VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, tfORTJI CAROLINA, SUNDAY. AUGUST 11, 1S78. Siigle ttj!:s 5 Ct;ts NUMBER 31 rviLMINOTON POST All VER TISING RATES. . v '''. v Fiftv cents per line for - the' first in- jgrtiou and twenty-five cent? per lire for each addition al insertion. , Eight (8.) hues, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. , , All advertisements will be charged at jjije above ratea, except on special con tracts ' -" ' . '; . special ratea on bo had for a longer "me than one week.' Ibc wbwijiption priee to The Wil- CITY ITEMSV 'S-o a i "390 men wanted : ' See Bankrupt ad's of J. B. Dill, U.S. Manual, .. Bed ad of Dr. Curtis; head.!,: Qur antine Notice." See ad of Q. A. Oillmyre, Lt. Cul. of Engineers, for bids for the Improve tnent of toe Harbor at Savannah, Ga. See ad of the City of Wilmington in Democrats 1 -The Legislature. The return fur the legislature are not all in bat up to SatnrJayinorniiig the legislature etxd according to the returns : , . ( EUATE. Lotui QiTAiiiyrtBE. : Mattkrs. rid of the pest, except by death or cold? The Board of Aldermen, met pn rn t,i,, A waituM . carro day to bear the report of the four pby-1 aQ(1 jiTe3 are thus indefinitely perilled, aiciana, Dr. Will. Geo. Thomas, li A. J and the .epidemic prolonged. Anderson, Thomas F.--Woc4 WW t r; -l ,ti ' " . . ....... K X cv.rV ..la . 1L... . 1. . . . 1 .1 . . j -. n Eiinu in inn inrrn HfK , 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i r 1 .1 regard to drilling. sit months 7i bST ,1 3 cents, f I 00 per year; All coiiimimicrlioiis on homines should ho addressed to The Wii,MiN(mk posr,. Wilmington, M. C. i J (iUAltlNTlMi. Dr. Wcodworth, now at the head of ihi U. S. Quarantine, was interviewed lee ad of the City of Wilmington In regard to Quarantine. . , , . , ; Ladies should remember that the sab low . and despondent invalid always gain relief from the use of Dr. Barter's' Iran .Tonic.- It purifies and enriches the bWwl, and thus insure the rital enerey r youth.- For sate by all drug- gisu, . m v: (2t) '. The fAbled "Fountain of Youth" Republicans, Democrats, f Republicans, HOUSE. I 71 These buildings Total Democrats in b ith. lloinea, Total Republicans in bith Homo, Independents 3en ate, Independents llouse, .'- -'.-.'. . -v- i i - '. - Total, . We propose then, in ihe fireplace, :.. ....... r.t trrM itttaftOti I ii e . I nr hosnital nrontr. .1. .' . t .. . from the dancer of nsk of contajnon, ballot, l be naiieJ blKe Ca- l.r,I'", Q"M'?, r"I'f . . T . , . ..t i ralauwentr-fitB acres additional li . r ii.. ir... 1 1 .1 U a corrcponuc... o. . ra,, uur- Amflri,. h Pn,. n. Total Independent and RepubH i.irr uiiuh : Ii rave some Hiformahon 1 . . - . r - I i: x ri ' - . II A"in . lina linw hornmp in anmn monatim 1: which ought" to bo of iutercst to our health ollicori : . "What inlerpc.lalioii do you put'jup' oo tfie tiuarantine act in view of the provision forbidding inlcrfurenco with Mate or. municipal quarantine?" "Ihi! notion, which the act '.'enii to imply, that there may be iiitcrlorence Go a iealily to those who seek health and rejuvenation, in the remedies which Dr. Hatter h.n wrung Irom nature, by I patient and scientific inquiry. For sale by all drujrgicit. , ' V V cans in both Houses, ' i The changes from the above will not vary much, as there arc only five niore members to hear from. "Ivirck;" i's the sentiment of count- on Iho part of the government with the It-s.s j,uOV:rcr"s who find the balm of re eit v or suuq auinortues is quae uuiounn - . ' . . . r . .. . I . i e l. araiuine nas lo oo wun vesseia BoAKDOP AtDERMEjr Thu Ioard pf Aldermen : met at, the CHy Hall Thursday -afteriioon in rcgutarjmonthly SeaHion ; presentj, ihe Mayor and Alder- (Oiniuz from without only, and alter tliry enter port they are no longer Kub-;. jfct to q-iarantine rules--or regulations, heing then. subject to the city or taio liealth authorities In the very nature of I lie case the government will not interfere with any local health rules or "quarantine.-regulations.'- The general iriivernmcnt, no .'doubt, hai the right to , , i i ......:: .i psiHOllsn ano nuuuui.-uer qunraiivum lif,fand the fountain of their health j men i Bowdeo, VjonGrahn, VolleM, Foi- and siiens'th. in Aver'sSarsaDarilla. It I ter. Kin2 and Hill. i iho niont potcntof all the alteratives, I The Finance poranrittce reprtcl on (UIISIUC VI "T l'"iv um mo l'iiirrc " I ;, ' , , ..1 ' ftt lare, nil'l J mruiwuc turrs urjvu'j mil -a purity the; system' and .cleanse the J the application pf Mrj. Robert grange, blood. Jt posaesscs invigorating qoali- j recommending jthat it be indefinitely ti'n, that it stimulates the faded postponed, parried. vitalities and purges ut the Corruptions I The petition of John J. Rhodes, aik whi l minyle with the blood. iromot-1 inir for the anpointment. ai a city de- ing th-iangeroent and decay. -We are I tective, wa? ref-jrul to the C irnmittce Police. j i.ioteain"- the country at larsei and H cures Deyoni an a pennon ir:.u n vy n -mmi', ebould the city authorities of such ort l olhtii nt-its kindand we can fortify I reference to goab rumiu at 1', was t?.e fit to supplement the national sup thi r-tat(ni?et by our own experience. I referred to the cii'iitiry G Mwuiit Mhl (JAm.) White Flag, j (2) I A petit ion' from su'idry rtUil dealers. in rpfVrpnre to huek3ters. was releirC'l OTE OF BRUKSWICK.-The vote Of tn n,in,nli,.U , Market and Fees I. :-l ! JUIt ' II..J1 I . T - -, - - wruuawic couuvy j m iu.i, mv.uu- v Jt petiliotjj flour C. gtemmermaoo, log lown LreeR, whicn ttie democrats tviidm to extend lib stable are try ing to mrow out irauantentij: rfjolniog row, on Front, be? i or oopeuor ufc vitu-ow.u., . D k j Qranse streets ' was Rep., 786; Guthrie, Dero., 754. :.!.iforrl to tha bom mlttee o i Fire Dc- cryision of commrreo and vessel by quarantine of their own my otlice would not io any ntaiiner ioterlere with the municipal quarantine, but on tho coti trarvs would aid the local healtiiAulhor i'ies by furnishing every obtainable in tonnation, and which it js not possible for the state or city to obtaiu yu their own -account, i Thu ofllce cannot tatre i harire ot anv -ouarantine station until . - - the nreesmry vuiiuingi are orcewo, mm m&oxx v t-.iiwi.,wrr, partment : J ' atonqdete outfit provided for maintain- 7U'., Oltery, Dem., 677. J A petitlori jfrom Mott" & 'Cjmpen, inT nn clhcient ' quarantine. 1 ins can . p KurTeTor Grissett Rer 820- .. - f .. only be secured afler the necessary ap- , 'P- asking permission "to move .ft shp on Vropriatmna are made by Congress." U?m.,ubl. - v . - Market street p a vacant lot on Front 41What do vou think of - the land Fr Coroner. Thorp, Rf p., 784; Mc- Btreefj and J: t LiPDiH'a allv." va .''quarantines' catabliohed-against New .- t)rlean?" "Quarantine by land, beyond disin fecting the clothing or effects of pans-, engera, is, in my opinion, impracticable, If not uselesu. " in this opinion I -do uot take into account Ihe hariM ilone to comqieree. The sick, of yellow fever 'do not communicate the di-.ease. The yellow fever po;son may be transported in tbe chjlhing- or t fleets of passengers, especially if confined in trunks or box es ; but its favorite lurking place is in the damp, filthy holds and bilgewater of ships, where, if confined, it multi plies and increases in virulence to atich an extent as not only to affect those on board, but even to exert its rernieioqs influence in tho direction of tho cur ants of air to a considerable distance "Are the quarantincsof the Southern pottJCelbeieniT. A'IF AD rEBUSEJIEXTS. QUAK&KTINE KOTICE. ; T?R03I ana after thu dte, and nntU Xur- HENNING &TEEL? tEALER3 IS FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC VJane , OP"? the subject Ofafl- . Lazaretto iier nottce.n. Tsel from tb. Port, ol tine. Ihe reoort is lotrz ana e eive l -ds- i..... .mt ih. nl,t onlv an abstract of it.' WeiOUOl fiest cLAi-MopE or piBiKTEioir. the well, which should be the largest ; West, or Ne w.Orloaiitf . A WXAxn w nurses : and the othet for the lazaretto will be permuted to approach Ut City or I Iocs, orpnter' Tool, l. i-ksan.a'a l ! WilmlDxton nearer than Uia Quarantine J V her is, ian.BFofcesilBb Axle, J.ol. iww nai'c, mijir, iwiuo, rv Hirra iiri, ian; .r r..:..:."i,- it.iir firrs nosowenty-nve l,.r l.ol.t wMlint out and ft red with I 8 Ter ue - siouera properly ct wind sails, preparatory to reded, from which a yellow flag should luiuigalioD; that the bile water anall fr "ons J sickness s at the hn mimnn nut nt Ipast three times in I , v . twentv four hours, and after each dis- f The report wa3 adopted bytheboard, charge of bilge, new water ptrmped.-Ui 4 ahd ,lhey adjourned until next Monday ana out uuuiv me return ie mu i UkJ hfs ioto furlher consid sweet; that as soon as the hold is cleared 1 .. . - - , SUU-n at Deep Water rotnU' . . , W.G.CUKTl4, ' Qiuurntlne rnjslcUn,, , - - --- ---'. 1 -- - - " . , uj 6 tr - . ..Portof WilmlDston. , f f lv I,,., ' i - .7. .mil .i um i" air : CITY OF WILMINGTON,!. C, ' MAYOR'S OFFICE, AUGUST 5th; im. NOTICE. inhnri I eraiion. acM gas shall iMjpitAeraerfed i,0W m cat May be ax.d Useful , hatches, by a process hereaiVsf ae- J , - , scribed; that the cabin and ' sleeping While celebrating on the Fourth, a apartnien's of both, othcers ana crew J man at Santa Rosa tied a blue light to shall be cleared of all contents, ired, rld 'tail. . Th frighten.! animal washed and fumigated 'with sulphurous I . .. A IX person passing SOUTII of WUntnf ton, rrom anjr of the dtlea or towns on tbe j Sea CoasUwbere Yellow Tt ver, or lafccttous ; Hpoona, I imsUfH, k'Uh LI nea, V '. -. X er, IXitton Seine Twine, lUi IMUiDf Twine, H-luo Rfc. ticalra. Beams, ltU, bylucre Oy, ltuia, e. -. We iuvite ckpwihI attention to oar tare n t extensive assort nirn tor 1K0.N. eleeu t espraatly for BmitUiand -J-arnira' uce.a.1 nt wblcli, iil wach more, we ouer M low oit pxiccs. Ml tbe ITew Established ZXlurdw&rw Cons of . No. 0 nrket CL Wllmiatom, XI, C. march J acid , jrs In the same manner as the near Charles Street. Bai timokb, Mn July 2Mb. IST3. SAXX for cootinaloK or rations on tbe work for tbe cloture of tbe New Major of u(lneen. InproTcment of Cap Fear XUfor U.S. Euginecr 05ce, or contagious diseases exist, jwtu be Quar-I Sd story, Union Bank Building FajeUi anllued for Twenty Dxjra before belog al lowed to visit tbe City of Wilmington this hold and then be thoroughly washed I which caught fire ill wnsequence, and j order will bo enforced nntlt Wovcmber 1.1, j Intel, Cape JjVe Rtw, W.C.wtU bareeelv with diluted carlrolic acid, two pints of burned down. After the conflagration 1873. - - MbVi Md'oned IniSid&t tb!5: tne acia to a ganon oi waver, ium the remorseful man hunted ur his un .i , . .'IrV' . - . - a like solution be l-oured into the hola ; rcmoremi ma numcu upnis tin AnypersanaunjtheTe order will h Wank, forms. rneatloBs, ac can be a like fcoiuuoii ue iouicu iimv uo fortonate nezhbor and ' beean. to ex- - . - ' lupoaappJtcaMonattbu.offlpe. where t no bilge accumulates and as ,or"?Daie . 6 . .-ii k- A Tu. ned Fifty Dollar, and Imprisoned not ,,,VTM.F. CHAlutUTJU - mar as may oe Bpreau over uie wans firairfciii ik.vaNu,otiin, of the hold proper; that all tho clothing other led him into a corner and" em- ,ee lb OB xo Tbr wUI be a and bedding and chests or trunks con- braced him with every appearance of Policeman stationed at tbe .Depots on the taining the same and:' other articles the highest gratifieatioa. "CapiUl idea, , ; , ' ,.,, , -nfr, ,,. likely to carry disease, be washed, and, that ; about the , ct.'t he whispered! arflVfcl of trln" who 1T,H ?nforc thB if nut destructible, uiorougmy iumi-1 "Xoaaee uusineas got w m somleroal bovorUer. Uatco, or uibiniev c "'. ? - J insureu ,r,vw in. 4 uur, Byorderof S, H. FI2IIBLATE, cordage ppar-, and hhip Vtorcs not but; somehow, uone of my fire-works liable t' injury by such process5 Ac. auioooted to anything had Koman All Mich measures, and such additional candles anl a bonfire on tho roof too. ones as he may find it expedient to Never thought of a cat. Magniiiceot adopt and enforce, ehall' bo under tha idea, bf George ! But look here hope supervision ahd control of the Quaran- it didn't spoil any little game of yoar t: Tl. 'l'li .IrV fmm Iho Ann ekf!:- . -a ..... ...-... ............ .. . . vessel shall be moved to trie nospitai i ' tve pubitsa tnis little incident merely atS 0 tf ' Mayor of Oty of Vnimmtton. CriY OF WILMINGTON , N. C, . . MAYOR'S OFFICE. Improvement of the llaxbor at Char lesion, 8. v. Army Boildlbg, eor. Uooatoa Vn4 Oretae . -Htreets. - .- ; r - Nrw Voar. JolyJS, VCa. HEALED PnOPmALH. for the eonauae tlon of a Jetty lathe lUrW of Cbarleatoa. KC.. wiiibe received at this omen, nnul noon of August a, IsTtt, and optu4 1 mine dlalely thereafter. liiaak form. apeclflealloM and all neea ewary !o formation. eaa te bad on apptlea lion a. inn omce, or u tpu Minttu nwi IS AUGUST 9T0, 1878. Corp. of mnMja tTurirnAiT mmniiiiiti bAvlne been! auj4 6t LA, Cut. of aclner. immediately upon their arrival, and fco show that sympathy is not always made by peaceable cltlient redding In this the '.veil to a suiUble building separated nccesaary, and that even caUmiy be. rfLort-abniiaiiea of boys drinina and t from the hospital, to bo kept in quar- made useful these hard times. Uty of tb MUan or.loy, an,unf MW antine of observation for a lime to be beating drums In the streets at a late hour I Keth in, D?m., GO 1; Ferguson, Green- btek, 01. '- '- '' For Sheriff Taylor Rep., 43; Chln ni',' I'wm., 701. - -:- For Treasurer. Walker, Rep. 772; Kouik, Dem., 770. ; For ,Scnator.-Ro3s,Rep., 070; Robe wa3 referred to1 the Committee1 brt Fire Dem:, C Hobbioi, ' Greenback. I irjepattineofc1 r " ',4; V t- - ' . I A petition ftomL. Chapman, wtigho- t ,.r iiouse oi itepresentauves. o ctdfoJa reference w a reduc lifuobs. Ilpp.. 8"7: Weare. lem I'olter, Greenback, 00. referred to the kimmittee on Fire D j partment. j; H " . ' : " " ;A petition ftrm.-W. B. MeKoy, aak ing permission to extend .a wooden store on Mark dt street, between Second and Third streets, 20 orLsO fvet back, regulated by the quarantine physician. puriog the observation of the late j of nJght, notice U hereby given that all The period or tumigatiou, eaan oe eclipse, Mr. Swift of Rochester, N. Y., fifteen days alter the la3t case. . t: ; t a hard-ware merchant, who pursues as- f ixxiVD CLArs. tronomy as a diversion, discovered Uie Vh a all Vessels from ports south of disputed planet Vulcan, in the constel- Cap? Fear, which hare recently had, lation Cancer, lie made the original or are liable to have, infectiotu dis- discovery last yea r,;n I won the Vienna i 1 .11 l .1 . 1 I eases. o yellow icver, suau biop iuc - nt t,M quarantine station and be inspected by I f : . , 1 i . u....:s. ..ilk a:J. About a month flc-o he discovered ine luarannne vuysivian. a. hb - ---- - t , - ---- retion they shall bo required to dis- fher comek - Ue w very deaf bVt .1i.tre carj, or ballast, be, subjected has afwonder Inlly; acute.eye for star o raise money to erect a suita- obacrvatory and purchase a larcer , instrument but the citizens of 'Roches matehiai.s iu8 jut ijuaba- j ier are stronceiy inapprectaiive or bis - v- v - t , - - 1 ! 1 .1.. TINE SlATION hargo carg.i or ballast, bei subjecleo: "v to mch disinfei tion as ho may direct; I"?!2, 1 nrr which the vessel may come to the , eitv f ,r cir-ii i i -i " v hie obcrv uy tr ciro. inslrumen drUUns on the street, either by regularly organized military coropanlex or thoee not orsanized as smh. togPther with the beat- ------ -. - : i ' log of drums, Is heieby prohibited after o'clock p. m., unless prrmUalon U llrst ob ( tslnrd rrom this ofllce, . - B lI.FlsnBl.ATE, nog H U " Mrr- . 5 . ' V 0 Si 1 e ;: It j: fiQ7- I 1 . t t 1 111 M'-artic wiv quaruuiiuu ujoivipu I rmn f thft flmoiint rhflreed him UV the 1 . . ...ll. U H '...innf nuaranrinA ma recoinnn'ml mat nerue provmeu wiwi If L.A. r -m wC.- -V. I I j-h r - i put fiir inn iifi.i irar. nA3 n ivuvw v . -II ltl Tl t-II I H n win oo seen ma an me i-puoii- fVimnill.rtoII MnrVet and Fees can ticket was elected. - 1 1 nn,. at i ' inrmft1 : have " a UV y J va j. - - - - two tJetsard'a fumicatora and five hun-. iliedi in.U of crude sulphur, and a 300 MEN WANTED & -AT EXCELSIOR QUAUEIES, BOCKY K1T, TO WORK.QDARRY1KU 8T0JE I aaf merits and the honor he is coo ferine I mo-rnRn r nnvr.rtNirrNT works. by this singular nucrraa. - I - - Prof. Swift arrived io town last oight . Steady Wdk lor fiBC Yeir, and in an interview with a reporter I sUted he bad no more doubt that he THOMAS WILUAM3, had dkcoveied Vnlcan than that he mnf n lv , muperinteadenU naa neen in voioraao. . ue savs tne 1 5 & ri.c. ' 1 1 - ITftira and Liquors for Ualtcinnl V$c. ararch I tf - ClTV Bbiefs.-Judge Meate's court ordinance N rcierei co to thicken has been at work all the week grinding coops and other obstructions on the out. cafes Col. Klein has had a side walks, enforced, cpeciaUy on 'Manv of them cannot' be as now German picnic at his Wilmington Gar Water street, it ucmgn narrow rcei managed. If a vessel is infected every dens.-- Dr. OirMs. the'quirantinft lf rson sbonta ue remov vesael should ie tnorou, jvnd then scrubbed insi Mii.t llion ' ilwinrrelfld i r a vrMHfl ran bo returned to coin- I il... Vnina IVnirlnvnt fia Kppn in I on Fire Department mar.a lit twdniv.fiiiirhmirsin a heallhv I . " s I : l?.n'r nf i ilia JSiinriiitendent -o ...w.v ...... - i town in consuitaiioo wan pcopie in re-l f - condition, as mny of the qua i)l .'. a 1 F arliAllA ariil a I rnnhrniatian nl InA t ifllarii'A nf IniA I tmnMMMaMi ahA iri1wir nt XiTAII The fuiin ;;ttors atiovc mvnuoucu may i vr . iuiw,u.wM .aa-v- lilt; JU1MI 4tTUiS iiivuivui mJ l . ..a . . lie obtai in d of J. E. Lampkin, agent P,aa cr5V a wnBAilont of lv. Oer.ard, No. 10 Union slfeet, scientific c 11 rclea as the discovery cf NVw f )r esns. at a cost of I12.oU acn, I -" t is inrectcd every tens.- Dr. CurlU, the quirantine ad appucaiion irom uuurX (h , ved from it ; the . b had a consultation with aafciog that afW barrel cistern be bu.lt chH ie7and'Sd1 he, Hoard of Aldermen about the pub- on the corner pf Sen nth and Woos-er Ttio ain In U.i! lichealth. Capt. C. B. Phillip, of streets, was referred to the Committee Kith ntl liviiu.-sYoinolete. free on board An application from sundry citizens, (hJ CJr!j at cw'-Urleana..- Thesis ma chines weigh about I'.jU munds eacn. tttilphtir. wir are a'lvi-tel, can be ht at f 27 t $u0 per ton, but we Id wtjareal for convenience the pur- r a ewat;i van uu iciuuim - UV r.ncm ee in twenty-four hours in a lieaiiny . r.inRn,.t;nn :th in re- , . . - - . ..... . ... .. ..... . ii :i-ikT i L r. u : ..I. . ... and nrnAnui nil ii if. i . unhere are no r.icilitiea lor providing i ncre ami iiewooni.-iur wuivu a ounrj i ."""""'r ' . 1 m easa fertile sick or well of ian infected vca- W.H ordered - bv Concress. -The 1 On motion the IM'd aiijournm. , 0f thead wl and, they are;ccrdHiRly retained N),i(,n;4, tjrcenbaikera hate organixed I r ' ::, - T. 06 "Jff on tbe vessel, which ia-tho condition I . . . . I County Commissioners.. The session f m.Ki f .e,,r,bU for i.r.mairat nrr the IHi- u are swu.S ''.' , . rx! mri in t, r reuvu xjv.uj i wn. and not onlv expose all on board, )y so they say. but every one who comes near tuo ves- i uaT, go, na L,ar contract lor stone at rl." 1 li 4. ..... .r.t William Tecumah Cutlar has been fined $25 for ma J man we General Chalmers,! ot Fort Pillow massacre fame, is campaigning for re election to the House from Mississippi. lie is reported io one of his speeches to chase of 600 i-ounds from the Navassa I have gashed and gushed in his admira- . . w ill . . I il l.e .a-Wdr ' Ouano UtHtipaoy. w e recoramena vue i uon lor Jen xravis as ine greates oi . purchase of two or these machines, I American heroes, or aoracthing equally fhat one may always bo ready for use I aKa, it tUmn k- .i.i.i.i ii,'.. of aecident to the other.- AU T ,v-"?, laachinea and inaterlaU are to I seceacwon w io mm a ucaa wuc. ,iue the control and in the os- New 1 or k Times is Mnpid enough to the quarantine phytkiau. v I prgie him for this speech, and ta re- also rrwramended that tbe City I mark "the General's winter' in rerular monthly session at bp. m. 1 burs I tl tb.c mean, Uuie bear tbe expense, ana l Washington ha Uono - him good." nah, Georgia. .Vm'T TtnodlBK, Nw rk, Aucul i. IK". blu.VlOPlitJIWAllor lh com kt - tlonof aKttbmerged Iiam In Ihe a van nan Klver, at tbe Ca Tides, will be wrired atlhUorQce, nnlil noun ot s-rHmt ilh. .l.TX. and opened Immediately thereafter. Blank forma, apeetlteattona and alt n;e lnforntatiutt. ran be had em application it omrr. or until Autnui Jn. i ru James a l"oet. Von of tiilneer. Havan- ary aith nah.-Oa. aogllSt O. A.Ull.UMUK. LA. Cot. ot tJiglncrra. MllS t to rtee notiee that on the Snd day r am. IVTH. a warrant In Uuiaruplr vraa InnM nulfj the lltli-t itoart Of th 1 N. GREEN WALD. DEALER IN P0ME8T1C AKD IMrOO TfcU CIU1US AND UFFS. Nirth Carslin and VirgiaU tZ9 Ins and Chewing Tobacco, Pin; tMOKEli5 ARTICLE, Ac. -Indian Girl Ciffar ttct,, HO. 31 MARKET aTRaXT, f ' I de a U Vt Umlngtoa. J. C, Ignited Htatea tor tae tre Km lHtrtctof N.wih ckmlknaMalnaiXbecataleof w llanXlea ami liU 4JrawaH, partaera. trailing aa llanMim of W linwatvan, l ther.Hi.i.r ol fW ifanovee, la aald 1H 1.1 t.whltaa been adiodced a bankrupt ot4 taekr on peittlua. Tnat the pajmteat rmt .m v a-i.ta n.l ita Oriivrrr of aay m- fwrty t-rwnsiak aam nuisripw, w , "Do jou thiuk yellow feVer can be contracted from letters? Galveston ha forbidden the entry, into that city of ihe New Orleans mails."- "I do not think there U ny danger from Ifttcrsi I rceeiTe letters-, from Marana and other yellow fever iufct-.teil districts every week and never think of ny danger. There is noue. The Democrats aro puntlin over the folliwin fcntcucei from cx-Goternor Tinier s testimony before the Potter commits Scaling ol the Returning Bard, be ta'd : MI found no nur' Prtnerhip i that b arvl than I ex rected to fiud,tnd no more than I should M in any state almost ( iu civil frr. Two of the member certainly believed last they ought to count Tildcn out at - a' I e veiita. They cousidcml itwr William day. Treseni J. G. Wasner, Chair- sk reiiuburscment frum the lesnda- U U ju?t exactly such remark, of J!1Tt TJ. I f..e man, and Conimiioncrs Worth, Sand- lure; , 1 - f .&Jw-J2 M. 12X1. laki, much'. (ntemrUf hM den iSfeniSt be'allovrcdyiist hi, taxes in Mason- II lit It Vt I.M.wn -- " - 1 . I week, fresh from hU oratorical laurel. ownsmr. in liladen.--.Lvst week wa obsemd lk was ordered that M. A. Alder- . l . .Li I-Ia.! . l.,.l.,t at . f Mar.e ke tha 1 VL I aB orrcuy -.vu.. "' ir... t?. i ma uuuiioiij v . . v . . .. 1 "bt . -r ..f fciouth. We resivctfull v recommend to ycur eJU,e people ol tneonn ren,, hoihirablo Uxlv to apply to the next I lnS me true iceun ot uie ri uwieu- i hrl4 al m r banknpu-y, b ES eu!llu to the ex- l-racy.of the th. tial- Ty"JZmZ rarmoK.d i?ne4. deadt, ,.VH . .11 n.iw.inintr tho httll at taarn I w,"i-v"": """""- r.. 1 WAnl IjC ll It i. aU k.niLall uecrsatuiiy . revived. Mil ne win l ana tt U.im aistv w a 1 a " a a BE YOUR OVII LAUD V LORD. 1 FOUgALB L 1 t 'l.,,r.-!. V. ill., v .4 . - . . t flffini prai i uiu vi kvuvh u 11-i ; has turned up ajain m new " I V , k.- an Uer HiUcs, a.Lh aa'he w iu Act of Acmbly ot lebruary 1 In,, he old palm, da, of Democxacy a!h. 'V .S;- " f ' . . . mk.I wiiS th PrcsKlrnt ol lhe IJniver- t a a- - a w a iiuuu - a - u. . tl ' ,w' r r . "r -V.l tf.-m liim t.f this at ih it- oti the railroad track, a Uen. Johnson -", " . , . , ', . d"l he can't complain if he laUted,', a furnuh .d E.I. A. Z cAfaMtiT Alderman with a ceitifkat, cf.r . . .. .? .1. "I.,: .n .1.. lrt pointment under the proves vt wid nae-r nmin.iiui a n a riiiirx uaa anil -- na - -- .i, -- wilUwuuWe furniture ami au turdca f" , r ' T..' . , .Vi n - I , ; r. imrstetorte aotwtaato;i34f riair. We farther recommend that Wlow-rartit aW aaios to. miw I Ak a warranti. rr 1 -.i i- Z.1Z i!.:;1l IW thi. aixNim- w-catlrd principles witbia the aa otrf tb itmy T?ZLt'2 a suitable house be built l r me aocom- ... . -t h 5 . . im. ibmi fc i ct rear - nMHlatkHt of well wrwrn, when re- 'V.T , , ! 7 ,Spf.hCiiB.-itbo(liifc.. D.Hiau i i i . . . s e,t which risbtfiilly brlow-a to a he- j. BAjy. n tiaii. la t e-aaty moved front an inl poblkan, for his diUnct U anti-lVmo- HUdew Jn J' . a sprat oo lr tne steward ei tne i M M.:wilt ..j- -r ad,i44 twaarer t-- b a r- K.J!iil and hw fmUt. to be ld (vr , fby -,0mi oiaj-MHr.-.V...S ,,,,,,1 " M:T' I ima.aMaV. : ' a i - I ta. 4iaV M nU V M wnw.tM -r". w w - m j m. - -a. NMneiUHNIi day oTAocA. 1.I at I At f y rl. . fx aad f tata, Ca la. latataMiaiaa, -. fa raatl. tT.rr,Ka, Amm, pranf. ttiMtwat, WaiaaU )MaieT. - liairaa, lUttht. tral, ata, Ke, mm, tau 3ia. Tvata, tuia. T 4tb. 1 kU treat, a 4 Tra aomiiae. 4 Moor twa4i0 tUw 1';f-t '" AlftT t JAM Vi 1 1 ', tenbeit at he niiietiea au cay icdr, i i - I ........ .1 in atxHNMMIitn r -in tu thic d i of the djr-.tr den t centalt The ll!wir2 pirnM. et appliot- r - . . . . . .... .11L..M ctantrd Iicrwst W rvlt eAure-a moral duty under the or- 1UU tuteorhaU6,,''for irmey saa r . . f wa, ruatsunce,, 1 had Krrat symiutby for vitM to what Tltie U claimed 1? lTi Ln J 11 !fi tacni, and, under the circumstance, I ihe wh6le bumaa lace would ronton; W. U.ro n ll. nT reWishotihl have don as they lJ ,-Srplted a-oeuac- kirns Mrs. AlK. Meyer, AX hutUn, W Ifaleadins iVmocr.t would hV bvvn ,onC J,D. II. KUndcr, U. FrtinhiU Prf, w done a. the Ucturnms cunV orviolMttx thcta. ,tijw v t VtKwpctt cre could not be fraud ai a matter tf . I TV.Y ' WdS.ns FatU e5are -Ar-tXrit. i t lsl hmn central railway, Dickey lrit:ah, il i Iuiitm, Vs4m.--iaffWta... i.l.ta halt and a loudtepett v It II. inadat. P. ' naa m iwanv a . " mm if itttu'v-, - - , - out of the fund apprnprialed. ievra . a 1 . . anr a inn t. . .ti . a m. e iitti i av nr ana v iii l'luua w w m ... . . .a, ! nveass3V wiuj-ivv .ui.v.v .... . ' i. TVrc.avxaiaittHWAi- present- levrrjafcn. ?Ut3C ha m me a:e rd ftvro lr. W. M. Cuitu le i iaraa-1 out -i oa t pui .,fS.r At imithvtU-. ariwviotot I aaip was UaU tns iK rmaK-ndata 'f ihe caaittre. I Vrcteskma thrvu: h the pttiWai ef Vt. A&rm al rttcd acoa-1 tbepaM. tbe him h dire la xtas ad the f dWwtttatt; . I rpef Ml. MaJaw FpiMifats. er Ft-rwettv laeca4ta w to wtfi I cH afrxtl to !ral liKtty sal eUAl Tae WniekWru Wttn J ni-tlcs' the aiming announcement : 1 The m.W In the future atU N '.riv.il a Nalinnat tiirrnb.uk Pivr. iatoruKd hm the pajser-cr. that aoaae ' . eh rut.l Hit, ot courw, w tb m.ttter, but he sat trxn vn..y. expects to fi.ht it .ut tb.t tia. ; V, lWUy 6V.a we.ee a tirrenback iua:r cvtl bf.rI kia dat t.. i-i'-i:te had burt lU tc. ,ii a i-cr; tw .'t f.anoTTvi r ! I thf 'i iltii in an wfenn tttx i hjw m au arw. ry .!. batter, wntd rbrr ait f the ra 1 ikhi tx!f;littxti. mhk.h J 'Henry lrv-"jn i.iaii i n-i p.,wTpri un, pia aw iw I r x 11 T.i'aiT. tt. 11 lisllil". la 1 1HJ " W a. p ..... t'ntUl niil t-e a'iih a ti th. Prrsidencr of tliee "ut.whkhwe ard ,t!i!Ul y A ntl a tV rrv 1 fffsWtraintT, imt '- cr.f I snur V it f1"1 1 ri. 1 -"" -if f iiolcRce i't i. ''-Ata,kmo!t? He. b.t rfrVii f J !v-Urcl litV tit t,-tc ' " licence vt t-wi-H'-.n ti t-rt '"''towtu!i L l-:irv 1 ct t M ... ' W 't J t. . : '.:.'-l I rtt tvne I'.s l i g- l frj&t . ' - 'r . a. ,.i ; . r i. V. I ? : .; 1 " : 2 Irtti i 8arxh Meyirr, Jhn lrnU. It was mdted that the Oril ie IVvarl l iaittticted to w'ify tW -rtt rt- ".eit t i r."; to pti ?tv et Hirwte ttil s 'l stinsx-r lst-l (t tc New !.l x; a4 tnle tt'f P- niuv . Of t!i ! aa ae- nrak at UA ffl!f ex iW SXACit alM at icttf. la UTS lie ir ittm any rrpwty Kt tstv will w a4 a a " rry. ai4i a t.s 2wity ee i tl HT. kl Watiurk A.U .M IMI l'tt4 Mates tiwrJ1.3ef' tiowaiO afti . X. la lakfry aad 1mv MarJd tie a4 lwiMi. W4.tgt - - --. - ftrlNiet,f tM tT I 4 Ae lxa la fcMkfcknrr aa tamM l I -Br I ti- I 4.va .ViieC?-e I tr I irrt ktia - -- .ta .- (3 H l";' ' 5f i .. vAa - ll! .' . Jl 'a. " - ' ,:JS I I. mil ' nut i. rmni n I Yvtk. t tf ;..".J"a cin.- ite t 5. - " " : :i -xa'. :nt L mAmty ?f wre I a til dat U, I mtt vt tW ' lanaUtr: -wnWt uiik vekrtka. axt LtUe 1 torSi c-r& iVtr trari le Mfw rl C, Fnr T-av jvl frvra ,'1 I-'.y ti - - . . . . . . . . "1 ! i-tisit'MllCin niasaiir, u i.i : trftr,Scv the fc-.'C Vi. . . It r vlrl ir tlti t p-" f J fevrr,' asi 1 JJ. V-tit a4 r-"0 ;? ii ti ! 1, - ca 1 as! . . .... 1. ... ... I ( I r-T. c ' - a r t' t ts - .t i i ' v - , . i ll-U i ? i I t ll : i v UfT-wt'-i-ia W k JT5 w-? "id '.rftK-r at l'scy a K.3i Vy :lfi-i c V e ;t. :r ct tk fini- t t' t -. !r t!T tilt J! s i t 1 i ;l t1 i -i . --' ii'5 r '- ha(.,t a4 a rf, V -a r - aran. a4 -'' a , aim a-f 4 m-s,...i. 4 11 -': in"-' 4... f e , . rvjtl.-. ill 3 t i t 1 I l 1 ti .-t . r tf 1 tare -- rra W -4 i ..-r - - -' ieS a't fcT- . t .-a ai , i-- : f t 4.. . . ti::: 'M a?-?, tu. r ' 11 en.. . "- 1. A . - a- m f -m 1 t 1 . - 4