7. 6X 11 . , As III I U! f 1 VOLUME IX. REuULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET . OT ;HEW HAHOYEB COONTY. KOU JJIIEIHKK, ' .' ri IK I'll EN H. MANNING. ' FOR cLKUKtsuprmori COURT, srACEY VawAMRINGE. FOR UKOISTKR OK DKKD.S, JOSEPH E. SAM PSON. . FOR TREASURER, ; V V ELIJAH HEWLETT. FOR IORONKK, EDW'AUI) I). HEWLETT. ' FOR HURVeVOR, . JOHN KENT KROWN. IiF.OlSI.ATUKE. Oil HOUSE Or KErREHENTATI VES, : DR. IfKNRY E. SCOTT, WILLIAM It. WADDKLL. : FOR THE HEN ATE, ' '' . ' : ' JAMES WILSON, V REGULAR REPUBLIC AKTICKET ; UF FgKDER COUNTY. FOR KIIKRIFF, i A. V. ItORRELL. FOR CLERK BlirEniOli COURT, u. m.croo!. . FOR UEGISTEB OF lKtlS, I. ii. ukoyvn. FOR COKONKR, y A. E. TAYLOR. FOR KURVKVOR, 1 C, M. TAYLOR. . I.EOItfliATCR.i. ; ron HOI'S K OF REFRESKN I I tj F.i', ?! W. E. COWAN. luGUUR REPUBLICAN TICKET OP BRUNSWICK COUNTY, ' FOR bllEUIFF, EDWARD W. TAYLOR. FOR ( l.F.UK MTKUIOR t'OURT. SAMUEL I. LEVIN. FOR REGISTER OF .PKEOW,' jf HAN8AN k. Roijrij;." FOR TREASURER, : DANIEL R. WALKER. t LEOISLATURE. FOR HOUSE OF RKrKEKENTAl I V R.V, JOHN H. RROOKS. ' ' RGQQLAR RFPUBLIC 4H TICKET tnvtT.nntr TT limn n -H A N I UUHTI. F.XIHRKED AS CAN t) I fATE TOR SHERIFF, .; ' ' - w. j. button, i FOR CI.EKK fcH'FERIOR tVUttTj ' ; EVA.NDhR ejNULKTEliVl'I KOK REOISTER OF 1EEPH, IUJFU8 REGISTER, j ; fOK TRBASURKB, DUNCAN OROM ARTIE. r ' .- J-? "' ' f OR COUNT Kl'UVKVOR. is JONATHAN CASH WELL FOR CORONER.- . ' . ALEXANDER FOUE. FOR LKU1SI.ATURE. - if . :: " ' iH)l'8BOjr R.EfRK3KSTATVW. 1 : JOHN NEWELW I ritou WAaTiiMiTON, ; 1 IB W. I' LAR1 Tl Es I a TU & il U LF STRrU Id to bs IsvmwATEn. CosrarTE pftbb COxonBS!iojJAt CXmsamER. I v-Morb About tub Nkv Silskr Dollars.' Tn e 1tter Commit tcbOoikq to the Sea Sue. Morb CiyiLSriTicE Reform, Farcical CrarActeb of the Ex amis at toss. PrcUd CormpoBUut la U T fA5HiKjTOX, July tSUl," " :' jorth Cairolin and YirstnU gti fif ttca of tho thirty-men new Ufa ittin UUott aatborued by Cvnjrc. AV hare Ihe ir lhat CvL JoUa 11. Via$too, hmlofor? a uauct) p uh U winT to tua fvf t.)nsrcua lh Mloait ticket id lircenK n 01 trict. Jser U no 'law top rtveat aay r.un maxlos fjol f anJ, oa t-es IV viaM fsif tMf la t!. .t s u Mow eoc;V$ to Ui ti; v: . ry l'. : t.a currtal f Ui8 gulf t. ' r-oaait the toutbera ex'.rc .:r cf l r iu iai Cowj abr cur c . I . t , ' tit Mta Ttlxurjn r t' f t. i- Itrat-artataUUnit-s An:t. . niiwa i z :-.-;t t v i: 1 1' If any i regularities are found tbe lcmocralic ; prew will charge them to the ttrruyljrfrito4b libiican party. The National Republican Congressional OommiUec are figuring en a gain of one menjVet IJvngrrasisi Jfortb Carolina. Their figures are correct", if'tbe Demo crats can only be prcveuted from beat-' mgiu on tno count. One tin ng la cer taiD, and that is that there win be(a Republican canvaw in bouth Carolina, and a successful1 one' " uqIcm the rifle clubs resort to the murderous tactics of 1876.. J V ! Hi! -V In my last letter, I spoke of Ibe im mense number of the new silyer dollars now lying idle in the treasury Vaults. The Secretary of the Treasury; going to try land shove Bomo of I hem off hw hands. To thla end he offers to send them to any national bank, free of car riage charge, to tiseJa j ; the place of one and iwi dollar notes. That is really the commencement of specie payments. OHiciatly the Secretary announces, that under the law he will not pay cut gold for greenbacks uutil January first. No one wants ihe silver dolUrn. ;They ared already a nuisance. 1 he Department clerks are groaning over a rumor that they ate to be paid off at the end of this month in nilver dolbnu.- - JU i probably only a rumor, but it serves to show the feeling cxistiug regarding the ue of the silvvr dollar anion? a clam who havn ! to this time seen most of them. The Totter investigation has assumed a new phase. The latrht report is ' to tho t llt c tlhat the committee may net rejMirt until next March. This means that the Democrats intend to keep up a siemifig investigation all nummer. No formal report will be mado and the Republicans cannot, therefore, refute it. During this time the Democratic prexs will continue to howl about frauds in louiiana and Florida. It is a. vir tual confession of defeat. Meanwhile the committee has been put in care of Uen. Ii. F. liutler. Ho will call all of ihe "visiting statesmen'' before the committee, at Atlautic City, near Jcr heyr Tli is means that the United States will psiy theborl bills of the' members of the committee Hud such witnesses as are citl ltd, for an indefinite time, at a fashionable watering .place ' There is nothi-ug liko Democratic 'economy, when it onco gets oose. , All of the representative Democratic f'visiting statesmen" will be called. Tho list will include Representative Morrison, cx-Senotor Trumbull and , ex-Governor I'almer, of lllinoi cx-tlovernbr 15ig ler, of rennsylvaiis; Senator Lamar, of : Mississippi, and others. Oen. Duller notified the committee that he in tends to ask a great many uestions of "Oen. Garfield, of Ohio. He will ; ba a go'l subject for Mr. Duller to cross exMinine. '1 here will be a - lively lime and it will nut all be on Gen. Du tier's hide fithvr. Civil Service Refwruv h:w been having .t praud ranee in the "tjireat National OtTiiiaii Asylum,'? formerly known as Ihe Dopartmeiit of the Interior. About ".. Candidates were examined. Many I of .hem were ladies. Orie of them j UmtcU yu account of the heat and her j great menial anxiety. Some of those ln were examined came from as far away as SL Ijouis ; and most of them are now waiting, ou expense, to learn the result. It is time the country knew the size and meanness of the farce, a UetU-r phrase is contemptible fraiM, of .these so called examinations. One re cently occurred in the War Department. Over oOO nieiv were examined to fill thirty places. . It is openly slated here tbgt a secial jst ffaa made out before e x ami nalious began from which candi dates were tdbe selected. It hi charged that the two candidates'who had tbe highest percentage did noC get places, and men who aro notoriously wanting in ability to make good clerks - did get places. 'i'hc-Bitme thin" occurred in the German Asylu.n. l'ol it icians, Sen ators, and others' ask the Secretaries for places. " 'iYour friend must go be fore the board.1 is the common reply; Iu the meanwhile, a list is made of the Senator front Georgia ihI: the . Repre sentative" from Texas, and so on, who ! Must bo provided for. Tho day finally conges, aud tho ex ami-. nations ra re made. h sncctal list passes, uen inquiry M made by some of the friends of the victims, they get a shrug f the shoulders and the reply. Yas lift not uciare UMDoaru we havo done all we could. If he did not pass it is not our fault, nor is it yours." Tho long list of applicants is cleaned off the iat, ready for another batch, and .another repetition of the. stupid swindle in the name of civil service reform. Another phase of the same swindle ut ha discharge of good clerks because or want ot appropnaxona, ; Tho truth U iheit t'fH 4r quietly filled by new appointments, luis is dcing done tvery day in the Great Na tional Merman Asylum, . Ouo might msxt me re mart, witnout fivin oll'cnceto a WashiDou;aa,that t U hoU The moit popular evening costume, just now, is a fan. One necu not go to the National Medical Museum to study bone, and thinrs. It can b done in Ihe evening oa the aide walk door step, any where la the city. It m uot so hot iuto eight to ten degrees as it was two years ago and yet there ar far raor crmriatcts - about tht electa of tho high temperature. Cou "IWb, IngersoU Rred r.ct wate tU time in trying to rrove there u no futnre hot plcI It will takesome ihin more than threats of heat to scare the people of this city terear.er. if. C F . SvwvWy i Ut l Te-d .Uic WDvta IrU a pieo cf irtraia carpt Cays. Lilt f Vnl'.:r, vflut;;ta la m Ihctu :r, wr.iia ler Lv ;c.uX aul tn u,..-ufy WfT4 V. tl -4ia c-tr;rr. " ' " . i ia Lirzt cf ti r;a TLa rc- -..t j : 3 i O ;r c'. . a I??a ti .t t' c : vj f . v . ar.J ' It it t a t .- c i I t i - l 5 1 yiLMlNGTQN, NORTH CAROLINA; SUIipAY, CITY ITEMS. ' " ' i - :..r r' - -" See ad. of Civil and Mechanical En gineering. '. "I See ad for proposals for the improve ment of Cape Fear river. See adj of John D. Taylor, addressed to the voters of New Hanover county. Our ticket for the legislature is both very modest young men,'. Dr. Scott can make a speech if you crowd him, and tba other candidate can waadell around considerably. They will be un doubtedly elected by large mnjorities. "Our frieud Cutler's inexperaoco in politics should bo a sufficient excuse to his Democratic friends for the blunder he ha made in revealing their plana so soo. 'ij Youth should exvuse the poor DOT. H", ' " ' v;-.- : 'V. .fortije jvsr. . . .' , l here was a man named Old " Whose contract wa left in the cold f' ;, By a rcd headed VIaddy" The son of hut daddy , And an alien who any office drd hold. ; r ti i JIas our friend Cutler forgotten the corruption of the sheriffs of Druirs wick and ..Columbus countief, and the school money thief, Tool, Democratic Superintendent of Dublin Instructions of North Carolina. -.. ,; There are to -day about fifty Inde pendent Democratic candidates for the legislature in' North Carolina.' Will our young friend Culler take notiee this is al owing to the corruption of the Democratic leaders. "Register," says friend Culler to his Democratic frienUs, "and we can elect Democrats to the county ofU'S on ac couutof the division we have created in the Republican ranks; through Gar- rell and the other Independent's," . ; j , Take warning Republicans a vote for Garrell is a vote for a Democrat, Mr. Garrell can t be elected hitmelfi but he is going to try and get Republican votes enough 4 the regular Democrat can be elected over tho regular Republican nominee, . The chairmaih of '-.the Deuiociatic Couuty Cummiltce, oill-t upon Demo crats to register, and hi; says they ca n do something handsome for tbcniselvt at thij election if they .will, through the division of the Ilt-pnblicaii party. We call! upon Republicans to take warning,! and not allow lKmocralic monev ui money use j by Garrell and Meiuigg to defeat their farij. The Democrats' pat E. II. Mtinigg on the back and tell b'm that he is a great man, for the purpose of keeping him in the field as the bolter candi date for Clerk of the Sueri'r. Court, all for the purpose of diyidins the Re publicni and cletiting a Democratic clerk..-v. , - i Tub Democratic Prooram. The Democrats intend to try and keep the bolters in tbe field, aud on the day of election to bring out a straight lieiuo cratic ticket. ' They th'nk the bolters can get enough Totea from the Repub lican party to irsure the election of the pemocrajlic candidates, Republicans will you allow it to be so? i Friend Cutlar, we "will" make youa small bet, if you really desire latest which r4rty has lha moel corrupt lead ers. W trill bet you lhats for every corrupt man, or for every ofllcial thief you point out in the llepublican party we Will point out ten in the Deniocralic party; and for every dollar stolen by Republicans, we ran show by official record that your party, the Democratic reform- ttarty' has stolen one hundred, and w dare you to the tent, J- '-.:1?-Jt . ! The Xorth Carolina Railroad Cum- pany and the management of its road, ha been getting worse eyory year since Cot W.iV, Smith left it. They have row taken the rU ecoud-claa Jcar and are actually running them a first class. '"Who ever heard of auch a thing as charging a passenger first-ebvs fare for tiding ia aa oU aecond-ctass car. W advise person tat go atouod by Wddon, or up by IlamleU Wethiak they will find either one of those more pleasant than oin rp. from CtoWsboro ca lha meanest coaauctea roaa te m ttate. We peak kaowingly whe we axrt that Hall Vegetable SkiSiaa Hair Re cewcr t tha t it tttic!'ot the aiad ol4 c;a the Kericaa dfauaeat, PwjmI trial hsa demarwtrated this and tie ar Ule is' aa clesiat and clean? j esc, wUhiwi whkh we t&4t a tolUt cva t!,i, ":llcn.i-aliisti, llUway Cos C Arch tmt, TllU d r tlx, are t!.ir.U fct t-e article, asi ta car f eci ntt&rw fs Cp -f.,i-ey h!4 rtJtia5y pr s i fit. We Isow t f r. j ts a?u c! extrA f r tse ti;r, ad t ik i -i i !.":'.! l'l-. I ec;lf.."c t ff-rx Vote the regular ticket. Vote for party and not ien. -f .idlers are on the decrease ". ' -. ,, ..., ? , Stand by your Republican -guns. : True to your party, true to your God. . ' ! '; " ' -yj.f' Hot, Politics are getting very how Register whether you want to vote nr nnt " " ' ' r ' ' '.....-.. A light rain visited' these is jU on yesicruay.; . '.-......,; Vhcre did Garrell get his lank T ll must po Democratic" ' 1 ' f , " ' S Sep ad. for Proposals for the const ruc tions of Life-Saving Stations. j Cowen, ol render, has an Arm strong w ucat wuMUor the lezialaturo, ' Corn cheap and plentiful in uarlet, ou corn wuisicey is stui very high. ; V' Youth and inexperience together, are UaU qualities for a political leader. . John F. Garrell will continue to be a Democrat if he is not elected sheriff. .Ouryoung friend Cutlaris too rpuch of a youth to be a successful adviser. Democratic money seems to be plen tiful the way Garrell, the bolter, hand les it, - - '-'-v ' '' . ' ' : r i Street carj are running regular, and will continue to do so notwithstanding the hot weather. y A Cow-an and an Arm ft hut Ulrnr are the candidates for legislative honors in Pender county. : ; See ad. of the Excelsior Manufactur ing Company, Chicago, Illinois, beaded, "WanteU." ? . . Iiegiker. Everyman in the fetald should sec that their names are on the registration books. The Republican convention has nom inated a Republican ticket, and Repub licans will sustain it. W. P. Catiaday offers very cool houses for sale, and if you need ice he will furnish you that also. . - UeaKm had a fight in tho First Ward Monday night last.' We are afraid he will Wise his Rishopric il he keeps on. John F. Garrell has opened an office in this city for tho puriose of defeating the nominee of the liepublican parly. "Mns'Mayor Fishblate joined the trai lers ? V.e understand he refused aa appeal from his judgment to a Repub lic.tti. We advise our young friend Culler to cxamiuo his own political glass-bouse befo.ro 1m commences to .throw stones at others. ' . . : If E. II. McQiiigg is a Democrat, let him Kay so. If he is a Republican he should sup)rt the Republican nomi nations. I he Republicans are not to he bought ami sold. Air. Garrell -as' you seem to think, they voU from principle and not lor money. ' . - f, ' . , , ' ;-' A Taylor j would, like to make a Superior Coat (Court Clerk) fori New Hanorer county, but tbe Van-ant rage ing against him. - The iucc4l:on now is, shall DemocraU or Republicans be elected to the county offices ? A vote for a bolter is -a vote for the Democrats. . The regular ticket of tho Republican pa-ty it published' in the PosT, and every liepublican in the "county should and will rata for It, ATTESTI03V RePVBLICASS ! fcVp and think before you role for xn Inde pendent. For a rot for a bolter is a Tote for the Democrat. It our friend Cutler u going into pol itic in good earnest, we advise him to put hi boxing glove oa or he will get his knuckle skiaacd. While the editor hare O'.d-ham and rlsti(bUte) they can Foster a rtaso&a ble amount of "coaT if U i hot, Tro ided the HUUanQlloaSr9ge Kk i&g the Vowl(er) to Cy oo. Ihe Democrat expect to elect a Clerk of the Superior Court, and they wUlruccecd if U,e heller, il II. 11c 'V4' tfrr T. Rcpublkaa-v l3dr.Joha F. Gamll tbe Deas. cratkcaadUatefor shtrll? It kra .fd thai;' be i misg DesomUc fcwery t dinde tie nepclicaa party. . Oar rtk-ad Cstkr La ;-r-:ilai aboml tie tj wvtads ef tikrt la tit De craUc frty mt art ixiiy ia tni tU lkz-:nlc gZlrtm. .XIfpUiaiR. real tie 'arc flbe aa4ye wUl .tr tiat t-y trprciU .t -.-t tuT -! i) J.i.f tl JULY 21, 1878. Citt Bjubfs. Our excellent Mayor would do well to 'consult a litlla Um quarantine laws, both of the state and the United States. When a Teasel has passed the quarantine officer at Smith ville it is the best possible evidence t&at un safe for it to come to the city - The Spanish barone. Cabieccs. . A - m having laid a lone time at our wharves took water, and was reported in a sink ing condition, oa account of the open aeams, caused by long exposure to the sun it our aarbor, hut is now all right There is to bean extra police for election day. . Good. The republicans are gettias orderly and sensible in New Hanover. - A poor old maa from Duplin, 70 year old, got hurt by being bitbv a railroad train but is carrd for by tbe city authorities. -The Grays of Charlotte are com ing to the city this week. --A&d akio, the large colored excursion from Columbia. Mr. Donald MacRae has received $1,000 of the Peabody fund, for equal distribution among the four public schools of the city, colored and white. Colonel Taylor is a Candida to for4 election as Clerk of the Superior Court for this county. No go, but Colonel T. is nevertheless a pleasant officer.:- -If there is one railroad towards which the people of Wilmington feel kindly it is the Wil mingtoa and Weldon, but why wont they fix tbe crossing on Nutt street so that all the up country people, coming in by tho Central Railway ret their liver and lights shaken out whenever they come to town? erbam $ai. There never was a more lively summer io Wilmington than this, even in tbe very height of the summer solstice- excursions down the river and to the sounds are going on all the time Hon, Geo. Davis and family have rone to the Virginia'Spriogs. r -There is not much rice planted on our waste lands UiUyear.-----Vegctables are very cheap iu our -market this year, and grapes have appeared. i-To flourish a pistol and not shoot signifies no more than it did when two brave men in Arkansas fell to fighting and each getting! behind a convenient tree shot ail the bark off from both noth ing nore Mr. O'Brien's store took fire Friday morninc but the damage was .light, -although Mr. O'Brien came near being suffocated.--The Spanish brig Sanlona, lying in quarantine near the Dram Tree was provisioned on Fri day under the direction of the Collector of the PortThe Rev. Dr. Patter son in consequence of continued illness goes north for rest and recreation for three mon ths, his departure being has tened by information that's relative of his lies very low in Boston. Jesse J. Cassidey, Esq., left yesterday morn ing on the Ben factor e ronte for Peoria III..'- - - - . , ,,: SFsW ADVERTISEMENTS TO THE VOTERS OF NEVT OANOVfiR COUNTY. TT A V1NU discharged th dnUes ot lb of hcv of Clerk of the Knptrlor Court forth past 12 montbs apparenU to all elanec of the people, aad beHcvlns that my expert nee and Odclltjr, have been tavorabl ap preciate!. I am Induced to seek the pecllioa acala, and therefore, moonitrt myaeir a candidate for the oRlee at the eoalng elr ttoo and respectfully solicit the sapper t of my fttlow-etttseas. JOII!t O.TAYLOR. XaaproToaeai of Cape Tear IUrer. . U. 8. Engineer Office. Sd story, Union Bank Cuildiag, PayrUe near Charles Street. 1U0lWAlJ for r-Milualac oprnittnoa lBlttM I'mf Kin M i will - - - - ttlilrhUofflMUnlilln'rla-lrli n 1 u.a &(b. U aad pved Immediately Uhyc anr. - . luaak fcrw, apeelAnilktaa. 4te, caa he bad apoe app-lcawxt al thu rxVxx. Jyaa Urr ot ftcir- GOn t.'Tti Coalaei- Hem aoH Ihe r ewiator lrfwM tur .oa nk. ITml Il4i-A Of Wai-t- awL rH-a la xajily. Arruotai n. jteUBaa 10 1 ye uy. ioiy f.i(if ry m aoow UatfH to aaJa ad aaoaxpy. All MWiooM aa . tfioaai warm, mi ndiu 4 lo-arw M-aKiMknT. twraal mmd r c oaai -- hmf 14. .xcv-4 irrl- w7rnea. n Uita - wmr lutM lk tjrmm y- ra v I t, cuurt-M. aiajirv-rt ajtna tm. f? iae itoeaso. Icorioraie4 iC tikfauU civil ai;d iiEcnjuriciL E N G I N Ii 15 It I Ii G teia -e a -" r, c A4 s-1 wiry m.gmu Uc tK-4 tJ mt wcn!k ? rr it '. . twr'! tw '' '. ;t 'm: NEW ADVERTLSH2ZENTS Proposal j for tie fjcsstnicllca Cf ; Iife-SiTias Stations. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tola nfflM nntll 1-1 l'lnf W'ai. Befdar, July 81 lgft, for the eonstneUo of u llll, TIB, tU the epaats of Virginia, and North Carolina, tr nl ul,l jiiiA.. a k. -. mediated polau between existing; sialiona. and thrM . .. . lm. . i . North Carolina, and HaUeraa JaleC The aereo. Dorthera md Bix.aoaiaera alailuos will be bid for separately and both eon tract a-1 1 1 MAi tw amaaa-lu Ia it a . ThAhnlliilntMinneft k ayvUir feyoa or before the lith day of Aivvviuvvi, aoio, , j Kseh hist law not t Ka aNMnMMntaA w w. Jt - t eMUUimuvu aw FIIA In theinm of l,0u) with two rood and iaffl. creoi iuouis, tooaiuoau inat tne Didder T?11;1, Into contract without delay, if his bid be accepted. ,p All propoaala nat be endorsed "Prop. unnmnnNuga otraeTva liro taT lnf ktaUoni on the coast of Virginia and . ,-y"",or -rropoamis airuieeon traction of tlx rife aarioe station oa the ooaaioi Korxa Utfoliaa," aa the eaae may he. and addressed to the Geaeral Kuperl. teodeat, U.8.LiIe KaTieg Hervlea, Xrauory fcpeciflcatlont and plana, and forms of .yr-o.. i tw vvwi, na vv oaiuifa at iae Uld WllmlnMu .nrf tc .... Vf n of Captain J, H. Merryman, Innpeetor of nuiwr naiion, Asausiaol ?."pStor.ofI1ift,H,r,n Uooa.Ellabeth The right to reject any or all bid, or to - . 7. " wwaj?a tve ui lutorxK v uiv uuvcduuicm hi aooo, im irverrea. 1 T2 W 12.ni TOO Treuorr IbnartniMt nm ik fi.Mw nU 8uprlninJent,U. a iate B(Tlnf Sct wLA Waahll-. V r a hk m . PARSOLS. ; Large and Haadeone Stock at Ui to 8 U0 - . ' " 1IEDRICK. FANS ! FANS ! ecaU toll SO UEDRICK. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! - - - -' ' . . 1 - - "'--'"- VERT Great Bargain in u kinds of Dry Good. . UEDRICK.. Visit or : Communicate With Ui. E INVITE AN EXAMINATION OK Of nntrM Knmtv WaIsmm (V.Ji.. coap. MeaU. Lard. AeT , . . . v ecuie oruera lor ail Ceacrlptlon of mercoancuae. itecclve and ell all deaorlp tlona of nmrinnt a Want ai ntirrhu.. 4Sra mm.. 1 m 1 r A . . wwer uimou uigine, ana xnoaiar twcr, !u.,.b.1 10 dr.Ye 0oiM, Factory. MIIUht llaUilery. Alao, three pair I S feet Btoaaa. with Oear, BhafUog, d ; will sell low down! We negotiate for the purchase and ale ol TarpeuUae Otetilleriea, Ac. - Sample ot Merchandise coat to any point when remicrted. FKTTEWAt A SCIIULKEN, wihS-tf IlrokerSaiwtOomt'B Merchanla. IwOTlClS. rULL LINK OK DRUGS, M EDICT NtH, Chemical, Fancy ArUclea,Tollet Soap. Ae atth lowest cash piicex. . cians AND TOBICCO. y la great variety. The almost ear and pvr.onal aUeatfoa lilvcn to preparing preacrtrtion, at BURBANKU rharmaey, deea-ly ' cor. Frowtaad rrlneeassU SOL BE AE- & BROS., 18. 20 IJARKET ST . jFFEli TO THE PUBLIC, AT the IA)WEST NET llCEs?, ONE OF THE LARGEST -AND 0HKAPEST STOCKS OP READY MADE QLOTHIHG i. AND Mr ckxts iTaxw:i.G cc::s, Coctf, ' m 9 . Il NUIJ13E?. 31 NEWADVZRUZ ONE OF. IF KOT ;'.',"v,t;'-'-jMP';.' "' - :;' LARGEST STOCKS - OF WHOLESALE . ' . ... ". " - .- - ; ?- v GROCERIES OFFERED , FOR SALE IN TIIE Stxlc cr Kcrti C:r:'::o, aiN BE FOUND AT ADUIA"! YOLLr3. ' Southeast Corner Dock and Front Streets, Wilmington, N. C4 ArOrdersand Purchaser solicited. juiy7tf-, : . REASONS WHY PAIN-KILUEU .- IS TWK Best FamUf Hedicke of theArat And why it should be kept always near at '. hand: " ML. PAIM.ITlI.t. la W ma.. Cholera cur that Bsedicai ct eertaJa fmuuns, 2nd. PAHt-KiixKa, as a Marrow and Dye , cillery remedy, aoldom if ever laUa, Srd-IH.KnjtJt n nn Oamp or rain in any part of the syateiA. A single doe uuaily aicu a cureT . th. rarx-Kiixsa wUlearedyvnepalaaad IndlgesUon, it oaed aoooedlng todlreo tion. . - ' SUu raiir.Krtxui I aa almost aerer -AUI . la tore for ttodden Golds, Coogha, Ae, tth. PAix-Kttxre has proret a Borer rn Reeaedy for reaver and Agwe, aad Cuul t ever; It baa eared the aaoat eosUaate 'eases, -- - tf - v , , j ; -, - Tth. Paix-Killer a a llaaueat Is i - equaled for IrYnat fit lea. Chilblain. liuraa,Brttie.CU,8praU,A, eUi. Paia-Kiujca ha eared rase of lvnm attain and Neoralgiaafter year th. rAin-KiMJcB will destroy noil. Ket. on. Whitlows ld Hores. glTta relief from psUi after the flrst applleaUoa, Ms,Pai-Kiiui torn Ileadacha, and Toothache. . . It t h. raiH-Kju-aa wilt aave yoe days ef and Hortor's bill. 12lh. 1'AiN-KiLLKa has bee before tbe pMlc over UHrty-eerea years aad U a purely Vegtatl prtwrU. asits to hmb anl uu I. 1 1 m.-. simplicity auendiag iu . tog-ether aa Il ta t,t - .aH . wtut ute great, variety of dlaaaae that max oe entirely ersvdlcatee by It, ad "iwsnosi paia aadsarirtiBC make It lanprratlv npon every mtsosi toaopply thetiiaelTr with this vmla. . r r " - Tty aver at hand. The Kaia.feT ti.t.ra Is .. .a rreclatnd In rA ik. . : i . . iLTr'fi0"! r00nn,'B4 t la their peacuea. rej lef and eotn tort, iilra It a trial. UaisnuidluiOiaiHiB. g1t, and nearly every iwairy UroosV Uiroorh.jt the land keep It fee aaie. IIENNING &TEEL. - DK1LE&S W FOREIGN AND DOatESTIO HARDWARE, A yA"s-w. hsrs,Uamea, Trace Cltaine, inastrha, (. lag. CarpenUr-s Tool. Ilekaii7 1J air1 lMI lVaVfT(A, a te-f ' Hpoaee. IIba Aalea. lie. a. - ewir at w i aswag mi vn Ow oV. i. " lnt Twins. U 1'it.iag Twia. lor fc a, lkea. Heine Ra?a. Bo OyetuL Yy pa We lavita ei IS. SA. eat-aVtre nmiuiaiissed CArdwarw nmt ef ncrsireirsQ si tczl, WUaUa-ta B, C, asarrti I a. t Ck St ra (a .1. leieClv n lite ILlzn'r Ccr "lJUiiE:iV:i7ir a. M , 1 1 V.tr h ' T? 'b ? .... i . ft Y' :" ts1 U n - v itiw, 4t I -57 ft

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