f I t i .4 J rt r;.i . 1 ; . I a i ' J" ,. I ;. ' f i t M M AnJ Undenialilo Trait. Y.... rUservfl tn Buffer. and iCvouteul ucaumui wonu, it 1.1 unnnj - fault and there is only ouc excuse for Ureen's August FlowcrjwUl cure you of -Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such sa sick headache, palpitatioji of the heart, sour stomach, habKual costiveness, dizziness .of the ,hcad,uervous prostration, low spirits, &c. ,Ita sales now reach erery town on the Western ' Continent and not u druggistibilt Mill teiloa tf itl wonderful cures. You can buy a sam ple Jjottle for ten cents. Three doses will relii ve you. :. It is a principle in liyfcuici j tbXt a torpid liver is!a c?.use'of latafderange menta of. the physical organism, The blood, the bone, the mutcles, the nerves all sympathize with this more promi nent organ. Failure to obey its func tions in the one is rebellion in every remote tiuc. As a consequence,' dia . tase follows the slightest apathy or re fu.ia'1 of the liver to perform its; Wrt., Abnormal c jndition here for any length of tijuo Ls'death.' To induce ra;n6rmal state, no mediciiiie is moro positively adapted than iJr. Sauford's Liver Invif gorator. Thw is ho advertisement, but fact. We haveused the Doctor's valu able medicine in our family for twenty years. We know hiui'to be a physician "of ovcrthirtyycara' continuous prac- - tice, and that he has used the'ruedicine In that, practice. If the'i thousands of j'oor, miserable, sallowlooklng, dyspep tic victims wo meet every ' day would me Dr. SanfordV LivcrJ Invigoralor, Athey would recover health. What more can be said ?Z7i Working Church, Alio Ybrk.y"';'f ','':'' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 THE GENUINE ' db.c.m:cLane's . - . ; . ' f f Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC ' SYMPTOMS OF WORMS J rPlIE countenance is pah? and lead 1 cn-colorcd, with pcca;si6nal flushes, '. ' or a cimimscribcd poton one or both checks ; the eyes become dull ; the , J pupils dilate ; an Azure semicircle ' runs along the lvnvcc cyc-lid ; the r; nose is irritated, shells, and sometimes bleeds; a.syelirnjof the upper lip ; occasional Iidadachc, with humming or throbbingyOfithc ears ; an unusual secretion of .saliva; slimy"-or furred tonpftic ; breath very foul j particularly in the lnorning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing I sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gene ; fleeting 'pains - in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the ; abdomen; bowels irregular, at :time$ costive ; stools si rmyj not tinfreqneht ly tinged with blood : belly swollen and hard ; urine tuvbid ; respiration ? occasionally . difficult,; and accompa nied, by hiccough; cough' somctintcs " dry and convulsive; Uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, out generally irritable,' &c;';' 1 ; ! ; .'."..i ' Whenever the above symptoms ,. are found to exist, ' 1 DR. G. McLAXE'S VERIFUqi will certainly eflcct a cure. ", , - If tOES KOT CONTAIN MERCURY: . ; in any form ; it is an innocent prep- ration.wt' capable rf tfci;t tnerirhtsst iitiury (j the u;cst Under infant. The genuine Dr. McLAxfe's Ver- MlFt'GK bears the signatures , of C IcL.ni: aivd, 'VxxCA txa Jlkpg, on thj: wrapper. r:o: MM n . Wit) . a . 1 i LIV.ER PRILLS j arc noV orntilwllfJiKliUiiiry'foif all the ills that fieI is heir to," but in . .AlVoctions of the liver, ami in all Bilious 1 Complaint j, Pysiepsia ami Sick llcad- ach, or diseases of that chJiractcrlhc s AGU K AND F E-V E R . Kobcltcr cathartic can he us4 prera atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un- - . i . . 1 . 1 ! t BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. - The ccnuinc'aic never sngar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the - lid, with th imprcsOoa D McLaxe's Each wrapper bears the signatures of C McLaxk and Fixmixg D&ok , ; -, Inutt poa Laving the centime Ir. . . C McUlxks Liver ITtts, prepared by 7 Fleming BrW;,tf littsburgh, JhUtliB iuaiket bein full of imitation ol th name McLtine, spelled differently bat same prontiaclatioa, r dec. Sly ,' ':' '' ; ; 4 XOTIL i i .I'VU. UN 101; imVUS. UKDiaNl. f)uiuleU, r"iscx AriiclcUvTaUetfktsfwi, tc, tttttehrrtce. .. ' ' .; . " - ' ';" , ' '" : 1 , ( tt 'inr cwiRs ,ud ronicco y'J TbtttBol erft4 trkobai tictku v 4 LCrOLVSK-S rbanay, c. a-ly sr.nutaarrtacr(stt Uea iiskRsT"rks-f at vri .r s tMtatait)rt-.nt : V!-.' aot r. qntrrvt ; w UI Urt fu. .i lTity you your unreasonable prejudice ami J day school atop m. . lersonal.knowledg ; aod I common ecus? 0riuly Rector. Ser vices oil Sunday at rcasoningwHr feodn enow you that Ham, aud 0 pin; Sunday school at arches John's church, corner. 0 thvAi -;Ut hurwt at 7J a m; Moruiog Prayer a 11 g m ; livening I'rayerat 6 m ; Suu Bt Barnabas chopihonsc at 51- t 111 irainU Daya t 9 a. m. and b p. in. beats free. r - i . Kector. Morning rrayer at 1 1 o clock ; .Sunday school at 91 a m; Eycntng j Prayer at 6 p m. " i .'St Paul's I Episcopal) church, corner 'uf Fourth and , Orapgo 6trects. liev T 1 An.tleltcctfctiftic'ekai il a m.1 land-S pu: iBunday school at ,4 pro; ! St Paul's Evang. Lutheran church, ; corner of Cth and Market streets", Kev i G D Bernheim, D D, pastor. , Uarmaa Bervice at 11 a m. . EnglishBervjcaat8 p m. . ,t t i Sunday seKool altf '4 Wily lec ture on Wednesday at 8 p m. St Thomas' Catholic church, on Dock between i Second ;i khd ; Olilrd itf ects. Mark S Gross", pastor ; P Moore Assist ant. Morning service at 7 and J0:30 a m: Evening service at 5 p in; Daily morning service at 7 am; Sunday school ,9 ft nntH .?,., .. :i Iirst UapList church, corner of Mark et and Fifth streets, ltev James I Taylci' pastor. Sunday school at 9J a m. 1 Services at ll.a ra, aud Sp, in. pfoung men's, pr4y.cr meeting Tuesday fit S pm5;' Ulrurch 1 prayer nretlrig oil flhursdayat 8pm; Brooklyn Mission Sunday school at 4 p va. ; Second Baptist church, on uth be tween Church and Castle streets, ,1'rea- IKing; ridhycnyof at l4af &go1 ar prayer meeting at 0 p iu luesday evening. Fifth Street M E churth, on Oth be tween Nun and- Church street. Uev B R Hall, pastor. Services at 11 a 111, and 8 pm; Sunday sVAcwai 9J a m ; Pray er meeting Thursday evening at 8 p w ; You ngjmeh's prayer meeting on Wcd- uesuay evening ai o p m. Front StreeLM E church, corner of Front and Walnut streets, liev E A Yates, pastot. Services at 11 a ni, and oi p m ;ybunday school at 5 p m; Young open's society! Utoesday eyeuing at 8J p m ; and regular prayer meeting and lecture "on' WeKheflddy--evening at 81 pni. " .J? irst Presbyterian church, corner of xuiru ana urauge streets, iter ut j ii Wilson, pastor. Services at 11 a m. and Cpm ; Sunday school at 6pm; Lecture Thnrsday evening at 8 J p m : Young men's prayer meetine Tuesday eyeuing at 8 p m." Second Presbyterian church corner oi Fourth aud Campbell streets, liev C M Payne, pastor. Service at 11 am, and S p m ; Sunday school at 3 p m ; Meeting for prayer at the astor's study, Monday at 8 pm Prayer meeting on WcuneBuay at 8 p m. "Seamen's Bethel. 6u 'Dock:' belWCeu Water I and Front , streets, liey Js H Craig, chaplain. Services at 5 p in. . l irst i ree Will Baptist- church, cor- uer of Bladen and 7th streets. Kev S B Foy, pastor. Service at 11 a m, aud 6 p u, and 8 p m. Prayer meeting at 8 p m every I riday. St Stephen's A M E church, liev J Li Fry, pastor. Services at 11 a m, o p ra Lana 5pm; olhcial n.eettng on 1 uesuay at'J5-p m: preaching on Weduesaay at 8 p m ; prayer meeting on Friday at 8pm,? I? rI tin' First Presbyterian church, corner ol 8th and Chestnut streets, liev D J Sanders, pastor. Preaching at II a m, and 8pm; Sunday school at 9 am. First Baptist church, on Filth and Campbjll streets. Sunday school at v a m ; preaching at 1QJ a in, 4 p ni aud 3 p m. itev r li llowell, pastor. First Baptist church, corner of Ninth and lied Cross streets. Elder Jerry Pat terson, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a m : iTeacliing at ll a ra : ,,BibJe school at 3 p m Preaching at Sip in ; Young men s prayer meeting every Mouday at SJ p' xo ; A concert of praise ''every 1 nursday at 0 p m.! J 11 ex Trinity Chapel, M E church, '7th and lirun8wica streets, liev A Moore, pas' tor. fcerviecs at 11 a ni, 3 p, in and S p m ; &unaay scnool at U a m. First Congregational church. Scr vices every Sunday in Memorial Hall, corner of 7lU and Nun streets, at 11 a m and 8 p iri ; Sunday schwl at 3 p ui ; Praise and , Uoniereccje inceting every Wcdnesdaytt 8 Pnv ' v! Ebenezer Baplint church, on 7ih be tween Orange , and ;Aun sUcet, W B -Banks, pastor,. Services at 10J a in, p m and 3pm ; Sunday sciiool at la M St. Luke'a A. M. K i'.ion Church corner Seventh and Church streets. Rev. G. B. Farrier, paator. Services 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 7:JU p. in. . : Dec. 7 f Spirits Tliuextixe. The market opened firm at 20 cents bid, with sales reported later in the day of 225 caks t,01. ccats per gallpa ;for,,jr,puu.tiy Package?, cosing cw, , it Ikdsix The market was :uctcd trui ii,Vt for Strained and $t 5 iSi Gooa Strained. Sales repbrted bf.'SoO bbla Strained g1VX do Good StN'a.-d at qotatiou?. TjJt. Marlct hltaJr, tl 0 bh!, WiU Sales Of Jt it-at i:xi ilcady the receiptt)r the tjIUu at the followior fijrurcf: $1 25 fjr Hard Cottox. The inartel tat Uac article opened quiet arl doll, with a delloirg tendency. Tha following are tSt oS- tlal qtioJUtions: ' Ordinary, cU r & Goad Ordiaarv, . f-tt f ,wfy ,.4 i - 13 Hi gallon for country packages, with! sales ei lios The 1n.11 Let was firm at tMratjwd.-- ta!cH- rep-'"! ut IV f) hhl htr., i twA :..!: vjjt : r.; I nc 1 at kl 21 i Tar.--T;. iu4i-.-s jj-tsi'd ,tcady the rtetipU ui lus day i- Tiig d!-p?sed of rJL il .UO'i-eis bbl. ipni i-jn Mof i ! Cct pe 1 Tih'Kxiix Kjf Ihj iark4t ' .Wstea.gvncliasycipja (Lit the day, -TLfCiug . piacevTfalt vl" tot I virgin... .oiiskA- v in-. Hjiuii I Currox The ui4i kc U for this article joprred' s'fsdy, rrit h-suiretorted of brs nyrWeMfs lb far MiddllnolitieVfhc jol- owi;ig are UiO ofU,;ial'ri4tations: Ordiilary, ,-, . , ,cU 'fib Good Ordinary. " 1 1 7 f Strict' Good OrUT&uK : 72- r 5 Middling. Si " Good MnidUngi K'li.-. V fc-iiuEIPTS.-1 , ' . Mi: 1 1 'iii ft :i-V' I 1mm 1 ;.. . liui; ; 40-1- bales 121 casks 000 bbla 73 bbla 525 this SpiTita Turpeu t n-c) Tar ' ' ' . Crmiw-'lyieniiift?.-' 'Dec.' 10. Si'ituTgSyuitrNitJNr.- The 'market opened lirmt cents jcr gallon for country -packag'-v with mOm of 325 casks at that pri cr. '' ' ; EoXix The'markct was hrui atll7i for Strained and $1 Sftfor Good Strained with sales reported ofTOOO hW Good trainod at that price. '. u 1 ;TAfiMarVei'lor ihU article is ; linii. with k;vU.s rciited afc.fl !5 jV-c bbl. ! Cbud-e; TuRrrjsTiK.--Tho market steady and 'unchanged! the; receipts' ol the day bcuig ilaceii at il '35 'for l)(ard and 51 85 for Yellow Dip and Yirgini CoTT05r:The market for this article closed firm on a basis of S 5 1(3 cents for Low Middling auq 8 ccbU for Mid dling.. The following. are, lho oilicial qnofcitions : ; ' Ordinary, ' Good Ofdiuary; -- cchis jl H 7?- ,' 3 . ; 7 I ' ' l - it " LiOW Middaii, Middling," " ,: Good Muldii ' 1 t ltECEtPIS. Cotton.5 ; . ;: v . liJu2 bale i lia casks Spirits T u i f . t i ie liown, ; ; ' . bbk Tar,-, i :v m. bbls Crude Tu ruliue : " ! . 1 Die.' 11. ' Si iiU'i , U u .-. Vii: hi'ijiTlie market was ..tAy at: J i cuts per' gallon, for country packgy. whhiMlesof 201 casks atthatprice. i ' ' - t ' ' ;',Kosix-Thc uiaiktt yias'iirm at fi'171 fuf .Sprained, .:1 2'V for Good.Htrfincd. with soip.ll salf3 at quolationn.. Tak. Market ste.ady'aud u.nehaiiged the receipts of tho d.iy bci.ig dijposed ofal.il 00 l"cr bbi. , , CauLu Tui:rKXT!,M;-r-Th market was - Hleudy and uccLanged, tho rc tf tOI IPC 4AV UCItlS PiCl UL rt t .j A;r'fJ.fl "nHl A5 YlDiu , ip aud Virgin. CVno;.. - i he R:aiLct tjei,fd 'a'iid closed, iluif. "o i t;ir C;l" !-ak'S ol I'j; halts at t!:c -' llnvij: ; i!i ial ijuota OrdhftAyl 1 ! ' 1 ' - . U ts V lb Good Ordioaiy '-71 ' Strict Good psdit..ify, ' -7;" " Ixw Middling, 7-5 10 ' Middiing, , - ,; . o,;:l.i Gool Mid.nn:;;;': " " i: lie El pi. Cutt;j. ! Spirits ttii j ;?!;," lloht, , Tar, Crude t-urpvutiue. u6 va-stL, 2,tS8 bbls: 351 ' .Wtl.-r'-ltZ Vi;J ,. itio fi u.n i "If k ffcK n s ju. 1 U.e market Siraijit ;v. vvt H-r jjaIIuu for cot;n try pack sgs. .; AU tmUs oi'To casks at th.t prirc. EotlN Tic ruiktt wualiruialil IT j for Strained, f 1 20 for Good Strained. V can he,:ir of no sales reportad, v t -t ijtlvif-lMit'i firiid uuchaaged. the receipts ,!' ihe day Wing dUptd cf ?t tl Gj pvr bbl. Cucpe Tt iai:xriNji.Tli market was steady aud utn hanged, the re ceipt of tie d y -t'ciug p'xecd at fl 00 for Il;r.l scJ i 75 for Yiibw Dip and Virgin, with the 4-u4 diijclioa o oue-f;h the ..latu-r and $2 CQ lor C5rr v n n ,t j flria ixA w . .. i iiit JtJtscf the taiv.iUi ' I s ivjvf at tie f j'Jv'W- Ordiauy, ; a Good Ofui:uiit LOW MtddUft, Middling Gal Hi. Id.;. r- tt '.''- vwUrt i1 vi ;. I ' Tar, rtu! 1 rjr fell s. Tin. Market steady and unchanged t $1 40, per bbl, al which lhe .receipts ifthejjaj eristild. , . CnuDE TuRi'KX'i itt e. cl he y market 'ijstpjjdy and uucliai'"v5, t j receipt of the day beius pi zi l t fof JarIan(i fi 75 for Ycllow' Diji iuid .Virgin, jprilk he- usual deduction "of "one fifth Vu "iho latiert' and $2 DO f.r newfrgfrj I.'V n-.iJCvCTasTla rnavfkct' f jr t-U arti cle was qatetaa closed iotiea'bat ea sier at yesterday's qnotatioiWkWe hear sales of 20 balcsas follofs5 b?li3 t 8 CU, 5 do at 0 els, 9 do alDl cts. 1 do 9V cts per lb. The lollowing are the official quotaitoju;: i , i r r$-cl3 -fo ' Good OrdinajyjlitiTifa? Good lliddllrfe;1 1 " Quotatioiiis, cotifc fa tbe claseiifica-H lions of theAnncavott Cotton, - ..-.-.!. . 1 Jf bale lliositi, i,tM bbla (i?ide Turpentini:"" " '" 4l8! ibis MM i "weekly1 staement. i -t ; -I j. t - .i" i i tun ji. i . a JJCK OF CXITrON iAA'D KAVAL ETOBEJB. -e following1 i ihe 'Koclrl of Cotton .?d Naval Storcsin yar4 and afloat at the Port Wilminglon N. C., Utc. lOd, 1878. - :';;:: Cotton in yard, ble,!:v -OjtW' i PTurri ycksv3J)S2 t,- xwiu iu yaxu, uoii. - . oo,iu-i afloat, .v;, I Cl5,150i60,912 Tar inyard,lbls, , : 1)45 r ; .'aBoav.- J 000 l.W radoTurpiiiyrJ; Ibis " afloat." I..; Q00-3ljl ,'f CrudeTurpt afloat WHOLESALE PlilCES. i The following quotations represent the wholesale prices generally. ' In making up Email orders higher prictMuT. JOib chtrxfiti. AaiictcB.' , ". Doable anchor A"...;...,.t ; W m w Brandard lomc8tle . '.. oo ; t& uu DACON-i-Nortto Carolina, . - ,iinn,D......u.....w;:i' It) I: 'Hhoalders. a.-.. :' H m - h .-4 Western Bmokea-:' ;-t: Ham. ......V-;-.' S I f ' Wes? .:...i... w '(,9 ' f '' Ury Baited , ' vT n Bides V ..-...: . m Bhoulders lb X . m i.i ? JBAiiHhLH-SpUUa'l'arbunUne: i" , ' " wu -i i i m i mi I ,T iiU New York, each,, lwu a,0 New Cat.v. each : -r: 1mm i:mi B KKS WAX 9 k Si ; :l 3 ' BhlCKa-WitmiBgton, Wr'jw B urrKU-HortU Oaroiina,. 15; .m -W Northern. ft.jT?iT; t itv ii ? CANDL4--permiB.iis ri Tallaw.R ti.... ', 14 r w . i AdamaatLne, V ;U 00 & ?-i2i CHictaifi-iiorUiem Factory. T '-'All J . UI V1MUI V -VSt .T i . IK" ' ' 1118 h IU COKKKl!Jav, fl lb, 1Ui n Ih - '. J ' 1 L.- Ij 1.' fc.' t -aj is 4 . - its Lasuara.SH). CO UN MKAIf a MusbeL., COTTOJffTIftS'-ll lb, - 8' 'a- i i FH7"S?V??1, fia . bbl m w MaAerel,No.a.ibbl...13w U W P40.il. i4 ODl-.-L. - l ? Kil i . ..c j Mackx-rei.o S fl bbl ul 11 W ttl m "SSTSfc bbL 3 w 3 if Bnper, Northern, v bll o uo ' d 7 W i ttra do. f ij. y bbl.. 7 A tle V " Kxirbbl uw s w , jsavaa uuano, ; f ....iw , - 65 w .ximpiie Manure ' oo fc,67 to Wiiiuiu's Phosphate" M...io tw 70 on anoo i-uocpuatcL - mi im i 7.iii I tenterABruu aitW. ,f jtt K w . Wilcox uibb Oo tuanipu- IflKil (iuaan .i.,,... .; Ml UilALN-Corn,etore,liMa9. ?7if CXrn,3rei,nbMhi-.ii4-. C3 Pm, OOW. ft biibeij;.i. 1 W m" A UlUliB Ureen.liJbZ w 2 i iAiy ixoruifro t'..-; W m tf'i limi! twJL,!Z!-l i S S " Lii.'MiiAtv lit; vu.-tt iw wrd ' ' hl p ttuff, resavred. fi M 'ft1 -'itW V Kpuph edxe pafc, ft M idp v li CO Wei India carp aecprtflnjf ' - f ! " . to qualify, ! ltrttl M fi-J Cif IntNed fluonB.traaiedu ui uo BfranUiutrand boartia, cn l"uba, bbie, V ga..., , , . , , W is ; ga ho. iihda, gal. ' VJ S "3 :. - r sai w h s i n iias-oii, u to 3i, $ k: :m;;j: Ol LB Kerosene, n jal Llnneeti. 91 sal 11 1 M i"rlflie,Ti bbr..., - ..n 0 1. 14 ui wa Hull. tT.',- - u S ii Hocgh, r u4.. ,. a ri-Vt;-v l.mt.lry , , , lf AUr Aiaoa y K TitI 11 , . .. ;i M 1 M 1 J twthjoL ae. AtnencaaL naaek Nil 77 AMtt, fi v-9 1 k 1 n e ii . e . 1 ..w..-. .9.i.. itruvian uuano. 2000 ts.v.57 0 ''! i0 Haugh'B I'hosphate - .. w) w tu-oUu a Fertiliser , , m..'k w tlfaalJJu. H r-JSm M f S ' Flour. ...hum i .itci.-.a fct . r- t ti.;, . ti. " f. ' -wr-1 ail .tt.tij. vJi a, tsoka. itwi i : , mm M jfRiisKiiiia M 1 OIOB.I P.5fl WW .VV 11' J ' VICH.1USE3IENTSI iAlAtfWEU , Ji (oi mi '( J . "ijitcJ an M .tcahii mha ham am ; JJ ifct F amil y TJcd kid'? of t li e A o iff ii V"V. ; . . -,i . i ti?1- i lid i I Hiclv.jl .K "l jn-'i'-S ?-tZit ,t u'T h-J H jw'be litff J.1w:iy air tt .tin;! f?ifi";; i -, wh (11.1 li t AlZy'lvILLy li. till' ,. ff 1 1IU C4:oWd ui';f ihiji ju-.-jl .-tle-ict l,aa ( t'.n.vlviu.i H:iift.rrnHii(lic u;u roiovoy, tu;oviuii eytr jau i 1 1 .1 1 11I ."til. l'.UN-ki j.i.i it HI cur i'j-iiHi4r. . J'iiuji ai iiy,ii of tM tkU-iu.i.ua ti w'i,w -f.'v-yi uHt-vs .ufvi, .,:, is t I ' . .1 1 . t ! .ui'.i.i .uMit-M I Hi, VAIN k u. H i v lot t Ut.U;4Wl'JUmHd. 1 Hl !( ( I' rtl. II J.HI VVI VIUJ W UiiC- ' tiou. 4' dill it t '- Xf ' 'I ni ,.nn. 1 ...H . 1 :i.' ji.... ti!i .-U..I ,.n 1 n i ill). 1 At n Jut i,j; i an nlmoM ivvcr-&il) b-s cu!i , r; n Cod, CuPite . ;H . i l i " I -lii ll .iUl l 'I tl li. l AI.N-iil' M i; : ;; tr.iv I a Novnreiif n keiai' lv i i-1 stva r ;'ul Aih-,'.sikI Ctilll l-cvcr; 1! it t'j i ii 1 !': nin-t oMciate I'AI N-Jk I J- ' . ! . "1 .ten ui is un I t ".r. t iiiliiliKiiis, U n u , in 1 , , 1 1 11 , 1I1 , 1 . i-uisilmulUTyi-iirn Hh. VAis-Ktu, Vtt-u uti1 i-ifv- KtliUliill-.. Slli. r.i Kii 'I f nluU. Fi . mis, fu: t- s ij.l : -.nisi, j; 1 vine rrlivl i lioui ;tii Ulv.v tu : ;rf 4iiyrlvatani ' l-.'iif. r.vix-Kn.rn.V' 1 wiiuafliv. . . ' llt-.i'luoli-, sunt i:ta Iu <fU3Ei wa v.u davs 4 una 1 v.5f. triiv. -. .' v -luili. lf-KM.i-i!S 1 L.ef.-o the I'liW pwuiw-t7i.:i tj k "nijf t,kMAoixri;r'trsti wo m hup 8v4 a tayj KT t The -imi Jifiit aluiLft 1 tiff, . jtcther u 1 1 auiy piu oi.Uia inUuilaL-lianUoMiid by It. and 'k- iiri.Warm.4l1t otraki iwtiu0tTlng lt(-atfTafvvUunilusH iU u, ihaUi; ii.4rUvo upMh ivvrjr prraou l vMrPy nAivm 1 A thin vhIu. 1 ntbrrrf8 i rw'a'-pl eVvT)MiU-rt tbja liiiO. niVMlMBII UWIIUIlli'iiini lJ IIm.!k .. W'lille ail cldviv ol tun lety lwTf nTuud l r.i-nce, i: real 4liiS;r iiugvr,' I'm;- flt. and n.wiv H i rv I iiiiturv :i f. ..t- i. ii . Third Street iiL fc.ii 1 lh .aiwndannf, m the very lh,Pr notice. - .-. m .-. . .... i .( , , '' -'! tj 1. . Orient lr t .irii au I (Vimt utk Wi. ir !k Urw af7 In the ell-. " j"i ivir . ( , .x.iim -? ! .i -I,li-.:li 4 V. Ml 1 ,l,i '-r- - ' ' .- I f iT?ri 1 1 1 rJS I i. - H : . .AW:tici; Jt ft ttaTtCrtAtT frnwi 1 NEW ADVEHTlSEiTENTSl I NEW ADVEHTISEilENTSL ('WARRANTED WATCHES' OS1.Y fS EACH. ' li'i iniuii..i ...1 'MilWJiliril.Ij!IUS;iy5tg't'-3: VTT - o & .'B re ..I n o -1 o X PI tt b r h : . a- t. i : f fir X 4 'ClJ -4 4 4M"T -j '?-i r H ESPi ,nt- AC.; . , . -.1 . . '. t . i, I I 'TTTT-.I.J I ' '1 1 J I "" . n v j HOVa;Kt A1NO S3MOVA 03XtlVUfitV4 i , ,11 .wl'tc", i ia-W-.- a,aa, 4 i- '-, 1 Jvj'3S!Sl'tXtf.- iCiiiiN'u W'H' i iin-i 1. n ..1I11111, mi 1 .- IU K,i.wwiA ii i'J .-'r W't- t Bilveri....'..iA....i.r4.a.4:t.-.n.l,W - 106 txchnEeSnVo Ko?th x I Cl tl ., "t-T.-i It'- - ultC $xjiuie)dak'oftiJorU4iru . a - . TiUWhfcU.ln...l, '''i V rls BanltfSeTtnaoYr.,,-... . firt,taUuallUukMM,ta..Msil .. ... lva Wilnt4iMtuittlrtHiaint:ioltU..A tw - tn IM- '1 il,'wdJUg.l...i.w.i uli . XO . yCWwi, 1...I WM i-' 1 4 ..... tuii niHicuuA4iaaia.hMM.AKi 1 lo bii N J KnilwifcOU. U - - Wa'W K UlklliU7 MMU itiioi ' ' WQviirgteit VilBVDdS, H (....7il lOV IMiMiokl. IV j-. - i&wwic aurr W.4 W- lll V A. . T . WUL.4J0. - . ..-T T- ...... sir"; -r:: -;jf ii i. jti t f t u'i aL 4 . 4 ' pUTurieuUuefi bbl-. oyi OuT o Ituaio V bbl ...MI4II H 0l(ki t - - : X-J Vl'i "V t I IO l'IIlLAIKLItll frudeTurpeutioe f bbl? ar V bbl ...o . 0lMi Ml pu Tarvrtitiue ul-Jwm, 1 H UMn bJ ;i-a l jH t f Mjr ..-iiU'il"a.2i4 i 9 0 eno' I Mjftiit-l.iiAiA.i'i v M OHM O J,-, M O I 7 OA 8 ou U H I MTsr 0 i' I a v.i, s i ll5 ' fl jix er eci ftlt. I7a iTKI ? JI iWigt W4 TO liat.TIHiOHR I Tilde TvrlK.iiUbc 'flVbJr1 S1 1 A P( Tiirw-minc nbbl il . w J Hloii n baltXEjrT" Jiie. c "eannU bukliel fa)- o 1 1 l.UUib-rT U.. ...,.1 U0Lit w to losrro?! 1 r . - fwmi. , 1 " 1 1 r 1 Vltil Tn rMm iki t.l.ll'tf ' 1 1" (. k."'" yi.t.p 1U i.h-i 0 IVitlon ft bnle.ijwUfirti (! ieaaau inh4inMM bove e4 li t?J rniNT and jt.o$i Tin: .s:v ri;, ruiiDsiiia .ill rvuijv. i4 IWLc4 . I 111 icJi:r;i.N I , ' ' ' I 4 50 -4 m a H O X n V, i ii .vamd'oa'fiheb, i wu,tftS', it v, x v ' I ( i I t " jMAM t'TiLI LU'ruQD At IIH ll ! fcl iD.I. . Jvoijinl CA-lMipe. HImiXm m -i! Ihm liit.ln i.rtj Hi.Ul? dual I kind 1 1 ...i In hialiuc ,riir than tvi-r lirj'n- u1tt4t lo the puOuv. t!jeotullj;i4i l jn-l , BUi TiiM; 1 ? ?l 45 I.t. 11 lit; " ::! (,.. J ( jj J U.UMklr,.l,fi . ' . 1. I j 11 -r!:H ri-M, ' ' - - !(IViwrtl.l nlUlil l I ,V H (.,?( h.-i If v a (tiAi.tiii kHV.4jj(vtv. , y 1 i 1'iv.lillil f il if , L J , , if . i i?njrnituro, uarpet::'! it '.! ..'. i t t I . . I ' . I I - I Ik . I li .11. V i l.'IM-W 1 If .IT 1 li! l Mil?. STM'li r ? j f,s ijifv. ! 1!,,",'1'LuV,!!:r,i'Aiiy 1 ' an 1 1 i.va:.t itVA-j iiii::x r ; C7iJIi!!li!l.!McriA!I AM I CAT.? j ; kan r.oc::;:!t. ' l i i i ; 1 )b tirV;fi r ci a.h.i m. .:'! iv yrriTM i .. n s 1 rs t Sn.p.injskiu n ? - j '..;!. - Tfa IftUfrrVji.tbisiU j. s.u , 1 a. ABI.UM lji i, r . -1 tieu,-.,, 1 - .iU I- r . ... ' , ftMw nisi iNvGl':ivNWAi,iv.: 4i'AY. 1 m . ,.!". :! J t v i 4,. h - v-!.iri, t'j 1 iivi - r vr.aira rj t r 1 ..." . . . , i i . . ; . u. U H. ti!wv.t1:r I TttTEAtliiE. Ttt EUUici I pUSAAil t W 1111 frt 1 1 . ? ?j ray- ! w m l Sfri:.i; AtjsaU, 1.4. i