VOUJMK IX. - ' ' - - " I- " ! - vtfi'ifwaTOx ;post adveu TISING UATKS. l'ifiy CThi.t per line for the first in- t;.rti.'i ruiil iwcntv-five cent par line T- Mi uonai m- KiM (S) Hj--, Nynj.firil type, e.-o .Ul'i'e :i .4 piaro. . i 5; I i ;i'lv.Ti.i.'iinMitjvill Ue char-red at i.fiii :i?m.vh rati:, ei:ept on i r. ( . : :v ' - ": ,-: IKK ior a loMLrrr j,iit than one week. V . The.HulM.inptioii j.iuio Tiik W'il p r year; uix months 75 cent, j I .Vllc wiiiutMiicrtion.'iortb MirKMHhouId k-, 'a l lrcssoa to Thk Wxr.MJA'UTox f'o.sT, Wilminjiton, N. G Col. Waddoll. HIS Sl'KIiOlL J)KJ AT .'I.IIH IVKUHD VN BA1". -TIST OIIUKil CITV IN 18(i7. 'j N In. r.-. f-uo m mm r w.i HE STOOD TUCM I I 111.11 - r 'in l) (JUN TJlA'i ;jviojvs IT.S OWNIOli (A'i;!., I Voi batiia Copy taken frbm the Re- port which appeared n the Wil mington jQurnali of ir one 19(h, 1867. . - COLORED rOLITICAt MEETING . Or COL. WADDELI AND - : ; , OTHERS. llic mm vUiiii' of the colbn il iiuonla . . r a a . I I - - a . E ... ... it. in ui ijn't Aipiiiu liupui-t, Lluirch 111 iIim ;iiy, Monday-night, xia.1 nltendcd i'v ;i liiro uiuuiicr. f the dulorcd race. Ifht' iiiciliii'' was called to order In' HH'ding- was called to I'l'miitmi'iit of (I. I. IJonr -v ie President, Lii tut Wiii condiif ioil Ip the chair, I' Umiod his thanfcH for thtj honor cou 0 in trod 1 1 cc 'ircJ, ;uul .pruciTtlcd l'l.V;.hMl. COL. WADDELL'S SPEECH. tOMi and ad ;:-lnv,M'il tin; liH-i t rnnS r-ic Hiiiil that - it'wutrtlif wocond tiiu . : In- Iwid Ik i ii invited hy the colored pro I'li; to audit': them, and th at they would tin l-lunrati everrendy to y vice in (luhlio aHairj, that Inmi tin- colored Iff-oplo w eld them se'r- an invitation is pvculiarly S'l-.iTifyiiig to him at. prcdij ut. He did to be invited not riiii after iIkmii and ml .ii i . H.iiu n hi fvpi-f8sed no ne mil admiration for. them found love as come had li:il done, but Jhey. knew l-iti 10 was. Kid alwavn known him. ait d cousideretl it niiiim'Viary I'mard fhOin. to express bis feelings JIo tloMi alluded to his fojrnicr address il'lniri'd helbre ,'lfc il tlw war. I hem ji At that st after iho time the im "K'tin? n-Knlls of tho' war vcrciiot ap I'tYtiaU iH y thojpeople of t ie North and mii!i the lVcideitt and Congress had '' t -tdit, wild ooihing ha been dono j't theeidoied race except clnancipa- . tltia. At til At tilOK it fxiiniroil moral vouraire to noeent ! tho invitation , . . U uVliver that address - it 1 1. :T. r ... was to fly in to address a iiv i.ice oi piiniio opmion, eolorHi audii-ne haw not that w tiiid M'anvihiu by it, lie thought . 'iat it rvpjirwl no particular .sagacity o we what the remits of dhc war were, i aditwas wW p dicy ouei r part to ac- ktwled-e it aud accept ti c fact accor ,l"?Iy. lie had. in that addPAHts, nd- 1 Waled the. rights of the l;ck man to i'ulititt.l euiTVage; that it kvas the only i -pte '; to be govemeil -by, though i Cwigres had 'settled the quest ion other Well. said , he, i made that "vh and the colored people nmnifvjt iVidont arpwiation, tlough a large , frum of the public ertj difgnted at I: - !me could rive ctukI re.non far .1W diimpprtihation, sotiio juld not,! laid kick" ujMm tlu old Wly of attco aud prejudice, ' -vs nho oppofodj it linvt Idl were what was kfown as the at homes' men w o, dufiug the couWut to tit tjack and curse yaukees, aud wjio wxt sit at plorin- thedrcaiful dcinorali awaof the time. I avin? ,U;U,VV Iut vcvh ho 1 k-8 denounced for t, but las lad to heap npou thMO people who o4viuued htu. Since that time JV-g? gTeaiWany! ofthoe who "T rigUt taea, aad we tro wroeg,th tinh-s Sinc that speech was I0W k. 1 . . e t4 revived a leUer written T iUiiyiad Soo&cni General, mnrnm mmm aeananaaanaannanaMai ; T Vl.iriUC Iiih own vuiri ... f..1l' . 1 that all hi8:fricna who -had sen it uidorecit it. i I ' WAS. Airv mrr THIS THING ANI) XVAa Triwci' FORE Pt THE IMTHTiTrf ; r t z,n a 1 .1 - a sci . w r -v w ' T i 7 " ,v, vv". , uwrarei nvouia tbiBktaii act M I had Tor- Five Vonr. fcn' i.k I ' ? " Tair, ana 11 see vaat Las convo 4o i.ni: I li 1.1 the' L - . - - - 'e'ated tho ncUon of Conner W.I Befeonstr'ueti have now got the choir dor imlitary rale, where n wlutbwillis aulimitcd 1 , Bti uc the State. Can anv ratinl ? .T " . . . ? v lo in, tali .v. v.. in. job wntir. tim ..1.1 ri.: j iv 01 iiiings again; the laws and vviuiio n.-Fi(ircu, anu 'yon .nni-ld ,...1 1 1 arc going to I .. il 1 . . . I i.iii.i.. ...iir . m ... I 0 ; o iuici, as possible it. la 1 iA'i(Miw r . uui ui every man who i not UiMiualificd to register and voteuJ re Hforf I In. 3t 1 t . . - un.M-, unu 4 want 10 see vou VW' lM caus 1 do't I-want to sec the Sooa tte of North Caroli m uarolina, in my lifehanded "l4V w O nitrt I nave lived all over l tlifl PIlir.TC-rT Hi c ,vv,,tion yon ,uut send he nt III tkf.i ...... 1 : c... 1 . y . 1 " Moalified- for ofT.ce. IT MAT- KRS- NQT WHETHER ThEY tj COM!-: iiiv FKOJ MAINE OR TEXA- want the best &n,t 1! S I you oen to represent you in the Convention i.. ' "" . uimcuua uhich is to form the organic law of th und n, dor which you and -your chill declared that be was not a candidate, f he was he could not hold , ftffl,. thouKh ho thout I,.- m ..T-: . uw UUI I w disqualitied for office. , ' A ow 1 am, going to toll tou what vou 11 , r " all want to know and hare been wait- Ill"- in Imnr fn. T I, -. ... iV ' . u.,.vi 1 .uuffjuu uave wen pitting back all this time and askinc yonreclvcs;;. "I WONDER IF THAT- M AN IS A REPUBLICAN ! In North Carolina there in lint I nn IVMtfy organization that I have heard of or known of nnd lhtt is the Republican or known of nnd lhtt is. the Republican pailj. Tin y have other organizations in other pnrtsw of the country, BUT THEY ARE WELCOME TO KEEP TI I EM. VOpfll Y PART, IN FU TURE, 1 EXPECT TO VOTE WITH TH E REPUBLICAN PARTY in all lea-ionalde, measures. I expect to vote with them, not because I have any Ta-voi-h to ank of anybody, but if I don't ote with them . whero . will i vole T (This portion of the address was re ceived with loud and prolonged ap plause.) I expect to vote for all rea sonable men in moderate Pleasures; am opposed- to extreme men and extreme ineaeure, FOR UNREASONABLE MEN BROUGHT. THIS TROUBLE ON. I was what was . called un Old lino whig, and was rained up with all tho prejudices of the Federalists and Whigs, DIDN'T LOVE THE DEMOCRATS MUCH, and said that it wna very natural lie should oc cupy tho position he does. The speak er hero spoke, in opposition to -the false nnd corrupt doctrine of confiscation, showed tlieni the evil of it, and that it erigMdered bad feeling. Ho was hap py to say that ho knew a large majority of tho Republicans were oppoeed to it, men who were called Radicals too. ALL THAT TnEY ASK OF THE PEO PLE DOWN SOUTH 13 TO ORGAN IZE THE RIGHTS OF THE BLACK MAN BEFORE THE LAW. lie was opposd to confiscation and all kindred measrea. VOUAtD THE SPEAKER, TURNING TO THE AUDIENCE, ARE NOT LIKE SOME rEOFLE WHO WANT TO PUNISH OTHERS FOR THEIR POLITICAL OPIN IONS. , Vou dou't ; think it ; neoocsary to denouueo those who acted with me during tho, war from a seueo of con scteuttous convicUon as thieve, traitors and th like. NO, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DO LIKE S50ME MEAN WHITE MEN IN NORTH CAKO I.INA. Do you, when the time comes, vote for the best wen 'and those whom you think your best friend, j Beware of blackguards and those white men, who seek to gain your fevor and your wtea by aHilliating and awociating witk you. , 11m speaker then- eoctlTidcd ti re marks by repeating thai ho wai nopeli tician and no candidate for oHo but that h never shirks resoasiUnrr. WHENEVER INTTEl - ANl WISHED TO ADOSX -UCll, HIS SERVICES WERE ALWAYS AT THEDISlX)3ALOF,TUI2 COL ORED PEOPLE. , . Speeches wero tleu ad by General JO. Abbott, Rer. S. S. AUT,ET. t j. W. Brodwv eoL) and Oe. Z. French, Eqn wh wrtewated tio CVd enel into tU rzzt ft ttE.T--a partr, and wh would a IUt. Mr. Ah t y:hsrred ia ti coam dT kU re mark, "relate the prI ;J rrtarw, and by and ty kl for kisa the Ui4 eaX" - : , r i;r" you. going odo? fWW b:,ck on tU r,Uy of lou uro going to get from under jnst as ISn,ora'lcc and preju.lic. thu the-0 ia.ck aa.you can; that is what you are wf no parly but ihe liepubiicau Jr gomg tfdo. You want your tights as ud that "ibr Juy ,.art bi future I American atizens, and you are iroinir tA ctovo!e ' witU th. l,.,.Kf; Wilmington, NoimuiAMa WADDJsLL TO TJIG U&HjJict r3 . Mr. Waddell la jrwa o fnc voters of the Thir l fji- 1 V ' - - w nt com. ft"' but e u Llaiu of it; sub-! I , "e compu.,, h rat -and : . 1 1 . . - 1 cuteiiy oecauso Mr Wi.l 1..11 1 bvk rr.. .. :7 ' . "v -Tr , I Ci."r v -w " J,s l""bed I oroiDmns, ar..J i hii?)i h- iOQ Acts t l. it ! 1... i l. ..... . . i Urbauimi -j.- -uvs.u what th rnt,, ..r ,1.. V . ItwasWia "... , .a acce.a th f, .;.....:.. c. . . i-vwvwuaoDjected to accetUinir ti. r"Ji i 11.11 "iinro.,, 1. Ts 1 1 Jil i trcub:e 01:' I nil I SOCUSilOM i luav -He uidu't lore n,.... ocratsmucb-and8o on, and e0o. Jiobody can freal tr.; 1. ... . mwunderstand iU import and aco,. Ml. IT . ... " was uturitisr Kiwwuinr truths r..l ,t..i;.....i.. boastinir of the f.in. !.... i. . , i, : " ue was ? ''"'P1 .'i i il UUb IR hn .1:, -1 ..... . . v,.u( u v was :i m jr. the S1!1Who wtre usted at it," JU(J e iru T? WU?'S' had n r P? iC l'0". "h, w not a r . r min? . I he ini.-tta of clear away 1 fl.nn,rotinf in.. i - .' "'uav t Rreat . ,yr.tu 7 he tfa slower, a,, 1 c,,. t , l L r " nb Ub,t. I- K . . L . .. , , V ' ' 1 Uj tt . ,r0Qb , rr ,our iu Mr- II .UUCII, lie ICCU!"H1JL wt 111 . ..II .1 trouble, of th aU lhtt from the aitemi.t 1.. .u.r.., .. .1 1 . : ' 1 - "'uj'i union audi he has constantly m parted bold! I l if. . J WHtU DUM 'j WBiaws ana measures tendin grajble with and Bum. ... lenc and fierce pawlbas and tumuk, and crimes of this htriugo of u orijr. rcss he turbu ma greai puuiic wroug. I hesj .,M- : .... . dieslMr. AVa.ldeti now term '-opVs- hions." We have In. ptoai ai-i lobaliun t j bestow '-upon Jlr. Waibleii'N later ... rceA We have 11 M.rt 6! a,iaiira;i. . for his tcrgircr,itiou,t and tH.tirtl i.u wo elivvo tout he know-n v, as w'eh as we do that the dilficuUics" .not cm. barrasements which the fodcMt trv ernmcnt has cauounlcrcil sin-.;- r.L Icmptataljus'oiiit hiVc uvvu i.ro- duced, as he -said in lslj, "by those unreasonable' nien Uhol bru 'ht. trodble on;" t!ut our debt wit'i ivliloa we Struggle, is a legitima: heritage aud result of the war; utid ihat the legislation! of CtHigress, which ho ow tells "the voter of the Thi ,11 i6it ici.'' b oppressive ami wlucli tho "IH mo cratic party has beeu fighting" is aUo caused by the turbulence aixl b.l ions of those of whom he s-aid in I8I that they "laid back upon U10 ..l.l'Wiy of ignorance and prejudice." If wewtr 3 a Dj noo.Mt, an 1 p irticu laxlyneof tbosj "aid lino whigs" whoieprejudic.es Mr. Waldelt sid in 1867 did not permit themio" love the Democrats much," wo would quite a soon trust Judge Rtiseli a.-, Mr. Wad dell. lid thai never wavered IV001 tho support of those principles w hich Mr.j Waddell was proclaiming w hile Ruspell was planting cottou in-uhcur4 ity and under difficuRici at Towi Creek. Waddell said is'' UW7 mora ultra things than Iiusaoll ever dill. And there is no certainty bOkr soou be may again turn "uauuercv'' And com mence to lampoon his preut porters, judging by hw agility in gy m nastics heretofore. t A. riZZLE, The Fiiday night griI turth-lisht proceftdon vhkh wa advened did not como tmH'. But tJbc Crnt Band came out and played cxcelieatly well, ana liaally aUut eight or ten me oa boiscback" camt aloin down Front glrtet aad ne huadred and U inert anrlbojN vn foot, " They acre a son lookiOfi Mi. At iha Parvxll lipase ther were two ojn eati tagtnd intj then aaioebodf vlinbed, hat V? did not' b$ th It w. There W one trt&i4r ocy few . lik wood tarxhc. Thie ; were mhnt two ban- dxed aad fifty au aM by at the spk?8j place, aad the faiiog was Boftly by the auil fjy. ice4i&g thai McCUatoay of lVodr aud a ped !'.' :..!- 1 .. t a tu wt, w cuar.iM v Dopfta.- It wa not a h g bnt it was cerUm.y a Utu oe. Ay BO icinj; ht U 4 bf mbUkea it ier a faavr.t f rvcta if it b4 bn ia iW 4y tie. It I aa ue;frt ! ji Lwxrlc Th RMVva DtiiA Ciaa4ie rYit all C t. 1 iiV$. 04 tM ikh, 4j N.aw, I Ut VrzlA U R I1, fe Criwa. w 1 k A ... . . r - . Vbim'OF A DxSTIifQtJlSHED : ; ciTiZEir. The Ilo. ngh Waddell; father of "n. A.Ai. wddelL dZedon Fri cyenmg,prery;soontitet theDcm 'crauc processioa had passed his resT- uenre. Ue bad been one of the urom ,nuk JJ of the sUteand has held I nporUnt txwitioiw. aid m uoiTemllr r.wfli x. t.i. -.::Z 1. i --r 6'ary " ,OM v nd yirtues. He was bora IttIadea al759, gradualedat Clapcl1 Hill in 1623, setUed inlaw at HiUsboJo, 'sod Med there until 1867 when heremoTed tb ,J tity. 1 He was President of the Senate in IJWft 1 tr. -fj j.... t of the late Hon. Alfred Moore.: - . - BEATISQ . TUB AtR'f- The Sev'uw aays that the Republi cans prefer Russell to Waddell, which there is no nse in asserting as nobody erer denied it. It is aU Tery fine to deriy furioosly something that nobody ever thought of denying. But ft is a fact not to bo denied that the Republi can did not want to see Russall nomi nated by the ! Greenbactem J. 1m.. they thought he would take T0U3 from Canaday. A, U, VanBokkelin au-l .he Democratic chairman of th I;irii. Committoo were burdng around the streets all the morning of the Gren back convention, button-holing every delegate:- ihv j-.. . uoi u nominate either Vortnon or wo-itensud begging both not to run. It miit be now nerfectlv aonarent fu prnrir ...i:.-:i ... . rf .. 1 "' l ' ,nieuigeut wniceman that thelGreenback party in North Car olina is under the control of Radicals. ut-iug manipuiaiea solely in the 1 nterests of the Radical party. Star. nis is a sweef morsel. Anybody wuo naa eyes on the morning of the ureeouicK convenUoa saw that four or five leaders of the4 Bourbon cliaue here were pursuing such Democrats as W ooteu aud Koonce and urging them to aid in the nomination of Russell so that he might I divido the Republican juyers, vantiottelin & Co. en gineered Russell's nomination. CITY ITEMS. Miss Mary A. Buie, the well known soldter s friend died at Aiken 8. C . on the 2'.tc U. ' ihteo whoare required to rcgb,ter ia order to vole at the coming election 'i mhl ntte-iU ta the matter at once. Dr. J. Francu King, who has bn iton'.in Kurop'e 4br - the past four aicui.e., retorned home Wednesday. . Tho,. who registered at the last cTec j not required to register now, uiii-w tney have mo veil into another if- i " -. T' wt Iodge of Masons will hold iu nely-.Mrcood annual commu nication, yi JUleigh ou Tuesday, the 3d day of December next. Cief of PoJ iee Brock gives notice, Jn accordance ith a city ordinance, that no cattle of auy ort will be allowed to ruo at large 00 the ktrcela between the ttri day of November and the first day f May. ... t 'r'r' . - "The lector, Rer. George PaWersou, D. D.. having retBrned to the city, there will be divine service and celebra tion of the j Holy Communion in the St. doba ' Charca this, All Saint's Vast,atllo,clock,.in. Ttere is an idea abroad that the elec tion this Fall takes placeon Thordav. as the old August tlecUoo.used to di. This is written to tvrrect this misji,. prehension. TI i eleetion oeenrs wr Tuesday next, the 5th of November. Daaiet L. Russcfl baa made a etj thorough canvass of Brunswick, Colum bus, Bladeo, Basnpaon, ' Duplin and lVnder counties. t He bad large crowds to hear bin wherever be went, aad not withstandiog; the bad character of the fellow Barnits, who went around with bin, we believe be will be elected, and we beg all wir friends to vote for Judt RusmrlU "Miwr-s J. C Bon naa and ' Get. A. A. Popi-. who vweni tt Men phi volntcr sarw o or aboat tb ICth of Septensbee UaS.t whilt the tearful epidemic of Tellow fever waa at Us beubl, arrived bone daring tb fswt wt, and received the bearty rt-rt-aUtioos f their , fxieasU. Taey aj4 a good rccwl fjc themelre in Mem phi, aad are theered by the coosciee esa ef datv wail rmedL We nadersUad the Dcaocrat 'tf iUmtea ef Cresrrkk essty kve ap poUte4 no Jvdtai ef lectka PUl Uoidf. lbi ia, abcr Dcsscta: Ukk. We sklvW aa RefaKkasaW 'j f ' U tbejpolScs r m tSectka day aad fcata tSIf vwtea' Ul&a by .soeae rrpsl tsif wkct&er tUr are rrxtMPfvU bcUiTl cs ua. Dt CI RpVwraa f Tirtirtk U tsa cat al..ra4 j-w.jet tut yt eawkeu "'- . B. R. Moore, Eq spoke at Federal Point to a tremcdout audience. Vote on the 6th of NoTeruber Ar Daniel L. Russell, for Cocgre??. . - ujsATus.'jast on tne eve 01 goiug to press we learn that JJames Ueaton has escaped from jail. ! Vt. J. I rancis Kintr, wlio hu been absent in Europe for several months fviurueu i tne cuy on Weilnesday ...... .... . past. , ; , j Don't f;il to vote f ir Dintt-I L.Ru sell for '; Congress. I Mr. Henry Nutt will read a paper on early timts, iu Wilmington, at the His lorical aud CkentiQs Society next Moa? d3y tvtnu:. . f , ... tkcif. x liters ia n aa on our s.rul yesterday, having relnroed from an tKteuded vi-:it to I he n Snh. in im- prjvta health- ttd. ii. Ij. Fremont l:a entered upon duy tas Assistant Engineer to .Geh.Q.A Oilman on the iniprovem?uts on Savan nah hatbjr. W3 are "la 1 ti s m it. 'Mrs. MaggierStedinan Bernard, wife of w. HL Bernard, Ekj., the proprietor of the War, aud dau-hler of N. A. adman, lii., of Fayette vilet died in t'-ns city onThursdav. The Democratic torchlight proces- fciou on Friday night wa a tame afitir. A . It . lit 1 1 . r p;Mu me l urccit uouse a gen tleman couuted the foot forces, and they uu inhered .exactly !Xi. v TI. I . .. .1 ... nc i 11: uar uuuge on me oroiiaa Central U 11! way ha be-ju out of order for several days and there has bden 110 through traius to Charlotte, although passengers were taken ucros the Pee Dee, It ill be all right soon. , Aiie executive t-ommitlce rtqueftt that all true biuou u:eu aud Republi cans, and all those that desire a gentle man to represent theui iu CongJess to vote for Daniel L. Russell- . 'James Ueaton is still confiued in jail and there are four uiorc capiases irom 1'euUer couuty for him. This makes sixteen cases three for ' ay one for assault, ten forr t iuWzz'cment aua one lor uestroying the record of "i . . . w e s r ."st . ' v VAurt. iur. ueaton . explain lh.it.siiue of the cases have bten adjusted. TuiKrcadi rs of the Post ) know that we never putF, but fact canuul be dis puted, ami it U ihe l u t, lli-i old estab lished and widely known hotel, " the Purcell House" i 0:1c of tlie beet hoe telrys iu the svuth. It ha!Urn thor. oughly rehUeil aid rt novated, and it now offers accouioJatioo fF lite travel ing' public u-uurpacd l y any bbtel in the south. The building now cya taing seventy rooinsing'ie. double aud en-suite, all' of which are new ly car peted, newly painted and furnished. im handsome new black walnut chamber seta, the whole presenting a nico and comfortable hotel acconi Klatiou as the most fastidious could desire or exiect Among the at! Motive feat ares we would' mention a haodsoatei. bridsl chamber, which ha been jilted up and turniahed iu the tnl elegint style : a pleasant read i ng room ;r com fortable bath roam, all conveniently arranged ; and what if probably of more interest to lravelers'iget:trally,'a firi cl bar- rooju, with ; all of the most attractive and tempting paraphernalia. The building i belled' throughouf, the pas- sages aud Utray covered j ith new earpeta or oil vloths. aad the j wl Is are all tastefully Vrpsintcd. Wit a the' re cent iwprovt-ntetu aad .-..llition the hotel can now sccuuiutodate about two hundred and fifty gueti, and in ail ihe eomfotU an-i eaveWoc! aree.4 ia fericr Uaoj inu.tir eUblihment in the iiUur. . ' I .. The proprietor, Mitarr. Cobb Brwe. have by their natjreiog atteatioa, show a to tho traveling public that they are determined to atify their patrons and by atrtct alimuoo ia every depart meat to try to twrr it a etMtiaeaace ef the Mpirl f.-wtry ,gir- i tkm hotel. W -ie- Krat.iel U keoe that the p.Mhic appreciate' tbetr - e Jrt. aad give them a leral apport, and are coaSdeat that at ne bowl ie the eoetb can they &4 anlxtns er ckser aUeaUoe, than they ill receive ai the PvrceU Ll4Ke. -;:;--: :-:.,:.-;..;:.... The rsiiee of lb MMtth Jne ctt te be". t?I of tiwif .kvate'aiJ t tm euose tia the PnrceU We 4e aJ trsrr!r tka rensaia trf u trt the palre) i ilrnTK CAb rcsH,al we. a? tUse ibst tey--Wfel fctl 'ftiiEe4. ' The ja saeaahct . the tm La nw&ily takeia ii aiwf a ""WturdUir al rrijTm.?y ftI , at f j mik'-n tW waata . f' the Uavkr ii. rtr. Aa4 kUice : ki ime s b ' , yrw nix tr -tAs0& tiiU be eta 5ee lU.r acv.wAi lhl tx- are4 by b wrswa estaiiti. - j NEW ADVEETISEIIEXTS. NOTICE To Ilquor Xealors. Cit7rWUalnstoair.C Bsxere OfSee. ." . 0CTOE8H,1S, i ub ATTEjixioji or XJqCOB OJTAIV era is called to the fbtkreinf Uwofthe Btate oC North Carolina : , Xo person or persons shall giro away In an; public place, retail or sell, except upon preemption of pmeUctaf ikhystctaa. and for medical purposes, any intoxtcaUns Uquorsataajr time within twelve hours next preceding or sueeeedlnf any pnblie election, or dttrtnj the holdlax thereof, at UX place wlUiia live mUea oi My election precinct." Abjt pert on or persons vlelaUngthepro- vUloos or the preceding section ehall be deemed geilty of a asuFlemeaaor, and pun ished with a fine ef not less than one hun dred nor more than one thousand dollars. Battle's Revlsal, 8eetIons ltt and iij. ' . Notice Is hereby given that, la aeeordawoe with the above law. all Bar Eooms nod plnees where IntoxlceUng Uqnors are sold. shall be closed at o'clock, r. at, on Mon 1 uay, November ith, n4 remain clewed until 0 o'clock h r If., on Vodaesdajr Nov. h. . V . ZAuy vMatlon of the above law at lit en- seiog eleclion, on the SUof November. JCS will be vigorously prosecuted. ' i & IT. F1SU8LATK, V nov. -IL Mayor. X1TV ok W1XJUNGTOX.N.C, , y oFncK chief of roLicivc October 30, UCS. NOTICE. TUElW,Xa8,OT105i AK 0K dlnance, adopted by the Board of Aldermen at a meetlug held Jaue 7. lStt, will be en lorwl on aud mfu-r MOXlAY, KOVKMUK31 41U. Ht : . 2. That no COw or Unlf,x ut i;aII, wil per ml lied tu tan et large. wtU.ln thc eity 110111, between Uit fliktday fNoMin ber, sod tbe nnt day uC lm.y SulUwlas.f e tch ) t r. - - 11. (P, DllOCK, novSlt. Chief office. 1 JNITKU hTATlM OK AJMIUCA. VlX- THICT IDl'ltT 0"TH K t"X IT ETl STATlil, FUU THU CAPB FEAB DWrUlCT. IN TlTifi KASTKRX DWTBICT OF KOItTH tJAKOUXA: Tgaallo rwto. Mariner. I X APMIRALTT, WW - i " - Te KptnlU Brig Dot 'for Keamso's niMooa. j : wages, tss. s TO WHOM IT MAT COXCKBX. Notice Is hereby riven thai In nhIOnM U mouoe Ui me addre sd, eater the ti of the iH.lrtct Ooart of the United "fr".! A. IK lfcs. nnd Ut seM to of InwlWeaeh emeee, I have au4wl and eelMd the HpeaUh lirtg DUH IXKA l". her tackle, apparel and ror&iure, end 4tain and hold the earn ta nay eaeoey farther order of eaid UuntUA Uwrt. f' Tbe utoUUea nrmia U ftmaded en aa leorn.Un ni-t by K. 11. MeQalffC. "i ,v Joar. la ibTouw f biir . in, ttuems Ooart aforesaid, - iJ la m eatd OMrk thns laare Ie eafft c. araiurgf etaeplalatwhertweitofband Admiraiiir nroeeee ta tho abuVe eaUUed eaawt. and fur the ameant above aaetfled. Wow.thir-era. all peraoae etalnuae Ump ame. or knew lac. or bavtac the an tho ,0.Tyw peoperty and thlnrs aiare ald ahoaM tun Im condemned aad aoCd. ta pareaf the aaid sartaere vara, are tioafUtaaalMrt4tneadtiJti4.nK ffread,a the Flret Mooday ta Kavaee br amK a e a cioctt ta Un Ibreaaaa aT taat day. if the aa ehaU be a aay af irt oa Um aal aayaf JarM-aUrMMtberearbM- uea aad lkareto faar factalmaa-theauna. aad aake imtt llaUaa ta that twe4 aaoeriag eaaee. H"'l!wnniolT, - . b. 11 iu. v, a Mrw. j Oct. SB. tetany V.auM. ifrrtaioa Oornr. Banrtwtcw. Co. Before & I, bwala, CSerk and JMre elobaU. :.-- W. IL Drew, AdauaiatratoTaf Jnae O. Drew, decsaaei. i - - VS. Aae & Harper and hs4iad ' J ' r. Harper. Miry UGaUaway aad be. baaxl F. M. GaSovav, Maie J. and beabaai L F. frwala, tasawiO. Drew, (aUawe) lUaxeaC UUlkaa aad baj&aad QurlesUU can, RtbeccaM. LVrtT and kehava4 tlaftatl P. LVyxr. This b a Fpetixl rVjceelr te taake rral ats4e aiaeta aad tt Is eeUrred Ual tbe awer rraidewi Itoirlxiu Hassan a ti&iss. Clarke lxa. bcca Ji. Byeraa4: Easacl r.lw.U ts turrdttsrpexr Ula-t tie Ciflrttva bds tbe Uli 5y ei mxU cxu. axi awtv er Cessav Utec;ti3,ct jitst a be tales ; yra j U Utn. - ! - .tr;tS? CV - taw't v aaaaa etue Kst . . a,Crrja. ..- : . t. w. t-rr fw-vwa. Aar r. 3w s, r twtaaaii i m iM tvuM kM-evtua ueimw rMMa. w-a aa . UueerSbiai aw f Aa.'kM ft. A aaa eaaa4 msm f t.ti.:J(C ..a.e Sw-mm, iiiatltw. - .. in 1 i Sutt 11'''"'' 1 mi ajfcH , ..; Q.atsrtrte?.i:"'-- - at ii.taVa amra. -; KEWAD VERtiSEUEXlk pURCXJIT onrni" OKI TIIK Ifvrrier CUtCUllV CAliOUNA-yoUKTU OeorgeS. IJrown, Eaot-U inrati, The ViluOngton, Coliutulila Aaj--- ; U Railroad company,; rvt aJauU. Jf JKS2!27 Deeretsl Order herein. JWJo the Ooart lor ar(i eciion m war be 'tl't This notice Uor . r HSTr1? ',,il!m eontraeied mine u. Uu .''a1 " ,wci claim will W Mia DT th BMirlmv I. .In. i... -i 1 . A1' paruce rwwnunt ctaima i hi wiuexbibltanTevidenee nr claim riia or other Inca mbrenee which tnay be cll:u. dj MMJ of the peorterty otthe lvr tU Cetwui r.-ibJ coUc dim not rr'.s u" ided uwbt of the rvjt-ntat tlon. sepSMm Special ataster la ciiae f z V ILMiNGTOf'' N.C. a IV ittcs and liiquoru -lor .11'ctUeitial Vsc. ". inarch 1 tf 1 1 N. GUHENAVALD. DKAIi; IS X4LTiC AM) IMIulU TiO :! -I j j riGlltS.iD SNIFFS, Nvrlk Carolina aud Vifjsioi bw ic and cb.eivius ToLacco, PIPE SMOKERS AKTICLI; Ar, "Indian Cirl Ciar SUrc. -N J01W D.UVSO.V. niBDWIBE - iimcuiNT. n AM TUB UAIUJ r.T AWM HT A aortd Uic wl llAtU'WAHK In u t. pari f lh Mal. UnMiult.Kiioikiii faUhluhed UAUbWAIir. ttnvi:J , joh.v ntviiwif. it Nmtii Mat an uwt aaeaiy uij.ve,ii,i; Carolina Cn tn.il Hull. . way Companv. 1 A.t .iwji. ii. t;i, rxcai.Tuta, StAlL TAilM rirAiue . 1 tMa.w .i .Am a Umm t. . W- - r m. . f ., 4as4f-i at,.. ': rMeywiAjfc 9sfei Ji au MAi;e at ka'..,,. r; is. - T-iaa faaaa iaeee r Saw.-..an.ee, kfaaa: CUtaMtCtuJiM, Da La KUSaSl-Ma ! AtItrS5 it I IJtfY V-' a j 1 1 s 5 r - rr mil- im ii wir nit 1 emi m , mu , lL , nFPff 1W MP; ' '

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