6 Ni ' ii n wrr-tr rtrYi rnr lit WW - 'Skaa-aw"' -Ms ar- r i 1 1 e V J I . ' , I My .11 J I I -y 1 1 i J -r .. " . m i )L.UMK IX. TOST APVER ' : TLSING RATES. cents per line for the VIS .nl twenty-five cent $5211 additional insertion. , -. . at It una Vonitstreil lvre. twti l(itute l.u:ire i .,dvv rtisenic.its . will, be charg ;,lw Hl,,ve ral, except uupefciaT first in ner line II be charged at con- I. uue tbnu oue Tlie subscription prtee vrsatox. Tost i fl ,jjt month 75 cents. J - .... u...:L.l.-...lJ i iiCUiiuiunicrnou ou uuBiupouwuiu 00 'i V ht y-.WIIiMlKGTOy.-NORTH OAHor.lN a xitwntv DECEMBER 1. 11878. THE UOMNIOJ,.ui lv Single Colics 5 Cents NUMBER 50 The Marquis, of Lome and Mm -5ft, tlie I'tiiice funu 5 , m.ujuici ui V(ueD Victoria, arrived at Halifax last Wfr o the Briibh gteimer Sirmatiw . H m lb new Governor GeneraVf the Domioion. Th,e7 re received at Halifax with great, mpmnd ceremony, and evident enthusiasm, andith bauauellirj m$ ftstivitlesAner ikfcfiDirit Httifirw a longer for three days they took a special train lor MuitiU'frhejr1ruatrarflcent to The Wiju- f pti,,n aw"iled . FrWiiohtreal pfcr year; r WJ , w : ""awa ine capital of the on, J . W. Wallace and Evanier Sin leterry. .. t ; .Pender 1, GmbVrg. i. II. Drown, v Cair and William Mclt:. I DttpUn-Imo. Bcemao, J. I x; Lwghtoa nd A. K. Middltoa. I Sainpaoa. Smith, . Cairo rje n$arid Cliftoa WarJ. , i - -Ooalovv Edmood Fn-utb, Joppi poaghUm and Cap. J4me Mughlio, ilColaobUi.J. W.Spajulding, Heorv W)OtrvUand W, J. Stanley, 1 haaret-A, C. Daw.. btepW Tltr9trt JtB, Uoughtj and J. B. llaum. ujuaxoenaod. T ! l 1 . : . iWnkMM OrreiMB. 8 Lotherioh.TeVLe'ar, , u Hreased to The Wilmikoton I " r,cirail","'oruiei reoepuon I '-iiarnett.- Jaajef , M. Tui Neil AFWUAN18TA?!. rner, nirtcin oifgiiiflcent wale. Ihia k th fin.1 1 eMoortLW. I. r?..,.: .i A .. dau2bter of a King or Qaeeu who haa BwMn. ' between ever irod the ahorea of North America. f EipWra., U, e S-.. Ohef M likelr to be a war . n(?ionl and this remote inlaod conn- t-Tn r;'r'tte 6f thW Provincial1 J court I hl lar- of Asia, which maya'ao in the end WU1 U'Hiouoteaiy uodergo a good deal I lkli' ' " i . i . i.L: I itf m.1ifi..t;n :.. I . ! lifiijj ubOtll unpieasaui, rt-.-ajn-jua I -v.wwVn vuuaeueacQ 01 ine I -'H'iwHatrOter hngiana ana Russia, i Aigoaa-1 r""vvy ... ineuuer oi me l ooyai H6Ve' ' 'N1- T TO CHIEF MAKSHAI... H. K Scott. A. P. THIRD DISTRICT. I KEW ADVEHTISEimSTS. andl toUolog la the oflclal ToUof the Third ?0Bgfeasional Dialrivl fur 1?7G J 'Tu U io aj' 1876. 1878. Aew Hanover, Onslow, Carteret," ' ' Duplin, Pender, . Sampaeo, , Cninawick, Columbus. ' Bladen. Cumberland, Uarnett, -Moure. 0 ! 3 1554 . 1220 llOd! 21441 J151 2025 ,.W4 1412 1356 2185 1037 1328 17515 15826 3S34I tory of &mily, and , 4h( Canadian. 1 bf come 5 fe, , hard 6n th -omewh-t more Ancliciz.d Inih.ir ?lm' !?W "owrd' D 0- nought, and manner." QS' t - 1 ' m i4H Eouke, Jno. H. Brown. Th r Those two eminent ChrUtian D;ai ,- 1 1Iiller'iRol,ert Kennedy, Elias Haley, cratic btate-men of Georgia, Got. Col- vwn thve, ' Uenry Turner, Balaam q'litt and Ben. Un, do get on' happily Tucker J. 8. W, Eagtea, ti-tliM- Hill accuaea Colquitt of IjMni Emanuel NichoU, Daniel having received a .bribe ojf $S0 00, for f0' C H- Wr(,i Jmw II. Car Hignh.g some lailroad, bonds. Colquitt nfif,lWniam.U.: Maratel!er, Henry denii i, but Hill oilers to prove it. A rclr, . William Holmes, George comn.iiun of the Legislature ia exam- Waddell, Geo. W. Bstts, W.K. price, inhigUolquitUehargwtndthe)rprppo8e EarrjjHall, Evander-McBride, Daniel to have another tommisribn to itfVea- ?e4u?h6mM M Smith, George W. tigatc charges of corruption against Robinson; Frai.k Willstoa. Andrew J. Hill. If llill and - Colquitt Should So08ephy.TelWr,lJaniel'Jpns, both be impeached, and beoblieed to Joob Tbomimywi C. R. Maliett, Daniel Btep dowa andout?itJ kould slightly I .- Chadnick,: Waller AWer. 8ilaa me uuoinjkim I'uiiiy ui we vieoraia i "-w.f Democraoy.' fi VuiriotiA DreMfnA . - nnM r.iiyiaiiu am uuw, niiutu' i rr HIT" ' r wt-iii' I if" "etween ine teitu . i x i ii i - . i i ininaikh 4 m.... k . i! ? . the isniilh and XJeloochiataal borders on 'Iib Ionian oceao. The territory is rti).)iii 2i',000 square, miles, or more thiii live times au Jarge as that bf North Carolioa, and it contains a population ami a great deafbf it lies lSjoQO feet ttbovethe. level of the flea. The great tiycr lu'Un and , the Hindoo Kooeh lU'juuUius are its border ou thje east. ' I'lie jjojiulatiou of the country is tty Jtoharaedan, and the govern ment is divided, into tribes or chief ,tmk l"t it was formerly a hereditary lii-mArchy, and even now the Ameer ryM a very dUliuct control over t'lclliwe district! or chiefah s. The , ugiilar furce of the Amcct h ouly bjiut 1 15,000 men, mostly cav-Alry, and tV' e;crve forceii about 160,01)0 when all aits called out. i'he Kirgliah troops thai-,. is, the ! . . . C iliA Intliaii w m m ik- mAal lt I l . a ' 1 A til. i a tf -i a ; I -wrt -y a lirun i r ii in ii i luc jiiuiau ' AiiuLiiLi luuowj i i ii mi. iiivvp rR i Ti ii i.M i r i f. h m am n ji mnn irnno piija.i w una L mlla ui ti' the natives of tha country, was a lineal descendant of the late I D J aii iilvanciog over the eastiEirn bun- ditfy of Afghanistan in three columns, m mberins in all about 31000 men, mil timinir towards the Russian and lite Persiau fronljers. The a'atemcTi t o f the taupe of this ttlrfcijuUlie altogether totj volumin- hL l t vitr .timce, But it miy be said tiit the d.-jruto arises from the jeal- iji' U twoeuT the English who are on imxide of this territory, and the Rus i.miis- w!i'. are on another, each accus- i iihc otht r of a disiiosltiori to appro liiile to-itself the territory of Afghan '' ; . Prasae Vnicue is an old city and the ancieut J.ilin W. Muure. Henry, W. Penny, W. 11. Gerken, I Johi K Hollow iv .I-k Th Two noted 'metf, ble?of '(gh, I aov .H.IWbitema,' J. N. Vau3oulen died last week, oue at Raleigh and one W. H. Wa lddl, William i llill. at Washington, p. C. One waa the I C S geryuHi, BrvatHolmes, Thoa White Hon. B. ,F, Moore, Seatou Galea. f Mr, ihe other jWaa I Xhoa Reed, Eli Green.Christmas Swand wre, for t$ore IEH BIc Quigg, Robt Bur.ier.lljouu than forty years, has ranked among the I Nixon," 8 )1 Nixon William Chesnutt, fu x ALariiin, oiiuuu wiwaarusuii, nuns Donelaou, J B Smith, Thos Riviera Jof-pb Gales of Washington, and abb of the Hon. W. W. Seaton of Wash ihfeton Hia gra&lfathet Wasia ahdrt iam West, Coruelius Moore, Freil Millet, S HMinnin, W H Howe, is Asa Ross. Henry Walker. O .v?n U hand reporter for the earlier Congress- WSmith.ELee. liobl. McKiozie. ail 1 es, and the founder of the ujd Raleigh I Joseph Spells of Bruonwick. iitgitter and the .National jHUuujcccrf Mr. Seaton Galea was, a gentleman of rare culture in letter, and t)f very pol ish'd manners, : : 1 Total vote of 1876, Total vote of 1878. A falling off from 1876 of 11000 yotea. Waddell's mejority is 187$, 1689. Russell's majority in 1878, 881. . S045 643 ni 12661 1264 1665 10521 .766! 1444 212JH 741 1200 15S26j ' 1 T5 1078 j ,451 7 707 ; 1491H 716! i 1400 433 1052 ' 795 U2fi 587 692 10735 11611 a i q 2411 470 408 - 769 476 : 402 858 645 1160 435 1168 625 697 V 561 765 .360 1295 561 1538 860 438 ' 450 897 636 11611 j 6731 I 22346 634 1Z5 235 403 104 497 355 1 149 591 303 303 Ktve doUo tbMi oath 16Utof warrant in MnaruMcy waa the DUtxiet Court of th fiat- led BUtea tor the Cap fear District ot j Aono i xroiina acaiBit t& CKiat oi eaao. rack- lIowvU, 7 UowlavUl. la th county of Robeon.tna14 olstrtoLwao ha bea aUadred l&knifc imb hi owa peUUoo; thatth pajmant of any debt and j the deilrery of any property pelwaiaa to i aald bankrapt. to hira or for hisua.aad mw maw m any mmmty vy nun, m fobiddea by law. That a meeting of th or said bankrupt, to wit t loor aodl estate, will b held ai . toort of bank. raptcy.to be holden on th 16th day of lieewA. IX at 19 o'clock, a. nv. at Fay etteville. It. C" beftjr WUliam A. Gathri. tq twesuaera in isanxntpury or aia u. novSI , v.B.alarahaI. looiaaea oy taw. xxtat a meeuog creditors of said bankrupt, to wit t Vc telf and othera,to prov their mebta, i eboo on or mor amlgmw of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS i .. i, Ji i i i t rrmis U to civ aotlo that a th?mCy X of Job ijes. a warrant la beak ropier was lssaed out of the IUUHt IVaurtol li l altcd tMatforfh Ot rr lnirirtt Korth Carol i a ncaiittt the euic of Marta. duke Howmll. of UowIUtU, la ther ty of ltoiwaoa. la a!4 Uiwrk-t, ho la ' heeo adjwtseda bankrupt up.a buown petition. That th paynioat trfaardtoU, and th delivery of any proportr ocJoairta to aald bankrutt, to htm, or lor hie ne, aad th traator or aoy irerty by bun, am rorbiadea. by law. Thai a meeting f ibw ereditora of said bnkruit, U prov their debt, and eboo on or ntor asatmeeaol hlseatat will b hold at a Court o? taLk mptcy, to b holden on the ifth Uy of Dn, X. U IsQLat W o'clock, A. M.. at Fy eMevioe, r. wiore ut. A,iiainn.M Heshner tn Baaaraptey of aaid dtvtrm. . , i r. J. B. ill U. - . Manhai for uOU itut. t U ; nov 51 i: - s riuilSlstonrti noUe that on th Ut day I J of OcU,l7H, a warrant In bankruptcy waa iacned out U th Dtctnet uoort or the NOITCE. 4215 United Ktate lor th Cap 'ar IMstrtrtof North Carolina afainst th eatat of Max bchloaebar of Kaveuerllle. la th eoantr ot Camber Une tn aald DUtriet. who. haa been adjudged a- bajaxxupt upon hia own ' petition. ' That th payment of any debt, and th delivery or any jpea nertT beloncinc to said bankrnDt. to hinu or tor hi nee, and th traaafer of any I notiflrd thai they en hr any luriuat ' mronertT b him. ara forbidden bv law. I c s. - rnu UMiiuMai has eixs- r ir.T 'A . " . .v.- appoutted A:sne of t. T, viui ti u-o aoaaiy,3(.C. AUrertocs are httvby property by him. ar forbidden' by law. I e - ' .....- I That a tneeUna of th creditor of aald aaaertaiatMC IM1 elaio aUeiided lo by oauarnpi, io wi i f xoureeu uki oum j to prov their debt, and ehooe I ooiiinniDlcatloc by letter or oILefwlL to oue or more aauaoee w aim naw, wiu be neid at a court of bankruptcy, to be tat, wlU llDtCT. holden oath 16vh day of Dee A. IX lSTS,at 10 oelock a. m., at FayaUerlU, N. U. beor m. a. uauine, uq, iteawar in Dana five coupons of t3 eacb.amoontiog to $195. . 1 The Board adjourned ifmu Monday ruptey of aald Dhttrlew ' noV H J.B.HILU V. 8. Uarahal. Mil A ia t kIvo notice that on th 1st day . of July 1S78. m warrant la bankraptcy waa laaoed out of th DUtrtct Court of th T of July 1S78, m warrant la bankraptcy next the 2nd DccemUr, at 12 o.cloclr, f uniiod tuate for th Cap year District of itortn Carolina against in eatat oi co ward P. Power ofVayttYillea the coun ty of COtnberland. In aald District, who baa upon buown any debt. A. M. COTTOII BUKKED. A pile of cotton I been adjudjred a bankrupt upo . . - . r, r, -i .i I petition. That the payment of i at the station of the C. G. Rail way took I and the delivery of any property .. o t.i,.i, i'k L tosaKinanamt nre at aoouv u ww v i th transrer o t .. , :. i. t1. Miafinn I forbidden by I uut waa cuuSuuv v, I creditor, of said bank runt to orov their Belonging t, to nun,ornr m uae, and f any property by him, ar law. That a taeetlnc of th City BwEre. Hon. W. I Steele stopped here over, night on his way to Washington. ; The Conference of the A. M. E. Zion Chtuxh. Bishop Hood, i in session at Goldaboro, with one hundred and seventy-five ministers. Alex.. 8pronU Eq., will read a paper before the Historical and Scientiflts Society on Monday evening. The evening train: on the W. & W. Railroad arrives here at 8:50 p.r m. The teach era of Pender are re quested to meet at Lillington on Dec 1st, at 12 M,--Dr. Wilson preached at the Front street M. E. Church on Thanksgiving day. Thanks- irivinp Aav waa .n..lt nfi... I " . ... I I'ntled Htatea forth Cap tear Di ? a j VWTO"TOwhich was covered iy insurance in t Nonh Carolina agalnit th eatat ot nete, out some went to the woods snoot ing, and others to the Athletic grounds. Sheriff Manning gives notice that all Daidbv December 1st. will ba adver. minston. N. C. haa vut into Brest, at mjf tftnee' in Lumbertou. " ' -AI p cntona ovlns tald eltr,rlc r quired to mak Immediate paytatuC s;kt-r:-v d ," math. licieAs-'-T uunbertoa, U Kov. t, TS. AuVsik. ,:nov,10..,,? ",,"4,-r . l:. mininrtoa h Wddon It, U v Conpsnj hands aided iby those of the Compress debtMtndehooaeone or more aaslgneeaof I f '"H ft ri TT.ts L f . aMonsmwwwwv , hli wtate, will be held at a Court of lnk- ' U Myft&lVMU Company. Forty thr.e vet atved ruptcy, to b holden on th loth day of Iee " tr - Eighty balei were damaged slightly, 2. bUr Wm. ll OulhrteJ: orr aaHn'rvnna . of, which fifty-stx were tumbled; into the water. The remainder Were lora to piecw in the effort to extinguiah the 'JfJ fire. Esli mated lo?a t6C0 t f 7 00 was iaeuo oat which was covered Northern companies. Reaister in Baukrnntcr of aald district. . . .... nov 17 : . U.S. Marshal. 1HIS Is to give notice that on the 2d day a warrant la bankruptcy of th District Court of th District of WlUueato,. iicjtr. i A dispatch from Itobcrt A. . Parker, ot Willi Creek., tn the county of Cumberland, la said DlstrtcL who ha been ad- London, reiiorta Judged bankrupt upon his own peUUon. I thai ahn nawmant tf nnW ilahta tavaafl 1 1 Hnvt jlka. MrmAntAf ant dhta AUad thai d property on., which the tax ia not that the barque Chatham, from ;WiI- "veryof any P transfer of any property by hia, ar for bidden by law. That a meeting of th creditors of said bankrupt to prov their debts, and choose one or mor assign of Used, which will make additional coats. I damaged, and with the crew; sick- Some Gypsies weal through here last week for South Carolina- H. Keif, Estj., baa purchased the steam tug H. pi. Kinnie, 26 tons register, and she will ply in theae waters. -Mr. Munson, Graud Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of N. C, goes to Raleigh this week to attend a meeting thereof. -Hog thieves bewareN Wyman, ; W.;J Sutton. F W Mason. Johoai tUe malrician ia an old humbue J. Here I u.. pnUnft in ibe comb I his estate will be hld at Court of Benk Joa I Honcy ent 10 tuK'na 10 rf' j raptey, to b holden on th 18. day of D Liverpool safely on the 5th, ; and the uter In Bankraptcy of aald district, experiment ia pronounced successful. Marshal fosaid Dutrtct, " 'inere were eignty tons in one "p I r,uns i to sir notice that on th 2d of Green, and W R Pridgeou, of Bladen, -l iJvbinson Ward, Virgil Best, and .', O Barden of Sampson. i - : A'V Horrell, W A Cowan, Archie Walker, Alfred Lloyd, W T Morton, W. Hioson, a former citizen Puree U House. : stored, say. ThelMMtU GxU with XUSnff some curiosity, "by American I bees ted Hiate for theCapeKr District of North themselves into Lalf a million neat utile j Troy, oi rayeUeTlil. In th county of Cum . , , . . irL.i i I Ix-rlund in said uiaincv, wuo nas glass Siaea noxes, mat .djudged bankrupt upon bis own that the honey was the parliaP product I peUUon. That the payment of any . ' I 7lk.a BAa WaltwaPW - Vae-WW. CUANGC or CUKlt:i.y. On aad after tuuCay Nov lih, lia, IHssuKcrTraiBa a tFi- W, V Tt. tUvtn! will rua as follows: i , DAY MAIL AND rlxpUliNS TltAlK Daily. : Lcav WilmlpaUa, Frota street Depot, at., :A."M AxriveslWeldoaat ...... ....... 1 U I .Jl LeayWeIdoa daily at J.l.l'.M Arrive at WUtnlurton, Front St. ! Depot at.... v8:! IV M NIGHT MAIL' AND KXPliLSi TRAIN, lially J A An evening paper stales (tkal Gene ral Humphreys, of fhe Engineer Oorpe Thomu Brewibgton, of Pender, of the United kVes Army, will -qua E Gi,raanf L j Ioyi( j bis seat as a memoer oi.mo national c C Taylor, and N Everitt, Academy ot Science farllihe reason 0f0nslow j that he ihinka the act oi the academy w j Ru.h.ii stenhen Turner" and J . .. . lit -l . ' - A I .-i" ' , . ' in accepting rroiessor at.ra . rrpui i "Whitehurst, of Carteret. lavor ng ine consoiioauon oi mo ;Tfin., Nil MrVe Ir. and VWn WW avs'wvw - J S f . ' a a. I n s-aaa a ft.. are I a I wivw....-... . ;-, .ierty belonging to said banarupt. large mercantile nrm is ictcresira i to nim or for hU use, and th traaafer of T-i , J!. .! a I. I h I ... nnmri h hint. H Kflildilu br A. wnirn irn ajsuiuuicu kuiuukuui j j . r . L " n I j :I . : .. ik. IsnitAd I Tliat a meeUngr tbecreoitors or said oaua IHE REPVBLICAK JcBULEK.-Tho SP VXT..T "EhT'LftTff Lit WilraiaFtoi. t roat olia.t Depot at.... Arrive st Weldoa at ........... 3&4 w LavW)doB daily, at: -MV. at- rHv at WUmltgioa Frabt fct I Depot at....... . e r . a each. I more assignee f hi caut will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden on Train oa Tarbon' litaarh Itrl hrse Rua ylbwat k Tarbwrn at 4w"tf 1. il. " RtltJL rn .ni.ri 0r loo swarms Committee Ot arrangmenta have maue I mtl,m aAm tn bt no limiCit says, "to I Oourt of nankroptyo o noion on i inir jaad TaeMtfay, Inujaday and Kaiwr- arransmentsf.r persona who wiaU to the provbions with which Ametica is 10. aueud the JttWUee in . this city, on prep toeuppiyua," The first eiperi- .-4 &t a. A ' Thural.y evening next, to come here "l.uXulZZ WicI I 1 .ior du I Th. Day Train makr. rWroati;-, at m . . - i m iUnO ovw tv v-in on any ol the iUtUroads ana reiarn rur i .nrcensful. it will . . ! i -" r : .. i - LO . ..I' lt..t.u,id with rma JnO IKHI 1 , .... I iiu. v. 7'-"- ,rai acienuBc umreuw . vs B"' WE Wilkinson, of Harnett. .Mb.l.tui.ts. It occupiea bof.h sides of ment contains a refiecUon -upon r the wfM BUcv David S BarrettJ and J iltt -Mo.Klau. liver which is tjovered by Engineer Corps of the Army, of wWch w Burns 0f Moore 1 ' irVal long bridges, tho.bldU one be- ne U the bead. - :; -j I- .F Middleton.W AGulh,ie. Abran, iB the "Carubrucke," more than 1600 ; , ' i . P Smiih , a one lar .Tin other woras persaoB can i doubt ba reneated. xiooty wilt ctcb i a. ucii;.a buy a ticket to the city and the same perhaps become with us, as it was with SSioV'tbi ... . . . . .. 1 tha anrienta an imDOrtant arttCl OI I fimlini ajraJnat iickev wiu Ukeiiim Dacx nome. i ; , , , . . ,r-- 3. TL Ull.t. -l, ,,,, : ,' I Weldon lor all potaU Worth tat i.'t-K U1IM la to glT notice that on th 9d of I dally except Saadav, aed dty Hi K'h Caotiit Paddisoa will brine persons from Pol ot Caswell, and take them back for i5 ttnta. warrant In Bankruptcy wa liUtnct court ot me i. ai CapcKear DUtrlct of North the theatat of WiUiaia Paretteviile In the county of Cumberland, in aald IMMMrt, who has bean adjudfred bankrupt pon It own peUUon. i h it the ia.vinen t at mr debts, aad Uie iaiivrv at ajv Drooertr bclonalna to saitf bankrupt, to mm, or lornia us, ana uie asoad aad all raU rosle. : Klcht Train make d'ja ( ti t Veidoa for all poHtla aorth U hivbu-vt-a. . . r ... L l..i-.n I It:. ..i.l Ik.l th. . nrMnhirkm l uuuiu.j Kti io..-,, ami uuus . ,.T -7 t: f n T- and W 11 Torter. of Cumber- Vvrre and five centures ago. It has de-1 and Democrat, 01 new yersey, nayoi ' 1 1 m. ata I..W . A . n.aa.u.. h A I nwhllllS ? i; . aJ T: IVive towers at each end, a-ud numer- elected a man to voogreas, wuu a 1 . - We have had calls for various goods nmr Vnnm Sn a nrintinp office. &.C. .... . b . nuiirnm. ia ui ill- ur lu. uii u Ueorge Myers, will Ming penona 1 N howeeer nnUl last Friday did transferor aay property by htm, ar forbid- fromSmithvillcvto the JnoUf d yaceiya a call to plaf barber. In Hyjaw., twtO IHtUI Vfttn. IIVUIv W-em HLTUUBU 1 tUO tWI a v - Mtt COOW WW W aUVfW SI I M WOOl - a - WW. lllf EKI MTrXIllT'A llVi I . a .. 1 - .... .a. ia. a m a a a a a aaya ww n - - w ' - aTK V3T rareUenile, it. Wo suppMj the C Ice ( is Cars- attattii to U ? tt Trains. juu.h r. uiviaic, uati ect. ov to ti j i i'ii- n - 1 1 ?m The following distinguished Repub- lUeS, OI satutn, amoua two UT1H wue i 1 I ,J ' tn.'.txl arxt r avneeU ..r u .! .nli fnr hlvtmr. I HI f r,", " . , . I . 1-2 . LI a t 1 hi iiF ratete-n '! slatuea ou lis sides, 01 satutn, auivug 1 two iitihk W1 "t " -"o- w hivli is a bron xe one muo. iho iiatron saint of Bohemia, who of facing a suit for bigamy. t . , the w hs thrown from tite bridge into mt r itr loi3, for refusing to betray the von iWio'aal secret of the wife of Em-j-ror Weu2.l. " The bridge i and the' town re lull of t'vwdv, historic' events ana reminis t'fuccs of religious wan. . It was once stronghold of Protestantism, in tha iltjs ot liuss and Jerome, but a battle ou tho "White Hill," a hort distance from the city, between the ProtesUnt tut Catholic forcesjn November. 1620, tu which the former. were defeated, end cJ the rule of Protestantism! .and it baa tter since beou a strong Catholic city. The Uuiversity of Prsgud was found cJ iu 1S4S. bv Charles IV.. knd on ita 500th anniversary, a handidme Jbronae Hons J J Martin, of Williamston; GRAND Samuel F Phillips, John Pool, aud Allan Rutherford, of Washing tonJD C, AW Tourgee, of Greensboro , of Gwdsboro; uoi Salisbury; Bishop river boaU will Inn the flitrht of stair, and said h tat wiiib held 4 .oofkrai brine Derauua from FavetteviUa. and -Ant-H hia hair cut. There being un- Y?"?? iT"., otner points aiong tne iinw, w ana mitj 1 common scarcity 01 mois ; uavu ia 1, ore w .. uwna ,aeaii-T and return lor one fare. I tonsorlal art, we booked ontonnoia 1 - Mtrx case knife, lying on the table and I j r , Marshal Jar sold District. r.uiTT rVirut!TnKtii -T i volnntMred our services, im vn1 1 rrrr, n . . i. ,v..i . . 1.. u . X V W WWlliPMA'i 11 . esesw , ! . I 'Ili7 IB) By Kllf ItVMtW W ew n-awv V 11 .f v.,i. rvvmtn;nnM MAt I k)0k Of Our weapon terrified the applt J J f cict.. Cca. a warrant tn baaaraptcy Board of County Commissioners met n. find .ome other I w iu-dVtof th Dutrtt court o it Called isiale I w tsAUap rear -ix ot Nortn ttrttHn i McaiBAt th eat Jess ai - 1 h Ba win an taininuHi Law aAaes ww.h a r mmm - " W 7- i " ' " " V ' " " . " A A 1 , W . a I The N. CMethodUt Protest. Dt Con-1 -'1.", I f ' J.H Slw-t, ference has been divided. The Wes- t .bntofdA-d Uii . ,,i, u,, . WM A-n aaml V-a wxaava - -. - ' j PFI'V TT"PM8 rl f iJamesK O'Hara, of Enfield; Samuel pursuan to aojournmeut uj nt I iber shop. tfr1f aeCf va s. -a. i,r- ttr..i f r-ii;in. B n iu,ir 1 1'. ai.: r resent, j. u. wacner. vnxir- - 1 i n if bllBa ui X' inuauukvvi w a - i - ' I. ' Li Rilalrb: W A Smith, of Princeton: man, and Commissioner W. L. Smith, -T v ti.Hiir- John Pool. 1 D. S, Sanders, a G. Worth ancl Dun miEinslon. CoIunbU C-t3aA HtV REfililG .igN UVwHnmphery, - v L ri " s IThoa B i Long, of i 1 . i .T 13 2Ii"Iis E r.! L can Holmes. Tbe minnles of the last ineetiog were read and aprwoved., The unfinished buaioesa wa. taken tejn Conference c- ol .oar trjnybhTur DistricU beginniogith Orange a-.d I Viy property by him, ar IhrbkM-j by roiitr wesW' Tb f Rev. J. U. Page uw. tiuaamwuitfofth creditor nt atd n .:j. ik. KAHk i lava re i. iivaimu . imiUCHI VI I ' ,1 UA .Bj I.. -MM. rk. 'nibiicansVof tho coufUX' . ... a aavi ew ar a Rtatiia of its founder was erected near i - twTht.! CWnvreaal th. bTw; tow of CarlsbrUcke. on tha New Hanover, - .---n - oldest side of the town, and near tba aionaVPratrict, on . u- Bj2 s Luiversity. . . . day of uccemow ;r . ---- N Q I h a . .kwitnlj aa fta irwl anil Uaafa I r inn a taw nutiuuua nan tiiiat0i a u JW Hood. Robt, Harrisa, of Fayette- op and conUnued. , TlU; Geo. Z French, of Rocky Point ; It waa ordered that the sura of 12. MxjkHL Grant, of Goldaboro; CoLThoa be allowed J. j J, H. Duncan to aaaiat B Keogb, of Greensboro. him in getting to Shelby, In this State. The Chief Marshal will give due no- It waa ordered that the county war- tica of the order ot procetaion- rant ia favor of J. W. GrilSa, lor 135,- Arranremenu are expected to be ;o,b paid in full. made for excursion trains at j reduced 1 It waa ordered that tha report ot iua on the Railrbada and steamer. I County Treasurer be received, Geo,W Price, Jr.,Stacy YanAmiit, spread oato miaatea mad placed on Sampson, J A Lowery, W HI file. It waa ordered that the claim ot .lifiMIIAH B b uia Ilia I . m . . . . n . , i 1.1..V. txptw o . .. ,i. in,tin. w j Keiiosx. vw. nemiau uounu are as mica ma-.- , n.rMMcn rrincipie- at tan i . . . n.-. I , . vt t MCrr.t P vm ; ZZwm Tit II s I E lini, who. vi .saw ucaiH wt f -v ara rn elected Oamlina rvnfrnce'. and the Uev. A. . v .iii i ni luikAUUtmanoiBuinnKr. wajwa Was. A. Uathrte, Eao, imT ' , raMrv aa amid umnav n. ama Th Roanoke River wa originally " Marabat aw aatd tMnc. called the Rhone Oak River, aaya a tidal u t ru auo-tW oa th iadday oorrrepondent and the uaoe year was orwiawiT - . .IMKUJa,kik.iAM i iv. I i..r uniM ii ii' it r in.i mi.ii itia aim n r r:'rT.:: r..ty I Biadeau la aald Dtsnca. wa) na ---- un or mor aairaee of at aaM,wiui- of bank warraat la bemaraptry th Hwtftrt Cvartof th the Cap rear DtAtrwaaf Witattseroa, tt. C, It, U.I. CSASwS or ECUKDVUt OH a4 sfltf Aaaday. K. 11th, I 1 4. IabIu rL4.1. a III rA I ' as DAT alriitfS AMI MAIL 11.111- (Datly.) ; KEW ADVERTISEUEXT& iu...;.. ti.. .i.i Via!ii winteni in l nm the city, and summere at (fashionable I Ute electlonsi piaces oi rcsor., on country -. i - They V . . - v ,J il I r. ifeTtHda. Joseph C Abbott, J C Hill. I to the Finance Conuaittee. aeata. i- ih... .ill eoncralttUte eir inoavA i v n it J.dia S W I nMAM.t v.i tha Jnainl Ihey are a nuiiaicj.t the ouutry, aa . e yttA Ordered that the double tax on C Tietgtn, la Harnett Towwlup, m rr- saitUd. Ordered that the double, tax of ..I." 1 4.-1.. 1.. llwi. I V .t.(na r I jL;riC. v., au neH . ai ipuw.. . ... ,rU,a , on OM commwa, I ...... v. AatiLtXtiXJIEMa. Nun or them ar comimr to cnei, i jlw.. :,. r-i t rrrrarn i i wa- ud it will bo happy day for Bohe- Joseph J Maiun am. .v.. .'i-Lt.i p.hmwl I t.M.MMd elected to ine next vw when the race of them is as .. uead aa Julius fn'iar. - ' : .. . . Lt.i - j - i irirL nava " - . u4Btlandlah ?JSSSm m.jorlty. U ' I I fcy her diaxras eren in their eartieUlj e, order book SSftS rTbejriUexten4thrirtt warraat kock,tbt lerestiog placebo visit. I miBgle teir coitu - j " i; ..itMll.At.l In nlalioa to I v. rv.MN In hU-k 4X vrti of lot ' . it. . a-, -nWDi,. I , reav., - . . i , .AT MLB DI klV I . . - fit.. rulaai'UttlAraB I . . rreso. auv w ... I th nuiUT v.i -- "-it rbiiw. a t. a v.. m. um ikriiuicaa - - . .... i - . - . ..! tHct was cameu wj -, I Elja.arck, thai ner nuaoana w .- Ordered that, tne pitawng .... wv . , ...u j. w rr k- lir. from i . n...iJt&l ;.v: r--V Y friend at me ort-a w ""7 1 ve u., . . 1 uoaro, urn awato. aw - w.ou w.Kua, u a... , - . . .v-t nart ef tlte C0USVT I tttoow vubv; .- -v.- T1I ' I -Tn t& mrrtflorefvh.Cn onbU ousiym :LTr..... j and tie Canceor naa gtrea ui-- -a ------ ; iW obtaining an insurance upon life of $250,000 for the benefit wife and son, seems to bare detcrmln- ntade nrririu ; 1 j..f are ueexwy a 1 r!. ,i vmrAa-rj ia etnas aau ., nrOvU. 1 I rfC-r rtakn hitherto raretyUAhta, I r1 ti a v . 7 abBa, a 1 l.sLiALat - 1 ni .. .rr. n uw 11 ..a -- - . s a n bvva. ' vim: Tmum. niawaaTani edtokill himself before hU next quar- W;TTA Lowery. aTi been in the habit ofacOTr- f- w riraew-V-. ta.u , T , ., j. s. Vice Trvitz'ji.Jt A. i'' "vimfor houm In hb firs over by tie Trrajtsrer, as ty ti A.rtiiT- i'FZ&SZ S.--gSt wt..". Sv'aaT :SAiSSS rSS?-S5 I TfABa I T" aaaaa 1 . . IB 11a - :." a am . .f a nW AM W.i W I S i J WW W "W I'.l ll'U - anwVa, B'-l J inaaaaW p'a w. b .nniin IaA ww- : u 'Jk a - r a. .a. a Bhan w-anvraanr a. it a aa a a v anMaW wanna aa City Of WUnUnglOn- If. Cm . SXavywr'a OfHew, $25 REWARD. a re w aad vv tw larrv-riVK IXI aJW Ul be paid lor th arrrat and ca tietkm,r laforaaatioa thai will tend to the diawiery. - i-tH baw-l Nfcfciaf th INiW ac--U thfc I V.Tri iy. tw I ' - i Me ht owa p4iuoo That th rre aay -. M jiafuraninii sVnnclad tneald . - --.- ... .-A. . fcaja). vara to BIS. OT KW vtm m-m, mmm ua i anyfwf-wte by hta. ar I nnvt at is, Vnat nUd 4 ta em. I Last n':t.4W..............-v9 . W Arrir at rBtvawr II T at Lear tenra....... ... lf H Wtsuactow ai r it enakrapt. to traaaarr of BA' - . . . l . . . a w m( . nnr anaa annaraaa) v aww. "-- I vfCirrrTamt Tli .?;. OT a AiBiaw, Kai - a. a a nuit will b heed a Vm ot Ueakraesey I In be? hinir M tn It'll nay 4 l A. I KKXat 1 rtrk A.M. i t'aiud I La1 twatranl rkaa kdMt la VUIAtat, I X. C. ansae wTaa. A. vnvar. 4WVi Sfcaaiaaas 1 EaArajrywaaMaaw , Bttrahnl aw sbm Dwamt. MuiiA 1. 1. m. aia-iim thai t u a at 1 of ok- ,"'177 naaneaan a " .AAtatati " A fallen l-nt-CSr- ttwaa aav J. Itadrtak. nf mnufsa.a Jlajwr. .oncoUdavs: but it is bttleted cxlly .despaired of djics soon etiousb, tai 3 PMbably poisoned IttsuelC DATUalS.r.t:Va- ,,v ' I X;T,1 cVaVr keep arm. I'd, ft U H. ix LMAn.-Jcl Mwi, ii. OFFICE ClXtUL t TREAtL'GnU, CitT or Wiuiw-ro5t, NoTtmUtlMJL otick : p ACCOKJD-LSa: Ua aiantttrs u fcrd aAb- la CTaafr ml puTkiTHm ar r wotd Soaneetat tl.rOanSnBanW TCESXSAT i-AX-l S15U, ta-a. a 4 f i . U5C3TJ tt. rwe.1 mlir Mia in 1. to anirr.w liUaa. iwiwraHAt--.-' aaaeery any pn j a AaaaArr4.w iiia.A aa. a-a. lAtravaW aee .(iH y a a I w am 1 - I t a A 1'lw.Aja... wjaru nr. r. Leav rvrei. 1 14 A, M Arrtr t WatUA.... ...... AjTA A St utr4iBU.... ,..yur. w LesT new. S ila.ll Ajrveawxatinri..... a:a at tVia Traia & eJf ala at Ii-n.fi V, WaitntD. rfcri-4. Jip. TuaalSA tatr mw ue4 a ; ltmHt(iainttM. Tlrwarh r."'U trtwut tw!y itri 4sAUyt 1 aaantav wtJ b t-ar-4 ry- W ' 1 nut .an W'a.A. Ws. tna.saaa'V : lev la lAssvarwrary : rxt u Xjmtri far M a-ai. WHITE BROV Ii UX3f tixx a pr i ci4--. an a f3 aftrf3 n4wf - 7 Il.Illl S W' all!. II1-CA .. tM.. h4 It A W lawif t rMHr...a...MH.. tat r. t Am s cat; eta it ,. ..... .... tuA t Lsate CJa.i...........,.t t a at lm tnwni.. a ...... m Tai.t ' ArtMan 4 ai,fc ,i Aa S .U Au ffla. W tsrti A4rfii! -

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