vol,UME. IX.; ! ; ;'9ttMNGT0N, NOlS CAllOLrrAV'8Wn.v:TTJ!nmfttTm if,.-is78 :feKmte'5i5''f': : i , r GTar ;POST- AOVEIl ler and Hewitt; ' but Mr Eean . earJ tent. Rcspecfully jh .I'M 1 ' J1Z7ZZ r 7 T : N vf i7?'??"- "-. " '' ' J TISINO RAISES: ' the flay; the era.geVlS STATE POMICAU - , nriiv ITEMS 1 ' f ?efPe ,tionh aiYEKT1SmeSTS.-' - , still strrn in th f tt a.-. 1 . Bome wee" 88:0 th ... Th--' ttr, l .a ar t- -a at: J ... AjLI X i. L liUO., . , 1 u, J. ' JUrJ , 5l-r- line for tlie iirst i' - ...ontv.fivA nnt per il . - iliii.n.l inaprtinn. Kidit (P) Viaes, Nouparcil type, c ii- 'ut ndv'crtirfCineuU will be char. . .... ,niaa otpoiil. on Rnecial con- -incciil rates can be had tor a longer rime than one wcct. Tlie subscription priee to Tmi WiL- per year; mi-"- - - i. .. t ... ..'; 7.r rAiifa. -' .it niyii'' " : vilnMiuuuiiicrtioiisoii Imaines should , a'ldred' to Thk Wnf INvrj)N ,,.. bvll of Air. LltUUn U i V ft- i ..... fi liisi'l'ioUti elcca.'in wini MiHiila'. wlipn tli.it JS'tmr its- r., ,, ..... j.l.uiip-l it provUio k. - . Mf. f' Im'Uidi in -rxplanatKHi of the toll miU it -oUansfea toe tim3 tor- tlit a,,iiilmeiit f jf'lectOM from the fi t TuV.Atl.iy November, ;u now provid ,.f tu the' iirt Tuesday ia October. It 'further provided that the, Electors tild meet Jiind give their votes Jn cond Icnday of January, iusteud "i,f the first Wcducday of December, as iHil.rtltjJ existing law. Tha Electors Wire;to be apointe-f a mouth ealrl er thuf nnv,'aud were to meet a moi th tihrL The obiect ol una was to cive j l.,ti"er timo 1'orthc fcstate 'to dixpW ' nf any depute a to who mary hire b. Son .'vneit doctor. The hilt ndxt pro vLl.il tli:jt e-ch State, by law p;inbd y;ireliuil, lfi'i!d provide for the tail an l determination of any queHtjon 1,1,) who may have been chosen an ';J'ii5Ttor."-Tho lifth section was abAiil Mtmc a the present law, wh ch iiivitlcl for th Executive of the state lutufvin to the proper 'list. &cJ, .iWhe riii.vfeeiioiuruvided for the ce'euioiiy ,iri form of countinc the, votes on tlie .ihd Mouday in February: and alsf, thai i whet an npcravaled1 condition of ; aiii:s fx'islod in any State in rerect t. iw st'ts of returns, that . one fcho il-J hk ti'UiHcJ, which- the two homes l..iild declare the true om;nr tl at, akrc Ihistat lailed to provide for lull', in case of a dwpute,"as'. to -ifbo ,r.' it.H KlcctoH, no vote should be re- ,eiv'l units.-) upon theallirmative vote .if the two houses ' ef Coneress. The next section prohibited debate when uhdltwo houses were in joint sess:on. It jurOitr pruvtded for the senaratq of .ijUwtiro "ouscs upon ivuu question ;V r.smg. nd the decision of such cjues 'vVtnib; each bouse in two hours under lac live rnmuie ruie. r i .... - r Ut, Cameron, of Wisconsin aubn ill e l ihejollumngi ilcfjIccJ. That the I'reoident of the , United States'-be, and he hereby Li, re .'iiiotcd to furnish , "the Senate, it not nicouipatiblo willrthe public interests, ml'i cut ies of rf ports of United, Stale AUfebals and other ofticials, aud iuch ilicr currcsyondence as he may have nilitjve to the recent election-in! the , ...titwof South Carolina and Louisiana Agreed to. fyMr, l'jgc, nf California To eu- . force the ' Fourteenth aud Fifteenth miieudnieuti ol the Coui-titution Tbe lull recites that in the lata electa ri in .Uth Caruliua a large number of pale vitii'iis belonging to one pol itical tj)e jwy were, by a law enacted by Lfjulattirc of said, statq aud - by a con cVrlcd system of oppreaaion, terrorism, jihI fraud, dtnied the rifthts sc ured :litm under the CoJnstitalion. an eu ctUiatafter the V-h of March, a 87a, ulate of South Carolira shall be ntitlc 1 to. two members of the hoiUc of Se.Tfntatires on the basis ol bo!c number of white inhabit?; PJ Mr. Dvclt: A bill of whi givtuutica vtsterday, for the rep xxiwn 121 of the Kcyised Statu Ij Uuhed SStates, which provide ) person who has held any " m3ct I ha Confederate toteriinent i!ll)e at poiuteJ to any position in tlie army of tho United Bute. Laid on Uih table for the present,' Mr Beck utio that he had not yet mai e up nis ruirtd a tit. what eommitt je he have H referred.' " v -f Mr. Meriimon introduced a rawlu 'ion calling on Uic Secretary Jir x a uV iiilcd statement ss? t.tb arm od ftrtmumUon supplied frctn the Ordnance Department fcof the amy to !ictr i and soldiers, marshal and Kttoue nU, respcctiTely,. whfen and to be used; it auy had Vceo aea sad to whom, and the disposition of the proceeds. - ' . Agreed to. .., . TbsIIouse rassed. to the renertl r pae, ilr, KcastnV foolish (bill to .dilate intersute commerce. It toght to be called I a bill to bliock up tit harbors of Kew ork,k SBoston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, for if it rttould become a law. which fortunate ly U Terr unlikely, it would mike the air-meet of grain for .Europe from the w est as good as. impossible The bill forbids special rates ou any tMext whatever, or for whateter dw- Usee, under tnalty of heavy fiaet. leommandjthat 't'tti'sht siall be ried at precisely the same rates per owls for all distance, long or short, aJ CiUhe rates shall be posted up sUUoas and mut not be varied un r thirty days alter such posting. It trousiy orposcd, erclally by York taecittr. liror, INiV III. I I the Ml of dli he dal-of tea of that ition ' ., i-i 7'Ti 7 " 7 V"I T I trie ''. - t t ii - me uoanvkB Aerr is tlma eoinled in pi Aaaii -yv t.' o tad enure i i . - i . . , called. i reBoTatfodon-aethn HoT. ? iaart,B' Sr1 ib advi r b- r?'Jl? "Sr.,. ' -rr-rl. r,. -usuooftV V Ibtjotot i- - - . i- t :J 7? T ; . . ffromMr.M.rliri W.L'll i I IK q'Ule Well settled nnw tliai lhnri I f m in th rU ThiiniJiT last. t"l- 1 of Lb KiAiTl W.nnd Andit i ,M .,.Mu " ? V t ;i . - -! I Jsainnni ... 1 r.. it - - ' .:: m ii uhuu. MnimtM Magi... ;.. ii,. . ...I iinn nu riDUCR-i J uu counoua oil ; ... . ecch,' Which' we shalt rrtiblisH' in lull !ii:t"'" ' ll,i Mr- Tb..r,Vn -nrl II, I m to him inVrerrcTasiYe andiacQocla-. sire manner, and there was adme sharp i repa'fie to them on the; part MH EdmuniJs." '": '"S-i -Io? ait t'n .1,., Uw.rge T. Terrell,' Joseph II; Wilson aud ' NetdOB Campbell have ' each been appoinud rtreuue storekeeper! and g'lii'rs frr the fifth district of North W vttKgllOUO Nl CBX' Tit A I. It AI1.WAY. - ; c)iVtKe f()lhmlfrg'from"tre lVe- Trinjhrtjilin, ftou this place direct to he city nf, Charleston can now be nau-ia uaiiy Jmeof atages aiiu, freight wagons supplying the , couBection. be tween .Wadesbqro and: Cheratr WonT Why lis that? Can't' . shipping over the Clirolitia Central Railroad be done to Mn-advantare by the 'business men of WadMboro ai4 Monrot? bpeak out ami ii tue ttiame oe placea where it lH l"ii,'H,jr-l Ch'irfotte Democrat. ' t,;T.IV T; - ,nocrai: r - ,,lT?fs.?y,?'.'w. asVbrotlier.:Do. c,!.B'Wi foswered.; ,IV;PJa'.,?"r Vyiiiirifiinii, so ine get about the same M -"'" 1 j i ' w't'-".' 'I m ... dollnrs and forty cents; and the Charl eston inerchanU are' offenug inluce meiits' equal to Jfew York pr elsewhere. Aim pexies, mey Know ine virtue there is-iti'prihtcr's-iuk," and' we expect to use on f tnflucnc ih striding all ; the trade to them, as. long, j as .our, North Carolina men don't try to secure , the trade of the peopie of thi Bection. by lettinglhem knov what' they have for saio loroun me columns ot me papers of this secliou. In the -same -paper is att article' cop- 1 from the Cheraw B. 4 C. -Newt in which 'it is stated that there is a stage aud freight lino from Wadesboro, Mon roe, and other points on' the O. C-Railway- and ' that "cotton -.is being hauled here Cheraw 'daily In, large quantities,"' from tbe line 'of the said road. t. .' Wo have noticed latterly a' great deal of complair.t in tho newspapers on the upper part of the. Central Railway hue, about the prices of freight en that roaiFand the high f; ehrg;es ' fof mer chaueri Wilmington There seems to ha a general war both on the Cen tral Hallway and. Wilmington "all aiong;the line." ' We are not' informed as to 'the 'merits' . of i these ' coplainti, but, if there are j superior ad ran tages, as is stated,- in drawing cut to a across the Central Railway toChcraw lis com pared with aeuding it to Wilmington, and if there u ay considerable diver sion of the business of that section to Charleston, it Is a matter which , re-; quires' the serious attention both of the managers of the Central Rattvay ana the merchahts ot Wilmington, pur column tr bpon to any body who may 4eaire to Uussbe iubjcwith a view to getting at the facts. In the meantime we express no opinion as to tho merits of the controversy either way. Tho irst Worth Carolina District. Wiiii.lAMSTON, N. Dec. 1873. Xationat Republic of the 5th inst . do inc me cross injustice, and I write this respectiuny rquwi r . : nii nnn. isU the same. . . ' v-i. t k... .rtnntjsl no tactics by which to influence the next House In the event of a contest ; ; i ';- r In case or coatees ji o H upon the justice ofcause by. twelve majority, and trying to himself up by P?riDS at e not Republ can." In Wjg w: MydecUrediorttAjrlM .Uto caua- ataoktl Ik ir thu. the judges of elections threw ouj m JJSSi TiSgS. ooaru a uhtwmw. JSSmr I. Tvmocratic enemies had acted fair - y and justly with me,f , . . -- ' I aw one of the Win organiaing tne ,fPQO Watts and myself being the present A SUfrSrJrh & Uodnnall wnTtnUoa was tht: Erst a v . from the Nortn Carcina uc-- th? next Oocta, Voa say ther. n,a Via was an cniiSai a black man la cue.-. . -: '1 . I never wa scccsstonist, boV rwkt Kat onB OUt 01 SIX tn ia this county that Tvted far x niiuu. nuuii vrhimiu niiiiiin in mill. ' . -r . - . v. , . ; u v tosn J it( to the former placed while to 18 n0w fV,lt 'l,j ?lersto()d by Uie send it to New York, they Day three podple - that notwithsrjaudintr th lat j tive from this county aa aronnd umiwgwB. which) Sembled under the caU of Got- E-..' .ata . Jrnor ffin. Ikad the pleasure of AVJkVtt WittM, ZSXmSi the moatof mi X thinks the Mw)gi 0 ruoTr.i and aa a delegate to r i .-.a :M.nvi!ift Rail road would to Mr. . 1 r.a -LL-il I tare ir'iJ wlcv I .r? men isw ---i )ereu ao maoin.NortU Carolina more wui to the Kepu,lica. oartv or W?",8I up more manfully for tie .rights of the colored people than Mr. Martin. A.Unjod man during the irar as well as since, is natural place' lsj in the Republican party. No man who 5U8 to governolelnt . True to the Uron of the Btatesf tj-uc to principld Cia belong to any olhtsr but the llepu. pan arly. And in llhat party we can aisurf our valuable,1 eou'.tniperary, the XatIoval; ejmblkii)k ii will always find honest Joe. Marti, as we iwll him in iOTia uaridMia. B uuswlrk Affili-l I i. first mcetipg;of the new Dtm oiratiooardol Counfjjr Coiiimissioners, held December 4, the following settlement ' n a had ifjvith tbe county Treasurer, h: :; ' ' BTAWMkNT OF THE GENEIJAH-OUNTY Total amount ree'd to 'dale $,6011 32 ,2a4 28 $ 707 01 expendejl. Balance in the Treasuly, , " ' i"-6Cnoi:$$si ToUI amount ree'd Stollate, expended, 2,3l 21 poople unpleasant ri.iianciiil!ditucuity in "the connty, by the ;.';carifit and honed ad ministration tf itl HfliuM f c th. past tw6 -years' by tbe uih t leVtrd by the Republican party, it i 11 it o;ly ont-of debt, but has a surpuji ii"t- treat-ury. A Very lair sbowiiij; :h a party which never 8iI-t anything! it cati-ioi get its hands 011. 1 I j 'The new Boar al recei ved the sev eral bonds of tbe siferal I emocratic claimants, elected u lid er the decree of thounfertunate canvaingborJof tbe c aunty, but strange tu say the cba'.rn'in failed to indorse .the bonds, as hat gen erally been; the custom and tbe law in reference to all paprrY passed upon by all of tbe former Ijoard. Some of tin bondsmen did not even put in an ap- pearanee tojuciuy.an as a consequent-.. the bonds ren air) unrecorded, and 1 presume will so remain, from .what I can lear'nl . " i ..' ' f i! JE-'- : ' . 1 A compromise was also entered into between the attorneys of the. 6evral claimants for' the uariou offices, and signed by . them and the claimants, whereby it was agreed that the present inoumbenls should rdnain in quiet pos session of the olFices-until such time as the Supreme Court f thr rtate hhould pass upon the appeal taken by Judge RusselfatI the last ttrm ol the court, from the decision of Judge Buxton. So ends the war. This agreement was not. recorded, and as the Chairman of the Board was made the custodian of the paper, aod carried it home with him, I am unable to furnish a copy. I This arrangement made for order and justice, w. aa ' apparently distasteful to many of the ot$, .who were noA very polite iu many of lljwr remarks. :, ; The general political outlook is about tbe same the . Oreenbackers of this section 'ConsUt of bbout the same clc ment,iremie ot' ofpice, or eometling of that nature. The people bewg tome-- what afraid to fool With the new-fangro machine, which ptiimises so much and, accoropliahea so little in the present and foreshadows ao. much evil for the future; 1 "ilf Pno Patria. ,1 1 The Sampson county Fair last week was well attended Floral XUU was attractive and reflected- great credit upon the ladies of Sampson. t t The exMhlU of live stock were gooJ, tentlon to the Seir stock by iotro. ahowlns that Ue farmers rave given mproTemcni ot lUcins thorrh, ntroducing -J" I . wcfe ttcn picgd iat week to meet In our office Mr. Ury Xutt f WUmington. who b been ia Waah- 1 tBctoa for eomeday, yis.liog hh wn- I la-layout wwmed ftieod T. U. Blouot W vuU Is one T the prime IL' and adalea of tha many ima 1 " V orer the Kua RadFrUay night ad - aas 1 u aa.aiai a- . towards ci rail with the tuki wW. and is cn- oonrtd M7:: that, the duxes oi iac v " 7" ey they stand ready to ubscnb fortr dollars o this road, whicn . bv as much more fw.- tha couair. vac i eercar . Ot vrcevw . w- . . COBUUu I. .l-.V tow.e5rwrJU. VO",! 1 ; a.lk -IfcW frfSSt foa oww aadroaaloalJ-pjf'11 daiiriihe ytir ef UT wVk- it rwly legidatuye on the Senatorial ,qacs Uou.-i ', ' '' ' " 1 n. -f :- ; The lndolph Sm place at theVead of in columns the names of Roscoe Conkli ng for President and TEornsa r vice resident, ia lSSlLul.; -i 1 Cut first and loretnost, let Jthfr pay meat of poll-tax before voting be made i4uueinenifc, xnat s wnat we are going to 'howl'. fori Pcce Dec Herald. i That will be a good way tou make the coming legislature as unpopular as the last was. " , , . ; . , s - Whatever may have hn the Iftasona of the lat; Coneressional campaizn.it K-id A 1 . 11 .1 -.vimuuij mugat one .waicn ; uis Democratic party will da well tn lav htedfully to heart. It is that the peo ple will stand no more shelly-shall vintr in the currency Question. That unless we uopt some ona well denned line ol policy, and adhere to it our hopes of success in isbu, are not worth discount ing Jl is to this Bhiftlnc. temDorizio?. uudecisire policy on the part of our lead ers that we owe the AtaZntjum met wiib. to the fall campaigns,- and unless our leaders change their tnethoda, t we change our leaders, we shall meet with other, and wprse disasters ini .the pear future. ...,,. j.A, ' l.,.i::,:t. ' vuc niiguDor or 'tire tw" vho u t i 1 ! 1 i .. . . . L' - - ? given tocuphuistioyTehaa ;; falU-:' inly a Btatementas. Ut the comparative aacrednesa iof s th& 1 marriage "relations uciweeu ine -htftte Of Indiana and North Carolina, Until the old UwJpro uioiuDg a nuauauu from wiupplng his wile with . aijtick bigger than his thumb, is. repealed, we recommend to our neighbor hot' to indulge in anyl more ;com)arativ.o statistics regarding the tenderness and sacredness of matri mony. Any feDow; ' who while In short clothe,'' might have 'seen bU mother whipped inside the law tfith a stick aa big aa a mania thumb, ought to bo cautions in discussing - tho sub ject. ' " - ! ; The AsheviUe iV'rtc- ' completely denofj4hes the "State Returning Board" and the caucus tyslem,, and walks into Democratic corruption in the most racy manner:' It 5 says truly tbut if charges like that' of Ben. Hill against tiov. Colquitt of taking a bribe of 7jiMX, had been made against Ho 1 liublica'tis, every Democratic paper in ibe country would ' be 'eplittin" its tbru;vt in proclaiming it .But that now 1 be w hole thing is to be whitewashed. JIsr.y :they voted the . state auditor of Virginia crazy when bis crimes ul 1 no lopger bo. concealed t( and that tin y '-'hushed up" aud "ncycr puu ished" S-ph-ti D. Fool's Steal of th l'eabix'y tund, and that Joe. Turner "overdraw " from the state treasury of fyJ.351, .VJ "was concealed by a white washin report of a Democratic com mittee of the legislature" until it was no longer passible. . STATE TlEMb. - A colored man has been 'hung in Warren county, who, confessed to bav ing inuf dercd one man, and ooromitled five rapes. 1 The Vehfoiit'Xtic aays there Is' not the slightest foundation fur the, reports that there has been an overflow of tbe : Roanoke. ' -' : ''' The datfts claim 1 that Mr.1 Itobert Falkener, olWtmn counlvr aged 102, is the oldest voter in the- State. ITe has toted SO times.' They are trying to build a railrotd from Edenton to Suffork Va. , through Chowan and Gates, and arc asking the counties to lake stock ia it. lion. James R. Dodge of fForfjtii, ii the oldest lawyer and the oldest ana- un in North Carolina, and wa a Car- . , h! of m I . . . . . , Free Schools, were, not ' rtabltshed i a this state until the fall of 1 $ 10. The Constitution of I7T5 however paovided for fret school, but. tha uccreto legiilaturT ueglectol to comply with its provblvins for arTcnty four ' year. Leant Topix A very severe atom of Uow and Iwiad xW.d our Ur Satmrdsy morolaj. la p&scra tht aoow drifted to the depth frees thie to fire feet, whue the wtna vrrf aevtre. A fdaay falloer arpeartU at llci rr. rtrdiai to iw agent fcr Ealbh CtoTermaMwt, aa4 gav that h weaU wiy 1 tit any he li hands hh. He wantoA thesn for war ia A&fc. Utcry cU ra-tsa . I . . .v .. . j.: t 1 . - m 1 . . -ak4Jw tawL. I lael will aea- av.a iMOLiaaMI Wl . 1 aa,, ,ki..? tmaMd' eat u 1 feats . :: . .til . a. ak TlaaaV aBSft 11TIT. JLMXV 1 atRaT BTKCffrmaaaVS X w aa1-. ! laS -rai lall . aawaaVaa tad a a!& of Kexn We call attention to ttie ad of Col. D. A. Smith, lie has a very select and handdomo stock of , the very befct furniture, car nets. . &z.. that is to be found in thin market. - : ': I Messes. ,1'i:E3TOI L. Dr.iixuEUj- & Co.' Do not. furgtt to go and ixa mine tho stock tf groceries offered for ihj. the above - fi-rm. at 4heir new store on Front street, between the First National Bank and Vrinrcas slretL 3r. llartei's fever and 'K- pt-iific may be taken by persons with, broken cuilitotkus, or by chiMrn nitik per UC; ro'eiy. unstmate cxm-u i' long stsudu.g are 1 eiinjiicnlty :' cund by this 9in'ci tic. ' If.-A. S'ihutto'.hn HQ;eie.l. k will iK-teinembered that tbu srcnl.mnan was burned out some monthj air . He has had a Tcry large store erected on the old bite and filled it with a il-ik of , apleudid iurniture,. He now asks his old friends to call, and he alsj -desires to make the acquaintance of other.'. ; We understand Uit the colored pv pie are coinc to cek-bratj the lt vf January, 187U, in houor of their eman cipation. That day is one which ihey will turn i-m. an 1 l.ave an uul l.-lu-.-ucu 1 . 1 parade.. Col. 8.tmnol Mcl. Tate, .f -1.1 wrgan ton, Isorth Caloim i, was in our city during the pa.-t wsct, in aite;uaniO ou the Superior Court a a witness in the case of Col. I, E. Rice against tbo Y N. C. R. R. Company. C A. Tat? is o:ie of the leading Djjaiocrats of western North Carolina, und if the lemocrats should nominate a man west of Balis- bury for Governor in IBS'), Col. Tate will very likely bo the man, Betixeu. In the case of v4 'Rice vf tho Western N. C. Railroall, before the Superior court list week, an-fcr-ence w;as agreed upon to two arbitra tors, Col. J. McDowell T.Ue and IIou, W. P. Canaday;Wbo awarded ..to the plaintiff ?2,0uU 15 aftd the costs uf the action, and iudvrmeut h'a been erjtercl accordingly. ; 1 LOCAL KOTK-E. The al vtltisvmcut of Walters Iuinortii.e Company, of 1 Cincinnati, O., appears in this iiaptr- Tbev are llargo dealers and irulorters of forcigu watches, and offtr .-aVauk nipt stock of watches, warranted one year for accurate time at ouly 5-3 each. They are a reliable hrm, and ad that dedre agood watch, for a small amount of money, should eeud to this firm and secure a good time-pieco -u Col. Ed. R. Brink, w ho has tcvn IW- m aster in thu city f-r the past twekt years, and who has so lilicd the ositioii that alb of our citis'ins are perfectly satisfied, was nominate! n Monday lasi by the Fresidcnt, for j the fourth time, and hia " oomiuaiion was confirmed by the Senate 00 the same day. The action of the Senate in .confirming hi nomi ... 1 nation the same day it was Tf Ci l VCU by that body wa a very jut cumpiinicu. ton vry excellent lollivr. ,My the Colonel contious to uil ihe'iwil'wtt 1 l0rj a be docs hi duty, w hich h has J t4way lw wc'l petformcd. tueutv rcn'r. The tub tami:. tee of ciliteiM appoialed to invptato and report the amouat of the city debt. aod the best means t ueatioc sua ii, have made! a report placing the who.c funded liabillies at iTO.&C-a, ef which sim rkher irer duo cr l- till duain lSTl' aad Is The committee thri''a t. M. Crooly, reported the 'folluaing' rcSu- tiona, which arc la be CvOi-rcNl at a railed meeting .f the l jer an l bond-h0Jdcr. lir-bc hcM t th titt toattiwai rxtThr5klay niaU, mi. That the lut actt ia pa meeties acmhirdf after !a riouSca- Ia tha iiarcr ana i nan to make applkatioo ta the Gv fiibly f tie fctat. at iu appcesvesiai aw! i w r'?" m l4trf b talkie, ika as act ucu - - - - City of Wslai5to to ny f0?1 eras I iac, aa4! id rretkU tec i: ta aUktrUS let jsayw aa ra ike tlW, payaUeaay, e ff Ue lajlM rtjii w wa i -kii tt'rt tAmi. rfu .V - tm t t-a -ar. idr LLa nagi'ift rnil 1W.W Wt rar" .-aj 1 na away. i; i r nvaMi'7 - Iteeaci In Hikky. c.:y are r dt al U satiate - I"' . a . above menUoceoSd Cids to be received at maturity br all&iclali of the city for any and ail taxes , or other indebt edness due. ' . j . , . . i. JietoleeJ That any person or persons in aathority who shall applr the pro ceeds of any bond or bonds, issued as kbore mentioned, in any other manner or for aay other purpose than, that in tended by the provisions of this act, .shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, ad be liable fur all the trains and penalties therefor. : ; ! j&Wr.f, ThatkA committee of thr.ee be appointed, by the Chairman, to whom shall be given in charge the drafting of the act and all matters per tsji in 2 thereto, until its final- passage by both branches of then egislatuxe q? this ltate. t i, V,-1,, i .i . , . . ! .n: ,JT ! Cuv BctKiu-Uen, Mauauis.our sheriff, summoned a ji(me eomUatiu of O) aud sent, them to. huAt for Tom Johnson, the desperado, but they did not catch .him.---The Bar of Kew IJajiovcr have met to do honor to the memory of the late Iljn, llugh Wad- dcIL ?-The First Baptist t festival reaiized!nearly $100. " The Nevassa Guano Company have held their annual meeting and elected their old ofScers, vi.: R. R. Brideers,' rresident: Dona'.d lilacliael Treasurer: Co'.'C I" Oramofeupt.j'. kjiipcrinteadent of Agencies; and Ed ward Kidder, Walter E. Lawton, John Fi! t m r .1 1 j w a y-: i " '. tors, -There was some anxiety fur the safety of the steamersf Raleigh and Ashland, they having been delayed by the gale.-T The Capo Fear rose above its banks in tbe late frtbL--r-TC. E. French has been elected President of the Wilmington Library1 Association. Mr. Edward Kidder has returned from his annual shooting excursion at Curri tuck UMaj. TounR has raised $1200 for the Duplin canal in Bnrgaw. j Fifty feci of the government breakwater at New Inlet yeaf washed away in the late storm. There is a lady nearly $0 yean old who' has not been "down town ilnce the court houie stood Ia the middle' of Market, just above Froat strict, 'i'; ... -...- -- ' ... Dr. J. II. Wilson, of Ben Lemood Aik., says: 'I have,bcen in the practice of mcdicino for 26 yeanrf f coctracled a severe and troublesome cough, which lasted for 18 years? for' which I d many prcparalions," with rib rcnef;' 8 last I tritnl your Lung Balm -whicu eotiruly 'cured "me.",1. Dr. H.WiUon, : SEW AlfVIiRTISEKSMTS. 11ENNINCJ k TKEL. ltll.:i:; IS ! FCUKKiN AND DOMESTIC H A. BDWAB33 . 1 i!'tn-t.Ti:RAi.iurLKUOTs.: jtaiK- Kl. K.ll. AlLhlltl.SllWVl.04. liic. I -!.rrtHrr - Tool. Vtaaaattta'a HU bw. u-.-. Anvii.4.4 Wajwn mud iMr Whiln.- t ;-. jit ftir. rt.ilK', Ttoa. KalTWi it, ! , M .,tt twuw, ku VUllna Twiaa, tali una. hook u r'toa VUllnf Twiaa, c!n lUf. lviU-. DmauM, lVU,fiar, we laue ctp ii aiwatMMi wou an I cit&lYCitanrttutltf lUUN.ac-lerVi'd 1 smrly jt Hmithaiuid l'arn-rr nw.a.'l 1 01 uirii, ana nsocnaaotir, itiwMf New Established , . XXardwajro IIsmM.vf No. OCarkct Su Wllaiinrrtov, U. C. lafvtl V a (' a 3 o o V iViLrTfvfAC'".? - 1 a li.C. m i -w - j I Attoi-aev at ii - . - ! iaw hrlMO U , j ' "5 AM A3xv "t o W niipht lt&VM Ktnvl HifM fc.li!!- I'ut we reached tor a banstnctbntler Ja AtUadtot iortbkitiTrse, . fo-our friends wit! bare to bs laviu t To Join la UieetoMqule. 1 IF WE fcOCLD OX1.Y' 'WAV k .W,V l whatastruwbrwUii(laauH4i. ana how fmr oil Ut liauer w tU.t .1 nevr fcktt trnund our fcttwdi eaKit T ' bt Wlndew; but. ti U two Uiei tor rrcrr ; uovr w r nonplus-!. tonpN Mtuolehod, bMve 1mmm pt, md utif j friend mad tb publio srrllv r n BpeoUUtlylavthrdiAauradUieobKCaleKwa I aatA w ntk nar muttion on iubriti ; lb(rmlvl Iuhh-tmI tltvf trr n(unvJ. ,! .,.. As bo id'r hoi aliies. aad evcr.v itiu k. uWaicd blauvt' La Bad eul tli mrsid l ... il. . ..... 1. . . . . 7 t .111 -k ..17 f-.-i.v ..t1 -iu-r9i v. llavu t ws tbe u?UcstaadJurtUt Iuib i l I .. 4 ' ' -it ! I i ! Itavn'l lite vJvSt tlvtk t.t vu Oi WiiwlBBtwr- ' ' - 1 - , S t f ! . ,. i . . .-"' I Ilavn I w e u4e prlrs math hirUv r v.nc i t : - - - v ; , . 1 1tavu'l -we been very uunccujuugdal;' ; aud UupoUie Ut ycut - . 1 1 tVv n't we cliarsvd ou fvr it O.c ; uli 4o(tvercdtu .... ..... . , Ifavn't ice made a cn-al miiv iuUt:kJi ami rvf oaed to current Uiciu w bcu eu raiui (Son m cullb.1 ihrrvU? t Ail of our fi-W-nda iwhA "wi'1 ft tboabave iUctloM III tt- not. buy In-i scy more. lteptUul'y ul truly : P. L. BRID&ERS 65 GO. 1 1, 1 la i;!:lini over mi Hout'ayVt trsrcllvd U nulU-A the Iwil ckutinj aienl from eouieor uur brofber Rrncr iUi ' we bad taken away part ol iiiwr trad, n K makluj no apptal lu iheolbr nut to lts tneu. Weregrcllhiacxcetidiuty, Mrt tai ly aa Uiey were - kfti.l aud cnJi-ri. -aiiMMit our rontlng to Kiiaf. bol minr-ar., m 1 Wo have delertnlurd tw d the ! largest Ri-rrAir,'t'UWKuv evi-r Uottv iu V lliuir Ktou. we vifl miUt futoro have U k-ri imim U li't mi irmtr hearted, and CUT J)WJS' PUKI a aldUo uiore. TLIE CLOUD CUASil llASBEblf K31DGED OVF.n. 1 THE LMTLE JOKERS ait but ' gone. A fine lino of TttiLUT tOAlVr ie etiyed lo-lay, very Ivw d.cii. The OLI CAPE FEAR i ilvuii-bi "1 'and MAUI EI EE ainiruii"., j . . . . ' -- " it W a Itata hwn ntr and aiufXrl .t fCirar f l'cac." ia flcte llavau u khh.Uii. Mill iblna II woul.l be baa utry i . ItirOUbtugtbe wpra with mir flue l.tir-rr nroducUiMia, aa Ibey lite leu.Ujp . . kcfP irloa very Iww, wblth . ot rvur. vriUi ailoiber uoJ grtturr. lit; aiy wiuil euouah Iril lo 17 f ar riik bur, fctora renV aud laxea. i " KOI i'UHiTANiCAL Altiaouih r f ib? tift5tir Liqaora. 1. U lilillKltli.- 4 IV. r ! puntaairal eoourli to t : biM-lt ll.ru. nalhry tblnk ao VlbT ClVS. UUiK KH K1XKK raaaU.ird tf be uboal; bUhc rroiul IM Lull Ibal Ibey arouui hrjrr -rind uul lit re uuri Ifae arrMiw. U iqo4 be Uk n tlacabcre lo be drunk. . BUMOAEDXEU, s STUART 3 DEV aud I'LKIIAM tiLU HVE rvctircd thU wctk. TRY gt'R BL'IT'EU ANt EAU: The pnreC eUot, ed UX Ot K N W il UK EV ia the ttalr, b U , Imijit vnr at P. L. BRIDOKRS fi CD'S P. H. We t- ti t in ?:i 1 kl ur . Im lt.ra at oar (nIihimmis ej.u aj. aa ts? rf ena 4 r it iaMl lJt ii m t4r ek "t Mf a V - m i j h THE PURCELL HOUSE SvUai tlrV4luit, a3. m t-ti4. avt it raa'at--'(iy a a . . IirwtfCltXHf Hotel I BlrfM It'? If ia'" fcty j VrsM tim't't .-, ftl 'TkV frak4.l!ittill ' ? ALVA! S t kt AT w-tiU.Tii;---;ari.;o:kf--.- tttaaaaC. ; ' :' ws3v ' iX'tXhXf ' Ytscu: lW AArAt 'flit. aeiLlSwam ILXaUl.Aav W , al swMMi Aa ia

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