i . - ' , ' J VOLUME IX. : WlLLIIIIGTOn, NORTH CAROLinA, GFITD: OCTOBER 20. IS7S. sriLiiizroToa ;po3t aoveu :... TISIHO RATES. Fiftr cents per line for the first in sertion - and twenty -five, cents per line for each additional insertion. Eight (8) line, Nonpareil type, con titute a square. 5 AlfadvertiaeuxenU will be charged a the abore races, except on special con- Soecial rates can be had; for a longer to 1U" o J- rri uI " 11 i Ailcoomanicrtionsonbasinesshould he addressed to The Wilmington w pOsT, Wilmington, Ii. C i . fou Third Co?reisl9C2l District. FOR MEMBER OF COQRE&J. f MUM P. UAIIADAY. (Selected by th ' Republican. C in-' grcssional Committee, at their meeting held at Fayetteville, Sept. I3tb, 1878.J CfitMstpuplKan' Com. ItHfrsoTOS Tdsr lis opposed polricept Jlpducatttfnal talu?88 of tu country ; the appjica- nrnt .Tr-'T-r?'r-". J T WaMoio, Post Is .h. org.n r ik. I.Win men: and will alwave s r vi, r v 1 stand up for their rights. -4-.-' 8T is in faror of which exiHtfid in The Wilmisqtok Post Slate Banks like those which existed in North Carolina before the rebellion. llHB VlLMiiTOT02r Post s in faror I of the wealth of the country supporting I tha government by paying he taxs. - 'L Wli ,v j-a,t L k. ?F r onwfil LZlm 0 the true Greenback party, and I will . "r " rr"". .1 greenbacka and all other obligations of the United States Government. The Wilmikotox Post to in favor of repealing the tax on State Banks, eo that we can haye private 1 corporated hmki in every city and town in the it&te. i Tben we will have prosperity in : (he Und. j ' ! , - . I Tax Wilmisotos Post is in favor of the wealth of the country support ' ing the government, and ! paying its debts by ayiog the taxesJ It is op posed to the laboring men paying ex orbitant poll taxes for the purpose of relieving wealthy property owners. Ko poll tax Chonld be levied ! except for educational purposes. K - The platform of the Wilmington Parr, is published above, is the proper 011s for every working man in the dia- trkt. We have received a great many letters endorsing it, from the laboring en. v U 1 r m talact C::K:ti:i f:r to . Iliiri Ccar::::::!;ti2tri:t. Three Celtics Hcperczlca. NINE TO HEAH FHUII YET EX'JUDQE DAK IHL L. BUS-SELL, j LATE BEPCCUCAN, I KOMINATED. This mountain has layered and broutht forth a mouse. Daslti b neith- a prophet nor the son cf a prophet ; 1 and his own vUtr "tbit ha would be urltba a brlnslla .tall lull as J working for six dollars a racztb ' -s well as the ititeaentthatbU'V- -1 t:cua Uted by the" toil r Mabor,M is t doubt correct. This noble Kartjr is wi'.,.:. l to sacil ta all hlscomtorts al r -res if Too would believe tia, lcavir Ic- i "i r:?r.le and the sc cf L' j r.:.',lva '-'itS tO SCOCP fjT illonal Oovcrr.: cut cf tto ::r.t v. ... a '--oner then t!a?ra :i L".-, f t t'l over this d" lrl;t. The gullllir.ty crt'. a rcri's is c "JftTtatas Ru t ; ui ta. i. lit tl,,:;:r 1 ii cv ead, tzl V 1 r: stx-Jnjc '.rat :lorse, f CTiey, ar. i iarcr-1. iputya! : -a r - 'is r!:: 1 1 - :--- . i C: .4 C . 1 t . ua..v fluuw tains ot imposing on a parly ; it is an attempt by Eussell to i help the .democracy to invade republi can Stronghold: and strike from the bauds of the Republicans the right of government by majorities; it - is the game pf lii?si.&ippi. South Carolina and LouUianna, aided and abetted by Kuiseli under the guise of greenbacks, i help! elect' a democratic memWr r it me sppeni ot a man to a partf that has honored .Win and listened to hw f0" V h'' allegience " principles lor winch they hare I igKt i'u ihe past to lower that flag I oti; which is emblazoned, :: - I upon Equal rights of alt men Wora th. law; equal taxatldn' on the value of pojM;rty 5 unrestricted right to rote in . 1 i T " WJ Genera! Assembly in the appointmoqt e Hnnnt, .. n;. nVni.'.. .u.L ment of tie, rjght. touut on uxiea for non pay men t of taxes ; qual righta fur labor and caoiul a judicious and exteuive ytcm oMuternal improTe- pent i:y ,heNiaona GdruSfntJ&sjE IhemMiMn issue btbN2tiohal GoVernment of currency - transact rtne . . . 1 1 two - .oC.the. income from,ale of Got- ernnicut lunij in ilm rnaim.i ah Afl tbt .WS - ...: " 1 j -.1 ..1.1:.. ..,.-. lotmu'Mi 1 ti an iruui ii; nuiii7 Tutjicaus, shall we takedown this fl,S u now tho while flag ot truce with tno words Greeuback'Democracr Greeuback-Democracy on it, with such a standard bearer as to be. r God wrbid ! better siuk into insignificance by such opponents as we hare fought in the past, better go un- de -e wrco Of iBtimidatiou abd fraud yf lhe ocrutic, party than by the Land of a man ho is a deserter irom tno lanxs of .rcDUbucanism and I wbo u paft ,n ;M democrate to draw away republican votes to elect j the democratic candidate. ! I 1 - ., ;l Judze Russell told the r-Dublicans of the first ward, at a-We meetimr the " nieht before the Conntr elecJ tion in August last, to stand by the republican party to the last man and J the r.artr would bo i,.rinCih!r: now. 1 wilhln two months, the Judge is for himself and bis democratic allies and don't, waut lho republicans to do it. Kphraiai is joined to his idol, let him alone. The republican, is the' only party that has issued rreeuhackd or sustained tbemT "All of the democratic Judges of the Supremo Co'jrt vf the United lot... - t ' "."... -L 'rt Duties, nave uearea tuat toe uorern mont has no right to ia&ue a dollar in T anl their decision was only defeated by a majority of one vote by the united vote of all the re- puoucans silting in mat wur 01 ii resort. Consistency would not let the democracy, or its allies, since the days of Andrew Jackson, to the present time, favor any money but gold as the cf tKa mnnfr,- Tt ol self h,.vi, .rktnrritls loader, hower-ltioa j er, leads them pies and and power, stilts and ATTENTION LAllOIUNCl 11CJI t Those who have worked to organize the Greenback-Democratic party have beea t atirelr i'noreJ. Ilr. Lawscn II. tlirrf. toe ao vuo ta S1rCi organize the distiict, and worxed Hard fur the success of the party, a very much trcived at the fact that an arLitocrat has been nominated for Con gress. Mr. Tripier Chiidi, a very hi-h-lv ducatcJ cccbidA has nzxlzl tr.rJ fron the tcsiasirg of this covtntrt f.5r its euccciJ. fcc'.s the How that tba Ulcrirj men have received ia the iaatlon of a rich lawyer for Cor-tcii. Ilr. Waller, one cf tl svcrylc.t stun? caters ia till d.cU;;:, a V.Jj rc-T?ct- a.. a tv.cc-a-u-, a j .... kr ij i-..v.vr, ..- fr.". .... lf-:. l K:::!;i-s r:t tr-clLrr ccrit.ul; i easel the wca'.hust nta la t. 5 t .... :;.'.n'Ut..-t.tt:rithe f..:t tliit ttre very I. llJ i i it 1 : c tosell all their prlnci- V'JUimU was employed as cock by I former professions for wto wa-w dead I The Eepablican papers in North , and Daniel has put on his rPT:,rw..C T!aTj bed bn Thursday mornirg Carolina, and the places they are pub- wmlValnlhe rrtroeess on. ibum. 'v.- . . M..A.; .J n- I ... .. . t P. CAUADAY. ...... for coxGncca , The Republican Committee reqaest the people to vote on the 1st Tuesday in November, forWILLIAJJ F.CANA DAY for Cocrrress. O. II. ELocKxa, r, Secretary. ; -ndJe.1 to now baPPy. Ilia fijeU ucceeaea in getusg nzzzi nom- on the Greenback-Democratic ticket. A rote f:r Eusstil It an indirect .TOte for Wi ddeiL Qaery ! to uny greenbacker. Can your candidal for oflw show a iingle bliaterorhard place Ja the palms of u.v. A1JL ,v.; hl p . 1 ta btoto pTOto that he erer did - , , ; -. ; v enly, rj:r ily we asy unto - yvu, that OTery ItepablieajB ihst rates Tot Husll in NOTemberwiliepent oi thecnn frhptJBd ashesJbr hjaili turn against ind preach andprairXor thef nc;es of the eieratios of yourpo- lUical enemie, thy Democrats,, Tit n - . - - ' t ..... .. . . ' !iS15?S ;" IH ge teas- Brick Pomeroy, He b i gaid 18687() thatJ lf .11 . . ell for Congress. We all recollett the man that - iiftPi(i ,rt rtl. v-..- - Lwm .h..-L .k- I.-,. Cabtb'et, Dupusr, Okslow, Pamp: BON. CUMBEBLAND. HaRNETT. .XKD Moore, sercn of the counties in this diairlct, were not reprewnied inthe Greenback-Democratic s fJonrentioD. which assembled here ., the 17th insk Thor rr nnW fi r ihn twi tountieil n.,.. .nd lntlB. fiv. hm , , . ' - " a very small representation . .' - " - m m -Tne ' GreenbacaDemocrUc party 8 heretofore claimed to be the laUr 1dS a0' P"1!- They have ucclared ?at lht7 woul1 Dok ran any man for ngrew, wuu was no. a laooring man, 0 Tuesday last, they met in Conven- tl0D through the manipulation of "P" J nwuuuawu tow kamztm a lawyer, and one or toe wealruim men in this district, Daniel Lt.&useuil. That horuey haued working man, D. L. Itussell, has been Dominated on the . Greenback-Democratic ticket for Congress. Republicans recollect a vote for him is equal to a vote for Waddell, for he, Russell, bas left the Union Re publican party, and joined the Green back Democratic party. We call upoa all lovers of true Berublicanism to vote for the Republican candidate, wnnam P. Canaday, for Congress. A Tote fof b a Tote ta wUia rjnion. ' . . ' - , . ' Hon. Daniel I Eusaell in his speech to the Greciib Jck-Dcaocratic Cr.oven- ca Tuesday last, stated tk at CoL 1 the Democratic party. Now, Eepclli cans, recollect that both ot these gen tlemea lave joined the Democratic party, and vote fsr cither of them is a vcta for a Democrat. If yon dsalre to rctt thj Rcpullieaa ticltt, vote for WUUaa T. Caraiay. The Ccrrbcll ?z re public school hcc:3 wzslcntcrcd thrcrh ere cf the windows last week, and robbed cf a n -lcrcf xxticlcs, isclailr the bell, era C:rca pcn-hc!v!;rs,txlf Co::ac?rT tccls, lilf t!;r:n Pint X;::rs, ce -rh::::r:'.-r,"a-l a!ltlewt:Urj:r:r- crtlat wEssrrr'i Ca ty tie cc--....a Lr tl3 1: a ef tls tclco!. We Kara Catt! jtlttfcrlLicTcs ertn t: Cs cirt-'r-J f.;itls wic-oxs. ' Any ja- f. a la r.ri tatLs r.::..r.; tr t:.: caii:t-:.h tis ci!.fcfro- r.?,tr iT-r.llJ e.rr.r-..r:::.vi. .. . . 1 t 1 ' ...t :a ir.t; cf ar .-3 I, i t - i . ... :v.. 1 ; ,.-r a:; i ccr: 1 C 1 t T7i I,tt.3i.ii i.Mv.n vt: .ij hiewuB vimiisai, ui vu i , t.vn lt lha uomnani a wnatt. 1 Vour Distr! A Crzl'Mi r Jy rcqtcst ths pac;! tj v 7I J. P. (OANAli AY, - ' - On fLa 1st Tuesday ja Ho zr;r; fit -:- Secretary..' - f-" '.! Owing to tLe Udlr-csitiia cf I::t. B. E Hall, tie Ijcture oa.fr r: rce, ttca was to Lave becari :1 at Temperance Hall on last T:".2zj cTsa icg, was 'postpcse4 tstll t :xt Trliiy evenin. '.t Froa parties jrt t we lt-ra tb-t the ClVX' -.:d ia rauca of success tilthcrjuTpoiat of YtsltdTs or articles placed on exhibition, but qnite a success ts military des monstration . 7 - - Capt D.JL M.urcbisca, of this city; hasi. received; the ; afpolntEient from Jndge McKoy, ofEeceivcxof the uaro - lip CeniraiItailway, io fill the vacan- j P7 wcaaionea oy Tne aeatn 01 v.apt. Isaac B. Grainger. The following named, persona were sentenced to the Work House at the last term of the Criminal Court: Dick Washington, 60 day; GeorgianaGausc, ' uouxa wacKson, .10 asys: veo, L. Jones, CO daysBobert Nash, larce ny, 2 years; . Caroline Frank, 15 days; Susan Frank, . 15 day?; ..Mary Eliz Lively, 6 months, j t , . ' ' Needhau Tayne, colored, was ar raigned before ; Joatico Ilarriss, on Thursday morning, pon the charge of stealing a number of empty spirts tur pentine barrels from the naval stores vard of MesanL AIptI Rnrtint & Son. na been a good deal of such stealing goiig on lately, and this is the first step in an effort which is now beint; made to. break it op. - . Capt- Doane, of the Steamship Eei ulaior. whicu arrived nera on Wednes day, rcporu that on the Oth inst, at II a. iu, fortyiIcoati west Cap Ilat tra light, fell in with the schooner Joaoua Doughty, Captain French, of Burners Point, N. with the captain and ere r vf the schooner Den Boiland, of Kev. York, on board, who were trans ferred to the llegulator. The Ben Boi land foundered in the Golf Stream on Saturday, October , 5th, belsg bound from Charleston ... to Baltimore. The shipwrecked crew were taken to New Yorar. - '., ' ... v. ... ' "' A colored woman by, the name W. W. Lane waa called in to rive bi opinion in reference to the nature the 'disease that caused : Lcr d;alh, which he "decided was some aT.-ctioa of thehtarythejary rctarrJr j a vcr dick accordingly- . - We leans that deceased waa appa rently as well as c.raal when aha retir ed ca Yrciaesly evcabg. Cle wss formerly a welt ksowa faraily eerrast of Col. S. L. Fremont. R!-lt Ret. Jcla J.' Kcxre, El;cr cf RIchmcal azl Vicar Arcct:I;3 cf Ncrth Carcll-a, will psy cur elty a vLIt ca IYiIst, thelit cf roTtltr. There m ill le a putllo re::; .": a t:I:r:l lia lylLsYc-r- C:l. tril. ISV:; ty,v.L:aaa aUr: a w..l is C It t::r t trl '-U!::.:I tTCi . .. r. u. r.r. r-t: s r.. ;-.- -! TO Cf CS . . .... t Hi : ! T 111 -I f 3 t uu V ooh ine luia insw, ana setuu Deeds during tne past; wees, mo W debta.and cuooaeoneor more igneveoi them. Defendant was ordered to give Whites and three to colored persons. rulptoboWci'oa tsutyofT a inatifAil rnn.l Sn tlm aum of tlOO In jL. ' ' - ' ' - A. !., latTS. at Wo'clock A. at lhe rut. a JUSUea bond mine umOItAi, in rr ---11 known tedBtaleaUUtrlctOmrtnooluln Wilmlitg. two taaes. in default of which he was 'Mr. David E. Bunting, a, weu xnown K before vrm. a. outhrte ii,t, Jlr.ll!? w.ilww dtUen of Wilmington, died on Friday i la, ofa , l . . , , . .Ml. . S . I . . ; 1 . 1 . I t !. n. Ai j .1 . m . -i .. tAftuuM ucntwa n a uuuum, au.a a i-rj r. aio Ita wuu... city jte:is. Adrcrtiie ia the Tost. Subscribe far the Tost. Go tocturch t-Jay, . ' ' Lock out for t-i'!i aai fevers." The weather is very changeable. Services in all the. churches to-day. T ..l.i: . t-nm lit rnnr n'il 4 . puu.vu...- j rlrtr. ---V - ' I . .r . . - i I II tulS eool snap COntlOUeS long, i(X' I cus lor ircr., . - - , I ,". '.. ' --I Rnnml HTAUwin Tn!t wr-K I :i but no very serious loss sustained. ; J TLo? cipher tcu-nnna " are creaticg iil9 a s.." 'ion in democratic circle?. .-'TLalit.tuw.....a- pirty'U nof!d yet, al rerwtsi't?ie cotufiry mtwRL siauding ' Six entrieajamf ;the civsranees' coastwweTtt the Ciutomr ilou3:rdaring the past week. " - iXSee advertitment of J. B Hil!,U 1 S.vMarshall, per JNVanSolen, Depu- ty Ji.vshaT. ' Mr. P,VW. ir:t r jtc.vuuc., i v.j, has been made Quartermaster General " . . . ........... v of the N. C Dtate Guards. There were seven interments in Uk- dale Cemetery, during the. pasfc wecV, four cbjdren and three adults " Hicre' were thirteen entries from and ten clearances to Foreign porta at thev Custom House during tho past weekr - Maor Fhihblate i has received an innrntl from the Central Iketiet Uom- mutee 01. ul - . ..... v.- n. mm r..r li ir iii a ...... fever sulTcrew. ' Tnrra were five marriage licenses I : ...I - 4t,. of thA TirLster of morning aftcrla long and lingering ill ness. II is funcial took place yesterday. If Kussell renresenU tto laWing element, who, pray tell as who, pre sents the old slave owners, the moneyed . lit. t.t.l luvnilhnlii,!? aristocracy, auu ua . "We see by Gencril Orders o. SO, 1 cut. flManta rvuhl ihI in the v ok" r- - - " Kaleigh Anr, that General II. V. lay tor was appointed General for the day on Wednesday last. The ensine and tender, belonging to I tha Carolina Central Railway, which I donred overboard at Meares' Eiufl, a I .reel or two ago, while the draw waa I cren. were gotten np on Eaturday and I towed to the Marine Railway of Messrs. I Cassidey A Bos. by the learner Win. Iv. v-r -.rvnltp,1 betweea two Kjce. being suspended ociweea mo . m tt.. Ir.nr.rrs1 Id a inui. intra mci siv .- - - . ... I rw. Baleizh ; CXtrWiaitf, Ei- of! fceth city; SeAiSoa,EocxiEg- I . Anuria. iatcsvUle : xV, I Greensboro ; Tiomer, Athcville ; Efp' I -n, Yi'iastoa ; Terr, ti'misn. DIED, 9a oorrtw' f"- U October irtb. tot. iwc 11. UUAlNw t Funeral aerrK-. to-ay, at 4 Ofol. f.-vsa'E'Juhns' Uiarcn. ::EY7 ADVtRTKRlinSTS. TT KrxE.0 tTATC3 OF AatcnXCA. H:: i iMlCTCO rttTCrTlICCSITCD STATED rectus cir:: i ::.vr. i: t:::ct, t::k ri.vsi 'r. r CAr.curiAr t.i-irtv. tj wi:.?. f.IN At t :t x? ::.vv cv 5. . f ' I 1 t .V. t 1 r I in i s U A r uct a Ii1 out ci ti.e i .-t.r'-t lv nci l. l'me4 '.att fr the tv 1 . r i . '.ai.f la ue eaast? ef irw ,2- ut-vf, i:i Mill rUtru-L, - v ) 'l l : ;i i- j'iUeit bankrupt i roa'.Lu ewa i-t t':i -u. 1 tiM.l ibe payment! ny debts, n4 tuei livery I my rroierty bftititss . U si:J bnorupt, tobim, or for hiu-,n4 intnsrc-r ot I. ny j rerty .1 y-r sni, re I r j bidden by law. lat a iam.n?of- l:te : cn.turs of saiJt bankrurs to-- prwve t!ieir debu, ami choose one or taor "-? . of ruptoy. to be hoiuett on tue-ii. my cf t.K-t.. A. 1. !-.-t 1'JOCilK A. M..8tl 4 IjnlWU lut,l1!,u.iCtttourtr,mtav Umir --win. N.C bvfr Win. A. Outline, 1 l.t iU lr I ii llR k mrtr f-.r fcsti.l fi iirii-t - J!arhal ibreail 1 rut. rpnis la to lre ntIce tbst on tl-. 1st cf A Oct. 'Imts, rrarrantln baakrertfy wi l.-asl out of the 1 Ustriei .Court of vne Cnl- U..(,.,.r..t...lii.l.l,.lnfV,rili Carolina sricst tii e.-uueof A.u.otj:u.ir B aJen, la saUi dttricU m ho . bs leen djudi'M Uaitont upon Lii o .1 I it i lion. 'it.atthe jtyiuvrtt t , dt. u is, t ' J . tc " dtHv y . f p v (t r y " . t'r.--1 - . lahtDa.'ori.jr I.. nsc, aritid t-.tri.i y property ty tua,are lurbiJ.lea ! y !aw. That a met-! In of rrf.iitorn rf faU t.tt.k rupt. to provaiu- rdt-lt, and chooae on or it)urt t)t" lUiusruiitry. to be bol.tea 'on the 5th day of .Noveu.ber, A. P. 1 :s. at 14 n'clock A. at Faycitcvllli, hV Cm Ittjee Win. A. uuthrte, l,i liegisicr in liek roptcy of said tUsiricu . . ' J.B.IULU Marshal for e&i-i Lnirtct. ,4 .rtIS'ltVie.iKUce.t&at on the 1st of l Oct, 1ST, warrant in laaukruptcy 1 IsnuoJout of thelUsu-lct Court of the t oi led BUOea for the CapcKear UiKtrtct of North Cnroilaaaealnt-t the the estate of JSchemiah I Kaison. or . Clinton, v In the county - S;lH1' .ld ijirtriet: who ba bu adjudged tnkrupt upon uu 1 That the payment of any d. I doll very of aay property belo own pcuuum debt, and the v ororwrtT oeioneiua to Kua bankrupt, to bint, or lor his une, and the tramifer of aay property by htm, are lorbtd- tiem nv law. 'li.aia, mecum ot iaiTrutic orsofeiUd bankrupt to prove Uitir debt, and chose one or more asi;rnces of bit es tate will be held at a Ooort or lsanarupicy. IaUIu.IiImi.ii I. A Kit, alaV tit NOW. '.. A. 1. lsM.at Wo clock A. at rajrcwevttic. N. i C, before Wnt.A. Uuthrle, Ijxi. begilr In Dankraptcy or aaldvtttU-tct. - J. R. IIILlv ' , Jdanhal lor aaid litrtisi. T MIIBUtocWe notice tt at on the lib day 1. of Kcpu. l-ct a warrunt lu bttnkmpicy of Kepu, X-CI, a warrunt lu bttnkmpicy wastwued out of the DUlrlct Court of the United KiittcfortheCnj Fear district of I North Carolina a?(iinnt the estate of Kni I M..Ju.,lAiMjut.rU'llmln.lAlitntlMlninillir i v "r r" 1 or k tew Ilauorer. la auid lJUtrlct. who baa been adjndjred btutkrtipl npon bi own pe tition, mm 1110 pwvnitui 01 aiir ui.'ui.,uii the delivery of any property belong tug to j aid bankrupt, to bin, or lor uer.UMj, tuta 1 forbidden by law.v That a lueeun of the the transfer of any property by -oy ner, re creditor of said llankrupt, to prove their Marshal for aaid lunltict. i riWIia Is to etva notice thstoa Utesruaay ! L ot Hcpt., IfT.'i.a warrant lit bankruptcy i waa IKSued out 01 1 no iniri-v vouri ot in tTolted Htala for tlte Cape i ear l4lrlct of I North Carouo,ftcatnsttu estate or urnr . l"arlcr. Jrof t Umlnetou.in tltecouniy of Mew Ilanovei. In said dUtrict, who ba 1Q adjti.U-Kl bankrupt npoa buowne I tiu.vn. TUat the rvaymentofanr d bt.aul . -h--iiwy iior.sui to aald bankrupt, to blio, or r.flill U-ca t Ihe trant.f ro( any propenr by bira ate for- I iLnra ot ald baukrui'l to H i Uir tl Ola. bidden bJf. . t ul a HM1 lii;(itli' rrr ltors of id bankrupt to puvo l;iir riinnM one or tuore ah-n- I -"a Vi.ml- , or aftr kutfnm of i.l mUUl will be heid at a Oourt of lunkmpt- rr m be bolden on the SI. day of on A. 1. 1STS, at 10 o'clock A. M.' at the L'nne4 Stales DUtrict l oort 11 ont la Wilmlnsion. N.C before WM.A, Uuthrte, K , Ucjia. tcr in Uukruptcy of Mid S-;r,l"1S,,. . MnhAl for ald ltiUtvt. 'CARPET. PAPER! HOMT1U.NO W. I ry 1113 paper U itiMsl to sreat alvl? nnd.r Israel, klaltinil OT til l'lutlt, uauag them to wear aa tons araia. dead- I enin aouud and bm Intperftou to atr, 1 Houa miltit warmer l iatrr I .n.i uin ltrlln Ciid the brut year. It - - .. i- i. . 1 1 . t 1 1 ru 1. 1 m .Ail .an ' ' ' " " . . . TJpholKtirr's arid rper nanrera,. mtr and l rtttccUt, eole a..u fcirinanue Uclurca. 4 vtrtstu ST-fxetrtB fVfT. KtrSFWICK. C-. lf re i swaia, Clerk aad Juv'i I of I'rvlatc . ... . 1 .-.a W W. II. Drew. AdainutrstJr cr Jc Drew, deccaicJ. ,' VS. Aon S. llArr-cr asd h" lis! Jw'..a l Harper, IIry u. lix;;iirjy aai basd.F. il. ViClxt, Ftrala a-. I ha -1 :. 1 IX F. t a! a , K,"snftti. lrew. fr.Ia-.-ri F.r.T'kC "can, R.'fcra::. i:,.urt:.l V: U:J Tl.ta'ii a f-sfclil r. --: !:r t r tl rtiteti'.s s t t t?.e tsow--'-" c r.x3. t . - if - .t- t i -cr - i in i . ; i:; t r ' .. ; v . - i .. r. a. la rur--u:ss- ' ft I , v; . f'rv? ti :. rv-4 il 5 f..v . fl.V--' I-1 ... v ; j.,- ? iv ' I ne , ....... ;l, r" I t"i- - y. i - , i t iiiy t , t i., , ...... i i C:ty tf StudiiVr i 1 ed til . a .r h. i bad t t:. a Iv .f, -ii, ! : t r v --a v - -.. tty of Apt.!. ! ...s t 11 1 by i.e i.ucivc r tit U--. A1 t :t: i. I . , . ..miii.v - . or otiM-r ini.-''jr:iiH : ed on nr.y of t: p: ; . t !' . J!'V, J). . t 4: t is . I Uvttoi I. lv . I. -n. 1. I. t . 0 1 "1 i. r"i t : -: 00 1 II hits anil Jiqacrs IZctltclnal Uc, march 1 tf ; S N. GIIKENAVALD. l.'-f'1 ' llulli Ciroliaa and Virslsla rin: smokers article, ic. -Indian Girl Cirir W. v. - no. t m auket rrnEnr, - WUmlsgtoa,?f.tC Uiicatf - JOlL'i ninbirics . sv V J Has Tits utow m r (utfvmi brk ol 1 1 A 1 . . At I '"I 'r'. ' f" " l m . gf 4 ---- P-'.'st. 5i.'.;ii'i. "7 : t rf I t t ': ' '., II tCII tltj' 1 kr.l Mi' 1 t '.t : . ' , .s-. f 1 UAt.u t 3 ,t. . I U ,t 1 ?M2 wd i:u:;n mi:. f.::u:irvioiK::; .. 1 fr;. :t7T:t AMuvr'.UTi.: t r J I . erenow ..,.! I 1'" . . f 1 II r ' " - . ' , 1 -A t of .- r- J U i . . f. J i- J i A . ' ' - C.tvolina C rural K.UK w;.v Ccf;t;t.t:xv , i : :! t. - ,s -