'; " "' I . f A rT - Ar L. hi ! UY iYY 01 YOLUMK IX. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. AUGUST 25. 1S78. St;lsCo;:es5Ce;!s NUMBER r WILMINGTON POST ADVEU TISING RATES. " filly cents'. per line for the first iu wrti"'i :ml" twenty -five cents per line jr eiich iiiltlitional Insertion. . Hight (jsji lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square, j ' ' ; ..'-". :';. All advertisements will: be charged at ihc "above rates, except oir special contract-. t YYl " -". special ratescan be had for a longer time than ono week, , The subscription price to Tins Wlt HiNUToN Post : is $1 0(J per iyear; six months 75 cents. . ; AIIcoinmunicrtionsoribusinestilk)uid be ad 'I re-wed to Thk I Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. O. ' ; - The Vf imi nuton Po 3i' if opposed ' tu a i H lax except fjr tUiuatioi a' jur'0W. : ',,' Tlit, Wliiiix3TON Po.it is the organ of llif laboring men, and will always gtaiid up for th'eir riglits. The Wii.MiNiiTorr Poiyrisiii favor of llie walt!i f the co i:jtry supporting t!io ' v Tiiiiiyiit by. paying the (axes The Wilmington Foist is the organ of the true Greenback party, and will always Mario up. for thej hon ir of the greeiii,u k.s and all other obligations of thi! United Slates Government. Y TIa Wilmington lWr is in favor of the wealth of the country supporting tliu'tiovtriitueut, and paying its debts by paying the tasesi It is opiosed to , the laboring mail paying exorbitant ; poll taxis for the: purpose T relieving ; weaUhly properly owners. No poll lax ! hluiuld be Icvi'-d exaept foiediicalioiial jiiiriMiscp. i ' ; . ' ' ' (ii'ii. t Iforgo IJ-hI., the Cireciihai-R' ' IVinoeratiC candidate -for fcnalor ol ; jMissio'uri, ways iiia fpeeeb delivered in it. Ii'iuis do not believe that ne- rogi-H ought to be allowed to vote, any iiioic tlian an ourangMintang t tight to lm allowed to vote. If I'cve get oliieo it, will be on that principle."'-' We call tin r tolortd friemls attention lo these to!iiliiiieiitary remarks; they hould utt for their own interest. r. I'UeV'itViVmlueeil. not ha ve any fe.ti.ia as to tUa decision (if-Judge Uuxtonln tlie ttltcinpted wtealof the rights of the the voters of llruuswick; ; eounly. Tuis i. the llmltiuic that wo have t vt r heard Judge I'.uxUm charged - with being a partisan Judgji'. Wis say for the bent fit of the A'ciUti thai Judge Duxlou is as pure and uiiparti ui in his private aud ollieial capacity suj any other Judge upon the bench in North Carolina, liut the iiiriao is ngut so Kir in. bavin- hat "things arc not, as tliry used to iwiis," Air the Republicans' tfo not intend lo nit on icily and let the Democratic robbers steal from them their rights aud p'rel'erenecs as exprcssetl at the ballot ' box ; they have blood that sort of thing long enough. i ' ; Hon; A, W ToliKUKt:. This dtslin guishod gentlemen baa declared liiinself i caudiilatti for Congress In the 5lh dis triet against Ccn. Scales. The general impression it that Judgo Ton rgeo will be elected. We publish his card be'o.w: 10 THE VOTEIW OK THIi FIFTH CON In response to tbo petitioir of many Imndred citieu3 of almost every county in the district, and of both parties, 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate 6rthellouso of Representatives ;from saw Uistrict. I , shall maKo an active cnvass, ami my views ti nou all pcudinj; issues wilt be clearly ami uuemuvocally annouuetni uHn the stunio in every county of the district. , - A. W.TofKGtx. Wn.Mtxiiios, N.ti., I ' J Augusts, 1ST 8. f Ty rvfvrvuee to the fcrkw of Thura oat, Ut that Col. ' Wsddell lVinv cmtic candid ite for Congresi from this. lilricl, has been requested to aildress t fellywcHUeo4 on the financial and Mcr politic d toptcvol the day. at tbe Rurkit b uo on Tuesday cveuing next &i 2rt'i iiut., and that ho ha accepted I, lu ct mmou with a Urge luiiubcr o WaddcU's Vv nstitucul, especidd'y f ti e Democratic pcrsuiii;, ro thaa a-nious to bear tbe llnaiu ia fstVon vf the Coloner ctlVrt, lo learti kow he is going to tuanago to ,iti 'e opponents of hanl money a t hi r Js'.tinn uu that uuitiou. Now t ani u"'in to conee ld that iVUoiel Wad Y.lknowi how t turn over and t ijout, but bow ho i goio j to got a found - bird money Uvxtrinci tf thv p.ut -Uo .te. Rut be will uaJou'.isH . i emal to the . cucr-eey, a tig ctfort to ;ttiY V.u llrcen s lortion of tbijtoicr.. Hi pv -1 a U ill unvler.tAii 1 a:i 1 iee: '1 - I tUmk the GreeY j lU;Uifjf3j t: .u t: UOllUt!.'.- Ah,CV.o:ul, I..r 'i f:. U?l lao-r.ry 'ij w.l C ' r.' H lY KItOM WABIIINUTOJf. aki.w an u dangerous eecret so-1 cim y. did the white xeagce of i K I? W inr r-lua ? ntTt t i7 tiw ... vr iwua tig uuufi assa . ...... vr I lt? 1.I rl. vr Ann tvivrrt htrf f twv. I iso ix AEKA58AS.-8PICY 00RRE8- ro.MKNCB by commissioher kacm I ABOUT BEDMONW. plcelal Correspondent to. tbe roST J " Washington, Aug -, 23rd, 1S78. One. of tbc sensations of the week has been the New York Trtbunr. account of the new, secret, labor organization, kn wn as the K nigh taof Labor. It is said this order started some two yean ago jo Philadelphia among the cloth weavers.' It's growth was slow at first. t received its greatest impetus daring he xtrike troubles of last .rear. No one but laboring men can become mem ber.. All professional men like lawyers. oclera ttfnd ministers are excluded. It U said that a "General Assembly," in which; most of the stales of the anion were represented, was held in Reading, 'ennsylvania, last January, at which, NaMonal olliccr's were chosen. These ollieers are paid, to control; the action of a iiicuibcrsbip which now reaches t!f.' enormous number of 800.000 work- g .'ieti Tbcro motto is " secrecy, obedience, and mutual assistance." Of this membership, 03,000 are found n I'ennf-ylvania alone, and the whole uuiutier are said to be voters. It is rebuild that there are 45,000 in New I . , ..,.-. - I 7'liin order ha) lise i to its power and and magnitude under the settled desire ..r it... -i.:.... . t . .11 i viiu ni hiii. iiivu fci uuiw ail nucii I . . . i wn ieui's hi uuo vigauiuuvv nuniu Tin. o-tlti i lonf ami if aiiph n(jirn 1 . 1 1 -.1 1 . ,u 1 j - I , ? 1 he most stringent means have been . 1 adored to Becure regular atteneanoe at llm miptinnM Tn Ihia ond IhA mimhp.n I are uuv u vrvi, uu u. w -v- J, ... ... . I mini uoi naiibo w uvn . nuav m bv'uB I k .H.! -. " " .rt ,Yr T - ,1 meeiuigs. xuv iuoaier ii vniuu i Hoeiely. Ruller has at last succeeded in show ig 'thai whilo the highest rote in luiiaua for a Tilden elcctor.was 8,000 ni'ire than the vote for the lowest Hayes elector, Nichols majority on the same rctt.r.s was but 2,000 more than Tack- nrdlbo committee is now run by Ihitler for the one purpose of bringing out testimony to show that he got even with Wayne McVeigh of Pennsylvania, by proving an understanding between the President, tbe visiting commission which went to New Orleans to seat N ieholl's, jind just hero comes In a piece of gossip lliai uss so mucn an air i . Y of truth , that knowing ones except it as historical. : This the story : r j When a commission to go to New I Orleans was first talked . of, and before I the members had been, named, the Ad I jutant general of the ' white league of I Ijouisiana, who was at Ihf time and is I now etlilor of the New Orleans Demo-1 cntt, sent a telegram to a gentleman in I this city as follows: "Go to White House and find out the mission of the communion." i ne .'Oispavcn oeing somewhat vague in terms, the person to whom it was addressed repued i What do you want to know? Bel moro defiuite.' . The reply to Una came ns follows: "I want to tnow what the coniiuis.ton is to accomplish . ; This gcnUenun did go, but did not see the President, From ; some other source he got a reply for his Louisiana r. ;. i I tvlii. h hm nut into disnateh lan-1 gttagtf as follows : "The commission is l be organied to accomplish by dipio macy that which would otherwise rctiuiro force. ? l . have authority to mako Ibis stAtemcoVw This roused the f tbe Nicboll'a men. It was replied 1 1 bv a teletrram of eishtv words. ThUI teWaiu demanded information as to ,s, h,uw, of a. qrt llio Nicludr gvvtrnmr nt, and iavJ tlat unie-1 new wasan atnoriuiiive iuit - buurnake an atUck upon Packard, take f wejion , cf t he JSlsla lIoe?e and bold it until restrained by a t-rcr i.r 'force. The tcle-ram was rlaetrd i . f .r.. i!s "IVsUczU- He kcil'tiX Tbe rvnilcwrn rcut; I to l-s c It !,oaol c -U 13 t- ertttr. Il4 I Uve v.YY.:y t ry tV:t C 3 c;:- rY wi:l le c--;tr.!r:I t rs t:.9 uc::tefl'5 :..Y-i- a Act ial' : 1 1 I a t It: ;t i 4 ? A' t' , t . I - t v t 1 V of each society has ample power to ..:.. j' s - f ,i t , - ,. , T -,.r.. , ,. In this city, A division of the Demo- cuf rcc this rule. Implicit obedience .-)l .Ll..ii i. r n- . , , j . cratic party would b the Republicans is required to every order issued by the ' .i. i. . . ' . opportunity, even if they had no pnn- lioiiwui lo New Orleans before ten has no ecaoamoejiae Ty r ii jsb i .i ,.:.i, rivrv? trj fcr tie nawxry j and ilr. Banaivg oUKLlhat n.Sbt,000 of the TTh.. v 1 1 Xvft Le.iu4 of iAHiisuna would at lx . Arav redaction ; tbey once gate to the word "reliable gentle- nuts," when given as authority fur a story not quite probable, cornea to mind. A wkable gentleman told yoif ?"eaid hDh M r ... LI. ' v" Dvc. A- (VM&Ule KCH L Uem&n. in inch com i t.i.u umn 1 i - who lira and relies." Y phUlips county, in Arkansas, in a fair election, will give 2,000 Republican msjority. This county has been carried by the Bepnblicans by from 2,000 to 2,500 majority since 18CC. By the Democratic election law of Ibis sUto the election of county officers is fixed on the first Monday in September in order t take it as far away as possible from the election lor Congressman, fur the reason that at ' that election tliore are federal sopertUori to see that ihera la a faif cotinf. . Aboat . the middle of Joly the Democratic leaders commenced organizing military companies. They hare also publicly announced that, they intend'to have the county at all hazards. Some of the companies have been furn ished arms by the b talc, and otho-s provided their rown arrast At a recent muster nearly S00 white men were ander arms. This represents near ly the entire white Democratic vole of the county. The' Republicans are in constant fear of loosing their lives. In their extremity they have offered the Democrats half of the county officers.' This has been refused. The Democrats say they intend to hare all of them. A prominent Republican writes that un "lloufh. . . . i ,, 1 ... . fair election the Republicans will not uarc w pufc a ucnei in ine neiu, anu the election will go by default. There is nothing like conciliation. And. the i ( . , , . , :., wuumj wuuij snuuiu ue maiiKiui inai is Dot. . ' Jo tha Mrs. Jenks had been given a place m thej New Orleans Custom House.- . JL. , . .. . 1 llA- HmMin mt inn 1 ouuii rv llan..f mwt - ih there u - f f . . . -'r The Ywk jj,, una correspondent says that the Re- ..Ulf.- -' - te i ... ... PWicans will join hands with the Greenbackers against t e Democrats. v. Li.-.ti !. .h..i.. i .i . ,. nv weijjuvis ni,i,vueu w tuis preoicuou ciplea to sacrifice in forming such an alliance.- A thorough organization, and po trades, means Republican suc cess, and nothing else will secure it. Col. J. S. Mosby has been retained as 'special counsel to represent the J9n in the i,,,, (riej a lhe ij.8. ff nutr j,.: wlit revenue Circuit Couit before Chief Jostice Wait. . II. C. P. The! fact that Congressman II. B. Banning, cf qhk has been refused the prfyilege of rehomination for Congress k- uj, pt- miD, to us to show con- " dngiy tfcat reduction of the number and pay of t&e Army Is not a popular measure, Geo. Banning had made this reduction hia specialty. Others had laid their claims for endorsement by their constituents on their views aud exertions' in finance, or railroad legisla- Uoa, or tne labor question,, or me cilnese question. . Mr Banning risked all on his efforts to reduce the emolu- I mentsand tne numbers or Uie Army. And with this issue clearly defined, he i was not even "uww ovuuiwmuii ij I his party, to say nothing of an election. The case Is stronger when we JooK at some other circumstances, Mr. lUu- I ning is an able and industrious logicia I tor. He U a man of large ttoogrcestonai experience, and the important poet he now fills on the House Military Cora I mittee he has filled for .Jour successive J years. ' la addition he twice succeeded in defeaUns the orposins Tarty in Uu I district, when it had been, accu tomeu I lor many years to be carried iy won. I la his last contest the majority accred I ited to hla was exceedingly small, j 1 that his friends might claim with plans I biliti that aaother candidate . in hU place would hare been defeated. Yet, wilh these cimimsUncrt to aU hj.A'n" the cry cf Army reduction U a i taaaa'acturtd. newspaper cry,- wait a wuit etoaesy f daiaiirUon but Cy a. wist e::.;:esr t J f-r u Gca. ccr.cmed, we zrs cctticrl that te U Uuer cu re-1 UwirJ lve Amy uua w gener- ...... , r r two Ttar ia tlirr: :li r:Y:' 3 wcra ' d It r- - - S L t r: '.:v l-xa be Las t;sc f rf l-s I. a t.ss tave ; l )-hn r. - : V. 8 t:U t : iti t' f i C r - r .3 111 - Cf ft . 4 c r." 1 9 13 i i i- . - . it t: i ! I V ; r,,; 'x Yi ci ;r t C yc:" 'U';lll Ltif Ucs U'l Y'-r.::: ll'-i l Y t: rtt'.-; ;u f " I i I u r - - i . t ; i." t i.i t ; t I ,i i ; ,' . " I - . - Y" reduction tracing his defeat for renom ination to tbe fact that he did not in sist on the 10,000 basis ! Mr. Banning must see that it would hare been im possible to satisfy his late guides; lie must also see that there is no public sentiment for the task on which he has wasted his labors. Daring the remain der of his ' term he might wisely we think,, abandon the policy that has been so useless and fatal to him; and use the large knowledge he has acquir ed of Army legislation in the direction of a harmonious and rational plan of Army rehabilitation; not of Army de struction, lie has expended the better part of four years on a quest which both for his own and his country's in terests he might better nare left with out tbe waste of an hour. Ho can now in part repair his past mistake, so far as the good of the Army andhe coptJ & concerneu, mougo, we ireeiy give Jum credit for patriotic motives in the course which hw own constituents haTe not endorsed. The lesson, also is a good one for other anti-Army legisla tors to ponder. 4rmy and JSfavy Jour nal. ' CITY ll'EMS. ; . IlErirci.CANDiaTKICT COM- i MITTKB. : Tjie Republicans of the District Committee of the Third Congressional District,'-are hereby notified that a meeting will be heldat Fayetterille, on Wednesday, the 18th day of September next, and it. is particularly desired that eyery! member should be represented in person or by proxy, as business of inii ortance will be considered. I ahall also notify the members in writing. O. II. Blocker, -'..' Chairman. Two consignments of. new crop of cotton during the past week. f Watermelons are thin'mg out. We dou't want any more in ours. Tbe Hcvkw tells its readers all about the meetings of the Grecnbackcrs. Is it preparing to jump? ,. i Employ more carts, ye city fathers, and remove tbe ' trash lying around loose in' the city. Our .physicians are not being bother ed much with calls, tho cituens, gene rally, being in a healthy condition. 'squire Scott bad quite a court on Friuay, having tried a number of cases for assault and battery, trespass, &c. ' Our citizens are promised quite treat in the way of amusements this season, several excellent companies having al i eady engaged the Opera House, i - J udgo Russell bai removed his : law ollice from bis residence, to the office on riouih Water street next door to Mr. U. B. Lilcrs, and OTcr the store of Gore & Gore. V ' Y'V The lifieblears,. John and Neill and Pomcy luaslcrlinj:, -Iho last ?of the noted Lowrry gang,- were hung at TJen- neUsrille, S. C, on Friday for the kill ing of an Irfeh pedlar named Bryce, in 1' ebruary , ; Mr. S. B. Jennings, a resident of this city previous to the war, but for the past fifteen years a resident of Colum bus county, died at his residence at Peacock's store on Wednesday last. j. , i. 1 1 ' i" i i Johnnie, a little son of Capt. Cran- mer of the Revenue titcanler Crawford, who fell fronvthe second story piazzar or JUrs. olc warts a few days ago, is, we arc pleased to learn, on his pins again, having sustained no injuries by his fall. Lucky littlo teilow. Weare pKased to learn that the lale.it in format ioa concerning .the condition of Capt'!.. B." GrAiiigcr, who has been quite ill at Williamsport, Penn with billious fever, was greatly improved. We hope to soon see hin ia this city again in tbe crjymenl of bit u-oa good health. Henry MibeUcll, a youn ctdorot Uy was caught iuibe ad of stealing pears ftora, a basket ia frost of tbe store of Mr.S. G. Northrop, The Mayor very pnprly turned Lim over la his father, with tbe oadertaudi last he was to receive a vVcre chaslWEicnW Bat boys jmu bad better not try that game to often, as oate of yoo way be tamed over, not tj yvur parents bet to lie Under cwtrvics of lb iiUenUary oS ciaU al Rilctch, The jprcu Irf!e K. t P ot'lhc world, buSd tbeir 1 ,;! ansual oTt- Uva ia laiaaapoILn, ladlasj oa Tur Lxf crxt, tie 7lV iilir.U "-JicsTs. ifasacl Hcm'J, cf 1U Akr L. VZow, ei QtttzixZlgi are ti Il-re- t.zz.t of KeiUi ara t; . j-rtt, aJ exkr iT; r:; ;u-4 i !? r .rta U tsz;rf ti?. r :"-' cf grtil -I.." 1-.' "f 13 Go to church to-day. Smilhville is to hare a brass band of G pieces. y ..... .- . - - . . Go to the city hall and procure dis infectants. What about the bell punch, has it died a. natural death? - No excitement in court circles during the past week; The Rcyenue Cutter Crawford, Capt. Glover, is on duty at this port for the present. Y. . -Y:Y" :i'r---i- :.- Rer. B. B. Hall, of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, will preach at Scotia Hill to-day. ' v . - T'. vur jrennan irieniu projKe naviog another of their enjoyable picnics at the Wilmington Gardens at an early day. - Y- V'-Y . Col. A. Pope, General Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, has; returned to the city after a three months tour in fiUrope. s Several of our merchants have gone north to purchase their fall stock. Ad- vertise in the Post, gentlemen, when you return. Y -Y; ; ... YV- is:: '.. . .. ;-Y-.:- From Mr. W. B. Orrthe agent here, we learn that the new Wheeler & Wil son Sewing Machine, has again received the highest honors at the Worlds Expo sition in Paris. Alderman ' Foster now proposes to ight the city with coal oil, having re ceived a lamp from a northern firm, which diffuses its rays in front of the Empire House. City fathers, we call your attention to the gas lamp on the .corner of 12th and Market street. We have been in formed that the lamp is not fit one half the time. Attend to it A targe number of colored Odd Fel ows and their friends left here on the excursion to New Berne on Tuesday last, and returned on Thursday, having had an excellent time in the Elm City. Candidates for Congress on the Greenback platform are looming op rapidly; the woods being full of them ; but at the present writing, no one has been announced as tbe nominee, al- thmigfc it is said that sevcal Demo crats are willing to give Col. Waddell an opportunity to "go for them." ; ' Judge Cantwell has opened a Law and Commercial School in this city. The first of a course of lectures will be given at the city court room on Tues day evening next, at 8 o'clock. Our young men could not do belter than to spend their leasure time in the study of the law, and the Judge will no doubt make an excellent instructor. John Ashe, a son of Mrs. Catharine Ashe, a former resident of this j city, died in Baltimore on the 17th instant from internal injuries received by fall fag from the mainyard of the U. & Signal ship Minnesota, while lying at the Brookly Navy Yard some three or four months ago. Johnny was an only son, and his bereaved mother has our most sincere sympathy in . her sad af fliction. I It is a principle ia hygienics that a torpid liver is a cause of fatal derange ments of tbe physical organism, The blood, the bone, the muscles, the nerves all sympathize with this more promi nent organ.; Failure to obey its ; func tions in the one I rebellion ia every remote tissue. As a consequence, dis ease follows the slightest apathy or re ftaal of the liver to perform it; art Abnormal condition here for any length of time is death. To induce a normal state. no medicine is more positively adapted than Dr. Sanfords Urer Iml gorator. This is notadyfrUcmea,but fact We have ned tbe lVclor a valu able medicine la our family fW twenty ytara. We know him to be a pbynicun of over Uiirly years cMUnKj prac tice, and that he h ttrd the iMrdkiiie ia that pr u Uce. If tbe thousands of poor, a Wrable, sallow looking, dytpep lie viciians we snect rrrry day- wou'J &. Ir. ba&ford'a Liver lattorator, they would recover hal:h. What more can be 4? 1 KWLmj OUrr-l, S 3 VI. j - Editr lierarboa- 1'rca tie Use cf tbe tnt ra uz.;A c.", t:ta Lars cr-Icxti'Tfl Uclrrca veil tiUre was ti fTi?p llii w..!!k Ce cril c! tci.Ur c.. 1 cvtr al ula. YVeLiW t;)..;ci.f t t;slr- r: ;!c c!.YcVs t. ':r : f 9 1 iX'.rz 4. a.-,ccs i t la. 4 i,ct;r i.. :.' : : r I. atli t,! iteat ti tLc-ra" l - il lie t t 0 :..cf C f '. ' i;.: -. Ti . u t t v i. - ,,'.. if-; over a long distance, is much used at sea, and is often employed on land to frSFri. ucaru aoove ouibx auiuuia, ik u ioic I rably certain that the speakirg. trum pet is of modern origin, and that it is the invention of Samuel Moreland, 1670. YY r ' " . . - ' ' ." Y : Kircher, in bis Art Us ana. el Umbra and in his rhonurgia mentions a kind I der the Great to call his soldiers from a distance of ten: miles. The diameter of the rinr must have been 8 feet and I Kircher com ec torts th4t it was aioutt- cd on three poIc. v y LSrtn tne"Ial.cenuryrr6Tsor . " m t a f i Huth, a German, made a model of the horn; and found that it served as a powerful speaking trumpet, but we are considerably in doubt as to the distance through which sounds can be projected through such an Instrument " Xbe ear trumpet wbicn is tne coua- I last two centuries, but no form yet de- conical tube with a bell shaped or fiar- J logmoutn. . . 1 Professor diaon. in his researches I on sound, has made manv. curious ex-1 pEttuicuw3 vw vi uiijuwt uvciVBtiug I of whirh is that of mnvminv thmnirh I a distant of 1 to 2 miles with no otner. apparatus tnan a lew paper tun nels. These funnels constitute the meg aphone, an instrument wonderful both for its simplicity and effectiveness, r In the plan view the details of construc tion are clearly shown, and our large engraving represents the instrument as it stands on the balcony of Professor Edison's laboratory. - A mile and a half .i ii.. uiiutui t. ik. r. -....m.,, I birds, tbere la anotner- instrument ex-1 actly like the one in the fore-rround. The two larger funnels are 6 feet 8 inches Ion?, and 271 inches in diameter at the larger end. These funnels axe the end of which ia nlaeed in tha ear. jnwi iubi w ihh m uuww vc wwv, I The speaking tjbmpet in the middle does not diUer matenaur from tbe or dinary ones. It is a little longer and nas a larger beu moutn. ' witn tais in-, strument eoaversation : can be readily carried on through a distance of 1 to 2 miles. We have conversed and heard siniring through the distance named. aitnouga bo to tne tinging and talking were in tne ordinary tone or voice. A low whiaoer. uttered without usinar the speaking trumpet, is distinctly audible at a tnousand feet and waixing tnrougn grass and weeds may be heard at a much greater distance.-ociafte A mer tea, i NEW AD VEKUSE3IENTS. QDAKiriTINE HOTICE. pitOMand after thUiUte. and unta fur- lucr notice, ne vessel from ttie rorta of i ilavono, IVLataxizatf, Ivov West, or Now Oi'loanis. will b permitted to approach the City of WUtulDglou nearer than the QrnUno BUUon at Deep Water Point. W. O. CUUTM. QuatT ntlns rhyslctaa, 'aug if rortoT Wllmlnrton. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, , AUGUST oin, 1S7S. NOTICE. JtA pnmm paMlng BOUTII f WUatlag loo, from any of the ctUca or towaa oa th Sea Coaa Wjcrr Yd low fever, or iafceUoas ronlagt 41 itaaas caUl, will be Ur' . lad lor Tweaty Days before being al lowed lovUll tbe CMy of WllmuiU-tiii order will b aioreed aaut Horrwbcr IO, 1TV - - -'"' - Any penoa vloUUa thahovtwdr will b Bned riny IVillara and lmprliwerd aot Maa tbae one tttoalh. Tnero wul be a PotleaM ataiioaed at Iba trrta oa Itf arrival of Che train, who wit vaforr the abw orvUr. , rty order of , a.It riHCLATC. it(lf Jjyrf rsty tt'l!mlnri.. Imprvvemeat withe Harbor of ataa-! nah,Oeor?ia. A'" rtwlujinj. w tark, Aill K. : I'm! m -y,l 1 I i nnt IklaaCMr, fit om NmiWfjlli, ik ifwMi x:f hr"r.. - I Ui -,K U Af" ---A. (tT4. ! ONE OF. IF NOT LAE'vIEsT fcTlC:3 cr TEOLnilLn it: r'ALH i:; C:: .7 . , a: of gigantic speaking trumpet, described XstSTS US as the horn of Alexander, According JSk. to Kircher, this horn enabled Alexan- f,pna,iuuc ruhUqeiiiwmHitPra, sew ad rrsTisrziis HENNING & TEEL. . . FOREIGN AND DOlXIiiTIO HAKDWARE. A CRCULTCiiAij impi.eiests. ir.or. x, lunle, Tn ciuun, i 'iou? n.' t"v. A. 1 8cJne Kope. ScaUea. Lemuis. loU.fclJer. Ovens, i'rr hus. 41 . - . nt lfn;l,rIUB,0"tt,e" nioN.iieci. e iovii opecMl attolion to oar lures . . , or wincn, and muci -,. v IlewTstablisln uucu luvro, our m luir its - ewXstabllshcd - . ZZordware House- of No. O ZXarket CU Wllmincton. If. C. "arrn i Y, Y xj.g. Engbcer Office, SJ 8lo,7 Uaioa Building, FayeUi near waariescireeu B.iTtioKB.Mr Jairamh. lsr. l )1'au tor wauaHin ojwniiKnis lQICI.,t) t VX 1UTOF, H, U, Will b rNHI d at thla olUce until 1 o'clock b. m Aurntl llJ$' ni ned idiIy lUvf Blank forma, pciAcatJoiia, c- can be had upon aji!lonn at IbU ortW WAX. t. VliAKillllaA JytlSt 1 Alajur of Kuclacen. Improvement of the Harbor at Char leston, 8. o. IT. K. Emiixus nrirt Araay BulMlng, or. lioaatoa ad Urea Nrw Yoaic, Jaly 21, UOt. 8 EA I.F.I) lMiOlMHAIX. fur tlnWu.A. tinn ,t vitv ti n.ri.. ii...ii. B.t, win tx) reriTHi at Utu oniM, naul oooo or Auiuit Si, UCS, mad opnd Iudi. dlnUl t themafter. Blank forma, pclfteaUona and all nee f.nhru?m!i vorp CM JMlgmwra, Mrlll null. I u. A. (lll.I.VIldtfc! anglSt Lt.Cut.of aslneers. i. k WW m. -i 5 S o I M.C. f 1 f fir iiifl Liquor Cor mlled iclnrt I t7r. march 1 If : J N. GREEN WALD. Dr.Ar.r.u isr ixmisrnc and iMroiu TEii ClGIItS IND tSNUFFSs Nirttt Carolina and Virginia Cza ia and Cnewin Totacco, riPE b'MOKECd ARTICLE, Ac. -Icdiaa Girl Clrxr Ctcre.' HO. as MAttKCT HTUKCT, N3U Wllwtagton.K.C. BE YOUR OWII LAUD LORD. . I'ttii tw"i iiirj HOUSE A I rORrULE I At KA, rS, r. ei, t aaid nb. e th IttilalMMNitfJ. ;, (hi Cail, 1r1i, K. aa. ft. W4al. W 4U Maifewrry . Irfl .-. Iivria, ir.hn 'ramU - . XVi, jl. J!ia, . CWWti Ti. r i. Vwiih 1 brU"ri. 4 MitviiJi 4'ri'. Alft J I - 1 1 . apt or ta.uti.i - r t . . l - i , Y ., . v ... t -w-m avMV w auv c 'IU1UI l ami