k it L ' - -IS" i ; .. . i .i -i.: ' 4'.,. ! ' - . . .i l - : V t - U ft . 161 a4 ..i Ay v.v V J 1 ' i' -t-H jB-f 7 A. Y.r" ;. V l'iJ'-iMV I i X r I i V a a J, ! ; 1 U .V, ( 1 i Piftitintrpt Uafor4h first in-1 I "--.k .i5rtn.I in.HSnn J All jumrtisemenu win oe euareea&t ; . gpcll rateea be had for a longer time than one week. ,r ,l The tibscription prlee td Th yfiv Mr n m mv-t- . . I ! Allcofumualcrtion.o, bawoeMhofiliH TXZZZtrtur i IZT be addreed to W WiLMiKTOi'?fWffi Po8T-WiIailBrV)q, N.C. Tfl' tillflirTdsr pOtT Is oppoaed , to a pot) tax except1 Ibf 'educational e organ ' r fT ltthnriilv ron .hImt "will of (b UbWirial torn, aim land wp' for their rights. '.' ....... -if . ' I Thr WlLlf I sOTo S Post is in favor nf . ... . . . .... I pute Banks like those wnicit existed in j ! f Kortfi Carolina before the rebellion. j i . . i . . . . i V Hi , IhavVMVVrUahed along" of the wealth of xhe country supporfng lhfl a - gornmept by paying the met. C0i,h impt gd ' hi. i,v f TBE WlLMISGTOS POST ia the organ if the Une Greenback party, and will I slwarssUnd up for the honor ol the ' VretnbackJ and all other obligations of ' the United States Ooveromenfc, , , Thb Wilmikoton Post, is in Jfaror oif repealing the tax on State Banks, so that we can haTe pri rate corpora ted ! banks in eTery cily and town In the1 state; Then we Will litve prosperity in the land. I t t i v: i is in -faror The wilmisoton i-ost .j th. Mltb of ilia conntrr suoDort-1 . , ui w- . mm: ng the government, and .paying Its '' debU by' ay ing 1 tlie' taxe.' It ia op i posod to the laboring wep, pajring ex- f orbUanlpoll taxes) ifo the 'purpose of j relieTink wealthy1 property owners. No ii. 1.-,1 .VMn r.v educational purposes. , t- U 'Xih ! ilitibrm' .'of,, !heV!ViImiogtda !' rosf.al published abore, is toe proper ' oe for etery working man in Ue dia- irkt. AVeE have recelted great' many ' Wm eodorstogU.- from; the laboring i j -i V. ' . :;1f 7.fiPArrViu..'N:-jD4Mty r ! '- 8epUl8th, 1878.) EJiUoT )9t s, ii-;t i f ; t" ? . r I . nam iwpu .-v . tee for the Third Congressional District . .1 - fPL!l (VaiMu null Tliatrirt Wfnfthiatowii ioyi The Chair, nun of the Committer, CapaiaO. H. JUocker, read ,tha call frthe meeting, '. f r ' j s a - CommUtee Wher atthU W ; t v, h ,t AU iha cKiatie. wera, prent oacpi wT.,i;t,'u;iii . .. .y iuat'tmbHahedby Tyr l'ctefdoflTi n Tbr Chairnaa WT". hiUdSfeM? Jmg) . ,!,H, Uary tionrge, ff rifiuk amlTsWinr SrcreUricsi which was confirmed by a ou ry, T;. . .. -; . . i t . i ,1 r .i . f,,mn. After 'a Tull ce i UnJoa and Pari. I w i wy dothj rof powerful Russian story, sinn while hoUrt tffUjttiiJtt ua.lMfw.lhe Uommltte unanimou ; : following resolutions: : .T-- aominailngCOBTintio to aomin.i- a uirUattrfCynsre . r-.7 , tJ-l ;'..... . .V' T' ' ; S'? V; taW!caa;rrtriiadlh; S7:3E.3 la th camr Y ill oto with pleasur " .fJ. ;llr , ....iif.ii , r cssi for aoT other caad.Jatein htlJ, -even leadinj? oar populit caodtaat lot. Senior , recommend to th Uepibhcans of tbi. - .:rr:;r mat again, ea ae urs- 1 - )fwawi. j i ; , l Mark, t street. i l'-r" r ., " , . , ArvtmL That we are in ftr of la- atai au . I ? tV-t we ro g,iig to have next f itwlcs th Tolam tt z&zUtSlcz'J !axryirsoara Dau lU-r;' lJ o j cW;hi . ... .iv uttermoii uita I nrevlHe. author of "twu.a, w , ; iiaftibisf, .V .i,c m flBtT ' ar i-V W ol r. .ribw ii BaKll, with hUU rand S- V., r-Ata ...ly. CV?CZZ:::ZZZV IZ.U . bea--r- e ;. - -;rs'ro- Orcrallouw, on FrkUy and Snurdxy ,t,Mjitl;r;r:: ( tie ; J - I -V V UJ.it w a4:-:. c . - .. r. a .f-;f;f!d4 V' Vr: -,ir, .i-r-rf f.uweta. Th.ra t iV f;. -V ! '..I'.'V-i fv . Vx , ; L,..:t;u,,..vtw!,,t;,..m r.. ijl-': , 7 ; r,-", ' TV- ' Xi: ( ac:,:;i-Ur-L':Ui tcrscf taa-iUr-wfj uit tt:,;l' .c, V.a.t2 r . i . i . , - - a . .:- ....' ,IU tf , , . - . C v 1 ' t ir-xay,aad wa fcca-xrei Wt rr .? t i. vr.. . i .. .r , . . , ... t i , u.t - 'p.r;scf tbt ly C"r' ,'1 t l ; , 1 t i' c:;.dtjwi:i grcxl ii tt-:-... - 7 1 .' ! .-.s .. u . - ' - " - ' all t-c-cs ct .r a I . 7. ; o t v- t---ir.:-- U car' c!:t T-c! r.n-iCalj c " ;vi::--i -' V. . - . ;'"r t.-;wr it.t , . , ... . , . , . - i , ' 1 . ' ' 1 " 'i . . , , .'tit s . x- .''. r ..x , . t ..... r ... , i. i . v ... "" . , i t 3 r ;- r.?;, t.e . "i ""," I k ' . r . . ... - t. , rtvtitf -t ' ;ir- It.? ' ' ; , .." , , ,,f ik-.ttftiiii'i.it . : ; -t. . ? ' i .. .? . I ... , . . i -: - r. : - r 1 w..i:- rvr i . . , , . . r.. " - 'V;. , ' f , ..: . w . t J - J ....' c -TA 1--: t.t- .': . I I , mm - in -i . .1,, . - j m, . ... . - r.- .. , v.; iva tr: - . . w ,-.a , 5 - - . 1.1, ..... ' ' i . ' 1 1 ' i , , .... 5 ; - .. . . ' ' ' I . n - v . , - ..... - . . . j . . ,; t ...... ... . T . ' . . . . - , . -- i - , .J i ? i - . - . " " " ; - - i , " - - , . . . . I V ' : 1 - . .1 - - i ...... -f.. - w . : I ; 1 " J ;' " : -r .,-..... ; . ; . , : .1 ,;.-.-"- . T""". .... i ,". . i i . i 1 1 i . , ., 4 '... ..... , . ..... , t ... ,... . . 1 ' . 4. . . ' . - . , . ; . . , .... . ... t .... .-.,,... . ? t . . .... . v . ,,.,.,!- " " . i -o ""-f JfM . . j.frisn.v. - reiHrk at Ica cOm'wwa f oar Wnc 11 I " . lb apotujing to tbe urot1 llpfxaT rh&'ia r5?ti.rMr wnJL.r the aiost forciUe. unaiMirable! tl WU,, WI aomui, are m me woraf j oUUclt-H wbkhhbrt"teigkteiv( 4ljjfe bound i I mMJimi i i errakers would : . . .1.. r-v-.. .y i r YTL - "V with as much mmu bi ci raitwehis I finger lo iu VeaJ a!icf Icstvm bis aa11 aol ' iloTthe combat ;? doing iVtioe've 1 aolMIursde combat :" doYnL' itTioweverJ j'i.kii ik't ...... .j wiiftuciconri :aqiuf jitrefiiiK feeling, tbat Ibe object of llio muritodi thHllsenientdorsjotiiiit fc tWv'tti0' ch!eek'wa;lkc.tiv9,jDvlnel la d uulil ierhap he is Resiling death MTJH'1W9ioi)tt Wisl'tfd , aaind. wb'- oiify excellencykaifd JpoWH is o j assail iiu(l jipwgft ;cveij vwortbl and priraio or public life-wike can Swift would curee'itfe iJoAKia'find d'k spoUln the sttn, cldod ia hcaTeo, kiiJ'jujitify and support tbe basest-rf :1J HMV& lheir3ai,f ! j uiute. as ne ujovw in tue J duty assigned, bim, he is writing! hii I name higher and still bbcr tiiae ad bis fancWplrtare'of IsrldctldiiliBd use . , ' .t fulnessV U4 JeanoinUmVurr dTsnt- ago of fMf atate juiexplaintd' ajlii- rcpresenieu, um piacingmem ,?tf Wj;.' creased the spirit of Mil otitirf of terery mtivft bom. nresenti to the statearfd exvoneu ine coaicwsion iuki, uu cuurii aucli jwide kuU loe lurli aMUi63riiBve Kin w.wwrwniBj picaiv, wsn.i.i"i arfiwa a, umgnificent .success, jifeyer urpasrd herojbeiupo, jjf.ibo of n umbeo.,, f inen f benutir, r' mlelli- wott d like to see the Colonel, hcre git WwaX5;gi4i B P. I'addisxibllficMfing hw ,ly bere,a!odWe lesrq was as irrcsisOble as a urc" i conjpanion as lie woii ine riiua. . , I , ' . - .. . I .... A.!'L.:d II 'UKSiAnU l Ai sin i , . i -. 1 - : I ' f is.' ' translated frSa fe - Nfcher and i . , -,,i;,. ..bta humor. wit' Invention, and greatjpower - . t.Mrrswb ifaM. -dm. to gUe tUJel .OencraloOore- MlrH. -rr ftoVkherun- ,J Valueof ihaworkusist in tne delicaHl dntl Mi Ufor aal all SWVvW 1 UainorcopSofitwHlK- railroad I . . It .rti t .ni in mr I irainSa or cvpa " 4 w cv j ? t' ,n .t 0BCf. on d.t!;r4 - a- fi ir to'th'a puUUhcK T. IT atrothara, r . , ..uecktbook l ie i 11. ut , aft4 Mttic Store, ia Ihw oty, on IiWiK - ' J:rJ:-I his ppeccli. Fearlew. inTiDcible. heaeit and power fal, hSwfetfi kVay tbe ;?CnY,.:'lTEMS. ?;n J ... . . i '4otertbie Ja).the Tost, ; , . t , 1 ' ;!Sabecribe for tbe Tost. tern atenneIona in market ycl.i I ,lf-.! ' y, i n ii,-, m- . , . 1 Fish are coming in In large qu-oii- tteal.:r,--;i - '-,4--Eiv t,1SWaa fdr improTement of the bar fennftl. Merehan HU to your interest to w Subscribo fof the Tost and bob p- pj? and niak others happy.' I" Pl -wi I.A - -,t r...l ..r Fee tancbiri are now ' fuaHtiMg uii turn tiil-r,V,!' " t !. .... ' . : ''jt'ersimtnoiis in market at teu WiUh f me liqe Myrtle Uroye oysters were jin3Iarkct yesterday - i ;.kmf ol Uie iicwcufii and collars are hair-stfipd.w - ; ;-v "' It wai cool enougti yesterday, to inki ilV tiunt tip our thick clothe. ; V L , Iilue fiih have been biliug well dur ing the past week, so we have been in formed. -! ,r jKnfurce ..the cattle - ordiuaucu and Uiereby keep the street io king It like a caw pen,-,,, K ,,, ,, , . HtJ&ead tbe proceeding of Lire Ik-jtub-UcaU Kxecutivt CoiuiuiUee at F;iyelte Villc.Vn tbe 18tb iusu A ; 1. . , . ' . , ' r i - - - rj Uead the letter frwiu our abt c-jrrus-pondenV "VaIe," at Point Caswell. "Vou' will find it Very iiiiciestia. ; Once, and again, we advise you, fur the sake of your bealili, to rido ou tbe street car. ; ' Kti&lr. NoUnd, of the late firm of Hayes ANoland will open a junk store in this I'cityYon the first of next month. , . I - ' ' . ' ' ' - CoU Win, L." Smith, tbe iitIV au poJUled OounwiAsioner, qualified Friday afixrnooiw, . Work bus beea begun at the sturgeu.. fiiaherics. Quite a number lave bee., captured and seut to notucru markets (or disposal. " 'the care worn aud ill tempered mau would ia most cases, regaiu bis elasti city ef temper, and increase bis capacity iTor work,-b making free use of lr. llarier's Liter PilU. For sale by all dnieelst. " " :t V :: (2k) ' : ! We regret to hear of the severe , ill Hess of Col. E D. Hall, wbu has boeu confined to bis bed Ar the past wv tatt'Wetre pleased to learn tbut ho is iom feeder aHbts writing. r,,c mH) koon to see him out again. We assure oar reader, that a Mipply of Dr I UarterV MeJcirs krt .. stanily ia the Jiotr to be uel arcord ing to direct to us when iltuess apears, Will prove tbe best investimeat thaw coaJd be made, s For sale by all drti. IU.TCBSEO Home. U. J. Jom, del egate to th Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows, held ia Baltimore last week, ha returned home. lie comew back to u as a member of one the most important. com mitt ess ia the Grand Lodge, that C the. History of Odd Fellowship. Fua Ahead, -Iiook out boys fur tl (e coming fun. Read thco notice and be happy v'Hcrc they are : j pa th, -land 5, or October, atd man Btt2xlo Bill and hi troupe of gea uine Indiana. Then cornea Fay-Tam-pletoa t Alliance, followed by i ui Pomeroy, and we wouKl'ut be surpraed if Cole'a Circo was to atop a day- or two with US. Just thiuk about lha fan We were rUu W oalliititrca ' Ttea !i fs-tila tko alLree story yehterday. ilr. D. R Mitcbt, trio T'T" C't. : , tea it U ca "rittirt, jnt retaruod bAn from rLItla Uie t3 g" Paris Exposition?!! ia lociiasveU I ana ucarty.v f tbe; lift., bjeaJtu tJdW;j cf jiL-a; wutarelijJaitJi j ;r as-1 actiuu of llio braia ad nexTOUS EyfctekS, successfully pWed that 0 Ao, gust Flower 3 y unequalled Dyspepsbi w a! ! persotw a fll icled with Ijlvcr .Comphiiut, and the 'numerotul symptoius that jfeUrpia A,9ahallh7 condition of the Over and Stomach. Sarpp!e bottles to try, 10 cents. j Foal- tiver.sold ia all twu'on iii wcatcra continent. .Yhreo dosoa Ulpnat itMjuMtwlmtvuwan6.,-.8iy-' ."? ' ' - -"-; Cnilosilio?" ; .r. i.... r i.-4" r ' lvgi from a neat of ihievcsj Asketchfru.uapoliticiysviewl A buck t of water from "All's W!.? ; ?J , -M,t cu ind!aapoUcy is fly gted in V1 ; r"rcM Tbe rpublT; tape"ia .North I tie reported nasaacre ia the Yellow-1 'oT wnOLllUlX5 ,4 ,iT Caroliua, and tlc; places Uiey. are pub- den YaKer of aa excarslon party by " fsrocrnirs OFITlSii ibrd at, areas UowsW ii i ,,, th Cheyesno Jnila. -The inform ! VVK- Vi.i lUIelj.ChTtiftElixa. lion la rirta opoa the aulhority of a ,?;V J.FP..A; R"? bcth-City -jS&iWr .Me Sbitttociing-1 hrs&et tt UnitciEtatei Senator Dsr-hl r- ;ir vTi,.jrw-V',.rti ham,; IicoiIJBiatesTille icw fe, J teyol Arkassas. who taya thai repcrts t ' I ii . - - - fmTf cf mxziiczt ,la '.that'tegioa, lad 1i...ilO ft,lvMi.v?)tttf 9, " ; rWeiW&in-0 i' eaaBTOonied and thai la aa engasa. th'eait Corncxar.ljtnmi -a.TTJ, ?f rp neni twenty-eetca penoaa had beea : - - : ,,rr-,u.w? . Tbo Wver Ja ihflicpetkb pka cC kUled., Ilia io Is toped that Ilia ia- Etreel; WCalcoa, It; " tbe wl.ol-hhmail mtftaVta lieaa&aa faraatfca laay rroTe to b vofdaaded V-J.li "' vlLluiiif ai "iLO A buckle to fasten a langUIiig aiodcl Bbigham Youkq and His - . A featborfrom the wJngVif a. flyior IDANITEBI " DANITBBI! report. ''Us -"I s I 1 A plate of bt iter, iru;u the crm oi ajokc. , The - saucer belonging U tbO cpf sorrow. :. ......r .. .- 4?'t: . ( , TI. 1. ........ L '.t..!. ..'it meeting. ' . ';-! . t. Soap with which a mtn wa? washed overboard. TiiiNQa lKrinAtl! Tho'w.ritihln2 about a hawlstime woman it some o her arm than Tour wn ;. , " ; ;. buUbTlUterm taek Washiajkou' iu abow three we&ks. . Lucy Jane Patrick? "stolen? sixteen years ju jroF, hr homo ia Aiaoama, uasju-n oou ideutified io Michigaau . . r, r.i ..li" - iixnn- in.itirtn m. a ooutn America schi,: NW. my boy. bow i Uial Wrth .l vi.led ?" Hij earthquakes, air." t-AJa-l-v i. J a u. V'Tt ' J " T Welsh ..l.Hxb,bY 4,charmni!r" bira from his retreat by tho music or a barmoni- ' : . . u: ' . f A recent nmi wf. tiw lctroii.rea Press o.ntai.ea an a.iveriwcmem. oi I.'.., i.a r.in.B L a. UdV with molern Ic"k.m M r t a-s.fl mki to oe in iorew mieusu pit W iwie a year. A writer in tue trAti rrancxscO a os inure icrMUiii. ' w co nos ewwww UeaageatpmveihroMrom bald beaded Huit ot View. , . 1 A porti.Ni f:tlitfvyast Hsed in rais- n, u r am JJ- " - asdaaasstyiWassam 'i i T iu the wind . . , t .a. f Dances, Religious Rites, Nuptual Cere-s t , . "V 7, : monies; Archery and Fancy Shooting. r, ' Y. Q. -JOtTWOJL ; Hinges and locks f-om the trunk of "Prices as usual. Reserved Seats to A" ' Chief Kagtaeer and apsrtntendent. ' I 1 ' 1 ii ' Utea tbaiKewf toad.kf atooth ...i, amaJIfjaH -af Jff au .agtUtnr u.-Ma 1 i4JJJ M tbtaoiaea, aaut aoa T S)rwtbeesait, . avitrtSUrfJITKi As curiUA a iHuidatiou of aiiaUbtUl --uncxMr oh'kt n' THK t?MTKtl byviUe,IwUmba bauledwood J . ..... .. " .. - i,..!.!.:-,.. ,..?r.. !? pay v a. mother when tio waa torn, xwcaiy years sgK . A little tty ! weut to brcl for o firt time came away tunc K d isatis- thol t ft.iM m i.i'..l luin.;i -ivit; I s I i aunccucd lied becauto h said tbe nu n ta t .i t g yn fjrusn- f a Deflrrtai Oder fcwt. 1 Inu.C la cu a tW ,olk rurt hav. Uit- at o.. I iyawfsswwora.tteia, , ! vnviuti.ciamii xmu iuut. ,t . : . . ' ' Mr t- U On'i lor it a... a y t Ja Uk. . rri e ; X C rv'.i'wn C: fef l-ajng PW ,-t -., U-i a 4 - , , v. rct,"asd a rooklraaor raoiaara sau- ry?y toutt -wf'nirtMii'. i X .AUlIi-t ;ih . n!-T-m-iTUtr' to rav it. dr-Hi.Kwisciiwti.i N .. V&r Ycri llcrl J trelhfally 1 , , 1 1,, eoo-.U irt-the V,' country f the ilUbooettf' an! raj esteraj irstT anJ rapacity without thia ad-1 savs?fireven?e. I - l Wit . TITllHT flllLV ' FRIDAY eft SATURDAY; ; ; ; f &5f .l878. TTt 'V I? A T n'lUf'T'' , j11j-Aj 1 ' r.t lHo. w. r. coot) Orand Combtnation, under the f. Management of John T.Ford. of, , r Baltimore, whea will be pre- . . ; acoted the oew DUAMA, .entitled., . , MAY CODY ; 0 LOST A.nWUN f l Compaq of 20 Artai. - MOUNTAIN Meadow MASSACRE! Cssst - I v,., ; Will Appear. Ui , ,1 . I ,: A n Vn.p.;i.mnf t ntrnrlnrmrr ' 1 I the Pawnees-, and ,Nes Perca Indian r& and Rnnaw salsa Lha llor Chief 1 0f the Pawnees. Master Eddie, and I Government Internreters. th Barress . ni 7 J. E. Oobex. General AcenW firnwvtnv fYiiruv TtarfWRWtra. no.. I Before 8. P. Swain. Clerk and Judge I of lrobate. . 1 W. n. Drew, Admlntstratorof Jim O. 0 ; ' - . :I T I Ann o. xxarnw o au ' I Harper, Mary O. Gallaway and bus - I band F. MT' Gallowar, Maggie J. i Kwala and basbaad B. t. owata, I SamnelG. Drew, (minor) Emma C. GUlicaa and hasbaad Charles GiUi- ... . . . j o ?Yk . v Thia is a Bpecial rroeeeding to make real esUtoaasett ana nu oraerea uist the now resideni DefendanU Emma C. GUliaan, Charles Giilican, Rebecca M. Boyer and Samuel P. Boyer, be re- I quired to appear be lore taauoun oa I W aBva m w i t w . - I, I, i. a j., in n t r in mi "k ii,w.."r 'u lO feraWrtsi tat Qty wUk! OXH 1 bemz the 11th day of saia moatb, aoall : I answer or demur to we conipisini, w 1 . . - f'T i Mry tanrmaUo,eaa ka4apiiruoa X.biuAt.ni. . I ; iX Vol. C Kasiamt. tolj'" I v 4A. !...- i r r.acrb rraM. I - lvnptaloti, . I :. vs. , , , ,; . Tbe W!miaai, cv!aabu Ao- f u niUva4 OMnpaay. vata4aa' I . r " . ' .. ..... t I ah rwr-t TN!! .1 ONE OF. IF NOT m ik rf'!t t. r ";. 1 ,j pi Ji jaly7 tf Carolina Contra! Ii-all - i - - it way- Ooxapaar. ' i - r ' Ml " J;"i,'J' 1 , V ' V ' ' - ' ' " " I.-, r ,i 44 AN sod nr Monday, IGUi InsUet, Ttlte O&raw,- : , .T : V ?; A-aG2, 4 MAIiV aD.JXMiESS r u , , ; i 4 k f T&Aia ,...,. J 1 i- 1'- ii-"., Cncusat A. il. 1 iavacaia :tTA. llautlW at ...., f. Jl' I J f! ... I . ft it,... .ll j , fJ f BIIELBY DltlSIOH MAllX riUUGtlT rASSEXGEHADExrnLsa - y" . i UavVfAriau-lJilJ.?8 A. M. I w,? 7ArrlvatbneUy-JU.--aU5a. au " lvf - ' t -'',HJ Vij lFj Jr , -i LavshlbyJ.f2iH r. I Arrive at CmirlouiMrau i. M, V - V . .J 3 """ il!:V C I The above Trains bavs rawenefc twin- I Ulllllinl M M.1 I h.ul Mrf . nMill I CITY. OF WILAliNCrnW,,04ii' I .":.' .stiff .d?.;.-, i ii -!-ts4t i MAYOR'S OFF (CE, .-. .... . . ! ie !i ?.;r,,sErT.6TalSTd. I " ' -i ; &SALED PROPOSALS ponwuguio. teata.ln ctiy Wllmloiton, ai per Ordlaaaco of U citx, 1 r i ... t Ped April the lib, 17, will Ve wetived i Bnui p iiomUy. October Ttb. I . i -. ... -r.w !. - JJ . r ronBA,TS i - . ;p . - - CTIY OP WILMINGTON, N. a(lf.f . ..,.... . - . J " . , . , v , ji ayuh' d Ull-IUK, . T ; ... --U ' ; 'SUT.-ta, 1S5. r WrVDACitc or i won wunu nr u bvm uisrii if year and A ve ysanrom exi iralle of pre i aswiaoawacs, wm sw rain tiut mm- VeVrOeUif Tu ' ) t : -t ' Eadtta bs basadoa what b iaawa a IVsr QUARMIT1IIE llQTJCil t X 'aib ibs W cf )aaa,rTv I . . . - . -,. . w . .Bn- i t,i, fiiM unTiii'iir it iirii r irTnttr I . J : V. jaadeasU ve-ajUksvlrj tat sty fttalf i ' ; 's--. . I rv-rts a&4 aU prv c ra-f - ateaM Uis Koiiem aa4 tnz; i-tt r-: tbe Qaar aatta faUoa tjtt ;Oaa. I w. axip.im.vm . I pt-f inr,7 jlt;v I i.n. - , , .ill . . II. tsproremcfit of Capo Fear lUr cr t. v .-.y.S. Ci'lsecr OUcr, CiryUa:ca r;"k BJir, Fay tils ' . . - Tl?r., aiiv, jmy A ' 03 tUfl v- ; r t.'" r ,,ur PMiji.Stv T.lVij I . r, . C I a rrrtiv em. i..s aaa rj--ml Uuiue.AU.j' tbra 4 l,.r. trn, trcin!'ctr, en a tS t ; ,li iX. IM j.iAl UU, lajlrovsmtntcf tha Harbor at char- . Nw oTK.Joyrtr v 'til roi-' tv.-.i at iau cu. unui bocuic4 Aunwt t'.iil aatl tpen4 iutm ii!!y thm:r. b.ax irum,iipHriicn ana an n-H ewary iHf,T)iiioa,rna is tit on m'i"t- Carp JUsjuhh n, jvTm h, ", A. MLLM li'.a II ine ' and lAqnor tor . f Jlc(lelnal Vsc. r march 1 tf J - , N. GltKENAVALU. DK.VT.EU IX W3MESTIQ AND IMPUH TtU CIG4HS AND SNIFFS. - Nnrtli Carolina and VirgtaU E39 w-rxrs gxroKEns article, ju -Iadlka.. Girtx Cicr Etora.1. . so. 5s market mutKT, deo SI If WMmt arum. Kid BE YOUR OWIl. LAUD ; LORD. , BUILDING IX)T, , . JLllLJ run sale 21 i At i'AriitJA t' and f each, aa th t&ttaim-tpun. f Cat!. ftiarHt, Wa. asn. lira f a, Ctawuial. WaloaU ataifcrry. IUd llrw (, Hio. rouu fvttia, m ma. Tealii. Mlb, Talta, TuuUt-nUi, i Wltanaw JSK i i , w i ii rnaui awaM. si Term acs!itiaAiJne, .... Arriy W - JAMMWtlH, Slli-U. Of UAA.WCU.NNWIU a.4 Vw rtiJAl. i'-'. rwt r 't -.. 5 ' 'x : 1 ' "" !'. J' " -" 4 siasii.atm t-tiAMi W ' - ? sr l- a - w. tf-fli - .. - t.-at.-r'wa. St - : cor;TY ox: . sr.v ii amiy j:r. cucsnr. .. - i . I f ,X 4.lfsa t,i Ait myttf 5 I --I ix.-i v . ?: "-i is f- s I fa r , . . - feUUIuiPIfflfUfR- UtimtJrlti