VXL'lCtf GTO N JPOST 'AD VSR . TISING RATES. Fifty cents per line for tho .first in sertion and twenty -five cents per liue lor e:iiU 'additional insertion. f l Kighl (S) lines, Nonpareil type, ton .titato a H piare. All advertinoniAil.1 will be cliurrjl ut I In iibovc rutort, ekeept on speciul tn ti :ua.n. ' ' Special rates ciiu be had fur a longer tiint! tlian one wei'lc. - Tlie rtiibsctiption prici; to Till-; Wii, MiNUioN 1'W h Jl iiij per year; six months 75 cents. Al h;o!niniiiiertions on biisiiu-.s should lm addressed to TlIK Wj LM I NviTON I'osr, Wilmington, N. C - mittkk. ")., The Ui'ub'icaiH of tho ; l)ilrictr (VinniitteiJ of the Thl nl ( 'unjrrcstfi.nnil District, an; liero'iy- "not i lie I tltul "a nitviin:-? witt Jj held at Fayette vi He, on W'nlnosdjy, the ISdi ilay of .SopLqnilicT next, and it is ''particularly th.sired that I V riii V. im-mber should bo rcprcacntetl i'n rron t by proxy, ;u business of ini orlatice will bc.coiisidered. I shall als notify the inembers in writinjr. ' . 11. I'.i.ock i:u, i Chairin.an. I'n t: IV'ii.Mix.irox I'usr is' oppNyd to' a poll fax Vxccpt for cdueatioi;al (Mi l X'HlS. i iiK V 1 1. mi x;nN I'oht is the or;;iii 4if the .laboring men, and will always .land uprfor their rights.; I ll I-. VH,M INUTON I'UMT fa a f.i'vor nl' the weallli of the coirntFy supporting tli.t govtrimieiit by 'paying the taxi.; I'll K WlJ.MI N 1T ) N 1 ' S T is t h t v rga n of the trtieVfirconbaek party, and will alwUys stand up for the honor ol tho u'U'-nbacks'and nil other 'obligalious of the United Stales Ciovefument. ' I'd K W.I LM I N'd rox, PojT is in favor "vji ilio wealth of the country support in;; the government,' and paying its ililiUhy laying the taxes Jt is op-..m-.1 to the laboring men payin'- cx- I '......I ...11 f,.t IVi.i t.tir....u,. i.f I I . 1 fclli-v.injj weaimy. I'nii'vi jf unnvin, i'w p'i'fl tax siiould be levied except lor .I'tiatuinal purposes. Tlic platform of tho Wilmington I'osr, as publish, d alnu1, is the proper omo for every working , man iu tbe fis- .,(.. We have received a P real mahy. let:er embusing il, from the laboring men. The ( ireenhaekers of llari:eM town i!ui have oTganiKcu a eliib amj elected i.v...?.i, w.M.i., ivJs.l nn.l v .hhm. ..Miv ii wiv.. .i .u.u., ,, ii v4 tiUi, ,s ill). IIUIU MItVf VH U . A.W... I .-, . l iese geul emen siro Donu-drais. r 1' I Ivinner, the' proprietor tf ihc New 'York f-r'I'jcr, one of the greatest, if njt t, literary papers published the !iiva:t in ihis i,t i:nlrv. is ab ut tu be- made . . , . .Mayor nf'NiKv." York City. 1 Mr, lim ner is a .Mii'eiUs as a in vt of business, ...i'l l iiyvM- .ij". y- t'iiy, he will nfake the best Slayirthat city h;n ever had. This is truly a ese where tho ollico neekn the man, and Hot "ie matt the nlhce. ' . N head "of fmuily pcrforiiM his I wiii!Tdtity,! iuiU-.).i lio.kcciH on hand st ri .. 1 . !.: ...1.1.. i . i Miinu v i l'r. iiaricr s iiiwmi rjuunu H v - - u nicfivrt.' Dr. llai ttr'i Liver Tills or. Dr. I tartcr't Fever, and Aguo Hi.cilio ihav bo uecdetl at Wny day, to preserve ti rostoro tho healtli. -For s ilo by all ilrugist. i CITY Jl'KMS. Kami, IU:i, Kai. . , 1 lot, hotter, hottest, Moro raiti, more nut, t T. e d items aro wary. Xo-yeUow fcrcr in our little burj. Keep jour lots clean. Thiii are becinnii g to look lively on our wharve. : .' Tliere were' not many cams tried by llu llynr, the Mayof; during the rst weeV. ' . ' . . .. ... -i ika i,nt i1MaMtUoniwuriu. ill.-ir. ; Tb. .Wprios la our hlK-t is a liul. tome time past. The Board of County Comtutsuoera hate held a session ;ncr!y every day during the past week. There tsuowild to be about fifteen feet of water on the skoals at Fayette tille, with a pwpect of mere. -. , The WitMisoTos lwt i la fTf of t?Ut Bank lika those which existed, la North Carolina before the KbclUon. i. The Board of County ConiRiLioncrs have rcsoWed U pay uiJ Voor House an oCcUl tbit on edaesday l r. Durk head delivered his popular i lecture on "Methodism, the Ground of its Success." at Fifth KLrwl XT' VL Church on Thursday evening, August -Jib. - ,-... I ' - I The new and handsome dwelling be. ing erected by Mr. W. F. Wenzel, on the corner of Seventh and Chestnut 8trecl!V "caYly completed. : . , ' iueeyj Van Amrtngc, Ksq., the newly elected i.'lcrk of the Superior Court, uT,..uuuu tmcreu upon meal- c .iored boy named Lewis Wixon, wa .ic idcntally drowned near Market I dock ou Tueiwlay last. The body' was l'im rvd on Thursday, a Coroner's in-' ripie.-1 lit-Id, aud the body iutered. . Tin; Wilmington Post is iu favor of repeating the tax o it State Banks, so that wo can have private corporated banks in every city and town in the stale. 1 hen we will have pronporily in the lam!. I Prof. Meyer, of Cantwell's Law Col lege, Mi.l Ui4 the honor to call on us a few days'ajro. He is looking iu ex ceeding good health, in fact, there has been a great improvement in the looks of the Professor, lately. l ol J. I). Taylor, the former efficient I -Clerk of the Superior Court of this 1 tounty.nvas unanimously elected Clerk I of . i ho Auditing Commifteo of the I County Cominis-ioners, at a meeting held Thursday last. The house of P.etsy Adkins, on Mar-1 ket, between Wevctilh aud Twelfth I streets, was entered by a burglar on I Tj.ursday morning last, and a lot of clothing and about fifteen dollars in money tslolen. ; M n. Ch a klw L. Wjjill. This gen lleman left hero oii yesterday morning, for San Francisco, California, where he goes to enter the banking house of his lllirh'H. Mphsi-h rSrlintiaiin Tlilttirtr At ' ' , (;o.. Mr. WimII k vi-iiiniv cronlloman rY energy and character, and we wish him I a pleasant and prosperous life, s I T!m Purcell House, in thio iity, under the management of MoW dobb I...... : .t : " I I I iiuiuers,i.i uoing a very uauusonie uus- '1-y.cortaiuly have a'great many Ks-widowers boarding with them uml itiiss wiilowers know whern tn tret I good eating Tub Oitl-iiANS. A chapter of or- .,, . IhH W,U P,vo ail entertainment in , , ..fTi.i.l - n..! fcU,J 4 uy u,-w olu w vvwiorr, vwHa . .1 ' . .... .1 I l ennypaeuer, tuo lessee, nawng, Kinaiy . V.i ti r .iT ..iK.ii.il lint ( Irwr j lliiiun Ur that i.llr. w"v,v y vr. "'Y ..: pose Ireo of cttarge. jUn tho day; rol-1 'owim tho rphans expect to visit hmilliville. Wo tiblih in tbis isue the ad. of Mcs-sr. U.iiikins Ixttes, who hare 1 ...........1 rr v. .m. .n IIia WAafr ..C SI I l,t.n mid rriiictus strwts't; TheKs gentlemen arc very popular and old- busines men, mul will give satisfaction to their cus- tonurx.? Ve lake rle8Uro in recom- inoinlin IhcHe geutlemcn for public favor. r, e- . ; (WuncV .Hewlett bold - an ? inquest on Thursday, over the body of a little colored lHy by the bame of Robert I. I t I?- I II 1 rietry t. assiuey, wno iuw suuueu ij b that inoruing abodt 3 o'clock. The littlo fellow, had not been well for few - . . days' before htu dcatii, but nu parents liaa IHiluea lUCXO wasswiy uaogt;r,nu V in. ulAHiirrt nf mMtlne in our city a few days ago, Sheriff Morrell of Onslow county ; he U looking welU Also, Mr. Frank Kooce, the Greenback ud National Democratic leader of Ouslow county. We hear ihat Mr. . .. . .. i . - i. Oreei en back janooai ucset, A ...TX -. -5.1. vrrv out pPOkcu ivuim-ias w imv -ri.: -...ii;.! whh .r tci min. he V( as i'vrivf , " - - - is a very clever gentlemen. . a by reference to our admtisiog col uruus tt wm o een uu sue mcmi-ai I ... j it nf P l oi vicrmauia mws . :wXasT2Si vldr !" U'U st fc, ii, tnefii .t, U1 to Hi 11. ciUca, where that fearful acoorga i -iti.jL whena Lukij icaxivit avosiiiXTj auwv ' . . T . i: .i.iv i .ioniiit iMi en aSe? ThU acUoa on the p of our anaaenalsacmtIt a weniy aad ctc-'y caurx Thc hare already nobly mpondea to free nta of aoJ ana uoe o a.acw iaw,r - 4 ts. .,. - atcndl spasw l ?jr AXJHlAs TOLtXTUL r Ucxltf e-t iSS iwa glaltclpleTlytU ttt4,u,atm,M ST SZ? TWU lZ VV.f Ct; u.ey i J. - ! Ietaia rtk) fcf tit wuclt, wiica Is I ,n,,,mt-Ti1g1,ri luxC ifeiuix. ,1 . jgrttw twi, I ' v . the ricn e, bat wU aa-t Ut....dU r",T .vr.- .--v.w I wt oiT Ckmmimmtu &fiiiW-4.4U.A'''' t..tc t,4iii-ar4. 1 IfTti Oh for a cooler dime. Whfre, obi where, hate the Green- bC!?,'a ti. j .i . i ' , : i v isuruiera npiocu aou cao- frf M"tet noir. . - . A citizen of Wilmington recently sent Ihe Orpkan Asylum at 6xford a check for $50. We must . not forget the orPhana. - - :-: - ;:'".:: 'v . There continues to be a great many applications at the City Hall for lime. carbolic acid and copperas for disinfect i . . J O. Wagner, Esq,, was unanimously -elecjted as Chairman of the Board of Couatjr Commissioners, at a meeting eld op Monday last. TwojNorweigans, two British and uihj German vessel, with an aggregate ton- nageoi" 1,538 tons, were entered at the custom house Uuriug the past week. Officer G. W. W.Davis, of the police force, was detailed by Mayor Fikhblatc, on Friday, to serve as quarantinje officer ou the Carolina Central llailway. mere are Uirce officers on duly on the Southern road. reel Love Lodge, No. Ht8, Grand United! Order of Odd Fellows (colored), of this city, has contributed $7 00 for the benefit of the yellow fever suftereris, and forwarded' the same to the authorities at New Orleans. ' ! " ,, - ' r.-Pw-uniieu oiaies Aarmy, a uiumer-iu Mw m iionoraoje n.. j-;. focott l of thl8 city, and formerly wcl1 known here, died in Chicago on ounalI sotlejiuig ol the brain. Wa arr Hud Iji b bl. u,lu.,,n L.t .fHnmM,i. i.,.; .-.i-4 h.vP.Wn.1 ... I - inB.,m.i concertat the Oprra House oife evening th week, for ibe benefit of the yellow fever sufferers, in which the best ama teur aril prolessional talent of the city : will take part.- -'- The f intelligence from the fever- scourged sections of the south becomes more aad and sickening every day. Thm tp.lpfrrn.nt! nrlt nnlv nlinw an in. rlruUne of llP. fell frliupnttf in Jmtnunit.P.. - l.nr. ir.,r .mirt. .1 . - ' but abuounces . its appearand." . localities. Godhelpthe suffering o pW lv ' ; " ' 3 si Uol. Lawson liice. tho lenuty Collector of Customs for this iKrt, who was suddenly called north aU.ut ten I 1.VH an-n nn arrnnnl if IIip upriniw ami I . . .JT ! t . J - -- -r- . i f)ltai illness rWa m-Jtber, returned on i Thurminv last I Anursqayy lasi I 1 - . The Colonel has our i sincere svmnai I sincere sympathy in his sad bereave- merit.'! I - i 1 We uirect attention U) ino advertisc- ments of Bis Honor, Mayor Fishblatc, j in reltion to proposals for furuishiug j gas and other material fyr tuq streH I l.mni . ' llait'-ln iltft linn' ri'ltirilirr- tf I .sl.in. Kaof oalf I A ll lo I lin T.I !. I Tertiaetnent or J. u. Wgtier,v rc I lating to parties holding county claims. Ac. Pint) wod oil, mixed with the fxl, is said to b an excellent remedy for! the hog cholera, it having been tried I with beneficial reaulta by at least one I owner of stock in Masonboro Township, I where the disease has been so prera'ent I I k II lj a1.n aannguw preseu claimed to be equally at good w a pre- tentWe. Ti.eoilcan be purchase! on I . ... -. - draught in id is city, ami w iww iwirn. . t . On Friday night last, between 0 and tfl nelec. . k cotond COBTICt, HaDICd 1 Simon UagjeU, under sentence of con - I fincment for twelve months for larceny, went j lo the house or Vr m. lioyu, on Brunswick, between Fifth and Sixtlv streets, and after clinjc him ouside o i t- ii. t 1 :!. Voir r. tnr i gpgo, iwpi 1 r .fn-t. of mhich the wounded tiviu MV. - . I man is not expected to rrcoTer. The! Our f.u-avU and ur public are rvi-tfuliy : - afTair created quite a sensation ia the 1 fs L Maljm Sft BAIlMIIAII 1 Beighborhood.' Tha mnrderer ia auu - 1 jget but cannot possibly aaaka his eacape. as onite a Htrw I . . . rrm v:. MninN i enueavortnE w "'" .-- 1, cf kill cm TkfuJ-r ol Urt. lUUd tt lM, "T. , I , rT . Ts- thai fear. i waa tj4rwv ail i a aanrrerosu iswwiu, wU ot boxes mnst ba kept empty, aad ba thoShly dUUfecUd, and thala No interotenU in EelleYue cemetery the past week. . ... . , I Nearly time for good, largo,lat oySVf tcrs. Oh, so glad. ' ; ' , ; Two intermcnta in Oakdale cemetery; 'during the past week. At i ' m ... i. . ' j Uicc birds are becoming more p!eiti ful aud are nearly fat enough. 4 ' Seven vessels' cleared at the Cujlqin House for forcing ports last weekly -rj i llcv.'F.NW. Eason, of FayettevUie. will fill the pulpit of the' First BapOst church this morning and evening 0 j The Storm Signal was flying fcfi yet terday afternoon ; the cyclone isfcoaiuig wayf - ; ?. Several of our merchanfe .utend re moving their busines locations on Octo ber the 1st. , j ; - t . : - . m i ' ' ; We regret to learn of the illness of Col. Dau'l KUne.'who is confined to the houso with au attack of bitlious fever. The llegister of Deeds has issued three marriage licenses during Jie past week, ouo of which was for & white ami two for colored couples. It is rumored , that the shoi of the Caroliua Central II. li. are ova la be removed from Laurinburg to Charlotte. We would we could say Wilmington. Are some of our colored citizens be coming demented, or are they simply. making cases for the Criiaiual 'Court. Have more respect for yourselves aud make better uso of your opportunities. Capt. li. A. Williams of ihc British barquentine iiirdstow.succesded ia rais ing 34 75 during the past week, by subscription, among the masters and Seamen of some of the vessels in port, in aid of the yellow fever sufferers. Mr. (Jeo. W. Kidder, by his-own personal efforts, succeeded in collecting by subscriptions from our citizens, the amouuts varying from DO cents to $100. the handsomo sum of $S3S 85, which amount was forwarded by him to Mem phis, by Jelcgrapn, on Jast evening. . 1. . ; ' The Ikard of Directors of the Bank of New Hanover met bn yesterday mornui"; after passinsr a series of reso-tu'two- lipro.wiotlieir deep rogret at the death of their late Preaidcnt,Capt. L II. Grainger, proceeded to business, and elected Mr. Isaac Bates a Director: lo tuo vacancy, Maj.C. M. Stedraan 1W 1 4'residcnt, and Mr. Bates as Vice- lYen!eut. Mr. Bates' successor as I J..1I... 4 I uoye ecn cnosen. N i:W ADVEIiTISKMENTS. GRAND PICNIC ; at the W ILM IN tiTON (J AUDENS " r . Under tho Auspices of I I 1 SI.. .1 I." oil' IN Atl ! Til V. 1 rlldtV I'l'i rr IIIISTC'ra Of our iX'Utiicrn Cities, on WctlECSiiaf ETCHini Kci?r Scpt.ll. The public generally are invited to aid the Knight .in their ctTort to assist t ll. .n,J!Ml!,,n nf it .KlbniM nf I -' iv.. u...vv lucjr fci$0w.ciUieri. xkkotail to behad tf the followine I -M.is i, o muauiu tacwiwsiug i , ' , I.-. . '.'...'''' r Vj.T. iO.aii.j, t'. c ii-wir, H7C VsxvtT.- W.II.ISerkci, - M. KASrKOWICX. 1 lRTfFRtiiniP 4lTir5 tUl Aftiaiiivouii nunuA. rjiiK ndcrs!Sni.d have formed a co; art jiersbtp under the Hem uame of -. ifnMkin &; lJatcr-. iui"iv"r'"-""'"""ii' I of Clo.ct Family tirortrtcs. i I uvitoi to five trui. ' A. li. It AK Kl NM ' CU. RATES. No. 1. fUftWs niock.tScoooi SlrerC srpsSSt ' - i OFFICII IX)AUD ClUNTT COUMlSSIONEnS NEW ll.VKOVEH COCXrY, ' SEID 1H ICUB CLiffiS. p N rVt bsaaafte t tt aaasal wmty ,NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ; CITY OF WIL5IINGTON, N. C, s( $ '. SEALED "PROPOSALS i i ilj r i- i . ,, ,,J ,.r I fUK,wtlslilBfj beef cnttic In U;c ctty of iUnlngtoD, as per Orvlliuuicc of Ibe ity. pasred April the 6tb. 17, wlU be received uuMI I2f.,MondarrOctobcrTlb, l-TTS. 8. 1L F1S1ICLATE. ' . . : .-Mayor. Kept 8 2t oiiy ofwilminoton;nVc, -H alAYOIVij OFFICE, i SE1U . UTH, lt. I i 4 ' j nnii T'tTnTx .7 n I JSLALI.L. 1 ifcUi UoAJi " !-' I M. furnthhlus other M.-Uerl year and i - . - b seut contract, will Ijc rttilvoi until 12 X!0 Monday, October "Hi, I- -. - - ' r !! Bids to be based on vbal i.-ki.owu as tour aud Six Keet Uurticr;!, '.and for o c!i Lamp by the year. S.1I. 1-IsjlIBLATK. i Mayor. riUHSis t kVo notice that' on -tho Ith I day oi eii.j a warrant in uanic- ruptcy'w.-vs insuixl out of the IMstrlct Court of. tho United 8tiU 8 lor the Cape r ear District, ol ortli Carollasji agaiut vbr estate of Nathan Mayer, of V, il- toington, in the county oi New Hanover, in ,7 i irauijuK. ui.. That the payiuont of any debts, and the J aeliyery pi any property neionsing wmm "."j"," " . , i , V , i i I transfer of any property by him, are loroid- I Ii.nb.linr ... Ill .11 kf 11 14 H i) 1HA I den by law. llintu; lneeilnn of the crouitors I of said htnkrpUtolt.Yp.ur3iraud.othoi 4 . v n-tr'A t ri.iir Itulk' b and oltiuAcn nitn jT r rnrA I asiuufesof bin st.itv, will bo held ut a IVuifl if lt-in VViintiiV lik Kb Imlilnri Tin tfiA 5""; i r.L? r 1 - " V i 4 ., I 2nd day of October, A. 1. l.-Cb, at ltloclocic I A. Jll., U, ril) ClU? VlJlt, il. ucrliiio TT 111. V. Outhrle, I-o., KcgistH.-r In- rinKn.ittyof said District. , j - J.B.HILL,' . Mursoal for ha; i District. r'UIS ts tojsive notice that cn t!e 4th day L of (Sept., lips, a war rail t tn ban K rnptcy was Issued out of the District Court of the United State for the Cape Fear t istriet of iNortn (Carolina against the esiaie oi owen Kenuelh lr., j of :Harrell'sl fetore, la the couuly of iSauipson;'; in Fail District, who has been ndjiiilsed a bank rapt upon his own petition. That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said bank rupt, to him, or for Ms use. and the transfer of any property by him, aro forbidden by law. Xhat a meeting of the creditors cf said Sffl nanKrupi, to wit : i onrseir ana to provo their debts, oud choose io prove iiieir ueuis, uu ciiooso .iT'i 'JSVf " VV??1 ,T, held at a court oi banhruptcy. to be hoiden on the 2nd day of October A. D. ISToi, at 10 I o'clock a. m., at Faycttevillo, JM. C, before Win. A. Outline, Jiq, lfcHtcir In baHiit ruptcy of aald District. J. U. HILL, Marshal for taUi Dlstrltt. , , rrmia is to jrivel notlcctl at on the Uu day X ot Sept., lh5i a warrant in bankruptcy PTilt''Lont of the District Court of the NSPu7car7.iina ai:af.is,tYlltAe2i'lllt of Culbre.h of Corve creek. In the county of Cumberland; in said District, who has beeuadjudg.d bankrupt uj.n r wa pe - titlonTrbat the payment of ahy debts and ttoo delivery of auy property bfc!ons;iujirto salU banKrupt, to mm, or iir iiib uw, au the transfer of any property by him irc iSriiWiWtlStS lUidTlrurtUDtowU: d I others, to prove their forbidden by creditors of Yourself and I others, to irov debts, and. choose one of more assignees of bis estate, will bo beia at a court or irruiic rupfcear, to beholden on the 1-t t! iy ol Oct., A. IL. 1.S7K. at loo'cliH-k A.M.. at Vayctlc- vllle, N. U., nelore wm; -. v.utnrie, rf , Keglster in iuinrupicy oLamu,Kirwu l J. J3. Ill 1'U Marshal f r taid tiUtrtct. ri'1118 is to pivo not lee that on tho r.rd tlay 1 of HepU, 1thj a warrant in oanarui'ic; was iwmd out -J the Instrirt Conrt of th ued outu the Dtstrirt lonrt ,oi ! KtteslortheCnie FcarJbstrtctof T War"1nlh tht, ln"RtU & -1 i.'-w ii- United North Carol! West, or V Dunlin, in satd DlsVrirt. t((ilia tMen adjudged a bankrupt - upon His own petition.! That tW payment of any debts, and the delivery vf auy pro-iK-rtv beloixtne to said bankrupt. tt bun. I or Kir Uts UM. aua mo irauier u auj property by inui. are loruiaaeu ny is. Tt lliata mectinii of tho creditors of sajd bankrupt, to wits iYurelf and tltrs. to prove tlielr debt, uml fJu one or more assicnecH of hi ctaU will be held at a curt kf lnk rupU-y. lo hv boldeu on the 2nd day of tetj, A.ii. at hro'slock a. m.. at Favcttuvllic N. V Urfore I Ji'itf; ..f- l:e'isUr -- ! J.MIHU 'Marshal f said I'isirtct. I ' ' r,nw Ulativ( n4'ce tha on the 4tn of 1 1 1?'1 &?iwy.x i aronu.guBt tn uu? of t barley ,W, I i'nnermas, t i:uckmaus mRs in ibe wnn' tn sal 4 UlstrtctlwiHJ las I ben adjudrrJ I bn.krnpl upon l.l own p,.jUou. . That tU )Wrnt X any X."''.? Inknf to him, or for ix. ue, and (be trnfr m aay itroperty by hint, are f.wbiJ ti n by !a. 1 but A iurtln( of creditors of tmltl bask rupt, to wll: l aoursrlt and oUkcr, to pruv tbctr debts, and cbte n or iuoniiuinriTiH nnicwii. nni ii-i-.4 l atAmrt, of Inkrtif-y. n be lii.l.Tu im . uai vji. c j j.-c i uniteatsuiie lor w 1 ' I ' ; ,1 Nortii'C3Lroitii.iur&ini;tbMU i ' wrinv r,Tlt ioro.1 anJer E.'Hatl.or Owensvttlerin j.x. v ox-KamusonAln i V m . .. - . . - I nl r.ir 'Hojsir.-. t Uniim rl4r.)Hti I tjuWrapU. to Uieui,or Xor.their UC. and Iho I rsar- lnrortuaUon.ean b bad on airll 'five vnars Troni csi i-Usun ol pre-I Jluuett au suwuojr oi ixic i vvtik oj. in, favnniui, i.a. nvcwr.iroi.i si.i...uou i prt, creditors of said baukrupU to prove thatr I , U. A. OILlito IK. lb 1. Oar of tictolHTC. A. IK TH. at bi CI I V OF lVl LM 1NCTO.V, . C o'clock A. a l-aytitryiiie, N. i br&re ' W m. A. liuihrio, 1ji-, lU-i".cr la Uwr.k ntptcy wl said dutrict. 4. ii. ill v Marshal for said liU, r IUI W U to clya notice that ct Uk 4ih day i . . . - x ttL. inn. a rarraat is Msear3nry i liua oral of lb lustritt . oorl ot U, l'iMmi( r tha isp r tttuc4 orvb t 'ami tna acatsutt liw t-tt ofJobt-i 14. MkM,f KbaB f. IK. lm tb onsiaty-. ( tusbc tn sail I itV. m um ivta aiacii tonM vckms bu sra ptuuoa. i T1a Usa payment any and tt dHircT of ay wswrtt N . jam r ft 64 V ata in irnnrr at anjr pmrrTiy ey klaH sort K-nTaaeta sy taw. itmshmus' of ut crMiors c M feaakrapt vit: TamU aad oubmr.- v prow LlMtr . - axxl t um tmm ntMw itmtmat b'l ti. wtU tM lMSMSSA aiKt1 drJL, a. t.ira tacsar a, s at rrtMnrU$. 3. C twar ia as. A. .sri. Tt SJ ur . rJtll is Us aew usai t ;s - a - m wsa 1 i-i t vv! nna ii a- m r-m s tb U .KEW ADVESTISEMEKTS. l mis ts to give notice that on the iKh day I LvoX JulyilsTS,! warrantilabaakjopty I aa issutxl out of.tue XHgtriet Court of the I iC&DO Fear District of 1 thnf; altJDt8lrtct.,irho b I ...I..... I . k .. nfemn... tvhh tVl. jLitiatt.--TiiAt the ae payment of ny . ddiu, aad the delivery of any property belonging to wtld bankrupt." to him, orfor the transIer cf ur property. l. or io r ois i nmm i ttr. hv h by htm, are I meeUntc of the I credJtor of.dbtmluuiU,rrovabeir I SSTti VilTT That Sto? i ruptcy.' to bo holden on tbailibday of Jept A 1. lfHV t at 10 f odoclt,A. at iFay- iwgieierin uausroptcy ci saia aistrtcu - t U, 8. Marshal. fliUsi? to tflve notice that on tbeSrd day ;I iCStj6tIb7j.a rarTant In bantruptey was issued out of the District .Court of Uio United Kiates rar the vi Fear lrtstrlct of ftortu troiina 4kkuut-toe t.ttoto - ol Adolph lioeu !and jaeob i-i.bncb. oiJ,viiimntoiiin tae -county- or aew Ilanover.ln Siiid Dliitrtct, who have bou ad- judged bankmpts rapoa their own petition. I 1'Uut the payment of any debt, aud the do- I rt iKionKi to tsaiu j far. their use,' and tho I debug, and choose oao or more assignees of tueir estate win be ueia t a court or liank- rnptcy. Win hoklen on the W, day of Sept., a. i.x at iu o ctooK a, iu.at tue unttea States Wstrtct Court Room lh WUininrton. K. U. bo lore Wto. A. Uulhrie, tq Uegis ter ln lUnk ruptcy of paid district. , - Mawbal for said DUurlct. rpiilS is to clve notice that on the Srd day ! i or fsept.. 1S78. a warrant in bankruptcy was Issued out ut the Diistrlct Court of the I'uited Ktatoa for Ue Cape Fear District of North Carolina, - aculnst the estate of The Wilmington Building . Association, or wiimiDgion, in - ujo- county oi New Hanover, in said d"trict. who has titloa, llmt the payment of any debts, aud I Jhe dcUter ofiSy Sopertyonciii- to saia nnnrrupt, to nnn.or lornis u-e, ana transnror any proportT by-nim are ror- bl .d. b. 3W TUat a meeUua ol the cred itors of wld bankrupt to rovi tbsifdebta. . . " . - . . anacnoose one -or more assumed oi nis iihiMd t .(vmnnr K.nkmnt. . k,i,?.ioi. iuid r,ru.nt a I i? 'iS Vt 10 o'clock A. if at the"dnt'ted ... . ... . , I Htates District Court, Boom tn Wilmingtou, N. C beiora Wm. A. Uulhrie, Kjq, Kegii- I tsr iu iniuii.rup.cy tu sai4 uistrict. ' .. . . l. Q. MrUA E. I IT. 3. Deputy Marshal foe said Dlbtrh u and Muen)(er In Baukruptoy. . ipillS Is to g1v netlea that on the ITth cay X otJane l. a warrant in bankruptcy vrus issued outoMhe District Court of the I'nltcd States for the Cape fear District of North Carolina iftiralnit the estate of Wm. H. Warrcn.ofiUaciuuantMUls.Lu Uieceun- ty of Samcson. in said district, who has! oeim aju;is oanKrupt upon bis own petition, 'a tint the payment o( any debts. aud the delivery of any property bclongtnf to Baia uansruni, to mm, or ior nis use, anu ro, or for his tne transfer of any property by hiiu, are I forbidden . by Uw, That a ntouUn of Uie creditors of EaJd bankrupt, to prove ibeir debts, end choose one or more assignees of rr. Yiu!!,.hlMS?u, I j,.pt A. D. l7H,a V tvV-r -t .rXiL iu .. ; ettevllle. N. U, be.oreWm.-A; Uuthrte, FV, , .ucgibver iu uan&kijicy oi saiu m;ncu j 11. mi. i.. - IT. H. Marshal. jHiH Is Topt ve notice that on the VStnday X' or July a warrant in tiaakruptcy issued out of the' lHstrict Court of ihc I niuitstau? tor the Cate Fear Di!lrletof 1 M Msher, ot OWtnsvttify l the county of St ffi&KWctS "im I cu" rJul . ' . V, VlVTt-r,. j ,7i I -V A"' l? ?1 f l?ItZ.Tt.,Xll'?:. itors of "id bankrupt to prove Uielr debva. and chooe one or wot. Asstpne!! of his istitiwinbeheadataCourtofliiuikrupMy ? fi? Ssit' ' .J' 'ilJ?2.0?f' AiXzi1!3-.'?! N. '-. liiifO"- Will "A. Ciu'hriS. K., hcgistrr iu li,o-iruptcy ui j.ia uitricu -. - J, IK UU.lv V. ?..Mariaal. tedfttea fijrthc CapeF t arottBa stsluU Ua.tJTeeiat cf Nell! Stri'Sivii, tr .rvn, !r'' T .' tee county -7. T'lowniirtiu .2$v4 m dchu Sni f?. llJtir LfonJ to alld bankrupu to him, or ; far Ma , tuve. and the tfajisfcr of aa.v properly by him. are forbid. or ii v. s ciT,in aaiu km mi, wuo r.a mwd i den by law; tliat a meetins of the crwlit- orsofsaia oanKrupt to prove ui-t iuiitsv andclione oneor more aataaeva of bt es tate wilt be ht-ia at a tTonrt of IUr.kraptcy, t- k Uo!de:i on tho Slth day Of lpt.. A. it. l"Cat iOo'ciock A.M., at Fayette rtii N. t' Vfsrt! Vn. A. Guthrie, i liriUur In HnnKHip.cy nr sail tJistrict. , V. s. Marui. aSH'tTISEKOTICE . ;.ii.YI ; i -Ir i''Md-ti and anul far- f . ? lutr uathe, '? frma Iht'ISwu tl i v - i - ' lavaxih, Xnttanzatr, Ko y WoU-orow Orleanij, I be perulifi! to appro t We City U VTitntiaglbu fee fha tls'dtenjtibe I bUtl a at tert Vef Pol at. ' ' ' ' ''--."'vvtt.CcltTW. ' - - , . " U!i.:u. rhvvtu.; .atwif , I'vrt of WtlsniMVsa." M.U0RS OFFIOC AUtiU"r 5m. lfTS.1 NOTICE. tos, fmsos f csf :! s t-- Hit'o.i. sc.r-s TeUrtTct.'sr ta.iras5" or tj6.f .nana UM. ib au4 IxTsnaty Xwjr W Awa 1s larstsit . ?fjsts Ins, . - -i -" ' ' v : r ' - ... - i Ay frtM vissjAiia j --' tnc iftv4 fTj ta"art tstt'iass, ad 4 . 1,1. jh.. te..... fc-A. Tf k-. Jk aci 7 . : w - 'Mlli in ut nivtf uoure LbaL Ull the of I I 2niy t-!.a warrant in bankruptcy was '"'""S''. Vn SEW 'ADYERUSEMEXTS. ImproTenent of Cape Fear IUrcr . f , i it a t-.:- ffK-' - 1 .w.y..wSu.w. y.K, , 3d story, JJnioa Bank Building, FaytUa . , . r nt nilo. (3M. ; VU W f Baltimoec. MiV. July SMb. IK78. 1,1) lwOIteAUS Wr contiuains opro x!ou ujq wore ior Lna mahbm nr uiu nmw in,up ttr luvcr, w. C will be recrtv. f1 t'11" offios until I o clock n. Auswi L1 aad opeaca iuiiuedlaUly un Clank furati, ttpeclficationa, Ae. u b had upa applicaMon at thl ottlro. ijy sait " wm. I, cuakhlill: . Major of Kustbcvra. Improrerasntof & Harbor t Char ':-'f;lcston, 8.""u.-j-;,- . Aroiy Buiiaitii;, or.Uouiton and Ure.-a ".t 1 - - -: .. "- Ktreetti. --., tloa of a Jetty tn Ui Harbor or CharlMiiM. will bo roetved al tkla oitic. uaul noon of Amns.t i). rn aud oicn cd itutn di.nUly thereafter. - r . maua iriu,rccincauna and all etusuy Information. en b bad on airlt 1MA L.U Cot. of Knftnecra. cttrHATi 5 W LMtNGTOf' a a, S t IS N.C. K hies anil Liquors for ' Ucdtcinat Uttc. march 1 tf ! N7 GRIENAVALI). I TAKAI.KR IN IiOMRsTH? AND lMri)R I X-J CHJ1RS AND bMTFS, Nirtli Carolina and Vinrinla Stno I i j : i . - r.i. ing and Chewing Tobacco, rirESMOicnii4? ahticle, Ac. 'Iiidiin Girl Cigax Slow. ' NO. 38 M AHKKT r dec 21 if WlliutacVou, N. C. BE YOUR OWH LAND LORD JJJ iu, rt"Z fnlv JHl 1 I JU ti1I0,t5? , Jllll 1 I oYim ' lOlibALh , (i'V '.A At !, V f . md I" each, on tU 4 tnt-Uilinenlf lan. On Castle, Churrb, Son, Ana. rne. iiaou, rtSDV, jniin. iiimiuu'. Tenth. Kieveath. Tweilh, TUlrtceuth, and Fourteeatb aireel.- . . TrrmismunuiOiUlfnt. , Money loaned U tho- wLMnt to briiU Apply X JAMkJ WIIx.N. P " IM.N. U WNNult, m Uiom VUlilnf MMlUd. ear tHstrtcl of North I ''f00..-1801!. li"!.. "T.ri .p fflrHe4srf!iiT; tv 'dwi.itilCtfri" "JiitiS'nisfC'? ITs -SHiflHHIHl'.tibK JOHN DAWisOX. niRDWIBU HEnCOiNT. Ha th n iticKT Asn mvr A irvwt stock el JtAKt'At; la nrt cr 4V. If SiMlUuwlM'i" I jui t'i.n W tru ai uss4 ' .jUMUbrd lUkl'V AhK not K f iit t M IJS. Is Hnm Matko miH, S UMlMtM, 31. C. ds 2Iy i3TTtTfrmnt vlU tlATtsrraaTa. : I nab. 0crria. ' - tfctiriFOrf K. A"r lianas . rs " A si 4. t0Sj OLALia rw wAtJa tte iriu-j-. - taa est (Swa I I ! 1Swawaa hiTt,iit4nsrw '.J Sr tmmn M aOHm. fASria IHK S rtWtrtrf MS, t&aaa I itsriteHNM a4 swJ mjms. wary IsK-mitl. W S4sn a.f.ttat at taiC'Li uaL4 Astrt 3a. v t C l,r jkfc.a. a A.;t4."u(. 4tii-i . A.m.m uiNtisTSj, . ONE OF. IF NOT I r

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