;,- ! : IK Mil 7 . J v i i I I 11 i. i i i i i i ii ii JifiltfGTON .POST i aW V UiL I .rw a nr v - n I i I TISING RATES. J j.'ifly cents per line for the first in jVli'i'i an. I twenty -five cejit per lire f,,reiic!j ailiiitiQinai insertion. V: l. t! lili.. Vi.nr.n-.i.'l i - Il I 'J I iwuj'nivi ijgi j.ri, luu ! . . . - .. . . a i I. ! d.iiuie " All l verti.scmeMU will U, barged Jfic b');e rate., except on HpeciaTn. ! Six'i-ti rates can bo had l..v o 1...... jime man one wees L;...i -t... J !... me auuwuuiiuu uuec iq i.JIK V rr ii m'iua i v vo.ivo. . j . Allcommunicrttonson btsineiisbuuld Post, Wilmington, N. q - V. ! i t ' ' iVRULINA. ! Vjl!ait.oii3 Tran-sartlonsiiu t'uailra ion 1y which a bJjrgbr.. Majority was (Jlvcn ngamat Mjackey than There arc Democrats iii the City. ' l"y Tt'logniph totbol rlbunc.l Was ii i Nr.To'yNo v. 1 04-Krcr j mail brin-;i a'luitioual rcpqrti of open h iid Hvstnialic fraud and acts of violence corauiitted by l the democrats of South .Carolina at ; the clectio of Tuesday lint. The followinir letter from O'jngrcsHman v-Mackcy, thp republican .candidate for . election in the Charles- (in district, will be found intercstiiu': : "ClIAril.KTOX, fc?. C, Nov. 7. '7S " "Mv Dkau' cib: YourJ w - - of tho 5th nut. rcrcivea.. A" you ant rir.fp.I tfin democrat hate coun ed me out That 1 received a m.nioriKv nf at :r,,MiO there ij no doubt; k-e O'Connor " v. nv ii U3b U irivrn bv the ration Ah?or- ...4 i ' - -i-"" - - jority of 70 and perl Jpa it may be more. How fit has beert done I shall tell yon, and I hope yo will publish i tin lift; 'in every paper you can ppoint- ns, the "In the first p'lace, in ihe a j rasni ii; .managers oi elections, the niwratlc conimissionefs of elecUons 1 in .l.c.Hveral counties il this district i i . r ii .. l V . . 1 . t I t u.u t.y re.ius.eu to appoint a single ' roi'iiblican nnimii'pr t hrnticrlmni ii.A I district, to that we wercl comnelle.1 i' L -V..U. without a single ilefction oflicer to rrewnt uv inthe entite district. It Htruo wc had a United viHir appyiritfd at each a I a - - ' States Super poll; and tho' un criioc'ra'ic mauag fcrs at moat of llie 'ils n.Jmitted theni ulo1. the Poll- ;uj; places, yet they ihreir every obsta- ,i.ley could in their way, and in no iMhUiuiJ would they aow them, to xcui a uy authority Have to staud by i t.v .v.i.b. A,i numc m- rtnces the authority o " fhe8upefvi- MiMwaaeutirclviWored. 'In o., Hii'i witnefs the rming. in some i- ,i . . V j.i T UlA lltlinairnr .rila.A.- IhAf Biin.t.iun A..l I " p"wi vui i vi iiiu iMHiin place, arid unnn hut rr I fusniK to co thev ordcreJ the statu r.on. itabie, to rject him, wh ch they did.- Tliis wi, t ,.,., -MV.L A ;.. . -' " T I ' - i ' Mn. IUIII..I-. . ii .1.. ii i i . - ; I 1 Ijeasant poH in Palmetto engine olf this cityvtbe vuuuiy . lUO house in ward three supervisor was severelyjbcaccn by tho democratic voters and driven awav 'rom the h,II.-4. The aethority of the : unfit, states Afarshals was treated ith utter contempt, and to save ilicm. Mives irom arrest by the i .. i city and itate mniil tn -inhorities jlhcy were compelled to re JrnVn Irom ererdsing n authority. "in llm city the-democratic inaiia- ri oi elections arbitrarily refused to Uct 2,000 colored rotera the right vote. Unless a colored roan was . refused he right to rote unless he could bring witnesses to prove where t resided. Man? wire turned ofl' woder the pretext that they were not tirenty-oue years of age or rather that v managers were douuitul ot it. At the last sessiou of jthe Legislature the two voting precincts in tSt. An drews' Parish were abolwhed. and the 0 colored voters of thirt section of the county left without a. polling pi ace, The parish is only separated from ihe tity by Ashley river, j and used to be 1 connected with Charleston by a bridge, which you will probably recollect was burned at the evacuation of the city by the rebels. The people crossed over to the city of Charleston, for the purpose of voting, but tbe democratic managers JouUnot receive their Totes, though the city of Charleston was the only place where they could vote. The Leg tolature also abolished all the roting I places on the state! road between Charleston and Summerville, ani yei oenthe people came (to Charleston to Totethe democratic managers denied thetn the privilege, tellin them to go oi tote where they flirtd, although' they knew full well that there waa no Polling place where they resided. "JiotwithsUodiog alt these outrages, tae republican carried thU county by t Wast 4,wa majority, but to their aUr turprUe, when the ballot boxes tr opened at the various polls, the voxes , were tonadi to coataia inmost nw several hundred more ballots than there 7ere names on the poll list. Out ef the 3 rollt ia thU county, at 20 of thew the baUots were largely la execs f Jf the names u the poll ltt. Krery Fallot box was stuffed with tickets of tekind Unclose. Tht Uclt: Uof t-mis i paper with tbe name printed poa lit. 'rcrCiTtrtior, Wade llaap ii , . - - VA JL VXi Hve Xi'toniUeSX'1- er onlV Tkl r".MMrwl Wl" a1 a" lnBa8er ini"feblc ae,! leave -fliem tf-iiuSh I ... - draw out th ,;i.,0!e cess. They - wor , r i7TiUls ,n ex' "raw out uQne of ,i. I t --. um uiail urtnla were drawn out aiid de etnTo,-.v "i - ana ue i; At ".M' i'leuant iol! 432 KanK .iM Ihl. tt w herX Kbv ii vii r aha ' a r. - j ..v vi gin.. in Wr 'wo polls poll known a t V A . 1L - House, .m T.r i" J ?JSi?e i r ii.. i . . r)aKK i. th ft r..: W. n - v '. . ---...ii ui me rvetvii on. "uuiul' l 1 1 :i r. I nuro . o r .. . the b.,V dctXoiri!" couniea ihm all .. . 7. - "Ufc i"i uiin.ip imi... .. - . .... j i . . . . i .a.. ui ri i w -.,uVI, WHN liurrr.rm. i j w i.ouunr ii ivmii... il one . w ul out .r ..r..u,v'i OJ ia w..H ls " iae city vot- t.,r 0-CoMr. ' " , "v-tv ne il rriMiuri.'o ..; I sihiii y of votintr 'o . banlly l,e .rgued. A3 the man HWult :h;i votpr '' voter separately, and in ini,..'., '" w four -r. ..." Y"-."" voters, it ij -..y.nwnwwaing some voters, it ij a:i lit In u-j v ik.i . i "'i ii ii Mimed in voting i. lUne con" . Illd u.l.;..l. -it .. . '.- :j.uiu I "te, which won If I a I .o J . I 1 . - iv i. I vil ptl r ii. I'Wedthere was a continuo m I V.1" UUnng (ho twelve uours me polls were oim-h.1- v . this noil tn manSger, Hi If, 5if "n'Jer oath that 3 66'J nmnn. I ll.a . e . . i VFICU 1U "?,r,T,,,?f ,twe,ve I10""- uLi r 1 1 t v si metluMl Charleston city was made to this give O'Connor a majorUyG 57 or a majority larger than theulire Demo- crane vote of the city. " 1 "l liriiiiirh.nt i k:.. : i . . . - . vwie oi mo cilj. : r , .fj!'0 Vhifl COaa &ad tue eu- 1, 11C in nuT. HUH UUIV III . I lur rclnn but in t'lireudon. N6t satisfied with stuHinc the ballot. Im-roa n FM,,,,R 11 impossible to stuff the ballot. t TheTurccll llouac'jias been crowded of the United States SuoervLoV oi the .united Slates Supervisor nut ouL the lights and stole tho box' and I" I a.. ' axjDJViltT oi nUoutMH) there, Ou Kdistu Inlnn v vm i u i vvi mit um.iiunri a ii'iii n wbern I Hal. lUm.KI 7 . 7i ' and where the 1) .7 " about 40 or 50 "vote il. n cjiniiHsl'uners failed to open the noils thus actually il. i, i. ...II.. .i::.r .V- ' voter. ' It U u.4ele. writing any more of viir.uri,iiig iii.-i.iiih. i sou no reui- f,,r liie wfOHfi" we are compelled to ' V- -Th -publication of them I UI ttIra,u wl" 00 but tt e good : but .1 !-.. " v.w sun j'UDiisu tnem lar and wide, sp the world mav know L what ;.. i. respectable Democrats of South Caro- lino mill !....." .l , : ll. : .oil " 11 .V, Iama8 i ine r?"1 , Rl,cu,tcntKy.y would not uo guiuy oi inQ acts committed on Tues- A i . i. i . . . ... . bo guilty of thj acU cojnmit.e! oi day by the Democrats of this Yours trufy, E. V.1 Mack state 1 ' Kmile Za's now book " Helene ; a ijove episode, aUle of Liove, rassion, and Jleniorae, is in press and will be published in afew days by T. 11. Tcter son & Brothers, rhiladelphia, Emile r,UMI" Jik "J c,Pu'- Zo,a M "e of lho fw0r great authors in Franco of the present day, and there he is called lho cleverest of ,he four. His no vcJ. " L'Asaominoir," to be issued io a few days by us, has passed through fifty eight editions in Faris, and ''Uc leue" which is extremely interesting r indeed, exciting has faed into its thirty eighth? editioa., ?lleleae"is an extraordinary book. It is admir ably written,; by a truly great artist with a powerful realism and absorbing interest, and is full ot powerful scenes and life like delineations of character. It ii the great sensation in Paris at the present time, and it ia impossible to de ny the author's great skill, for eyery reader will acknowledge " Zola's " great poncr in " Helene," Besides the sto ry, there- are many pages devoted to rapturous aescriptioas of Paris at sun-' rise, at noondsr. at sunset, and at nizhL " Zola " has made his rame famous, and be will find plenty of rtalers for all be aritrs. His name alone will make anr book sell. It will be isued in uniform style and price with Theo Kathleen, w - SiTeli's ExpiaUon," Marrviar off A Dauehter. " al " So nia," published by the same firm. , .X V"l IV.J.iV. v ( kli that tha Ilortoa feouia." al Southhold.L. I-, is the oldest one la America, It waa built in 1639 ; where as, as h aaye, the PickeriBg homo on Iiroad Salem, Mass., dates back to ibsK), ana toe auuw tu v Exsex and North -stJL, known either as the " Ijer WilUams bouse or the- O'.d Witch house, was coostruet- .11- - T"V tmm. of III Vtnt Church erected In I $29, is sUndicg at the rear of the Essex InsUtnte ia the same city. liaxuar ai sas u uui the old Tucker house. near Tucker a a. s a 1 m . : - wcarr. ta iaroiw, wm, wm . -1. . . r t K' k t a l. las of Lcsex county il is donated, as M the oldest boas in Uassachusett. NORTH CAItOUNA, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER I 7. 1S7S. ci'ry items. as . ' -. . . ..wuu during t, p4it ' ; Boys : ' to i;Ri.10.iv b'j on the whartr. " V - "'V'.ra " v o a jq. Ul H I ' ' 'f - 1 ront 6treet mansion - ----v Things - Ui- -J , .rrr: : Mge,ial circles Pant -week. 4 the time to j wut - our auuHcriptioDs to ihe Tost. TH r iiAte . w V TT .1L IliO U' 1. K u ! VWwpaBy works Las agaui tir I -- nut uij Ii III Ii riTi 1-,1,.,. e u?arn iiiat th rr i - r- .V'- J' Vuufe, CoHector of later- u:4 evenup. or i r thiij Uitrict, wan in i Thorn - . I TT" . -r i . i il v .-'- mr cd aiul siti ii j vcivsoLs at thu . i!n.., ir u e uui ii ir.'iliA .. , h :.! I lin l.w.i1.. . it ; . . "-ry utt K,,,.. bt. WID lu Mswr;cal and Sciculiri k.w.; ""SMj-l-)'.( ,f- . ' The Mcti tc buiidin on orth front Dt-reet. is herfilyramipletwi.H,,,! wh nn,8n .be one of the fine- atruo. nres in North Cuoliiia. llarrv jWnttvr w:ii l A.re JiMtico tVnn-riii. HI I..., .! . , obtaining i.iovy undW U,Z' i-.. '-o"-' v 'i"JV IMS?, r-t.tirirrd He was found n .1 ';:; . ' Wf1? a; Concert, under., h aUHPlcc the Cornet .Concert CJub-i in prepartion noder the direction u - . ' Wc leajn that a Concert,' under the in prepartion uodtr the direction -or' r,of' Vaalaer, and will so..,, he read v for prcerltation to ihe obli. ' I . - . ' " " rausiC,u tfcat would be very acce.tabl I iust now fit wur ,.:,.:... ' ' t T" ?; Z I'oP'o 1'rec,ato cHort o? the Messrs. Cobb ?ej,'s?st two -stho peopfc w .wvi i u ii & iii.nl -iuwu nniiii i I ; "vwi ; im.N; I vountr iroiitl I 1 , ' !.. ' " 8V l"",w Slie,f Ve , Ihe deserve what tbey aro receiving a full share of imblm patrona j Ai-vsval will beheld o:i Tiifl.iif evening Nov. 10th... in the in t rest t St. Marios Tar isb, they being m(e what in arrears, tho young LadieH of the Tarish hope to realize by the alwve effort a sufficient sum to relieve the present necessity. The Festival will beheld in Brook lyn Hall near the Kailroad bridge, 4th. Street. jUomc all We are informed by Jo. C. Hill, Grand Secretary, that the Grand Lodge of F. &. A. A. Y, Masons for this state will meet in Newberu on Ihe 10th of December. There are about tltirtv Lodges within, the jurisdiction of the urand Lodge, with an aggregate mem bership Of one thousand. About one hundred! and thirtv five deWatM tm expected to be present, .Bishop K ease's Lecture A Cor. REcnojr, ihe namo of Mr. Fred, An drew?, one of the committee ot promi nent colored men who waited cu lish- op Keaue in regard to his lecture, was inadvertently emitted io our report of the liisnop lecture in Ias Sunday'a issue. A e gladly make the correction. in justice to Mr. Andrews, a he was a Tery aclire and rfticxut member of the committee K. IL Caio. of Fkrctto O. II AU. sara; "I cave Ir. Hjiiers Fxyer aI AoCESrECll IC U my little daughter, who was a mere tleKlon from the ef fects of egne, she is now well and a new ?hi1i.'iMyjjrifejffcTd eiht tnotWha from Chliis and Fever; nothing did her any good UetP she commeivted oing Da. UiVtKa4 Fetcr asd AuuaSrK- an sihich wrtd her at once. 21 i - . The j Xorh Carol ioa Cuntrvewce r the I A M. E. Church coroiced its elevealh? annual sesaioa at lli.Uhon. on Wednesday,; tho '4 ISth lt, "Te I.ev. J. l. liy, V aaspvoa and J. t. Telfair are la aura iiac froat this city, i . la this coancrtioa we am rmawird to state that a rrafrd mmjonsrr at.U ing will be bekt ia St. ieraew A. M. E. Church, in thw eity, oa Taeeday etentog next, the 13th iat, a which occastoa Kt. i, m. Momlt, Mmoo try of the A&m f.4hii C&arc!i, who bks rt vrr j-r ia Africa, and who is sow . in atfewdaaoe erew CVnfrfewc. wilt rrtrH. . K5hfw J. M. Eruwa aisl J Vt C&& . U att preseat asi rtitkiuic ia tl 4ttKtv. Tomoha8on;tbie8(cmfictt ,0PW1 in lhe Prk trade. It n e-ery with ; one or h more P'8-in bw bag ,nd Bereral Wcola: in hw belt. ? ' r-;-: t-. ?,: i;7 Carmen. T. II. PtATw A p.t.at.. h v "fwm 'ry of - Carmen " b Yin&eAxi.rL. - ... ne French Acadswy' being - -- -t....... uu complete; tfOtfk: irom , " "." vpera oi - uannen'' baa "eo dramatized. It ;. I ine,r square duodecimo fbra.: nri inr. T cents. unifi,r H. If. .7. leen, ,"SaTeli'a ExDiatinn Tfc.?i- - j -"s iaugnier," and- po " imblisbed br the aame ttit; f . . : 1 . ' . ... i! lowing statement of it. K.j-L.!r : vnai - , vWulnV IhW port for tha nmnlh nf . rolKi.'i l compiled from the books in -the Castoioj tiousc: Puty ou inil-irLs in onM $3,171 22 2,903 85 Duty on toonare. inmim'inif j Currency from other sources ; , is3 0 Total, . . ll l'i'fm.i. . . i. 7 it .The eiiHirts for the month in. Tii'.Im H.OM bales of cotton.-lnd . bu il 9S0; 33,6o5 , barrel , nwin v.liJ t r'8,8l7; 11 barrels tar; ralued'aViSt; 3W.005 gallons spirits turpentine, vaj ed at 2.C 11; 1.094,000 feet of lutobyr valued at $tS,192; 210,000 dangles val ed at $1,203; 141,000 staW valnlt f5,7ol. Total valuation sutnh''?" The New North State, published at reensboro N. C eavK "WmKat G ey, colored, was hanged at Wilntin WO ion, m this state, on Friday lasH 'i f I .. " - - iwi murder f ' colored compahiolf. James Tayhor. for tho pur pose ofoh, hing bim of t3 7.". Th B mm--j vvav a au r- rg throurh the country, and Ealnef murdered bis companion by .cruihfnr his knD with a heavy stick. ' The mu J uerer, u the scaffold, confessed the crime. Five thousand colored men. womcr i and children crowded thesWts arwid tho j jail vard. and hn tl,. drop ft.n they began wailimr. shontinr :d prayine. s Kainev'a nrk- Wt "n,u . and after several vlo1,f n vub-ions he was, in thirteen ininutos pronounced dead." n-i. . i i 1 u on saying, that a man must Jravo home if h desires to know what rs on at home is true certainly in i ue auovo cat-c. . We inquired f ShorilT Manning to know If he did lb hanging, but be knew nothin" ;i,. ut it. ' We next went to the county j-.-, rajiici Howard, the r jailor, n i nt v. r hoard of the matter before. we nexv iaw Depaty Sheriff JnoTTI jrown, mi,o swears; that ko has f ot ."U3s "nJ ne within the past month, Auereiorv, wo sopixwethat friend Tom was out at temperance lecture the nigut beforvlte wrote an nr.roimlr .. - ----- irtm Ui Inter iH.i.-a.j ..- t . t , ALTiVEIC. - t t; (Tunc Uncle Ilen l i Poor old t'nele Ben la the saddeat ofttefl. Ills ruUBcleaareAll ofaavlvrr. v ' The Potter eomwuiee-ob. dear, whali ; ptty- i : : .-';. a,; J nt ntted h'.in out for tinii Blver, ' iK'n miYd many boon (no aUmlep So . pk) ; t -1, : : f ; :. , v Tr And seemed to caccced for aseaeoni I? i 11 Is chancea were good o long aa he stood j iired to rvbetllon endtreaaon. , Bnt he eoeked hie off eye a Utile awry,' And thought tie di.-rovered a Tartar But It proved to b none, but the aadow ft one, : . ! - - " 1 - - 1 . u ... - ..i . " 2.f- fitta Mil . .--w wa miHicuine game he was "arter. ?"E A rode that was rtrtier thin v . lie trKk rwUcre ay. and ttprsMi-.t it ' would pay, , s. .. ,, . a- . But It dtan tront worth a penny. enr, dear, V ncte Be t we regretted II wheei o went Into that Potter nmaiiba To ehateebbe lUrs, whom Satan Innplrve , n iiupwrtwi m tu -crr4et city. We IV-anM you wonU tkti. lor one co 01 : . : prevail . ' ; la the ecbewsea vtat AfawiMj ii...i TJ pklafet Indeed, fur tbe verdrrt wtR rtmj. wiftw his own fatal ItaC Ofc , we almdat tnwld try, ar ywe oaww nt so. high, t ... Bui now yeare ta Halt Bivwr vathrv. Fkreyoa wwU,trle Ben ! aope to saert Rat na where the tiinrnU ralty, i- - 1 1 s 1 . ! ll'W neai4aJ t&at tltat r.ti,M t'l ISII ISniatlill llr ill il IlillS adaiaa It. youa; llriaoa iapoleoa and the Prin- Ihyra, of JDentasrk, was caosed rwiautrtty by money diSctillsa, Alt aorta fiorra bavo.Wea tedd aboat the wealuaaf the es-Cmpras F-a-rwi?, ad her trtiae ha beta sUuruteiy r. acreralea e anlrimaac as fncads or tos bavw beew efflal?-r it. A4 now eeeara Id isrrs aritSi all sttrts ef ataUstka aa the eafeject, whkh it de eUres are traerthy, aaal hkh a cos 6d85 raUie kuj accrpt as it Lire. At aay rate, acceei: td ft, tie ' 3TBC rVukcaiabf staersrkXr eedy a irresi cfalm j francs ? i.tji. w. Lki, eswaxt t-s-s a Ct. U rrwewrty eii3al at YkxaMaL sarxr 1-vw.u, ta tayna, which waa It liai J lMaors UcckkU. Of ccsrss) tias is not fl.f ennn?li fur m. iVi no irk mtrr On. and tbn fVinrl nf f VirvrtTi li.fo l.n the anestion of BeLllmint brnarli. od, turned up its nose at such a penni- jouta. do ue ex cronreM, iiko a kwu momer, a as come to tier son saiu Uer income, says Le Figaro, U io the neighborhood of 450.000 francs a year. and two-thirds of this she is going to turn over to him. j It is not a Tery great ueaa ov,uuu a year. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f I THIS Is to sl re notion that on the 1st day - w uck, lata, l wmui in uuiuaMr ftialunnrf nntrJ 1 Km l.i.t.LM rv..... i . 7 .'.0M.-. Willi in UIV Jtorth Carolina against the etat of Jiax of Cumberland, in said DUUIct. who baa been adjudscd a bankmi.l nnmi Ii i wwn pouuoo. f- That tu payment or auy dvbts, and the delivery of any pro- or lor his uw, and tbe tranuer of any property by hM;i. ara forbidden by" law. Tbata mcetlu-4 or iha i-ridliora of aaid 1 oauarupt, U wit; Vonra4.l1 utd olbcra. to j ove their d.-bt, aud cuooee one or more assignee of bis estate, wiU b Iteld at a omtrt of lukruDtrr. in be hol.h n on the 16 h day of !., a . ik WW, at W o nlock a. fQ.. at Kayvttvllle. N. C, before Win. A. 4inthri.v l-jn I inthmt. mpiry ofiMjdUiktriet. i ; , . ' i J. 15. lill.L., OVJT V.B. Manbal. 'IMI 18 UU:i to notice that on the 1st day J. of July Ihtn. a Warrant in baakruntrv was isauud out of the HiHirii l toon of tbe lniiini Kt.lir,ii.ii.u i'...A i... iii.iri.i ..r North Caroliukx atcninst Ihe estate of Kd ward r. Powers of r a etlevillOu the coun 1y of Cumberland in said H'.sirlct. who haa llWn adiudiretl a lantnint limn liianurn lietitlon. That tbe naynient of any debu. Htitl the delivery of any proerty bt-loueing t said bankrupt, to hinj, or for hia use, and t li4 lrtniif.rnr ... mmu kn l.i forbidden by law. , Tht a meeting of the rill 1 1 . t. rf d i . 1 fr... . , I. ... ..1 ... ......... - - ........ ... r.!. 7 I . . 1 .,'!, IV. J ' 1 . , 1 17 b l V 1 r debtsaud t4iooR'one or inom ansicneeaof f.lu ... 4 a ... ; 1 1 .... 1 1 1 . . . . . . ' - v...... n. v., . v. M I V rnuUy. to bo hol.l. n On Ihe lLh day of liee.. Jt. I J. 1S7H. at IO o'rliw-lf A. f at i.-bv- f Hlll. Nl '.. lH-rirf Wm.A. iiUhric.Ks-i.. . - 1 11 nut i.ov.17 I I'.H. Marrbal. .1. P. II ILdi. $teor IfcREMlUMS ! And eo;nruisi.,nk to ali AGENTS I lUfAW'Tli-.n 11 an id u every Post Town in he United States to send cubscriptiont for lho Burlington 1 Hawkeye, Send five cents for cof-y and terms rtoageets. I ' I HawKeye Fublbhins; Co., : . ; - Durlinglun; Iowa. -pot. 17. - f. .KN. eUPKiariTKNiilENT'a OKF1CK H'ilniatou, Colambia & Aa ROMta It. It. Company. Wiluikotoii. N. C. Nov. II.; IS. 7. , CHAN UK OF KCUEDULK ON and after handay. Not. lllh, the lol ZlOWinr echtdale a ttl Im rim nnlhU read; 1AY EaTKESS AND; MAIfi TKAIN r (i-ii,) j trjve Wltniiui;toa.. ...j. : Arrive at K'orvnce j.. Liave Flrtn-ni-it 1 J 11 a; I'M SftOl'M s.wr a Arrive at WUnjintou.4 It; NIGHT EXPRESS TKaiN, (daily) I-.... 7 lorcoce. ......... 1.S3 A M - U A' M Am ve at volambis.. Leare Cclnnhia Leave Flon-ece 4.. . ,-. Arrive at Wdnilrtos . j .....1AJ-JF. M S. ST A. M AS7A.AI -T.l Trail, ai Sl ...I. .'i.... Wil . 1 n- 7 ..-..... noiva, f I or v OCT. TraevMTillc. S ea.tr r and iU.ti.vrr, bC , - luaigtog mna u at Ola. ffrlttat Train lis,,, Pnedsy., 1 t Uteve vTlluilrctoa J. ' Jl.tjO A. M rioave at riotmre ....i.., TevP at J ve at CWanibia,.. ...,..;!.. .0A.lt V " J ..lilJ A. M ArtiTtat ittBj;tMi.,.....t..i 4.owr M ' -:n.H(! -V Vasaeagrrs fcr Aneata arm bertraKL Waid Ute Sight Laprta f rat, frWwu wuogKm. : - . j ., . t:5n ;'!'' ' :." - " 'i'jj I f - f "';- '':! nwsa rtireptae fatso klit traiae ag Ckarlvt ad Aageeia;! i - t . - ... .''- ' i J rii- '. " '; w ' ii.ti.4 a- hirivr ... wv..... vi i ia. ufa tj 1. it.tr. , I ! : I cm of w 1 ua txiiTox, n . c. tirncctntrroF' roLtcr, Va ' e SOTICK. up .oUairiN'a trioS up at ru- kuir. i&t4aI . ik. r :.daf aiaMsaMi .1 ii wmUs he)4 iasre T. t?t; wt ' f&,S'.1t .fOfc,tta v 154 bf NrrvUij ra at Sarge. a-a4 i-- aatx.wea-atta,ase-j " We.sa. He r Xiy Mia-aaeg t I. CkWefwKsW Sisgte Copies 5 Ccsts SEW AnvBimsr vr-a 1 'w10 FJX- BoUo tha 3d day aaM fircrv Tbatjhe aaymaat eany debta. andthede- oanKrapt, to hia, or for hi iwoyaad ua "ir".?1 y law. That m aaeeUnx of the mmj pnmnr oetonaiM ta aal.l debta, an4 choose one or more aaahrneea of mmuvn ua uiv la, nay OX V90 - 1 - - - TT IO, A. I III 1 III HI I ai Ijfl later In Hinkrnnl. .f m-i ,t I" T fIHlP? K1 .tba on ' the 2d of .vv.. nun, whwiu oanajoptey waa . .7. ii,.i ku9 1. nl- 7Z'JS ''""fJ.1". e eoiutty of dama been ad j ad red benkrnpl nnon bi- ZT oetitioB. That ik - - - . T debta. and Id IKSk aidaltVA , & . anr DertT MSI I nan 1 1 1 , a a,i - pro lo br, ."oac; ani tLs rof That a meeUnof thecreditors of aaidbaok rnpt. to prove their debta, and ehooae one or a Court of Uankranu.. . t k the I8U1 daw nr Il.kV. 7!ZrT . napurol .aid dlatlrTct: ' WIU. A llnOiri. L i . - . "T .T . t . J. .inui, M anhal for said iHatrtci, ru"S Ulo give notice that ; on the 2d of Issued out of the l)ilrict nwrt nr !h. ?--i- . . -. jij. m Bnui 111 lianirnniii r. 0ter, of rayettevUle In the county of .n..j . . r lv x'tauTCi, wao nas oeen adjudBed baakrapt upon hia own petition. ..iVi'L1 Pyent of any debta, and iha deltrery of any prop-rtybelontlni to arntd bankrunt.ia him m r. ki. . j . . . - 1 tiiiei aaajeju Mill 1D iransfor of any property by hlmTare forbid, den by law. that a mcUn of the credit nrmi.ri.t l,.r.kn.. . T "TT. . and chose one or more assirneea of bla a be held at a Court of Bankraptey, tobe holdea on the lth day of iW Jl. jK In Bankruptcy .of ld IJUtriet. . , . J. B. IHLU, Alarahal.for aald Dutrlou r11,ls tojtlrs notice that on the 2nd day - . wwnut iii oanarnpicy Waa luna.1 mti .riv. ii.-a . . . . ' 8fle for the Cape Fear lutrico" North (miln.....n.i . . . . . . i rvTm w ...III. I . . . . . i . i u a. HIAII UI J Coin ,a inaixiei, who haa been odjudK-,a bankrnpt npoa hU own pctlUon. that I he men! of any debtMutd the dell v .. r . .. T.mtwirlvhjilAii.1.. i.ij i xv, r - hi county or rupt, to bim. or fpr hia uae.aad the lranrr "f an nprawn V b V film IM ftwlil.l.ln. k law. That a mee.4n of the eredtlors of said bankrupt, . tl oorself , and &thera, to prove their debta, and ehooae one or more aaalrt.ee of hia ealate, will he held at a court of bankruptcy, to be hoUlen on the 22nd 'day of NovA. D.f 1S7SL at 10 o'clock a. nu. ai Fayetter ille. NJ CX. Wore Wm. A. Outhrie, t-m ItegUler In bank ruptcy of aald UtatrtcU J. U. 11ILX. Marshal for said ltetrtcU fpUIH la tor I re nogU that on the 2nd day J. of Oct., 1STH, a warrant la baakruptfy was laaued out of the lMatilet Coort of the at rasa Ij'Mr til wtrial AeaaataSa amSf I m vkaktn Phi III pa, of Tar HeeL In toe county of Bladen, In aaid District, who has teen ad Indged bankrupt apon bu own peCUou. Truu the paymens ofaay detrta. mm! Ui dell very of any property belonging toaaid bankrupt, to bim, or for hl nee, and Ute tranKfer of any prlert by him, are tor. bidden by law. That a mealing of the cred itor of said bankrupt to prove their debta, and choline orveir more Assignees: of hia estate will t LeUeaji Cban of Uankrnptry to he holden on the lithday of ixc A. U l'-TS.at 10 o'clock A.VL at Ihe UnTicd KUlea District Court Room la Wilmington. . t, before Wm. A. Odthrte, Eao HrxUtrr tu Itankruptcy of said disUlrl. J. It. IIILI.. ' - atarahal for aald Distrtct. 'PUIS wo rive noUcethatoa the 3d day .1 of Oct- 15TKa warrant in bankruntc waa Iwoeda-it of the IMstiirt tkran eV tl.a " - ' . . v . vim ( . qM ute I nited Htateafor thetpe rar District of North frrillaia ii.iHki . i . . . ... t - . T ... w mihi. WOu B J.J led rick, of Wtoington In the eonnty ptMew Hanover. laaid district, who haa Lltinm. Tlul Iki Mni7j... ..l. ibe deUvery of any proaejnyaiooittug to ILorarvf aa.Lt hanrr.i.1 l.-L.T. . ..... . . l i . "7' - r ir'-vm nmriima4 vw-w w uatajr alalfBaH Of all elate wi ll be held at a Wrsart of liankrnpu cy to. be hoMsn on the lilh day of De a. IK Imt at tee clock A. M. at the C sated. i .Vr !w": j . - Vg raaiafH nairin iniufe iiAnen a wn i . 1 r-- r v aam tl lait V i-MlIUi. Marshal Ibr eaid DtatrtcU 1 HIS Uj flee noUccthatoo) the 3d day I f ei - lnt, a warrant 1st UakrcNrr a. an -a evsvesa aasjesigs, vbjbj m L",taJJi,l,cUM,.0,rr twatrtet of North Carolina agalna the estate of M. KHvifo( W timing too fa the eonaty an .wjetrai oat of tne Dlstrtet Cvert of the -ew "-. 1 a aaia ustrfet, who has h-ea adhdd taaokropt epon Ida own av "Ul. Ttral 1 he pay meat af any d4.u.aa4 Hi . llama - - - - . . TT 1 Oil aaalla-V aaT aaa KaLr.a. .1.. a A aata nansrap. o the traaafer of My properly by fcuaa. are V ." r 7-. "rips q prove uaeir di-bta. and rtnamt mmm or more artlgni m if ate eataw, wtti ao heid at aeoertf bank repti-y. t te b4Ww on the Uthday of A. IK. tea. at Wadadt A. hL. as ihe t-at. led tuafces Iwtrict Cmatrt 1 1 eon, tn WujaUaa f , .1 . . uM . ..... ... loo. N.r, I- Was. A. tiethrML Brgtater ta ZUakntptCT of asttd I KM' (irte. Marshal fcar raid DaaUact. G'AM'ET PAPER! SOMTUiNO NBW. pjica la. . " iJmIIIm a '- -. ataiura car .ai awa tMniUrniM wtrarsw te agatn. et-a-m. suae siiastd tuag aa tmtmntm.m to svar. iiutjsftiMbeaMias.ii eraaa ietr aaal eata tmmm la faad (tM, tm It to ery darabae. Cau aa4 esaaaiaw tt ad L-nre uiuiL-a tM aad rrv risartv-x rtermey ai -tccrotttry'sj OflsjTe?; ; mnasidsttdba.atUtC. fw-a.l3.': 'I'ttJ. 1 JtlXTors em tW w isTwsar--aa s da3a Iea4 Oswyiaay twew amiss id s yasfciat wtmsia af eaOd rsory ay. rejaaae fce iisitaeiaweB adi;ar u itkaf Ste-esbhe a-ttt, Tk Traawltr La4s wl twiftswal trwea Cbr :3s at wtnAee im a- j" ''wMf SMftSef ''. ' NUMBER -IS SEW ADVEETISEMENTS. NOITCE; T MUE USt.KUiIUMU HAS ULEN Dl tY appointed A!s-b of E, T. Wiurn, a na soneotiatjr,X.C. AU persons are hert by Wot I fled that tkey can hare any buainr aeertainlng toaaid estate at tended to ooaununleaUng by letter or other io ate at my oOcc la Loiubcrton. AJ enons owing said eitc, ere r. e.ired ,o make ImaaedUti ipajmcsU NATlt. TatcUSAN, Uiaabertott, s , is,. et Aaidgate. ' BOT.lD-lk TT KITED STATES UK AAI EIUCV. T&ICT OJVBTW IUK UNITED KTATVJ, FOB TUB CAPE FEAB btSTIUCT, IX IITS EASTEttX ltTJci JT0UT1X CABOUNA: ' IgoaUo Fosto. Mariner. LS AtMlUALTV, The Hpanlsh Brtj Una For Heatatao'a i Wages, ft. to whom rr mat coxceun-. 3CoUre la IiuhIi i ... i. . . , v." . ' " " u wmiiriira Sea. StJ,0.. "'S"" ..:' " ,,,., "... iiw i mini HUtea for said Dutrlct, dated the Uik da '"f" 1w.l,tt sock case-, I have attached i?t IJtYt 1 fS .; ,1r1 J fttrnliure,aad liZilo..,U'aiho,.d " "' my ru.tu.tr nntil the hutliM mi ... . COUrt. - muii l 'law it fc The moutlon afbreeald it Smmled on ait Information filed by K. U. McUatca l-j-T .iiuur in IDe tiiiww 2fJ.tdr5 of !b tHtrte Court nronai.l. Aa?i.? '"P1.1"1. h"Hn to found ennse, and for the antount above ateriOnt. Kow.Uiereiera. all persons claiming the same, or knowing, or havlag the anUiwttv i"y'.w"y tbo property and things aft.r. aaidahoold not be condemned and sold i vytnentof the aafct mertaer's waea, ate lerehv noillliJ t.. . .i . . . aid conn, uheid7;;,r:i:.,r: lrih-sllll K til ktral U.eaaa. iu Ta. ..... ber nest, at la o'clock in ih. - . , , . w at nit a, imi 1 -. diction, otherwise on the nest dsy of juu. dlellOB UiUMflir Ihia iil k. ... r ... that dir. ir ll aarma . K . 1 1 L. . , . iutiv iii iiiirr pose a claim tor tbe aanae, and make tbotr maxmuinim IIIII WUH1, nUovtlDg cau. ii aay, to tue fmntrary. ' J. B. 1U1.U l. K. arhal, Oct, 30. UffS..if ... lrruty u, a. XI. - SrPEiuoa Cor kT. PtrshWit k. cw Before 8. IV Swain, ClcrlJ aad JmVe of Probate. . W. IL Drew, Administrator of Jee G. iirew, aeceased. Ann 8. Harper and husband John F. Harper, Mary U. Gallawsy and bus band Fa M. 5aliowsr, MagH J. Swain and htuband Ii. F. hwaln, mueiG. Drew, (minor) Krama t GiUieaa andjiasband Charles Gilli can, liebeccaM. Boyer and husband Samuel IV Boyer. This ia a S ntv-Lit Pnuv.ti real estate assets and it is ordered that ute now resident Defendants Kouua t. Gillican, Charles Uitlican, IteWca XI, Borer and HamneJ 1. IL t-Br ta antred to appear before the Court ti je second. Monday In Novrsrber. Being uie uta day or said tnonU, aud answer or demur to thr-romni.iht . judgment will be Uken ;rtj ttmfnM $ m uitw. sept zj oi. mialBsUn & Wfldon R.Tit .UbPtUj. all wuMtgtR,K.c,,'!l.l.' QVLlSQt OF acUEUCLC Oa ae4 (fW gb-f So se.1,. IK . rsearr Trains M tJ W. AW. lu.t,, . , wtU ran aa frollows: D A V M AIL AND Ea PLI4S 1 n., ,s Daily. Leae Wiladtiioa, Front atrwt iWrtfrt at a a Arrive MWelioa at ......... ..! mr w a-asTe weJaon aalJy ...... r. M Arrive at MUaUagvew, rt at. tFtat fcur, at , . . XIGUT MAIL ''AND EXIHIKi TRAIN, Daily tawTejraisgUi. treat iuti taSaV WtadMa aUII J ,i . a C!. .aaagLes fwet it TVailLaa V.fc n. ai . . at a izr v.V!Zr - at ktas A. M ; 4ly . aa-4 Xe4j , W -rr a t, eaetrMsaar.M. : x " ITaal IkaTraiaaaailaTa .tan Mj-J.'r?l . i - - w - - ' 1 - - ana. mi a, h lTlf SO tatf a.1 tealala Staara aaa Ba i mealaa4 sJ raj rrair, , asUis 1st ad wc&s ana via atte, ; -O-wsi-at Cars ttlMWI )'t3'PM o-tw r. ci run, 0astu in "wssssaiaf . .sr5aa--wr-i -WL. itV S-a Sai. e3hk t ... - tK tMkl Asa- 'ta: l(rB5si aj : w j . f 4at tUas4 uesgawjky mm el :: irjjesi a trT. ttnn,a ! 3fegsea,. "tasfjaa. , 'i r : 1 i : i f r t i J r

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