NM'ICKTAUy JOHN rukiim iv.s I ;kkat bpkkcii, :' i ...... t . . : 1 Tito Hj'ccch published in Uii.-i ifciit!if the IWr, delivered Uy Secretary .Slier man, on tlit financial VicMiiott, i n: of t lie vry ablest speeches, if not Uic ablest atiecchVcvcr delivered in UiU t'Hinitry on Hie currency iiicslrii. The Seerclary has met aivd roinideijldy van-' iui-.liel tho weathercock, known as ScHittor Tliti'riiiati. We know .(bat every f iilMcriher to the I'oht will read it, and we request' (hem, jil'lcr they have done mi, to his n 1 it over to their neighbors. The Kpecch of cx-cnittvr liiiruiaii wilt uiidouhUdly make "him ilnj mat M.Miiinerit candidate.--for President in 1SS0, :umI if be .is ioiiiinatid bin known Jioiivhty, lOtiVs'eiiry and ability-will Mi'iijiii'slinnahly insure hi ehic'ion. ukimhsican ii nurr im - ; m ittj'k: - - ' ' '' I hi; IJi puhlicaiH , of (hv hintrict ( 'unt'iiiln i: ut the .Third t'onrci-siiifiial lilrirt, arc lierehy ' notifi t ( a iM"cii.n": will Ijie htld at Kayelleyille, on Widiii'Ml.iy, the 1,8t!i day ol ''t;e..teinbcr tn xt, a-nl it i arlit;tll.triy disked that i VKKY iiieinli r shunlil lMVrpprosrnUd j hi ju i s-Mt t 1y . proxy, ;n l.u-luc d inijiMlaHCi! will be coiioidej cl. 1 shall alo ii-it jty .t!n.v.nii.'tbeM in writing. , ' U. 11. lil .K hl.lt, " '. . . Chairman. Tiii, WJi.MiMiioN it the organ i t 'the laboring men, -and will alwayn .land lip f'p tlieir rights. I in. Vii mim;mn l'ir m in - t-tvor H the wviilth ul' llie country siippoiiin iha r.overinneiil l.y paying I he taxes. ''I'm'.. Wl'l.MlNuros I'ooi: is the rg:'n, oi the I rue 4 i rei nliack party nnd ill always stand iip fur the hi-n'r id the etc. nbiii aud all uOur obligation s of I'm' United iStalrs Covi.riiiuet.1 i'n i; Wii.m iMi.ii' 1'um i io la vor ut llo wealth of the .country'; .nprl-in;-; the giivernnteiit, iiinl pitying iU . ib'bt-i by aj ing the taea. ' It." is i'pv .pined' to the liiWnu im n pitying c itlniaiil poll taxed'- lor the .purpose v.f j.t li.-vitig weajlby pri;erty' nwiti mNti ynU ft nb'iinld ho levied CM'ept. IT i jhl' ;tti 'iial purpotes. IIO. TtlwJIAH HKCA'twV " !y all means give in Tom f t tile as tin- Ue'p'i'biieaH tatttlMalt' ("r Vieti I'leniiJenl in Jsn. We . pi"te;i below m'i nil the S'-tiouul iUpuhlimn published at Washington, I . C. : ' ' ! ;. .' -..... ff.t i.'L'l lit.' VT ;J I he .sogtrivAioii by t.bo X'tthw-i? ?':- lUW-ui that to the south ' b acenidcd. (he t'ght or privilege of the second place u tho Ueptiblb au tiekt t in 1 ?0, n eeivei endor.Heiiient' from an Unexpect ed ipiartcr, , The Aagu.it a ((bi ) '-'in.,t- U I K'inoi'ratic, t:k lt 'P , :,l,l,rv' ingly, in f.illow.i : , -. I'liu Waibington Ax'nei tyfttM:i-'t ... . . i i . .... ... .. .. i...' Ov'gc.M: luai a couineri'. man oo iivir .nai fd for Vice rresidcnl on the Uepub- ilu an ticket in ' he I to i .m .ikh a J. . . ir I..... :..i' "l.t.u ote. 4 noro are .i i :igmn, .m n- t;iuia; bclile, of ,Vrtu, Caroling ; Akcr. e.ian, of t ioorjjta, and. A'corn, of Mks jisipj'i, and perhaps othen -men of ability, gmxi personal cu;;vh.i 4irotioilceAl KepublieaiiHUi -anyone oi whom would fill the bill, Uy all nicami lUtu havo a -a-ju'.hcrn matron each ticket.. ; - '. ; Thin conccaVuin, for ueh H will bo legarded, etiming as it does from si fro niiuiiccd-iwulbern IKMiiuctatic partu iu i inicc, of the ability and srood pers : jI cli.tractcr of tho'goiiilomoU m.Milionod, n.uwithsUudiu their prououm'ad 113- pubiioauism, is a grMj "'..' v,v served. It ia a fict worthy ot note, h..vcvcr, that, with tbo sijisjc exception ol o .(Senator Ab".r., thco gonrtomeir were otVice bnUK'M uft.lor IVeaiJonU lirant, lAV tT tlieui, JuJo afcttlo And Mtighe.-, hiving bccir iVfl'tcd t Uio rniied Ctatea, district judHipi by ana jumu rtciiii ..... .A -..-- - hi hU Cabinet s " Attorney .t.ner.U. Ihey alt -enjoy lutl'ioua! reputalioiH: .1.1-0 Itttica as tbo forcuun.t jourtuil ni f Ids 8ialo, and tfuWpi'ntly ai a -jilidato for tJovemor, ttuvt Ju.!g Sule.ai Mi.iMer to lYru. and-uu-i tontly aa prcsidoutqf tUe tvbiladclpma vim.;kmi it' 1T2. .Now that ilu i lea baa V;tVoi a folUl the ub( it till!bc inU-rvMins' U watch tH pro, 'put in developing "fa verity .v.a tn all ofthDMiuhcm taU: J;.vcntuaUy, pcthap. U wilt Ih adopted, fortao .roHt Hlf & VOtk tU4 I II I .-..i- .1.11 t ean.l Ul.lt 0 lot ICC IVoidcut from the kuiIU' t-ccHw to be n hMrrgouv tviiv ln-aot4 $ is vvvv " ' lct, that the I Vn fcderat y U Wrt Ki.. ir.i'i Jii.tf lltrluv'aiKl JU's? S'ttleare cx-CmUHbr.xto vblicr. but norths Wrf f kxI t;,publicAua iioer. And then there h f mt an I Kvj. Hat this hind wf potfUi.tt. .vta- t'i K lue.M t'.ere. It Ko'ih' avp'tcvt tatt lUicptoti v.i. be the vtit . V-e ot iw lVmrav. TttK ruK,ci:i.t nut stu ' Ail U;o';f.H.?n..rt?i-'ji-.'n l!; X'nf.di v : grcit ptoA-.iv, f,o- v l..c I ct tl.t dtR.iw every w . ti uitcr. t i Mwrof t.,l t.. t nivU t' I i, .i vT vro v " i ---- tic ttetr a til c ci.i.t 1 U I I a N !Vl t!.lVrc-r H J f a e.nU,'y j.'t. t t ' i , ngii.i.M by the IKunocraey in w j and it ww be tbo p4rl cf pri'.cUjie Ir ,h Kepuldicans aa an evidenev ot t Jcr r.i.i'ft t.i da the Katue lyiw splendid, catabliahmentUiltuitt ed at the intersection of Main tuut Church treet, and iaconrenient toth shipping ofliceii.r depot, Opera Htmae and fashionable stores of tlw town. The street cars pn-s itairostand eTery faciU iiy ia oflTercd to the traveler on busioeaa or pleasure. . Theproprietor; Col. J, B. Davis, ia knonn throngioat theoita try as a mau f remarkabfe admlnutra live , talent, and thU ia ' illustrated in every department of hU , hotel," The oflicera of. the establishment; ae as polite and urbane as any la; the Uaited b'late, and Cot. Davis has none bat the most attentive servants. None other need apply. The house itself has utel been remodelled from top to bottom i a largo cxeudilure, and has been ele gautly , furnished', throoghout. ( iIt jia pFovivlcd with every cony enience from an' elyratoT dowtt.Whe ;mot minute nrticlea, and thp whole machinery of tl.i jgrcat hotel move as if animated by oiie.wilt ami that one will bent oa the case'and 'eomfort' ifi the . gnsta. ,Th ! table M'suppUctl '.with all1 the luxuries in (his and the northern marjtets. , The ! v atera of Chesapeake ttay, Lynnhareo i and IIamton Jkoada.lhe garden akd fniit larms of Norfolk county, and the1 markets of New York and Boston are tributary to ita table. When the muni-' i pal banquet jwas giren to the Sec retary, of the Navy the elegant profo nion of the 'entertainment waa admired and approved by the most ' fastideous, and the bill of fare every day in the week slrows a liberal expenditure, good t a si o a ml ad mi rablc management. For pi-r ons in fannilu itorier apeciail at iraeiioiis, for those who desire to remain in Norfolk, for" the benefit of their, health,' it affords the comforts and sen nity of a home. On every side the gin si or visitor sees evidence of the good admiiiislration already spoken of. 'Cleanliness" ia evidently, held to be '"next ' to . OtKlHnrss" and -from the gimiiivl floitr Jo thejatty attics thesCTUb bi ng brooin'" and duster ari constantly brought luli; requisition. From the roof, or upper torindowa, beantifot views of our world famous .harbof are com. ma tided, and more than one tourist has looked abroad over our twin cities and placid watercourses from the lofty ele vation of the roof, which ia reached without fatigue arid enjoyed aa a beau tiful surprise to those only familiar with t he ll.a monotony of the surface of oar town. The traveling public who are not already familiar with the interior, or tlte reputation of this fine establish mom, may bo interested to leara that it m provided with a supply f the best vinex, lrrjnorM smJ cfgara. f We say the best, lor it ia a fvet of common DOto rut y that tl. iMvif keeps a first class esl i'hlishinent in alt and 'every one of ita Various r. departments.1 Knowing Oh- chanriMif the Tnrcell House to be all that is claimed for them, we can safi lv say that thWc who patronize it will not be disappointed.- It offers the cmitf-Mlf and - the luxuries of life ia gn at - profusion, ! and the proprietor might take this for his motto : "Order Ui ur (irst law." for order and decorum reig'n throughout the large and sumpli-J ons' t-5tnblishment. ' The rates are stus iiriittL'ly Ioav when compared with the elegance of the entertainment, and are as follows, according to location, 3 00, :n and J 00 per day, with an eleva tor to obliterate' distance in afeending to your" room.' !" i ;''.' . , The 'N"tinnl firpvbiiaim saysr Senator Thurman mast be ' brave man, a very braye man or .a ' coward. IC.i Int.. mwIa feu1b t lsTwtalnaa Oliio, "contained ho apology for his past roe.oru on tne queation oi nnances. And in it he takes a sudden departure from the consistencies of that record, which Indicates thvt he is either boldly It fl tut of popular intelligence and aa tnirauon tor rtcuiuue oi purpose, - v . . . hiia been Irlghtcned by the clamor of the sort raoncv reneeades or his party. We present below a parallel picture of his wondenurand sudden conversion : Tiuu:tx IS OHIO. nnVRXAH i w Til SKXATC. It in nU.l Hint lfl ureetilwek were UA Are we errrd to fotiHiitntu our only klecburc Utat aBdvr m kjovernaMBt whtoh r; !"" cu rrvticjr lt oiti mo . woukl d kHirfethers bicu Wit iH'ii.l uihu tbcM-lloiijthey nirut aoythlor, nit .Msr, ml iKMWhoaKI b bT- h(mu t lie ulantl lw tt which haa 4rtnd t Ioor way from tnetr inuuttoni do we sw, 4alnktll UMllabU Ootiuresa ta UnOtw U'j b iutlnenecd y poi- nlar tin-Una ou ou han.t. or ttt rU n0 ki i xtrienr n MipliAUx of srHal ituervstou vueuuivr. nMnub goM sum HI- ibu vurnsucy vrouw vcr rroaa circiauo ho Mtbtl lo laflatlort tn Uie eownUT, ' kiiumtiaedmt. ami ett-uec luiittvnet to the buatacaa ot the ii.K-lil l.rovall. Io a xiuntrT bpoih note- l.vrr ilmt nti-M l in but IiuJubMiK bMtper atpwMUac lot rtituu io wtMit nii.l nrusnrrlly. ita vain ma iidoo uw la briet. If foucrea Miouid have neuhcr . . . A . . 4. ui ana cric i t h view of Bam bars ne meanenu or wrom inttnt lor ii unto h- X Conrreta aaaiB( Icrtloo or aaptrinf o Biehor Blarvt I t.c rum itv eHirj". but IO KtailliMI ln II wout.l v wmia t lilnk. net . Thar- mti't rcrh la the ,r i v r inilv la In ;, i bitrtivnit a !Kb at - llatutll'Mi. t , if tt will ls remembered that about m vear" t charrrs vrrre cnie of hravy detK'u in the United fctitra Trf-"-T, and tU.it tH"ateKr fhltj, ft V ct " Hnla akcl iit theVmicd t;i.a Tents ?.r att inTCfti?aU comniUcf, wlkh wa. aypxmitevt. Tbat coamlt;? tt been cpn",rd ever since, and w 'Jtk i 3 a .stanco cr extcrt I s C-3 i!t iho tivAurv booVs atl rsrer. 1 3 lion c:-trci ll var rt . ; 1 ..a ia ctc-temxf"' t" "' -T-,.-, I'.t lhVW.Uvi itl.4t tU " i-TT t ; : Isilnrf t a e. r.U t u n tte.trl .vritJTi a-It! --.r f vlui h ,(?' I..- I - I s , , : i . i..- v,.. 1 i r 4 h j ..... . every VtUy A tft" v-.-r ..-It -r,-..-; a : ' v i 1 ll : t! ' t..o . a c.-.. t :VA,!i.C . - ;..iej i- 1 1 At WilliasMBort. Pens . on th ''tAh iastant, ISAAC B. ORAlNdKU, -ed 88 years. As will be seen from the above, Capt, Isaac B. Grainger, the genial -gentle , prominent citizen, kindhcart hus- baad, lather aad friend is no more. In oar last, tre stated that the last accou tits received were favorable and spoke of his recovery, but on Monday a reaction set ia, and at k30 P. If. of that day the soul of Isaac B. Grainger pamed into the keeping of the God who gave it. 1 . May the grief stricken family and CUay sorrowing friends look up for Consolation In this their sad hoar to their Heavenly Father, who lenders the wind .to the sbont lamb, and who has prosaioed to be a Father to the Fatherlesa, aad the widows friend. The remains reached this city on the Northern train 10 05Jon Weducstlay atornuig, aad on the afternoon of the sasae day at 4 o clock, tue lriret con- Course of people that had ever asem tled to pay the last tribute to departed worth, congregated at fcU Jobn'tt Church to attend the fuweral, which was one of the largest that e"ver wended iU way to "Our City of the Dead." There the last aad rites were performed aud the mortal remains of Isaac 13. Grain ier deposited in thai grave. f ! . ..J .- t .. .c I tumj uio bum icst iiiiiij uu ins tui- fin, and bis aonl be at peace with lii God. We publish herewith the tfib- utes of respects of the different socie ties of which he was a oicniber. tegclh- er with a series jf resolutions adopted it a meeting of our leading colored citizens, whkb was called by them. At a joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Produce Exchange, held on Tuesday, the Committee ap pointed to draft rtfcolutioDfl f respect through their Chairman, Mr. Wm. Cat der, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unaui mously adopted i Whereas, In the mysterious work ings of His inscrutable Piovidence, it has pleased the Creator of all th ings to remove from oer midst, in I he prime of life, and. at the zenith of hi career, ono w no, o our nn appreciation, Sveiaeu to embody, in a peculiar druree, many Of thoe attributes with .which lie en dows the aobleet of 11 is creatures, we are met together to give expression, a-t best we may under the pressure of great personal and corporate grief, t tlnv reelings of profound emotion excited by the Intelligence of the death of our tat. associate and fellow-member, Isaac 1;. Grainger; therefore, - i fietotved. That the Unaniber of t com merce ana Produce Exchange of the city of Wilmisgton, speaking for them selves, ' and as representatives of tlio commercial interests of our community, desire to pUc up; jrecord their esii mate ef the Charc4ef -aJid services of our deceased member, aiwl "of t ho ines timable loss which oar eity and com merce has aaataiaed ia his deathso frat that we are constrained to regard as a grievous public calamity. Endowed with an unuauallv active mUld, quick la ita conceptions, and ac- . . -. . ... . r i i uvwift meir execnuon. oi arge iio erality, great public spirit, rare execu tive abilitv. and untuual breadth of mental scope, be combined that ener gy of physical character wnicn maue hLa a successful leader ia large enter- tenriset. with those attributes which attract a to his aid the earnest co-ope ra ti on of his fellow mew. He was "a dealer with events, a shaper of circum-i sixacea a man oi via, oi pnue, oi courage aad power. Associated, with these chartftciensuc, sou vnuenywg htawhnU nature, were those rentier qualities which mark the man of tender heart, approachable alike by men of all estate, and never turning a deaf ear, or withholding a helping haod.f rom the arptatt OI oeservmg inousiry, or the complaints of unfortunate want. Kesofrctf. That we have lost in him oar recognized leader ia many of the aUOt iBporxaBa paoire emcrpruics oi this city and (State, our earnest co-operator and cTQnsalor ia .all, and one as alert to the best interests of our people. aa eves? ready to further tbewi by per sonal etforCTor a cheerful sarrtbee of time and labor. As a alight tribute to hie worth, we adopt these, our resolu tions, but, as lasting monuments to his same, we poiat to those public enter prises aad laatitaUohs wbkh are iheotf ahoota of h career, aad will ever be iaaeparabl y associated with h memory. ! KWrvd;Thst a cepy of these resoha ticsa besentto hlsst.tcted family .with a t v ef enr 1felt tvmpathies; V itvvHir'ci. .Jttrnihe rrvwnl r f cr a. r.Ttt-.ur- t -'lics. sad that the r-- -bers ct tbre Cl.anVers wear th t.-J ti-- tf cparcipg tr thirty Tte aboTt r ia 1T tlravrtcaacitcft V.ih of ihe Je- - .' X''"": t t! 9 f . frsl -V-M-;-;t i t.3jr H?-i.l j uruitmoi were t-i ti ;tJf Vj i r t.tp f.t I .T r : i C tV.r C V si l Vt C - re c: ar.l I ..-5- - a at: .... ... . t 1- i rt " IP" 4 The ways of Providence Itfe inscrul? able and always beyond the cfijnpretierl sion bf mortal i ' The heaviest- Iiiflic ttons!at the hands of the Almighty often fall 6!i"the heads of those whiiiainortahi deem the most worthy tri be exemsted. But the high' and the lowi the rich anl the poor j are alike subject to the sctthe, which' removes"' from jearti its" ttsy throng." Neither wealthi Tpor .virtue,' shittpneas ofltsedVe:.'1 IT U would bS difficult, idlh'tfhistory'of history: any; community tor find ha instaUce wheie judgment, aad, .expeCUtiorX were everworeentirelyiset at.najighi thaif, the recent event whkb, ao,hlmga the 2?Sit aS???S! fa-SffTJ , ,all f Hnrtm n-A, thi itnmmn.it. ,niej M! his funeral wsbodr, pall of gloom over this twmtatwiiy.'inrf tbe deatu i Uapt. isaaoii. Utaingor,- ii Th bi gentlemaa' death haa created M vacancy which it is difficult to fill, turn of buai nesa and commerce thjjidofabu fuland iuicrtaia iwys, flnanctj Jn. the ordinary business aad ySocial irela tiouahips of ILfe, i acta of" charity fod bcucvoleucey in.all that goes itom&ke up the truly WQrtiy ajl Vak'able citizqn, Captain Graioger was iA this communi ty precmiaeut.7 !lTO) came to this city eighteen years ago a penniless boy, and by his singular ability at once placed him.-elf in positions of honor and trusty ia nil of which he iu variably came up to the full mcasurp of .requirement aud ex pcclation. - - lie died at the early agd of U7 years; aud through the energy of hi character, biaiuttgr ty, hia honesty, hid controlling iuduence oyer men and tuings, ha began to rise from the com mcnceineutof , his cxertioiia iu the ac tivu scenes of life. lie was one of the most ciricicut.ijQuartcrniaalcrs of, the ConfotWratc service,' Jlis iiamo :has been drominen'tly a--aciated with every financial busiucs euterpruie eutcre into by the citizen of Wiliuiiujtoa since the war between the tStatcs. , Aud whether as Alderman of tUaCity County Com' midsiohcr, President of the Ileal litatc and Ijoan Association, lresiJeut ef the Hibernian .' dicuevoleut ; , Association, lri,ii1i'itt. il llm VilmifiirL.kti Itnilflintr VVssociaiioo, lvcccivcr ot .tli t;arouu:t Oelitral Kail way, Presideul of th Uank of K.cw llauoycr, ho.waa iu ,cach and all or theso pysjUou coiifysHetlly . the rijtht man iu tlliu; jijitit place" facile j,nncqSi, ... . .;.vtt Jn JNotiVjUisuiiuuig the active amj. busy art which he tjk in fle ordinary al'-' laird of life; Jix; KKiud, occasion toue- vole much of his time to acid of bcucv- olcnco, ' bestowing inouey j, aud ; lalpr freely; wheu cithvx, was. ueoded., ,lut there wad uo ostentation., iu the.e acta. and if the greater,iimber of thodc who were the rteipicuU of hid kindness were allowed to take part with ua iu this act of tribute to his memory, they would gladly join in all we iuay say in praise of the iiianv; virtues dr. our departed Uut what power 'can measure the foes to us.' the ' Hibernian Benevolent A sao-r ciatfou.by the dcath of Captain Isaac li. IjrHingeri our late beloved lTCsident. lie won our admiration by the splendor am! depth of his great abilities, and held ourhctarls-cnchalncd 'by the magnetic inthiencc. of his noblo truth heart, and the grnile,kmd!y mauner. of his eVery day life. r U U were talents so original as to r a til.- liim witii the most! prominent citizen ol bur.state ; and yet his was a generoii whole sotUed disposition, that would lend a wuuog ear to the tale of the most, low I j. 'Indeed, his were tho attribute io make him dearly beloved while ntiuj, aiiaaceptr mourned when dead. - ,;".li1':,:,i V. This feocirty may "justly and deeply mourn ; it h;-. ,hst clorq than member, more than friend ; It haA lost thelhep herd oMbe tlek, the keystone of the arch, the beacon light; which called together aud cemented with more than ordinary adhet ion thoe exiles " and descendants of dear'OId Ireland who cherish and mourn . the tender memo ries of their fatherland, y n ii . He was an honor to Ms native laud and a credit to hi adopted country, and above all, to us he was a true lrisuaaaov who exerted the strength of his abilities and the. power ot his mliiieaco for the assutanco, protection - and elevation of bis country aicju "iKd Ireland never bad a truer sou, and the Irishmen of North . Caroaoa never had av I better friend ; and while We mourn, our great and irreparable lasttutil wo are gath ered to lu dust: ve will chcriah the rccoUcctieu t-f Lid great abilities, his many virtue, aud thegeucrous impulses of his Irish heart, and we will continu ously sigh fur the cos dial hakc of hU hand audi miint for the kws of his cheerful vo'kv. Thcrclore, W it j f : Utmttn J, That wc deeply deplore the death of our lamcutcd . Ii evident, Uic late Isaac li tiraingev, - -J- . llrjt.iW.f, That, aa a war k of rcpecl U his memory, the lull w bkft the Awt cialiou profccs crvctin shall be aamtrtl andtvcdt;raiacriiUtU,J i -i : ; 4 IUmkct, ThL wc tender t the af file tol fami!y the tievcaAl lu uv ct ympa'hy f this Awulinn in Ibeir ad tcrt-acwct. ' IXtsK Thit t RK-rtVrt ef tht AHitto ,.r t1 e i - ul bv!j;e f puMU'il f'tV..'y pijrM.an. I Cult MiiWl'l l HIV 1 I t Vxr, t!ivs r-.ti4. Ij 1'ic ti'j. "j lh? !cf4d. - It, f!:' . ' . l I v v p iiO'NV'i i vs. i.tu;i WW. ... - v 1 Ma it y vi m i..r. :- bwj"" - ! - i it i. r r : l. i;.. te . i. r 1 ' f 1 -r t r Jot him, as those who have no hope, yet we do fed deeply and keenly the great loss that we as a Vestry have sustain edr irWe leel.thatBt. John's Pariah has lost one of its best;and most' generous sonsy the Church ope of its truly con scientious . and worthy members, his family a good and tender husband and lather, and the city of Wilmington one of ita most public spirited and active dozens. Jiteaifftd. That the foreroine feeble triboio to that' worth of our friend and brother be entered upon the journal of lbe:Y estry. and a copy sent to the fami ly of the deceased. . -i -"'. fk t . t i i fr-i. : i ii. - ...I Besolecd, That in memory of deceas- caaia.name snail do inacnocu upon a blank'pase of tho Journal. 5 - - "Tho; Vestry adjourned to'attcnAibe l-Utm Ml-t- J..W. UUlllO.V, tjecroUry, Tributo oi lleapect. 9 - Wilmlugtou, K. C, Aog. 28, lj7Sj 1 .- V T At a meetinc of the leading colored citizens, held at the Court I louse. Jos. C.i Hill was called to tho Chair, and ;jMTrediB. Lind was requested to act as pecrcurr. . - . . ; 4. ' Tho Chairman aiiointcil the follow ing named centlcmeu a committee to draft resolutions of condolcuco in res pect to the memory of tbo late Uapt. I. li.Graiuger, viz ':' luke Davis,' C. II. Ward, Kituon A. Kichardson. Joseph li Bampson, Thomas HI.' Siumunn, Cay JJavis, iiiijah Jano, iuorge w. i'rice, Jr William Johustou and A. A. Dud- The committee sulmiitted the follow in e resolutions, whicli were adopted nnaniuKMisly and ordered to be prin ted: vf .'- ' R- ; i ' ".. Whereas, IVy the divine providence of the Ainiishty, CapU l, 1. Crainger has been puUdenly railed trow our midst by tho uucrriii'4 hand of death ; ami, whcreatC n cogniy.ing, as we do, a duty which-we owe to the UM-niory of tho de ceased, for hi many noble acts of kind ness extended to our race, bijth in pub lic as welt as in private, all urs, daring his life time, bo it. ..'" .-.u - f.Wm, That in tho death of tho late I. IS. Craingcr this com in unity has kwt a faithful cilucn ; a man who stood ready at all times to further by hid ef forts tho welfare and pro"erity of all. i Jtaolccd, That wo recognize in the deceased a man whone character was free from stain or reproach, and whoso private life was distinguished by hon esty, integrity, and many noble acts of charity extended to tho bor of all c'aescs. ;, .. . .' : Jicwleritt Hiat. a a token of rcsnct 16 the deceased, we hereby express uur heartfelt sympathy and nincero regret, and coudolo in coin ui on with others iu the irreparable 'loss. 1 ' """ 1 . Mwi That ' the BevreUry of this meeting transmit a copy of these reso lutions to the fc?iar, Hcvicw ,and Post for publication. l i l i J. tx iiiu.. tVinn.' AKFHED B X.INI. Bee ry. TU1UUTJS OF KKSl'KUr. . 1. Cape Pear taUt Artllcry; - i i Tho committeo appointed at a meet ing of this company to offer a testimon ial of respect to the memory of CapL Isaac C Urainger, report as follows; k Whereas, We are called upon to mourn the low ol one, who, by his gen erous friendship and kindness, has cn twined himself about our hearts ; and whereas, we desire to record our deep appreciation of his worth, and our re cret at the untimely end of our late honored member, Isaac U. Crainger j il is therefore, . . lictolrrd, That in the death of Capt. Isaac B. Grainger this Uattery haa lost one of ita beat friends and warmest supporters, who has been every ready to assist it by his timely aid and kindly advice. V, , .. ' ' '. e$otrrt. That we, in ' common with stricken friend, do mourn our los,but firmly believe that our los wilt be his eternal gain. , JZrsvlcaii That out of respect to lih memory, a page ia our minute book bo appropriately itiscribcl, and wo wear the Usual badge of mourning for thirty days. - .. , , lHrukoft That iheikvrctary traruaiit a copy of these Tucrcdiir to the (ana lly of onr friend, and at furni.U ibem to the city prt f r ublicalioa. ' ' K.Jkwi:tt - )!. Ilxaaivs , . v IV A. Marnra, , i - . Committer. t'arolto Yacht Ctab At a mrrting pf this Clnh held Wd nelJiy j a'icin.ini, the tnnmilu- p. pvitttrtil at the wrrtiitg u Tirly. 1 1 take artHM In regard ! lb .ti-wS ( Capt 1. II t.Naiais made the liUn- tr" t ; , , . Will tt,. Oar br IVaarokt!. l-a tvt It, Craii;rr. fct l-ra imnti Ifn tue V ttfu:r. IH rtt,-r f lL Carvliaa a Ut t"l i .iUdo -UUa. vt- j l-ifio r kw, it r4f r. Kl tt tn tar with ! lsat!N rii"-f tis t b h 14. m t It t il si a4 ttrl eartaSrr, a:sl at;'.-t rlrrs aa-I ilt. h Im- tl. llU c-r drr.4 ( kzJL al coc pa&ktn k-y hU mvmj a&ttxLe a-t 1 t:xiy 1 5ixrrrt-JiX vts feUf c4 ta t !.'.- tii . im irt iriU aw a".v.i 1 tmflraic 4 .r t - t . si 1 1 it ... - 1 a t, f r . i r f ii r.-t y . ' . - L T j. t.; 1 -1. 1 1 t., t " f ' . ' No head . of a., family, performs his whole duty, unless he keeps on hand a supply of Dr Uaricr's incomparxble remedies. Eh. Haiter'a Liver Pills, or Dr. llarter'a Fever and Ague SpeclCc may be needed at any L day, to preserve or restore the health. , For sale by all druggist. -i Science has accomplished I no more wonderful or g result than the perfection ol aa antidoto to the chilling signa of approachisg age, something to bbliteriytehe tfcUale tracks of time, and rf eservVWe" yquthjto,Vlj?f fid nallllair He- newer does all this, and its pndse re i. .r4 . i ... a . w?a n 6Ua"ana: , 7 HwcUrCainon Spain, find use for it, and find means to get it, and it does hot disappoint them. The whUeiung locki i again resume Ueir ydhfttl colo he thin, dry,' and faded hair becomes bright , and glossy. .'The vaole appearance is r'chaBedW if by maicltud the man V'or J woman, who, before, was called aged, now appears as one in the prime of lifel fiach wronder ous changes cannot pass unnoticed, and they . VaVjb produced fo. unrrecedenfied ukiuauu , uiait now cxi6us tor - tue lira and only article ever compounded tliat can prod dco tKcm" i a a pleas log an d satisfactory toanur, Xo ZVa ftocl, IU, jj ,lit ,,fw i , (Ut) f .'It w a'priuciplp'in hygienics that a torpid. I i vcr js a jcaaso of fatal dcrangc tncotsofthe physicar organ ism, Tho blood, the bone, the mascles, the nerves all sy'mpathlo with i this more' roiai aeut. orgaa. i Failure to obey its func Uous In the "one lv rebellion in every remote tissue As a cohkuence d w easis, 'folloi the buaiia'jtvr"n fusal of U19 liver to perform its part: Abnormal condition here for any length of time is death. - To induce1 a normal state, ho medicine Is moro positively adaptdl than Dr. Banfbrd's Ltvcr Invi. gorator.' This ia hot advertiscmen, but lact 1 We have used the Doctor's valu able medicirfe la nr; family far twenty yean. We know him to be a physician of over thirty tears t continuous rrac tice, and that'he haflnsed the BUediciae in that practice.'5 If the thousands of poor; mwerablei al low look fng, dyspep." tic victims we meet every day would use Dr. Stanford's 'Liver Invigorator, they . wouhl , reqpver health. What more ' can be 1 tidtVe .Jlwrfoij .nUAKiHTIHE KOTICE. "JUUM aiid aner tula iUu, aud until lur lUcr notice, ao wkI from he iVrta of Ilavaiiu, Matanzas, JCo.v West, or, New Oilcans, Ut be pertained to approoctb the CUy t Wilmington ueacur lhaa ir.e )nsriU 8tUn at l pValer Point. u - '' 5 - vy.ii.ifiuiH. , , , .. t . , .: . VtuM ttUn fhjaltlui, ; au;ir f.--' : Iort Of WUmt acton. CITY OF WIMUNUION. N. C, . JUYonoFnci; JIJrr"r'f'j80UTHf tV"tlmt:q: twu. frixift any f t'a ctUea CK towaa m the HMCwat-Acr Yllwrever,rhirvuati wr ral-t ni' lUojksic exUl, U1 h tjuar- a hi mot Kr Twnly iMjra fccfora hHmg mU Krrd lo vbU Ut tlljf l Wllmli;tm t bta WderwHt efced asttl iartahrt t. A njr i3roo WjUUa $ the aWve wrUct will fnr fi,! nfly tkt ir bj lmrtuKbr4 m4 h- Qt vu4 aaoajiH. There wilt W l'.tcrru t i' Un-4 at tb tVrt ta l aiivi t ihn Iraias M will caiun il Hvr!-r.. .'' f -" - - J Pr We( . MUM!' lati, a j sir lt -it'iif vt w nimt'tti. Irarronetavst tth llar!ttff aAtt nxh,Uerx't. t H. It-.: liiOtttn. iK I , I I 1j l " hi iW IF 1 ii h j t p-i i4i tn Tttw t l,it-t.i in ibiit . ri ti" 4.4 ONE OF, IF NOT U t;u? n;.i ti ;:r.:.: svr: d .11.1: i.v tu: ct 1 r rr'Mt at A, . - . a t a a . 1: sew a d vni:TisnJZE:rrs IIENNING; & TEEL, - ir. : i :.. . .... IA i .1.-.'.. FOr.F.ICiN AND IX)MliTriO GRCUI.TUlU.LiJlPrMrTH. ISO! - ' ttel, JiJaj's Ajks i!a-. t-iitr4. 4 r bura, Hamea. Trnre Choina, ,Iioush, ('mt. Iors, tiu-peater" Ttol. l'!;rk!ttiusr"B 1KU Kwa. Vicfs. AnYltA-e- Uagoa aua IVr. wheats. Huns. Sniie, Ilnl AxK-a, Unit low Ware, Hop. Twl&e, K&ive la-ki, HpoonR, llruhe, kith Ll, liH ajttt n k m , Cotton Seine TwJao, Hax tli!iint lVae , Beine Rope, ckaim. eaats, l"o$, t ; cra, OTna,Krv l'aua.ac. . . .. we Invila epclal atUatlon to our tanr an 1 CXtetiKiva asartium f 1 IWS, a-tarteit expressly for HrotlhtanU Kwim n1 m, ait ol vbich, and taucli aaore. w icsur u low et rulces, at Ui ( T. v -t ITcwr Established ; .. -t, ' : Ilardware llowso o ' No. 9 Market CU . WUmJnstoaII. C ntaroli 1 Improvement of Capo Tear River U. g. Eagtucer Cilice,' ' Sd alory, Union Bank Dulldlny,' Fayette j ; : ' near Charles Street.' UAWRW. Mn.. J(ilv3ll 1JB. IJtiOl'OSAUS rr rotiUMnln4 iijMraUona uu Ilia work rr ttia tJwura nt Hi Iw.w lulekCapa l'i-ar lUver. N. LL wut.tia rwl. rtlal tliU olUca until 1 o'clock i.t.isaal . . , j . . .. .. . . . . . ais viicHea unaavuiawuri Ler. aflnr. . Utaak &rin. MHVlrliMitlrwiii. , mut tw. haJupuu ;pp!ieninnatlluu7nert. - . .'1tH,r.llMKllllUt' , . .... Irnproveinrut of tho Harbor at Char Army i;itUluiH, wr. Ilituioti "aat 42itne . - ... Mrwin, i . '-- NWoie. Jly JSVtS:. KKAI.KTrt;oiHMAI. tor Ihnniniiuw tkn ufn Ji-ty tu the llrlrrrt tltatimtiiB. H,ti. wUltKt mtlvitl.at I hia tvillon, MoUl uun of Auutai,l?S, auj irnv4 ltum. UUtcly lliurowlU-r. :. . . i liiatik ruruta,Hlnalti)a U1 all na pxaar., intvjrtua4lua.(-au lxlal Oatapr. IUm nt IttU oillea. ir la CanU Jantri - Jiat . Onr of lUigtnn, Knvaitiuili, Ja. . 4. A. UllJ.HOKb, , uuka l.t. in). ort.uKine-ra. a. . mi - a II liirM and MAquov for llcthcinal Vsr9"l march l-tf , .-,--f N. (HU(ENWA1J. 1i:ai.kr IX tMKsno ami imixju i t and mmr Nrtit CaroliaA acd VirgidA. too ing a&d tlewias Tobacco pj rn Moi;r.r. Anrici.n; Ac. -Indiw Girl Ciffir Sicre, MO. 53 MARKET hTKXXT, dee :i U WUmtat.2fC. BE YOUR OWIi LMiD ' LORD. " .tlM-1 - .i. ' - f 1 . !!! 'iiori i-ip i ll. .-i.ll.i. 4. At I'.rWi ta d l Vb. , UI .... ...... .... ...... ' fi 1 ftfli, St. C. t Wlai4t. UUnl, lArt. Ia , iaa, Wvi u'fc, ,te. ttwa, Ijiiit, -. la. j tiiUft!i Km. Vtf m (af5s t4... - ' J t . . jiit:i jui.. 11 . V I 1 1.3 4 -. f . 1 f . . . i I '- t -.1 II 11.1i" " j ir 1. i-y; I ;nf.4. '.A - h J m

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