I I I ,. .1.1 11.111 i i OLUME IX. WILMINGTON, xNOKTII CAROLINA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER K 1S78. V ift&kv Copies 5 Ccsti- r.f -NUMBEKrh: ; . i i ADVER TT3IHG RATES ;rnrrtrtuU uer lino (or the. first iu and twenty-five cetkts per line ' eo!i. additional inertion. khrhl (8) lues, NonpareiS lypf, cou- stitjute a spuro. I . - . ' ill AH HJveriweincnis wm o tiuj above rates, except ou .ocul rates canbc had liloe than one week. charged at special cou- for a lontrer The subscription priee to The Wil per year; jHsr.TDN Post is tl 00 -i months 75 cent. Allcohi muniertioiis ou busi-ues should l.e addressed to Tue Wilmixoton !) r,. Wilmington, N. C, Oonsiress eonveued m J onday 'asl, "1 li-! fertility.. of imagination, in the 6 itiih Carxliua shot gu:is and red chirta jv illustrated l-y a etory which they are i ;.'iv.iluii that the uegroe i of that state :1ic ai.out (o hold a convention, aud by j illUi-lv'Il Xlillutl vuiitwia IU V"15 ;iss.iy their right of euiTrng litiiiiiy of "dainjthools" . v The larcre Inch are" iti- , LibiuuiU of that state are tvrdenily not .(ii -id y V, Ii, ikdUttd by dome of on r Democratic ; jicvsi'U'fi3 that there havo been frauds the poiU in bonis places at the north, -the -gourU uro ta.jk i 12; action in t lui'ylvaiiia, New York, ronuutctkut, wherever there wire JlVncrs com ju'iltcd.. tin iiait Told, Cot it., three men i. ivo ii-in eentcneed to tine and imprii Iai nuciil fr frgudat the p IIs, Jet the i. ,ut'U proceed in South Carolina a j' rlo in the norlhrrn sUtea and pun 1 .!i the r-inca'a. Hie 'Hoard, of -State tlaavasacrs, of .-, -i.ich G v. Vanee w:w (Jliaiiman, and 1 1 i o; whom v tfJ Deuioif rats, dtiided It, at Mailin, ti.o R-'publifcan candidate Ii, r Ci ns-ress in -.the 'first 'District re :'.-. f - i:r voto'i. aril Yeates. the: I crli'-iL- caadi.late, rebeived I2.0S1,? ' ' '' .-I , .i-.:dl!nt Mat tin wai elected by 5! ma-- . of r:iir.i,inmliMiiv rntr.in ,1 ,', L w, -T- C --- ,. I iu...i i'H, : afttr .rccounti g tho abovb iwuiiuc'ittly cxilaiiin :-"But i .-.iut wo' iret rid of th s new fansrlcd ii .ird of State Canvasser?:' The . ... . -1 V;..rrV' will lake nofjed ami put itself V..J uu i f Ualry l'kpdiicf a II;!: .'i'fajitui B.oks, in an address ,u t ti.' ii.iiry lair m rvew lors. aaia ot tu J Uiuuf ana cuewe I munco i in mo uuittu uiitm uim ui i - t : u... ir..:...l Ci..t fc.l s.f : iargj amount cxporipu prcte iii a -iu.i.-t incoii'vriheusible'rtejults to thoso. ... i . .. L' - ivuo; nave uoi ueeume uvuaiucci.. nu i -i ,i4 industry. 01 butter the j ,.-). mmiO.OoO and of cheese f, ci 1!,,m,l.- md thn ernort :v , .-, ... - -T " I t irye.rwill bo I3,0)0,00a pouuds Ut,i; tl butter at leant 130,000,000 ,a,-.d, Hier is vak e to the coun- 013,000,000, and only the entire i -in crop 'ie in excess of it in value, ... , . . ,i' otti and potatoes arc all dethroned a ....... I !n Iwwrtr Inf hntler w-.ii itniiiir auu niicm uu uy i . a elice'bo; and no part f the UUI e' rai.iua of o' there are . iaa . .'. a. W-tUi approx'iii)-iie in tbeV i- tu the New, whrro :t v. i,iy,uiue cows to every 100 person; U,-U' hence the iucrease pfW per c;uf. i i nroJucliou this year, with : i ; i .iore.ie of exports. It M .proper, h, S9.CG.J praid, L.e ,.ni'a over, to say that oi 107,3 ofct'lCCiO CSpOttCvl 1S -p U it. i a ail r ia rinra mi & a; t:iiti ua ua am . i. " - .J.. ........ l .r UlnVl.. ,......,,- prohibitory taritt - -burial rcligtoi .IS revival in a 11 i;tviuston, ivy., Itbe l?.hrt ..I Alitor was to conduct meeting in4he Itiotlst church. He catu true on horse, t..v.k, disinouuted, put the saddle 00 l is s'wuUers, and in Ibkt way carried i ... ii.. church. Th e congregation hi ii somewhat Watric rivalUt.Jt was thouaht that-lib' iutcuied to driw somo novel rai0iou lesson from tbe saddle, which bo graye'.y placed oa tlie desk. Then he knelt a though to pray, but remain- ed so Ion on bis knees-thai a brtither aeut to s what was tbe matter with htm. The revivalist wis discovered to be very drunk. 1 An blmost emptied KhLL-A bottle stiicK out of bis pocket. Tlio nieeUns was closed, but Carter was bent ou preaching , and fought so bird agsiJ beioslicod .bat a teueral tuelee waa the result, a party . .r k1 01 tout Chine populalioa of Osluornta roUgUS takintr wwu. 44" 1 . . ' ..t:.kM I , ttae, ? "..a . la,U I - k v . r -.-rxT ivtinlVOK.! caaace lor uivctsivui- vui vami" i" "r t v. I i .17 vi ,4. LA.avtl.d waaoa. saitsr. it yr, ,ry 6 aeaS avafa tst.ei aundcd.by a pistol shk f w, uuicistand UUs to U broct JV..aUi T -... r m ia the next LegUlalure mbelhet SuXMaae. US trS4 u.h. a 'w-r;! M- .4r.l tha VmoriiiaU MlO "I . . . ktt. . .t p.M"rr kut !HiUa latiMN M. v.m uJ ln t.. - j: i..i t .ki .an rt.,,v.ii itirsr iLa vunMvu i.M iv,rMiairi r . - i a i ' - ivtk.. t. t m v .. - UurK dlw llbeiu& totlrassaUI the CuaiuaJ Uon -tWep i, 11 by the racihe coaU r5 tdr hi aaer; all be coaUaueJ cr Ret Til !LZrZ aan.t r1V U uoa "tl at wore Chiaamea have 1 isi:tratc, or eome . . aa " . - Caltforui than bavJeome iutoiun wttrt bcU by tbn jticn of Zla'w LINES AND '.COTM UT7.S. T;rcifi V4- - - - " . tho nutnoer that relurnedrto China was causes, aad lb bo w l xtw CaUbllabeil ua:ji r t rsi4 L Hixlt.i lOOOsl la that rxriod. Th .tf, r.n of court arsue ibatli wul ta ti... f i - tfc. rtr&t l..U la ak.tin.atm1 al tnnni 1 iAl.Wv'. IV I 7W,C white. Tbe Chinese are nearly- will not U we r. ail men, but t4 the white the ad til t itUscll kaiwa tbatj Ja- a . axles probably number less than ), jMrcs tbe rreaidirs c-cer w w, tukisj at least cue Cilaasiia ta . qj; Oisrt, it est tf Ct trvry U wtiteBta, ; rrx-w-e . -':-.: :;" -J : V':-.. V I ..: ',--' "'.'V'J.!V'; A.v':'.'..;t,ft ''. ".r-'.- CITY 4TEMS. The Lslature'conTenes 'at Raleigh ' on the tirst Monday In January 'next Me3sralI. E.Seattnd W.'Hl yriddeU". represent NW HanoTer in the ? tltee.f - . . ' , , 1 , . . i 7, 1 j T 2" I ikcicd by county MRgMtrateHrcoA-j a . 1- -ttLt S i. - ' r4 vu ii uu,; ih jw I4Ti w .1 t o j t rTTw- ' V j Hon. O. J Mertfj is a lavrj tr and VS phjie ha, a character t, ,n,i, " A "01W('lil ,n 0 , ' taia; 'Nofrjtake Judge Mearc away Dr. Harter'a fever 'and ague Specific may bo taken by pojbs wita' broken consiitutioa, ur bychUdrtaithTperi feet safety. Obstinate cases of Jong Dr. Harter'a fever 'and agW specific I ... I.. ' 1 L 1 ' ' ' ' 1 1 i!Lfi I inner I stn ird fug arc ' permanently' cared by this sotcitki ; jt-v I . ; j - - ' '. ' : ; , j' From Capt. Joseph 'JJrice, Harbor I Jiasur, we have the following report j Total -rrifals S5. Total tnnna-n t I ... : Tho I'ilot' viport sounding at low water is as follows: ; " - U.i'd Head Channel: y feet 10 iuchcK Wt!irn Ear Channel 12 " 00 lli Ur Chauuel: s( " 0'. " ' l in following statement of the r buitns transacted at this port for the luonili of November just closed, is compiled from the books in the Cus- toqj Hutej ' ;. t y 1 iMI'bliTs. ; Duty on imports, in gold: .$1,036 56 Duty on tonnage, in currency $1,01 .43 Receipts from other eo'irce in currency .- 348 00 Total i . $2.43$' 06 I ixt oam . ; i 1-1 The expoiU for the month include 2t5.01 1 bales cotton, valued at $1.12,).. , - - - -T- "-'. I 356; 53,173 barrels of rosin, valued:' t 76,081); 12 barrels of tar, valued' at i Sl!: H 17 .404 callonH of aniriU Vtnrtien. 1 ---I .-.I - O -t .." tioevalucd at 92,29S; 615,738, feet lu.nbor, valued at $10,268; 632,500 shin-!. valued at $3,158: miscel - lancouV articles, valued at $1,353." te.MPAllATl1VE BTATEMENT. Total value of exports for . NoVMiiber, 1878: $1,000,146 Total yaluc ot exports for November, 1877: ' 137.205 . , . . Imjrodse in tavor ot rovemb2r, ,h,S ' 15f.Pirni.ir.-Aw .Tor.irir ATiox.In aca " coraance w.ia notics given in ineeo - . Hall and formed anil marched down to tha Market House, headed by three brass bands-In front of the Market the procession formed into a mass meetiog and was addressed by Uon,Oamta E. ,... . im it. 2J, N..C. District, 'i.'hil ' geaUeman 'nnl-. r.r ahoiit twrt rioiirn he showed u iiara. vooiircasiuau cio- vu "v up the Greenback part ia iu : true nKht. He told the colored popia press ent that the Greenback party was start- e. ,u . . Ai.i.ti.'ih.m-a4i Ud for.tho purpose ot dividins them, so Democrat, would bare aa asy the . . . ,h. iiiinrn annnrMiuiimnii remain with the party that care tbem their freedom. He appealed to tbem a .. k.i.- ,.dnrt,l man who ' knew the of the arrival of vaescla at" thw port, cautmuo he present Critnina'; Court. &c, for ihe month of Noyember: iI t: iirU F7. 1 A,cricaa-SchooaeM ;;7. .learoeni ..Wl'fO". of . n.ond, II, total U. Tooaage 9,397 ; f'.t1?1 bcen 10 the Foreign-liarques !), barquentine. 1, ,f 1 contracted brigs f.; schooners 2; total 17. Ton- f W troublesome cough, which naffe 5.000. bu.ted.for 1$ yeftr,; far which I used make h columns the Rcpublicansof this city had " "I" a 850,000,. a erand jolificatioa on Thursday night - oomUeeto mtt, a i l .repori of cheese lalt Tl.ov !n fr.mt. of lh CitV what is bc4t 10 d( wUu lUtt C1V --blf " I wiuim, vvv. v -w - , - Li....!. , .. tk. 1?.nnh nniurt hid 1 i smu i is.'za tiiak auu ask uHsfsaweMs a- a w 1 - bestowed on the down trodden negroes TAV ' , U i 77. n n of the south. We bare never beaMhff-tlie Fronts a more earnest appeal ltt Our Uie. ana a .a lti.i..w-l I l,;m..MsinincMl . . . : j ..... . . by bHearuitlaDgua5etuaiu-yanouia continue members of the Republican party, the party oflibcrty and human rjghu. At the vlose of Mr. O'Hara'a speech, v I Canadav was introduced, and Lroke a few minute, and then Uia uicetisg give three rousing caters ? tu8 Republican party, and lot Mr. O'Uara, The procession then reformed anJ marched td the Oska ia tbe banner u Wocn uoa- a iff, y- Wl ,u " . w , Moore, rric nd . raenator ,V . IL Moore, made sbfrt speeches. ; . Ti... n..wiim ass lerr entbuaiasUe CeTcrythin into ctmsideraUoniie uung V" u are able to amy the wetting w eBUr succeta. i AiaBxical to tho couatj Yery bitieresti)emwratf in ti iV part Of the BtateL so bittt r in fact' that he can hardly 00k a Ilepoblicia in the fc' withoat swearing. Tti ?re" I no one who knoVa Judge Meare. but what knows hiui to be an honest man' and vio awjtr, aim UB riT-'S ine greatest criminals in the spuay a fare i .1 :ri . 1 . ., . , rri1 P iconvicted lie will iunUU them iu.Sl i 1.- -Iw .1.. .u fHaud ,?t! the g'rates i tha "Aniintb-i liar. ' 5 .. .. I 1 tue cpurfiaud let; the Mag ffJ ;Hftr bavo; it and yo j ity llfr Democra's w 9j elr prgudw ' to who will wtt"j fv" I r'Ju-'w,! .o coniroi P81 -JWgeBMtot" and no llepublican wldlad a lightest bl.,wol josticea, Tiey know no law and tLey WpuJthiuWj their own prejudices equity, we hope tu-e L?gialaturd will r "i-f T"9' wuu " '1; at at 1 tried; yjour Lung Bilm which entirely euredf me." Dr. H.Wiison. IiLi;iMA.N or TllK Cirv We ai not inclined to lind fault but this is a time that patience ceases to be a ir ture: Atj the ; li?pubiiean iolilicaliou on Thuratlay uight. The policemen did all !bey could to break it up. There was a orovd of very disorderly peraoaa ibeadc I by -Duncaii llolmw, and NeaJ Dav'iH w! created UH the disturbatice luid iiolsc th.y pu.vible could, n?j j fche Police ilid ii'iry to Hop them. , A lot of very mean mfii who have been kicked t ut fl the Democratic party whose names sic l. o unwt rt'ny to mention i iii thc.-o 'oliuiii-, w-ro. -also arouul iW the purpoNe t disturbiu,; tho bumble citizvm in holding a Rcpttblu can "IV0.; M." Uardcnsr a Grecnbacker was prvseui. : and who s c oniy urceuoAcscr.iWiiotnea to .1 V, . . . . . ryyfi. .wc oaid po icemen Jot,r" at the, O.iti .at tho time the o"g uiey were llM uu i-ai-tu upon iu fctt-p inc tt,,u ,,,c 'u their rights and ytt they stood ell most ofj tliie thiii", and .hi emcd to enjoy the disturhaucJ as a craud joki'. Crry Bi.it;i-v That was uu intelli gent and i.urci'Cbtii dscusVi:n of the causes of depressed Lusinvwliich Mr. 1 IdT irilfclt n.'l.l KTiir I !. k . I I Ijl . .riia I I fw I ' V 1 I t. . . I.J.I" IK., I 0 . ... ! ti i welUhquld use it mere. Cha. M. Susdmaa, j E. E. Burros, J no. 8. Boats I . . . .i 1. . K j:i, nn I i ' j i I ! 1. L . o-lk -,! uioma to o. to 0.Superor, Judge McKoj: nd CqmrnaJ. fudge Meares, have been in -esslon forjthe last vok. -two biby carriajtea qo ded ou PriuccBs u u day. whereat toe nurses went tr nght. , - . . I JJJ.10?1) I 0DieS.! . , toHhe diiiccmfiture tf the Our new Bjard of County ?Wafl1 t Smith, B, G. Worth II A. J. jGradyi and J, A. Montg, dectea by the Magistrates forced RsRg. gomery, ted by the Magistrates forced upon $ Kis!ature have, I aasnmad their duties, beimr Fod men ' r" -r ---.. cougbbutelec fSfTt meetings are in danger of getting a j . -Ke. L. S. Uartt I " " . i . t ka PMwinlntf - f-.l.ier IT H A.I II OI LUB A llbal BU UU4VUI3I VUwtVU e I rT.-T"f; . ... . lain rao.riuiucu i uvi 1 OTU,.tiui I fh another vear. . Tc UiVCnU? Clr. - .y . . Wf unJer I -f "7 - L .,::Ti.i..i-.ni rV" --- j eW ADVERTISEMENTS - rJJJJyfNlNG & ,'TEEL i CKlLKM IS FOR RIO N AND DOUE5TIC I xjr 113"" L yJ' ft rrajrkai cu 1 VllaWklsraw 7U f mart'at I- gSW- ADVERTISEMENTS. - PiRRER fc TAYLOR, - Kerosens Oil, stores. Hstfe Gebs. Ljtatrn; Fairbauk's Scales, rUMPS, BRASS AND l02T HOS1N STRAIN EK3, ..jii - - . Utf a M S UiPrERS AXD SKtXMtKX. I Manufacturers raad I wholesale dealers Till AND SHEET 1B0H' WARE, . , :-' - f - . No. -1 - FRONT Jan 11 ly , WILMINGTON, N. C. CARPET PAPER ! - SO NVrilllSTQ- 2STE Wf . ' . ' ; T - ! - ' 111 1ft paper Is ul to great adVaaUe .1 under Carpet, Matting or Oil Cloiu-. catimiw tbem lo wear as long again, dead eulnaonnd and being impervious .to air luakluc the bouse unncb .warmer in wuie and itTln lis cost in fuel tbe first year. It is very durable. Call and examine M at ZlBXEXEaMATIH & WJIITE'S UpboUter's and l"aper Haulers. Corner 2d aui Prmoets street, eote agnu foriaanu faulures. hi octett. GREATLY IhCKL'ASED SALES - i : , ; r JtAD us lo believe tbal we aie belllnj First-Clasa Croodd Cheapor than they cn be had In tbe city. HEDIUCK. . N. V. cir. Front and Market ju 1 ;'" ! ' Wlhaingtoj., N.C joiiNWKUNKH h. c. rnKMPi:r:T, Formcry of lUclimond formerly f Ooidis Va. boro. N.C. WERNER & rUEaPiSttT, ' Personally iu alieudance at HAIR DRESSING SALOON, N.. 11 North Front Street, South oi Purcell iioue, and No. 7 South Front Street, , , i f, i - J . - ! WILMINGTON, X. C. None but the most experienced work men employed in this establishment. tar Manufacturers of Ionics, Ji air Oil, Cologne, Renovators, Dyrs, Bcau- Ufiers, fn-, Ac. april 12 tf I?!4ACKS3UTXI AND IIOKSK - SHOEING. 1 iiAvu oresKD.'X' aior"At tub I where i. rsJ. borsch .... IK . a i ..M maJea. repair cart, wajcous. bs . ... . oarriasea otn wood aaa iron vws. nope a.y old frUnJa ta rtmebt bets tbey have any work la aay Una. : guaraatee satl&rt!oa ta price sad eoal't of work. fc-feltf Floar. Sair, Mt, McUts, 1000 BIuiuOUB.os' wloms braada. ,,,, SS4 B1s SCaAH. of swadry graven, U Boxes MKAT.lfaoi.iJi tid.Mnps ' 2A) llbds aad BMs UOILS. Call oa ot rdcr dliet frxwa MaU - ADRIAN A Vvtt ' .imn at B 1"M t HDMfc MAUL la.'ire. geea r rests era! S eU- H(tn4 li at r ts. II C i ( a NEW ADYERTISnEXMTS. 45 Yesrs Before the Public. THE GENUINE DB.C.HcLAN'S CEIXERATTr LIVER PILLS 5 ' ' TOR THE CURE OF i Ecpatitis, cp Liver Ccaplaiat; , i , AND SICK USAOACItk. PMv ;n ..-..t j r , t K;ht s:de. under tne edge of the ribs, increases on pres-! sure; sometimes the pain is in theleft side: the patient is rarely able to lie - on the left side: sometimes the pain: is felt imdr th srmi'Urr lln1 and - r unaer tne snoucr uiauc, aoa it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken t for rheumatism in the arm. Thft stom- i nr stti. I ach is affected with loss cf appetite I and sickness; the bowels in general are cosuve, sometimes alternative wua lax:, the head is troubled with ruin. I accompanied w ith a dull, heavy? sen-i I uilnn in iKp KnrV n-irt 'llirf ien. 1 . . - r t. I t,-.- i crally a considerable Jous of rnemory, I accompaniea wun a painiui sensation of havin loft undone something h:rh n,v inS unaone somcuung "cn ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. .The patient complains cf weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his I feet are cold or burniiv'. nnd he coin- , . r -ti ; t .l i pi.uns of a pnckly sensation ot the titn; nis spirits are low.; aim aunougii he is satislicd that exercise Would be bcaclicial to liim, jet lie cani scarcely summon up foitiiude enough to try iu In fact, be distrusts every I; remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the chicane, but cases h.ive occurred where few cf them existed, vet exam ination of the body, after d alh, lias shown the uvF.it o have been cxtcn sivcly tlcrangcd. v- '- . ' AGUE AND FE-V'tU;. i a i ee.i e Dr. C. ?.IcL.m;'s Livlr Pili-s, im r-U-.F op Ari K rv I fvfr ,,L t.bC.Ol- U.U ANi 1 E ER, : V ncii For all bilious derangements,: and as a simple purgative, they arc tin equaled. RTVA2tC; Oi' ItlTATIO.H. The genuiuo arc iitvcr snjar mated. Every lx l..tt a red wait jiM on the iid, viiih tl.c iirpn-Escn Dk. :McLaxk's l.IVER FltLS. i ! Tlie enniitff- McI-AVi's I. ills Pill K ar the M-Miaturci of C. McLane and r, ,,v.- r. ... , . aiwa i i- &'tv4a vu . sss e a s j Inskt upon having the cenuihe Dr. t " MrT vi-' 1 1 1 vi PtV 1 X Jr, ( rVj 1-Icmiag Bros., cf Pittsburgh,; Pa., the market leinr fall of imitations of the name McLttnr, spelled differently bat same pronunciation. 1 : dec. Sly ;'. a 2 -5 55 - 9 : . O K 5 i t ' ' w Si R WlLMiNGTO1' f N.C. ! Jl itics and Liquor tor . VULeditlnal I'sc; march 1 tf TUB PORCELL HOUSE rjAS rAsib 1x10 the jiiAus or Al tb uoiSd. bsslbwea aewly far. u .n4"H . , btotjfe. will birtin strtety Cwa.1 rvJtct i toUs : ti r" . ., dri With lbaN rr a..ti. $; Table . lioard.p-fTiaon h.t. rtt rf Vir. Ucisora atd Uar ALTAVSOS MA& AT WehorttoaeeaatbeatJ r ka. sad AO. Tm IT.lCXtH. r- t taesa tt.t a ti ? p I esik . COS3 t:'i ,fsairrV-s i. i. . it uss 15 1-ji Aiuumcv ut I :tv, , U IXTf.l fi ro.v, ; el c. ov-" "i '4 ' IMTIMi asnsh'.' FANS '..FANS! XIX&2XCS.. idKcii wii" yuiiiiu:, aic proMuiuc tu aeoia, auu cuooae one or more asatgoees or Aruvc at it t.i4Jen l 1 Is" the moat happy icsuhs. No better ls eute wiu.be held at aCoort of lisok. Uav V14aa. aaily . ...... ;.l3 V- t cathartic cane u-ed. preparatory to. vSatleToSM r.',itt at at.M or after taking Quinine. Ave would vJilc,N.ex.ttforeVia. A.Guihri,Kgiiu-x- . -"V-r. advise all who are afflicted with this ltfcr,n bankruptcy of said dutri , , - disease to give them a FAIR TRIAL. Marshal for said District. " ,s NIGHT MAIL AND EN1'UIn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r I m3 i to glv noUe that oath iUof 1 f . A Kot. IS75 vmrrMfc la bankruptcy i loracd out of tbe District Ojnrt of lh Unl- I lea Hum nr u dp rmr iMstnctor XortA aroUnMalntUttef btad r?k -TIowll. ci UoweUrrllla, la tb county of Koboa,la nld lltrtot.whO b beea 4Ju4st jMutkniptt poa his own i retitlon; tbiUlb pjrmatotanydett aal in aeilTery ot u; property beiongioc la nld baakrapt, t him or far bUuMaad ia inuiKier .u majpropenj oj mia. ar i fublddea by-law. Tnat a meeting ot taa J crftdltors of Mid bank rapt, to wit : Your. I Mil and olhara. to nronra tnair- dbtJL and I cbooaa ono or mora aaaianeaa. 1 bUUiuai wwlb l,:ltu (ouiio elai, irtH be Held at court of bank I rantcy, to m noiaB on juijut aay oi IXmx. A. IX VDLat w o'clock, a, b, at Fay. I eiicvMie. i. LT oeiora . w uiiaxn a. (jruiaria. TlTtf 'HiSirr dot 1 .1 , U.sTMarsh!. i 'IU1LS istOKiva DOUC4 Ihil on Ux 1st day I I 1 of OetWi, fc warrant la bankrupicy warrant la bankruptcy n District Court or tba u iMoea wat r.l utm District uourt or tna I United KtataaMr taa Cu Fear iHatrict of o ciuabwian. la Said .uutrtet, who. baa been adjudged baakrupt upoa bis own petition. 'Tat tae payment of Md tbaaUwry of any pro- or kkt bi nia, and tb tranr of any property by-bUa, aro forbidden by law. 'a meatlaa of tho creditors of aakl baakjrnpt,. to rlti, YouraalX and olbera, to- prote their" debts, and cbooM on or mora assignees i oi nia coUta. will ba JwUl . a, , aourtW-banfera&U'r.'. to be I . .oifian nn nm mi n n&v in im a. ik. mi . . : ... . . . . ... r ' . . . lOo'aiocka, m.. at l-yettTilie. X, ti, before SlSt-: - t - i JlLlirLt hotIT 1 ; r : -J 1 u. k Manual. " 'U1IS1 tlee noUce that on tbe Ut day A of juhr lass, a warrant in bankruptcy or Jury- s;s, a warrant in bankruptcy ISSU(.I nr llm l)Ulrk-t i.n 1 1. of Hi 1 I'rrtted Kutre for tbe Cape rear Hitrict of -rm uuoihm in in waw ot ard P. 1-owm of r yUviUen tbe eoua. t y or Cumberland, la said District, w ho has beanadjudfred a-bankrupt upon hie own U,A'II ?1bt Pjmntof any debts. ru' tue traasferof any property by him. are luivmuou py mw. inw weeung oi ioe rrcuuors oi saia panampt 10 prove lutir tiebUandehooaeon or more assignees of rreauors or saia pankrupt to . prove tntir 1:1s estate. wiU ba bald at a Uoart of ltank ruptcy to be bolden on the litih day of Dee., A. I'. IWH.- at 10 o'clock, A. MU at . Ksy- oneviiK". n. txdore win. a. untnna,-s lucciMer in iAu,uKjrepvcy at saiaaikirick - ' . J. K. HILL., nov 17 - ,i .i &i I. K.Martbat. rfUlSlstovlveaoUeethatoa th 24 day! L of Outn h4S, a warrant la bankruptcy v a t-wuiMi out of th iiisirict Court or tnu i l nit edi Slate for the Cape 'er District of jvorin : carouna agatast tne eaiai - oi KoUrrl A. llu-ker, ol M'lllls Creek, in tbe county of Cumberland I tu said DUtrteU who has been d JuUiced bankrupt upon -bis owa petition. t nu tne payinunioi any aeots, ana me un livery oi any properly belonging, to eatd bankrnnCyto bis. or for bis use. and the transfer of any property by bU, are for UWle by law. That a meeting of the I r idiiors' of said bankrupt to prove their I riUIIH is toive notice that on, the Sd of X Oct., isis. a warrant in bankruptcy was twucMoulof the DUUlct Court of Hie L'nl tl Slates for the Cape If ear District or Sort Si Carolina against the estate of Wey.C. Troy, ot Ir'ayvttevHle, la tbe county oi Cunt bir:nii in taia uistricf,, uo na befn adjudred baakrupt upon hte own pvtiUon. ThSt the payment f any debt, and the - delivery olany trn pcrtyV belonging to i ftd bankrupt. to hi no, tw for bis nee, and tbe transferor any property bT mm, are lurotauen oy taw. That a nteeiinpiof thecredltors of said bank I ruP. P" tr?f J,iL'r.Tr,.',?': !T rupt. lo prove lueirooot, ana mmw e w i more afcinees or u cuim u I moreaMieneesor bisetie wui . dmwwm I atxurt or iiankroptcy; . . w the Pith day of Djeeiaber, A. D. ICnt K Wdocil A. Ma F y .Itey llr. K. lt, lw ruptcy oi said diitrkt. j i ' - ' J. Ik. (III. I.., M srbl for t-atd DwirtH. it UI 1H 1 t clva notlcs that en tb Id t tct.lCS.a warrant ta liantrtiuUsy was iMncdoul of tneDlKlrict Court ff lite l k- tMiKtatee lor thoCaoeF'ear IHsirtct of North ! Carolina agalct tbe the estate of William i 1. uaatcr.ol raycimvutetji tup pauiy f"mbrinnd.ln said Ditfrlct. al.o b4 LcVa sJiudred baukruotwrtan ire awa netiuon. 1 Ul live paUieit v. -a Ucbl.and the j .. 1 ! r -.. rvl an. r . .f . -. ! Im...... , ii tf ta M lil baui k rx. pU to bint, or 1arbl and tne den by law. Tltat a laeeuag of ibe crul on or said bankruntto nrovetlulr debta. aaa enoae nw snore aasigneea oi nis e i HWVUIWMHIM lWIWiWUaKJ b boiden oa Uie I u oay oi i-c. -vi. I is.at Jo o'clock - A. Mat Fayt-iteTirie. V. C before - Vi m. A. Uethrle. fee). lirsltr lu taakrup'.cy U sale uunna. . itmbal fiw aaia lnstticL 'MM t tor veaotlige that oa tne Si J dy r ttet a warraat ta baatrupu u iuiml of tb lnatrtoa Court, r ta CnKe-i dales frll) Cape ar 1. itri-t e( Norutart'!ii r-rsmet the etTe of Z I K.Kle:n :'acri)e ta Use ceeaiy o I .Otrid ki.iu rats IrtfcUtct. aba has i irsu i nitron bikhi n'umn rsii(n. buuiiierkBaeatof an debUAadtbedeiie i r of any property actaaging teaaid baak rvpt. to htw. or for bis ase.atuitbe Iran tr j , ol any property iprny T win. mrw i-j9.w a aseeaae of the arad ttera ee said law. Vteat fc-tuktuft. . ourwif . aad Swiaet. i lo proe thesr et. aod rwia ooeor ntoreaMogaeeece fete 4t,wi: be bald at a coart e baakroa4r, Ve w bWa 4 Ibe rtd day cf Nov- A. IK I'Z. al U a eo a. r. at FafvlMvtit. i. Wfwiw 1 Wa. A. aUsrt. fct, jtcgMter in .aaaa n-p cyof ssidlauie. . 4. U. 1ULI ! " " Marfcal frw said IntrtH. 1 1 1 $. U to tit Itviice Us a tb tod 4iT I ,J ivi . MaI T - uituT tka latr1r tocrt X t 1 Cait4 rUalee fer.tbetapa -r li I ya tiaaaiialLaea4 Jase I r-lUUtpa. mi Tar ia - in ird baakrspt pa Me t-m;t--.- laat tba aaypaeak e sr . ! IM t ,titre by taw. laat a awning 4 Mae iMt W m14 taatrsrl W rv , a- Amrn t etwitaatariMMaeieearury tab m4m mm t;;af J-- i ti itV.k A.W. at t-l ,,-4 I ii-tvfw--i w,.e X,tv.tm wm. A. . Laa fc8 i i :-,-. .' IkUrs&fti fee said 1'. V'liL ta ta t antit it tT 1 1 ilZT wi t . j 1Z?&1 i- J. liaatrweu mt Wf aaaaaas i i w uumr.ki a4 .arirt v ktJ- MSaT I bS ta aaysaaaa . S saw trr 4 y fueywy aa--ett (,1 ari.ta -... 'ti tire tvaaaw a faerr a a aaav . rbte 1 ta. m4 aawd bakakreiS t ws S6. si. v aa.A aatri at,iMKiia r. 4 IKteSAat se 'a4 SJ&ftSt." YHlTi:,lHtOV,N . -&' 1 'V I"- $, nr a aasa . a aw ? it lies, ! A, j.4-at NEW .ADVERTISEMENT riiun.s tostv to? li at tn t?r i t' X fJisa wrurraat iii'iJisfentpt' w4 Sjua out of tlm li.tri-l C;:rt i (I 4 I niici ii't- jor tii ev; Ki at i ihh N.wlh t"iiroi.aa t t4.u0tf ira, aak Uor!.u iiiei.M.i. l-n r.'wcuu of JUoUon. 1 rK-. v !, t'. bea adja-Sfv J & hank-ttt Wjm i.H"a petition. Trial i!t payit-.c-1 ( r. UvV. I olU:e tichyerj- ftny pro.-rty tcsourii c I.t4&ia V-&nkruii, t Ulia.c r for t,i ., s -4 in iraativrcx aayprojryr tor fc'.cw o forlnUUea uy Uw. Iha; n Uitviic; of i. rreditora of raid bnkrpt. u f.rt:ir debt, and rl o, one or uturo ax -.- . rnptrr, to b buUra m llo iaih ! f IV. A. Ik InTS. at 10 oVloti. A. M - as JV, v . etuvlil. N.tl.borU'tu. A.Uu:l.i; . ttireisicr in iALak.runicr li ' 1U ui!rk i. J. K Hil l BOT 51 NOITCE. riyHK UN L'tiaiiaMa) UAH HI? X ... apoietcd A'nM of E.T. VlUK ci Jt .- . i soa couatj'; Ni C. ' A!l persoBS : tail' noUiltd'.hal tuty caa' Uv l a tu .... . " asrUuolug to iid etUte altuJ tw . - - coininuolttUcsAy letter or vtUrt ' ti tea at nV odic la LnhiUjtiVar - Al per jus owing said etU. tu i quired to make liutacdlate payiutDt. , NATII Mcu;an. LuiaUiUtu.V.X"., Not. f.ni. A"U"- Bo.p-Mt." " : ViIci!ns:l8ii & WtHon U Compitoj. rr -.' -' 0t;lc.'JvJlaA.tMlXKr. , Unli tcn,, C ujv, f - ' . - ; . . 5 L'ilaNa:: or i rn?i Ou .d lu rataa :uv lv,i, li, Pisi.rrTtii t a siV U.'tX . . t.i ,v . I Will rua t?t5o DAY MAIL AMI PXPiri 1 1: A rV !h-.:i. ' ' il'U'i;, 4vt t . Dcpt't, t. i ' TRAIN, Diity Lciv Vitl.LwL i .'vil tl.t t Depot at... Arrlrest Wel'Jois t .... 8. 51 A S Leive Vttdt.n etUf at ..-HU 4 irr;. at i .I'm'T.'oB VV, i VV r,',T V.ik-.ou tHil fct if J-'vpOl St..... .. I t . T.i"onr r- ,,i,onr lti f J'..tifl l"c- Me fi,m Mount ir Vt t .. at ' V. V. lt. y M (U.u'.tuJ Iwfiir. it.uler nbJ ojv wt i.ua A. JI. Uclurni p. Iw 1 a V 1 J l A . M Ut: y , a t 4 ! a.i4 , l . . v VTtldoa lor all taints Nottb Ff i -. i dally except aunday, and tfsiiy : h- tuoEd and att-rul roais. ,- Vigli-tTrsln tutva rti.-e rtMmiu t . : . . . narib lt k.1-. u I Kf J P.u ni. tit fc.ic. w.t.. Mee;li Ctt l'rih1 1' 1 I Trslas, ,4.-' WOUK a. DiViM, rtTt.n not l .11 .... Qt!f. aurraiNTrss'SM'p . : TIIclfigtoB. tolauMa 1 - i V-i'-i- -.'.-:s : - '.- V . . .' : j;iLsla 11. II. Ccssyu'jr. : ,-A iUiitOt, K, C.yer. l!tt LiUSU vf -LULU. O? nea ft Cfc4y. VK, 1UV.VF alsgsHLdei 1U t tv . r-ed.- 1 DAY LI VL kJli 1 ltWiiju,Uv..J....ii : I Atnr st ra.... i tiH Leaf1eaefi.,,, ..... i r ' si'jartvirtm tx. .us. Lesie i'yj;ti. ...... 8 t; t Le JTaeeaea.. 1 SJ a.. AfrtrtVMatU..,i. U A ' tatave am tea. . . r. w -Laeste "nK ...... ..... A. Arntsu fcitenavt...,....... iil a, d This f"l':l self at IfesilW' "siiivievSe. fSSia.tA itataa, -,, areiitrws.CSMt'' ' tMt4tfiCI . t'r L 1ifci$WiU. ft US A 1 aWWI'tl!- Br- ?'W'ik.i a 4Mii m Lj Bv.. a.....p' tje.a it . Asssa M'? wa , ,, ,L4S"t': VI ikM 3, i't-S t- ' aetiJaii.-..i s; ;:., 0r-r:: :. i'.v.v .... . - - . . ? ! - MiaMaaseatS akfta .