;. VOLUME IX. WlLHtNGTOrf .POST ADVEIi TISING RATES. . Fifljr cents per line for the first io Vcrtion and twenty-five cents jcr Hue ; tot etch additional insertion. - Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. ! All advertisements will be charged! at the ahoye rates, except on special con tract. :. . . Special rates can bo had for a longer time than one week. The subscription price to Tub Wil mington Post is 1 1 , 00 pec r. year; six months 75 cents. All com tnu nicrtions on bminca should be addressed to Thr Wilminoton Post, Wilmington, N. C. Third Congressional District. for MBuoiNojiii, : ; WILLIAM T. CAMDHY. Seloct d by iho Uepublican C;: - .: ii- . r- .. - . .; i grcesion:i Con mittcp, at tin ir meeting held at WyeUeville, Sept. ISlb, 1878.1 j O. II. BLOCK EH, Cuairmaii Diet. Republican Com. . . Tin: Wn.Miva rosJS jt is op posed to a poll tix cxepVjbr. educational inirpvse.-!. ' ; . ' . ' Tub WiiiMlauTON Post is tit c organ of the laboring men, and will always stand up for their rights. Tub WiLingtn PostJ ia favor of State Dinks like those whjh existed in North Carolina before the rebellion. Hi e WiLMisa ton Po3t is la favor of Uio wealth of the country supporting tha government by paying the taxes. Tun .Wilmisqtos Po3T ia the organ of iho true Greenback party, and will always stand up for the honor of the greenbacks and all other obligations of the United States Governrjent. Tttfe..WiLMiKTOJ Post is in favor of tcyealing the tax1 on State Dank? bo tint we can litre private corporated . biuks iu tvery city and town in the state. Then we will hare prosperity in the laud. - , Tiik Wii.MiNtiTON Tost is in favor of the wea'th of the country support Ins the government, and pnyin' it dolU by aying the taxes. It is op i: p-wed to tlie labcriuj men paying cx orbttant poll taxes for the purposoof i relievhg wealthy property owners. No poll tax should bo levied except for educational purpts. ! Tiie p!atfonn ot tho Wilmiugton Post, a publitdied above, is tho proper I one for every working man iu the dis j trict. We havo received a groat raauy letters endorsing It, from the laboring iun. CITY ITEMS. f ho annual parado cf the white Firo ; iVpartmcnt at Y'roiogtou took place on Thursday afternoon. Tho various companies met at their rcspect'ife halls at 3 o'clock, in full uniform, after which they all assembled at the hall of the Howard Relief Fire Knnino Company Xo, l.on Fourth atroet, whero the pro romion was formed, consisting of the Howard llelicf Fire Engine Company No. 1, the Wilmington meam Fire Ku gine Company No. 1, and the Wilming ton Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, the two former with their cugincs and hose reels, and the Utter with tueir truck, all drawn by horse. Tho en gines, hose reel and truck were hand somely and tastefully decorated with mlaudiof evergreen, interspersed with tl iwcrs, and presented a beautiful ap pearancc Tho procession, under charge r Colonel l'gcr Jdoorf, Chicfof the Kire Department, a Slarsh.U of tho 'day,- with Messrs. II OUhvndt, L T Burden and W J Uordon aa Assistant ; Marshals, and Leaded by the Witminj too Cornet .Concert CV A, started l'rcux the llowarvl P.elU I ila.ll. eu Fourth treetat about A o'ctock, and marched through tho priacij-ai strcr tstbeaco U the Ltttle Cant Fi-i-e Hall. Arrivicj at the LV.:!dliact l'n.;io lUU,the c?-.lcrsrf tho 1V; trf.:u ;t tWiNlcl t 0. yi '. ' 3 t t'.J v.v'o ' cor.atioa wLUU t cc t pre; .ire I fr lhesa,andLcrf, t;f- were ths wctHeutirfa r-'t ir Ml", v5.-;-ti c.tU's'.I - f- -H,...:t?vi-;!,.y:nl u f.l'.o.vc I i i Li m'j an 1 1 : Ve ri t V, 4 ) r. :ii;t t' ti,: u I, . 3 f Advtrtiaa in the Pout. v ' Mitscribe for the Post.v OvcrcoaU will goon be in demand. I Wintci clothing will . soon bo in de mand. . ' , . A alee shower of rain fell 6o Thurs lay nij;ht and Friday morning. From present iodicationa we wili hayo (V l a on-2 ,; Tii ie placw of business were fonnd open l y i,e - 1lfc tfn Wednesday ll'g'it. - ; l l'c Cornet CorfQ-t Club bare re- n ov d to their newqirartcrs in IheCilj HaH. A wandering tramp applied for and secured loilgmg at the station houle Wed riesdny night. " U i?r- Nc j rly all of the Wilmintoniana wh-j have leen aw'ay ' havo returt!ed.: iur tlio'turamrr The IJ:mrd of County Commisiooera met on Monday last, but uo business oj impoiUnctf. was transacted.. Tl "e Sla'e Fair, at Uaieigb, opyns on tp-'orrw ; several of our cilizeus will iiltfi.d. " ..- W.-.arw glad to learn that th? , little a n. . f lv. :K. A; Yates, w hi was so badly injured on Mondjy last, by fall ing fr.im a wall, is now improving. ... r'. Kirkwood and Ilewes, Ix) eal Inpctor of StcamboaU for this District;,' werb hero 1 during' week on ctlloial buiucss. . the paai From a letter received by Mr. II. T. C ium.in from his brother Mr. Jno. T. Baumau dated tho 5th ir.sf., we learn tli at ho has been down with, ihe fever. but is up and ero this is on duty again. ' llou. Daniel L, .Kussell made a speech at Smithville . on the SOth of Sept, and declare 1 that he had left the Uepublican parly. Wd a'rj) very sorry that the Judge has taken this course.. - ' The bloro of Mr. J. C. Bcnnerman tn Socor.d utrcot was broken into and over $"1 in money, aib-sevcral crticles of c'olliirifr, grocerica, Ac, ' t tolcn. No cine to 'he thief. . ' - 'JlrigudicT General Tsylor and sUCf tho Wilmington . Light;;' InlautrT" and ll ie W hU'i og Hilles will lea vd at 8:30 M., in Monday, for., tho Slate JFair, which opens on that . day. ''a The Cape Fear Liaht Artillery will not go, The csnre worn and ill tempered man would isi lutwte case., regain ; hu elasti city of tetnin r, and incroaso his capacity for work, by -."making free use of Dr. JIarter's Liver P 11. For sale by all Uruggmt. . We assure our readers that a supply of Dr. Ilarter's Mcdicmca kept con stantly iu the house, to be used accord ing b directtoua when illness appears, will prove .-tho best iuTesUment that could be made. For sae by all drug ; ' ' . lion. Dauicl L. Kusselt once at Smi Jivitlo and ona at Uargw, in public aldreis' prcYio usV announced has declared that he ha I absolved his connection, with tho la-publican prty. This action of his, occasions both sur prise and regret among thoso of his former political associates who hare heretofore honored and trusted hi m W learn that the old crop of pea- nuUU alHut used up, leatins a clean market for tho new crop,, which wul commenco coming in about the 10th or 15th c f November, with a promise cf better prices, Thii, wo understand, will be tho first season in about three years that' the market will have been .,... nt f it -arcumuatioa of 0d rcinuts before the new crop commenced coming iu. Amcelin ol the Lotus Pleasure Club was holJ.u Tuesday t'lljcJ fo'Uwi-- e;V.ccr clccici : proJ,int W. J. Oo?avn. VI r " : t-ll. J. I'. irt-if sr. J Trvurcr L IV P.:v.vn. -" t . v. ll . a. i.r J. U t. I, i'-a. A x V .MUiiainixiviN, IOKTH CAROLINA; WII P. C All AD AY, Jjj "FOIl CONGBES3. The Republican Committee request the people to rote on the 1st Tuesday in NoTember, forWILLI AM P. CANA DAY; for Congresc, - .' " ' O. If. fiinrirv - J ho. g: Lb vbt, . Chairman. i r Decrelary. -The fall term of the Criminal Cnnrt Hon,tOvP. Meares, Jad, presidio?, conxened in this c'tj on Monday last and the following cases were dwpoted of daring the week: State; vs Win. May Barker, larceny; not. prat. . ----. y;, State vs Cico If Arriit. !trii donment ; not pro. Bamo v same, assao't and baUetr: sot prat. . ja - - .-- - Staters George fcanders, resistinc sn officer ;iTerdict guilty. ' State vs George bander an l Wash Green, affray; verdict guilty. Btate ts Cbas. Hill, injuring live stock; aol. pros. Staters Pharaoh 8vW t,mA !nir wtf K out license ; nol. pro. Stat.e!vs James Ueaton, several in dictments for embezzlement; not. pro. State vs George Vann, charged with selliog j unwholesome provisions : noL pro. . vH i btateivs Uenry Thomas, arraiened on a peace, warrant. Dismissed. State i vs Lewis -Jones, assault and oatteryi Continuedrrom this term until i ebraary term, 1879 , State vs FanoT (lom DMM warrant Case dismissed at defendant's costs. btate TS Robert McKor. oeaca war. rant. Cae dismissed at defendant' costs. . -' """; - - States vs Amv Martin. Case dismissed and defendant dis charged. - - ; , j ; State! Vs Marv E. Livelv. iteace war. rant. Defendant rrauirdd tn.triv justified bond in lh sum of 200 to keep the peace for six mouths, and on uei4un io go o me woribouso for the same time. ; State TS James it. . Lanier. charmMl with larceny. Affidavit for removal by defendant. Ordered by the Conrt that this cause be removed to th Superior Conrt. of Pender for trisl at the next term. .Witnesses recoenised.iVe. State ts Wm. Niton and Jacub charged with larceny ; not. pro. - State ts Wm. Nixon and Jacob Wood, charged with larceny. No guilty.. .outers jamea lnompson and Annie Williams. Case continued. State ts Jame lleaton. el ala.; chari. ed with an affray. Guilty as to Ed 11 - 1 . i a . waru Auomav,ajuror wunarawn and mistrial as to J. C Smith; not guilty to Daniel Howard, T. a Miller. Wash Green, Christopher Swann and Chas. Geyer,: James Ueaton has not been taken, j '.-.-''-v' - -' .g; Stato v Silas Deaa: eharred with as sault ana battery. Defendont found guilty ., btate vs Edmund For: charred with larceny. Defendant found rud'.r and ! sentenced to two years in the "Peni tentiary. --:"- ; - -:.;rj. . s btate ts bilas Miller, ciiargol with wilful abandonment. Defendant found not guilty. Ctale ts Donald Roeers. chanrMl with larceny and receiving stolen goods. Defendant fooad guilty, and sentenced to fire years in the penitentiary. i State ts Robert Nash, charged with larceny. Defendant found rtultv and sentenced to two years in the County ; uors xiouse. State ts LeGrand Barber, charnul with forgery. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to six years in the neni tenUarj. -.,;v- : SUto ts Wm. Jones otitis Pomner Sneed, charged with larceny. Defen dant found cuuty and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. otaie ts a no mas uawkinsaMS Hon roe Hawkins, charged with larceny. 1 ueienoani louna gumy ana sentencrd to five years in the penitentiary buists xavia i ortnam. arraigned on a peace warrant. Case dismisyjd. State ts John IL Street, charcrd with larceny. Defendant found dob guilty. btate ts Lila urten. charged with assault and batter. Defendant found uoi guiiiy. btaw ts Ueorro U Jones, charrtd with assault and battery. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to sixty days in the OountjA?ork House. btate ts lia Ureen, arraigned oa a peace warrxss. Uistsusea at c:tra act's cbsta. ; - ' In tie case of 7ar J Ferrus. oa trial for L13 prttcssc, on Wedacsdjy eeo I27, tie jiry returned a verdict d r-..'.T.: - - - - " - '-. : rcace ws.rn.zt. Cca laLci. at ie hrlintacc ... - i'uite ts Miry tastes, c-xrrrl ml. Ur;:y. Jarer wi'J.irafta u.y r. - TS l ;3 nj tk C -jrr 1 :.i .1:3 1:: f :i f:.':yt-I f T t i- . .. T. A-' C 3 1 r X 1 . . -1 SUIIDAY, r -) lrr- w - f -. Yonr District CczZZz3 i -Z.Z.!.0XI4 ly request thi people t3 T WM. P. CAirABAY, On the 1st Tuesday in November; for Congress. O. H. CliOCSEB. J56. S.' Leajry. . , Secretary.--.'.-' i Eoard of AxD2fE3r.-The Board of Adermen met la 'rcgTir." session at 4 ydock, oa Wedseslrr tTlernoon las. Present His HeztTillzrzi Fiali- blate, and Aliannea, Ujz3tt rianner. I cowdea, VonGIain, A'cHer' Foster. King, Hill tad Lowrey. '' V , i " I The mlrcta cf te last taeCUnerth; read and aFprTed.'' ; ,f ; ' rf n t The Committee on Market and Fed," 10 the matter of changing the- location -of the market carts, made a report that the matter be left as it now is. Adopted. Alderman Foster offered the follow ing, which was adopted: . Iletofved, That upon , the completion ' of the new bond book,; His Honor, a IL Fbhblate, publish a call in the city papers requesting the tax-payers to meet in the City Halt, to take under consideration what action , may seem most necessary in regard to the debt of the city of Wilmington. The Committee on Market and Fees reported on the resolution of Alderman Hill, in reference to taxing wood, ask ing for further time, which was granted; Alderman Flanner oflered the follow ing resolution ' r f Haoived, That in the future, when coupons are. offered in payment of taxes, that they be received for their face Talue only. Carried. . t Petition of Henry Taylor was referred to the Committee on Finance. ' A communication from the 1 Hoard of Audit and Finance, in reference to detailing Capt John Cowan to act as their clerk, was, on motion, received and the proposition acceded to. ";- i . F. Mayer, city detective, presented an applicaUonfor an increase of wages. On motion his salary was increased to $40 per month, to date from October 1, 1878. - Alderman Flanner moved that the bids for furnishing the city with light be referred to a committee. ' d Alderman Poster called for the ayes and nays. - " ;:, . - The roll being called, the Mayor and Aldermen llowden, Flanner, Myers, Voller and VonGlahn Toted aye. - Aldermen Foster, King, lliU and lx)irrfy voted nay. ' On motion the unfinished business deferred until the next meeting, tH the B'ard adjourned. 1 At a called meeting held oar Vridaf alter noon. The Mayor presiding and a lull Ivnl present, the following bus ines was transacted. - Aldintan Ilitl ofiered the "following resout5 n, which wss adopted: ItoohT't. That the ordinance hereto fore past by thw Board ia relation to the letting tut of the weighing of beef cattle foe tfc itr of Wilmington, be and. the sam U hereby repealed, and that the wvijr Ving of beef cattie from and after thU date be performed by a suitable aid competent person, to be paid the um of fUO per month and ap pointed "by this Board. j Under the foregoing resolStioa Al derman Myers nominated Wm. II. Hayts, Alderman Flanner Dominated Wan. L. Jacobs, and Alderman King Dominated Lewis Cbatman. , On the second ballot Mr. Hares re ceived a maiori.y of all the rote cast and was declared elected. - V Alderman Flanner, Chairman of the Committee to whoa was referred t he bids forfrrmshic; the city withli;ht asaeu loriunaer ume to report. - Alderman King moved that the mat' ter 01 ictung out toe contract tor far nishicr the citr with lisht be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Board, which motion was carried. SeversJ petitions tor Tacancics' on the police force, &c, were referred to the proper committer. The ScsntT Skitooi Costestiox. This body wiU eoareoe in the city of RaleT-h ,0 Friday, Saturday and San day, lh e 1st, tlaad Si days o( Norea tet ext. It wUlbe cesposcd cf dc!e rres from all the Etartr.cal dcaoa- i'litions ia lie SUte. Ticse dc '.rs-lce areUte crt;rts.!rcd ly tie c rtrt cf tis cl'.y frtj cf rv v - p. i.c--c:i n..TS ca i-eccr t-tn:!rraJ:cf tis tun w.Il Lecb- tf- lis tzzUr t.-i-r r Uf'jL.i:?." i fs r: J 1 1 1 it t J 3 t . J t . .... J f ? r , t.1 "i t CGTOBER J3f 1S78. TUn UEPUBLICAN VICTORIES. I'rcsa.'ro cf Grand Victories in . cibcr. - ' - Ia Oiio the atato has gone Republi can by from 7,000 to 10,000 msjority a gin of aboct C0,000'on the last Tote. Tis CocjTCJEiocil vote will probably stand 9 Republicans to 11 Democrats, made so by the inamous Democratic Eerrymander. . Iowa has gone 15,000 Republicans. A clean Republican delegation bas been elected to. Congress.":-;--. Vr Colorlo has gone "Republican by 2,500 rjority, electing its one mcm beroXf CoDgress, a Repubr-can, and a Republican lesialature. t , s j Indiana. has of course gme- Dnao cralic, bat by a ''diminished majority. Returns oome in ulowly .f -'"- f ;i. Sjcaioca AcctPEST. L'mus Cos. a well known colored stevedore of 'this city,'racTwith quite a ecrioiis and per- haps fatal accident. at lite compress on Monday last. He was enpaged in stowing tbo cargo of the Big Alma, how loading with cotton at tho - wharf of the Wilmington Comprrss and Ware house Company, and was .struck by a bole of cotton which, when io the act of being hoisted over the side' o( the yessel, tslipjcl from the books and fell with crushing force directly on his head.- lie was removed to his resi dence in - an unconscious stale and a physician called it. V are pleased to learn he is now iu a fair way of re covery. . ':- -:";'i'f The Republican: papers iu North Carolina, and the places they arc pub lished at, aro as follows : Kcguter ", Raleigh ; Carolinian, Eliza beth Cily ; Spirit oftiit South, Rocking ham ; American, Statesvilte ; Kevo Stale, Greensboro; rioneer, Asheville ; Repub lican, Winston ; PoteT, Wilmington. . : Attention Bed Shirts The srrand reception that is. betas given Hampton and his followers where ever they go should stimulate the Democrats of Chesterfield to still great er exertions to make his visit to our county the grander of them all. Demo crats, old and youmr, rich and poor, black and white, should adorn . them selves with the emblematic Red Shifts and join in the ranks on tbc Illh. Chrraw Aeirs, The shot gun policy is in full feather in- Cheraw.'evidwitly. ' NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. rfUJISlatoirtve notice that on thellhday X ef BepU. lOM, a warrant In bank run try was Issued out of the District Conrt of tbe United mates for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina aeaiust the estate of Klg naandSolonton of Wilmington tn tbe county of New Hanover, la aald District, who baa been adlndgwl bankrupt upon bin own pe tition. ThiU the payment of any ilcbu.aud the a ell very of auy property belonging to aaid bankrupt, to his, or fur her o, and the transfer of any property by her. are forbidden by law. That a tueeuna of tbe creditors of aaid Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and choose one or more aastirneeaof hla estate, will be held at aeourtof bank ruptcy, to be boidea om the 3lst day of Oct A. D liCS, at 10 o'clock A. at the I'ni. ted btatea DUtrict CuurtlUxMnln Wilming ton, N. ti. befure Vim. A. tiulhrle, UesUter la Bankruptcy of aald District. , j. mmj. - Marshal for aald lrtatt let. CARPET PAPER ! SOMTU1NQ NEW, . 111 IS paper Is used to great advantace . aadcr Osrpet, Matting or oil t'loto, eaaslng th-ru to wear aa loos again, dead- nlnc sound and betas tmoerviuoa to air. makinc tbe bouse mnctt warmer ta winter and eavioe: ttKcaat tn fnet tbo first year. It la very durable. Cull and examine It at CphoJMcr's and r:r Itaacerx. (VmierSd and l'rinocaa slrxxt, sole agvuts furmssi Mctorea. , . octeiv S . i.- . ii .i ii ,i The 7o f OTC&3XV3 ES.lZ.3i:. - . A lfacasiu which Is aMeomnaincd evmr l soma by a it t'aper 1 altera w some see aMl stlh nuTocoU - non of umm patterns ran oe iautr.i tar leas Utaa t erst y-tit cents, J ttMujr 90 a dcr t. II evoia. - . .tn lUestrattoa of orlclaal far mmi U lvarcivraj in t Mfius, evaa phsta airh Ke msk st vs. tM mif e4 aew i;ts w it kJadsof r ey iirk.taaiJauu to tbe aetata ras iMtkiun iiittaraaiocs; a. par f J4ui". The i.irry ertta t ly lntrrKi.Dc laadaiUon we civ a r!;nt C!r.l at be bvuat tur icrs ism ooe a..sr. . - Pf-ecmta Ccp , s.! oa recrirt of 13 vat. i:rviwajrt ?. T FOR Lt 1. A -"v - f-1 mmnrmmt $ -f emtri I Y N I I fc -; i "-. ' r . 1 ' 1 l Uii- is wr-v not; X of Oct, i ri i, a issutHt .out cr 1 el . ivna t- a ue county c. l.&w ,l.jauL.-. : bwskrnpt. to tun, or- for hit uc, ui i transfer of any prrny bf hlux, arf,r. biiaa by law. ii.nl t-iear,f 'of th emiitors ofs14 tiikrur- la- prove tJitir oebis. nd . cIhxm one or more si rfK vt uim Miite will belieiaat utmnw J..bH raptcy, to be hoMea on U. Si, day c-r ivu,' A. i. I'., at la o'ciiKk A. M mt tu Uniua State District Court room la Wilmington, tcr tn laak.n!rtc7 of aalj Uiu-icL - . TTTT Ifanhal for MiJ linrul TIT13 ti sire notice list ra Vn 1st of Oct., 1-7H, n wrrnt la tan tn"icy wa iiOaoator the l'Utnt c!rtcf t; iia tU ;ta lor tlitt'jipel-eurl ' -iri'-lri Koiuu CartMiD a-itit tn eiaior A.K. Citvutar tie, ot . ttarkton- la tb uutjr of li aJen. li k tiutri. t. mho hue becn aaJUv'M' lankrurt vpoa fci two petition.. At'St- t I uTtLiclit , ACT itbu,-wit toe dvttery " ot any - pro Percy r tuaontrict to rai i inuKru.t, toLim. orforblaase. and tue Uancic-rof nyroperty by hliu. are forbidden by law. nai a mtcuiir of creuitora of said bank rapt, to prove weir deb u, and choose oue or more assignee of hla eeute will be hold at a Court of liADkruptcy, to be bol.k-u on the &lh dar of November. A. IK l:jvat M o'clock A. ll., at fayettevUle, N. ti. before Win. A. UuUirle. Uecbitcrltt luk- ruptcy of said dUtrlcw .... J. B. ItlLU , . Martbal for said I'utrat. XII IS is to ctve noUoe tnat on the 1st of L UcU. 157. a warrant, la liaukruttcv waa iitsncdottt of tbe Dtntrlct Court of the Unl- tedtitatea for tbe CapeFear District of North Carolina Sfraloet t be tbe estate ef Neberniah Kaiaoa, - of e -Clinton, . la v the - county of teaaipcoo, ta aald DUtrict, wko hai beea R'ljudped bankrupt upon ki oa petition. TUkI Lhe payment of any debt, and the delivery of any property oelonsring to aaid Danarupi,io mm, or torma use, aaaiue transfer of any property by bim. are forbid den by law. That a meetins- 01 the credi U or of said bankrupt to prove their debts. nod chose-one or more astdraeee or bis ae tata will be held at. a Conrt of Bankruptcy, A. IK at io o'clock .A. &l.. at rayeitevin N. C, before Wm. A. Guthrie, Kiq UegUler vs i sai cvu V sa, . a Wa SB eT sV e rrti sa ' - V H lt4kU ', Marshal for said District. SCPEEIOB COUKT. BeUSSWICK, CO., Before S. P. Swain, Cleric aod Jage of Probate. . , ' ' W.Yl. Drew, Admioistrator of Jee Q. Drew, deceased.- Ann S. Harper and husband John F. Harper, Mary U. Gallaway and hus band F. M. GaUowar, Ha-io J. Swain and husband B. F. bwain, Samuel G. Drew, (minor) Emma U. GUlican and hasband Charles Giili can, Ikbeccail. Dover and husband Samuel P. Boyer.v m This is a Special Proceeding to mako real estate assets and it is ordered that Uie now resident Defendants Emma C OUihaa, Charles GUlican, Rebecca M. Coyer and Samuel P. Bojer, be ro qairvd to appear before the Court a the second Monday in Noteosber, being the- 11th day of said month, and answer or demur ' to the complaint, or judgment will be taken fro ccho as to mem. sepitw' Improvement otthe ilarbor of Satan- nab, Qcora. U. K. ExnixcKB Orrtck. Army r.utldlnf. New York, epU 11. 1ST. t'oaofaHubmenred Daru ia the Savannah lUver. at the CrohS Tides, will be received at thlaotaoe. until noon of September aou. tS7sana openca unmetiiaieiy iureajicr. 11 lank fornui. speriocAi ions nad a I orcee- esry Informatioa, oaa be had m sppUsiaUva attbisofflce. H la. w.f tnlner. QUARAHTIIiE jiOTlCt!. fS and aiter the 1st, ay of Jane, 1ST 3, iuaraattne ' 111 be cntoroed, at tsuil.oa all vcsacls from south of the Cpe tar Ulrcr, and on all vcjscW havlsi had any kind of skkaoss daring their voys. ( rt'ots and all pcrsoci eohcerabi will Please take no tec sad bring their vt!s to the qaarjtf'li .station for lapecUoa , ' QuarmaUae fhysictaa. JaSia.1 IVrtorWUmIa$1oa,7.C Cl VS4mb i oifosrri;c:rir hill, On 27ifrd .V.Tfff. AV ti-t. rrttxit o-rn.'-'t. cai ih aitcOiin. at ti tty s -.-;' A!l or!c r f.4 U. 5"y f-rv;.' ; Vy - . i Ore fTJirTt-paai Cktlt !Tt as to M a J ia t- ONE OF. IF NOT .ii. m. H. -, S . I, -) i T C ..." -v. ,... . it H i .... I r.i h'.i t:: : I' . . UuvUiY. Civ !.c W.li.tic.ton, CVJjirit: Jt At.' s- In .ir'.'.iu.-. ra IV-ri :,ir ' r ' rv nit .i - t IVtlHi II ,. n ! . . . , rwi 1 1 , ,t v. ! I i. s. - i . ... l"Y ' (llll ..... , s i . V it ox i.' r LrJtU t j I - X , rsdia iht ,''! ;r. 'ii t . l-iy lunDT t- n in oov. r.n-'f-J . K .1 K y nf Ainu. i. ai hi .: i r v. it. Ii" ily t ! i.in nr ll i.ii rv i ' Ail Uin'ifTvtiniti r . I . s i.l rUiii.v any e i :un ,r t . .. i t.r i . Of t l.li r !!!'.!! i!l.' tk !.!. I ... f I A , on; pan v. Hii i-,..Lit0 , , 'K iuuuod dent .tj I.j . t 1. l.v ... t'P CD.Jm " i pccUii i;-icr ia i i Hints and Liiqucr$ icr . tlctUcinal Ust. march 1 tf N. GltUENWALD. DKAI.KR IN DOMESTIC AND LfUCr.e 1XU , CIGIUS AND kNUFFS, J-rlh Carolina &cd Virshia Tzo iz end ttcwliij Tofcacco, rxrcsMOKr.ns auticlc dr. Iadha Ciri Ciar .tlzn! HO. 03 MAKKCT ETUEET.' dee ;i U W'HmlBcton.N.U 'I . ! s O joilw DAirso:.', srtd stiwx liAUl'WAt . m in f-arl of H .!(. If you SkslOiit,i hui and IJWJL Ii (- te iir I at letd tiliii.t j ilAlUi Al. l"t - ;t JUit.N ivv. . r. It Jior 1 '. s t if- - 4, dN?tlf V ' "t'"l, N.t. S?ATS .AID fcOUKil TAIE1 . vr t:i:i n o it: cr, Itiutovmu, fecit. t rs. pilt hTATK AM 0UATs TAX1M "C 1 1-..S too !. aud Sul J .l Itit( Carolina Ccniral ISatl way Coihpanv. 1 itatJfJi 1 O' I t, . - "!.' .?' -... t" a t,.'-. ''i ., .v . le ' - , - - ' r -i Q v -"x o .' 6?S :. ii - '

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