Ml 1 J. i 1 --i-!'r $ yi.t! oh-inn r 1 II '' . ' ' x-iljia i n a arrrf no? volume ix:, ::jjy0m06js;mm OTolKllPrl I : J f ' :'.. 'ft,Js:M.1,t,v-iV- lll 1 k-s r?Jk."',i-i' . & In H AT 1 vsNA o il III II I I I I Jk. ':.f' f'' '.,11 I 1 ""I .: 'I -.H' t M,,.lft j : ' - '' II I! I' !-ftfr;i rr ' ' ''.' .-.7 -.7 i . . . i OS?alli?r I . ' .. - ' . : IJ ..V.-o.ft. -r.l .J.- rr rtrti f.T.e .rT . . - i . .J. RE'jULAJI republican ticket OF NEW'H AH OVER BOUNTY. V'3 Fl ' KliEUl FK, cTKl'IlEN H.MANN ING. FOR CLI2KK SUPEKiOIt COUKT, s S TACKY VavAMRLNGK. , Fl Il II KtSlSTEK OF DEEIH, JOSEPH E. SSAME'SON, FOlTliKA'SURER, ELIJAH HEWLETT. ' . FOR CORONER. i 'EDWARD I). HEWLETT. , .' FOR SURVEYOR. JOHN KENT IillO WN. s . LEOILATURE. rH HOUSE OK RErRF.SENTATIVES, DR. HENRY E. UOTf, WILLIAM H, WADDELL. FOR THE KENATF', JAMRS WILSON. REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET OF PENDER COUNTY, 4B FOR BHtKlFF, A. V. HOURELL. roil .clerk KurEjiion court, R. M. CROOM. . " " '' ' ' FOR RF.OIsr.ER OF DEE1W, ' I. H; njJOWN. FR t'OKONER A. E. TAYLOR. FOR SCRVEYOR, j- -."'-. c;M. TAYLOR: FIXilSFATURK. . ! VOU HofSE'oF REFRESF.l TAT IV ES, W; E. . COWAN. RkGULnR REPUBLICAN TICKET OF BRUOTICUOUllTY. . For sMEKtriy KDWARH W. TAYLOR. 'FOR rt.ERK SUFERIOU CH'RT. SAMUEL T. LEVIN. "FOR IK1UTF.R OF DEF.IS, HANS AN K. ROURK. fori'kasuker, : DANIEL R. WALKER. ! LF.t 1 IS L ATU RE. -"T FOR IIOt'fiE OF REpBESEKtAllVKS,' JOHN II. RROOKS. irllOM 'wABIIINUTOnV A Dearth of News. Some of the F.FKEcrsoF CosciWATioN IN Mary- ,,vir.,w,T Works is 1ULTI- MonE.-NorE3 About Life avisu OJt tub NORTH uarq1-WA toAsr. t . tr PrcnMPTinw J . I M'El-IE 1 IVMENTr. WE Ot,li i '... i OF OUR DaPDIES" SoMETurso OF Fraud. Persona u . IHrtctM OorrePOiiUent to the rost.'J ' Wasiiikoton, July 1Kb, 1373. Tk t. M,it,. Un without I iuc hki juBi 9ym iocident'of sensational chaacler. Even the rotter committee toos a wt, i The people aon't want menu ii u ea BUdett county Republican convea to a Republican, and one who thinks Umtcd that by January 1st, nearly I Uon WMheld:at Elisabethtovn on Frl- tbt Republicanism means more tuau lay v:ttries nu -,-,..- --i week that has pono has not been with- out ils lessons. One of the first cities in the unioti to ... . .. lZ.- f Ilia! ' respond to the southern policy of the Presideut was Baltimore. Day aAer dy dclegaUous of her lead5ng citiacna besieged the White House. The re- formers and the civil service men were both numerous and loud. "Our city I now presents oor opportunity, d dajs, . This lime he came, principally, A meeting or tne lwepuoucan mk then "Only place in our Itanda the..pll bustnew r - - , f J I ConmiUee of th UU hKl 1 . i. . r .. .i AfiK litaf will b harmonlt.1 and ereat numbem ftf tai- Mt Aiui I v aawitaI vQVIl V ArCWIW 1 ea eaiaa - I tome forward and sustain you." - These I refurmer not only wanted the federal k..Mt iKa. Thin aei tood around awaitins the ripening of Ike first fruiu of thU first and most ii-i r. : iKa .rtlen They are beciuuin- to come In. In WWII mm uri rbuj hvm ' UiUaudaent Tbe Blair resolutions IT. an. I rMl whh resulted IWwn ?W.l!?a lld fiW skirts were clewn. Io the ecood' place the J sillnflttf flrf p twe? al miust ration j -twc f P ltflT al mi ust ration I charmingly. Every Democrat ttef QUoutLhe co'uq- f rftctly Hitisned witb ifj.V'jt" worked charmingly. try is worked tho other way. " There ''would 'fceleite 'cVcV vote' 'cast 'iW'k'- longer a Kejidblicaa party In tii state, and in lialiimore the llepublicans decided not to nominate a municipal tickct.. Iu a fair.To.te and Count the 1 tould easily cafry'tiio city.: Buti'ie 'UemiMtrats do the counting- It jnakes admerence in results, as vou verv well I Know irom experience frj the oM Worth 1 sfer- ly reformer, aqdre'-tbat Mr.ffliomas ha grossly violated the .'President's civiUervictf orjerifli participating. ac- Cively irt iKIrticH, impeclally in the late primary flection, arid iliat said eleciibn I was for the KeiubUcaa--uarty. run en- . .' . ' . -.'. .i'-'-J'j iireiy uy in m ana some ntty employees I df Hie cilAnKo'nse.T' rVu6fe con- Sider that the ltepublioan nartvJ as that I f I party in Maryland is dead, the thought I will arise that perhaps the charges were made irt a fatirical epirit. -.But they were not.,, Not only are they in sober P'iriuiul llllf ilia 'ProawlAnl t n n m,fA theiii to the Treasury Department with lnsirnciions io investigate litem, it h wo mi weather, and Websters dictionary U limited. JYou must do' your; own tal Li iig w hv u consider! ng ad m in 1st ra tion successes like those just named. Tin; Life Saving Service will at once proceed to )l;ice the additional stations provfded for on the coast of North. Car- omul, fj very enors win uem&ueu) im prove the service there, which may: now be considered a permanent onei As much of llijs as is possible will be done beforq the autumn "storms set in.! Anf officer of the RevefauV' Marine bas in- vented an ! appacatu's by which every- thingniied by the crews- of the hfe aav- iug stations in receiving tehip-wrecked j persons. carV be quickly carried fronrthe stauons iaxne pom wnere ina wreca, l .... . . I., i occur, it pas the general appearance of alookaod ladder track-, and will be drawn by horseIt is stated that : :ft i '. a 1 1 a Tkr at- I 11 Will lC T'laUUvwI'V urU U II1C ii vitu I Carolina coat.'n - 1 ; , f Ttu-i-e 'is' nyV apcaeOt'at 'coin balance of rjJIOy;ihtbe Treasury. Long ago, wncrr ppoaain oi me resumption of .i.ecipaymeuVjv-llorace. Greeley Avrotei "Tbe. way to; rcsufite- is to re- j sume." '-Secretary .Sbxrman,- with th'is j n in reserve, is now ot the same opinjoD. lie i m new lorr, i !.. . -a' litf lii rnrrtrtvl ir hrin imntri ! Trerer Gilfillan, anH Che consultation over thebest plain to effect comprei o and 'pcruuuigui resumption, J I, 5 ...i liLK- .... I.irmnt Iah I XV 1 '7 1VJ "1 iv v . ...... g- -mm. ii i. . ..i.... ..... i iH ....k,nA.i .win uw "'Ul( w.,uw- iiou wiiu poiuu ui uiu u.iuin Maun.-) ui i .... -.1 .. .1... I l: 1 r I Lli 1'iuiutrv coin iavmenU. and redemn- I V, "i .'' :n I llou oi icjrai icnuer noivn iii cuiu, win i ....i. ilv a.ul irrajua'lv be . introduced. TUU ,,lali .AriJifa ft commit hij one to - : . I ... Rvm .,li. v ,1 UvM the Secretary fro tu uso everv: means that rromises I to be of advantage, will also have the rf - ., additional mcntol letting greenoacair, i and other enthusiasts make as many nue .1 ' . .. , theories and as tuuett loua taiK as tney whiW ine real wors is noise ess- ll "2 " . , ljup,'i4ntl.Vith- tWaJgrc reserve of coja t his command, Ihe secretary oil Jhl rt-usirv cjiu Jualt lafi in cuecUDJF I. . :: l unniin r&u 11 mm if w ii ii liiiu huuic - --7 . V .... ... -. ei-Atr'thrco cents, . Uvcr w nri-r ft? nno . l w uv v u yviuvv, u j . w-,-'- , OOO are Jy ig idle in the Treasury ? aulta. f )twtW. the; newt coin' wm oe naCkeu awj m iu- un-uij ,,u"-wl UhegrtjcuieN V. i .1! Once the howl was for eilver.. We DaT(B -iiTer, as all can Now the . ' . tt. howl is for jreenlwclU. AYoutdajt Ithey howl it they hd gwoliwaiTy- '-- ol. 'Ike! YoQnc, tha popular and efficient Cvtlector of Internal Revenue cr xt Western North Carolina Collec- it.4; nuiriet. haa been la town for some - .kA.ataA In A a i.r the rrorraniaation of 1 the - aa-aii mk t WkUtfT 5u)rlior MfQIJ V" Il -. wr- ' - - - jipiiog-, Va. Oongreasman Scale can endure fatigue there, and not pine i.... 1 ; .... .hnta-iubU tlUBU While ue army W H 'Mf , tWM U mKh2 SfS 6o I . 1' iJat- aanttatiiaa and on u iha fai wesa itl curi - ous how th aaro era 1 - .. - . . ; . ''TMKa I A . l)or la. L1 W Itw ouite.,- L.iiy,' l)emoctat8 have prefer- and UDQinchinsly by the principles of red cliargcs against Collector Thonas TJnionini',jand duriug; riw 'wbolecaTct r" of IlaUirriofe.l Charges' 'ird made "W a 'public.' man lie has done duty I cteatuiuuuer wmcu ,ne wins iav i-u- swvn, v v - --- A I .1.. t ; h . I on the 3th. The Governor is lookins AtthVpresentpriofailwr the ne ol Wr "ot- .ii-.l,Jl 1 worth noma where near withstanding ne was counteu out, or CAPTj JNO. A. McOONAtO. Of the three candidates for the ate id tnc Kaleiga senatorial district oalj one' is a republicarjfc and iie i W well kuowr all over KorllrCafoHria that lf,ther Btataat large had to vot lie ale in the Baleigh senatorial districi Uhlott .'ma ft; : Col. McDonald' joined iLe' .Union liepublican 'party in '$806, arjil was elected to the ' constitutional cou- Tention inllSGS. from Chatham iWntr. f and the same yeaf to the LecislatureLT- and from that day to the present tfuVe ao has been one of th fpw nin n xtortii Uar0llna who has stood squarely estly and. jbravely. ' No one can sAy nght against his character- as a gcu- tjeman. Bow, Col.', McDonald comes on in the county of Wake for senator ral bonofs. And erery true Union- I man in t hat diMrict.aad Tcry man whrr :. i . . . aesires nncst govcrnmcni, ana n honest true man to represent ificm will cast his wtei for honest John A. - ' 1 "i - 'McDonald, the working man's candi- date. ' I CITY JTEMS. ' Don't fail to register. ttpgisterjat once. ' . , ... - . I . i-,-' Registerias soon as you can. .' Registerjor. you can't vote. ; Rcgisterior you are disfranchiied. . :- I i : , ' ; . -' .. Every man should register. The .friends ot Dr. Norment, in Robt son county! are sanguine of his election to -the legislature. r , We call attention to the ad of the Wilmingtdn and bea SiJe Rii Company.! They want four young for conductors. I r oad uieu r We understand that Mr. John , C, docker "kud '- Lutterloh, are la dependentlcandidates for the legislature m vmoeriana county. r . , : : - ; , wB advise all true reiuibHcans to vote for ttte regular nominee of the prty They will be found at ihe head of Ul column of on our local p tjv. i." s : If VfllI iWont In ihn i-.irlv that gave you your freedont auU' 'that has protected you ever since, vole the fticfet "V1 . 0'J Jwh. , Judge Thomas Settle, one' of Nort'i Carolina'si1 honorable sons, who now ie stdea in Florida, is expected in Golds-- boro, N. C., jLo spend the sum mmcr. Wo wish him jajiappy aou plea?? ant one. . ' ' J I - 1 1 ' I'. If m I Ill rro 1 1 muiio n riiitmn.r li.'ZZV i "XrtZv . fl fofoiQ be1, got to the dividing L-nce between the Republican and Democratic PSrtlCS SBOUteil OUt, 1 Want IO UC Wiko in eomin i- o -- t - juwn liepublican i ' - " Nu finiilv can fttl that it li.ia a I'f r- . . r . , Bafe Surd g.nrt the msid.otis at tcks disease unless it keeps ready I . i.. . e t- ior any emergrney, a ni Hrter'a tiver Tills , HI . ror saip py auuruggest c . Alex. AlcCabe. of Ed -ccombe I jUnics that there is any bolt in 0jj ijgecombe. We are glad to hear iu fof lhJ county. heretofore, has tuod firm to die Republican cause and we it shoul . bc put duwn whereTWj they are found. n1 v . A Smith. Iientnant Gov v - - - detrauded of bw eIectionty the Uem- t ocratic bulldorcrs. 1" cmitu wone i . of the best men m Kortn larouna. , lh(,!12tn insi.nt. and nominated a i:rvt irith the rxcepuon of sheriu; 1 ik,. Tarl nroperir endorsed Mr. I rtl4tl ' ii,. iBfi,,Bd.iitc-iiMlidAt. who J . -.n . f aheriff for the I . .... pMl four JjpL, Te 1 ur yeara Tery acceptably to the people, lie will be elected by a r l.ra maioritv. For the balance 1 tfcket aee the proceeiiofs pub- j sBQther column, I . , I a, r I at TJ15S nn TuesdAT the Pth inUaL I Coti Thonaaa TX Keoh. the CI IheChairwaB, I nikltRr. ami after a oiwnUtton w but ten 1 miaotea : thty decideO. not t t K I ma a rpnUkan UcketA the I UOUrt. AOtS artlQlt, lin wk,, .nJc W t -rai; la tnai, tho ""wf ff ir Xl Jl I out lpblieaji ticket., b the party U raaitted nhe do -OthlUSPOli- tJ - , p-u., i ,,il .1 iu I bovaai oar aa I . . ' iT.-ii n I : :.. 1-I-:K i 'i hin.itid i 00. i rs IS 0 MorC 1 fKUlflft J0IolU&Ufrtfff; l e.'-rr - M milowinjr Law passed by vna Gcbcral. owins' paw passea; Dy wa ucwraij T-HlXji" fcxl SWlF.x'fr SJ . J - i I'm- m V h V M - " - i Ai lecUonS. SiCU0ll 4. or any day Tibcilierefe,s?iri i iueut to itiiuenphe'el shall aiw?foelhaniaici zitw ,U"Cxee.i. t.Af i ajJitrpersput piwlcUtA WcmbeFiplyenefaAse bJ;himseV'07a&5 ontiditeetly gTvefOi1 cause 16 begtfen, any moneYiwoTiertTJTeward orTuttrt I wjjatf ve&jig2igijr ojj.cauaetQ egten, I uj iiimscii pr apoiner aJUJtreasor in- tertainment .of meafr or dnnV, at any publfc meeting ingoT Election fftfepe)- ui i . ' '.- . ' I M ' - ' r, - nnr J.' i rtl t-i i! t 11451 V HnpWgton.ex pflstn I ed to foreign ; ports, i fart theniopth. j ef June ' 0,8iK cask of spirits 'turpenV I tine and , 8,295 barrcrs" of rosW brog more thai ' NW Yort'' CharU'ston or 1 f-.iT--ir-zz-'s-: r.". "'"i avauuah;oXiK)rted-r-rTrnlt was Urriti bly hl here ' last weefe an well as irt the country lSj1??. V,., rJaum-crcptSf tepijjefl ' Ihat ol ew pie, to-anyiilfor.Biaerto tf umbus were .joining the. aebefoAl nilluence ,hiift in bis ' election; ;sui?b ,nfw. KaJjioual f greenback partr, was Heruter la Baakraptcr o aald aletlolB, there-mys be AU entity mr'rcjnrapih nmltA .:! . nnliii.l I uon, ana in inw reun lite most COUn- ftllifi Wlli havn kaiIimi t,r Iil9irir.in4 the rMeamshipjAnchorla.ArtAaeaHrHpnfc S iKit 'tn .i. . .. .. . . i a . tnnnnlJilit I .sU,ol, and w.ulp;,, i iissport 45)a4 Theeu tonnapper,liauk3 sbing.o - t"A creat taanr reorle 1 Aro'leavi'n the for' thti mountains . , til ' ,i MS : r i, : ' --ft ,-' or lue ,njirwiJj(s(u,wmerin. ffrry Glcavehw, ciarga of the ; Carolina Yacht Club - house and grounds, for cue. uarnip - to, eacu.rrr-ilie-r t . i- . - i.r 'iA.avW iiihn tot, .littrrat-ittl4ndierilaitWbce ., , ',v' Y'-.rf.'i.-'il'ir sni yiiuo .w, Vick X. Mebnoe Jot, retting ready of th- iiw cv(ton; compretw.- Corn andaimH aiutit uapo .vari.eouutry irom : owtn. 1 k RAiiuvt RoVf liad occa- sion Croa-4 IvU'jAHiring' thepast; week; . . " -1 . r"v"r""Srv men. uuK-i iii . uicui a very; sorry, spcci- meu of UuniUiit ,The, 1'uHtRiastOr, Gov. lJoldrii,'1i$ so little to do in his office that be h suflVriii fbr". want of 1 exercise. lf, fJIackneU,', proprietor of the X R'kuJ hUc village lutcl,sleepe 1 entirely too ;much:.'l! The editor vf the Observer ha 'lbe gMit. s; I'he'etlitor cf the Register (! wast.)i,,to Imj Jound, (it may hav?c.,KH:u';Iuiv , d.i vil lage, the only way we van acconnt for hu alwcncc.) ..Cl. lT:uc J. Voun, couimouly known.'as, .Ikc Votjng, waa iuaaufacturing, and we should Ihinr, from appearances, that Ike was running the X Roads gas works. ,Wc met Col. RadgcrVwho looking well, and talking republicanism as iard as ever, , Besides the gentlemerj incntioncdk we ;aet .several laAViJooVin dennxratK. ? who were loc4 oii2 anjuod,hnkcrtPgka ;-arviuu Hef 1 etlice. ' ' 1 ltecubllean afeeinTs. The candHalea of the rrfubtr Itepu Ikan ticket, "and their frienda, will ad drrsa their' fellow citiaeaa at the follow In' tdaitf " T ' r . '"rs I .-s - Harnett Townships-Near WrighUr villa church,' Thurbr. ISth, at 7 o'clock p nu ..- t;.i: VK i4..VWti n - "' "v " . .'"7. 7 ... ' . 17" .':-2. rood many youh 'tidies 16411 Dr. Ilarter afcUxir of Wild ther-1 rpii W U to clve notice that oa the latof aim s)'ue -vouuai;euiieracn ironi inis i t nvi. n.wiv .... ...fa... ...... v . . wiptiwiivi mi uismri cooner tne vbi- city ; i-cMuWcX;" ih'e'bow to the cu1oY r .l.".r7',T7in.Ki r Vrvlin t,tjM. I New Hnofr. leMhl Piatrart. ahaaasl ...w... a a ' 1 Ka al.waMi tam.krot Kl. Mta.IV Fr .!ir Jalr Klh. at 17 O C10CK . - I lllteav TklltMTnal(ui I 5' -. ... . . ' 1 iMiri tm rim aiiifWIT Mcaclu Ui 1 f Knlrtal I'nint lilddlei PVOIT. aatOP I aX aU.blM La kiL. a- at. .1. Za 1 ef aa lieptuifi I tiw nati I rtH ii iroiniwTB aTirirvr-. Momlar.daiy 2-M, f O cmcs p m. .... . , First Ward-New Market Howe, Wedneil.y, Ja ly 2 1'A. S oVlocl r g. Fifth Ward -At the Oil,TBOrUy, July iHh, S o cUxl p W. Market ilottjefrTiklaT, iS & o'clock OaSka. -- - t . Cape trar Towavup UUe llajne lypol, Saturday, duly STth, I rlacx p sUAeorw IJrwK CttMcW Ho-day; uet air the tittxen tum out at4 near the nlat deusa tbo ifHkal r- Oy orJtref tie lUpulkau, EweTilre . : JClT.fAnaURs Chairaa.i I ly i;j;:Cise tirT Ia a.-.. "T"-T-'Iahta.aa4 i- - - . ! rr. r thgton Territory ktfs jretting Iwistfcr I ouil and more than alhniiiand of them 1 N..rh vmii .MitTIIi.&riL'..k: TOrieciedwhVni Geh Howard attacked !?iSi2?n0,&f5?! Tfrrwrove tntni from tnplr position. -' A . !LS8aW)r JteTO-non,. arriving at RaUI eieh after the' rms'ioii. n eieU . after . the session, made a ialkvi .which tntained-, great deal of good I Larxnsn. Th hpt'miM f Iha Aini. I ) . . v ,J . ,. - - I observations of the Sna occasion- .ro , printed and il nvp tliA nt.itft thirl: . I bV'PnV""1 - ; Alabama have n;ld a;atate . conventwn and decided that .they would put up no ttate ticket for the reason that they couhl not have Tjajiri:ei;yoo rwt : . i tury propose to wait i AhA abama Kourbona Wet shamed If - " . , ; r ,, 1 tnemielTe and, eneak oiit.of the way, HhI will, jmc?pr ktf&tJ, ,0ur moriuog cotempoxary having , , .7 b . ' , Jft Iira- 1 -h mwr ol en pes ' ,! S ..-- - - - A. ' spine, nde , grimaces, screamed, and em braced its abdominis with both hands, j was ' astonishing1 to beholders. As tke I as' ihe as spuffeth Ue,"eaat 'wIo,!ao wa it-nn RPt tntrarda Rrtinwick amt I ., - Columbus,: 1 ' ( ;! 1 llie KuroBean CoPsress will have 1 probabiiourijed ? ilore'tLii:: ptpi wHl reaoh our; readers. The resUW o Ol I . I wiiw.wiriy . " ti.MV I AW.a1,v ft,tJ 'n.Vtii ?A n.iri 5 i.Vri I AW-ari1Ivs KhJ Turl-Pv.1 Aatn.t: I at pa lericgovi tS 1. ' bervia, Ac are indepen . ' J -J LJ.. l. i .f I ' " , j . I JQ And it ought to ' haVe: been, t Kut it is hampered and subordinated to! -t r;l;..i ft,,;.,;.,, nnwr, i I .1' 11 n The alembic of the Chemist or the acte nce.f the Botanist has made no. discovqrxof greater, value to mankind '"" v' . r?? I j.-,,,- . . I k,A a.,IrJi uiifi.-,M n nt I tr- sures robusi.beaitu. - . v . '''- " '- I'Ti'i v r Most any yoUDg man cau anoru to wear a caae. . It is an economical gar- ) mcnt ' ntton flying qS. no seams tor of the cane. -;. .' - , r . .. - 7 . vv.TI, rn vrnTTVFWvr I I ' - J,3fjEjXi.-'-i'''I'' VIS 1xUHVOONO M KN eaa it employment tnt ton ivu oimii ctuh-s oa.un wtimtns wid seaside lUllrond, by apptylne to V.j P. Ounaday, the lYesldeat. ur Xhomaa B. jaa B. ; JL . fiarrica, tua buparuiteuueaW: . , ONE OF. IF .... - , - ,f ... . ." -1 Til Fa ' LARGlijl' TOCKi5 : ay Arn J 1 f OF WllOLIvSALB ; k i j ..,-1,;. GROCER I RJ OFFERED J ' I , , . A I a sea .ai . & oaaak a ae A a, . , jne manner m wmcn tnai i ......... wci f PilR tl V IV ritt;Il'nUdrtalaahirlbaeaM Inr ltixrtrt a aw.. . ... - mt of iNorlb! Caroliii, 'J ! , ! ! CAN RK rs)UNI AT r ADUIAN A VOM.aHB, Soulhcaat Corner fhjck and gtreet, Wilmington, N. C. j Front : . . ! fiOrders aad lirchasers solicited. InllllHtilarlMbr WW H topT aotie tha en the mh day 1 et Jaaa, Kni.a a warrant m laanjirapary the tHiUrte titan e ta ralSiMr'tJ the Cwtw F-ar. laatrtct of at theeataia of Maaaw Of ltaaaa--r of aay property ay hiaa, are , I fcwwWdea by law. That a in-euac of the rh.-ae ai or aaoro aanjam ed I erraiaaDarw vm rwauMBkr - aaarenrwra- asaaiia I ui estate, will a head aa aenairted aul Vort a7m.c:. -irL 1 Paahreptey of aaid Utatrtrt. - , -. s 1 . , V.S. Jaraaatlbr aaad tuattacS. H M n'aWHaerr-Bwsar Uutaeai the rthdap I waa swwed -xt c th irv t-artd v 4.. fiUtl! I hav aad Anmrr of aay r-j-nt y w - Mag:a: , aia. aw e;hHScei y taw. . th a aneabar I at , K-wtaa latr. afMCa trtcv ' "' ' " av situi Noth Oaroh aa aaMN - . 1 lAWMto. oc w iimiaairMt. an taa ranau of 1 taaar -d mm esaaw-a jaa -r aaaa. l,!-!;-1? of aay. A. ta lra.aolefa- aa4 taetlWJj 7 - , A. aX t..A s, t'4Wa Waal Wfl v-i twaaa ia w ;w 'ta..SaVMM,lv'M !." ia. aa, JL. ara I f 'J "7i- : 7 - - wM lssaed oat of th Btatriei CorxriotUxe bca -kdiadcedA faaxLkrUaltrBok hia own jietiUon. . Tit a the, payment otw debt. meat atiF det)U property belong Uik l. or for hl nae. ama f?i"le1i! fef tta trMtfcr of any property , hlaa. -editor- r said Wkrtip, to prorctaeir J ft 71 i m I-?"?.-1" Y uoVT aai. K.r eUarilla. N. l' hirnrWn A :mhri Vtn u LBMitu win n -will iwnw MU' IDUtrtct.,' JUly7.IS78, -i, c qHIS la to awe notice that en t&e.ltf day "-r OL Ol JOIJ- 13 of July IS78 a-warrant ln- baiJtruDtc waai-aoadion iaaood out of the Match . Court of the rolled BUtes for the Cape Fear IHstrfctof. uwuiwuuiikKiuiHtwniaun loom a. Turner, of Cliatoa, la-jtheroounty of SioS&iilaii ffiSffitt lery ol aay proport,yoelojoKto tq aald banhrnpt, hlnit orfoc hu use. aad taf tranafer of any property by him, are, fot- T . wwi .w : www creditoniof said jnrrl their a dabtTo- hie aimu, wuihVhSd uaao one or more wuueM or td AtavOonnof Baak-. mptcyloi-a holdeiTi VU wUOM WJF Ol AU , riiHJS U to rive notice that oa the 1st day . I JL of July 1878, a warrant In bankruptcy i 1 waa laeoad aa of the XMetriot Ooart ex Ihe gfi gf aader Tamer, of Clinton,, la the eountyf indeed bankru payment of aiar dehdad the aeiiverT oi anT d of ut orooertv nelonrlna to uld bankrnp, to him, or for i ids nae, " aad the transfer of aay nrbperta br aim.? arfor. oi any prbprt by him,? arafor iy law. Tha.t a tnaaiin? of llin riMxt. P'..L"- Mtol. ltora of aald baakraoC to nrove the dhu au caooea one or asore. MJmttmtm or bis Ac lot. will K. LaIjI a a fWi l)M.bM..i.. to be holden onlhi SUdt nriiitut a 'J?:?P'.'H!rteyUe. xs. i., before wnv'A4UUiriaaiiBerUt In Bankruptcy of aaidulatrlek T m uanaruptcy or saia Olsl - , U.8.MrahbSu5 mnor damn) mil r id. ru.i.M 8Utaa,or the Caper ear Dletrtct of North I Carol tna Malnat, thathe ealate of Klbert Diricmiou, jud, or uintoB, in toeeouaty of Haiiipinm la-eaW Dtstrtet. who has been adjudeed bankrupt nooti hia own Mtitua That tbe jiaymeat or any dabta,ahd the delivery of any property halonstof to aald bankrupt, to him, or for hie use, . aad the tranflfal nf anv vimnatw h fttlm. am lj.rf.tJ tt2Sffif 'k?JJTLh-- I to be hotdemoa thavth da or in,t T ft' lentoa the 7th day IS,at 10 o'clock, A. Mat FayettavUle, M. C.. before Wm. A. Gnthiie, m, Krister j In Bankruptcy of ld I MSttVofvS. ""'.'. -r - ' - kOJCaU I lit 1.IHT iTlft nftllrllT nr I Tnnlltarianil in raaid dliSiiriwhe hai beca awjudied I I'aakmpt upon hia own oeauon. . Tiiat lh I to hlia, or tor hu aae, aad the Uansfer of I y property oy mm, are lorniddea by law. ZZt!?: j , ".TTH. b!,.beta l oVleok Ai If., at frWtrU. N. IV before Win. A. Guinrta. K BMlalerin Huik. 1 . -'i..t - jb. IIIIJ : U&AIaihalof Mldlitatri!L. tiiis U torrrerjoUee'tha en 'the1 ifCh on I. ju job 1B.3. a. warrant la uankraptcy wai I laaued eotof Lha Dtatrirt ConrVoT Iba ITai trT muim rur tne cape Plsuictef KorlhlUrollaaatfalaat tbw-atater Wiley j A-Aikla, al4tUef wrv.oaC lathe I county of Bladen, la aatd district, wae baa fbeeo adihdred bank rapt open bt twn I petition: thaittia ttamaalofaavdaliU a.t I Wivery trf aay properly haiomrtn, to wuu uuAruk w nuaur ior iuauae,aad uie tranarcr or any property ty aim, are toblddea by law. That a loeetiac o the rreditora of aald bankrupt, to prove their debt, and ehooaa one or aore aaeCn t bta atate.wtUbe held ataaonrtorbuk rdpu-, to. be holdeajoa tha?tu da of Ao mwt A:n writ, at w tttioc. a. mZ ai ry. ruerllle, 9: a Defore: WlUhae A. Outhrte, - wiaw na.inu w mm ua , . v -uArtnni or auu innttrnx. i 1 apaaawM-aawaaaaaaaMHWWBBB I'nfi U I iCljra.hotiee that bi IhetrthJay I of Jn kt w attain yb auttnMr waa taulil a th IMaLrV. IW M Dm I k,w sji...r.j'.i: :...7i :r jRSSfiir, I prtitloa loaltae payiuant of aay d tMchtry. 4r ot Xewtoa tltWTa. In tha OUOM UT MnMaa. in mmlA tMmLrit-L. w k hat .beva.adlndraf a. ban! r opt poa u own prutioaj loaitee paj bMOt of any dm. am we u very 01 aay prepen T Miotxioc w iu imQarui.k, to turn. or ar m the traaartv of aay property by him. forMddea by law. That !a MwUm are Um ! credittfra of aaM baaJtrapa. to reotra thair tt-btsand cif-Kmt ee or tnore aaaigaeea ol m eBtatik, arm aa oeM at a eaarv af leak- repco he teoleea eat the gth day or aat. A. It. at I o -toe a. aa, at rayettevula. N. tU beAwe Waa. A. iathrie. Zma lUtUff i . . t . , . r.BlUrshal foe Said Luncl. . JTyTI II I II rtlBlH Is fotrea othw that the t day JL ec JawaAi !.. a vtnui ta butarary waa Waloct of the Itfaavrwa Coan tha t l)aiNtUMlariiM('lim wa ktatrvae oct Ore.laa agatw-a the-e-tata otiaam Bauer, oi ' .lateeeoeary of aMBp eoa. ta aaht Dtatnri. whahae h-we edjfe4 a baatraa4 apoa fc owa r,aa- laat payaaeaiaaa aay evaat. m tae a leery aay art pnty awaoagtag to aaad hak to ataa. or tar art ua traavMwr y Harwnf ay hi am. a are hrnafa by law. thMaaaeaaiag of the baakrer. aa eww tkwir d avUoreef aJ aaaletoncMM) waaeaeaia saaireaiaef haa tu htd as a awartef baaaj-aywy, to aw ha' ire cat thelh day of Abraax. A. TV at avaach a. aa. at AmirWaa X. ti Weare waa. A. Cjat fcna, 1 ta t-aah- lT. . I fanial tar eaad lmrL. jaly i tsranr t -. - -., . : 4 1 mimuia rive Om Chat eat the m J Vay ( Ja. t-cs, av tmrmat ta rwaarr .wear s aaaa -of the- CaaarN loart a tae I a.34 tat theChp rear t4dsrv4 eg ri lanoai Mrtiau Che itaia erf waa. . "eaaraaw ed l.tctM , M iiaiwaayet taatrwV bo haa awna h4 , etfr - a -4rr 4 Mwt paup nia. iaa. ae Hfc mi atatrfM,a4t4aunyet aay aoiMesxnag aa aaas eM.arfV w M4 raa uwataice ed a y 1 rzHLf. tVeT jaa.ara lrAAw Sy law. t had ad baa awfeiaa. I aa&g aa la-iTta raavarT.e ahwf --. ee ttbe liM. th at lUlwor t V- . . i '- ' m ),'! ' "; l t , - I TVIIs it U rlT boUm Utl oa Um U day X or Jun I.-tTS, a iraraot la butkraptrr was taauadoittortbeDUtrtei CourtoSUta United KUlM for lha frva k'Mi ntaUrlak a NorUi Caroiiao acainat tba eaUtaof John op?r, o mi umutrmaia ut county or Naw Hanarer, In aald District. ' whohas oeaB adiadaad a bankmat nmi hli ns petition; That the payment oX any debts, and the daltvory af aay property belonytag to said bankrnpt. to him. or tor hia naa, and the tranajr of any property by him, are loroiaaea Dy law. That a meaunc of the eredltora of aald banhraptto prove their debuwd ehooaewe or mora aacirneeaof bitealAta. wU beheld at a Goart a? Haak. rup tcY to be holden on tha Slat day of 1 aly. A. IX atekKk A. M. m tZ llxtl etajUM Uurict Court Boom la WUatlntoav , O, before Was. A, Quthrte. Eaq. Kegis- . .' tl. R. Mmhll fn MM - July7,ISri' - - - - rnHIS Is to Kite notice that ob thelatday . J. Of Jal XM4. WBjrra.nL la tankrnnlr raa lssaed oat of the DUUict Conrt LBitedSLaieaAr the Cape Fear Diet riot of North Carolina, against th I Weill, of WllmlaKtoa, Mew Hanorer. in uiii the eatais of Char lee la the eoaaty of 9 baa bew iwljiKlsr-d bankrupt upon hie owe pe llUon. That the payateatof aay debu.aad the dellrery of an pery oeionciaato or Sur hia e, aad thetranaferof ant property by him ate lev " wy wv- 1 aa a meeting ai tae craa ltora of aald baakrapt to prove their debt, and cbooee one -or- more atilriiMr mt hia aetaUt will ba held at a Court of Bank rapt cy, to be holden oa the 3ist day of July, A. IA1S78. at 10 clock A. AC at the United Btatea DUUict Court Boom la Vilmingtoa. N. tX. before Wax. A. Uulhria, tq Kexie- . ier la iiankropicy ex aahl dlatrlet. . . J. . ri 1 11 r; Marshal for said District. 'Iuly7.1Sr. l 1 REAS9Js'STWUV( IfiAlN ; KILLER i r.v" ifi -j-tp-, U TUB ; - . ' , Bst FimUT.lIedicine of the Ag ! And wbylt should be kept always bear at r. V;haadi ;..'''.-, 1U ?aii.tfrr.Ta .'la 'tha moat eerlala .Cholera cure that medical ecleaoehae - produced. - Bud. Paik-Kiimou as a DUrrtaa and Dra. enterjr remedy, seldom if ever fail. srd. PAnr-KiLi.K.a will care Cram pa . Paine la aay part of the ayateca, Mnf le dose usually affect a euije. fth. PAUc-KiLLKRWlUearedyspepalaaad IadlKeatloo, if uaed aceardlac io dlrec- Sib. Paia-KiiXKa I an almost neTer-thil-tnx eure for ttoddea Qolda, Coushs, Ac atb.PAis-Siu.ica has provedaSovereicn Remedy for Fever and A cue, aad Chill -- Feverj it baa cured the uioat ebaUnaie , rates. ,'7th. PAr-tfriMita a' It earn eat laua equaled fur rroat Bttea, Ualtbtalaa, Burn. Bruiaea, Cut, sprains, ere. 6th. PAts-KltXKS ha ' cured caees of ( . BheomatUm and Wearalata after years staadlnc. lh. Pxn-Kii.Lrm will deetroy Botla, FeN il.i- on. Wbltiowe Old Korea, (inac relief from pain after the Hrat applloaUoa. 10th. PAnr-KiuJsn cures Beadarhe, aad aeothachr. . 11th. Paix-Killeb will daya of -- aiekaeaa aad maay a dollar In time . and Doctor's bllla. . l-lli. Pats-Krixaa has been beftuw the - pobllo over thirty -eeven years aad la a barely Vegetable preimrattaa, taia to keep aad uee la every auatly. The utmplirtity attending lu uaa, tocethcr 1 with the great variety of dtaaaae that may be entirely eradicated by It. aad the creat amount ot pata aad unrlas that can be aJiertated through it uaa, make II taiprrmtlye upon evry prot . io supply tbemaeivr with tela vain, able remedy .aad to keep It always Bear Tbe t-Aiii-KiiXKB U now known and ap Phyaiolaa whUe all in every qaartr ot tae Uiabe. kjlaaareenBimeaAlt la their prerUee, 1 all elaaaea ol aociety have foUad la It , aad comfort. Utvett a trial. relief aad lie aura and buy thereaalaa. Knrr Dnw. flat, aud nearly every Onualry Urooer thrwiftoowt the iaad keep It far aaia. fv it - DSATLEB8 IT ' i . 'fobeigs ADiyiii5ric f AO RCTTI.TTRA L IV PLETd tXT. IRON. Mtaei, Hal la. Asm, Hpadaa. KhrmU,ViA' ara,juaiuea, Trare chains. IiouaHa, Oet- litctarpeatar'aToola. l.-iackaiuiLaa itai. kaaniih a tow. iraa, jtar,ej Wagoai aad Carl w Hwrim, IMJBfc ipwa. UIM AUM, Moi. war ware, Hope, Twlae. Kalva " . - . ai-i vawa rarii. fcpooas, Bntahe-.riah Linm, llonkaidakeral .. CMla lne Twtate. KUi tHlUatTwtaa, We la vita (wpertaj ajiauw to r larre aat alnlTe aaaonataatof IKOJf , aateaud aspreaaiyior femtuuiaad 1 anaera aaa,alt ol whteb, aad raaeh more, we oOc at tww euiuteaa, at tha ..? , 2tew ZUtAbllahcd , , - "llArdwarw ltowae) of ... .2 .... .. . ... . ','. IT. Zlavrket 8U VTIlBllBCteB, a. c. marrh 1 ta tl.Ce Hiflfi cad a&fccrs fcr N. GUEENWaCK" CZ123 10 crm, ; Ixs til ttttSTttzx nrr frora aotclt, 4c V I'.'X .!.r;jp4ii kAtrr? ttsrry. ; ' V""" Z 6' t f 2, 3 (1 ai 1 rSV Vt 9 n 1 a a a . a fjva aVX-fr-vaata af twa.lfcU ca." -?'T 1 'r ' v1' '' . . .':.;"::.'":. 7 .'r'.:'-..1' t ' v'7i:? Itii'yic. 73 77;. .f7t -, "--

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