6:1 v - y ' ! f M "1 III AW W VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON, NOlUlI CAROLINA. SUNDAY, SEPTEMER 15, 1878. NUMBER 3D VlLniNGTON .POST ADVEK . rvctTTtffl RATKR. I Fifty cents per line for the first in. -rti and twenty-five cents per Hue lr each additional-insertion. ... , , a is i ..ro.iv.'...,n ' K.ht (S) linos, Nonpareil type, ton- 4ituto a s'luarc. All advertisements will be charged at tho above rates, except 04? special con- tracts. : 'Special rate can be had for a 'longer .1 1- time Uliifi wvitk-; i Allcominuhicrtions on bttsinesshould I) addressed to Thb Wilminuton Ptwr' Wilmington, N. C, UKIMTIJICVN IMsiPlllCT cost MITTKK. I'lio llopubl cam f t!e Uintjriit (j.iinimtiec of the Third (Jt-ngrcional DiUrit-f, are hcru'iy notifio l Urtt a I .:. ;n 1... 1...M ... v....Aini.. "T V .1 T,- .. " V " " " V n,...-tl, Kinl it 14 particularly I.sirel "that member should bo represen'tcd ivruv i(l ,h'Wi. -r by proxy, a business "of 1 i ... , , 1 1 t 11 importance wjll be considered. I shall also notify the member ju writing. O. II. Til-OCKKR, ' Chairman. IhTm; WiiiMiS'i roa-ro.iT is opposed i) ;i poll ' tax except for ducatinal piirptwi-s. - " . . , . ..v yb., ! me lauorniK men, aim win aiwaja stand up for their rights. . ... 'T r."T , . ' , Vttn Wh.minoton Post is in f.iyi r of State K inks like, those which existed in : NM ,h Carolina before the rebellion. ; , .... ii',.,!iwn ;I ; r..v..r ... ,1...'M...,m. ofM,..,,.,M.rv K1 nriin, " ; i B .. . .... . i... : 1 1. ........ .. uw govvriimyin ijr p.iy 1 i.i ai . k. W...ilNu roN l!0xis th; orai, . ... , . . i ..-.li I the .rue Grcnb ck . .ilu 'iuj uLiiiil nit li.r I liniK.r ill llio I ai.. ......... ...... ---- . uavnliavks and all olbcY obligations of Ill VvH IJtsv Wk.l tiia mi wmvs wi the -United 'States Governnient' . , I'm. Wilmington "Post is in favor ufrepoa'iiig tho tax on State Banks, so that wo an have private lorpcntltd banks in i-vyry. city and town Ju the MU Then we will havo prwierily in Oie land. 7 The WtuitsttruN rostis in favor of the wealth 61 the country support ing the ' .gov'triimeiit, - and . pitying its ihMs hy jsying 'the taxes. It is op prtseil lo the laboring men 'paying --ex orbitant m il Ijixcj for the Kiiriose of T-- . " . " :., relieving wuil thy property owner's No po'Hax should bo levied' except for educational purposes. .. lhe platform of the Wilmington IV? r, as pubUnhed above, is the projK-r n.tii r.ks iiforv wtrlr!itr nt'itk 1ft Hm .lix- . . l . : triet.1 We have rcceivpa a gr.'al piany letter f itdorsing it, from the laborirg in imi ...uwi.larin.? tint tho most important now demanding public attention, and considered tho i-sue so distinctly made that it could not be evaded. 1'iit two plans' ol currency are prtoi liiAtt .; . r ?,?!i t.ic democrat, wha f 'f th of ubtnwaivi-tva'i tt! .c'.x'.l t t-- Bi'.iotu'.iias c v v : .-1 1 -'-' ,5 1 x The -irurrcr.vy , ' v Wapart! : i. ; v The subscription price to Tilli WlL- . t uuuu,BU issuing ,Vr rv Post is f I 00 ncr vear greenbacks, but at every step in the S,SSh75?cnts' ' consummation of these measures it met Bis months 7a cents. -.- with opposUiou from the democKtic '" "i ... "'" L are opponents ot tne grccuoacas, wnicn a CTtnnu um r.vwu.fcu wnqi..i.. nwiu, . u I oVpCikts, a warrant tn bankruptcy " nan. t tPou'j V .. lTJ. riA Hmretory Thompsou nf luiU.unp' U the promiKU of government to pay in there two years aco, is now in Memphis. Sandersan-1 Duucau Holmes. was lMood oct or the DUtxlct Court of the Jtnj!lbiBkTOpt opon hui o petiun. j ' - dollar. - Wuat does every man of com- i The otU ji d bW of Elijah Hewlett, Hi.itlliansf W TNMANAPOUS, Ind.;ept.J;o.-The mo,, sense understand by a dollar fTtj We J learn that the Section of tl? .. a "Hr SaakraiWh ,Io. U. W. Thoiiipou addrt,,,! the VSf ,R"k ft ordered accvW enroll upon rVK TaS largest political nudlenc of the can,, "j ntiog so much of P., recently instituted here, w iu a Uie n.cor4l Ml , aicial Wnd,. . "0 iTSit psignat. thoOpera ' House U night.- l value, braham paid to Ephron Terj:prusVrtMM ej.MHl.tH.n. ;;Arpf- llil, were reived and oned for Yl anMof The "01 1 Man Elonieuf wai intro- 4K) tdakth .of silver for the cave of tipns lor membership being received at u - airinsof tlie hrUi WTcr Toom. of-iay rr by J- H laMto?"! Mtl reuuerN: 1.. iu Jn ,vnr.mr Itltlcr an.l en- Macpelah, because it was current mo- meeiJ0 , , , . JwVin"y.rot . vrilTih! l. Wwe Wm. A.tiuthrle. iq. ItcsUn-r ilucedby exHOviYoroot lUUr.and t a ,y wUh -lbe mfrcliant. There wore, every "idling. ers Mill Cretk.wheu tho contract was ,,e la Baakmp-ey of w DutxU , gs-ed the closest attention of the au l.- sh;,.cls of goia and .beM of silver, A small frame buildingon the corner order! to Iw given tu K. IIowlcU, for ooeoraaaijaeof JfShild &.&2&t. rnco for over two luwwV . 1 ho-wkcr ttrt tM r were also talento of each, but d Hlfwtoccu. .uhjt to tbe approval of the l1 uito5 day cfoSeiA! "L rgtsi.u. m aottoe that 00 the th rf ,,n a 5EK pief hy colors petPle. caught re on Cniu. on ,y "Ti S.llw review. ;... valu-, knd itbaibcen so doing all the 7ednesday nighi, bont 0 o'clock, but The Tax Wks were revived. ro Muf foe te rear uurctof North -lleeaidhe JnuUfung ages.- When . mfnsell. a u,e flames wew ealSgu-shed without The Hoard then to .k a recess until Marahalfor S the discussion of tho hnanc at 'ptestlon, . f f.,ptl00 or snv other .. .. th n.r.,.-. t 1 ..Vl. k rrtltMlskrlT BOtleetlatow theUhoay 222, iaaa-. la eai aisuirLwlw tsaa siiiitHiii itiii i i im u uiiitit w i 1 . : . : .. a . ..it t iir a nis n ii'iiiit i tiVeulathra, fdcrabl at iar i.i coin that b ink would : , no M : F7 S the sum oT two humlrea Uotiars on tne . . ' ... i...i.i.. .....I lim. 1 uiuittt retiiso tho bill, it Is so witn tne l .rii mfiMin a boiklini? in si tne Pleasure o nw -- - , vui o . tv..., -...t ir- ti?i..,t nt. I ... . ai s..i.kis isAar a nnrst oar aa as i at - tnjuu a a am joja taarii a in 0a . as oa as as ia iff s m . 1 a ay uor. s ooi am utjasiasix am avear a a w s e a a-e -, imr a s a 111 ata. aa a at at !"''V.J!iSwS Wi!':? H-waxi... ;in.ta;:,;:,- sirsiirrRs --f.r -..i.:W---uu 2S4l.W 5-S: rtwU v TSsJ!:5itaJ- rSs;.,-.-,? '-,rt'11J,,,,'iJir., mmt,-ltbuBiiira op lor lHi .her. h. I. to i ba-i.-. . u,g l!.iem- 'PiflliCS! ZiSXti uTiSSiSr w j- K. ..! t-? A.l--- i -. -V-H -v .rorffi"i,o u?Jm.I iikfiJ -.- -v, , , LttirJOTAj;i.i.wii..i.f -s3'i5S&T3i.S Wi-"sJi.Afa ,a-it.-f,a.rcr . EffiMSiili cuTJj r,., ai. ,ivtarfik..rn 1.1-5 H.3ub"JS tt-i6fsrati: r.v'sii.'r.-ir.r.'. 'SSSf feww a. u.,ut s-tS w- t SrS i;,-,- : Nr,,t;.,vr,:o,,:;xT. , one poiut only Ii their unrtnce ,rV 1 ill iWt ive it except at iu X e. f it. 'w fcw ufsr. iawtn.w w,. .A.i.fc. i.r;r uw. UUOf uIL..i.oW,,.U, ... KrvatVs tocanj any iaittimcnt to luir thebcntCtof the jtdow fcYw-. tn. rs i th cart rery ofatJ. x r - ,-ivr-fi".- ' ' theirunion, lite nation tU iasisl tht rtprtenUUTe tiaue. . 16ema v- WM jtrooed fro Vcvl- taia - at WarWn lrwLkUtLry , juri tW LTi I ZkL-aOtl L r?f?.. botUtheotd particsare corrupt, lo V.IvVr'f iw'tci. We ctsJ lnndjeTtaIn-,cwai:l ray iw rest. t p-Jtf W . j-w Csn I?T?. ' - . hichthe dK-rattoal ,? Uf J htod; .ao ua -41:1 ct lU Ucaeaj orthe weather.. had rt. 'VX r-Z if? ptu.u, , . ,. y theouelvev thtt h iV.cypt the fi.-t jrri;a do. ar, -i.' J lJ -;, ut-ira rrc?eJ, rc:. f:A-i. re l : vr;;j t cri cf tx?lTt A . i i.-.. : J 1 1 i - 2 halt" Evvit this ImpWlmcnt p u w f.'-li ita r 4ir ta bTJtmil vLa t ; i; ,s t c.e ty r r.:;,, . . C;t - c. , -v. i - a . . . c W gradually dips'v' . y--r... nl.JtlitTT. . 1 tl'- -T " V"tXt r.urrU: t..,-a concessions nom iro n.u i :,,.,.,. t if vs ti:.:i f :M T 1 .r- '.'- - . . ..?.-: I . . . i ::t It: I tfft.'.rpv. , . .--jilt lr;;!Ic !!i:?i' i ' - - t. ' ' 1 1 , r f r-r. I ' -' ' tho Republican party , which cheerfully I accept all the responsibilities it in- I volvc. It was made necessary by tbe war. The administration of Buchanan had so impaired the public credit that ,noney could not be borrowed for less tUiln 12 1cr and urjJer thbj UUj ol things it would have been impossible to" conduct, tbe war for the Union, rhe administration of Lincoln had to pro- duce a . better state of affairs or suffer the government to be destroyed. This ll Hf1 In t rtiintt litf KmearSnw aw -v Mvuvmut wwc I parly. That party supported the pro position to nav the interest uron the bond in coin, but opposed the issue of uonu,niHi denounced tbe policy which rann 1110 public debt, notwithstand was nesccssary to sustain the Unioti, and declared the greenbacks to uu.tfriy w irtlilcss, a lie and a fraud I uhju iht-ir face, ' ecause they prom-1 wwl to pay money when the govern- I eiu nau none, aim vncir issuance lo I A . t 1 Uil Tit,liw nstituUon.- l -mo most t niuu nt leaner ot ITie party f cader vt the party Uhclsircd that the Constitution gave t'gns o jljr the rower to coin money w."18a iue,viu mereoi and l,at the money it meant was gold and 8ivt.r .t!1 nul,ig ds could be coined and by iheir. steady opposition to all tin' measures upon which the present fy.-i.-m ii based, . the democrats have malic the financial question a party one. l ne . coi;s( queuco lor whatever mjun- ou. ' 'results may spring from this fact I w upni. i-uaii panyi as jar as me I 1 . . . . . ' . K , ... . C . .... n.l 1 4 8t.ti y lUe Mystem to ti,0 end. Not- wu - i - uuding the opposition of tbe tk inm ratio party to every feature of the I I . , 1 sy.su., .? hvw:hu, with . nt complaisant air, that it be I non to become its future. guardian, I !kiL I In. irriuifiti'iplra at li lsH ifr ital imMarl I - "--r twi.ii - lwl to it. so tint by issuing them I i:, u"l-,,J. ,,lmbc" P5ice? b J0" i i't'ti ana a ueniocrauc aauiiuisiration ... . i luu-.-ii nuo power upou me I iioe 01 ri-rcue.us,ve prosper , , , ,. - 1 hey demand the irpeal vf the re-1 ,jf allcr tloli fcM b,, ii.. i .....T - i . l : i prucuwiuy uvjuiiy uu nt una point I make common ground of opposition to I the Uepublicati parly with the Nation- :i1(p. Thus they signify their adoption of the plan of creatine fiat monev. as it is called, as if the government, in the I l.u-.e ot common license and tbe expo-1 rieucQ.of tho world; and the express I words of the Constitution, could create I ki..i.ut iiil fiT nnvlliinis I a wihiAn a I .......:Vu. w. "vu vimoses to stamp toe name, in is is i not a new idea, but an old nP. U was tried 1V oneol the Kings ol ltome more than 600 year before Christ. He Klauied an ox upon a piece of metal, j a kIhi p upou auolUir piece, and so on as to otlwrr animal and provided by law that each piece should represent the valueof the auimal indicated. How long it lasted we are not informed, but it took but a little white lo develop me Jiivl that alt animals of tho same kind wi-ro not of the same value, aud there for.-, it had to bo abandoned. After v,.uri, 'lue jj, i now revived as some .atl OH l't SVS a,weV vuvwoWMM thing new under the tun, and its advo- cates aru vociferously declaring that mi. i-iiiuo nroccss of BtamDinz values mum soineiuing tuat uas no intrinsic .. . ? - VUlllr. In tllo icuivor iui ait uusuuh :.... .. i , .l- . inn. Ail tue aavocaies oi mis tneory Mini, this same I mind, lie may take a tank note for .lea Of raiue to in 111a -"- 0 thoarttouut. yTJrJl 7t.V: V..'. ... accepts iue prom 1 so 01 mo iwnt to pay 1.. r if iiiii not mnnilnnrn in in v?'i. j . .............. v.- ... , ,... "liilr. tlirtcr, Lit-r: .4Ui,u.w t , ,i't - r ! t i -. .vi' - t r t r "iv-'i'ra I m i: r-.crjei.. J cii . ie.-s..rttat ! irnf- ,,,r. , J , k, i t u ;i-t r.' i 5 a j,,, - ,, .. . . . . " -r m 1 t,:V I v t f----i iSc f rr. ... , .... ...... I.. . . ' - s t e! s. V". .,v . ! vt- ' ,v v . . V .. tl - curc3r-ar.:rctcr:....r-t r; , . . -T. - .. I - V - . whine will be rapidly increased, and we shall realize the advantaim f the "jstem we are now asked to overthrow, If on the other hand, we should be persuaded to postpone indefinitely the resumption of specie payments ' and to repudiate the ideaof thtf specie value of money and property, we shall again e plunged into the ovepest financial distress, and thousand who are now in prosperous condition will be irre- trievaMy ruined. -- ' ULTY ITEMJS. Oysters are getting fatter. Shrimps have' gone west. . Contribute your mite for tbesutrcrcr. Tk r-l- A: A ' it .. . .. : . " ;T,V ". , J bul w8 Blorm dK; " , : , ' - not forget the yellow fever suf- ferers JTbe water, on Thirty, wa.!yW. ered our wharves. red e The prospects for. a cood fall and winter trade are excellent. The Ureat Council Imp. O. II. met in Baltimore last week. M. The Grand Lodge of the U. S. I O. O. F.,"taieets in Baltimore this week. ' The bod of, Wm. Wright, who was ifmanij nnQ.(niJ..I..I I... .. 1 recovered. The Telephones between this city and Mwonboro Sound were put in ote ,. ... . 1 rat,on daring the past week. - J . - t Plot J. C. Horner, who will hereafter be counected with the Gape Fear Alili UrJ Academy, arri vel during the pat i WRf,v lei. We learn that Mr. .1. 8, Burbank, druggist, of this city, has .volunteered ; fc , o ... nw.iw . l Mr. R. W. Chad wick proposes to open night school for young gentlemen provided the proper encouragement be r.ceived. ' . " '. . ' , , - ' Messrs. ,Jno. C tUuoian'. O. A. A . .' . . - " joppt sad Jas. A. alcUallum, lelt lirre , . . . . P ,. during the pa,V week for Memphis.. as I volunteer nursra ior mo euueiw. I " f . " ' SheriiT Manning gi ves notice that the gu AU 0.uoty taxes f r 18?8 ai 0 and ca m ,M. , ! , , terestedrVi gotrrrn themselves accoid- I mgly. .lu.'i n. . a. . . . .. .v.. ft. . I vra uhmvw-j, o ..k, m . wrnm m . .ma ...ii. j passenger, mail and express trains on tfc e qh,,. Central Uail wy will a ft I I lUaiV - 1 V S IIU Ujtil fa w v s aniM r- - rive at 0:40 P. M. . . ur. Junz,wno, win o .emt m-K i- ed, left: this city for the urMMv tf la- i , , ... . . n- I korifur with tho vellow ftsver sufferer. i - - Julia Ford, a colored woman, was 1 oounu otcc m m vmi - j I tr.... r .VM.ia xiiirj.l iiwt in 1 I ntajvt rnuuiKi " ..wj , wn is iiaaiiBrr. . a Don't iorxt the concert oa Wednes day next, but be sure and attend the picnic on Tuesday.. ; The colored military companies of tin city, comprising companies A and U of tho- Fifth Battalion of Che North Carolina State Guard, under command of' Lieut. Col. Geo. ' 1" Mabson, were inspected at the Walker lot; on Fifth, between Chesnat and Mulberry streets, on Wednesday afternoon, by Brigadier General M. P. Taylor. ' ' Gen. S. U. Jlanningjie popuUr sheriiT of this county, presented ' his official bond for $55,000 to the County Commis3ionera,(being $25,000 addition a!,) on Saturday last, ' This fa.' but a slight evidence of the esteem in which the sheriff is held in our conntr, and if fie boud had been tl55,0Q0, tJUT Demo cratic expectants! of the sheriffaltj need not ' have commenced iheir con gratulations, for it would - have tcca given. -.: ' ... . The Supreme Lodge K. of. P., at its recent session, held in Indianapolis, Ind., elected tho following officers to serve for a term of two years: I). B. Woodruff, of Georgia, S. a T. I. Lucas, of Jlissouri, S. V. O. Win. Bryce Thompson, of Tenn., S. 1'. Jos. Dowdill, oi;Ohlo, S. K. ofK. and S. J. 1. Stunmh, of Indiana, '8. ii. of Ed. Fisher, oi" Colorado, S. I. G. r. Win.' Thompsou, of D. V.m S. O. G. Novjjl" Maukiagu -Ceremony. very interesting marriage ceremony took place at the Second l'rcsby terian Church, on Tuesday evening last, tho contracting parties being Mr. James Q. Holt, couucctcd with the Institution for the Deaf aud Dumb and the Blind at Ualcigh, and Miss Annie C. Stewart, daughter of Mr. Johu Stewart and Mrs. Mary E. Stewart of this city, both be ing deaf mutes.- The ceremony was performed by Ile. C, W. Payne, pas tor of the church, while Mr. David C. Dudley, a teacher iu tho Iustitution acted aa ioterprtter.. The church was crowded to its ulaioat capacity with persons who were desirous of witness' ing the novel ceremony, and who were etl 1 1 1 lilt I t ll wibs .1 1 u tilnaniiln11 a rA v i iwiH.'j . . ucrpiy iuw'vsvw o- tators. eu criagw , containg UavhIa and relatives Of tUO briUe ana . . tcr Hccouipauictl them to the depot, 4.d lb Silent partners" were the r t-irliMil.s of many hi at v conrratula w . . iiahes for tlieir fature ' - mi.- v 1- . lv,fH BiirKooa WlsUes for their; falure . ..'! i,n..;n.a Tt, -wPrt-B. a it, w eCH4. (aF taniiiness. ma oriuo iian Vo:i n inmato of the Institution f-r it Hue lilno past. m -n j 1.SKI0NEI13.-Th0 Board lissionera met Wed- Cou'r i y Comm ..... . . o, m, ,ty tnm.ioners mw ueu- nelay ttftemooo, m adjourned acssion; I . ... t- j I nrcsenl. .K C. Wssrncr. Chairman, and 1 1. . . V. ,r .V -r I tVun.y Cmioners,onoaan j-rn.e,u. nua a IVarJ of Edac - , when the Chair mat stated thai Mr. A.' 11. latk's tmt County Ex- ?" ' fc VWUB ' anMiicr nal CXpiri. W h-rv opon a Vote NEW ADVEKTISESIENTS. STATE AHD t'OUltTT TAIES. KHEKiwa orricE, Kew Hanovw Ox, Sept; 33, 187S. rrUTK BTATE AND OOUSTT TAXES ft X 1978 are now doe, and ail rru inter ated will be governed accord! ogly. . rrompt Murm0t will aave eneta. , , 2 - T. ti I Carolina Central IC-ail I way Company. OFFICE GEN'L SUTEIUKTENDKNT.l . WiJUaTO,r.vwep.i3,uf7a. j iUlNGB OF SVnCDDLC. N and after Momlay, IStli Jnatast. the I KHiowlBc Kcbernite wlH be opetaiea oa Ula llailway : rAISEtGKS, MAIL AND EXTBESS TRAIN " ) Iive Wilmlngtoa at... .6,-m A. M. No. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at . O0 I. M. 1 " vnarioue aibv a. m. 1 1 1eave CtiartoUe l......7:VJi A. M. No. 3. Arrive at Hamlet at...... im V. M' j " w limine ion at jr.mtr.n. .-Ms. . SHELBY D1VI8I0N MAII-, rUEIOUTA. PAS3ENGEU AND EXPRESS. V 1 Ii are Charlotte.., Arrive at Shelby. 78 A. U IhU A. M. Mo. 9. T Ut.-lt... I4KII at. JNO. 10. A ,.1. t K.rl..LL JMKI H. U. The alnive Trains have Passenger acoom modatioiiM, and are I ho only ont a permit ted to carry Passengers. . V. Q. JOUNSUN. Chief Euetaecr aad Baperieteadeat. scp li ' . U CITY OF WILMINGTON, N.C, a vMii:i "aT?l.ff 1P iiaiuaouriivrj, . . SEPT. 6TH 1878. , iritrn DlinPnCiIC NKAlXIJ l ltUlUoJLo . ' FOIt wrlsblnsbeefcaltlela th.cltyrof Wilmington, a, per Ordinance of the city, pasred April tbe 6th, 1877, will be received until 12 M., Monda-, October 7lh, 1878. 8.! 11. rWHULATE. t Mayor. septSSt , , . ajM1 th-. an 4th J day'ofCl? 111 4 W WBH lBKUHl IIUS OH tun ASSM mw I court of the Unl Hbo I '"--if."'. ".T1. ruivin. hn l.iut Imaii adindeed I unkmnt nnnn his his own petition X," I hankninl In him. or fa I ..." ' . ... - m . v.. I .lliTi -FZ.w Monart betoBKiBK to sakl I bankrupt, to bim. or for his use and .the i rrr.'""fr. Z k-i.i uforiid. I den by lie. That a meeUpg of the Jfftf" H.UWVIW. ' J f wi" ' . . : deo by law. I tin of said bankrspt Ia nmA OiaI r ct Ol saiu nkaini(4.iw wik i wiku v...- i tbelrdeba,anaenooseooe or more uVnM nf hla Mtata. will be held at 1 Ooort of Baoaraptcy, u be holden oa the I oftSjtcAerVAl 1. hCH, at 10 o'clock I A.M atrtyetteyUle.N., li, fWni. A. . " . - 7 k.i.iM Mr m A I toTtaiSCr of I said District. . JjB. Hnx, I ef BepU, IjCS, a warraat la baokraptcy was bned outuf the iHntnet uean ot tae I mnra I. .rJlM that An the 4th day I "V- I'nttedNUUM kw the Cape rear mtnct oiaebWt tbe delivery of eov pro North Carutiaaarelnet the estate of Urrf I pmy brliigieg to al4 WakrapL tXttbretbtaf Osreera frwek, la the eooaly of I J,, aias. m h aae. and the trao!rr vi Cuutbrrtaad, la wM lwrtric. wl ba 1 mmy prvpwty t.y bim. ar f.rttdia t-r lw. I UUoa. That t!wpeaaay debu. and I im delivery of any property beloogtag to beva adjtfm eansrtip epo r utd bankrapl. to bim, or K ? o.a the tnuwfa f any property y blm. HEW ADVEETISEilESfTS. frmra i 1 Of ll B late rive notice that oa the sih day I 'July loTS, a warrant la baakrapty I araedoatof the Ditrlct Courtor the I d hiatus for the Cape Kear District of 1 was lasnnd i United Kutcaforihe Okp roorth CRroiina mrainst th ius or Alex- amier E. IIaU. of uwcmrttle. in Uie county of tampion, la said-DUtrtet. who has bwaadjutf-ed u banxropt upon lusowa peitlioo. lhat the payment of any debu, and tbe delivery f aay property belonging to s&id bankrupt, to him. or tor bis ne, aud tbe traniler of any property by him. are rkl.l.l.. K TV s n.t in. nf Ih. iitor of aaid bankrupt to. prove their I debWMUJdohooone or more aaiiieaor raptfy, to b holda oath&SUhday offpu, etteville, N. tl. before Wm. A. Outhrle.ti I Keflster 1b Baukrvptey ol said district. . , J.B.1UIX, : i rill?13 U to rtTo notice that oa the Xrd day I of Bern. laTS. a warrant' la bankruptcy wm leraea oat of the District Court of the Vailed Bute for the Cape Fear District of ffortn Carolina acaiaat tne estate oi Adolph loet mad i Jacob - tlsbach, E of Wilmlnrtoa, la the county of Mew llanown laid Diatrtct,who have been ad. Latrtcuwao nave oeea au- i lodged bankrupU upon their own petition. I I That the payment ji ixat ne payment oi any aeeu, ana tae ae- i livery of aay property belonging t said I bankrupts, to uim,or tor their ae,aad the I tranafer of any property by the in, are for- oiaaea ay taw, xuai a meeting oi tne erwutore oi wa oaaxrupu toprore tneir their estate will be held at a Coort of Uaak ruptcy, to be holden oa tbe 19, day of b-pK, A, IX at 10 o'clock A at the United States Dtitrict Court Room In W UmlDcton. N.C, before Wm. A. Gathrte, EaqBcgla- ter la isanKraptcy o aaa ajiuncu : . - - -i J. B. nruu . . . Marshal for said DUtrict. riTilia la toe Ive notice that on the 3rd day I JL of HepU 1S7S, a warrant In bankruptcy was issued oat of the District Court of the United Mtalee for the Cane Fear District of North Carolina, acatnst the estate of The iWUmlnptoQ iuilding : AaaociaUon. : or Wilmlngtoa. la -. tne county ot Mew ttanover,in eaia aistrtct, w no pas been al indeed bankrunt noon his own pe tition. That the oaymeot of any debts, and the delivery or any property oeiongtag to aid bankrupt, te aim, or iorms ue, ana tne traaarer of any property oy nun are tor bidden by law. That a meeting ot the cred iters or aaia aaaaropt to prove tnetr oents. and choose one or more aasigneea ' of his estate, will be neld at a court of jiansrnpt- ey, to be noiaea on tne i. aay oi ops. a. I). tnS, ai lu o cioca a. at.-at uie uuiiw Ktates District Court Ilooni la Wilmington, N. before Wm. A. Guthrie, Eaq ligi- ter la wuutraptcy or sata district. : - i. o. McRAE. . U. 8. Deputy Marshal for said District. and Messenger In Bankruptcy. I rilHIS Is to give noUce that on the 17th day 1 of Jane 1K7&. a warraat in bankruptcy was uenea out or tne District vonrt oi ute ITnitcd btates for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina against the estate of wm.J II. Warren -ofBlackmans Milla.ln the ceun- ty of Kampson, In said district, who has eeeo aojuogeaa bankrupt upon nisowa 1 petition. That the payment of any dchu. and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him, or for IiU owe, and the transfer of any property by htm, are forblddea bylaw. That a meeting, of llie creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and cbooee one or more aaalgneesof bUeatate will bbeldat okj fcgkjiu ll.A.U Ky - BMlaterln Bankraotcy of aaJd diKtrtcU U, 8. Marshal. i rpHWIs to rive notice that on the -2Hh day ofJalyleTH, a warrant in bankruptcy waalssuod out of the District Court of the Od i I niteaHiaies lor tnevapercar wtrmm United states for the Cape lr'ear DUtrlt of m " j a. fc. - k Livery VaTrArg" 1 blnaruptf thlSTM hi. Duie?.nd uie transier ut aay prepwv v7 w- blddea by taw. That a meeting ot the ered- itnr of said bank ran t to prove their debts. and choose one or more Assignees of bis estate wUl be held at a Court of Jiankrnptey lobe holden oa the Slihday of HcpL, A. lK.lK7H.at 1 o'clock A. Mat r ayeiievitie. . 'beWnT -ZtlZii la Dankraptry of said district. . j. n. it i li U. M. Marshal. . n rslS tato gtve aoUee that o the hth of Jiyi M7Vke7fh tedsuttes lor.tbeCeKWtolN5t I edjadrI baokmpt apoa bis own 1 txHilioo. - Thai , the payment of any - I That a mortlag of creditors e aw oaea jmpu to wit; Voorwlf o4 othna. to I thtr etefcta. osms ehnrwe ae or I MtCn4a of tu estate are I m atx f rakntpw-y. to Hfc"M o SEW. AD VERUSZZIZirr. Iraprovemeat of Cape Fear Hirer. . it o p., niv Ci " tj.v. i.o0inoeru-vr, i . .rtr i;,,n r.-v r-ill.tln- Fvt lvi siorr, i,nion las. aiiUin I Sjeus . . near Charles S tree L V.. Bai tiiior. Mn, July XsT. pn01"ChAUS for cooioaiu op-ris 1-, " iu f.or: ! eloar of li.e W i5IHP t11" T.T' N. wiU ba re4v- WU this Olllc BuUl 1 Oclot-k O. Al?Okt 5l. opeaoj ImtueUiat! iur lJr- . , ,m oaJ upon arp i.ijop at Una t-fU, 'JyilSt Major of JUistiavcn. Improvement of the llxrbor at CLxr- , . lcston, 8. U. . U.s.EsGixkaOrO'K. Amy Lulldics, cor. Houston and Gre:BS - Mret-la. . . N w YoK. JnlySSl, lCS. 8EALE1 ritOlVfcS AUM, for lite eooau we tlou of a Jetty lo the Harbor of Citrioion. . win be reccivci at tkia oi.ice. nnu 8.CM will be recctvet at tkia once, neul noou of Aaut IS7S, aud opeued liauie uiateiy tberenner. Blank fvma,pecIfieal loBB and all nee egary Ini'oruiAUon.ean be had oa afp'" lion at omoc, or to vpu Jamct c t'ott Corin of Jug i uth, t-avanniih, ti. A. UtLltui . ana I CI IA. Cut. of i-uiluecr. D t 1 aT 2 O . e . 5 " a n & t4 n.c. II tnrs cfiirl Liquor tcr llatuhtai Use, v march ltf N. (JHKl'NWALl). BKAI.Klt IN lXillTlC AND 1MPOB. TKD CIGIRS AND UTS, NirtU Carolina tad Virginia Eno in? tnd Chewing Tobacco, PIPE SJIOKEUS ARTICLE, &C. "Indian ; Girl Clfftr ', Stow. "NO. 2a MARKET BTIIKIX WUmlagUo.N.C. dc 21 tf BE YOUR OWH LAIID t nnn i bunu. I t r t I'lTIt TiTVn fiiTS-T : 1 aa.ee mm aa. 1:1 JUL 2 HOUSES A L)Tj !!! J L i nm SALE At t.tu. l ad 3o each, on th I r iDMtiilutentr'aa. . I t I Oa Caalht, n.nrrh. Sun. Ann. Orange, II.Mlntil U'alauL. MulUrTV. IVimS, . i - - - ... - ...- . . - KnSih-iajrtl Teaiji. Eleventh, TweJth, Tbirt ..ih, a4 'LyLWttn. Moucy loaoed to ttto vimiri io ih.uo. Apply to JAMt-H WIlJMiN, apt iv u. orDAN.OCHNNUlt. 1 yyiHTItn t.At:'.l "T Atl r'rT A- 1 SeilliriipJdElfrirr : - te.eO. J fir at i :r ? l ... - i i . t - . - . " . - ;r. ........ - - - j 4 .,',.' w . i - I i .. - - , - I .,' I ? . ... . :- . . . .

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