.1 11 I .1 . ; I ! : - V - . vc7 - VOLUME IX. WILIIINGTON, NOKTII CAROLINA, SUNDAY, AUGUST IS, 1S7S. SlrIs C3;I:s 5 Celts NUIIJJEIl hJ'H .. '. - V " .VILMINGTON POSTaADVER TISING HATES. Fifty cents per line fur the first iti erti"n ami twenty-five cents per line tor each additional insertion. Right. (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con Uitute a square. 4 All advertisements will be charged at the above rates, except on special con tract. " ' . . . ' .pccisil rates cau be had foe a longer time than one week. . The subscription price to The Wic MiNuroN Post is fl .00 per eaq sis months 75 cents. i ' Allcommunicrtionson busiilcsshould bo addressed . to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington; N. C. , LAKOK1NO MEN, The lteiublic",n party is truly li.e jarty of lltejaboring men'. ' Why any" lie' publican should wish to join any other "laboring man's parly, it is beyond our compreheusioii to understand. ' The Democrat' think they have at 'fast adopted the proper disguise to fool the colored ,lcople, in tlm laboring greenback vail. It is too thin, gcutle nn'ii. . J "only safety or the political wel ' fan- of the colored people is to stand by the old Uepublican shi,,fnl not allow any one to foot tlu in into other organixatioii. v .1 mm . . ,.-.; , "We understand that a young co'ored in tu ly Iht name of George Kobiusou, who is 'iu i to an orator, created a panic in the Greenback society on WciJncs il:iy night last. The Iiboriug Man's ttreenbawk jur t'y, .i another new d'lC to try to decoy colored men from the Uepublican party. 1 We warn them against their old cno mien under a new name.:: : Colored people be on your guard j iiainst certain men who are trying to d oy you from the lUpublicau parly . into the hands of your old enemies, t WuUhHheni as you would a snake, or they will strike you when you arc not looking for il. V - ...!1?UEN1J VI K liltS. Why .'any ftlepu jticau should join the (ireenfoukefs we ire unable t :, The Iii'blicaii! pariy is the lireenback party They i-Jued the greenback. Tho : Democrats Jiave al way voted against greenbacks. . . . ' ' " Tiio iK'iiiocrats noniiuattd tirveley lor-ihe puroese of getting Uc colored votes. -They tried many other plans but the have failcil in each. Now they a"ru trying the Laboring tlreen-hai-K dmlge. Wo tell ibem they cannot fo 1 the colored pcoplc.lor the veil that overs their hejv uudertake iing is loo thin, notwithstanding the fact that they are usiiig jwrsons whohcrelof re be longed to the liopublican parly. , Wo itL'sin warn tho colored - people to be careful of their old enemies. , ' m m - -'-ftUOSI WAaiUIWTOK. MOKK FINK PROMISKJi FUUM SKSATU.B : LAMAR fllK SHOT tf N V O 1. iVV itii.i'An rotten iJi"':,Mt4i!im SltiSS THAr JliKK. DAVIS WILL UK .''!., SKSATOb! FROM MiyfUPlfri. BU Mv)REI BEMOVAL Ot U SITED fTATEi nisruicr attorney Jiournnop of S JrrH ABOUSA.--TUE URAL MEAN ! ISU OF THE FAMILY TBUUULE.S OF SOUTU t AROLIXA PE.MOCaAl.- tiEN. h. F U13TI.KB HAS LEFT. TUU BF.rt'B I.ICAN PABTY. REPUBLICANS lBOU OF- TUB hUtX'Efa OF TtlF.IR KOUT1I CAROLINA PBOTHKBd. V I B O I N I A POI1TKV. ' ipt'lal Crre-ulenHo the lr 1 Wakiiikuton, Aug. 10th, 1J7. Jiul -e Tarbell.r'irst tVmln.tlvr of the Trc.iiry, i$oe of the northern bora n-n who f.Mind it healthful to leave Miwisstppi alUr the 'shot gun election f 1S75. The story uow tvmes that Senator I.nuar hasas-surevl Mr. Tarbell and otherfcpronnncnt Mi-wswipp'" th4i his course henccforwAfvl will b in i eppxtsitnm to what is know- as tho j ".-hot s iHrcj" in tltal sUto, u.d 1 iuAiuxt all violeuce at Io.-tio'S aid sj rerccutitn of voters. JIo U : bo rep riiL J as k-iu that heiKtcnpies this . -- r av.iiu.lcln the mind of tho north am ha m.iti trt utaiut l v it. Ihc tamo people of uo liltlo faith who put llr.h tU lor iIm brlieve t'.i.it a division of the the Deiaovratic party"! iueuu U. won. All that is nccU l U U lave mxtMt.lv Ukrt ih lead. -This s nwl IU ItUno new thir r t; iut Luuxr to talk fvr the can of tV.e'nt and hm hrr. t.f.iru found t'-ov-i re cutk-bly an I m oiv; A ' r - A few day t!;o hh-LU 'patches toM a r f v ran. Tic escaped. A later dispatch I sanj that a coroner jury bad fnvesti- J gated tirucey's death knit retained ! verdict that "he came to bis deaih at I the bands of persons to the jury an-1 anown." The real facts, were -that Wharton, a I nciiew or Judge Wharton, and Bra I cey, who was an ex-Uonfedtrate Cap-1 tain, both Democrats and men of good I families, and of excellent character, becains tired of the MahoV gun policy" I Vance will hare 73 rotes, and the ro und decided to try an independent I publicans will hare 68. Mr. Vmm movement. Wharton was running on ( mis neitfci as, memoer oi ine lewia-1 . Some f the most respectable 1 !'e of that section encoHrsged them J iure H.-OJ iu this movement. The indecent speech I made 'by Wharton was simply an open 1 and mauty protest urainst theoi I gun policy" and" an argtiment for aleat tWgs. Thepleudi(taccri of T lie tircnfv kImiIb vm fmm mm nrtrmnJl ized club: There was no fight. Brucey --. . was foully , murdered.. Wharton es-1 caped. The coroner's jury was sum-1 moned from the very crowd thtt did buc biiwhii. ine inuepeuaent move I meiit, in the lancuare of a colored fee- l publican, "is just hung Up." (Senator I niado with a definite obiect in view. It I is Ui servo as the key note of plan I that.,H to make him the candidate of I the 'Viot gun Klicy" men of that state ai Senator Bruce's -successor in the enav. Major Barksdale, who really n anageu me last iwo campaign, lor in. Meuiucrais. anq wno is also toe editor l ..r il... I i :.. r .u. I t..c .trois is also a candidate. I on. wi.i wundraw m lavor of Air, XitTis u no ntianv consents to make tne can- I vas. Tho ixjople of the north wilt 1 lave pleuty "of opportunity , to testl Senator Lamar's fine promises. I One of the most peculiar of the many I verv (H'culiar appointments of the Fres-1 ideut was that of Judge Northrop to I bo United States District Attorney for I ...i t- w I x v.-.minu urn w ociu. vj .nun u ' .1.:. n. j. .e . 1 : I .:tl. .. U l-.t r. W. IJ Karl special council to try the revenuo'cascs growing out of the Redr mond affair. Northrop is known to be the poorest kind of a lawyer, arid he ias already "gained i the reputation iinoitg lawyers of losing more cases-1 than ho eains. So, wh'.n a ease of im- oriance lias come Up it I as been virtu-1 ally taken from his hands.. It is now reporteil that tho administration is sat- i sLl that agreat mistake was made in tressins ajr. xNortorop on me isenaie mm ,r . . . m . l. .. l t i .rjvic o - tally unlit for the place. He wiU pro- bablv be removed and Mr Erle who o.ioijr iimuieu du air. fjne, who wasMr. Corbina assisUnt. will be 1 ..... ... . ,' .v. -. nauieu as uis sueceswr. i is tne uqij way U ft for tbe President to undo a greai wronS. r . - - mire isi prcur larniir oukitci rm- mm . !.. ; .. t ui ui among tue soum Carolina uemo era's., A.eneraiai.iv.ireier m ue eaderof the ? ilfl club demomocraU. jiome organ at j-ugeueiu nnea wnn .1 .... .1 t. mm m 1. ctl.l ine nio v.o,c vnrcam. agm xvu- puuueam..; n wane mem not to a - te.,.t an organixation even. It ha. caUid uimluewMtestouseanymean. .oproenany attempt oi me -neuaa radicals ' to regain their ascendancy ID liiijrineid. Vienrai liuiier naa maas a ... . i. s,hih:U whih practically endorses thoe view, it reaiiv means war tauor. emor Hampton and his nolicv. As an oilWt to lh a. Governor Uxnrton has - - ' eausexl the arrest of Kimplon, tbe Treasurer of tho state during KepubU - cans ruio. iuit step reauv means a . renewal of the war on Senator Tatter - snt whom CJencral Butler is pkdged to h tend At the same time the .most solemu .pledgee of future protection and preferment have been made to the iM.Kiiran!.. and evervrt wximx-S to mxuro fnm the conservative porttoq of he late itate repttbneau an cdvrMuicot of Governor who want a to be Senator ucccs"Hr. This gtutlensa. wis jtt C.riH Mjy ith his family when he was 1 I- J . .-l 1. T?M. d f Klmpton arrest ia Vicst- li.dd, Massachusctls. He at ace tHiioenhat hasly leave oi his Ci it Li uow I retlv ctrlila 1--T.IX F. "'... . p., ., mi tua ca r:5 ..n.tL!.i- Ar Govcrcor cf ZIit- r;Har aB,p,' m ,8f100,ry Pouno. oiswics tne ttepuoucana .pPQioted office-seekers, i. e. the green- yet living forever, by that, faith which Uel. able advices point to the fact t0B,w,,t demoralized. They say backers, are making niht hideous with she professed and exemplified before that Jiflerson DavisMate speech was at the Norfolk Custom Huse u run their now vow. t 5 tha world to all l.o nhil! follow 1, i t i . ! t rr.iL i lI'La-.lors:-ryttad L:c::iH -$ xs lis pc.ukt rre- out . f the i.4-ru-.ja . r-J I -;..r.7-M-.t; -.!!. - w " w Ureal d,:UUefa!:altr3lr:jl3ll -r ,4 r i s' Vt UtlsT;-:": - .; t I .Mrtv an I -t:.o r.c-.ui v . .j-. . 4 - .-- . ,7 f , if - m 'lv : 1 r:ia : it i ? t. x t,nn.T. ryt. . . C. "H rr-- - tlt,..er-.t: tt.--: 7,(;,5...-:t:; - .-,t!.. U l"rth;.:-t-i aTt:7.J. ..t!. t'"-tc:-t ;;r;t-.:;;3r "i t:'.? t..i r . Hf c State has been surprise. One of the staunebmt of your Republicans said that while be still doubted the wisdom of nominatii!; a state ticket he felt that If, In the western part of tbesUtc, Uey had made tralghlout Uepublican nominations in the coanlies, there wduid bare been a micb larger repnh can gain in the legislator. Tbe figure made here Indicate that la joint ballot Ur. xierrimon will hare 39 rota; Mr. win need just 13. of some kind of votes btu a msioruT. if ur. ilerriwion s I Wends should stand by him, there will be epleudid ef'ortueity for some Ujlrd1 man. 'And now we re all ur loi!y wooderinr what the coberession- will' do Tor We ezDecil KTaUlrinC DMflnui it memm aoKiavl I out any outside help or edfice. The . . -""" niv- honor Is all your own. ' ' Mr. Jorgensoe, Republican, has been I ted in the Peter.hi.rg, Va., a-uww no ui a goou working ma-1 fonty, and nothine but the most oat-I Mgeous frauds can prevent his election. for the democrats and arainst the re pohlteans. A committee has been here I Bd complafned to the President that He 1 administration was assisting Mr. Ooode, the Democratic member, and tbt his appointeea in the Custom w.v.y wm nr m re- wvwn. lanuj inu n iua( uis triirt: ftiM U Im tf.lvi; 7. ;" ' vmummnwn wouia it miI ir ii -i -.:.. ,..! i y p-o.mans, mey wuju ut a ir -lection, Jbepuou- i can member would succeed Mr. Qoode. Oen.' Joseph K Johnston will proba- Wy he nominated by the Democrats of the Kichmond, Va- district, lie will be elected, if nominated. In Florida the Eepublicans expect to elect both members of Congress. In Mississippi .-.Q...t.. il-'-.-- w-ti: .:h tr- J - " Ai.l rl-l n- K-ri PSI1 I rihllmm Wtkin. lull ika nu-t im. 1 hlushing bull foxing before election I nd frauds dnrjog election can defeat I Mr. Alcorn. I Oen. Sherman is going on a trip V Mw Mewca The people here who rt interested in Bio Onrhde border aoairs I eel "great portents" In Ibis trip. Among them is a "short, sharp and de - I cislve war." As the whole Force on a I Une or nearly life, thousand miles on -outhwwt borfewill not exceed IS mznn Bi Jm .4VkM n. Ik. i iww or uu,j 'ffl u I 1irhlt rhnjt fiir an ' mntrmmL tkf . -o- T- ... . Importance, even if the relation, be- I tween the states and Mexico were un- i . :. . . I fnehdly enough to cause war; and I IW.4 .M t ti ia MM-tht- tklt lh. ,i r" - real object ef the General's tour may 1 "7. T. . 7 7 jtb rn nmniinL rtirnapi wix n inn rrai i ro'-r- - toposrapny ef ine iiio uranae ooraeritne v oners uuuuinr on raui front i..i...t.n. .. l H VIUCI .- uv. - . - - - I . The Eepublican Uongm.ion.1 COm- I MiffMhliMil -t 'vnvir I tlflk MMMnl. 1 - - . - I nf K-v tkn mmI Lifpfnr-. ' 3 ,7, rT-,7'-" - T - comme. w- -- " -v- I w l. .Ui.Ll...t.l.i.rIi' i r" -f Attdetwa before Jt.ter.fomiUOTb ,- I Iradicted. are circulated as facts. .1. . . m ' . .. t aaount oi cums now penumgi I 1 : L2.l. I wbku axu wr oa5r wi to V ZESSliU 1 during we war. ana lamiuiariy nnninwrm vr i m i mm- iru aniuuui mi i ru ' v: u .i. - ...;. - 1 iu.'inrUj -uenUon ia tbe north. 1 4.iU.Uij J-IiUMm. . AUC IUt IV-.a U BltlllVllUX, U. C F. .irortksIwrJ , - FAYCTTrrtLLK, Aug. 5. 1878 I . - -777 7.7w" I perfam the datWe of tie oSceol Keg - foieiiti to bin I carmvjij wuvia iw ttrn U Becc-xry. lte Citttte rts one i lis coi- 1 -s tins : -Liiua ltxn.:'z to a I coavenuoa Uttr, tutttn iowea in lown. wcay, - . Limium. uxcrtcn, rvr;. rT rMTr -i ;ru iw b tw m m. , tmm, - urn w w m t t i sr. m - i Ffetcrsca a I , cf .m circisticra such all). rvrttbcini. D. D- vll--ro8i TL;r-., asJ awilcs U to l tctx I t r;i- IX. When the foct IVpe 1 1, t, cc:a,fJ ty Ce lie? ef t- I "r-iw.-. l-t IJ7 rr it : :- t LtZl vi 1-3 'c t. i I lv--m-.;s r.3ts?t rr nti criT jtems; Oh! bow hot. 7 T ' Disinfect your premises. Business dull in magistrates courts. 1 Oh, for a cool drinl of Jcmon- - ' r . i .Look out for busy times on the wharf soon. Quite a large fleet of foreign vewsbj re boUDd for "Ipo't. See ad of II. C. Brock . Chief iice, in regard to goats "and "kids run uing at large. - " -'s: ' . f To - n- Our city was never in a healthier condition jrt thu season of the: ear,.l thQ l present. ' J ' .. I . ... 1 n- n Jl. M,II. Wit hmtynfr (,r 7 Ihe Nor..brig -Gloria, f cleared fromlirM w,; ihU port for Hamburg, Germany, with 'au oi spirius turpentine on yesveT day, . . The would be office-holders, and dis- J .The utter lifelessness of the city just now " deplorable. Not eveu a ripple of excitement. News cant be manu- ractured in this conimuuity, soothe item of necessity limited. 4 ; A fl time niw .and a time saves1 nine,-and a little care at this Umo cn lhp part of Mir f itv anltinrilina nml nratieri -rn. I ers ma , eTCnt , vi8iUtioII of lnal feJirful ydlow fever. - ' I ; Acting Mayor Bjwden v has sent l a few parties down stairs for a lew days I during the past week. We expect they I have found their new quarters rather I hot, but the way of the . transgressor is I hard. I ;v. -,--vm ' I laf Kin.r Ihn.nmnnf Il.w-fol I.- Ym I ' - -v v I .1 k h r , , - . ; ' J T -The two young men Applewhite and Delgado, who were arrested' on Thurs- Iday laHt. aud carried before Justice I Hall on the charge of swindling, &c., I havo been released on their own recog 1 mxinces to appear at tho next term 01 l the enmnat court. Will they 7 !,.:,,. ti, m.i5- 1..1 1 .. 1!? 1 - -' - - ' - w , w . VH ing lasl.-datcd that the poor man s party i would hold their next meeting at the -oul.1 Imhl lliMriiP! itm-t th - poor ham. Why certainly; and ' if his ,, : 1 foUiiwrm don't wUh thiir rnrtn IIia - I",,. ... ..,7 I w" "wu V usw- tution. Thn.wl,n (V.n.nm. Imll.Iin- .. "77 7 7 .. r 7T " 7T r oti ..J iu li.r?.- k..ii.i: .'v.-i. . . 0 . vu i - t --T-t " ngcomplclioo and -o"ameuts I Itt DHf MIT. : UK lllllllf ltllt ICVml . - . 7 I nltiM -tract uiva ar tMin piwIlhI m t- 7 " - A nephew of Mr. J. W. Wdlvin. a thUcily. was. 1 we regret to say, drowned at Sloop Tolnt on Thuradav asL . . . " I i iw.tf.i i u,.t iw-nt-. three years of age, end Icives a Toung wife and one child to mourn his un- timely fate. I Wm MMnl ... L4rn t m t.Jin I - ... . ik.l 41. I..I. ..." , " 7 hl' mKlent of thcdy. t r? ?.0 . ,l7i,v w r. " ''" 1 " - " : I T9 W f 1 TV 1W . . S I. T ..! .- -. 1 V Y- . w,w .eY"v "y ciaent on wwwj WS 11' t t . . 102 BH cars lexeme r ai oouwaru jtatmn but from a Ulcgraw , received ' ' , . " . r " , are Pa ro uriu .. . 1 " r'" i . . The Goldtboto followinx: '"Kc. G. pastor of lie i-tM-n rxh at WiWmrtoa. and IWKhfnt of the North Carolina Lath - I crau bynd, a I ncmWiw has J t- through a crau FthnkI. a ia town Tttmday. lr. at m.1 an extent re n4imi 4 f t- Ut ia t.intrml of the I:craa' Ctunh. ... , ...... i tLk are iHcaura iv wr, irr rtsuli t.le laawu trerott.. rjasiri msdlUau.- At GnrrttV.wwl cr- iUt4 a new church, aa4 W : ptc - iiry irr Lave lta Ulra !e a i r.. csch ia t;7!! I i- ! rt:l; s iJcuVcra.' t-e f - r77? cf Hit. l!r. Co Vf, a t -Vy :kS caw- aas-ltra - t,:t t-U , t. t t' ' OBITUARY. Makik Aileek Drink. Marie Aileon Drink, the highly ac complished daughter of Col. Edwin R. Brink, rostmaster of tbia city, died at - "8 vi kuo AYui iiui., iivr a unci macao. Miss Brink was born in She town of Bucyrus, Ohio, August 1st, 1S57, and at the time of her death was 21 years and 14 days of age. A resident of Ibis city in her childhood days, her sweet and lovely disposition endeared ter to a large , circle of friends, and few in Wilmington but remember, her sweet face and bincerely sympathize "with the waru ;E I. t.. ;1ll -1 J ftimmeibllf trtna t Imv ImjiIiam anil Ilia . ....7. . . I hAM nar ahii.I mnn F.U .n,l .n. ZT.'u.I ' 77, clouded than to Marie Brink She is dead; dead. to-- parents" and mourn beyond the cousola- (ioQ, M fti9ti and associates, who will never agaiq see her winning smile or hear her kind words; dead to the world of inevitable death, footsteps. : ' . v -. ; ..She passed, awar in Iho presence of father and mother, with the full and llial Ie wbo e aWay wnen n,0 measure 0f earth is full and at His pleasure evcrv bead should bow and cvesy knee bend, bit- r tuougii me cup may oo. - i 'IllO funeral BCrv'lCO Was held Oft Ves" terday morning at St. John's Episcopal Church, thelkv. Dr. Watson officiating in tho absence of tbe Rector. ..4. "I - V- 4 Tbe services were solemn and impres sive and among those congregated hardly a dry eye was seen. The re ma'us were followed to the grave by her relatives and frieuds, the carriages being an unusual number for' this cilyr the oppressive warmth of the morning i "1"D The body v was borno to Oakdalo Cemetery, the last solemn, rites per formed, and lender and loving hands scattered in profusion over the grave beautiful white flowers; the embljNn Of a pure and unspotted life; f:-H .r.:... - : ' i City Bkiefs. Sheriff M. J. Sutton with his 0G3 majority, and" County Clerk Evander Siuglelcrry with his &0S, both of Bladen, were in town last week. looking composed and happy. -Mr. Kirk wood and Mr. Hughes j ot , Charleston, steamboat inspectors, I were in town last week, investigating I wrA in town lt .mmA in-ti-lin- J the collision between the Passport and , . rK.nS II. i, . . 77. I th tTndprhill. bv nnltr nf iliii fVrm. ...'..L-' 1 I J v wurj. L. II. Bow- den, Aldermen, is acting Mayor in the WUTO wl W,JW imwimo, WBI lias i ..r if- t i rone north .T. t:i- . r i" " w.u.wmi mis mw uu , r - ;n l. .. t-. i-j r m- m in ,lUr 1I..1 n. - . , I , : priation for quarantine purposes, but I r"""v" ii.uu itHi-m, vua on motion of Aldermen King they voted $500 1 bay two fumigating ma chioes. Alex. Johnson', turpen tine distillery on Eade Idand was I burned on Monday, lo$t,-00 or flKW All th- .tram f., w..nt ovrr. l t--..wt-. :-r-,.;-, rapidly here, and it is rumored that I they iulcnd to run some Democrat as a I candidate for.Concresn. I CoU G. I. Mabsoa and CUpt. A. r -j of Ibj tui, jr. C. B. O who hate ju.t returned fnm. F.ydte i G jfc jIjOmow and Capt. A. P. i who h,r. rvtnrned rnnn Fayette- TUlc. where tWy havo beew on oKcial I w;nMI --i -it h i- rtit.lU.. mu thcm hj lht colored military ef FayctteviHei! tLe ... .j,, - Oa their arrival tWy w-TW tct bj J the Howard I.t Infantry. Opt- I I Swilh. , rumma-dit;, Iho I ayrttev I niSdGusrd unlrr ljdjuu Join II I CnnrHiw, auI the FaveiU-vUl C 1 dcU uadct LVpUlL X. Levy, lie wh.:e I being uader the com mas-1 J.; t I Aorae li;.i-y, aai wwwm ij ur a I to their arBwry. ! the arna,' ti EU.ia-w I 3 r..w . i . ,j i .ty -p..-- I ey?a litre rratral C rt 1 cHt 'si.i ef tW ar ll'f t- . ,-r t L.3 j;pcf lf ri . . Ti'.a. TLe s..,.t.:-t r : r ! 1 j r ? r i ',:tiiii T I r t Silver Mexican Dolules. For the information of our readers we would state that silver Mexican dollars are now only worth ninety ccnti, that being all that our city banks and many of our merchant! allow for them. OEXEaAL" JoSETIt X ABBOTT.-r This distinguished gentleman left here Tuesday last, on a Tisit 'north. We wish him a pleasant trip among his re latives, and a sale return to his many friends in North Carolina. - The Weatherw Old rrobs. has left hts post: and in his absence has left a oung mauiff, charge ,Thiir accounts for the weather thia sc?on. All the dry at once, an J; then jU the wet in a lew coys oXcondeusea .dampness. A sliLt Kiiture would be, duly srprp- cuncajoss naw . t- . - - - NEW JLD YmillSEZIENTSm ? NOTICK and ncr Monday, August 19tb. ail QOATS and KIDS found running- si large within Iho City tiiulU wilt be impounded and sola, in m feordancewllh an Ordinance passed by the Hoard of Aldermen, Jane 7th, 1S79. - . 's, - . - u. C. BROCK, jaw IMt v . Chlcr of rolled. QUmflTINE NOTICE. TJiROM and after this d-Ue, and onUl fur- .a. . ...... ther notice, no vesact from the Ports of IlaYaha, Matanzas, ICo v tWpat,.oxr Now Orloanis. wtlt be permitted to approach tbe City of - - - f Wlliulostoti nearer' than Uie (ioaruitlaa Stall m at Deep Water Point. " " ' ? : ; v0. CUKTtJj. Qoarrptlno riiysicjaa, . . . .. . .. .. . . Port of Wilmington. n;Sf CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, ' 4 JIAYOIl'S OFFICE, AUGUST 5rn, 1S78. NOTICE. ALL persona iu1m( bOUTI ot Wllming- tuu.froman of Ui cities or towns ou the 8ca txiast where Yellow revrr, or lafectluus or euuIasloU Idlie-ies exist, wilt be itar- .. - ' ' anll-ed for Twenty !? brfor being al lowed to Tisit tbe City oi Wllmlxton IUU order will be eo (dreed unUt NovetuUcr ll. Any peraoa YloUUai tbsa'MV order w IU be fined Fifty ttollan and ImprUoncd nvt lcs than one mostlu Tbere w UI bo PuticeMB laUonc4 at the DrpuU oatUe arrival of tbe indue, wbo will enforee tbe . above order. ' n7 order of " Ml. FLsnnLATE. as If Mayor of Clly of A'tlmtnston. Improvement et the llarbor of Savao ; nah, Qeorcla. IT. H. ENOiKrint Orrit-K. Ar-tv rtutldinc. N-w York. Auiut lfCR, NbAU.U I'MHMSA l-t, k)f me onnw IXmi of HobBMMTrwl vmmx in I He wmiih lUvrr.ki tbe OowiTkia- will be r-erlml at thlaointre, nUl Boon of Krv"1"1' Ikth, eaa opened immMitwjr irtemuir.' lUank furm.pciiicmiiMi mad all nerre eery imnmuuna, MtMOMri erpiiraiKin Jamee C. INwl, Corpe of Lj-'nrT. txmm- B,wa. .i 14. a. on... j iit m,ug 11 ei la. -ui. oi uxiacr. rtMIIMIalo ..WotMWtba4fMltlMi Sad day I nt Awe warrmnl ia Innikrupiry W-4 1 lunl l tj the 1 intrl'1 Uonrt of Ui I'nivnl KuOa kr Uie Ope k emr I i1rrl of r-Ui ihroiiHioiiiiiiMOUifai .vm tt HaniOra h1 lftvtd recttv l. trvmr. la Ui tuaalftl Mew ItiMWMrrr. la waa In- U-icl, who hu tit-en mdjv' ft nrup4 -Mt ibvir ova e-4itkui. it4tierrinc-t of My d&-b4,nd Uied Uvrry 94 y fu- prflj r-taMxmf u awl J tun rH. to l!'m, riwr ihrtr aU u w i Jcr of jr lb4 m rnc of U rrruilura wf iuoJ lanipt, to reove I heir drti. eed rhi tHt or nmre .wcsnof lli-r wi4 he Im-U at ntrt of twekrvrty. b HoU ft &, m-l tit r4 t- ioI ililt U . A. ti.thrw, I la ba 1 J.n. TTlli. 3-arfbal t eJi 1 M. ms 11 it;w I mi A l-Tx -rr-o lUtfFAT I -1 -Jjil . t r-. ft r-f - - ti , J. ti-4 .i4 V. tia. ilt r ;(itf -.' .J-a la aai-J I '., t. t Ivra a. ttsnkfrl : !. e r- utl r f .. Ua.... 1 --4 IM 94 a.y t f V t . lf U, T ! a Uft r t J - . . f ti .r 4tffMia4 '.-'- k. t, - 1 - v - ff.j-.l'i : aifat' A.'tl s et I - ? A. 1 ; "II . a . , i - - . . 1. it. A ' - t i la l---?t, ,tj -y , lJ f ( i , ; - ' s ii,i w r v i ? A -" 1 1. ! I - i i 4 .i: t -i Ia ii.4.ii......j j HENNING trc TEBL, PEALI- IS FOREIGN AND 'DOCSTIO , habdvab: j GRd't-Tt'OALIMFLFMr'-n. ir"T J . t-tl. Nit-. Axt-i. t-:jt . ..t.l4 trs, lianic, Tr CliAii-S J ', 1 - t lows, Vie. Aovii. lcu i 1 . r Whee'", HfwJ( AxVe, I. 4 low Vr, IWr, n ta, Kuwinu,' Kpoona, r.robes. isli in,lu. tf tr-rti tttou iscioo 1 wine, t ux li .... : 1 Hlu9 r.p, Bcalc. ileatus. Pvu,i ; :-.r UfM, t tr ran-, - W liivu op--il ikHl)An ioor an t e tensive a.wrlmtit of li'.ON, .'.-. i I MprTfcsly lor Isuuihsaoa IVtim' .l oi wttivii.and macUiuor wo...ri jw eot prices, at Ui i:ew CstahUshcd Hardware ZZo-se c f Ho. OIIarLct TU Wilminlca, 1.7 C mart-b 1 IxsproTemcnt of Cape Tear Hirer. U.B.EosiaeerOScV 7 3d story, Union Bank Building, Fayette near Charles Street B-u.timoub. MrH Jlnly Stb. isrs. )KOrosALH for routiualn ofratnns on tbe work for the cioattre of tbe New Inlet, Cltpe hvur lUvvr, N. C will be reertv ed at Hit ottice unUl 1 o'clock !.mAutt dib, ls, and oced ImmedLUety titere afir. - it lank forma. p-c Meet lor , vV. eaa bo badjipon iiilaWon et thuoui. Jy :t 2t Major of lugiacra. Improvement of the Karbor at Char leston, 8. IV U. 8.IttciKKKuOr?i-a. Amy Uttildioc, cor. liouniua aad Ureeae mrecia. N rw VoRlC. Jely , l" 8KALF.nri;01W.!.s. Rr iti-mtuae. tlon of a Jolty in the Harbor of Charieaioo. 8.L', will be rtr-nvl at tata oiitoa, oaul booh or Ancuat , Vfi, and opened lniae dlntely thereafter. Blank forma, aecincauens and all see teaary InronnaUon.ean be bad oa apfHra tioa at thla oitU. or Ui lrU Januea . 1 l Corpa of JLasute-, avan nah. ia. l. A. UIUUIUI11S, anjICt LU Cut. of -.tuts Mrs. N.C. , Hints (fiiifl Mtqnors for '-. - "; - .- ' lied. dual Utt. march t If - N. GREEN WALD. DKAi.Kttix ixmnKTic and isiros crams and i.ruFrj H-trth Carolina ari Vlrslzla C3 inpr and CcwL Tctoxca, . nrc sjiokhm auticll; dc. -Indiia Cirl C&ir Clcra.' '. o.saiAnKTrrr.rT. dcentf . Wilt-tattoo, P. C. BE YOUR OYH . LAUD LORD. . f7. f atjw f At IAf tJ. ad t ia4-!stt-l f-Ua, o r:. ti afii. x, a. tlt-ttul. U!ss, 14S!T. tr t .'-, lno. ft roai, H, . Tru tt u,.J'iv .!, 4 ft t, rv-.i4 i ...... . V p a" - . -' ' . t, A" 7 u ir . iv.iM- f t " t t-AXU tV.rf." ' ) r & 3 V7-V Te-V I 1 . X' W !J 'ii 5 Mlm ::gTC' iw irry, UlavLio' : ..')-, f vC CpU-r.r'iv-oy s :'itM a dM.nl v- " 1 lndfr:t i . ' - U --r tlf .-',. t ' I W! as: i . ' - -t r . i ' ' t,l-, ,.,,r, rr S r!)r;:: : . A.-: "V. : t: UnVW! ,;l;7V f f!. ;.xCrVX 7 . ! t :7 V c ?I cr ; : or!'!, -iU'M U' t 7 ; " ;: : ; u f-T . -r ' -: .' , . .. y " 'i11;: A" "i t- 7" i. , . .. ,., t - i . ! r ' r . . j ' , r , : . a v: , - it'.".- , t ' 1 . t t i J. :r 1 1 I .!;,- S t" t 1 : ; I ' i '

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