-.,r. THE WILMINGTONrOST, WILMINGTON, N. t. ''Sunday Moen'g, Nov. JO. 1878., IMMENSE bTKAWUERRIES. ricaBuro and Profit in the Garden. A number of the newer varieties have already been described, but there are 'still others that form such a marked contrast to the common varietie?, aa ; also to render them deserving j of men tion. Many persons are probably not aware of the vast difference that there is between the different varieties of this fruit. The contrast 13 almost as deci ded as in the case of apples or pears-j ranging from a very ligh t pink or bright scarlet color to a! very dark red, or al most black. Then, iu the matter uof size, there are some varieties that never lurnish berries any larger Jtban half k three-fourths of an inch in diameter; while some of the newer kinds have yielded specimens wtli a measurement vof nine and even twelve inches in'cir cumference. There are other points that mteht be noted, such as richness of flavor of the fruit, early or lato xi penmg, or productiveness of the plants, so that one who makes the strawberry. -' a study ever finds something new to occupy and interest his attention Those who have hitherto limited thein selves to only, one or two varieties; ' would be surprised to find how much pleasure andrecreation can beobtain Gbeat Phoufic This beautiful new berry gives promise of becoming a very general' favorite, as b possesses a combination of qualities, that few varie - ties can boast of. Its unusual prodac tiveness is, perhaps, as , noticeable as any of these, as it ha3 been more thai once remarked by yisitora, that the ' berries look as if they had been heaped , up around the plants from baskets, in such , profusion are they sometimes grown. The fruit averages quite large the best in quality. As the plants thrive finely hero on warm sandysoils, I am led to believe that it will also, prove a desirable variety at the South, Crescent Seedling This variety! though not yielding aslarge berries as the previous one, yet also lays claim to being a very prrductive, variety. The unusual number of quarts of fruit that the plants have produced, has already been noted in the press of the-country, but it may be again Btaled, that it has been at the rate of over 14,000 quarts to the acre. The plants have the merit of yielding abundantly, even when growing thickly in matted row3, which . is tho case witK very few varieties. A ' number of my correspondents, in differ ent parti of the South, to whom I sent last fall also report ' . c. .a :ent Seedling succeeds plants, by mail that the - Cresce finely with them, so that it "promises to give satisfaction, bpth at the North and outh : T.nmt,.v, t , t, . that stands in tho very foremost Trant, in point of size. The berries ore very distinct in appearance fnm the others, being of a rich dark color, and ' fre- i f - -.x i eL. tjuenuv oi a -iiuiieueu suai.c. tjuwo soecimens have measured seven or eight inchcg around, and twlly tleven inches in circumference. It does not require many of such berries to make quite adelightful feast. The planU arc vigorous aud pnduco quite abund- ngorous aud prauco quite antly Captain Jack ad SIoxakcu . or the Wm-Seem to give good satis fiction at the South, and a number of my correspondeuU have planted them out very extensively especially in tho Biaies orxioriaa, .uiisieaipin aud J.ex tuit stands - EsiKX Beauty. Cum BERrLtxn, TitiiMrir. Boybe'o. 30 ,T. ' - , . . , and Dccuks.se are also giving good satisfaction, while ijK.VECA Qu&XX, Fi onekk, fcfn a it ri.is and Centrxxux FAVoaixn, it is thought, will also prove adapted to the southern soil. : J Inmking plantations of JStrawbcr- s. s. t .i.- a lvs,- ik is to uaiB mo Kl"w UVCU- ly spaded or ploughed, ami well cn h'ebed. Ifthe ulanU are set-out in aovemocr, mey w.n gi?e; quite a crop of fruit by the foltcwing springs and witlfreauWllr vield berrietof the lar. ge&tue within four or five months ' iroui the tiaic of pontine. Frtrinent u six tuchrs of tho placis, is quite an assistacce in obUaiinz tbeee large bmiea. " R, II. Uatoe. Saogrtkaoa-Hu3to, N.T.W - THR PlfRCRl.l. HflHSIK M " w WWJ- ine ntumiiui. has .been newly far tahedthroushout,aad, as kerctoiVtrf. will be runstrtetivas a . t i-r v l? irtStUlaia XJLOtCl I Board reduced satollws: and S3 per BWmoath,IA ' . , '-- ALw ok uajCO AT , ? - IZtztilar Cltrt Irlti$. tMpe te tee alt Uie eU aireaa a .ike honse and AIXTUEin 1 IUCNIX?, proiula- ti thea that no rt baU eetpml shipping to dialant markeU, while the ptont. Seiyicea at 10a ni, 3 JP,r.ll!i tbrpciiuuv, other scctos better, adapted to local p m and S p m ; Sunday school at 1 1 M. in pleesealk lea IV Our Churches To.Day. St Mark's Epi4yoabiAtrxcbCOTii?r of Cth and Mulberry streets, llev C O Kraqy, Kector. cerviceson bunuays at llan.ando" r mi:; Sundav school at St BarnabasiSfoooy8 atF P " SairrfJ Cas r titsu to. audS Jn. &at3 free. '-. - - St James' church, comer Market and Third streets. Ret .Dr A A Watson, Rector. Morninz Praver at 11 o'clock ; Sunday school atj .1)1 a m; Evening . rayer atbpm. ,i St John's churcjh, corner of Third and Red Cross ; streets. Rev Georre Patterson Hector. Celebration of Iloly Euchurist at 7J a in; Morning Prayer at 1 wf corner of Fourth and Ora'npre streets. Rev T M Ambler, Rector! Services at 11 a ni. and 8dbl, Sunday school at 4p m, St raul'a Evangi JLutheran cnurcii, corner p4";6th ajud JUarkefc etrcetej 'Rev uarman service at 11 a m. English service at 8 p m. Sunday school at 5 p m ; Wetkly lec ture on Wednesday at 8 p to . St Thomas' Catholic church, on Duck Ww Sterind.:LHlhirA;..treesr Marc a uross Dasior: r Jiioore AS3isi ,ic ant. Morninc service :at 7 and 1 0:o0 a m; Eveoungrvici.at AjRiia ; Daily morning service at 7 1 a m : Sunday school 9 a m. V . lirst Baptist church; corner oLMark- et and Fifth streets. Rev Jame3 R I Taylor' pastor;. . ; Sund 4 school at a m. cervices ac xs, a m, auu o p m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday at 8 p m ; Church j prayer meeting ou Thursday at 8 p mi; Brooklyn, Mission Sundav school at 4 p in. Kccond; AJaptast ;Uuren,' Cto ' OUi be- tween Church and Castle streets, l'rea- ching at 11 a m, and 8 p m, by Bro J P King ; Sunday school at 9 a m ; Regu- lar -prayer meetins? at 8 p m Tuesday evening. . !v , . J iiUfthSUeefeM fiichtlrklllliWiiUI i v . , ,i , -it.-n tween iun anu juurcn streets, lvcv x :R Uall, pastor. Sefviccs at 11 a m, and 8pm;bundayschpoIat9am;rray- at aibdA. , I. Front StreefM jTchurch, corner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev E A xb, pusiur. ovia y n u u,, ,uu 8J p m; Suntiav i school--at 5 p m; Younjr men's soc'ieW Tuesday evening at8Um: and regular Driver mectins and lecture on Wednesday evening at ?Xhird and Orange streets. t lie? De i R Wilson, pastor. Services 'at 11 a ci, and b p m ; bunUay echool at & p m ; ecture lliursday evening at bi p m : ' at8V '"i ; ' PSeeond Presbyterian church corner of Fourth aud Campbell streets. Rev C e pastor Service; at I am, jIeetiDg for pr3yer t the pastor's study, Monday fit 8' pra; Prayer meeting on (Wednesday at S p m. . i ceamen s uemej, on umcz., uetween Water and Front streets, Rev J.B uraig, cnapiain. services at u p in, ifirst uree Wiil aiaptist? cnurcn, cor ner of Bladen and j 7th streets. Rev S B Foy, pastor.' Service at Ilia m, and 3 p m, and 8 p in. Prayer meeting lit. 8pm eyery Friday. fot Stephen s A M iu church, Rev J tr Fry, pastor. Services at 11 a m, 3 p m and 8 P m official.jmeeting on Tuesday at 8 p m ; preaching on Wednesday at 8 p m ; prayer mecUng on Friday at 8 p m. s- First Presbyterian church, corner ot atn ana (Jnestuut streets. Jtev l J I oanaers, pastor.-, A'teachina ayi a iu, First Baptist church, on Filth aud I Uampbsll streets, founuay school at y. a m : preaching atilOl a m, 4 p in and 8 p m. Ilev I' 11 liowcll, pastor. . .....! . ' - .... .. I i vuuii,u, viuw v .uiu ana i;ed uross streets. .iderJrry rat- terson. pastor. Sundav school at ya . "ww'"!, " . lSij3iL IlDie oCUOOl p m; loung men's prayet meeting every Monday at 8i p m; A concert of praise . every Thursday at 83'P ,, S,'U! 4 J Trinity Chapel, U Echurch, 7lU and Brunswick street. t lteV A MoorcTas - Ur. . Services at XI a nitl!i jv nx aud S pm ; Sunday jschool at V a ni. rirst Oonrtegatioual church: ber- vices every Sunday in Memorial llall, corner of ,7tU aod 2iun tirtvU, at 11' a m anu o p m ; cunuay school at o p m ; bt. Luke's A il, .io Clmrch, "l ?a QurcStrceU, hev. G. Ik l'arrier. , paaUur tMcrvicta n a. m., 3 p. m. add 7:U0 p. tuJ tBsswsssisssssssssiasssaagsaswaaai is is I T? T 1 Til XTrP i "f'LHv 1 nniiK sxoufi anw rrktunvs. iiie:udinx v,ry 4 Hiun 1t3tM earryintf e-n a. I koo Family -,i tlh trM l. win, lwvl r.nt If a v.. j citnittvv v v ua streela. with bed ru 11 I desired, from Oetoberjlit. X I r Appty;oa prems or t desired, from Ootobcrlst. Terms movlerate. TT fSn m.ke m f:,ster .at wSk 111 1 1 .W?Au?iJ 2 r us not re- per day let home- made by the lndttrtrioust Men, womnjIadJlrj5.w?vi9J3b?f outatdters fxe4 adrc-ss Tk t., "" ; " TvTILaiHGTQN MARKETS. :t t cffi7ui I for country packiecs. Sa!eiofl. p. I llaeix Thcttaxkct y as liz4 Cm u I at U Kiifor StraJneil iuii ft fer j Good Strained. sales reporter! TA. ilarketstudTnaunciiacCu I .a l rr hid. wLh cl reee.nlt I at'it price. v sekdthrcelpUof ae iy,icVJ'ii I aaa.u lor s4uav Uip a trna. 1 iCoTros,Tlie c-ulct c, au axUJ I cecM quiet, wita ic or;orj til,-, at I Uniiaaij., Z'ik':, n T ft I ttCCd. Ur-vrarr, v- te i'm.w t'rt tv lit- 4 .. . . a. uaj pwipq q 9 j iu.ii & luiviij St Paul s Episcopal) church, PVTa RECEITPS. C01 U)ll &tpirits"ti:rpuilinfc m 1 t 1 IvOiSlU '169 bbla 1 n 142 bblsj Jl -lill I CraJ Liu pent 1 ue. . 1 an . , '."'';. h Oct. 1. -frriuixa 1 LKri:TJNi:. The marke for tliii article-was firm at 2C cts per fitltofrfyr country packages, wiln saJ reportcdoij-20U ctj at that ivc.ij Kosik.: Ice maiKet was nrm ket was firm at d ?1 20 for Gopd 1 17 Strarned an Strained. '.No sales reported., '" ivj-uitcu,, 1 the receipts of the day being, dkposed of ;t 1 GJ per bbt V t t . r- CWuV TuKrEJSTi5E.-rTtio market I Virgin. I ,!boTTos--The uiarket.for Ihb article r . .. i .... . , : ' .,1 j. 11 i ike quotations ; wiA very smaU salesl Le quotations ; wiin very email sales 1 ported at the foUowins official quota- tion3: OrOinary, , 1 ' n?ri;narff ' cU Strict Good Onlitiii v. -10 101 aoi t : it ( i( c M .Tj. himj;.. ufaji:.. -- ' Oood Middling rkr.CEIPTS. Cotton; Hl bales I opirus x orpenuue s 235 casks I Josm; ' ; Tar "' Crude Turpentine, j' - -: 1,80 DDIS 134 bbls 227 "bbls ' Yw i -' ' ; t i SpfiMH TiiRPEVTiKH- 1 hft market .-- i opened firm at 20 cents per gallon for country packages, with, sales of 212 osir xne market wasnrai air i j for Strained and $1.20 for GSpdtrained with sales reportedpf-JlSubts. , jABjxarket fojUhis article is iirm, - ' . , t rt , , , ' witli-aalea reported at 1 70 per bbl. ,' CRUDE .lUEPENTIKJE. Thomarket teady and unchanged, the recelpU 61 placed at $1 (K) for Hard tnJ or Yeow ip d Virgin, Cottox The market for this article was steady bsilcs for thc; day, were afc- the folloyii.g oiiftial quotations : .Ordinary, . ' j cents lb f i1'' ti; S' 10 i:oi 10s ( 1 ;-' ' r '; RECEIPTS, ' . ' ! . - joltou, . j Sniritsn'uii'Liiliiie 71S bales 2D8 casks 1,434 bbls 132 bbls 322 bbl i Rosin, Tar,. Crude ,lur)euUue Oct. 3. Sriia 16 Tu ErEXTlWE.- The market was eteady at 232 cents per gallon for country packages with sales of 200 casks at UlatVrice. at that price. Vliosilf-The market was iirm at $1 17 for Strained, i 20 for Good Strained. .We hear of no sales. Tat.. Market steady and unchanged the receipts' of the day being dbposed of at $1 75 per bbl. Cfiubi: TurveK1ie The market WJt3 sienUv and uncuauxed. the re . . i , , , , . 7 , i , A1. ceipU bf the day being placed at f 100 I w nam mm f i c i uiun iip auu Virgia, 'CoTTON-.TlKi maiket opened firm; , t L . BIesiVff; - 11 .offieiilqaofattoas : he following were the ' 1 Ordinary. u 4 ii, fr$ p .. i Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary,;- 10 m Low Middluijr. I Maddlin?, ! Gpol MuMIi;: hi bales. 213 casks. 1,181 bbl., 111 " 71 " l-irpcunue,; Uct. 4. cnr.Ud Ti r.: r-NiisE. The market j wa f.riaat 28 eeutaper gallon for conn- try tickagci. Alio sales of 75 casks at that price. .. . Uoix ll.i a atLti wa Lrui at ?1 1 j fot Straiaed, . $1 in) for Good Strained. We can hcarvf a sales reported. TAiljrrJlirket fitia and uochanged, thi l-ceisi i f the diy beiai; deposed oHat 1 per bbL i Cut ds TcErr.sriiii--Ihe market I waj4 steady acd saccitl, the re- 1 clp!s of the day bein placed at 1 00 Ki(iumauu f i 4-j tor ifiiov i'ip anu r j. Vtti-i. i.. a -! ..Ulttrtkm- of 'JODwt? e . :.. r, Atti.lt f i 00 Jur Vti-su. ' -- --'... i tTT s The tatUt:aa 'rui and nobinAlljr unchanged. The m!ii of the day amounted t 1 S bale., at the fallow iaj quiutr'3; Ordinary, , tloul OrdiaAry, Low Middling,! Mkldlinc tf-aod Jliidlb;, ? I ct t u h e M h. . f Cotton plriuTt-., -,.tc, lce:a, . Tar. , 4Jr i Ta;iaitar,v 4? 5a!e3 UU S tbU l'f i- ... . . ki'ai:tSklie mxikcl - 5nur a :4 it lynrrste r-f country iij'V. w:is sleady and uncbanged, the receipts do 9J cts per lb. " The lv Uai-d and ?1. 85 for Yellow Pip and Ordinary. ; 7; i v 4 cakt CLaril kiit. Rosix. The market was firm at I (1 SO for Strained and $1 82tor Good quotations. 1 .Tab. Market steady and unchanged jhyx .1 t.:i. 4,J . x 11:1 vutm m w mo iUfCM'w of the day were sold, - - ! 1 CsTjis TuKPEsnrru The market was steady and uncased, the receipt 0f the day being placed at tl 00 fot Hard an $1775 tlbr ; Yellow Dip and YlfSlii;..1fitli ; the.iisaal .'dedactioii' Qpe fifth on the latter, and f2 OQ for jietr .Yirgin-4 'tXrf K '7- Cottox. ,Thd market for Ihfearti- VA)TTOX. ;iaa mar&et ot wusaru' 8ier at yepterday' qnoUtioqsV-We1 hear I of sales of 20 bales as follows : 5 bales I 8 eta, 5 do at 9 t, U do at Ol'tte, 1 1 lowing arAlhP. I 'I " '::r !cUB8 Good Ordinary, , . i . i H : i t i?T,Piddni,&i S IMiddline. ... 9i WWJUIUUiU'& ; QlH,ttioM e ; Qnotations conform to the classifica- tions of the American Cotton Excnange H12UIPTS. Cotton, y HO bales Spirits TuTpentiue ? T " " ' 68 cask Rosin. ' tvi n 1,606 bbls Tar, r - ' - t 1M bbls Crude TurDentine - -s-' 4U3 ddis WEEKLY STATEMENT. stock of oottojt jn wavaii btoj The following is thentock of Cotton and Naval Stores in yard and afloat at tie Port"Vvnmington N. O., April Stb,1878. , ; . Cotton in yard, tales 3,275 afloat, TT7 ... 2,9557-6,230 r.. . hcj t i:t. ctjo F" auihs 7i. , v . "- - ' ,oi- jMWia in yara, ddis. i oi,wu -r. float. ' 1.213-lS2.j43 v ; ; . 7 ,r tt A at lnyata, ddis, . o,ouo : - r tr anoai, n,, iaat,tj; Crude Turpt. in jrd, bbls 8,255 . " afloat, ' - ' 0008 MISCELLANEOUS. j REASONS WHY; ft -r DA V tfe' PAIN - KILLER Best Familf Medicine of the A And vby It should be kept always ucxr at : hand: .. . ' , f .- 1st. Tain-Kiixek Is 1 tbe most certain Cholera core that medical science has .produced. , - 2nd. Paiit-Killkb, as a Diarreea and Dys ' enter, remedy, seldom IX ever fiUls. 3rd. Paih-Kxllxb irlU core Cramps or Pains In any part of the system. A single dose usually affects a cure. . lib. Paix-Kiixkb will core dyspepsia and lndigesUon.u used acooraing to aireo tions. 5th. rAiK-KiLLKB is an almost never-lail lng cure for burden Colds, Coagbs, iut- 6th, cases. 7lh. Pain-Killer as a Iloament is an- -eqaaled for Tot Bites. Chilblains, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Bprains, dx. th. PAut-Killxb has cured cases o( Rheumatism andNcuralglaafterycars , standing. ,,,,.-;.., .. .-- Bib. Paij-Killkr will destroy Bolls, Fel ons. Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief from pain after the first application. loth. PAiK-KiLtaa carta Headache, and Toothache, llth. Paix-Killer will save you day of sickness and roaay a dollar In time I and Doctor's bllla. ' llth. 1'aih-Killkr has been- before the v ; public over thirty-eeven years and is a 4 - Durely Vegetable preparation, safe to ; keen and use in every family. Tbe I simplicity attending its use, logcmer I with the great variety of diseases that may do euureiy eradicated oy it, anu , the great amount ot pain and sanering i in si can ue aueviateu tnrougn iu ute. make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with, this valu able remedy .astd to keep it always near - . ! at nana. r.. . . .- t - f ; TbeFALM-KiLLEBis now Kn 9vfi and ap ireciatcd la every quarter ot the OloLe, 'hyslclans recommend it In their practice. Physicians recommend it In their practice. while all classes ot society have found in It relief and comfort. Olve It a trial. : Be sure and buy the genuine. Kvery Drug' gist, and nearly every tXunlry Urocer throozhout the land keep it far snie HALOON. i N THE bTKET WHICH LUAOS I'ltUM tbe ltavson Dana lo the Costotu lloue, IS TlIfc PXaOK ; To svt the. very best ' J t - , $ t NEW RIVE&OTSTEttS aid GAllti. I AU 4I b;i ele of tb aw wo la on I mnv sm e r .M m. .... iUb iiti VfcitI UtlUUKS as iat uji ii. vib ev vrj aueninm paid to CkLL CURISTMA3 AND ET 1UUU LUU MKJ. , A IIERM r CUUSTJIAS TO ALL, dyeSltX - PRINT AND FfiQSPEIL Tnc New opiTn. -t tutiui.-iit.u at uraiExsnono.i Peau . ..... , Ia of Ue tAiilaMi UJUUSAJi PAPZHS ! TS'e V4 1 V v A It rs a bure MmUUw. aai 1 a wq eaatais srr-mM strucna. bmm aow. a-v usm a4 t mn f . I ry n ia arL.fte la rw.bad ewe-v th at tw. WHOLESALE PIIICES. a- The following quotations represent P email orders higher, rriees have. 1q '?4 va r ni Double AuiUor... lJoable Anchor -a". Biandanl tHwntlc- , BACUX Norm Carolina, 00 e 51 O " w w 2 . UUU, ft IB Hhoulders, v niaes, vd...... Western Bmoiea H&UaA MtiitMi Bides lb Bhoulaers 'lry Baited Bides V B .............. hhouiders V lb Hhooideribl''llllll. V 2 '? BEEF On tbe booL Bfn Uana,aco. in l'gJ New City, each i w uim bkio wlSiUiTKuniTii'I s w h w ?- xsorinern (mi tiiw. Northern,fiB.-..w... ' 25 CAN Dl apej m V t. i M 42 Tallow, 9 ... H S 15Ji Adamantine, V e' t..A..... W a lu - V mmi.nwwmiH.iWiM.i.i. ,l-? J i LalrY' cream, B. i i Btaie. B) U u 13 COFEEE-Jva,Ib,.. . Si as J"o t r coS!lilMELi aiua 25 MlALi 4 bostiel.... bo dOt' COTTON TlES-lb.-.:... 3' UOiliSTHJ t4heeUDK,4-4yd 0U & riBU Mackerel. Kofi, bbU 1 002) 00 ; No. l,t X bbl.. 8 60 9 00 J Mackerel,o.2.V bbl ....13 W 13 fio , I No. 2, ft bbl.... ., 7 60 t ' i Macterei, No. S t lbl 11 00 oil 80 , 1 Mallets. bbl.... 3 M M 60 1 N C Jierrins, v bbl. ..... 0 00 & S 60 Dry Cod, libi ,. 7 0 1 FlOUU-Fioe, Vobl 0 00 0 f 00 feu per, jsortliern, bbl... V 00 0 7 W Him ao. - - i u 01. ....... 7 60 0 8 00 ! Family " V bbl 0 60 10 60 City iUll- sticr bbl 0 00 0i " . Extras bbl 0 W 0 8 00 ' " 'Family bbl 0 00 M8 ekiilw'ku Ex Family bbl. 0 00 & 9 60 FerovlJineiuujo,riax0B9...6rM $83 00 ! Bauxh's Pbosphalo, .00 oo WW! 00 .50 00 &65 80 Carolina Fertilizer " ; Ground Bone, . i " i I'.oae M eal " i Flour, i Navassa Ouaau, ' Complete Manure " : Wb.aiin'8 losphalfc" i Wando Phcspbate, " : l itrgeritiU uii s lohos. i FlUBUlX -. ....00 00 40 00 ...U0 00 43 00 ....00 00 4457 00 65,00 65 00 .05 00 &67 00 ....00 00 70 00 .W00 ($70 00 60 00 tUO 00 . 00 00 ' Wilcox Ciibb Co.. inauu'U- GLUK " ft 15 Cora , c rgo, 6d as.. 2! W Cora, jreL, V bUBbe.....-.v. ;,' "i-i's ? . Oats, buinel....u...... i'jH 7 Peas, oow, V buhti..... 1 W . H 1 DKcs (ireen. to . 01 l- 5 lrv. to...- W H 101 HAY atern, V 1H lt6.. 1J1-S'l a North River, V 100 lbs ... I oft 1 10 HOOP IKON V ton 75 0 a0 W JLAKD Northern tt.... ? s ' llJi is onn Carolina t u.... w L1MK-H bbl.. .il5 LUAlbtli City stwun wwed- ; . .f . tehlp stuff, resawed, M ft-lS W 'CO flr 1 KouU edge plauk, V M ftOJ WJ ti W I ' Weot India cargo, according I ; to quality, v Al it......J4 00 1$ 00 ' Dressed flooring, seasunedlS W UU bcantUng and boards, coiu , nion, M ft 13 00 16 0 MOLAbSKS Cuba,hhdftgaU 43 & : Cuba, hols, . ' , W , Sigar house, hbds, 9 gat J SO.; bblsgiuw 00 St Susja r Sy rnp. bbls, t gal T . 40 N lUs Cut, id to aud, V keg- 5W 8 75 ! OlUi Kerosene, mai-. 20.- "t 1 , lArd, ft gal........ w win i IAnseod, gal................. O 80 OlWi . lloiiia. V - W E-NC'l- 1 bushcl..........,. Q to & 0 W lOTATOEt-feweet, V busb. W , U 1 00 j, Irish. Northern. bbl...."4 00 t 60 POKK Northern, city messJO O0 10 W Thin. bbl. .00 00 400 00 . , ITltue, 9 bbl... Kamp. btl. RICK Carolina, V Kast India- Itough, 1 bushel BAOsii-Coantry, .... 13 CO S1B TO' ...00 00 rtittOO- .... o; IX ........ 0 CO 0 75 1 2J city fi b. ROrii-.. - i s SALT Alaiu U but Liverpool, sac....... J guOAlt Cuba, v fc. American, f mkKnmm. e)4 w ... 1M . I5i 00 ... . HtU - l oruj nicp, f A Co QVo, ... Crushcl v lb.. BOAT Norther u.V BHINWLUtS Contract, V Al Common, V m.... Cypress saps V v Pvnress hearts. i 1 ...... 0 50 0 bTAVl-2 W O bbL W 4 W HOhbd.ftK. XMUO feWW Cypress, w M........ WW W.W TAL.LOV-' ...... C.- rtMBEK-ippiug,V-M -U CO fel5t5 Mill .prime, r aw v vv MlU,ialri At ... 0 W (IW Inferior to ordinary, V ii W ftOW WHISKEY Northern, gal. 1 00 ft 6 CO North Carolina, V (thU..... 1 T5 IW WOOL.-Un ashed, y . . 18 4 SO tnwashed.a .. ' S t; W btviwo, fcid.i.i!ri Gold................ Hilver........v...... M. I Vg 111 in-: tiM. Exchange siaht on NorLfad3i ClttCS...-. J.t!vdl0- ExchaaeeiWdaysoa Northern r dUea . 1 m tnlls 1: Par Vsl SelKH Itaiik of Newllaiiovtr&tovfe.;.. 'i First National flank. ltM WiUhlngtou liuilduig ruck . tu MechanicV " " bo m n 110 Navassa Uuatio Vo " vsj I N C Bonds Old Kx-Copou...2l Fu'idinj; I Mat.. i IK) - ' is "evr. ' 1H .Speetl Tax j 1V to N OlUdlroad !JlL ' "W rt V 14 K lionds 7 VcUold IntiHtt f O K It Bonds. s e .,, .,.-,7j WUmlngton City Bonds, s ye79 1 " . - 7Ve . m . . olde5 " t K" - veW( New llaiiii.ort'o Uundallvyears) tc ,iiM IbI).. n , . . NOKU , - - , f - ' " ' OOiUUrtS(lMi l li ! WBS i HATES Or FREIGHT. i. rr Kall- tFvrMmrJn' Yoe t I set. To N lw iuk. VTuueTurpcnuuefi bbS'er Hf$W est Tar yi bbl j, ea-4 e jivt Hpta TnrMUAe obi-ie tei eeu rt nouai v BOl .r.t . .. - e ai a ir t( I IVittAvt m Kabw . KaAuti"viW sueMtebjAtu Mil A I SftbV! i Crode TaroenLiaa xva aen a nrv aa I xar oi -at- Xa: eics taasii r-pia in ntptnuiwa boU.WsM t 4 e a M Koata stool.,. , ,i, , ...wfaatM im aM jaSSSTJt (MatMtluakw CoUoa Uoods v tea e7s(eer iPeaaeU k ahal ueiMifkit (SJuStfaJ taiiia 1 5?jZc,rvUM rf !r1 a. u - - - - - - . m )tMlk,.f m asr. a. i Cotton 9 bi. ; rtunu m i tfervfeM. tWUM W ea ar.4 ar To mai tVoi e"rurrjBUep feb: ea ac ? .faee.i tieae t tf imm- m tarn. 'IIatr; BlEnAlvsrOjaRGJUVSn ounTnV! 1 4l. ,f Tsy (4nl. ... ,. - - - - - . rurrK I.!; p. i MO aty et OImocUw Af r ? '.'.J ioOO eaes-e m I strCraa, i j CIVIL AND ;iIECHANICAL A T the Benwelser PdjleWinle lantltntr. A. Troy, N. Next terra begins bept. I i xne ubui jseffisier aur io s cjuiu, , or tnecTaas.tesrwtnepss( m years, nu their posiUons, siaoeoorse of study .require ments for admission, expenses, Jcc JVd dress, WM.H. YOUMG, Treasorcr, Visit op Communicate Witi . Us. niriS INVITE AN KXAMINATION i'K Vf samples, Prices, terms and oilers. llave on handaad reoelvlnc Aallj samples of Coffee, Bazar,' Molasses, Floor, CaudU, Kxeoute orUers for all Uescrli-Uous of Merchandise. Receive and sell all dertj'- Hons of produce. Want a nurclMser for uue (j0-llor rtwA DnUaEBflnt. aAd Tubular IViwv soluble to drive a uouoa, factory, jiiii vf; snia uar, bnaru d k V W nceotlate ale ot ToroaaUne Distilleries, ' vEtampiesoi wercnainuse ru wnea regqeeteq. rKl 1 r. W A 1 ma-u sroKersaudUum-B aierciwm. r.;fi-,fie--:t ytH--v A k'L'iX LINK OK MKO.ClXJba CheailcalKTsoyy AHlcles,ToHctSwis, ':dt.V aVUieimvbl i CIG1BS AND ; TOBitCO V ..) ! t (11 great vailetj-. The almost care and jHTsonul atlvi (Ki:i glycu io reiarlng prcscrir Uoiu, t b - J -'.-.BUBBAWKS Xbartcjv dec 1- Ijr cor. rtont aiwl mucus tt.V - For Serofuln'j nnd-.-t' irof idousdi3cascs,l!rvv ilH-l.-s,.Jtoso f;r bt. An ilwuiv "s Jlre; Kniption .ami Ki-uf4lvc diric I of IlicfkiiifVlcvrntiv.S' ;. l hf i'A vir.- hi mixfh , KidiH v.;, J.i I k.; Pius- mm 4Cle I't: Ji:U l:41s, I "3'r-fi Ulutetu s. TmiKd -v. TH SSS2!P' tcr, tialt Kheum, bcakl lh.tik ltirwrwonu, Vlctrs, trt jiV lihcuin.itism, Netrrnhjia, l ain m tho r.oiu's.hnh' ami JlcmJ., romaic c.K ne, Sterility, .LeiuiMTln h. -nriii;i from inU'ruaf ulcvr.Uioii. r.lul utviino di-ciic, Sypliilitic njid iicivt:iiylii.v c;t t., IJrojisy, DyspVpi.. J "i.i:h tuns. Oneral IMi'ility, and for IV? P fvinv: the UlootL i . - Tlil-i Sar ai'ttt ULt i at'iiiliinUiict" vcufta.UK'. ahcrativvv-t iJliiiifUuMuu draUvYtllow 1h k uiih llw Iodides of Potastiuiw and lion and it lUv niot clVificUtws nn.'lic'iue jc I known ; for tUf ii"f af it U iuttftwktl t iuc Its lii'fditntH juo o ikilfuJIy convbiucd that tUc lull ulunttic. clTft f each ii nsum1, i.n- bi!, "it iv .oinild an lu lu li;;niilf!s' Vvcii to cliiKli vn.it i till t ttrltud to purjrc out fmm.tlic uhi ilmio .inipurilics and corrupiioik v.l.uh dcyeli iuto loatliomn lj: -.cnc. , The rvputalion it i njov liuivt'.I frtn its curt'.s, and lifi uiiU itre wlikh pnmiiueyl yUyKii. i.UV'r the country ri'joc iii il j r.-uv tlulr cxjiericncc" of it's ucfiiliios. ; ,; ; (.'crtificatcs JittcVm it. have m-cumulated, ainl aio roii fctaiitly boin;j received, and tiiMiy of theisc cai;s arc put lit ly? liUOHii. Ihev furaMi cuiiviiicin"4 ctidcHcv of the ittpctiority ot hh S.irtiimriil:t A)vcr every olhvr alterative tucttic Iik'. '.Si ircuerally is it mirtoritr to auv -oth-.T lucdicino known that ucul do naniiort! Hum to nshtirc the, public "that the lxt qualiJicH t h.u ; vtt lcst'S)M;a aro etrictiy maimaniea. Dr. J. OYER 2tCO LocJ!,Ma:s., SOLO LV ALL LliWOUUia LVCWUrULK ;. 4 r 4 Furniture- 'Carpets. - . , -. . '. a :-Vi'-;-'-i"J-J. " , tf sNTuftr-" HI I'tilflLV j .' ' w tiretrua ' !' ''! ' Uboe LATEST DESIGNS, LOWEST CHICKS AN ZLkAiJUHT AiMOlTI tT Or ' ' ' , . . . v; . -. ' -. CHILURENVS CiUIUa AKD UAT- TAN. EOCK EnS. - ' - - - - ';'' " Just tbe Uitnfjr CbrUtnaa GtfU i - .( dec D. A. iiiliTU A a , i !l If' Nonb Front fetieu: will. our Friends ! I - i . . ii -- -' . It v.r ... . CCirui tail ivwuvHf v e . , , u'"" H"M few the oarcbas. ? ..iuxbr.ws uri a " ' i,ekVu.v ltB h . A SC1I IT LK IOC i I i. run it ti! u n ufkttortiilAritv fr.r f li K.. TT P"06 liaa reacJt vf aU. Oal and eaamiae eur stock aad irkc oar rood. - Ueata, lry bit a4 gaolerllatn!, Sda, QiooUefi, UHj toi?r aea, Ooe. ilacieral. Closed Uood a Tobaao dan, IWir Ta. Cea DnM Apple aiti iVaeea, lVmUrr. kfTi 4: OsstmaBdea ilrrtUaii ooldr to crrc-r.of rnccoeftCJ Uatertirreta. . tcay 11-tf. " " iilr?A .trTaT tea: a-ae.. ; v. . . f. - a a . . Ml&C'ELLANlXflTJS ar.d Irtructiof!." . , ; H.iUl'l.uW 114 "tLV.Z s i tt A t iI . t Julias cFtnc j T.i.. n.tfiiir ii tlit organ of Uis fashionable irt.ru: end the expounder of that wctldV h and ii the authority ia til t:attr&t.i laauuerjj etiqnette, ccstcm, &fJ si babltv lioton Trctt'tct l? s V ...'fb iJazar ceoitaeodi iisi'!t-.-i.v iiKH-b i of ,the,.hot:scbold 1 tiii en v5.u - . l ifjinnetrtift l .?A,miit it s.r.l I,. i" liduittr Ani'crica. iVVte York .W. M"1 -ft .-. .jV; -it i;uy &;fs t!i'' TftCf 16 n SuVHiiWis la t.'. ; , r : -U Rued SJatCS. i , jjiaiiK r a DAur. vue year i w ; . I i ,C0 includes prepayment vf U. i. , I pestaco by the publishers. ... : ffubscriptionaf to llarpcr'a Magaiitu , Wetkrj'.'and Kitar, tooue address fur one, year, $10 00; or. two tf llaxpcr ; Periodicals, to one add re, for ooeyeat, V COjpostage five, t .. .. An 'extra copy of utl,vr tuo Mga aiir.e, Weekly, or lUzar jtrill be sup plied gtiiUa for every club of fire Bub-1 sciiber at CI CO cacn, paid : for by remittance; or sfx copiea uucycar,witU aut extra copy, for ?20 00v - Back nomWrs can be itijplivd atauy time, t r . . . ; ' ." ' - ; ; .! tjif ... lolumu ...uf tiiii.! tar cuU lritucts Vith the ttar,t Wht4 uu tiuii ii f pccffie1, it will be uuderatooj that the subscriber w Ubei tdcorbmencp tviib .the tiumber next a Her the wetfptlof e f . 4 ' 5 v i ; ... I - f - r 1 r . - utiiil uluuie ot' iiarm 4 Uair, 'cloth Lioulit, wid b enl, ' TLeanuuahi in neat by cspre?, 3 fixfe of -;.cpcue,'' -provided tbe freight tlurt iut csctm i lie doilsr, ' for 57 W tavh. A .oaplete iscti com- ' 'prisirLg- tea? vjuwc tvat tu rt ccipt vf cah at tie rata of 5 io. per Vol., freight tX tsfeine of pui chaser. Cloth Cufsw for each volume, noltabW lor biuoiog, will J.e ent by mail, post : paidon rfccipt.t-f il-W each. -, ; I : Indexes to each volume ecut i'taim oi teoeipt t stamp. 1 'C' iSubsciirilioQA Hrfivr Jvr liarjHri J lVritxlica-U e-&ly. . : . ewhiaif ra are ijl : ia. ti3" tui to Ai ui;? l.ui' IV' iU I'.-.; t t iV.l aunt lit 11. k J ..-..v. wv .wuuvn,,;. lice without th'e'csptcWvf.dvr ol Ir per & lirothcr. : ; -.r' " r".-:-' - : ; ri;TKUSUN'$ MAGAZINE j e.A tjupi'bmTfBfcWWJciven la titt number Kr l!-"!, conUlnluit a full-ti9. p-r iatuirn for a isoy s, or cniiu a ore. Kveiy subscriber wlU receive, aurini m year, twelve of tbee pattrrns, o tbst lbft nJouc ui be wurUi tuorc Uau IU t.btcrtre ... t MWi a, 1 1 am.Vaaa.1- 1 IaIma I I ' - lu-rlUl iwlirreK, 1J mauttuoih coUtrwi tS iu piia,'.4 paces or munic, ana c cult. Ju liuoteoso clrruuuon eaMl iu 1-rrf.rletor to sreud luore mouey on nub;!. : iu) nirtils, stories, AO.,l.e.,thssi suy wkrr. It given more fur the. mouey ttan suj u tbe world. Its hnllLng 4 Tales And NoVokU Are the Lct puotifcticd n.vLre. AH 1 motit popular vrrlirr are cuiptoynl lo vrit orltuanyfo"rrteron., In 1S7S, : lUtlon to tbe eoaiQuntity of bortinni. i t. UUlUl.AL LUrililtillT JtUYfet wltt be ttven. l-y hit. As h. Hlepbensj, Frank i;eucdtct, Mrs. PrHv UUlOtll, aliUttluite. , Mainsiuili Colyred l eiLim I'l-lrs AhieulolMli ettivrm Time Sat.- .t"s ,raed ou steel, twio tbe v.i'l o-t are antfjulud far trouu. 'iny iit 1 ' tunetmy colored. Also.- lm.tt iiow irf oilur recelpis; in short, cvtrjUiiLg Itt't' ttln toUdie. r. ii. as tbe puwipbvr rre ia ti I oAtsge to all mail subacrtix i. "IVhiwa" cbenper ban e vt r : In Lct ia tiie cfctit in the world. ; a copies Utt t v I iitu oiu. r- Copies ft.r iLe i-:ili-Axirl ttillrt -e . x aoaa,- fle doflar , . 5 l elf lag up llmCiwt.. 1 Vmj ivi4 t Viito an eitra ewyet .t. . i t, V-!!.. w tsrrmmin. to the t ; - ' an reUlbK cp ItatiS. 18Corl'"f WW) Viib kcnh m tW ' lCn-focliw.twjiyiibMaMlaM tteier, a eear te. raviu. to tie rtriri. 1 V-Ti.en& Js.l (s prmom, to tbe p setuocttPlheClsti. A'i'rr- is oU-pald, . II AhU ni. rCTTr.. Utliratnut M l'btia4-ltitK .vHhnft)aactrnMhi If auum Ki. oct IZ-lC. - 1 TUE tUUfU AlLAHm 3JOKTlii.Y AC A21KK. VtXWt- tltentW,' ' HrUhre"ai AH. e1 X "' L U t'.uu4.lu, . ix. uciotM r t b, TbettoJ-l-aorCojrrBJSC'otS! several of the aur tinm-ti'UM t ttta of the t resent day. A fcmal aiory. porm. a art A, n "" civeuOtfatid bUuirti4aru!aMiafrnd la eery number. The Mi ws)'. Mlnoiily ttinJ litenwiare, -Dm isooih itfUaaite nu. .e vsaaod by sa eaariKriiajmt. " -, HuiMcnptjoa,tMie itw, K ai.'.t'i' CCta: - A IjV OiTll j Tta4f Oa r-v una i rar....-,,., , .,,. t li.tif Lta4.c.e yaar.. Qisaiut pi;, ce (r 5 ltar ue. Moe !, . i Utt !." tevr-ff. "'"."-'- ta i4 at ta ii r 'iraa . , re ad wruiaaa aa4e t' rt " ecjveHI at im rAra 4 Jaiaaaa m Ikil, Uoeaaadie-lTtRt. t AU vwsi.-. tioa a mS '- . te- tA. tit t-r.a w.il--i.."- 7T if . sjsiweaerrgsaf;. Gold' Plated JoVilij. td ii 'tuMhtm- U-mirtmm I -- ta4 Warv t-.saan; 1 art r ,: ltrt j itf.tke: t jo', -iiiac -IfLXaet -fctf. at-- ra4aarv'i 'I li-4aaae eaif- ns t- -. aiai.4 auvrr J 1 I2'r 4 Ha a4 ixrtn I , . aadCiii: 1 Lo; ' J1 . araaawaa,-. t at iaMtol I -at t t-a -Tat 1. f I -..ta&afci HtlJ - t a4 tM a4 r I ls- . l.iw ,tf :f auric t rTr hetutlm t a4 ..fr -.-aiK-i w. .ta f otr r --wa l 4 v aa f juit-ykl la 1s fntmm js-jta taM as as iis.s t- y 'tt r , ' mwi 4 ... v u 144 a tu . 3UUuiil j v : at CVLa i;o,rn pr;etor. At3U,i.. . W . a) .av4a 1 1 -'' a.