7,r. i-v. ':.T-:..;.;''i:l; :.0; ' 0 ' A A ........... jm m VOLUME I X WILMINGTON, NOltTH CAROLINA; SUMpAj jjULY 7.. 1S7S. 1 r' SlBgle Copies 5 Cects ' NUMBER 29 1 r r; WILMINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. Fifty eents per line for. iho first in sertion and twenty-livd cent per Ubo tr each additional insertion, Flight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con dilute a Hparc. J AH advertisements will be charged at -the above ratos, except on Rpooial con- ir.ict. . Special rale can be .had 'for a longer t me than one week. REGULAR republican ticket OF NEW HANOVER COUSTY. r.rort HiiEtiiFK, sTErilKN H. MANNING. FOR CLMiK'Bri'ERIOll COURT, '."S TACKY VawAMUINGE. - ro'K it muster or dkki. ; josi;ni i). hami'.sox. t UR TKKABURKU, ELIJAH 'HEWLETT." - loll CO HON EH. ' FlV AU 1 . HEWLETT;' '. . 4 , JOHN KENT lULOWN LEOlHL.U'l'Ri:. M in IfOUdK OK RKI'ItFKNTATINEM, j Dili HENUV K. SCOTT, WILLIAM H. WADDELt. . : :.. T; :". - ; ' FOK THK SKMATF, : JAMES WILSON. p TIIK ACKLJN SCANDAI . IVc published last week the then cur rent version of 'the conduct o J. H. Ackhn, Democratic member of Con grcH from Louisiana In justice to that gentleineff'we noW'ftivo below Mr. AcklinV card which1 denies in Mo KCandalotia rcportSj against Jhiin.: To irh&m it may Concern ': ' The infamous attack upon my charac ter lately, published in several paper, I denounce a au unmitgated and will .Ifil lie a fabrication from beginning to end bavin not ono . scintilla of truth from its foundation. It has now, been publicly denied by all who could have had any knowledge of t by Gen. Kowr, who, in 8t. Taul, ilintinctly Htatedihat he had "made no meation of tbeafl'air" to any one, and ti mo by tclegrajdi from Mioneapolii, ' in nniwerlo my telegram stating, "when you know that no BUch incident ever tranKpirel," ays,'lhathe had made no Mich statement.," "U referring to the article in the National Jivpubliaxn, says: "Am not responsible lor what it has published," and that tho ulandcra re-1 iVrretl to therein "must surely bo false." After such denials I canuot further look to Gen. liosser as thcawthor of the vile -attack. -Further denial have been ' made, by iholady through her brother and friends In published Btatcments, and by employes of the restaurant in their sworn aOidajrit to which atten tion is called. I knew nothing of this Zander until I reached liouisiana, but ' on seeing it, returned at once to Wash ington, and though in yt uuablo to trace it sorce, I have prdved and shown it to be a vile calumny, without any foundation in fact. i . I J. H. Ackun ritOM WA8HINtTON. ; Til E "V(i TER I J VESTICJ ATIOX. MOUE Wn.n, SwEAnuw.JiNorirER Kx-. ntBiiioN of iemockatic v;?iEe'K tiiK Potter Committee. Lost THE JeXKS.SOMK FACT3 A BOUT SrEAKKR RAN!AI.E ASH THE I'OT I'KR iNVEsrUlA TlON.--Wll'ES'pREAn IxraREsr in tukComisuKlixtios. -Congressman Foster Shows vr THE DKMiHRATie; KETRENCMM El T n M . 0 HO V ER Q Nt'E Mi R K. I UUVrrirspoiKtcut to the !T.J WAJiiussiiTOM, July 4th, ISTS. The only topic of even languid in terest is the Potter ioTrligtkni, Th first poiii that may , bo inentiontJ U that the Minister to France, Mr. Noyc, is most completely exonerated from any knowledge of the Florida frauds what- tver. The Florida ca may be cocsia f red w Ukd, no new point hating been made," that 'state being now out the pction, and Gen. B. F. Butler haying been given complete control of the management of the Louisiana ca e, such attention as any one now gi w the sub- wet is centered there Tho first more nder the new programme wa to re- fase to call any witnesses for the Re publicans who would show Democratic frauds and terrorism in that state. The bexteae wai to brio on to the stand E L. Weber, ot East Feliciana Parish, brother of the Don A. Weber bo usas4nated by the DemocraU early U ISTT. WeberV testimony was read roa a manuscript whWU cemed ta km been carefsilly prtrared btfow 1IU tTlacBC. which bat added tcUuejaew to the case of the Dcno- eHtoUcralleM Uir tl.e UUsl Tt!opnent of the astoundin; capacity of Iiisiana iolilician gca4es, no matter whether northern or souttiefn born, to box the compass of , the wit nesses box, in giving testimony. SVel er, in his evidence 'swore to the exact contrarj of all of his former uniform evidence and published statements for the lust two years. When asked why ne swore one way then, and another way now, he calmly Kaid that what he had heretofore s wornto and written was not correct. In 'Lis tdtiroony he" gave a clue to the real meaning of his change of front.. It was that Republi cans could not- find witnesses because mey Knew mey would not be protected. His who'e course on the witness stand will ad 1 greatly to the crowintr disgust with which tbii entire business is view' e" "-v wnHime people, tenner party is sure of a wilness, especially if he or she hai from Louisiana. TTic Jcnks have irone home. . Thnl jiuujc. - ue L, Uem.Kratic organ bere, disgusted with, tfi"cfr(ttriiinyrouj vhlcjU rpoTmucli I t,.,., v...... ...... v...mv.v...v ''sns. 'The Jenks turu out to be a worse fraud than Hayes." it is hard'on the Jenks. ! I It now appears that for a long time j Speaker Randall refused to rule that the resolution calling for the Totter in- vrsf'jralion wasaqueftion of privilege. It w.is only when the manager added. thf names, of Secretarv Sherman and I t i mm.Mer iojes mat ana maae specinc ..I. .. . . .1.4 t l. I - j I. . i .1 - I uiiaiur, iiiniiiu ruieo so tuat. tne rcso luii'in caiiie before the House. The PcijKMTats now acknowledge .the. blun der made in making the e charges aa thi y have completely failed in sustain ing thcin. ' Another -6int of interest ia (lie f.ict llial while the Democrats will not allow tho Republicans to show dem ocratic 0iauds and bull-dozing in Louis ... " ' l , , .... i I lana, tho sub committee now there has ucen n-nagcu m lauiug icsumony hliowing tiiat liirse charges ol Iraud are uot true. Nothing could,, more clearly show up ju it true, light Democratic honesty and loyo ol lairpiay Jjoveor I fair play considered a a Democratic attribute, is just about the present size ol civil service reform. The one hurts tin M.lniiniir iii.ui nut nltfint as much I us tliuollif'rtlniM iho D.rmoWntic rarlv. I 1 -t t . : i no one can now recollect,, when that parly cveruH'ercTd much bcciiisc of it. j AH l he. indications at the heal-quar-lers of the Republican Xjongrffsional Coiiiuiiit show that tlrere is nl ready a wide spread andgrowiug Interest in the coining ciectioua l here s a great m- iimring for infoTtnatioir; rKiireially ftr acts relating to the sliaui, Economy of J I I he I Kniocrat.1', and tluir attitudes to-J wards ihesotitl cn war claims and the I armv bills.- f " I A-large number of clerts from the I trcasnry and war departments; liave V. . . i ,l!.,.iti..nA,l r. u . n t .1 r nnl. a I ltii-ir serriccs were neeueu out tue Democrats refused to appropriate . I uioney to pay theAu' ' , t '.' Capf. rliillips ol the U. b. Engineer corps has been assigned lo the station at Norfolk, Va. He will take charge of the improvements of the Ncnse river, Cuirittrck soilndorth river bar, Scup- pemong river, and Edeuton harbor ; and also survey the water line from Norfolk harbor lo the Atlantic coast outh of Hattcras. He has the reputa tion, of bcirur an oflicer of .skill aud ex- periertce.'ahd a thorough' gentleman in j )urse with every, one, , , . I sman Foster, t Ohio, hi a j been puncturiug the Democratic fraud of retrenchment, lie snows mat ine i ...n...n.:.liin' iiia.L 1. v (!nrrrM I 1 - . - I ... ClOVinnA ........ nfihiHA of I tho twJrcar iust PisL Nor Uo this the1 deficiency bills, including ttertheexcesa of arproprlations cover tho Utter f. 1ST (1 .'TO wa i)iiu mint K tha R publicans for lS7e-'7r, will amount to more than $25,000,000. Mr. Randall has been claiming that the Democrats have made a reduction of nearly $30,- 000,000. Tb?e' fignrcv I nave quoted when compared with Mr. landau a statement are instructive reading, es- pccUUy when ire consldtr that the Re- n ..t r... tent j-rt puuucaa ruuiwi i i-. " .!- !; mvi OiMt lu Iln arvnmnrtn r.. .1.. Kr. .;. - UvM WmuBj. f Theeiploiu of Glover m an intwU- rator of Republicaa frauds, are a touch- d ; mg coiniaeutery of tha truth r lurna liaea:.:' :""-V.""- .- ' '' The beet laid shent wire end men Can, aft a-f. ley , And Ira'e n nousht but grief and pain For promleed joy." f II most nnwitiiotly connected Gen .: rbM-ikU lm nf tbn havin drawa hU pay, ub.ua ia U army, twice for tho aamo month. It now arrears that Glorer, bimlt Uoar of the aame ki.a of pemoeratic oiv Tha record i iae war um - .t iVrtw iisat whlla he wa colasfl w Mirl ralry in iShe arw hi rJ fvr ua nwum eray w. rexr. It wai very aprrertuta t rJ Li cxrcit. rrc-yw Wilcox vat ct tha vil arJ fuel fur. P cf thtllcute. IK CP; Y ITEMS 1 Fostering his powder dry Politics are exceedingly hot here about. fc : 1 j . . . - v.. ' Foster believes in pistols instead of j,rajn lion, A. A, McKoy was in the city on yesterday. Wilson was the only cool man at Burgaw on toe 2d. The weather has bpen vfrv hot Inr- iDg the present week, ' i 5 ii : CaPk W. M. Black, of Moore bounty is a candidate for the Senate Doctor R.I M. Norment. of Rol,os.,i, courily, is a Candidate for the House of leprcsentatves. .;ri irt Mr.- A. VL- HnmJ km nominate yaaterdayj Burgaw for Sheriff of Pn dcr county, ' JMtMinri if thA hor p.ml niiiu as it. is at present. RtoisTEiu Every man in the Stale should register. You' can't vote unless your name is on the registration - : " , . : Those who. are riot for us are against Us. t Those who don't supnort the re-r- iaJ T;r..f.i'i uinij Avcuuitvau ttvncu. aiG looivnijt lit the downfall of Reoiiblicanism i ii ; Bladen County Republican Conven tion comes off next week. The county is Republican, and it is to be Imped they will nominate a good ticket. i ' Let every Reublicati in New Hauo- Vw-r, Pender, Brunswick an I 'Bladen H1f go to Woi.k and do- their duty ; if 4, -li ., .. 1... .,...... ried. UCJ "III, HIV HlUl'li 111" HI ?r - 11 HOr Dead.-W. P. Caiiiday oilers himw 1. as a target to be shot dead, i f t- ; cannot isell yon a house and lot ctieaper .than ' any other 'man in Wil- m"m"ton. A Excursion was given on the 4th of July by W. P. Canad iy around the city : tb the citizens lo view his splendid lots that' he is selling at ruch - , . - i dut Jow prices. jj. j Brooks one of the bent and truest men in Brunswick county, who is a cai didate for jth5 Ltegislature, h:ts served one or two terms as a Representative, and hs record is spotless, lie should and will be elected by 2M mnjojyty. Our Wrt-dtnjto 'lot tor ; aWty'stir be read' e very j week. It will always be in- teresting. IOur cor respondent takes great paiu to give us the very latest-in formation 1 and his letters are1 always rer interesting, ;Tbeme.sik)us Row at Bun;AW. If IK. hffhl nnlinllftu at lllll-lrutv nn.l . . ,i .. . , ,r . f oster Kins Jieaion, ami rosier m hung, W. Canaday will sell those who are left to tell the tale, a house and lot cheap, and on long lime. Sot'JfD tiie Aearm. Be cenain to a vmi r! Triinrifla noir avlion vtll rti tin to igtr : So if you arc rcfnsed you can proye your residence aud ngnt to register by good and reiiatjie wit- sses. Don i ah to register, . Notwitbstandiog the very large nom ber of excursions on the 4th, there was riot a single accident in or around Y n- mlngton, except in all cases, there are few young men wnogpt acctvicnuj in toxicatea. ' -: j : Vl.nM a . r.. A .....tt.irl mtl.I i ii ucuiiiurausi rote for Mr: Oarrell he geU mad and brags about the amounV or nuto; U b. got. Jlf Mr. GarreU a Lepubh- can, iCb uidi suppvrt ius uvuuiih i v. the party instead of iry.ng to acll the party out Will the editor of the South Atlantic allow a gentleman of this city, to an awer thei pretended bUtory f Hamp ton's Campaign in; fonth,, Carolina? Wa will guarantee that the article j wrote in answer to them; will bo in I 1 i....i- s" 1 CTVJ piiuuiui umi. I i '" mmmmm- i a '" t 2 :i-' k- TJ-ifrli lt.k. JZl . 1 "M"aJw w 'Vi? same name, n your iegwier is won Smith call lor Jo S ith. Whcoyow 0 p to rote, the Deatocratic Regis ter and poll holder may, prevent you from voting. lh following ticket has been norai- I nated tha RrMibtrcaasof Rmaswick Err nPuV.k-ia ao J I orer of n hjnet county gjvernment wiU certainly to the et ri?ht ticket; KTwioX i j'ot cerk Ssiperior Uoori w I p Lta -ft".1; r fheadsiaoUrwkh I wa rally and reflect tX W. I xajbt t heri t, iha best tha eoaaty haa tttr tit. II oet f Tjhr it wkat tha rr ;:ca.I t:a. : cn i '-;:- ''I..--' f- Hettou is No family can feel that ;it Jas per I feet safe guard against lh fffsldlftoa at-1 The alembic of tWvChcmist T " " I. T'TTV uw scie nee ol Ibe Ijlani?t naa.maoe no I . , i Ir . . . I y of greater Yaluetlw, mankind discovery of greater than Dr.-liarter'avElixif f5Ul Cher- the bowels, bring, oael.W to the' hcck of the watted offerer an.r in- rl7TJlZ'T? 1 VI WIO VI WI UIUIKW ' i U "I - m i .il -usfi'a i ! I tamn hornnVirtufit ' Wa tmrn ttnlv hail I . . . ... hree shooting scrapes in tne past eel, wuiewsomeininK w aoo tan -nnwas papers had aa well atopvr nufmli wmaV! N.i tiiirtt rtiniHnar 1 ISZCrnXZZLVA lacs of Jie-unlca, fl ccps ready nert, aud it b thought thit s nest year, TCVjwSrrtS SikS, for any emergency; wn,!tpu the round trip to SmithTille will tost ""V&JJ? utrt4 c"??SS'ib? if It w i till TV, 'i1',, 4 j - r, . i- . LBlted HUt tot Ui Cape l car titrict ot llarter' Liver Pill v la A.bcs v-v- ! ? only 49 cents.- -Vti - Bellamy's Nwih Chqiim aiMt um mtmt of Wuk For sale f.y all druggesli5i;siia 7 :rrr "ir- :".Jr,-f ::Kcrnian. And there wa3 a Picnic at be killed by gunpowder, nerer . to bo tlaill. i 11U u V(IMIUI) UV IV drowned. JIo is either to be hung or he is to be st Bishop. W e rather be- nn7 V,i Al . !.wrSr.rt pose, to be a Liihop and a useful man :en atorial ; Convextion. The j Republicans of the connlies of Bruns- I wick and Bladen will . hold their Sena- Urial Convention at Northwest on. the Knit J of. July to nominate a suitable I .1 -I son person to run lor ovnRior, ' ue uiidcrstiud that Mr. Henry F. Walkei ralker. of Brunswick couuty, will probably be , j That splendid ferry boat is, to bo ad mired by all lovers of beauty and mag nificeuce. ,. V- want VanOrsdell to take a photograph of it.. ...We will o ligato to sell at least fifty. f i The editor of the late defunct Dcot-t- crai ! is, , we understand, canvassing Duplin,. There-is soma persons in this city who would like to intcrviw bim on important business. 1 ' While tho "South Atlantic" is pub lishing political articles, there is a gen tleman who would lit o , to criticise them, li ; ". ;. l.v.r 'No (tuu.Tr Max ; Ewirrv 'fhcsc.arc the dark (lays'of KcpubHcan- tn. I-et thoso who stand firm by tlie It-publican principles and fight fur the ... ... ...... ardlcss of c.olor,' be rciueaibercd in tho uiiirr and .yc jjcwardcd accord- giv. I v Bufci the-, mark of coudym- ualioii should be placed, on those il.uniing to bo Republican?, who i . uudcrtitko tw aisl the, Democrats . in lefcating the Republican candidates! duriiK th'vct oming election, and in tlie future n Ia n they ask. office at the hands of those they arc now trying to scll,aay to them, 'g't beh'mj me Satan" for we tmw JO'l i. t. . i . . Positive Rf. it'i.ry.-rThrre are num erous remedies iliatcurcsoiuvLiincs and limmn irtiRtrtl .i iispful. but tmitfl have , , v ever proven b meeiai cureu so manj and such 'rerqarkabtejCavrs- r. jVrs medicines.- The Cherryj Pectoral haa restored -axeit nimirwivj v4 1 laxsvtei MrK- war Arm ltav I Va IP,HIIv.iq V a -fitvutw aevr nviv av ic vedjo be hopelessly a fleeted with coastMBption Ague uure iKeaKS up vuiu nu i-rrr 13 quiCKiy anusureiy. ' yet's Cbmund Eursct of Sarsap- rill.t eradicates scrofula and impurities of the blood. cUa,m the syten and rroa it to vi-armi hesltb. Br U time rly U50 many troubnte disord- Lhat cAc a 'decline of health are er th expelled or enred. " Ayer a Iiiia ana tnvir ncu are too well known everywhere to reouir any conintcndaliou from us lurc.-Ar.M4 (IV) Ii', : ' I&l ....... t.. .v,u..ir The Comet Fire Company ol Charles - 4 niiju hmm ardsoa aml the Cape pany, wua escort! rine it one on Ann . K. J.k Id. jt. w m - v . number of coJored ciUacaa went to Smithviile or.Jtho steamer W't dowa accar ruaw, where they bad a rery plcasaatl ' iilH..VkrjMi rurlliBniir and thw CooatOMatmar a4 a iriii nn-an rit (ihi si.ua am i-i a an inn i t lai by Mr. P. Heinsberjrer (tho Ura Book Moreinaaj. i u - iheretap. r - - - , bJy behaved thai lry wrrt a j lea 11 a4 f. the nom.uce. Wr. Walker is a young ( ( - , fc & - a m,of lUc 4lh rof sild bankrr 1 ftoeM.nU: mail of extraordmary good character, -,i 0 , . ., , . and chooae one or more Assignee of his a. p? 'isat Woeloek- a. CvSi?Z. Heis one.oribe most popular young s Benefactor mailed for New mWL n ill be heWh at a; tonrtoflinnkraptev CtlleT aTu."oVwn5. A.athrleSil; men in the county, and if he is nomi- York yesterday, having on biard Mr. l caTSlM o?clock A. jRt Faycwevllit KegUterin Bankruptcy of aatd JfT nalctl he will ccrtainry be elected. And Perry M.Rice and wife of Flemitigton, &.!J5,,a',lS?&E,? HHter juneao-Sw USManhidlbvsaUlUstrtct the District could got no better repreen- . . , .... ,-in,i lh Mllm'm.r ;,, ln "aukruPtcy said district. i . , tativc, or one who would be nioVc faiths tw.U nd the aummer , er- V.a,HtJ&l&cLl TlliVS fulin thedischanroof his dutr. mont. It was blazing, hot yesler- Jnly.7. 1S78. . . - f1. i A&$Wgttitr ton, is. v., nouec tan wi uw vf. Carolina aeiat tbe estate of Job a . m tne eonaty e aop- Williaw-s arrire.1 in thw city on the K.vviim. riltZiiSSjtwS'! eTeninsofJdlySdaccomricdbyUa JS'Urfl,' .Jf. Ibmeti37.y dnirtnTnaileyV Lincoln lht laa-try, lpUAoang. SS&fSL uSenanTSy d2SJ LmiaS "JH?Z: COtnmaadios. atsa of CaarleUMk They aad the detieory of any property iNriontn fJJ-?! K?l!Ji.Tlti wemettb depot by CrU lUcb- YlTLt g 5 ZZUZZJ'XkrZSS Uotooel Waba aad iaauuurr I "rrv- ZTZZZl I rm w mi trirCn t l IX tStmiC AXO tLii ciSy were oat oa tie ola aal - t m 1 1 r-T eMsa4 wtas tv tr.i u mmr J cortcd tha C&arltoa saUUry arosnd. tw aaeery e any prereny m f T .t!rAJ!r f T1 r" T ttm c t - OathaCUi tia victors k: bavin- rtyia tVrretal Clall JL5D UiiJ, fefess SrS&Ba s c auT It vas a crarAt restirlc by Trr- rV!Zbe t-. ; m y j y.V ie - !r .y bat erer twa tser alaca, tiawar. Iur4aa rry r-.'-. . I - 1 tl. C?rrT 1KIEF3. The Fassport kas made a new era ia the excursion bnsi- S..t:? Mile fellow Mi but dkl not hart him. . . ... . I -rr 1 iMSllcss beat the hitherto I w tnoMfer of ay property by him, ar .iu. .ti .JforbWdea by Uw thTt meetlac ofthe uvwuvuivww uib urs. ii 11 i WigUterIlloithe 4th .ndaixentha -The I j, T Z ' , . . Op wet Star Company of Charleston was nrV t v iT u uacuiae nnu i astream l I! . tl. . .1 . l" m" Tu' w voar L fiom.n a I ... . t " o : a a of Fythiaa Instalte-I lbeir!new officer. ij, week' when AV' If 'terken T rG I tJJ.HAf,n w ,!iert.e 1 Jf 1 . ..1 . " ? , Jur:I,row, mMe fPeecnes.m . 1 ...... I Wilmington Waccamaw, the Gov. Worth, the Under- aml lhe passi1ort mder excur- flioD8 Mow on lh 4th-carrying mora . ' , . 4i iuau t vw propie, tsaac x icseti i was declared insane by Justices Hall and Wagner. Thomas H, Sutton, Esq J of Fayetteville was , in fown last week. A colored excursion of seven car loads, gotten up by ex-Sena . ' c ..... I wr tr. it. wwrr, wcuvuj iu vtoiuauorw i the other dav. The CaneFear Ar- t i day aud everybody melted NE Wji 1) VKR TISEMENTS ONE OF. IF NOT TM2 L A iUfBSf 61'OCKS OF WHOLESALE G ROCERI ES OFFERED . FOR iSALE IN THE i'i.i. of North t'aroliia, :--'.! -.f b':'r,-; x . - CAN, BE F'JUND AT ' ' AD1UA & YOLIjKKS. ! oouiuvaM tjoruer 1ock ami ;jr root l oireeu", Wilmington, ss. u. i . . 8oyJnlcr3 hnd Purchasers solicited. joly7 tf rtmVi i la to five notice that on the 17th day X efjone, lK78,n warrant lo bankruptcy was Issned out of tbe- District Oonrt of tbe United Klate for tbe Cane Fear District of Aojtti Carolina against tne estate or Manger Ijondon, of Wilmington, In the coaaty of now HanoTer,- in aatd DUtrict. who nas been adjudged bankrupt upon his own pe- lltlon. That tlie nay mentor any debts, and tbe delivery or any property belonging to said bankrupt, to hUn. or for his UM,nd the transfer of any hi TAw0! .nun, 7 V .S. l n meeting of the IL.IZ I,T.,iie'r, lomidden I creditors I debts, and choose one or more assignees of j nn estate, win oe neidat a court or bank m.Im. . n tu.U.. ...A ...w Af n I w A. !.. 187H, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the United Stales District Court I loom Wllnitnrton.M. C, before Wm. A. Untbrie, Est., Kestsler j lu Baskmptcy of saidDuuicU I " t t - i W &t t -a.a rna.n.a. I, t. Marsbai for said District. jnly 7,ls78. u 4- riims is to give notice that on tbe 17th day . r inna lMTV at rs n s n in um mmI i vm mmu out 01 ib jutviricw coar. 01 tm I iT-iti ua.e. as.. . a.". ru.tda I N.M-th Cerollna against tne estate of Solo- Z.ThZ?VXuVZl I ho b tra a.Uodcl bankrupt npo his Sebtad I the 1 r:;m0 1' Z"ZJZJ?JIZ any property by SefS Id'bantoT'e trri of Kankrnptcy, to be bolden on tbe Slat day j or July. a. u. ir!V n w o tinct A. ai at ine i raited tMatca iMsinct cenrt Kwhu in n- ? u.WT ,T "n JdTl I uicu t . . j;."'". K'JalyT.lW. - ; R-j I vrMI If iee that on tbeSKh day i M lain 1ST. a warrant to bokmsry 1 was tswed ant of tbe intrt-t Court o tbe Matea Dttrvrt Conrt Koean ta WUsnloetno, tinlbkrniesnditrfet. I . . - 7 i.itiri , . , I ' w. tfen - - - - - I --,rfaSf.L5t;I srwr-VaVateciirte; l niLar wuhml ia uw esssttsf jw t it ru itt.i YKxt Rutins Cobb- 1 ViZ-ZT' Z:r?, 7LZ I bankrntx.n l h.n. in ibutt . n iHMiian MUld niuniMM myiv. l?itf.ir l ' r ff nv2? ivtlaar SltaI t a fr I ..q- na. nl I dnam B aaa 1 mM tfe I a. ken I ''VOdl aW 4tt . I . VT.-r 17 ..-l-. 1. - V.r I Wm. A. tratan lAairai A. msk a- ana, arw we m a sw r SB I net an n NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS S&Sat&Sass&S of any property oeKmainf w taa ttiKnitl. to mm. or for bli n. an 4 creditor or said bankrupt, to prove Uicslr Bi rnptcy, to be bolden on the Un day of An' teust, A. D. 1S78. at 10 o'clock, A. at Fay. I fetteTiiie, n. Wibra Wm. a. uothHe, Ml . .... - ' J. R mi.i I it l u.ni,.i Av ..4.1 lii.TTC 11 jBly7.187a, wn n ene ivi " w n mm f j rimwi.in.w.lM .h.. i.. I wna leaned out or tne IMstnrt Coart or the I rthCaroUnnt iiiiieu niainn ur ana a na an a iibipim jr ii4..i . . . n ..... r i SniS i ii Sttil h n (Lf I SfiS'.iS il iSlffe -L ,?J? S""" or for ht, use. and the r-' creditor. 'of riaid bkrnPttoprove tbTir 1 llahU mwt nm I bU estate will be beld at n Conrt of Bank. d ll- atdTolo'rik5tA. xlFAT eueviiie n. C befor Wm. Al outhrie, " -r;- j7r uui. 5 ; t tf..MarahaI Ibr aatd dlitriet: . ju1tJJ .ists. . . riiHIS U to rive notice that on the let day A of JulylSs, n warrant in bankrop.c .tr the FearJTof SiSi I ww H uv v waeanwaaa wi WMUW V KampRon. In aald District, who haa been ad. v -- l v i 'v fmm.i fudged bankrupt upon bis own petition. inm tno payment or any aeDia, ana tne I KTC iu"8'"8 I ; -v. u.., . -.t uuiuv him. or for hi um. and tha transfer of any prbpert by him, are for-I I rilHIS Is ta give notice that on the nth of B I L June 1878. a warrant In Bankruotev waa ibsuou ous oi tne xuauict court or tne Unt- ieaiata ior tne unncr ear uietricc or North Carolina against the tbe estate of lbert Utrlckland, J un., of Clinton, in the county . . m . . . ..... . . . . . " ui 3aniua m aam V1(T1CS woo naa oeen adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition That tbe pA: JnronLJ Slmoror hfi ...l f.- Tr.5.lA delivery of ai .HA.nkr.int Ia r-.rV" " t T Z " ,.1rT r.J " fJ T orS or'saTd'-lnkrr and chose one or more assignees of bis es . . ... - - ----- - . - . . . . - tate win do item at n uonrt or uank rimt-r to be boldenlon tbe 7th day of August A. f. l.n, ai ivo ciorn a. m., at raretteviue, N. in tu.rup;cjr ui said iunxict. J. K. J1IL.U, U. 8, Marshal of said liUlct. July 7, IWK , . . . - fiMiis is to give notice that on the 1st of JL July 1878. a warrant In baokrnply was issued out of the District Com t of the Uni ted States for tbe Cape rear District of Nortb Carolina arainst the estate of KUnon Hale, r 'i... uTw .v. - Z r, .X.-7 T in said district, who haa neon afimdral bankrupt upon his own peUUon. That tbe payment of any debts, and tbe deliver of any properly Dy mm, are forbidden by Uw. That a meeUng of creditors of aald bank- rupt, to prove their debts, and chouse one or more assignees ef his estate will be held at ?r- .r Ikruptey, to be bolden on Wm. A. Guthrie. Kwi lletistcr in Unk- ruptcy ol said district. ' J. Ik HILL, tT. R. Marsbal of miui lrtiru-i July 7th, 1878. ;A--r.; L;,-; ., v.. ... I riiHis Is to five notice thai on the Slth of I 1 Jane 1978. n warrant In bankruptcy was issued out or the Ultrlct Court of the uni- ted H tales for tbe Cap r'ear inslrtet of zorinroiinaairaint tne estate of wtlev A. Atklnsoe of Little Sugar Ixnif. In tha county of Bladen, in said district, who baa been adjodent lankrupt upon hi. own petition; tfaatUie payment et any debts and tbe delivery of any property beloneinv ta Bald bankrupt: tO hint or ior hit tun n.l i lh,i,rn,?r , y Troperty by him. are I fobldden by law. That a meeting ol the .iton ?r"ia naaknipt, to prove tbetr :7.7 "D f1" w more assignees vmnauM,vmiw avid at a court oi Mot rnptcy. to be holden on tbe 7Ui day ot An. kiw a. ia.ii. at iw o raocsr. a. m ai ray. etteville, . V before William A. Uutbrte. rjn-. Kegisters la Banarnpu-y of aatd iHa- t. . Martbnl of said District. une t,i . ;. - ' ' 'V U Ik p Its not lee that on tbe 17th day of June iTli, a warrant In bankrartey was iwum wnt J tow msuict uonrt ot tne United mates for tne Cane t sar btstrtctof North Carolina against the otate of Wnu liaugbtry. Jr. of JSewton Urove. In tbe county oi Hannsoo. In said DIkLtIci who ha pctmoa. Tbattbe parmmt of any dents. I i ii k .uC 1 .u4 I m . . ... .. w . . "'."foL. I fbrblddrn by law. Tbas a taeeUnr of Lba I ."r0 any property ny sum. am llM Innifpr m . i I w Kw Vim . daebo? S iXltLS.J tnear of bank- I ruptoy, to be holden on loeetn day of Aog A. D. Ists. at l o'alock a. na at Pajretiytl4. N. C before Wm. A. Oelbrie. Xa- Uegister wBsnvKT oi aam snstnci. ... .. Tl.KHUU V. fl. Marsbai for said llatricl. joly?lC2W , t., -. . . . rrvtis ta to ai noticd that on tbe Sth day JL Of JanejL.-wS. av warrant tn faeaarep was tsened out of Me IHstrtrt Cewrt of t. tlnlted Mtatea for UM Cape rnr IbsLrtetad ona cam ana nsainst tne etnte or jonn pewre Utetr debta. a4 rimet sneewnMlrneeenf bu ataa, wilt fee bankmstrr. te be bendm Anns. A. It. K. at M rnyeunrtlin. St. C km . m lJer te Wait- I "rT ilTV. .117 tiUSt 1 Jiy srw 1 Mlllt t. - - - ...... . .. . ill tutraM. iv- ttwiut u mi- cSSy IT tT rited teTS maw m.jmm mi. s tvs awfeiri wa ia.n taweuasi tSZ&VZZt$r& VTZtt I ""iT! t-"- r!1- tO a at fceean. Jim taaauna.-iin Aru,i.. . tif Jr 1 y& ! . new ad rmusEiiEms: mbu U to give nolle that avamat la J. bankraptcy bu )ait ben tMmwt ot of the IMstrlct OoortoT the Un Rett btatettor the Cape Fear Utctrtetsf North Oaro1'- airainattneeataU of John IL Allen of U Btinston, in ue eonnty of Kew Uanover In aaia Uistrict. who haa been ntt- HfisSS Mruuoa. i inane- livery e Bankrni or any property betonalBt to anid ipt, to him or tor bis nee, and the rofnny nronertTbv him. ara itwfeki. trans ter den bylaw. That n meeting of the creditors Of said! bankrupt, to prove Utetr deota, and cowwost or mora nmrneeeor mi eatate. will be held n Court of Bnnkratey fob bolden at KayetteviUe, M iX, beltore Va. A. Hiut'on ii. mj, aLTS aL T nTri It iuJf aT A"M . jt-.w u oniiiiwniMnn mnis is to qivb Konne that a A warrant ia Bankruptcy baa been Mi.. iT ..t. unu. i leaned njaiuuafl iaav vbimd un w uiiiun nm n wvaa a . . . ... a 7111 who hM bn dwI' Bnnkrnpi P w peuUon; that the naymeni - TSTThtS."?'! " TT T -7 IT- etteville, K. CL, before Willim A. Unthife, Keo. Ketrlster la llankrnptar of mid LHatrtct. on Uietiib day of August, A, l 1S7H, at 10 . . J. IS. ItUOj, June 9-2ir V 8 Harthal tor aabt Dtotriei , qihU is to jive notice that a warrant ta X bankmptey baa been leaned out of the fVpe KWrtrTct ol N orCaroU na TeaT.t uutrlct Court of tne v nlted BUtes ror the ljSTZSZS fESZt who ha been adjudged a bankrnpt.nnon hie tecoant: ihaabeei peUon: own and the delivery of anr property beJonama and the transfer of any property bybl are forbidden bylaw, v That nmeeUng of t iMilBt of the ereaiura or sale cnaivor o aaia oanarupt, 10 prove wetr vape rear tnstnci or kotui uaroilna, agalnnt tbe estate of Job n O. jleEaebln. of Kea Banka, In the county of Kobeaen. in aald AMatilct. who baa been ndindged a bankrupt upouhla own petition: that tbe payment of any debt, aad tbe delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him or for his use, aad tbe transfer of ' any property by him, are forbidden by ThalVmcUng of t heUecredTCoreVf Mjd bankrupt, to prove their debts, and I choowoneor more aaalgneee of his eetate. . cnooae one or more aaaier I will be held at a Oonrt of Baakrnpter. V d! tn.U, da, of Aug. X.K Ura. hivo ciock. a. wiii mm w m. a. imimil Ka. Kectgler in Bankruptcy ol said iMatries at ms omee in ayettevue. n, u. J. U. HILL. I .. m U 8 Marshal for said district 111IS l to rive notice that a warrant la . bankruptcy has been Ueaed oat ot tbe DUU let Court of tbe United 8tatcs for the Cape fear District ot Worth Carolina against the estate ol Noel Jones, of lUack man's Mills, In the coaaty of Samp sea. la said district, who baa been adjadrod a P P .?wa "u'.V"" I navment of in debts, and tha ilt.lt mb m I an preDertT belonelDK- to said bmnkraDt. t to him or lor his ateand the transfer of I hit nrnnnrtvlit him. ara rnrhMito i ! , "o or More aealeaecs of his estate, will be held at a coart of bankruptcy, te be bolden on tbe 10th day of August, A. D. 1ST, at lo o'clock A. at tbe U at ted StateaDta before Wa. A. Oathrie. Kso.. Reaister la bankraotey of aald district. J. B. U1U jaqe 30 aw u b Marsbai lor said Diatrtct RUNNING & TEEL, DEILEKS 1H - FOREK1N AND DOMESTIC I H. ART-) AA A M. . I I A OttCUI.TTJttAL tMPLKMEKTS. IltOH. I f mmI. niil aim huim u.mmI.iij. I lam HaniM Tin. l-lt.ln. Iln...!.. I tnga. trpenter-s Toots, BiacksnuttTa Krl. lows. Vires. Anvils, Wagoni aad Cart Wheels. lUmt Mpok rOlalileaV I tow ware, ttope. Twine, Kaives y low Ware, Hope, Twine. Reives Kerbs. Hpnona, ltrushe.risb Lines. Uaokajtlnkera, Outton Seine Twine, rtaa tHtUnc Twine. Ovens. Fry 1'nns, ' We luriie especial attention to oer targe an t estenslye aamrtment of 1 RON. assorted expreuly for Bmtins and Ksrsiiri' awe, alt ot wntcb,aad ranch more, we oOer at low. est pilces, at Ue Wow EaiavbUaJawd llaxdware Homaw f ' No, 9 nax-knt fit. WtlaalauctsMV V, O. marc h & 2 S3 5 aw 5 ca h t li 9 st 0 2 n 12 citriyaTt, g i? 15 S-4 " n furs rit4 r.tjK5r for Vcdteluat Ut. X. GREEN WALD. a. a - t . m