1 . '" T f ? t;' ; jliaai IV i asta ni!ffnf i;$ tii" c i j.r VOLUME IX. lpMGTON;: NORTH OAIiOLINJSTODi OCTOBEIt 6. 187Si Sfagle Copies 5 Cents NUMBEK 12 II .. . . . "T B R F ftlfflfiT Mii-Si ITOIK I . ) L j ijgj ii i i wtomif aTON, ,;post adveji ; TISINO RATES. ; Fifty cents per lfne fot' the first in! icrtioh ntii twentv-Hre cents per line ! i tiif?C't () wllirjareil tjlpc, con? a'lvectweniVwt wiU be charged 'at lie above rates, f ?v?PVv,V: special cotji Sii'viiJ rat cau h h:id for, a Joncf Itinid thAti oner-WeVk.1 ' i -5 ! The fubuftrintion pfiie to'Tii Wlf,- miX31.)N I'oBTj in Hi 00 per i year; iit month 73 cents. AllooiniauHitrliviisfjq?)a&uea6hoiilcr b ad'lrevied to The .Wilminotow Post, Wilmington, N. J..' AMVI Third C9hgresNotiarbLslrict. LLIAM P. CANADAY;' clect"d by iho ItepubUqaq tin grewwna I .Cm mi tteo,' at thpir 'meeting hd4 atl''itjctteyille,t3ci.13th, 1878'l . : i '! i ; . i i . ' . .. -. ' i j 0. If. Ul,OCKKKf ; j li, ' Chhlrmaii Vtet. llppublican Com. ? ' :C V-'TiIb' Wl I.M I SOToSt' 1)3T ' l.V l)p posed lo. a .tH tux crijit.for jrvlucational '. purpose.' " 'i'fi H Uv mi?!1'.' ' ') .'Tii'e Wiitxoltl TobMs th e organ of, llie laboring men, and will , al waya tanl p for their tighUF,, , : ! "' ! The WiLMixd'rokTosf Is in flt)r of .Slate Banks like those which existed 1n 1 North trolin.le'!jroI5cfr5'ellion. . 'The Wn-MlJaj'roN Tujr is in fAVr Lot' the weal th.of;thc cquntry supporting - tin fcovern merit! by payirig the tuxes. J'hk WjtfiiyoTOJi Post is the prgao r Hi true -Orcenback party, and will always totand op f nt the , hynor of the1 j;rcr.ubatk.4 and all other obligations of ihe United States OoTernmeDt. ! "' j'uB .WiXON fJU.i1 favor ottriiealiiig Uie ,tax on State, Bunks, so .Ihiitwe can haye private corporated ba4lsliferyftity alii town in the tte. Then we will have prosperity in '. the land. Is - i - i . l:iA WiiiiVirWoUfo! ty U Lot of Ihe wraith, of the country support ing the Rovernme.nt, arxl pitying Ha doUU by l aying -tie taxes, is op ' pos;d to the Ifborinj tnea psying ex orbitmt polLlaxos for. the purfKjae of rtllevng.wealUif property "owners, xxo jMll. tax ahonldje W 'rcxcpt for vlucation u purpo.it a. -, : ' ' y r - . , The platform of the Wilanngton Tost, as published above, is the proper one fur every working man in Ab dis trict. We have received a great many letters endorsing it, from the laboriag m-n. (HIKKNUACK CINOlUATrf- FOB COKlHKHH-WlIATUapt FRANK iVOOTJK SAYS-ilEl'UBMCAWlS WHO AH E JOIN IN Tilt OUBEIC mcK VXiiTt will. uy yxahb IX) RXIMINK. j i WOOXBS COL. WAl 2sK IL'tf PISTRlCr. . hario!? trained circulation Thv that 'I J (um : JS H VWH1.M "v : .i'&t A. M. Waddoll fortntre inUe third Diatrlcf, oo the greenback i.l.tform, and kuowing the deep iytcr- t..Ici,i. uro.inll'iDj political lricndXnot )nly iii the third1 Diatrict, ittt throttchoMt ih UUlo, reMrur of Tho Ubaerrtlntemwed the Waptwa the-case.' ! ... The tutcrvVw took placo In tbo city - of WHmigt9i Moadajr morning,? and in reply to ihequcstion : JIace yoU aoy objecUon to n iatetficw ? with retcr TC. uth4 l-rurJ ! by comin a candidate for Congrcai agaioat Col. tfaddell T CapW Woolen anawtf ed that bo had no objection whatever, and waa glad of aw orportuftUr to act himself right, m tho mxttj report about Ihim werooubtlca ,n oreuiition rrnrtAch Upon nim. i Without going into queation and an; ,wm in dcwui, i.pw . 1 csCfut:Jitc, PfUbcr dli be 1 . . v I. . laa trie to the ba'heram defeating thJVaio. ' and 1 ?it w. nearly WeJtical !TwVl' a n ih crctuback Mity. a candidal iwlle a. ear U all this, and x0W'd t by f .g Tki mnnnunccmcnt will H rteceitca .with rifwit. nd Hl5lrT tne enure u.mcu . r J A? hit li; publican afiet MidiuJ s aots can continue 4 In I ;? !; ? rrtsUfiU a re .Cret-Uct' cr2la ' Sc,tjjt U is Democratic in principle. Can 5 lV Cru5c ? in fl ' Hlilf-rtUavii--Ilne Tofc')'''1 -in'.: boj '""tlfcHeSUoViibir ls,"WhVrB'Mos f da live " .- - . Ij-i i : JUin WtHigirWrftfctuitwj deeded to 'lny' r..ii.:. j: . , . " ' ! I IM1 rf i i ' in i hi : i i' ,JkiU.Cwttou i'nteif ut Kt,Mrk: and toUmi cuaingin qUe fr!y.'i io ! .'f fn?'i?i ':iitir.f; j'lii ;n;i'nr';-;;;; ' VUitor.4 tiflflSuiithl re;rt-'.aonia-eraMv inirove'inent goins.pn"-,, j ,$ ,T1h- rj, were a eij rie$ and 7. cleirencca lor f"te- jiOrls Uliriug the pas Toct. Wfl regret lb larn Vbatl4 vutttlhion of llr. Adanv K.: Wrijie i avery' criti cal ..' ';-,' .7 ' r ; ..; . . " i 5V: f ! yf 't rt'' '. i . y.,iV liltle, we ight aay, nothing doing in Mageateual ctrcjoa during th-o - ,, u t - iut. .101. i cwi (-ii.. ,... f - j 1 Tbo poHwe force wcre paf't v.rrby tho Cfly ClAV'and'Treasurer ou ' Weii-iea-1 day la..t.- '"' ' f ---rr ; ?rrv . . ; :l. "'Tfie Board of 'fJuAnfy Uommis,iuner3 I meet in regular mbiithlr' aeiwiiin on to- I morrow; t . ! it Only one, marriage license issued at the Register of Deeds office dnriug th past week. .f. J.' . ),:?, 'f.fff t'lTH T".', ''-I.''' I "!,ij ,' ; Capt; j. WLippiit, of thij cityj his gone to Savannah, f,where he proposes to go intobusineys." !' i.! j. Tho poliitiq place in Harnett J" own-. ship )p b' been' banged W Jolm Cam- r .1 i .! ,' i i . 1 1 1 .t t r I ormi roil i, ai ine rMOKiey piace. , , i Vl .ii i : j I ;-tlicrconfijerfl: toWiV Hliri bUJIofQfrV'iWo8,4 -wn atillWar of n'few XAaba of diphtlicrl, t,.i.;t.?itLa4. . .i ,j v-nt- , j t Ftoin reaeiit. appear ancra thee will be icohsijlcrablebWneaa Torho' Crimi- n.il Court, whi"ch 'meets tn' this city cn tu-moirow. t j, ,:';;'j n;fi- .j i ; . ' ' -i . rr-ri'T?r ';TTTnr't?T ? 1 . lTIhj' .Supi-rior jOjurti.of'Eruriswick county,'1'1 llis7 Honor; utJhdgei BMston,. prwsiding, wM'IrHd atSmilhville during the'past wceU.! .'"...' , ' xl"x U"trtL!'"fti' i'- '"xr' I 44? , .o .imwrtai OrLodgnNo, 07. ahd'X'-,earN2.I. O. F of this citj.Wo each, forwarded $20 to the yeMow fever sufferera. ; , . MobrMclUe; k colorcd tnktiji for- mer Veent of Ibis' difleA Very and- denly near,Ea?yJIill, Brunswick Win- ty, on Wediicsday last. X,Ir-i In "iah& ViJWpU inVtlaiVaVChn ' T . . . vf at II o'clock this morning and aa'ciock W.V.'A 4VW he UUU in th Market House were LjI JiAiTuia1aUrainsT.txcipl few rcserred for the city, for an sg- J gae5oriii peV'Wkiaom, This The Brunswick county steal has bceu decided in lator or toe i'cmocraw. Judge liassell, counsel fortbe plantU&, gave notice of n appeal to the Supreme CoWrL' VU a..; V; :X '..C - . i i" t ','" -"' " r TK Mn.-tU at the festival ClVCU at the City Hall ou Vcdncsdy andThun-1 day evening last bv some of our colored citisens for the bcucBt or tne yeuow feter tuffertrttJnoqntcd to tR, r?wUgitcms of interest, giving an idea Mr K W.- Tavlor. lWtmasttr W of the ' business of Wilmington with Kaay HiU,f Brunswick connty bad A I foreign porta for the month of J?cpteiu Oiapute Wttb a coloittt : msn andj wan. libar just cjoaed, are compiled from the ..rinn n the bead with a ticjnac- iA.nr i"M ii K will shordr r . . - t . if J...t. remove rJaWgtne itaiiwnw j X t . -. . -m. 41-.. a. 'Irt I iuve pracuce vre mw - ... which a limited number of frWnd4 will U luvlted: " f " ' pt XA rJUneatedV state ibat Ut.S, .1 rwlIvirCiip T Orphan lrnment at INUi Caswell, dcr wusty. oa Ura. Oct. irtb, al tJu ti smv 7Vlvsk, is iu. lias Pfc fcw . ' . iirRf T u-i erill kit sUsb saw las In VKigrrn Wcdaesoay . i. Mnntkwi at the court boose o lrilft lrr citt118 fstiUsU ftVpt !,J.W raynethe young colored man Vhi" "? severely injured bya fall i from a acaflolding at tho new DottJ.n fcobijp'rMa on Monday laa, i wiid itbe itnprptlng; with fair chances-: of bia recoyery . , j ' ; J ' je, fourth quarterly' meeting 'i the present Conference yeav, began at Fifth 8treel t'M.'E. Cliorch on yesterday.--' pBUrkhead- the rtesiding Elder .f thej PUtr'iqt, will fitl the pulpit of thnt Clutch tiday. T 'O .We;assuro our readers that a supply : of l)t. . II arteya Medicines kept ijh atantly in the bouse, to be 'used accord-, log' to directioas when illnew appearn. h,wiU,prPVO the best inve&tiincnt that coahl be mad-j. ' For sale by all drug- grsl'.""'! (; ) ' .. Vlf'. , . , . t The care-worn aud ill temjure-i .man wonfd'iri mostcasctf, regain hii c!.it; jpUy of temper, and increase his capacity for work, b making free uW Kf Dr. Harter'a liver Tills. For sab- by SV1 druggist. J (21.) :-FGeWMi;r. Taylor has received a Id iigram";!fro0i tbo Adjutaut-Generarv of the Stace,jiq forming him that free traits portaUon, had been arranged for-tbo troops attend in the annual cncajnpTienl at the State Fair and that -'thry would move on the 1 Hh inat. - Tbe Uev. Culler I'rawloid lia bttn lyiogat her wharf for the past few d.iy ... ' hri,- n..r ,i : i . J Urawford is a nrat and staunch . ii- ud na gentlemanly; a. corps, as ever trod the deLi of any craft. v i i '-f- : .;" . ii ARnou jinasrER s ii.rUT. -r rum Cap't. Joseph fVice, ILirlwr M,iUr, we have the following report of the ariival of vessbls it lhn port, &c., fr the month of September : t - Americun 3chooners , tcamei 11. total 17i'.: Tonnas5'8,9oG. ; Foreign-i-Barnues 2S, baru'irntiiKM brigs ia - total oOJ Tonnage 17170. Total arrivals 73. ToUl tonnage 26,115. j At the Mozirt SSabxm, Cpt. lav M. ,T 7. j ? ' j , . u c K 1 - ; skill and politeness the Utct druAo -i ir.r. Ei'. j: : : . i i .1 . u. lue fiiisoii. lit? w tnuow.4 are auraciM attenUoii. AVe veiled the saloon dur? og tbe i p.lst week, on busuicas, a.... Xaoxt wbereor we apeak. The propr.-- tor, Mr. Haar, ya I he will add adJi- tional attracUons and wilt let the read- era of the Post hear from him through their columu. , ,' ., ,,- j . ." ' m 4 From dispatches receive! in thUcity 0n F.ridayjfrom Memphis, we i.egret In lcarju of the death of Mr. Jus Arebibai.i McCallumj who our readers will recI- lect left oUr city last month fr Mem phis, as aj volunteer nurc. 'A htter - raotllcr ab,lrtt a woek ,; he wa, t.nj(,Jtns RO(h1 hlbs the annoHncc,ent ,Sf his uealh on Thursday, -was as unexpected w sudden: We tender our Moccro sympatby o bis bereaved mother' and "?ter:;:l.. A ' - BuFTAtiO Bill. Tho apiearace of the BotTalp Bill Combination at the Orra House on Friday and last even- I.J JmJK.. . arm ml aliltrfl'llt IT "'fe ?v , :-; anoienccs. in periormntvs wviu r .v cellent and the diOVrent paits in the plsy, MMsy Cody j or, Ioai and Won," wen Sustained. The hero, Buffalo Bill. ahWs, by hrs sctiog, that he "has been there," anJf thai upon the mimio tge he Is but re-cnacung wna ne n.is perlenoed in real life. His exhibitions 1 0f ikill in-bandling the rifle were really i remarkable, ana we wouiu no give much for the life of man or beast tnat he "put ur al" nd pulled trigger upon. The wal lMiwe U insight into (their borne cuatoma whicn w alone I WArk ih nric . of admission. The troupe is aoe of the very bcc. aol well doservius jot patronage. i ''V.l i,Br ih iol- books in tne tAtoia noure ; 1 nt mi tnaaare. in corrency 2,Kl So Ymasmi miKm Mtrrt iil l i ; Total collevtiow .,tM". u 1 , .... .1. I r rroaTS- Tweear0"' loe-raook" , - L vi fe.,5 bamU rwin, W.o; pltotw tpuits lurrcnUnc. SI? t,:i 5W, gk mud mfacelUneow. tstkU Urn 0o of .5. I iml Aivt rwtv I " . W UuJcrin rened the lWcul !Eahlbita atToeot. vjw w I mmi MaM. kjiftta. srakh be ftU w Ute Urt rnbUc rh be wU ia thu tooatry. a ..,.,..,, i jib , The iilepuulicaa papers ittt Kortll CarolinajlarMlth places they ttf IhUd atcVfoUoirs Zg'.'J? j , lu-gislcr, JUiUetgh; Uarountan, ttkixto beth City ; SiAril viks SouO, Eocilng hara ;Jmftica, Statesrillo ; ;KnoStalet (ireensbdro ; iaTheTille i Bepub X i ustou j roeT, Wilmirjgtphi v? 'w muni,, , . i ; ... . Tho Liver j the imperial " .organ bf the whole L 6mn jstem,' aa h eontrob the life, health nud happiness of min. When it i3 disturbed !i iWprrjrpef ac tion, all Uodi pftQmijkt .rjsk'ii wtl ural reeulU The aigeationof jfijdd, the inovenieuta of the heart and tone dj ihe action tf the brain and nerrcrras; iep,,' arc all immediately .''w.ejij: Uaibe workings, of tha ZATfcvIt?bji BWa successfully proved 'itbai- Greehfi A gust Flower is aeVraklljSrJ 'ln) jiiag si'l pcrwns aflUcwitbyP Livtr Complaint,, and the nameTons symptoms that result from as unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Poai tively wld in all towns on the westeru continent. Three-doses will prorethat it is jint what y oil want. 1 " ' AMUsi:ji:NTo.--The fol'owbg fartios aro b'xAcd , ij appear at the Opera House this season r5- :: rrr i V.--:' b'-iy Tcmplclon Allinnco,' KM. ' Tth, sib, i:h and 10th. 1 ; ' ; Albert W. Aiken, in tho "Witches of New York," Nov. lit and 2tl Mtdaiii liciiii's -Fern alt Minstrels; Nov. f.th. Louise Poineroy, A'ov. l-'th And 13lh. Jo Murphy, Nov. lGth. Katie I'Utiiaia, Dec.' 21. Ad.i Uicbmond, Dec. 9lb and 10th. M t. and M rs. Ceo. Knight, Dec 12th. Lotla. Doc. i;;th aud Hth !, Mrs. Chan frau, Jan. 8th. ' Fitth Avenue Combination, Jan. 23d and 2l'.b. ' Mrs. Jas. A. Oats, Feb. Sth. Others wil Improbably name dates- and make engage iii e,nta in a short tio e. Contrary to a published rumor, we 1 mo that no engagements South have t n made -'by Miss "Mary Anderson' aa Several , companiea. have cancel.'exf their eK-"geme'it3 on account of t be 1 'l tle I prevalence u.f ellotv fwv on Southern circuit T li y f -i Ion itjg statistics' w ill tJiow the li.'l'ereiice between the business of this f..rt and that of Norfolk, Va. : , N Tf.dk : a rec.-ive.l'. N -rf.-lk : Sm.t 7fi1 hlM Cot. . - - w N'ofyik : Sept., 16U. 2 016 bales Cot- t T ri-ived. i - A i im rca! c:f'2,tS3 bales ' 5 Viiu iiKitou :s5cpt, .177, 2,4S4 bales Cotton ..-eeived. ; , . . ' .- ' Wiln. nKt km: Sept.; 1S75, fr,72S baks C'ttt-Mi eivtd. An iirt .v of C$U bales, lu LVptv-ntier;, 1877, 3 vessels cleared fvr loreigu ports from Norfolk, with cargoes val'uad at $:tj,8S7 77. . In Sep tember, 1S7; l vessels cleared for for- eigu vrt.s 1 1 It cargoes valued at ,100, a uWnn of t,735 77. ' u In fceptcaln r, 177, 19 vessels cleared for fureign jhiiIs from AVilmington, with cargocn, valued at ltS,992. j In SepteruWr, 187S, 4i vessels clear i4 fof foreign ports wlb cargoes valu ed at $35G.H;8jftn increase of $267,976. In September,- 1S?7, there ivere 15 entries of vcwela with an arxrecale tonnage f torus, at the Custom House, iu this city, and 19 clearances, with an aggregate too nage of 6,038 tun.. In September, 1S78, there were 5. entries, with an aggregate tosnage of 17,071 tons, : and 46 clearances with an aggregate tonnage of 1375 tons, an increase of 42 entries and 12.903 tous, and 27 clearance and 7.S57 tons. We are unable to give the n amber of arrivals and clearances in the port of Norfolk for the same time. - ! It will be seen from the aboTv that while Nor folk had an increase of oaly 2.1 $5 bales of Cotton.reccived over 1577, that Wilmington bad an increase' of ,81 1 Imlc; an increase of 4,631 bales in favvr of Wilminctc and while NHtllk ha t a 'Amusr of $2,733 77 in Taloalion of foreign exports, that W3- tulogtMi had an imemm of Tsiuatioa of foreign viporU of f2C7,?7, and am irkrca. of 27 vesU that cleared far foreign ports to 1 for Norfolk. This certainly ppcaks volnmaea ia save of lte bmucM growtn f our city, ana m a cvaaa rtfnutkio ol Uc clurrr tnat 4lvrcacMt riti riar a$auM taat Wt'.iuiarVta la Uecmsing in popttlatkm and baiacaa aumjuu It h a fct ! srell c&ib!ibd br na peitowabl tcaticwT l&al Haifs Hair tocwet renew,, cieawrs, tHrtktwv iavtjroratrs and tnfam tt Us ottaal cv4 a4 tastr. CaJed tTajee 4aco)f ed hair, cheapty. akUy aal sartfyj. The rwt rv4 fttt to buy U and. tce it, rather iaw ia reocUics is a saaaact sare l.tciblt ttaa .wrtmSa can tiratf, i4roc;h btasxlrd tacks et crusJy Nard, tiat UT mtt t-l al passis: fa ilccay A ttry sicet trial will cwsvi&c the asoat slrptkal tkat U reh th bjf ef its ce and U,Jrf nia If ondertn! Suecesa la Catch In .; 5 , ; ; Vemocrats. ; ; -;: v -We clip the following from the Na- tkmal Bepnblican of April 27th : Glotm, Oongressman from Missouri list rail Just give me a cnance at ' these Republican robbers j I'll ; ; ' ketch em as fast as you can ketch ' minnows I ? i t ' - Dkmocratic ; CojratESs Very l well ' , there yon go ; : lots of traps, firearms 3 and ammunition. Now let's, see 1 t-'yodi make capital for our party. s Glottek aUkvuioUicoUy) -Oh, you bet V u I'll do it, gentlemen ! I'll ketch the 1 -Black Republican plunderers. Set 1 a Glover to ketch a theil," know the maxim remarks .;hal ka! -i t yon' Ha! I7irea moniAa pans, emd finally t of the -1 dull rumble &mc$ a tw. ,i GLOViat I're-cot bim b I've got him! Dem. OoyQRESS Cot who? Got whof GLOTEa Got a'fellar ! Ketcbed him etealiftg.- I t)K. OostiBESs llarrah ! Hurrah ! Is : - '-.it Hayes?- ' '-TM : GloverNo. It's one of the Clerks of '. the House. - - DM. CoSGRESS-R-publican? Glover No. , Democrat. Dem. Cokgoess, cheerfully, but iwl rap- twrovtly O n I Glover later) Here he ' I got another foliar I : Dem. CoKQREss Hurrah ! Hurrah ! fi Stealin'f j I Glover Peculation 1 , wasted j lots of monev, DEM. CosBJC3tii Hurrah ! That'a a rood haul. Kcptfblicau? Glover N no heV a Democrat Your Doorkoejpcr. j j fa) A hi Uh a see here, . ti lover next lime vou fctcii.a l.o- Dublican! Glover Y ves. I will O.I.OVCK I A nwmlk ller A4i him! Ketched him stcalin'S Stole $10,t)J0 from contingent fund ! rat him! ! t Dew. Cosgresss llur Republican, Glonerf ..!. ' Glovr JLIhah a well tins 'un n no -Ac' a be' a Democrat a he's a member of Congress. Dev. CoKGEEna (tioiog for him wrath roily) One of na, you uudiacrimi natinff scoundrelly Puke? I Glover Y yes I I couldn't help . ii! It's one of you'unsj j They hmie Aim up till tout e of fu$ fA orw heard ralttinv round in hi boot?, andhu collar bone loosen?, xihen he net awav.) GLOVER (lAree days later) I got him now 1 ketched him in the very act of stca'ui od we got tho n ney away froi? la-,w".' Dei Dei i. Ookgkess (i?uiig)--) ou m vfernal spy and polt."a! ."T1" elll-Tell as ibe wo H D em publican f l . m il-l.l: ii. j wiame." iuwui7 inr poor viteti rev. w r, jure jiHsneu trin namet and q real beadt of pertpiraiion ttand' ing on the out tine of hit hat) Ob, good gentlemen, spare roe! spare me! (tnrninj to run and ttltutq his prisoner go, as he Hodet a thmrrr of intttamU' and cwpidort) ii'a the Democratic Sergeaut-at-Arm. A - I ' f .1 I I -.. Fourteen Democratic Memukks (pulliog down their vests and shouting above the tumult 1 move that the office of Investigation be declared vacant ! ratted, nftn, eon.' NEW ADV ERTISEMENTS. I' " .r t - - CARPET PAPER! 'SOMTH1NG NEW. 1'KI3 paper Is used to greet edvnetage . under Carpet. Mai una: or utl Clou. eausleg them to wear as lojig again, dead ening sowna ana being impervious to air, maklac tbe bouse much warmer la winter and saving Its cost la fuel the first year. It is very euraoie. caii aaa examine it at Z1XXBCRS AW If WHITE'S ' - -. - .-1 ... ' : Cpbolstera and Iwrer Hanccra. tvmr ?J and Itimcees street, sole agi-nts f r maeu scsvrva. art e it. Tne Wonder of tbs H' '"A TOE .3DiS DM Ait. A MagaiUse which U aoomnalaed every month, by a Cat Paper faticra ol same new aad etylish rarmcat. i . atoae of these patterns can be boat ht use lhau tweaty-Uve cents, aud maay aoe ssnr any renia. i Aa UieetraUoa of tbe original garment U always gtveei la the Magaatae. aad plain directions tat making ap. Eaea Kaaber eoaiaiaa aear destgas Ur all kiads o Kaacy Work, la aadtuosi to the an memos eaaoioa IllastraUoaei ate a pace o( Maaie. The literary verua U derply taueeauag. .iff is addiuoa we give aa' elegant Ctofored LIUtograpb with each K amber .a htm ceatd not be bought See tee than one dollar. , aixou: cnrtEis a cvate-tcw rtat T CAU, IXrfTl AJ IV : fjeweiasea CveH. eeatereeeift4 14ceat Lealln ek CeYfis Broadway, X FOR RENT. "fltK KTVmK AX l nXTrKLhe4iag A mrt tataw s i 1 1 1m nmi.t I read r easily naney. tau.i4 rarv- Mal berry e4 eta sanrta. n aa u aeeirea. wv Onei tut. Jrrtm wm lfl. - Aryty aa reaaiseeeete ,. 9ut w. ikurxkLX. nMOhWrnvhMMUMlM rJMItweU X eslSkeea ifSKm anarraa aa sattrcpw aaa tin 4 aaa ef taw isnera-t (icmrt ee taa I aHed aeaasa Sswlbe tap Veer tsrv eT Careisava-iSH ta eaaate as tsanae A raraV-y. Jt-rt Vs Uasiareaa taaeaaaagy eat War bisiiar. ta ea4 arre. vkakw eeew saC-t.T4 aaaArara araae . mmm m ttaee, lt Um eag auWtfr evsa4 KaaeteaeeryaeTaay rcet-My xiaematts ama4 Wtrarvta atek.ear -k avaas, t taa i mmf rve ay saw baaaa y taet. T 1 a aaaa.at ee taeaal , thara 4 aaM aaakraye, ae eaae taaar aaa. eaaetevvutbe ae4a a tt?1 ttt tra. rf.eaV ta ii. auy ea iCa MMMfhi A. ML at i t a wajDMrW (Mart t- ta W awrfca. 8t.C,iiaiea WevA'K. lalrfX twuteatrtmtNKM.1 ' t. A. Kit. NEWADVJTISEMEXTS. 1 1 'lliH U lo rtvo notice UxmX on Uie Ui Ujr X wet, lSiH, a warrant ia vnKrupicy waaUauea oat of Uie IMsuk-t Court of Uij I'alied KUUeaforth Cur Fear DimtrlcL of Nona ; Uuollu snliut the estate ol WUlUm IL Cbadboorn. oX Wllminctoa. la the ' eoaatr of - New lltaaorer. la said DUUtct, who ha beea ad- adsed bankrupt upon bis earn petition, rhal the MTmeat or any debts, and the de livery of ear property betongtas to said bankrapt, to him. or for hla use,aad the uansier oc any property "7 uim, areior biddea by Uw. That a ueetinx of the ereditoea of said bankrupt to prove their debts, and choose one or more aasJcneee of ma eetate will e held ataman of lienk roptcy, to be holdea oa the SI, day of Oct- a. n. ism. at io a'ciocK A. Al at the united (States District Oourt Room In WUmlaston. ii. i. before Wm. A, Guthrie, Eeq- lwxte- terin maareptcyot Miaauina. J. IL HILL, r said lMatrict, , . Marshal lor rinna Is to (ire notice that, en the 1st of 1 OcU, Itcra, a warrant In baakroptcy was asaed out of the District Court of the Cat ted HUtea for the Cate Fear District of Nor t h CaroUaa against the estate of A.K.Cromar tie. ol Uarkton. ia Uie county of B:aden. da district. wbo nas been adjadred bankrapt upon his own petition. - That the payment of any debts, end the delivery of tar rn. perty betonatnt to said teakrupt. io bins, orfor his nso, and the treo.ter or ay property dj nim, are loroiaoea oy jaw. Tltata nteetlns; of creditors of said bank rupt, to prove their debt, and choose one or more assignees ef hla estate will ,be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoi Jon on the 6th day of November, A. D. js7a,at 10 o'clock A. AfatFayeuevlUe,X. before Wm. A. Outhrte, Register In Usnk- raptcyol said district. , a. Mi. 111L.U, -' Marshal tor said District. 'pma is to give notice that on the 1st of a ucv, l"S. a srarraBt in tsannrnpicy was tissued out of tbe District Court of the ret ted States for the CuoePear District of Nort h Carol tna esalnst the the eetate of Kehetnlah raixon. or Clinton, lu tne (uuuijr of Ham peon. In said Lastrtct, who has been adiudeed bank runt unoa his own petition. That the payment of any debts, and the delivery ol aay property belonging u sata oan urn pi, lo him, or lor ms use, auu tue traaster of any property by him, are forbid, den by law.. That a meeting of Uie credit ors of aald bankrapt to prove their debts, asd chose one or more assignees of his es tate will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to lie holdcn on Uie Sth day of Nov.. A. 1 . !S78.at 1 o'clock A. M., aiKayettevlllc, N. t' before Wm. A. Uuihrle, kjmi Kcgistcr lit Biiukvuptcy of said District. J. B. HILl Marehal for said District. Superior ,Oourt, Urcss'ick, Co., Rcfore S.T. Swain, aerk and Juc'ge of I'robate. , . ' W, II. Drew, Adminiatratorof Jeaae G. ; Drew, deceased. . ' : . ;.; vs. ; Ann 6. Harper and husband John F. , Harper; Mary (J. GaUaway and bus. band k M. Gallowav, Maggie J. Swain and hnaband li. F. Swain, 1 Samuel G. Drew, (minor) Km ma C. Gillicau and husband , Charles Gilli : can, Rebecca BI. Boyer and husband Samuel 1 Royer. ; Tbi is a Special rroceodiog to make real estate assets and it ii orderod that tho noiv resident DefcndanU Kmma V. IJiUirauCljarlea Uillican, licbccca M, lioycr and Samuel V, !yer, be ro quiral lo jijpcar beforo the Court ou tho second Monday iu November, bciog the llh day of aaid nionth, ami answer or demur to the complaint, or judgment will be taken pro eonf as to them, . ecpl -J Ol. . meu oi tUo Harbor of Javan- Impt fall, Ceoirla ir - notwieaOrrtcK, . ....'."F.l- hiixm Uo conitruiS Arany IU Don rf a Hubmorgrd .bu iA LTM i v Ktver. at the l re!U TI1. ,t?.E?THh attlvuomoe.anuinuoa It?'-?1'' lN7S..nd otH-ned medll'c'S" lilank forma. apertncatlot. 'dk fJ&Zi aery iudM-maUou.cau bebau wpi-' at tuts oUlcc -anuir bA.aii.iH2j QUARANTINE N0T1C 4 a. ys and after the Jsl day of Jane, UCa, Uuarantiae will be cnlorced, at oaual.oa ail vemds rrom south of the Cape Fear 1U ver. aodoaall vemeishavlBg havt any Sled of sickness d a ring their vorags. rifot and all persona eoaeera4 j wSU fUaae take notice and bring their vceaeU lo the 2narl",e .Nation fur laspacUoa. i '"- v.o.cmTu. aitaraaUae rhymlcUh. . -iu 2-jm.l iMwt of WUmlngtoawN. C Oilcrlaier. Carpcitertsi CE.iist f On Tptrd Strttt. A iu. rrn.xtaii rrrix. cak.tw. wlUi auecvlaucr, at' Use wry eortt boUoa. . - . All erdcra from roaetry peeaajaitc at. tended to. . IViWa air CW prater ea4 CiWsH Work aeUctteat, aad warn gaaraatewa. wr&rk as low ae aay la Use ear. one ovrnriiixi L.Uy;iT siTx3 J op u iioLiii.u: 'Lv oixcixiDi ori tiu:i at- J - - .. ' J run $tx ix THK ax cnrjCND at ADnili s VOtX&Rj. hmI C tJk nJ t'rul rauet, WIjBv, X c ; fcJimartriUatrt Zlsu4 yatxs win. AtVAts n Sa4eaii R3X.Stt, CUtJJIaf . aaWsarfewaf SanWetaa, Aiaa fetlawnaaai c. sirtT.-1 a sttmr9 fw. ; NEW A D YER 7 ISTHEXTS. -ttRCurrwoHiRT or Tins unite! VUTKM THK KASTEKN Il. THICT tF NOUTH CAfcOUN A FUUKTIt ClttCUir ,-:M,rfT!v;-,;Si.V' George llrcwn, aorh rraU, ; ; ; - VS. V - ! . I - : . The Wilmington, Colombia t Aasua- U RaUroad Companr. DcfendanU, ' la pnranaBce of a Decretal Order hereto fore rendered in this caute, notice la hereby given to alt parties having claims a- last Uie WUnilegten. Columbia Anrasta Kail- Trias i T fSmitin sea n wm n S f fea m aaaaa ass at my odLMsie Wliiulnsioo. beare the Bmt nay or ztovemtter next, to be by we report', ed to Uie Court tor such aeUoa as may b had I a that behalf. This notice does not apply to any claim eoatracted ainoe the 1UH day of April. isrs,aa ail such claims will bo paia oy tne Kectver la due eoarea of boat- aes. All paruea preeenUn claims to tnt will exhibit any evidence or claim of IIm or other tncanibraaoa w aiea may be elatm ed on any of the property of the Defeadaat Company. ThU aoUea does not apply l Uie lionowd debt of the Defondaet Cornora. Uou. 1 L. UCKsiF.Ll. ' Special Master la Chancery, e ad 5 '- w.c. . r. II jurat and JLlqnmr 'tor Ucrttrhtal I7f. march 1 tf N. (iUKIiNWAIil). If TKU : CIGjKS and snuffs. N-rlh Carolina and Virrinla Smo ins aiid uhew lag Tobacco, ri rn smo"rers article, .c. -Indian Girl Cigar Slow, ; MAItKKT ETUEtT. due ;i tr Wlluilufilou. N.C. .mm dawson. j IUEDW1BE lEECniliTe w a j eaaaf e t 1 rnVtff A VTi ttaW iaL I. s lief va ie v , ' ar a- 1 enrted atiick ef II AttDWAflK la M rtrf the Male. If you weaUMVi0fa WU'JWt IX. an re to call at the eta. UsWHAJlDWAKK ilOUHE of eVat 1 SLew UatM Wilwiwrtna, H.C, STATE AbTO CifSlT TAIE8. micRfrm orTtcc- - ; UrllttU.fcrj4. S3. ftgTA. fllllK HtAT F .,Sart 5d afl be UtK HTAT1S Ail tXrTTTAXI5S Ss ttow aa. H aui fm isai gesvernnf aonatdjitty. ITnsi paj rrT?T Oryt. tJt - - W St. MAKlU.fci CaioUnA Central K-oll way Compniiy. WlMIH'"'' li,.. J 04 vor. teiaj leiaiii, Vaa a-.atas WtH e -reah4 aj rimct2, mail tirxcsa '., Am s3 1 1 aa. Ba hi I , Vfciraaau-JM; aitlJjttr tttrtfr nXU tXTJusTT ,..ea a. K. A.UA,H, t Jk4-i, ae toiy j;r.st. a a . am e as J aaNasasjM, . Tt Ne 1 f-iia ii awa ehmmaaja. ace ta eqkfy are aawnarj a aawnaa.a j:.. tArfi f a4 aasa. "':ea.-g . . ta wifjr rftiis. It a-rSi fMM, ttaiimaa ei Sf c- I . A lt as. . s5 1 nurw: - ' - - " - ;Kf::l;; : -. - s i