MM WM ... ,x ' - - - '.( jH'.MK tX. tfiTv -POST ADVER TI3ING RATES. ..-fits' PCX I i e fl,r tn e fi f 1 n ....n-ventv-tive rents per lire i-'itiy ! .'I ri-l" '. ' r i nUnnl iniorlmn . .w, i "tVi iiuoiiU will be char-god a WILMINGTON; NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1S7S. Sltgls Co;!t3 5 Ctita NTJIIBtc Walker, Alfred Uojd, T Morton. ! nu i nomas urewington,. of Fender. liiiman, L J IIoTt. J A 'itinao,CC Taylor, and N EveritL of Oostow n - W J Buahall,Stephc W. H. M jore; Ei-, lost quite a to of potatoes, &c , by thieves, on Sunday night lastt " Mr. F. Schutte ha a very larte ri ben Turner. aodJJ 1 lot f funuture on band, new and ele- P Whitchuret. of Carteret! ' 1 Eot wbicjh ho is now offeriu x v rt t Oacar J Speers, KeUMcaUy. Jr., and cbeaP for pa8a- ar.- :f Pt - ? X Duncan K. 11 Uw. - . u . . smvui a rarrnix a n. f I . - - . ' ' " f can rwt IrMlnil it,. I . r THHUD BIBTRICT. SEW ADYEBTISEIIESTS. The following is the official tote of theTbird Conztessional District fur 187C !Wtatogn i and 1878: - . . boum that am tM 1st ay noitce. 1876. 1878. .N. i.TS.-i;il'ritc.4 .7 . ran bu "bad for a 5uger : Thy .Vile iil .cniti'-ii pne j to Ttii3 Wil it lis 7" cenW. f l ), per i'iiiii uuiiiurtiun.'ioii busiuc 4,,irfsscl lo The .WiLMipiaTOK .,, ri Viliifiugttui, N. C. 01 TV ITEMS G RAND year; buuld : W B-irnn of Miw, L rT7 ""TV" "Bice of Mr. rrMiddlelon,WAOuHlrie,Abratn f?o -4Urk betweaB E L?e. and W U Sorter, bf Camber. Hoi M. Waddle lea lor Waih Mew Uanover, Ooslow, Carteret, Duplin, . inston Friday moraiD&r. tu atteml t I SamDaan Tnr fcillowiag dkttneuLjied KeDnb-: I nextseaeion of Conzresiwhicb eaman.. BroMwick. licans have been hmted and trMTwct: I OB the first MondaT iA rwm1wr f 'f"mb' 'llonR J J Martin, liaf; 'WltlUmatnn James C O'llara.of Enfield; f3ainael W"T'atti,-orrrAhktlDton: B CBadzert of JUleigh; W A Smith, of Princeton; Samuel F PuiUios. John Pool- : ; Mayor ; jB. Pfehbhte was serenaded fJU"b"Ufld' at hia new mansion on Front BirpeL.nn '. r- m i -. - ' . - . - . . I aionaay. evening last, by tbe Cnuet Canoert Clnb. J' T3 1554 1220 1199 2144 4 J 151 2025 994 1412 1S56 2185 1037 1328 Mail agent on the iv. & W. Rail- 15826 auU Allan Uutharford, of WasbinR- road, W. U. Ba!ey cot his band badlr t)i, D C, A VV Tourgee, of Greensboro, mashed by gettina it caught in tbe door SS34I K . - 3 8045 r 543 711 1266 1264 1665 10521 766 1444 2129 741 1200 1078 451 707 1499; 7161 1400 . 433 1052 7951 1335 587 692 158 i ill) IT I 1 Iv M CuliL W 1IoinPnry of Gildaboro; Col of the mail car, on Thurwlay uight last K 1 U l I- 1- l; i. 1 Thos B Lorg.of Balibbury; Bihop -s'--i'-r- I ' i 1 . J W llood, Kobt. Harris, of Fayette- t8,000 lE AULTER.--Ve underUnt Nw I U lnibUc'iui of the county Of. lauuvtf, iiud the Tliird Gongrcs- il.ry wi Dittriet, on the nigul of D cL'inlH-r next, will incet to i tln'i'r L' ideation at the tri of Kepub'iican ,-pripciplee at the- Lite c ucUoti! Tiiiy will const Atulat'e their (frieudi in llttj First and ond (ongrts-iioual Di.-irK's on" ?!r common rictory, j(,sl.jlt'.l Mil i tin nd Jamea E. O'llara ar- li.-iiotly eK cted to the nit Con ....J nd the vote of ' the Third Di ui. l ;t- lurried by a large lie, the 5lh vilUfOeo. Z French, of Rocky Point: Maj.HL Grant, of Goldsboro; Col.Thos B Keogh, of Greensboro. Ttie Cliief Maranal will give dua no tice of the order ot prcceteion- ; A rrangtinentH are expected to be mitd lur excursion trains at reduced far. 'on the Kailroads and steamers. eG'ji.-.V Price, Jr.tacy VanAmrioge, N (J atiipaon, J A Lowery, W H Geiki, VV J Kellogp, Geo., L Mabson, that the late Treasurer of Duplin coun ty, a Democrat, by the name of Mc- Crotber, is behind in tbe small amount of $8,000J And still tbev ome. Who next? No merchant now considers his slock complete: without a full lit of Dr. Bar ter's Medicines, . Tha people demand them and dealers must keep them. 2t ! ' L The A. M . E. Church conference E U Brink, Juo. Berry, 04 Bnrney, which conTe:,ed at Hillsbo.-... on the f niiij riiy, .1-my will vxtend tlieir.tbatik nuiii-lt ilivir '.congratulations w IhcikU at the North who havd a:lo all that-part of tbd i;.'l'tib1.ic,in, cxccit two iStatei - Ol KICEIIS : I'rMidoiit.-OJ II-t Blocker. Vico Presidents.- Janies A. Lowery, Anthony Howe, W. II. Banks, II. Rjed, .lusfph H. Nell1, p. G. Bate), Henry G. ublican E Mc Bride, Joseph C Abb IUt J CHill. Atilh.niy Howe. J C Scott, John S W Eg'ei'. ' . : ' ' ' ' Committee of Aeeaxukmekts. dry Items. The stockholders of the Wilmington A Weldon railroad held a meeting in this city, on the 19th, and in the course of the proceedings. 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th instants, hu returned Rev. Jos. G. Fy,- U ?. O. Sampson and Rev. K. U. W. Leak bank Total vote of 1876, lotal yot of 1878, A falling off from 1876 of 11000 YOtea. WaddeU'a majority In 1876.1689. KusseU'a majority in i878, 881. ,-' Mr. Hanson K. Rooark, Register I T Deeds of Bruoswick county, was ia this city on Tuesday last. I ' 5 Hotel. The Pnrcell House boys of" thU city, have been kept quite bury for the past four or five days. .Travel is very' good. ''"'' - Col. Duncan K. McRae, attorney law, left Chicago, 111 en Monday last with , his family. He intends to make Wilmington his future home. We have received the North Carolina Agricultural Almanac for the year 1879, by B. Craven, D.D., L.L.P., President 10735 11611 2411 408 476 858 1160 1168 697 765 1295 1538 408 397 i3 O e ea JO to 3- 116U 476 769 402 615 435! 625 561! 360 061 860 45C C3o 634 IS : 6781 403 104 497 355 I 149 591 303 803 warrant lm bakrotiey trau iMnod nntrl Otm DlKLrlrl C3Mtrt Of th United stalea k tbe Cane Fear IXstrkt of North CajTolinm against the wUU Uax I rfUIK VSECSSlGSCCD HAS BEES DULY BCBKMOOIIfVUITUI UIHOWV I I nSlSlrln ASea of B. T. WlllU. of Bob. owa peUUoo. Tbat tae i Muraaeai I man umiIt. Jf. C. All mtmnu ara hareby .a.&. Jl IV .I.IImbm tfP &aa tww I " - peny teioniuif to saw oaaarai so I waUM that taejr can har, aay.tHUlaoM or tor bis uml and tfc tran&ler. ot .any I . -V banarapt. to wit j Toaraau an otaar I aomaaaaloUUi hr UMtt or oUtenrtso to to prove thalr dobta. . muA oboomI oosor more aaticneea ofbU tau, wiu I km at any ba neia at a eourt ok oanaruvtry. m vm i holdenoatho lftthdayof Deo-A. n. lS.aS nn sn 1 o'clock a. m at FayaUerUla. M U, bofor n nv. A. uatnn, tq. holdenoatho 16th day of Dv,i fioxlaur ta bank- 7.B.HILU Tj.BTkarahaU roptry of said Wstrlct. bov 17 4215 2346 riiHI3 is f fir notico thatoa thelttday 1 of Ju!v a warrant la baakraptcy was iasnod out of the District Ooartof tb United Stale for Lb Cape Fear District of I fiortn uarotina arainn in rau h m ward P. rowen of'ayUvUlia the coua ty of Cambarlaad. la said District, who baa been adiodired a faukr -t Vvm hlsowa pei a ion. i oat uie luuii 1.4 buuva, 1 aua tne asuvory or aay propenj paionaina to said ban krapt, to him. or for his a, and the transferor anr pronertr byhlaa. are i forbidden by law. That a- meeting of tho I creditors of aald bankraptto prove their debtsjind choose one or more assifnee of nis estate, win te neia at a conn or nana' ' office la La tubertoa. - ATJaersoas ov tog said uie,rt re- qmtrcd to Biake ImsaediaU pajuuaU KAtU. XltlX-VN. AVgure. UiaaHertoa.tC Nov. t, TS. BOV.lft-lk V7l!:!rrtPa t 7tUon U A Du n v 1 - rv?t 4 4 NE1V ADVERTISEMENTS. Ueclsler in BankruDtev of said district. " n . . V - -i w. iv. niMi, nov 17 . U.S. Marshal. Oraira OanaaAi.Hrraan'TKMvr, . WUlagtoa,M. Gvx U-M CHANGS OV BCHXDULZ. riiMiai.iiiirlTfi notice thaton the2ithday 1 ot Jane 1ST8. warrant in tataknolcy Jl ri-iHIS tstocWe notice thatoa the 3d day X of Oct., Is78, a warrant in oanara: ted to, and th their victori-country to tbe same churches they had last of Triaity College, published by L, year, very much to ihe pleasure or their Bronson, bookseller and publisher, at ' !J ' . ... ri:w v n congregation-. - "-.s-. . --- - Ex-Judge Samuel W. Watts intends Rjrs.Saudy s kes was committed to movj to Wilmington and open a law to iail by Justice Hill, on Tuesday last. nffi. t..a r.tta i,.. ka Mnniatinn passc resolutions in memory of the to await his triai at lbe vr xt term of of being of the best criminal law hite William A. Wright. -A fire, on the Criminal Court, charged with com- JeH in North UaroUna. We hope that Tuesday morning, burned the black- mining rape on a smallcolored girl. ha K1,ftflli ir v '... smith shop of B. McDougal & Son on by the name of Mary Jane, the daugh: friend4 htrewho will take pleasure in North Front. Somebody has Urn- 0f Haga' Smith. Sy kes. a co!ored ia exteoding to him the right hand of pered with one of Sheriff ManniBg'a man; worked at Messw. Colviile & of fei0Wihip; , locks with a view, prooaDiy, 01 getting Company's saw mill in this city. , at the county funds. -Ex-Got. Brog- . ' den was in town at the railroad meet- DiE.1 In this city, ou Friday morn- Rev. t.tvlur, Jas. li')ve, ;Hev. J. K I. Howell, Hon. W. II. Wfaddell. lirnitsHwk. John H. Brodks. J. D. lUvis aii'l S. P. ttwain.- ' Ciaiieu. Joha Newell, II, Wilker- BrowujT William Mcltiro. J. C- , n J. W. Wallace and EvahderSia j;lctrry ' .. ' v. . - .., IViuler. A. .Gaiuberg, 1. 1 U- o W. Uair and Dunlin. Irviti V Bceman, l.mklitnn and A. 11, Middletdu Simpson. J. IJ. Smith, Cilton Sea s-mih ai-l Clifton Vard. (MiwtTlvluio"d Freuci , i'uiilct'fii and Cap. James 1 lV)luiubu. J. W. Spanlai Mot)ovcll and jW. J.Stanle: C. DavisJ '"Carteret. A. I'urnerV J. R. Doughty and J. Cuinterland.-J. C. Blocker, R. M. I DaTi Trrell, U. Jr, Lutherloh, and tieo. II. Djwuins. llarncU.T-.lanies M. Tu injj.Uon. Duncan McRae and his j ihg 22d inst.; Daniel Howari, Sr., family have arrived in the city, to re- aged 7Q years and 11 mouts. The lu sid... Hops and " Germans " have I neral will take place tb w (&uu uej.un.Ex-State Senator Moore's I day) morning at 10 o'clock, from St. ill-use at ; Masonboro has been broken J Stephens Church, thence to Pine For into, and some article stolen. Tbe I est Cemetery, lne lreudj and ac- Cornet Concert Club baa serenaded J qoaintances of the family are respect- Vi.Milar . Kwift ftallnwar. I fullT invited to attend. E-u . Btves notice that the Sute docket In the fullness of time he has pawed thau niot aouthera publicaUoM will be taken up on Friday of court tohisfeward. , aHmtywelcome lo our tame. V v, week. Geo. Wilson, colored, swore ! , , Bai Com r any fob a PreaCHEX. ou a warrant that he was afraid of hi. . Supeeioe Couax.-Judge McKoy JJJJ oM Jhitew countr.onthe ... ... 1 iniArmi mp v dn a mn nirM t .iprir fti I. - ml havinv imt betore I mwp . The South Atlantic We bad in the hurry of election forgotten to no tice this very creditable southern Re view which is published in this qty by Mrs. Cicero W.Harriss, The mechan ieal part of the publication is very cred itable as well asthe matter." While its tone is strongly southern its article dweuiw southern I questions in better tenner and from a broader staodpoint It is altrY welcome to our table. United States for the Cape Fear IMstrict of North Carolina against ineestateoi uu-iaa-duke Howell, of llowellsvtUe. In thecauo ty of Kobeson. in said dlsirlct, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon nis own UUon. That the paymen and the delivery or any 1 in uaiH h&nk-rnnt. tA hint, the transferor any propeny u, ui forbidden ty law. 4 but a -meeHag-of the creditors of said bjnkropt. to prove their dt-Uts. and ebonse one or more assignees or his estate will be lie d at a Court of ,H"k ruptcy. to bo holden cm the lth day of A. D. 187, at 10 o'clock, A. M ., at 1 ay ettevllle, N.C.leforeWm. Aaiulhrle.LKi , KvUterio Bankruptcy of sld district. J. f. lilLL. Marshal fvr tald Uistiict. nov2i . . ! ' tiPtc; out of the IN strict Coartof the as issu' Vnited Platen for the Cape t' North Carolina against the ostato ot Robert A. i'arker, of Willi Creek, In the county- of. Cumberland, la said DUtrtct. who has bean ad men t of any debts. I Judged bankrupt upon his own petition, property belonging 1 That the payment of any debts, sad thode 1, or for IiU nse, and 1 livery ot any property belonging to said oanarapt, to oia, or iwr uim iwi mm transfer of ny property by bta, are few bidden by law. That a meeting of tho creditors of said bankrupt to prove their debu. and choose one or more assignees of bis estate will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, to be holden on the IS, day of Dee . A, D. 1S7K, at 10 o'clock A. M at Fayetto vllle.N. Cbefore Wa A. Gulbrle.Eaq.Heg lster lu liankrnptcy of said dUtrtct. J. B. HIT Js Marshal for said District. Oa and after KauAa Nov loth. lhTK lxriot 1 ree(rTreias oa Us W. & W. 1 tlrosd wiu raa asiouows: DAY MAIL AND EXl'REfiSCUVlN I :- , Daily. . " Leave Wilmlagtoa, Troat Street iMpot, at.. tea. k Arrive st Weldon at 1.09 Y. M I Leave Weldon dally a ...3.11 v. hi arrive at unuagtos, rroBtBU , -v , wpotat..... r. at NIOUT MAIL AND EXI'RK&S , TIIAIH, Dally f -r 1 . "rr r ..... .. .t. ..r rgvUIS 1 tQ give nuucw m va m 1 Not. 1S7. warrant in onrii;j . . 1 ri .a.a s ..mS nT n a Bins- issued out or . uu '""""'r trd States for lb Caps Fear : D.strlct of rimiH la to giro notloe that on the 3d of JL Oct., l)?7S, a warrant la ban km p try was Issued out of tbe District Court of tbe Uni ted HUtea for theCaoe Fear District of North tate ot weaiey v. North iarolina gainst tbe cstato of bhad- Carolina sxalnst the ea1 rack Howell, o? JloweliRvilic in ttie 1 Xroy, ot Fayettevllle, in the eouaty of Cam county or Kooewa, m ' ""-'"-'' "w - 1 oeriana - in aaia awricv lrn been adjudged bankrupt upon - at own petition; that the payment of any dobts and the delivery of any proveny belonging to aald bankrupt, to Ciut or for his use, and tbe tranarer of auy property y fobldden by law. That a meeting ol tbe creditors of aald bankrupt, to wit : irj aeif and others. t prove their dobta, and choose one or more atsignees ot tola estate, will be neia at -puur beriand In aald dUtrtct. who been adjudged bankrupt upon his own ScilUon. That the payment of any ebts, and tbe delivery of any pro to htm, or for his nee, and the tranarer of I any property oy nim. are loroiaoest oy taw. That a tneelingSaf theoreditors of aald bank Leave WllsslretOk Froetotre t wepot at ..v..;...,...... .nr.. Arrive at Weldon at ........... S.aiA Leave Weldon dally, at.... a CO A at ArHv at Wilmlraioa From bl DtSt at K'.a a 4 apaavtt a ttivtwaThal e wlakKffai aaa4 aKftnaa amaaa alneP I J-iiai a.l Hf Va WW w w aMa ins m m m uaavi s w aaaajaa a aBaaaaBLaF at more aasigneea of his estate will be held at I day at A0 A. af . Keturnlng. leave Taiboro "T.-alas oa Tatburo Koe y Mount ior Tweeoay. tUamh IUd loava Tatburo at .'vi 1. M. intusday ana cir- rnptcy, to be holden on the IGth fa? ot the juih day of Deoember. A, D. UCS. at 19 day aad Friday atAJO V, VI. . Dec,. A. D. 1S78, at W o'clock, a. mi t 1ay. o'clock aTM at ryettcvlllc. N. CL, betore I - . ettevllle, N. C before Wtiilam A. Guthrie, Vnu a. Oothrle, Esq., Register In Bank-1 1 r Day Traia makes close coaitecUoa st rq ivcibi,ci j'u iffLLT I " ,! n trtTT I Weldon lor ail poiBU ffortb M JMf i.iaa. nov si vi. ra. nmu.' i : M aranai ior aaja uwrtev. All EMS WANTED. 'pHIS la to give notice that on the Sd -of I I Oct.. is?, a warrant in unnarnpacy waa laauedout of m District court or tne cai- dally except Bandar, aad dally He fctib- au-rau roate. v -a. a saa I . t . si . a The UstihI $70 Machine Fcuutcd testates for thcpei tO $25. Joseph Lauzhlin. P& iIenry Ml tan A tiniaw r.... s 11.11 iK- ...rii,mil at the Superior Court for thiscou the-cost of the complainant. Col. busiifees on tie civil doekaof ew IT. R. Davis' Purceli House in Norfolk BWJ toJ. wi begin a Z . - a.- e.t nnn 10 o'clock A. M., on Mouday, the first use oeen boiu at wvuvu iv vivwi Michael Casey, an Irishman, was day ofjDeeember. and tbe first day of Stephen B. Mauui. I 4 V. a i.,m mnA will nrocooH arithiillL in- adiudced tobe insane before JusUce I . V., MvKay and Ja. 8i llarringt4n Win and L. Carrie 11 Howe Si-., wef Mar Murf.W. r.iuhauau. Carl, .'.lil. ' Anw in Chief MARijuAL. 1 New S. Ieary niv that I3lh' the current month, an extra j g - I . 1 t 11 ... j ..... I u ! 01 toe rosT was outieuiiev, suuwus- ing Ihe ele.tion results, so far as known, in this and other status. The retains from this ( ogreasionai district so airiuted the Rev. R. C. Sanders. Baptist ministfr in this town that he called for volunteers to help him tear down the offensive sheet of news. Kot withstaning the popularity of the Rev erend Sanders, and the glory of the new v IJI 0hU 3 p a 8 D 0 D. Uaater, of Fayettentte in tbe county of Cumberland, in aaia iJistrict, wno naa neaw adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition. That the payment of nay debts, and the of any property betongLng to sal a him. or for bis us, and the bankrupt, to hlra. or for bis una. 1 tranarer of any property by htm. are den by law. That a meeting 0 tho itorbld 1 credit ors of said bankrupt to prove their debu. andenoae one or mora aasirneea ot nia - tale will b held at a ttoart of Bankra to beholden on the lta day eg ; O. before wm. A. Cluthrle. En. HcgUUr in Bankruptcy of said District. - Marshal tor aald District. Bleeping. Cars stUthtl to tit Mbt Traiaa. , . . JOUM r. D1V1KX. IQcaeral M . aov to u - KM. 8UrXKlTXDXro V IK K Kzsti IX. H. Conpan), f 1 Ml IS is urgtve notice that oa tbe and day X of ict., iSTS, a warrant in uanarnpic was issued out or me maim conn of u Meil II. adiuaseu to oe msano puv . - ...... 1. Hall, and sent to the county alma- ra F"f' ,0f f - I mm vktnV rlav at 1 iiVlOf.k A. AI thB house, Casey thought he was gen. r'''""- D.lT;B Judge Samuel W. Walls, of ow.vocaw w... " m i : V La trial of causes at iue thereon. At opeled a law office. Sandy DatU ha. T , wllf b- N""1- wblcb Pched, only a ain- been arres'.ea for committing rape upon lb.cinl lU. ?! Me helper was found to follow.-One a little colored Elrl. not more than fire um nJ Procteuru w,w HUi" Thomas 8. LitUeton. now indicted in years old. The Cbadwick famUy of tinai d)ournmen. Onslow Superior Court for; stealing America, of wbich air. Jt. W. v;naa THE FASIIIsV SHUTTLE SEWIMi MACHINE THE CAEll'Err AMD -BEST. IS THE . ' woi.t. ; ; Too long in Use to Doub. iu fcHiperior Merit. ;f i t'nltcd Htatea for the Cape Fear I IsUict of Norm Carolina aratnaf ute estate os j K. Kyle, of Fayettevllie in the eonnty of Cumberland. lo tali I l-UKt, who baa been a Mildred baok rapt npod bisown petltsun. utat Ute najrment or any ueuvsAaa tneaeuv cry or any property neionging to aaia oaaa rapt, to aim, or lor aia naa. ana inewmaerwr of any property by him, are Awblddea by law. Tnata meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt. . lYooraelf .aad lotbera, 10 orova - their debts, and ctmnea WaJuaeToi, K. C, Nov. ll, is'.l. COAXOIOr ICUSDULX hSid st aTorrnt."Tob: ho i H Nov. Ulh,U IU on the 23id day of Not. A. l MRS. at N 1 VS HaeborixonUl shuttlv iwotioti.a llh lron Self adjuung uiuttie. won nt-w a w l.n.lnM InAVfll CRAllir I Extra long. Urge aUcl abntUe, raUy re moved. jgxtr large ea ouootna, noioios . day of Nov. A. l im. at N 1 Vi o'oiock a. in at FayettoviU. N. U. beSore 1 gesai wm. A. uaume, ai (M;tatw in eaaa- 1 rupicy ot aaia uixncv. 4. n. nim vsi pewtnctchedale will be raa it. wick is a member, are looking for three . 1 nfM. -ntt weii manaeed .... -tAA AAA I e hundreamiHion pounos, m.ivw.wv,- i em to be in a very prosperous WrXMlSGTos Akd WEWo.--Tbe propertyTrom a wreck ship, a , ;Tf; .n m..Hl i known as the wickedest rascal in 'jrh. rtoui tension ia aire s I rttiflH Is to give notice that on the Sad Uy 1 I rf Oct.. I. a warrant In hankrapsry I wa iai w the iHsUirl COertof tbe t nitear-t!- Ij Ue Cap rear LMaarv-tn nk ur 'in ant inst ihe nsiala of ismea iMtitlpa. Tar ltaot. in tho eonnty of , ia d DUtrtct, who baa beenad- CXntLM AUU MAIL TXMJ-(Dally.) Onslow. We kindly; caution the' thread, and not n ataer ranch las. an the bobbin la run or loo Is Ui rrct 1 r uk.o t (b. payment of ay WM. aad tho in.hrcd bankrupt npoo ha own peuuoav- Uanoyer. II. E Howe, N (I. Simp.)uJ lUlmes Elward Howard, IX C. Diuis, C.'k Scott, J. R Taylor, js. Hostler, U.P.Rouke, Juo. H. Brown, lhoa.U Miller, Robert: Kennedy, EUas Halsey, Owru Dove, Henry Turutr, Balaam Wade, Ja. Tucker, J. S. Ws Eagles. Aj U. Liul, Emanuel Nichols, Daniel M, Smitn, C. H. Ward, Janei II. Car. rauwav, Wiliioi II. Marste ler, Uenry Mecrkk, AVilUsu Uolmes, George WadkiL tl jo. W. Bett. W.K. Price, - - ... a wis - I 1 .... it 1. 1 uitpgoois aiuii w , iiruifrf or any rmoerty rrnun. 000. from a Chancery SUlt WxUngiano. -.a. M Tt u rtrd that from rreacner to avom .ucu wmpanj. 1 TfieT.ry perfection of wuMWtins. tat; Taaasaaintetlatcrod. A 1 'I. . J. a it.w w",".." " r . . - . I' 1 The uppr and lower inrraua i-lta-llf a. tkratH to rrore lhair debu. I . u ur- UZ"JVW9s " " I their bantings they have paid their noat- xn. Un,e h been when the Dn- logger and i WarsaH(ki mcuaru n t 1 mid. Hbtd us nana oaaiy 1 nn aoa ha in 1 1,-i..,i.M;fh iuB i or 1 !".!rwrrr. ii. 1 ?w" w v. 1 1 inv a not VI tWiVW. swv. j - - i lavT hhukv w w..v. " -j- I Miwa prwi"rj - " T - - la tm ncMoeai on (OO Hn easy A. . ' .1- .ia -l.5.h in m.V a I " "-2.-i 11 t. nl-l . I thlcanaae of work, from ir " I it uc. at laoVkwk A. at- at the United nsott:uists'n - : iwn..-. -.-. - , , . 1 laatner. 1 . j . ,. 1 tMatea Dttrtct Conrt hurt" as they sy, by catching It in vhe car door. -Apropo almost all the newspapers aay, had bis leg " . a 11 I broke," "had bis headbmiaea' ana M had his hip put out of joint,'' Is that good English? 4 pei cent, dividend on the capUai stock. BUUen look upon its drivers, who forcel NtjtJ Ia addition, great improfements hate the party into any path xhey cboa it nedtajf beeni mane upon tun ivau uuuug 1 to utao. au j year ia bridge, change of tract and re- 1 Saunders, the late editor of a paper in newalol iron. This prosperiiy of the lni, city, which expired ia a Taliaat J. .... a . Ia 1 a. ? a . - . ta. . aegVaa . - "V t i a. -1 road will rive especial gratification to fignt against it creditors, cracks? the J udce Settle has been in town for n . aockhol Jer, i0 . . mMn OTer bacH of the lav ur two. lookinjx remarxaoiy wen 1 mo '-"a".- ; - 1 . day or twv, t.tZi htm I 4Vt.Lti. Ath.r narta of Nolth Car- I IUmrrar. -f Our cltusns warmir wiijuw-iw - 1 uuj 1 on hU young daoghter, who xncreasea 1 oliMU his family oy one. . uo ir..... t...u, MrlM.lo. Daniel Inm Ilk Florida about December 1. - " ... . . 1..' f I it' r.:i. ill nnt aA KHne. Thouns M. Smith j George Rjlnr-soo, Frank WilUtoaj Andrew J. Snith, Joseph W.TelfAir.UJinlel Jone. Jicob Tbompson, ClL Majllctt, Daniel H. Cbadwick, Waller Alvers. Silas IX Norwood, John W. Moore, Usury -W. penny, W. . Gerkeo, 1 vk- Trnww .Tkn i Thompson. W(.t..l.. r w x.niiln -.VT "!?ir--v ahont thai aa I i 1 vt- ,?rht. a man uo would dno. n. w ' "w..;t. " v"vr 1. wiiminteii we .-.ik W. II. Waddell. Wiliam xiuij tavicg rXmcihiri net be true ww. 'T"", win give " -f - "-j,. hsaaaot be tnit 7 far as tJeuator Camerowis jVari;&f. : v Iconctrn-J, we Teawr " our fnend Brink tattrt U tj ktwoU km friends en route, for fiona. I COtr-!y elected- xne,u . . ' - ! a ISO wwv. - GStlUH, - - It ia a disgrace to manhood to be driven by any one r bot when it cornea a -0 v . I i . . a ; a w t it an luairnincaoi i ... i. h anctt a creaturn aa u- VUIU l .w..-.-. ... , . .v. -uAii-i win 1 ...ri in da verr uiuvu i- . . inr inm v ihk-i - " be gUJ to near 01 ...,v. .wt. .d Got. Brocden. of Korth KaHCberv aad riot ; who, pbap, is 1 k 1 f n iia ccnainiT umm . ... i . ... :r;r " true dtixtn ia Carolina, were not re-elected directors impelled by Ute anea r .pcctandlotebf ertry J rroad Company on 0'f tbaft and murder aaKa- thia Sute. l-.i..wlJrt. 80 far aa ex iSaternor kk... foranch aeheUdrfre .rrty .I K-thar of the Wilauiiitoa rea w waccrn at wlkh cwj Dtmoctat Koar motion ucder fcd I h only r4 a- lecaa earn tae ot iw attlng nk P." Wns- Ung of thread." or dropptng aUlchoa.' Ureal width ot arm. and large co parity far WAdapJ to all tbe aata of family arwtrg wltnoot rratrtrtioci. j . rdaapuclty aad perwruwn 01 ntarn-iaua. iBiarr-wnaWt working part. Mann- Btctnred of nnepoiUOd aim. FOaiUv snottoo. gnaraBietiBg nnatavy Of work. i". . . . More reau:y conipr sua -J Otboramehinav , An easy woraing ira . .- fHn mwlwl. " ' " "i I always ready, and awr wot trf ordrr."' . Is NOT mw- or natrted na-tfeia. bot on that h bra taorwnth y trvtadajf ywnra. and baa r'aua aaahii(d rvpsttatloo tnrooboakt the workt aa iho aaiiy rthvt rawitMvlsf Marhiaa. . ltts an naay and pant tkda to Hwywiwiwa-a. and wat U MUl the Wat eetn-T ataa. eAraaag, atarr. rrd and aOcxwU , ; , t'ae it on, and yai win ne no aahee. Agonta swii tbran a4r than any other la S Of IBMW awJl aear wm w mm I Conrt Rooan In Wuaalnctaaa. X. C u4Dra Wan. A. Wothrta, In Hnkramnr at wtm lit d-atrWa. If arahal far amid LtatrKi. Leave WUnttagtee) baa A M Arrive at f toroace 13 r M Lawtnewsta , IMP Mx Arrive st WUaaJjKgtoa kl r X HlOaTXXrfJUt TSAJ-f, (aMlj Leate Wrixalagtaa ll r, 4 Leave florcaca. I 3 A. Arrive U OnlaasUa. OJI A M lMve Colassbia. .....lAter. at Leave flanca ..... i T A-W aVirlvaatWltaftianoa, ear A. ( Urt- lasned lad t-t North Oaroi 1 .1,, ftvenotioatavatoai ua naoay C.n warrant in fc-knipry a taw J114 tato gte notioa that 4 I -lna.a A. Had lie, af wusntafaMo the This Traia a Ul ooJt a4 at llreagtal WalietUm. ralrtUn. iltw. rueaca. I TtassaoawrUJe. tnauaeaad rsaiosv. s. WUasUftoa and ColniWa. of tho la-trw-t ort a-thecal ac-alnatl t'aitad IHUw Aw the Car Fear Vtmntmt IM bltahca. ... I . aaoa a J C Saciv..,BryatlIolmesiTho wntte -wpv. ".wwZl-wc, enter cannot 1 . . w ana aw 11 iiua aia av as a. aaaa ThosRced.EUGreen,Chrl3ttnasswnu - - WcidirWtoiion. Uo,,. . as a E U Mc Quifg, Robt BurTieruouia Sixan. S 1 Xlxon. WiiHim Chesuutt, E F Martin, Simon lUardion, Willie Done-ton, J B Smith, Thoa Ktviera William West, Cornelius !Moore, Fred JlUler. S II Manning W ill Howe, ! Asa Bss, Henry Walker, Oarea L ...TrSaUh.E Lcsr, rbtMcKlostf, and ; Joseph Spell of Brunswick. I W. JSuUon,F W Masou, Johnson Ureta, aad W II rridtob, cfEUdca. , j Uiblasoo Ward, Virgil Bet and J C Bardcn of SAzapsou. f AY UoirtUY A Cwau, ArvUe come make the contc'-aa. Or wVB The Boston UcraU U at iadrpead ,t onraal of Democraiid iwOiTiSlea, and it apt U be Ukea a sMt-hority la ana-tern rtlliz to thai rerty there Tit. t?-rer cf that tvr mJ u Iu3.-a from Ue UZi:Z txUl Crsa lha UcraSd. 1 ttz2f f.ThacTa-rywf6ACarirwa- et m wv.... - eatato of John ia the eoaaty of New Hannover, In adi-rl4WIh-i lrn adxt-w4 baakreaa r-a aw wwa -tiUooTThat the amyoaeotsrf any mm,mm the Oil very of nov Msty toogtog a4d bask rapt, to id-a,aar ArbW sua, aad tbe transOr of na-v fawawrtV ay hsaa nte mt Mddawhytarar. fWaaiaaUataltao4 bukraM ia sww tMtr bm rw-e or auore naay-.wa ad bie ttu,wi lb held at n lt U jUakrar MU-UU4lUataf X A. it 1V at A. I.-a im, tatiat rM.aWlHrw-t awl to-wmm la W aal--va, N. a-aore Wan, A tt, la-, k-egso-. ... -..i Mwa-j aw i w. .SlOOOrlfl- PRE!ilUL!S! Tkrwafa frUlt trata f ta-Uye.1 lt4 Leave WTstirrtiga ' ' Ne 4 - . . IICTA sf sraaW a an Bwasysnw- se a Ame at cneamiia.,... ........ a tt A e Uart tJ ............ .till A H Leave rwcav.. .MM .ttXAX Amvea ti uacastw.MM.M..M.4 r k kw Aaitn a .4.4 taova SUM S-aoaos rn fr?4tjf Cute Ult 1st C-ariansaw aad Aaavaail i I Call at 0e of this Paper and Lua ineOae, s onttfrannathf!abho f-aW4-w4 rrinuuiiiu hHi 1 " . . . v 1. iv i.i,nd el t V."" v a - " a tviiaiiEa. asm aww .w - - - j - m. w w-'aa armjar r - : IL R. 1 aaW aUissksata v.i,v wiiinsf a Ituat I tie ixmosx , 1 r:,fci t eiax Ms betsara. aXoawat aun n'- . . v! ww lie rn"KHnt. awa -- 1 v Ftxx. atrtct, ncir Ko-tr iloore. J5L W lira. U-o? F. DIiie. the fccr.s"f SS? ICre rcx P, aad occrrlil by l-c. I - . riucal trtx j wrna ec Han - w 1 .,.- . ; .- " - 11.. v.f. .Vr. I are r.iw-ii a cca as a --. 1 " t . VtlLtYesw -- . . . I , k a-."a took fire ca w f-a rxl1 , ' AM,v.anJ tarctaown. a-v- . " , .IFi ll.ilM - K Inaeior we wf tarit. iaae4 at aaaa tfrf tt.fte. Ssa, Worpt nod eca treav Addreaa, TXX EHOADWAY.T. a. nw-nL- - t-taw Id mVL YJAliiED1 at ft I. nmlVl Tvs U tie CiUadl - y iBurlirtca aaial WIIIXE &iBROWN ;4j l2aa lama. LSnSC tVHZ Cry svaOWtefcw.a swataXf;trf .:,::r;':....-Ai:isrs SSXAS. 1 .v' r- aT IT. Jons r. t::uya CARPET PAPER! fcO.UTIIX NO N i:v. wn ia a tt fuie X a-:- -tt r m ' itwm .. ai t it aw ! ' u .... , ..,. a - n a-4 a. 1 1 -ate a va a. mo a.j- rJ. 4 1 as ry darnane, . a4 a aoa t a ft mmr aid flit Ca- rta 14 an a ai tt

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