WILMINGTON l'OST. , W'llJliMlTON.K. d ,lMAY MolUN't.N, Oct. U7 1878. nary of me i'.'" i'"vv rs lojlte. Mtlatdi incnt of i..ir i il';tw n:t n:;u prostration sunl loss ,f JtTt'are :.'iinion. 1K. H lBOj iVMO never!, fails to givi ease iu l-tinalcs ad meof re-Jen I :try hub , Ire cc&rly jliiible to- Dyspepsia ml .lory nehients ol the digestive or. Du. JlAtfrEk'.j KiJxih OK L'.in. VTl-.l. III. in: huh no ri)Hi ii ! . t ' .... i tne re- inoval of every form iu linlld k-slion. 2t. An r'nilcuiiible Trul You deserve to suffer, anI iV you lead jiiiM-riiiiif, iii.sjui.-iiaciojy iuic in una J. tI ('i i r i ii'!it ll..'lt it'll I I r.. 1 17 Irr.lii l ii 1 r ' - . ,- hi'I ami t.Iitre is only one Jxt.use.for unL-your unrcasohitble prejudice and re Ut j4it 1' hai tilled thousands, jVr-ial Khowic.iigy anu comaiou house rriili'ii'!l-'..w' o"t show roil that Urcjii't August Flower will cure, you of ,ivir Uoiiipuuui,; or uyspej mm, wilu yi its miserable elicits, sue i an sick liriiihti'Ur, piilpilajjoii of tho li-art, wour .1. "....ii l'"! lUOlltial CJ-tlVCtlCSH IIIZZIntHS .f-Llie- in;:i .jiitlitii, Ac I' lflie In;:!-!, V'orvti pToslrukioit, low Its calcH now re cli ivory Vteri Ooiii nent a.d ;i I 'lit ,Ui:i';ii iirci-t. A will tell jeoti of 5(9 Yott (au liny a sam- ,.! hoU.e -r .tun tnts. '1 1 fee uones. t i ; ic'.i'.'Vf VMll. ; irincijilq in hygiciipcs that a t,.iji. l i.v r is a cans-; ol iau Oi-raugu i:uu!' "t' iho !iysioal or.aiiUm, .The tlic hnm-, the niiiHclc',fthe nerves .iHyinoit!'i,(i wijli this, nnire jronu- lu'iit "!":;. ii. '.liiiiru ( obey iln func in every ii'iii-i i.M 'tliisoiH? ih reueiJioii i, ! ... ' rt.-iiio.tf.1 -lis u;-.. ,.f a ciinsemitiiye'i dis- -I i- n i I. ii.li.'.vs tif sjihtrst a.: Uthy or r - ol'-tlio liver ijlo ' jn-f (orui i'iiittt. Al'ii'M m il von-li ' I.-'it nt iB !r any length limti i il'-Hllj .'ljiii-idii4 anorniat 1'on.i lively liver Invi- in. in I r. S. inf., n s i -i'i 1 ' rt.iatj-1. , I In i-iiiot ailYiTti te;ucn', but rl.l. W'r I; ivi hjsfil Hit' 1 i-ior's valti ftir twenty ..liii- ii'O'lii i"-- iit i:tn ' fainil) Veil-- W'v I ik-vV 111 tit (oI tan liirty v;ir' toiiliiiii.ii.s prae l ,':im lfi;ll l('Ti:i4 ItHl-tl I -."Jn.rdit' me of sh.i' : i i. tier. If tho t oii-:uuU iii, n.U'f.'blr, .:illi)vlook in irm hi- niei t -vcry d.'iy would iu-i ! ;. . ; .5:in fi l ij'.i l.i vt r In vigoialor, . M'k'V w-.iii 1 r.irovtr htafth. 'What uiMic tun !hv; ! m ii-l .' 2 1 1 'vrki'ii'j j f. 'WW, iYjp I'l'i'X:..'- T It K W 11 AT IV IT U'L'OJt. U ' inn Vit nlj Mt-iitiis lias (louo to I'- I a Oiciiij&l k- Ana jH't. , Willi a view of facililat hi lh : I li' iliiclion i:iliu ni;vnul:ictioneH oj ; Ijio i iu w nmtiir whicli the Winters Manu lV;lur;ttij coiUivjny, intend tt' tneraio froiii jiiiro wale r by meaud f eniriu: I'U lllit'llI!)- SUppilO'l; with Yalyc-, Mr. m ii;!crs au l itlr. liiiwrenjce called on I H i Jat Mlsy'at tlic t'Uicc of the board of ; ;unilvn riu rs aiid oblainud written in- I u net nuts .to submit a pkntion of the I I'liurateij io a ehetriist for the I purpose xjf aMCiirlaitung wshether or noi i il it inflammable and whether or not it J is explosive .whlen brought in contact i wilii lire. lm tng the afternoon Mr. I. M. lillnclli ot'18 KxLhaugo place, a engaged to inako Hid required an alysi. W'hiKvawaiUng the arrival of ! ttiu chtniiat,. AI r. WinteH turnetl the J water into tho motlvL engine in his I'lUioklyn wolksbopl'ttud connected the ; t.iik, whiehTwis" speedily tilled, with his upright ; ni-horse . power l'axter iiigine, " J "1 WtttaJrsid4c woukl frlghtcuyou if I shotvCt)'i'oA:wfiat 'cJul.d be done with thU cngipe wluyi . you called the I l-lher day," he said.,vrhpn ho turned on' the jrxs and drove thd tngino wheel around for tea uiihulo. kit, tho rale of .im icvoiuitoiia a imiKtue. in gas w.w luriietl ol; before h:if ol it had leeii i xlutcd. . Al r. V there wa.s yet power em SlUoii tank fivm which titers said that mrh iH tho live tie had been twenty o rso- viiawiiiij theai to run. it i-tuvor ehiriao. ' 4 - ..-j' jjeti intend vttj aftty th motor at iiti July to the fetcouidavcnuetarni" t.U, Iuo, uiot it wo Wiik huuio v!i.ite arramreuients t firt vo it applied clvtv here, as wo ar i tryU'S t W : Xho Uouhle is at present; thai- evef'y oac iispwt us. tVt., havol ,ubiuittel tho SuitTaatn oiniejliJl-ii lunv mspco Hon, aud ilio ci.ci"is Riav tprrsel ' tlieiuclves 's;ti;ti-,il. Ntverlhclw I ua ee that jthej,- aru 'UlipuscU to be- heve that it majr Ih) a trick. I hoi0 t'ae anah sU: hi.tY rid theui of any buch aplcioiu s Noa', suppose the elevaiwtt van company nouut lyruus us t eup ply tWni wttU It. ' lhy- would aav money ut o.ueK- -T1k ktst wvuld Ins but half that;f-wa!il,aiid oiio mail awn rc-o Cnoul t pUMi A k?VCf ami I'ui on tho brATT i-tMtVt ruu au eiuiuc. fh'jrn Uiere would bo' ho du, cinders w lark, of which ihey votupUin, We migUi apply itu iianuCictoric to rati Uthrt or any x "inAChiue,' Ukh ar rtow run ly tradk' by fca-l cr by steam, at an Cxjoal saviuj;. A 1 Uild voa the t other day. it can to TpUed to Tti.if,i td wUku -V.cam I ) A eustd Unl; ws tVlel wiib lb? gas w Jc crv- i ts-e '4t) t& wet U4 rtaiovol ,by:h;U l Ih.ft :..C. IIehStl jaentted t- m Ar tV" f retii'itnary U-sU WwU.avp, i.aAiy uetermtaexl f'J txv.iU by M'Mn;-; IU ttU Mr. nar Uiat a ooui4 call in another ta a' : t.t.;.u 5n ; the tt?; ai t;.cJLta retail oa Friday. v The Indiana fienatoranip, ii?zr if an. the idemocrauia tits, djaiia Legialature vote for-ilr. VMrhm wiIBtaimioi two fdeaf;tb te ..? andlbeso be expects r to get ; fcom the nationals. iThejo' BamberlfOuiti. and eight of these were formerly repnb:- I Means aiidl kii'1 .1V?. Xt&skz. A teen pretend; lt;issMc3 tioii to noniinate a oa'ndidato 6$ lblr own and if they sbbiild bappeaoL niuu urmiy umiea it is clear Mr. T.ecs couia nQt beBiectea. 3ut it W dfftuli 10 8C9, how .the nationals could find a mau irba betted represent their wildest. ide : ;thaa LVoorhees.' lie has probably tbes loudest TOite, the best lungs and the greatest: enduraaee of any public Bpeaker : now .living in Indiana. IIq can make a longer indi sillier and . more ii?norat: inniLTn speech than any man the' nationalai vwuiu uujie o una. in lacir owb xants. A better hope of 'defeating Voorhe lies in the fact that there- -are; lea; or twelye sound,oldfasl4ioBed,i'ai-vi mQBey democraU in the "Legislauire, who, if mi-j uay me courage to mate com- id on on cause against VoorbeaC can safely .eatc him to private life. It is to hoped thev will tin tWir 1itV- ; m,- be hoped they will do tlmir V m, Uuitt-d autes Senate U not the" live liest body in the world, and the pros lect of six full years more of Voorhees lnlcrniiiiaViln ili tltn.l large tuht to bo rel u,w.n a possible. iV. Herald. I . V I IIS . ' I ifal For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whoopin Cough, Bronchitis Asthma, and Con sumption. The reputation it has attained, in consequence of the marvcUoHS cures it has produced during tho last half cen tury, Is a sufficient assurance to tho public that it will continue to realize . a w realize i i be desired. 1 1 the happiest results that can in almost every section eT rnntrw I I OI COUniry there are persons, publicly known, LH0Wn,whO I have been restored from alarmins and even aesperate diseases or tne lungs, by its use. All who have tried It ac knowledge Us superiority; and whero its virtues arc known, no one hesitates as to what medicine to employ to re lieve tho distress and sufferine peculiar .to pulmonary affections. Cherby Pec toral always affords instant relief, and performs rapid cures of the milder va rieties of bronchial disorder, as well as the more formidable diseases of the lungs. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset tho Throat and Chest of ChUdhodd, it is invaluable; for, by its timely use, . multitudes aro rescued and restored to health. ' ; - i - This medicine gains friends at every trial, as tho cures it is constantly producing arc too remarkable to bo forgotten. - No family should bo with out it, and those who have onco used it never will. - . - Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clersymen often recommend it from their knowl edge of its effects. PREPAXID Bt : Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., . ; Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOLD BY AIJCi I)Btra01STS,XVKBTWnXBB. QUARANTINE NOTICK. and afler the 1st day of June, -1S7S, Quarantine will be enforced, as uEual.on all vowels front south of the Caro Fear River, and on all vessels having hat! any kind of kicking during their voyace. " IHlots and all persons concerned will lease tako notice and bring their vcufls to I he tiuarantlno SU-vtlon for Inspection , ' Quarantine PnyidcUui, u2 jiii.J . 1J, I. Port of Wilmington, N. C Undcrtaicr. Parpcntcr ani Calinct PPOSITKlTV HAl-i. On TtUrd Strcct Wi I tut ll.U Pl'ltNISII IX)KKIN OAKKFrnc w lib wlleo-hoiee, a: tlio wry aliortesi not lee. All oMera front the country promptly at tended trtler for iri-nter and Oblnet AVork nolieiil, and work guaranteed. - Work as low a any In U city. , Janisir ONU OF. IF1 NOT TUB i)FVH0I.Ii3Al.E tVutHJEKIF OFFERED , ; Si.tf fuf ?l NprlVihirilisa, CAN I5K FOUND AT j -ADltlAH AVOLLUii Southeast (rncr Dock aid Frunl 5t reel, Viimlnstoa, N. C. : - and lircbascrs SUcited. july T tf u7u. cifljpri.wiiiaiiv. if . - ... - . : ' J f. ' 1 tyilEllB TOti WILL ALfAV?l FU0 llfrealk PRUA1 fAKM f Ait k-n-t. and of Imp t WlW Alto frrsd Wottsad diiiy T si t t rat sat unerryectc I ! . I mm MISCELLANEO VS. LESS. .i o r t HOUSES AND LOTS FORI & CHEAP. o- f lUlEMKNjxjUX csrlft ti.f iHr.vt i( M.t- I I reauclion and pltii.iia ltriis Ollt-re I htyetu or rtsvl tsUlc by w. IVCaS akait JjXAMlLs'ETH li LO.(AT!lONCll Large Sjribom !Jo;is crtrnor of lilt and YVanatstj-icl3.or.i.rHit tVl. Hi II. Mdii- ; ..... : . , fcljlVmirt I foil on 71 li j "-w.iino ui!iticsii.:i.rttr Wilmiii-ftou y fUia epleu-litl view and s'hI walfr. I t-W 1 . ... .... - T . A N S Uoomirousean.! I;t, W n-ot fr by Jtfet!tdcop, oil btv.-ai Jluiio ajpiUranswick Kln'tts. QIXlEoifra Itouso on Cattle betwfcoti kj oui auu i lu streets. rrcuiises complete. A Vs. a ltoom Iitn..e iinxt to and olnin-j the above; In so,k! coadilloi HOTJSE ird I)t on lU-fcrr.-on Ixl vttu BankipaiitlMillcrsirc'cls. i I .- "11, - I'.n 5,h "twl-t-u cattle TTrtrap'L.i t.,t .... ...... . t Hand llihftUit-ts; Vl,,u n tnTMEan.ir,ot on U'u UUwif 'Jlh HOUSTdKutttiton atlt lHlwct-u UarUtt and Niison fclrcci. '. ; I HOUSRiand IaA 011 OLh aOj.tliiiiij; tbe 11 QOSK Jatnl Jot on t'iiurc'ii bet wf. Wot i IU htrcc'.s. ! " ' . "T I OUSK .lllll !)(, .HI1 "1,.. ... ... ., , .," and OUKi3i and I.t i lltli bctvvov-i t linrch tiud astieslrccls. . .j I ii.vijpTiii;iti:t'ii.iiN;s if tij )TllliltJUMI.llNi Aiiuvjp v i" w NOTsyn-K i rt.ri.rj. SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS AND i IN EXCELLENT LOCALITIES. !''.' s ! - . . , j J. OToriprof Al and- Mi: t.- rv sliuvbs j ttixt'Cfew one -l tli i ii: i c t : ti.t; city. r g vi. ... : .. ...... . .i . ..... i- ..... .... i i '' '-: - i ' ' 2 - . ; 1 U .in . ! i- . ; . . . . i. I ,l Oi oil l.ur.swi- k lit , , U ul tiud Jrd I Jstrcrti -.-ll D. t i. J jr vr in ht ,1 J V lw i-ct. 1 .'I'll f-Sf.ll.-llS illt! W.llllH ii-ii' I. IK Ii ll I tho llijl. WiliotiUi-Uiir.1. Vehii!i -UiiU-nt'l W uud within two 1;I'h-.! i.tif ilus i a.rniu.i I 'vit- tral Kuiletiud lH'iii. If ii-iu.- ; i nc. ;,;vn or following Will U'.t--, 1 l.:iv.; tt!;ers that 1 will seH. " X j O 'X tvtf "n.ft.l TiMin 1. ami i I .: I ! . ! si ! ill.i t jlilli " I r. i l, im I'H' St iy lii'Uiifbt part of t III ltVi";'.'('n -o nnnih hUDMUin LiViu), - it, :. - Iffl 1 -Atft-K' 01' s;o-ki. r.iriiH' itfu Iiii.i s'i ' 1 Hi A'K cimn.y tm . Town Vreek. fllllK above properly wiii b .s. i'l very L chtyip lor c.i.vii, i.r o:t l;l-!lll:tt Will SUlt the purchaser. iSOW is tlit- limit to I'l.t' VlUKahofoe lor.) our i:ir:iily. Ii ii'.t con tinue lo pay. hili re-it :m.l at v. jVHir.nul buy while you kid. The rent you- pay will buy vtiu a homo t(' your own', '-and w.lu-ii you ure oldyouiwlll be Ihankful you had such alLj oppormuiiy. .r tJu .' On.rrintWfsU Oct. Krout mid 2d. il ' TElSB, AXl). 4 ItpOPHJ :UT pt'ttn wiiii"i-- arsnotonshl to b-wiih the wonderful nriu of that great AnK-rkan lUmcly, uM f MEXICAN . Mustang Liniment, FCH HAN AND LEAST. TkUitBiniMii. xert nainrally eriirfaatcd la Arafrt- C. where Katare lta.-, lo h kiboratory ek aarwislBC aatklowe for the mattdkss or arcou. 1 drea, Iu fame ka been irrJl3ir foe yr, antll aow it encircles ue aaonaow The Kexleaa KuMaag Uahacat U a mMcfeW mtMMly for an external attmciiti cf laaa aaj btst. Teeteck ewwrvt and raraeca n taaiaao!. A alntrle txxtie often a haaoa Utter tw teres the iMefalneat of aa xctttte& kdoe,ei It curt Iwctrot. fcoofaXl, aoOjw kcra. gr i.,i.i. m. timikferrat. aMUP suntn ct iwcoa rcpuws aaotapwia, w wkaairtt-xua--- it safes ery eatxeaa iiwuww. wtadrna i : - "aeTa ;ay7a aiua.ac4.ta. cat, rWwrt- It I tMehepeS reawiy a werM. Mr frsrtrak aa:ii M repeat U crsMtsSy Ok-rt fc . Kxlraa Haas UaUucat Is lt 9 ( tweet ewiwv a ta axiy ? fV sWf-r rwarU ly II s XarroTvmmt ot io tt s .w t . iaht.vtri . .'- . ' A jztmimm b js-t-h s ' CELEBB1TEB. TURNIP SEKDS. . ' , la Original Scaled Packagjej. . ii,ftl UlUlH OUR ' OWN- GUOWTU.' : ALT, VAEIETIE3 AT LOWEST risicii. fr' -If roar merchant dnm nnl -1 fft:' 7 inail, jpostage paid,: Write for Tricta'and Dwcriptie iV- J DAVID LANDRETH & SOONS, " r" v.'.!., , 21 and 23 South Sixth st;.- Leavest cxtensiTe Seed july tf J UST ItEOEIVED Jrveri,. steei- ageneraTvSJtj I rr81ARWiiBl!5- orwl. aji;le?t Hardware Depot,' dee 21 1 no. lv woain j-ront sireet. UJJ TUJS : SOUTH ; , Jl " ' - A"l&EEP&fi2XS& lops.&c, i ; - , a it a vi Vr r : JtwVJLJt'Jt V ; " 9,4 w Jl,?.nI "All THE Largest ciRCTTLA-j TofiUSi1??a---M .'USLIHHED IN ; UtUS COU1 TimMfl IN AD YANQS. 41 tm Ont;et-(.y Kix montlm...,... 75 uho copy three mnUi... . ; U) ocl 1 1 Editor and Prorrictor. TO uvi J VV.V1! "kaith tub i-ivbu si ttT UK kbit in okikj(. , DR I3MHEBC JamosaEsa, U FOR DISEASES CE r VuYcRSlKnACH'' .aws pepsin i BOWELS ( 3 Vut FrophtetvatldrcM J)k. tiA:;poib, new Vk.( august 31 ly ; H ' :. ' ' in not eall y earned lni these - Uiom. Mtttl M&n faa-nidi in in roe HtoutbH by any one oj country wh . . . i U f f 41 Iff work sica-uiy at the employment that wiyv,- v . -p --p- lurnlsli. fOiiper week In your own i town. I copies tell cents, bold uy all ucftsdcai v," net-d not bo away lrem home over I iiii'hl.. Yn tn frlv t.iif whnln tlin tn ibo work, or oDiy your; f upare iuotnenU. We have iiiri-nU wbo aro making over f 'M jut ilay. All who engo at once can make mouey fat. At the rit-nt time money tjinut otbc matler-ofAKily and rapidly at any I other busiiuH. Mfcou nttUtfne -to.try vt LHihiin'.s.s. j trnifi aim .i uuuilirw, Auurew BtoiK-ev, n. HALLdsrx Portland, Maine. . July3l 9m 1 ! : ; til) LI) l7T,SSS Kt-t Kreenbut-kH. ! Vo need a person m every I iowu to uke Mibgcriuuons for the larRest, I t ut t-tvitiiii , iiusiriiifu utraiiy puoiicauon, I i 11 1 i.t world. iA ny uue can become a eue- I week :. A Iwly lureut reiHrtt taklnr over (W tubMsribt r iu ten days. All who encase miukc money last. 1 ou can uevole ail your time to 1 he business, or only your snare t'-ne.- jhi need not be away from home t.veTtiijjUt. Von can do it aa well a others. Kuti j aiiieidBi-sulrectiouiiaud teraia free, i.K-Kauiaim ifxpenMve unmt iree. iiyou wmt pruiliablv work send nsyoor address at once- it ttwts nothine to trr the busi - iu ss, No mm who enKaKes falls to make rtt -pay. Addross "Xhe People's JoarnaL" I'otllauJ, Maiue. , ... ; , aui7 lW . - - ' ';- ' Snn a week, in yoorowa town.lfS Ont- j I) ut frets. .Mo rink. Reader, if you w nu u iiUNiness av wnicn peraoDs 01 either x-.. can make great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to H llAX- lki r .s; 1--1., I'urllaud, Maine. , : ,. npl 1-t-ty -; ,r : . "; ' ;. ; "GREATLY ISCRE1SED SUES I lv.vt u.i !o believe that we are selling li First-Class jUoocis Cheaper " - U fti Uuy can be had lu the city. HEDRICK. N.WYcof, Front and Market st, ju 1 UENNING & TEEL. ' rtRALEIU Ul I . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO I ., - , il. mm m I W A TJj jf XVjE 1 r - " AU '.itli b I U itAii 1 r wnut to. meel. Nails, Axe, lpade. Bhtjrala.tXd , l!irsHain, Tra Chain, Plooha, uat Ins. Carpenter's Tool a. lliacksnillh'a Bcl inwiivinsi. Anvil. 4c: V aeon and tar- Wheiis, lUinn. Spoke, llttba Axlca, Holt low Ware. Uope. rwlne, Kaivea rorks. tspoons, ;rn!ihe,lh I J nets llookalnkera. lottoh Heine Twine, flax Cllln Twine, a vi 11 iii a - jis, 1 Via, Spiders Heine Hope. Bealea. ueaot OTenn, fry lana, Ae, We iavite ropectaJ auentton wom tar an t cxteriireaorttn-nt ll.o.s,iu esprowlyXor rtuiitUaand r armtti- us H 01 which, aud ruucU more, we wUer at kw- I cl luicc. al the t..,,v1U,1 ' . : Ilfvrdwaro House of ui;'iKCVavTCiaiA, 27 . O Barket St. WilsaUfftM. Ve C CONSUMPTION ..... ...fitfir.l tVlfHt'.n j .jl I , ... r,. thu dim that are .U4Ir ka I w til etre ivw-a 10 - 41 Jkr rn Trtal r-us. . W dal wait ytSr VMBtBST F jrtJy uaoAetr 'fT" If rwar itia wtwsa rtaf, sy lj iifx ihe tvwdvia4 uial. aa U.y U1 jsrtc. aw inrct1 w. -s T J , i the l'ts4 r aaaa y. aa,e ' mi. .. , w .t, .'- t t r as zi at RonniXA. .' as rc un 5var? . ruanaav a, 5. T. ttatx a- y. SliTS ISD II3DSII TllH 1 ninuTT crrrrii; ' NwtumC.i'T9t)i ivniSvfATltAMvtTTTXT? y.-MivkUW (a a-sfc -. . , lu'-4 rfs t -w v txuili .ti.iAAi.''a,a. . f : ! t Nsiui ai.M ii 1. iuo mot elegant works or agency, with tho name ana residence urtrtvt-ii ireu to nuhHcrlbera. The price is n? th p.,nt..f, I'lioi;,. utit-ntilin i Ht Iuw that atiuoKt everybody sabKoribes. Ot tne 1 alentce. 1 uoiiw aucntMjn is (no njcut reporu laakiuc over tisa in a thus directed to the merits of the. lleW TIT1TjA.T"KTj.TITIA ' - growers in America. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, .; . THnrrr.THiRD ykab. . , The most popular ScientiGc Taprria 1 Weekly.1 52 Numbers a ea 4,000 book pages. . ,Mst class weekly newspaper of sixteen 'pages,"" printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in- reSionsSd.Sie most'recent advance advance in the arts and sciences: m- K ciuutng siecuauics ana engineering, railway, mining. civil, caaaud fcvJraul- it engineering mill wort, iron, steel and work; chemistry and chemical, processes; electricity, light, heat sound; technelogy,photography, printing, new machinery, new proces33C3, new recipes, nproveiucnU pertaining to textile in dustry, weaving, dyeing, coloring, new industrial products, animal, vegetable, and mineral; new and interesting facs iu- agriculture, horticulture, ths home, health, medical progress, social science, aatural history, Geology, gastronomy, ;- .. -' , i ' - . " iTbe most Valuable practical-papers, y eminent writers in all departments f science, will be found in the fcien i'lfie American; the whole presented in jtopalar language, free from techuical terms, illustrated with engraving, and, o arranged as td.intercst and inform all classes of readers, old and young. 'he Bcientilic Americui proMotive 1 knowledge and progresa in, every Couimuuity were it circulates, llbhuuid havoa placo iu every fanii'y, re vllug room, library, college, or school. J rrm, f.'jf jttr syvar, f 1 0. h:ii year, wnicu iii iii lit it fi ill i r. ir. prs limit by invsfal order b Mllim ec P' mnill I' l iiitui w .lu.iii Do., publwlier, 7 l'ark lvw, York. ! Patents. In coiuuelion : wiu ie bcieutitic Amerif-an, Messrs. umu i rjn. &re solicitors of -American and - . . . , --.i . li.,. Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishments iu the world.- Patents are obtained on th. be;st teria;. Models of jiew inventionslSia sketches exam ined, and adyice free. A special notice ;3 maje ju tj10 Scientiiic American ol . . . . . .1 , all inventions patented th rough this n.,ini ,i .,i,w ,.r ii.lr., luction 6f.H I--"-. - I euiMtTi, I Any person who has ina-le a new j: " ... : . ...,;.-. uw'J' imcowo.., v.rf. vV.v.", I tree of charge, whether a patent can probably be obta lied, by wri usg to th 1 1 , r . , . ,. . - 1 undersigned. Address tor the papev! concerning paten ts, i . M,.vv a, i-o 0 , v -' t ."7 l ark Kow, New oik. . Blnc, , Wnice cor. I - Washington, 1). U. F & 7th bt recti PARASOLS. ' Large and Handsome Stxk M IV, j to Nta. ' 1 WW. '. . ..... HElHUt.'K. SOL BEAR & BROS., -18. 20 MARKET ST.. QFFEK TO ' TUB I'UULIO, AT .slie Lowiiir m;i 1 -kicks ONE OF THE LARGEST AHDi tilKArEsT STOCKS OF , . f - - ; s ... - READY UAUouiiOTHluG . . - ... .. :;" ' - ".':' - : i - ;. , " "t I rv.Afa Hal, Drj Good, - . v t'aiTclia?. CI re r a a3x&t - Lv rnost'ECTus. ."J )3 - f :W ,S .? 5 bit . ' J5i i4:l"fe5:lt '! IS ii !(.!.- t :- ,1 "... ETRICf LI i EEFOBLlCiN FAPEB ' -s. -tJ t-j.1 iij;; i.-)rx..t : iMvotedivthelAtcreaUof WUadattonaa I n4 ttVe.t'.c ot orih CaroUoa, M Veil as - 'i .a'j'iIi - . tn. ...... , ,i! i :n ti? .1 i -Vrs' J- h - "J v.-vi The Great Principle of vthtr Ka 3-.LVVr" ;or J5?-: , tional-P.eotWicah Party; ...Ju.aUikwltUthe . r 'CINCINNATI trLATFOIlM! " I 1 inn i i .-- 1 -ft.-. ;-;! jiVS-cl ; ,f ,J '.- vk l f . . . . - .... '-..' tidrieiideiiUs to tfm.ilat Not I -1 ,nH.i'i it 1 l " to Tarly, - 1 ' ti ! tt s y ,tK v- f- v''! ;. -, us tr. iontiT vs? -i 1 j.-i,.-" i - 'ftii j h -if ti .-..- 1 It i',i be i di.yoti.iA to ,C4aMlwgL-urruiUoa hretVi.Xt'ffl.TnHqyatMl n pnrttva. "- 4 ..fj-s ii ii' --J ifc i- si ii ,h ; r.i j ' ; s ,K -'iifi) . vr' ?.-!, V' n ;t;j.i I'M - -.in .' 1 1 -'t js. t U I Ml f; LifjetJn smiitO ItU b:u:l i .'.' ff-i,J it ,ii ..: ; .1, --.-. 'i.'ij ; -j.f r'',- I ,11 b 1 1 .n K?: f"-, ,'..-fTi 'i i ' .-...' V t..i.-.. ,.l.,.,i - . . yVVii iUjii jiin, .jivlf ,Wl,U t!ie l'tti ol v -' - v - . urihiUmllijicbrrflCoaeatie; InfBitgration Wuv-uliUUn tliwyuly Uit uf tw build va or simI ioid 5ll. .'h- ' ' '' f r :t .'"it-it:-! Ml tr.-v1'aie.tbe laS.tl , 1 . f. . : : s . , - v. . itf is t . . Lcal,, iUUUvi afiiri' MlU&Il .aWii - We will tb kv ur iricada to cud tti all Oiencwi'lhcuayerV?ralitlonv ;UrMt'pUh will l talm ktrv ' A CprrrrirX.t'unttftte.&LifJUt U A "a- Wvvlrrj' CA'vn'Cnd TrpJi-rr: e er, iciVfcv ' V,:,'esrmi"''- ' - r" J ; -ii t X -.1 A't ' UwJu - Iai1a Keport .T?,:ii H'O'i. u4 vata MieMF tMMi 1 1 irnaxMt i I ' MbariiiiM lmm mJttmm4 tm -! N it: ' i ' -; V ' tist r ilNaf svt jwtr rrf ys f li -w jirJ" V rf pv i f wa t ft I y e li ..-its Xs.iif i mJ--i I Aral it S"ptrr4tt $ " "-ta - 1 RAIL ROADS, Cocpanj , -. V umaisioa, . U, Hud) 7, J j ; OLaXQS or scxutauiJL ' On xnA vtirr r six' "trh tta, 1ST,' FmcBserTraias oa wiu ran aslouowv DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally.-, Leave Wilmington, Tront Etmt .DI?t :0SA.M AmvsstVi eldoa at fcio r. M Leay Weldon dally at........:i JuM Arrlre at WUmlejtot, rroat DU 1 . v .... ix9 r.a JflQHT MAIL AND EXTEES3 : .; TRAIN, Daily except Banday , 1 v3 t ' Leave Wllmlxgtca Troat Stmt Ddot at ;3P,- Arrive at Wcldoa at ...,M3A M Leave Weldoa dally, at... A. It Axrivw at Wilmlsgtoa Front 8t vepot ai... 10,10 A tt Tbt Day Tmia ui ikes close cooneclloi at Weldon lor all oointa North wU ltav Um. dxUy except finndar, aaddallf Rich- nvu ana au-raii roaie. jSTS'f&SSlZ Klht Trala 'makes dose counrrtioH at Kkamoad, ' Sleet ins Cars' attached to all Klfcft Trains'. - A. POPX, c. r. A JOUN r. D1YIMX, Qeatral 8au ' inareh 7 X -. -., .-...', ' ,-: Q' 8UrxlUATiU(UJUira oatlu I'll : t .. . Vllalng(n, Colunbla & An- . Ras(4 K. It. Conpanj. WitKijioToii, K. C. Nor. II j WIT. ., CUANUE or eCURUULK ON and aIieruudayNov. llta.lha tol riowlnc schednln will he raw- oalala res J: . ' ' , ' ' it.i': - ' - :' ' t DAY" KXVR&U AMU MAIL THAI (Laily except Sunday.) I Luav WUiaidstoB.... l.....lo It A Arrive at riorcacc t iiPM i Leare Florence, ..' 1.S0PM Arrive at WUialnKtoo.... ....... K.4Q PM NIGHT Xr&Es3 TKAiM, (daltj) Uai WUailnKion..., ........ I'.M l-ve Florence. .11. 3d P. M Arrive at Colooilla. , JI4A.M uearo CoianiLU.... ., It. to A, M Uv rioreae 4 IS A. M Arrive at WUaiJrU...... 5A.M, : ..-. . . ' t- '" ' - " . TbU Trala IU oily stop at Fkmirgtea. WhCcville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Floraae. TlnmoovvUle, 8aater a4 Xaatovcr, I, twtiu Wllmlastoa sad ColnabU. , ThroQjrh Frelxkt Trala Dally (ticept' " ; - Baadsys.) Leave WllralPRice...... 11.00 A. X Leave at Fiercsce...... V.00 I. M Arrive atColamhU.. ai9 A. M T -...11 k.1. aaaa aa I vwiuiuota ii.ua, m I Uave FlreEc,. 1U9A M Arrive at tiuDiBgioa. tvr M Paaaenrers tor Anracta and teimstJ shcmtd take 2(lght LiprtM Traui trvm w u- i aungiocu - TVrOtipi fileetilar Cartaa altVt tralaa 1 (or Utoarketoa aad Atfasta,! 5 ,t ropz, o. r, a. JOtl r. UlYIM, tics. Sup'li i I ao U-tf. CO - Ex.. ' as 3 a J . O i ii' , . XI CO H o . m Ktf at - QiSBllSE EH'ui pq w :iu4lwUt&fit,'4t. A-t4J ttf nawm fim bmi ct Fwn iff ' K tiK'tawiitwi fca )"wl C3t f 'J- 3 iv i - . . 4a-4ii Fwi tf ,C.-jaifcr ' I I

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