpHI8 IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT A X warrant la Baakrnntey has been issued outof the District Court of the United Statos, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina against the estate of William R. Weeks, of Clinton, In the eonnty of Sampaon. and state or jona carouaa, in tain Lnstr et, who baa been duly adjadiced a Bankrupt upon bis own peUtloa : that the payment or any debts and.thedeflTery of any proper ty Deionging to aaia ttanaruM, to him or rjr hfs use. and the transfer of any muuetts by him. are lorbldaen bylaw. Thai meet ing or the creditors or said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, aad choose one nr more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be boiden at Kay ettevllle, X; O, bofore WUllm A. Outaife, KmqI Reclater la Bankrantcy of said IHstrirt. on the 8U day of AuguM A. D..1S7H, at IS o'clock,, m. . . a. h. riii.u, June -:w U S Marshal for said DUlrict rixbls Is to rive notice that a warrant In JL Jbankruptcy has bea issued out of the District Court of the United Slates for the Cape Fear District ol North Carolina sralst the estate of JamesOxendine, of Red Banks, in the county of Robeson, In aald District, who has been adJadEedabankruBt-naon Vila own petion: that the payment of any debts. mav u uuivery 01 any property oeionging to said binkrupt, to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are! forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrnnt. taumn ih.i. debts, and choose one or more assignees of uia estate, win o neia at a uourt of Bank ruptcy, to be holden on the 9th day of Aug.. A . D. 1878, at IS o'clock, a. m.. at FayettV yllle, N, C, before Wm. A. Guthrie. Register in Bankruptcy of said District. ... . J. B. HILL, June3)-3ir U 8 Marshal for said District T mis Is to give notice that a warrant In baakrUDtCT hu hMtn Innnl mil mJ Ik. DisUict Court of the United HtslMhr h Cape Fear .District of North Hamlin. against the estate of John a McEachln. of tteu isanks, in. the county of Robeson in said Wilrict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition: that the payment or any debt, aad the delivery or aaypioperty belonging to aald bank rapt, to him or for his ue, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by 'w- That a meeting of the the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, aud choose one or more assignees of bla estate, will be beld at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden on the 9th day of Aug. A. D.. ISTK. at 10 o'clock, a. before Wm. A. Guthrie, Kf.1,w.r n.Barnptcy ol said District at his race in Fayette vile, N, C ' J. IK HILL. June 30 Jw .U S Marshal for aald dUlrict rpHI3 Is to give noUce lhat a wsrrsat In jl. eiuarapicy uaa oeen lssnoa Out Ol ibe Disti let Court of the Uslted flutes for the Csbe Fear District ot Mnrfk r'.mll.. against the estate ot Noel Jones, of Black- uuu as ii ib, in inc county oi SaopfOn, IB said disUict. who has been adiadred a baakrflDt noon bis own rtltin ik.t ik. psjment ol any debts, and the delivery ol auy prvpeny oeioagiog to sata Makrwpt, to k lm ar tor hla n m mwtA ikalnuk. nr any j r pert j by him. are forbidden by taw. That a meetine of two credit of aald oanarup-, to prove taeir debts, and csoose one or more sasutaeei of his estate, will be aera at a conn oi Daiiknptcy, to be nollea on the 10th day or Asgmst, A. D. 187S, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Ualtcd States lts trict Court Room la rsyettevllle, 2f . C , before Wm. A. Oat brie, aq.. Register la bankruptcy of said district. ' J. B. IliLU jbqc wss u a Jtarsiuu lor ssid District ttCBOAW, X. C June . lllE SENATORIAL TOSVEHTION H hereby r tiled lo meet At D.rjpw.oo . !' TUESDAY JULY !, 1978. at 12 M., to nominate a candidate for the HenatoflalDsttlct, composed of New Han- ' i ; : ' over and Pender CounUea. i j A. WALKKH. Chairman Rep. Ex. Com. render Co. . 11. MANS I NO. Ch rni'aRt-p. K. Com. New Hanover Co. IVOTICE. trn OF NORTH CAROLINA. KLW HANOVER COUIfTY. JUNK ISTll. t. To the Voters t f Ibe Firth Ward. Oty of I mlagtoo. Cape Foar, Harnett and Fed eral Potat Towashlpa j a T A MEETING OF THE Do AUD OF a. JtHtlcrs of the raoe for New lUnoter CeuutT. held Jane Uth, lsC the ruLUNti lL.t neretofore elMUbd la roar re pctiv i-rrtiorts were dlscooUaofd. aad la Ilea laereef 1st Ukwlst w tithed Finn b Ward- Poiltag Hmv l easrr on Qates street, betwaon Foarthaad Mora, Fifth IHrreta, Caps Fear TOwaUilp-IVIIlax rta al ismi iiayae. HanMUTwtaallli t1s M- n as Sir i vt. Frrml rcaot TowmstNstiMsst rtac as IIMI Wn lQO llaSM1. JOHN tltWA NmUfj Hoard - JasUrr of tW at iew iianwsee Chsanqr. G REMIT I1CBEUED U1Q CAD a to fctto ttsat ww tin clan CiaaAa Csvearwtr Uasn IWy nsn h Ws4 In tbeciiy, 1IEDIUCK. naiTTtt iJttWirwT aw rtrr A-ewra-sl - w StAtU WAkK la m SMrtstaMk, UfsaeaatiASiPtatMa awad tw rM ST- is. - wiMtMsd iss as tssn HtM S At m mm, Mmjt tts m "' " ft tfu atwt h, 'ER7ASE31EXT&. IIENNINti & TKKL, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWA RE . AOCUI.TURAL 1MPLEM ENTS. I RON, Bteel, Nails, Axes, Spades. hoela,Ctd. lars, Hsiues, Trace Chains, rtpugba. Cat laga. Carpenter's Tools. l'isrksnulu'a IW-l-lSTm, V4c Anvils, d Wagon and Cart Wheeta, lUms. Spokex, Kob Axles, HoU are. Rope Twine, Knives Fork a. fP?oo, Brushes,Fish Uaea. H.ksinker; Cotton Seine Twine. Flax i'ltliog Twine, OnVP.8?1"" W ,BVf especial attention to our large anl extensive asMtrtmeutoflltON.MaevUd expressly for Smiths and Farmers' twe, all ot which, and much more, 'we offer at low est pjlees, at the New Established . Zlrtrdwnro Hotiso of .-. ' No. 0 Market St. rilmlajftoa. If. C. march I PARKER & TlYLOIt, j DIULEK3 IS ? Kerosene MQil, Stores, Jlelals, Gads, Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, . PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINER8. niri'ERS AXD SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers TIN AMD SHEET IRON WARE, No. 19 FRONT STU:ET. Jaollly ' AVILMINOTON. N. t. air Visit or Communicate With U. TlfE INVITK AN liXAMI N ATI ON OF 1 1 aamplw, prirea, terms and illors. Have on haudandrcc! vine daily aauiplea of Cottle. KUKr. Molasses, Flour, Candles, eoap, Meat. Lard, Ac. . . .a1-lruU rdtrs for all drrriitlonsof Merchandise. Receive and sett atldcrrin Uons of produce. , , Wot a purrhadu-r for one I)irse rower Double Engine, and Tul.ular ISiwer. suitable to drive a Coitou Fael4ry, Milt r l laUllery. Also, three ialr ' A-et pUonea. with ter, Hhaniog, Uv.; will .oil low down. nesotiate Ur the purrltaso nnd sale of TurpeuUne DiiUllrie, Ac. a. Samples of MercliaudUe scut to any point lieu rrmtotletl. . fi I'K-IKWAY A jschclken. mh-tr ltrukcrsaiidCom u Merchant-.. . CI XT. HA t? J8 N.C. lltncs 4t ml JLianoru for llcfttcittftl tine, march 1 tf t ..." REASON:-! - WHY" PEUnY DAVIfi' PAIN-KILLER IS THK Best Famjlf Medkiae of the Ae ! And why it should be k t ! m ar at baud; ll. PAIS-Klt Is th ttwskt faill tltoirra curv that mcaiasl ci-nr has produced. 2nd. rAl Kiu.M tHirr.rsan.tl. eatery remedy, aeldom U latU. trd. IAIV-Kltjca will rr (Tatar vt lains in aay part f the ;uta. A single aoe uulty aOvcu a r-. .. Mb. Tai -Ku.ljr will etiriffrtx mA ladKosUoa,U ttaed mvuttnag t dm Dons, . Hh. PAia.Ktlu.sa u aa !mal trf tail tag eure fcar tod4ea vviMv, ct$.. a. 4H. rtrs-KlLLrs kw rii Mmtn Kenedy for t ever aad Aw.s4Qiill Fever; it has rerrd U uit cUiuie Tlh. fat Kttxrw aa a ttae-at l aa xqaatad for Du4 Rtc. tSii.'Mal, tiama, Braiara, Cat, !fwaja, 4. tit. Pata-Kttsa . ran-s f mn eaaltsaa afed Nraraiga HWfisis Waodlag. ,:.' - .Uu rsis-Ktt tia win rvu. rt- MM. WllJi lij tll( "-Wl maaa pats ajtaf Urc Crl art !, , tstaw y a t m- Kji MJat earrs IIamU fe, mm4 11 lb. ri-Kitia will tM Am f ' assaa and taaay a -;jr to M mm aad tFAr hut, . tan. Fata.kitAaa tas kmm WAisna im aMiartalfirTHirtRiiista aat- aaxS tM ta y aaiJ- IW HaHMnr aAa4am lu m wtta Use graal mtf mt at aaavy mm nurmtf mm&im4 y t, aw4 taw gisad A st t raa aa4 - last au l slrtMl lm Utt,' aaa It taanruw r py fmm - to mm ff Mi ta nn itr ai nA taa .-. i oe ruaai tAm-t to twy u aS ways - at bsaa. TW aiw-SCitxaa i atttMf to mmm t arnr s Ua ywyiamsaais rnni il rt ta Uwrfr. w; wW mii tsamna m mmf mmm4 aa it fmrnt aad awtsrt, tArrt it a t ! ' t vvtm mm l r&aa. I t tarsw. fM. Ml mmmrep f t uma ii'y Um iamairiai ta aaod tm mm.. . ton f-tf '... . .- N. GUEUXWAI l). D tut slat tJilnc At IJtrv-ti. NEW teJL viol s a .