V-rrr: . tvvvvr H - i?: : VOLUME IX. ,V(L1IIIfGT0N .POST ADVER Stogie Copies 5 Ccats NUAliiEll 47 TI3ING RATES. jftv cents pcrline for tlije finst rtioii and twenty-five cen j per lino iiir:iii;!i afllitiniai ni,iprlion if r if' I -. ,' ? . ' - ' V ... V -T. . - I ! - - - l ... i -i ii i in ii mii i ii - t w . I : : - I . ' t ire -v.i ., i " L : . r.bareed I'wiaT t'.ti .4 ."eri.il. r.ifp!-.in lie.had fir a longer I imp tuau one tveeic The subsen )tiou piiee to I HK Wlf. mi.vjto.v Voir is $1 K k er year: dm:: niiniins km ce.n ts. 1 ll....,.lintini.-rti.... .... I... .1 1 if n.,. ........ ,.H.,,VU r-Mioiucaejiouia l-e fautlrc'isea to The Wii.MiNOTON Post, Wilmington -4 (..'the titate of Nkw Yokk g .w-v,,vv fl. Rfjt iuk an ma jority on Auesaayi Lis. KErL'iiucAir gain. f ilA.ursmiiE at least j;( j:i.lJ. AST MAI0R1TV. noDi: I;ii.AM 1,000 majority. Re- ithmca.v J- Nkv a i'A IiKruiH.rcAN . by a small niiij'irity. . i - M ..... . . it ' l.tl'.VN. CITY ITEMS. Tlien1 i morfr talk of th Duplin tuial. trUTn'uackera of this D strict are IjlieritV Manning has got! e to meet M is. M, oa hor way home. wal The Grand Jury of the U. S. District Coiirt found 1G truo bills. ; S'-iiator Merrimon will hecept oUr ih'jiil for public documents. I'l'lie Axe that 'cuts down tfsi:c Tree, vj Hie r.jr l'Jxtra createil i v the Demo- uite a Hut- it!r Hiiiiin tlio paper money! people on ll.ursJay. " ( lb election on .Tuesday last tas one ,j the cuiete, tnat ever tojk place in Iniit cily, .''' - -.- i - ,!.v reijuest of many frieukN we will I'uuluh; mi; our ucxt the very abla lec- t'tre dcliyered some month's ngo by Dr. Ajcn.lelsoUn, on ' licll." .v,..,.w.i , utriivvreu a icviure id me fulorvtl eople at the Opcrl Home on Friday niht,-on Catholicisim. ' ftt'e reiipecti'ully call thejttention to the article ou Strawberries a -another vjIuinu. It i of importance, to those ho ire raisins tLU delicious fruit. j ctnaior .Uernmon made a very con o . . ... .' tat1Vft and able speech at the City Ull.ln thi city, on Mondal last. The 7nior made many friends while here ' i uuaw iucser t very able aod clUzteo of 'Sbly rexpectable colored IbVcity, died very sudden y and very Jteriomily on ThursJay light last, Totre was a brief strret tibl in iroui or our effice lat nlj ooH take the troupe y& bi bul we learn the M. See Mayot's courl oa Mon- v. Tns Willi ton School House earner fiBudAnn Arrets, wis enterwl on Taurtday night, and robbed of a lot f books, papers, E trance was ctd by meaus at a ft fAls4 ley,- ) GCUIAftU. 1 . - - UJ, JAV A. ExGELHAau. The ; Dtwocrutk frtendt of UU Bo j J-tata intend to press &U claims for nomloaUon lor Governor at the xl PnocaUc SUU ConTtntioo. ! Jply between a Repablkan and a Paiotat Democrat on Thursday lasti yo totr (meaninx what poliUca! sJU) aotrst looking up with sadness: SKnulA black rye; 0' ! j advertisement will he jh above rates, except on i r:i't.. . I If KVJVt T . .. I ' tiCl At llifr irnm 9 ir 'in.:. . . o . JU'" uaa cone Eepitrtt. f KKI't'BUCAN nn.l rT..fj.v Democratic elandercra of ex-Secretarr Robeson bj eIecth,K Li JllZlrlL fc" .",J,J-rujr. -tate. r.rp,,l,!.ca0 by very larje m. Tery T .!. Col. O. IT. IJIocker. Ohairmn ,.r rni . . ' V I fcUO ininJ Congressional District Rprifchlii cari.-Goiiimittpn ; . 1 lb. ' '"" aar,nK u-e improved nim.' 'I I . i . j e u. . iiut.rinf n...rt i 111 lIllM flfv I. r. lr -1 . maincMj atjwork for four days, aad ad. juurneti on iruay a.aernoon. No cases oi importance come up ior trial. Dit-TiNuuisa Visitors. Wo wPr pieam;.J to meet m our city the past week Hon. O. W. Brooks, Judsre U. S Diatru-t Courf; lion. J. W. Albertson. TF (i 'it:....!. i.. - ... ' i 0. uarsbal ; .Col. Francis M. Sorrill Secretary Republican State Executiva ! l.ommittce, and Maj. Joa. A. Eneelhard " ocvreiary oi ciaic. . All these Kentle- J - a f . ... 1 men were in splendid health, ' We re id the news of the election iu Washiugtou Territory, away up in the extreme north west of the United Stairs, and every day's new from f!al cutta we read here the next day. But we did not get the returns from Ons low and Harnett until four daya after election. Any common mule could have walked from the most remote precinct , either of these counties to a railroad Etatiou in loss than ten hours. But we were reading niws from 'Afghanis tan before we got the lection rews from Onslow. - 1 OCA. - 3 lYeate3, Kitchen and Waddell Jgolng up Salt River. County CoMEissiosRS.-The Board of County Commissioners met at 2 o'c'ock on Tuesday . the 17th inst rreidut J. O Wagner, Chairman, Commissioners Worth, Sanders, Smith and Holmes. The Board proceeded to draw the jury for the December term, of the IX W. Yates, W. H Alexander, Jas per Owcna, colored, Frederick Eheu, William Arthur Williams, Jhn Jesse Hew Ictt, W. I. Gore, V U. Sneeden, C. C. rsrksr, Ruebcn Everitt, Henry Schulkeo, U, W, Bryant, F. M Hew lett, James Moseley, Jacob Green wald, L. Flauagan, J. W. Monroe, Elijah Lane, colored, James' MacomberE. P. Covingtou, Samacl C. Nixon; William Buchanan, colored, Alfred Cannon, Geoorge P. Lamb, ; Tbt following 'jury was then drawn lor tbe December term of I be Criminal Court; - :' ;:. Wm. A Wright, B. S. Montford, William Holme?, John Uaar, Harry Bernard, Wm. Lcboo lreston Spaiggs, William II. Howe! Samuel D. Mott, William Cotton, Geo. A. Pe:k, W, Ik Giles, W. II. Turlington, John J. Uedrkk, Samuel Carver, F, a Single ury W. i. Mott, Wm. Tucker, Jo. D. Halt, John B. Berry, ComeUus Jackson, Alexander MoNeilL Joseph Davis, S, W. Noble, J. JI. llardwica, a U. Jewttt, WUUaA Goodman, Iis- ton Payne, Marphy Ward,. Wm. Penton. It was ordered that Us check lor $$3, returned by thi SUtt Auditor m an error. U pUl orer, to th Ooaaty Treasurer fUiajwndftind.- - It ws ordered that CoamUnoacr W L. Smitli U tmpowtrtd (0 tm th county jail with a pump at t as reason able a prico as possible. - -: Ordered that Commissioner Worth be authorised to entire Uo ths ex- Knso and the test mode of Leslie: the r Hoes. , ; On motloa tin Raara ndjore4 IU next ThartJUj; t ! oclock. t t I : ' ' ' i i . lYVSKErri.'i' p ri . I . : Ii , ,JliJ s'aU-J garc "a ucsui!y wnicn u a !. . BA-Publica.1S eUctetf by 2'5 ity, ' hj3 been cate.l. Tliia ,it KlieIte. pablicau by tJJ. an.J CJ reenWIr partkilled f.rtvcr. ' , Mich i a jority. teV 'rii state eono liei.ub'i- 1 A M . . . w-lnJiana aad UreKon I t.;':j t.- . "u. m tT u 'SSin. . colored, Junior Company B, Fifh BattaJion N G"., died on m military LoLOM. beii. al.s.. fuilowWi t ine grave Dy tbe colored fireimn ypod Samaritans, with which orinii zations he was connected THE UNION IS STILi, SAFE. Lecture jo f the Rf. Rev Bi.sjr op I ' AT l,K Overs. IIou&k, Fju- wtcHT-Uight L.2V. Bishop Kcan, - c"ll"',:c 1 re,a'.e, .l1,t,ng-ii8h ea as an orator an-1 a mn oftreit ability and learuui?, o:i Fria iy night, in response to the invitation, of llwwrs Joseph Fi. Sampson, J. C'llill, W. K. Price, Anthony Howe, Oeo. Mabfon audA.P. Howe, leading colore- -men of this city; ilflivtrcd a very eloquent aud impressive locture, , tak'ing for his subject the j history of jbe Gatbolic Church, aud ex plaualive of it teach ings and doctriucs. There was a goojiy ntuubt r of ur colored citizens present and also a Urge number of our wuite cilizeus, seats having been especially provided Sot the latter, though .the lecture, was, mainly intended lo. the former. The Right licv lecturer, in iis im. passioned ud clo'jont -tyl, g.ivc a short "account of tho prosperity andtsuc cess of the colored , Cvtholio of Balti more, aiid Wash ingloa, D C, of their fine churches and orgin, trained Choirs and excelleai. free schools, soiuj of which were prcsidevl over by colored Sisters of Charity, where young women of the colored race receirod first class religious and secular education. lie stated that one ' of the objects bis ad ministration cf the Catholic interests diocese, would be to advance the spiritual welfare ol the colored race and open to them all the advantages enjoyed by the Catholic of the colored race of the cities of Biltimoro and Washington. Tho Bishop then gaye a lengthy, but highly interesting explaaaUoo of tba doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church; sUtod that tvKUia her fold there was o dLrutiutinatbn o account oi wealth or r&?, thU all partk at tho same com mttaioa rail. : He spoke Ipf the sacrament of the Church, quoted thescriptuai authority ior laemUimed that the Catholic Church wo the di Tincly appoi nted. teaviier. to taan, f' SV summary of bu docttiwo regxrdin the Yirjia Mary.tted ihjst Catholics did no! adore her, 'bai save - bt honor as bin tbe mo;hH of CbrUt- . i . ... -... ... He showed irom arg jaivnt and uie. rationX hat was tho ia3ueace for good of tthe Catholic" Cluuvh, aad '; fiially closed his Wet aw after aa exc-Jinjly eloquent and beaati&l cxh uti "Ar peaco amns all : ft Wt Tttture the &rUea thai oar colored fmnds were very thask fat to lb w kaxned ssan ftrf couple of hour pica astir spent, and we can War wUas that they were sswch eapreidby the marked aUcaO tby pj.. We have eevtir vo ,bmv re, pectfd) asid ifrvKUt. d .w are tare thej gwd Bh esmed awsy vita him tho peit i?spnMtsf ewr colored peopi. i' n ali?l c ejected ft rtw. greby (WWrirr6t3 t?Mird J,y - 6 f00 Itrict by 3,700 major- Imperial Telegram to thePost.1 -!. THE ETKST DISTBIOT.! 1 " KuzWj CrrT,orO, 1878. i , Marliu's majority in tho district 162, democratic canvassers in .Pasquotank, Peru, and Martin.threWont 368 rote. xnese were lostly oars and wnnM made our maioriiv KtA ")! , . , . t..r v.,.j fl., "v 1-k;--'- - U6P.;jtmi5i;;., ' MARTIN ELECTED. - ! i i .t i :.: lift it s. ': '. t,Tne Swd nets in a telegram froM i,en,on Johu, Witoir of the Elizabeth yiy A-orth ChrhHniaK Candidate for Congress,'- Mr.' Martinis elected. Hurrah i for th Albcrmarle 1 Three Eepubl ica ri member from ' Kni-t h n.r. onna. j v ea RASCALITY IN THE-.SECOND' DjsTRJ 1K1UT. i o The poll.hold(ex3,.,wa.lcaru.ihav turownouioithecount in Uo Second Dislric , Edgeconibe, Halifax, Warren and other counties, aud ChiU claim the eiccuon oi Kitchen. , Democrat We snail see. is CMITUV ILLE. Nov. 8th. 1&7SL I lit - t - -!1 nrJUMlirqTQjf Tost :Onicial return of board of canvassers for Brunswick county ; Russell! COT : Wadded 4S2t Russell's majority, 26-L..- . - . .J r a 'Asa Roes. t "rf-' Tbe American Flag wave over . the home ol the free. ; --s,f ; f iVhville, N. C 1 IX ot. o, i78. , -The election is pro Editor Pw greasing quii tljr and harmoniously and there is no probability bf a dlstuibance whatever. Mahy 1 rumors have been circulated tbat there would be ho elec tion in this coujity, such, I think, and I know to be unfounded. The Magis trates from eacl tywn ship ia this coun ty met st Locksrnodsfolly oa last Jane, I think about tbe 15tb; and - ordered (after having appointed the poll hold ers for the different townships) that the said poll holder should ' act In both elections, that s for tbe election held in August last, and tbat which Is being held to-dsy. From some caose or other, the poll or registration books for northwest tLwnebip was left in the register's office hero until within frw days sgo when sheriff Tsylor took it,' and delivered it to the proper person. It ia quite likely that the polls will be open in that township, but the retorns may be threwnj out. Snch will be ' a loss to oar candidate. There b but little intemt, or coo ctrn manifeetep in thu ' ejection by either party. IThe Greenbackers, with only one exception that I know oC UI vote solid lor Rassctt. Several Demo crats will not o to the poila, and there are some of that party " who have al ready 'voted fcfr the Greeabackcr. The aotloM of the jate Board of caavawt r. gate the deat blow to Democracy la this county. llme cannot resarrect it, I will give joe tho rctarns of the difirrcot townlhips as soon as I can. . NEW ADVlTISCilESTS. - Secretary ,011100,, t i- 3 'UK )nTT-T1tllU A5UO.aiCa the rUtfwklNMaVmef tkwW13aKtxaskA Weaea Bai3rStAaa? WJahe stafiCKs WlUllSOro e TTXSAT.Ue lCk O ViataaS. '--Ljf rrrU-;T .mie North hai wroclainicd tbc Sai- Vatiou. of tbe Country. ' ... , . WiMsihm & WeWoa EaOriai Co. I . ? -,viy""'i el 1U- WilinUistou' - ... . . tuu pjiij, uave oeciarca n t'iis Itb-ND QV TU BEE-PE U CtT, on lh Csp'irllituek of. bald C niynny, nv,bie to tbe fct tckhoJdr!" on an. I ncr the :rth of rcmrrbPT next. 1 he Tiai.f.'r EtKka will V m lii-Otli orXoytouOer liil the f T t of Jemijfr. & J, W. TllUMPbON, u'ov 10. Sccrclary & Treosurcr. inioingtiin & WfJdoti R. R Company. .OrF.il fc iikNUiALSUlEKIMTr.MKKTt I Wliml Dgton. M C, ' vV. IWK. f CHANGS Of SCIIEUULC on and rttcr .suimsw t-v mlb. ' li7J, i.wur jrmnj cn loviv. v W. Kallrcad wilt ran asiouows DAY MAIL AND KXri;isS TRAIN Daily., Ltarr. WiJialcgtoe.Kruui Street DepoUat ...TaSA.M Arrive at Weldon at ....1.00 P. ii Leave We) don daily a .....a.! 2 1. J Arrive at Wilmington, Frcct i. Uopot at..... J;: p, M NIGHT MAIL AD EXPRIS TRAIN, Daily Lcave'WiliuiDgtci. KroiilStn;.. I Ipot at.. y j p. k Arrive at WelUoo at 3 5JA JS Leave Weldon daily, at........ ..3 00 A. Jf Arrive at Wllmlrgioa Frout t?t Depot at 8:13 AM Tralus ou Taib-jio Uiaucb ICinhI leave JKocayAIotmt for Tarboro at ..,10 1. kl. SVPi1"1" IbuJ-day ana Hlur ?f L 5ku0.A. Return toB. leave Tarboro at W.0 A. M ully.Hol Mouday. Wednes day and Friday at S..W V, il. The Day Train makes clorc connection tt Weldon for all point North c.a Eay Line, dally except Sunday, and dally r Kiel mond and all-rail route. ' i ' Nlrht Train tuakca dosa t SDnri'lion al Weldon for ail points tortu i hkbmond. 61eepiB pbk Car. a.taibet to a.i MKbl Hf. DIVLNE, titbiraJ gsp'L . 10-lf xraina. JOilN aov 10 tf TT-T, Tin ' Tl alTt ItY 4 .j-Ul il-U-V WluitS0To, 2. C . Not II, is ?. Leave Wlian.jctoe MAM Arrive at F'ertkce.., 13 aj p M lMTletwee-4....-. 4 9 P M Arrive st WUnUaton k.I f M - ': --' - J ShlST UrfcU. TKAt.M.,daUjI Leeie vrrta!etoe Leave fleeter-,.,......,.. Arrive at Jwjt-ia ..... Leave Cuiaaabta, , Leave FlwutKe Arrive at WUaaiswtwe..... ..... 9.42 1. u ..... 1.13 A. V ..... W1A K .....User, at .... x t A. at -JA.at TUs .Traia U Jf ioat rVwuatee WUteetUe. fair Uimi. Mar, ft? , -HT-nw 1 lever. -"w njMii ui vetesaa, tewh , r.ikt Traia tHilj (rxrert '.'5 assaisr.) Uanre Wafcs..,....... Il a A. M "rs at fieeewee...... teef. at ffiUtw-lMl.M,.MM,N. Alt A. HI Leave Cw-ktaa....f.,...4,.ai U A. kt Lrave rtorwace..., M..,.,f (9i n Arrirvat Wvlsir1a. ...... 4 TO f St Hilary rr 4fcA m ketssi. mm mhtc. iiwa irrnm ml Tkrowch tSreir Carse a4-t tnea orC:M ea. AsrttSa4 .,, ; -. ",--' " "-- 'i' as ' was r. p:Tixi;e.t . ... . . ' " " mgra on Ute llth d,T n 1W I LTT " .V"' wn tN IM LDMI Lnimn ixwrt ruca la Wllanlati ZLZTzTk Ma iim mt. . riHria It. K I'oranam IrnidryereddbauiW. Pb tae, lt a. 0N ad after 8..J.y. Xev. ltih,tle ret- ."TT-- ,0!?? tZZTlZES Z2.m?Pm lhaie-wi,aafJ.5'I?-i th U h ir 1- Irom Tui!i!i,0i,r thati X of Oct- ism, m tnw( 1 WMiwrej out of the hrtmuW Ksa slsi ets -I: axa msxmaWHB)JMs RoiK-rt A. rarker. of Wimrnrv.Jr ' Uy mnjr of cumberlaad. . . nrased baakrept npon bis own petition. ZKlJXl1, "dlhedS: VfeTr7BrpmSy'"SeSt . . m 4V m vfyininnr '"HfT-i? beholden oa the 16, day or Pee Tml'H0 w- rrr,ito. Til le.N. O.,bpfor Wm. A. Guthrte.ICw.Uw sasLswr in mini a-sirttf -sr etr mih hi. ' ' ' J. k. iin.r. Marshal for said District. ' l IS la I 1 Oct.. l! lo aiv BotlM that nn ' th .l IhKtml mil vT I. IM...... ..'"..I;.."- . . . , . - .v . cvunoi iue uni ted States tur tb r&i. ir 1. " Carolina agalnat the estate of Wealey (1 J?', yeuvllle. In the county of Um been adludced baakrnDt udab m. V,- petition. That the payment of any debU. and th lll r jTz' pertr belbnrln T1!.Iw!.L. .to fain, orforbiaaae. and tbe tramftrof j Hint a uceJntof theoradiuv. r -li.I i mora aaslsnees f his estate will be held at r... ,.,.T. n(a on the ltlth das ?,or P?8111 A. n. 1S M- at Fayettevllle, N. C af 10 cioc,a. ai at r-ayettevllie. . c A. iiuthrle, Ei UcfUter la Hank- j ' . , . J. n. mix. '. afanhal for said DutrtoU .v.w, w w i i .u, o&aKrupiey was . " . ut of the DUtrlct Court of the Unl- tedSutes for theCnpeFear Ulatrlet cwf North iOa?orKy. J-.d?ri nruptnpon hia own petlUon. That tbe payment of nay debt, and the delivery of any property blon(Tns to trnld bankrupt, to him. o? tor him ui7 a ndTha rTjT7,KFllat.mae"n of the credit- . avev i 1st I UVUIL SSl m5L Jr . moJ2 m ot hla eT 141 Will b hnlH .t .(Viartlu.k.. tobe holdenoa the IWh da? of w JuK 1S7S. at 10 o'clock a. w.. .t wi-..I-TA. w G., before Wm. A. Guthrie, aq. Urauiter In Bankruptcy of said iMstHctT Marshal for aald Diatrlot. rmis la to Rive notice tllat on tbe 2nd day X Of OcU. 18TS. a, sirram in I.. . .1. """'tortha Watrlet Court oftb United Htmlea for th. rrv. v-.. 1 irEC,- ,o"iraBt the eatateof Jaeae K. Kyle, of ravtauiviiia in 11.. . vvv A W. & . Iwn ... m . r a . - " wuw laiuui v anil a Uiat the payment of any debtand tbedell ery of any DrooertT b.lAnrir.V.M ii LT rupt. to 111 111. or for hla um .J t t.. ikruTl' "Voe 0" .'.?.- J!y thlr . -na banSi ono ormoreaaairneeeof lila etat, will be ruptcy of aaid ll,triei: J. a HILU Marahal for aid iHmrtrt. warIeVHV, Jhl Pymen t of an y OebtaTaodtl delivery of any property belonrtar tr, Mm -'North Oarolina' has' revolted Democratic rule. - i.-..-.- anarupi, lohiiu. orfor hu nae, nd tae I ,v"""" irMarr of any prbperty by him; are toe. I . iitaa a MOfHooM. one or more AMtraaW or hi; . . . . . " 1 T'US I . a e atotir. that , IK. "l . warrant twaUtrnnter i n tiai m4a1m a ih. - . - .North Orutlna.-eiOiittiha Wiii .7"k- 1 V- iaiBrHawa UK RWkly ! f New Hanover. In nakl dictr-f wk tl 1 biimi. r . , . .- Marahad Aar a Uatrwt. T'U.10 otu mtm tbe M day J of ort- i- a ernrraae te SMhreriry iaae4 mml ml ta IrtirA n irtf'iaw "ZlZTtfg In te raenty -w tor Um Oap Krar -T" vwiM-trmtnaa uae orNe-: Maawver, la ai4 UtrM, w a, sjreaj aded bMiarepa e-w k-M p.. I i!5rI !5rfHat tmt 4ria.aa4 tranwjwe er any wt-a,r nr ata - w-w m w wwflB I fc-Vnay Tt-4 awseue ee Uirnw . kuMaia.iu wtlHaMtn4aa. ?rfi2 'thr I-, A. JViSTS. a kecSt A. il- MOM ttsWaae ha LagAreywry m mTvX, Vinbal far aaA4 iaiatraai UAItl'El' PAPER 1 SOJITUINO nkw. It$ e ' wwwa ka mm a4 i taitw4afclltat Saaewrt m mt tv. w ( im awi twt. at a ry l a-4 eaaai.we t aa 'yye tiff a-'? 1117-73 Oeaiawr ewe.S ! Itia. a . eaesew ???'UWiuaticwrtoftUnkrni,uV I C5-!77ffiL?.K vawal - ' I i JSMCK DEJlOCn4Vl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, tfOITCE.. J I flUlH UXlKRSIfJXl-.n ni t - in 1 -. ' . " Soatwiety. K.C. AUnw are t.fb l l..a i - j. ... , A. e at uij o:n in Lc:ntKiu.ii. . .-i r All M 1 . ' . - " :l ' niilml to tuake Uowediet p) lutuiL I P ; .. : ., - ATII. Jit I.KAN, MmiUrivn, fc. a, Nor. 9, Ts, .W!km, - iuov.lv-it. -: - . . i ; ; UEdertakeK Carpcitcr ani c'aiictt I ' . I . " H.l On Third Street. TVlLI. Kill OilS It IXJKKINM, tASKKn! wlth.uendce. ,t U,o very ahortUi i - - i I Ordera Utr Cari-eatcr'and r l.ini w.ur o111 and wwk santeid. i , r y-ffiK. I- ri,, CITV Ol ' WltiuyuTONiciAC ' KKlCKUm r.'KtOl HI, ct.bi-r a NOTICE. 'HliKOlJAiWINU HBCriON OF An t it . dlaanee, adopted by the Doa rd cf A tdet tut tt I held June I , llCt- wilt tstyt il th. I Llwiimii. t.. L..'.. - . . J. '.'""M.y H .y wu.... oaehyrar. " i ! - i i piTKI MTATUIOK A.MKI.K . n. TUXCT (XH'ttT OFTHK L'.MTMi hi Aim 'L. nZtZ n.., ik L i I " ! m4 4 i asa,tu..- I . ' . CT'" UfT'"' Svrn tbat in timihiH. a vw em aSiwiaBi in vea aass i..a a a. Unit I a.tr " tiiV " - i r " - I Lr.'IT-T n" a A4ttlrair fwr. ia u tUn( ntiut oa end hat tbe anoat abe MriAoa. .ww, wrrvwrn, aui i J. a. ltitj. 1 m. v,ui iimrr. 04.9Mrtr riy fcrrtjuoa Ctn kr. irri .i rfare&r.gw.;.c-ik t Frvb-iC. wtttt,! ths.! 4 JiY W. If. Drrr.lairf J- u. Iw, 4ewrtwt4. . . ' j . .-- - ,:A -" '."' - ' - - . j. a. a . I IUt liat n.T-TI TIj , ' M. a.nrse. JIajES i J. fcfWrwil. sWI hseVawl This Is a special FmtttS 'steOe ' laJsUaaeC4a4itae wtw4 CUi le rwdnU lkfirftU IULS C, ciaa.c5!A4it5l w-js, ueKs it. r. L. ajrer, U re- S. k-Jf t-e IStk 4y ei 4u4 seat-u. 44.4 eceet r esBr ls (W U&SBW. Vi'JIlTU qitOWN 41531 KtS tur tfe it 4 aealtw(aaav5ku4rt iMI! 1 i a i I I i f