1 it SI :.4- i ; V.! WILMINGTON, NOKTll OA ROlit N-Xi; SUNDAY; DECEMBER 22, 1S7S. ; ysb-sS.Ctas NUMliEIl 1 ' , 3 3 - , " ! - J. ... L 1 i r- !: -: v v.: : aa' yen TlklNG ur(.t ; ,'ifi,jr,oiit erlioii and per line for 'Jf in twenty -live centa BUty-i mihI i jer tine itir each additio uaeilion. ,1-ilt I.SJ; Mlf?S 'Nonpareil .typ, coii- -I Mule a HMtisire All advertWiiit'iiU wilrbe chained at vJiti above rajten, except on special con,- trai'td. Smici.il raLehVuii le, Irfad for a longer j than one -week.. The huuk' fitiot priee to Tub WlL- 1 W per year; six. mouth 7 cent, Aiieoniuu nicrtions on btMt lies tdiotild I to Tub Wii.m intn nytoii, N. C. ! add row .Wr.tr, Wiliu I'ulltlcnl. C. Iiad Si r a'or Chants rle elimis a .reelection m l the aph elion is l.i'iM.'nl. "JjO1. Mi j mwUi utideritiatKl ttie ques tion inrlV-cll There is opt the slightest disposition iti the nortJi Ro prevent the able Homo- rrnUC-t ite.s'iien of South Carolina, or Ljuisiuua. or Miusissippi from gaininc an m.iuy converU among me .colored pe. ple th y can procure by f iir iisraiH. Aruili-ii(, entreaty, promiics t eternal friendship, are nil legiliniate,' a till no oiie iiCHtions their perfect right to jeuiploy all of these. j .Vhat thS i lortU objuuU to is llireati id .'violence breouipel any tuan to vote coiilrary to h scoiivicliouaor not to uote at. all." - . i.-.-j : ' . The J'ni'U't Corhin, -Senatori il ciis is bcin; agit.itc'l, I-cuaior' .Cameron of Wiu'onsin, Chairuian of the Sub cora uti t"o on t lie? cas has made a report tv mo. u a U"e Al one an it decide that t!jc Gfty niua member of the House of i jiieiciitatikes, wh jrganiz?d the llou.'e and koted for' Corbin, were a ni vjniiy of all the members chosen and i'jiiuted quorum, the numbers fio.n lMg fiId and Iurelw countie1 not holding Lertilicat-ii of 'election in :ii l oril.inee with the lawi of the state. l itis House, -kcting with the unqucs- tinned . Senate, composed the legal lis'ature, hnd by a legal proceediDg ela ted dr. (Dorbin United Statea Sen ator, and hi election was 5n all renpeptp v.i'id. Senator. I!urn8ide has rrpoittd the conclusions urrived at by the Joint iTunimittee on tno Ivoorganimon oi th.i Army, fa' ho. abstract iieot from Washington! indicates Hcveral radical eli iiiges in t ie present organization ol the Army. : Jen. Mherniani plat) of tiiuliin the .ballaljon the unitoftlie I'lree has beta adopted, ami one bat- tit ion in titqh regiment of mfantrr, e.ivalry, and artillery la to remain un- illicered and unmanneu, but ready to le equipped whenever circumstances The reductions in the .hall rcqium mt:nberof otjioers are large 333 being di'pomtcd wikh. l!y cQnaolidating the i . ..I r ....,.. f I .i tiepari inenis oi ai':viuijrcuvrai uu .Vlju'ant'(i(Jiieral, 0 oflicera are taken jVuni the active lit. In thp (iuarcer- . master lh' arlment there is a reduc- i ioii of IS olli corf; in tno ouosistence- I ).jairtm'cnt, II; ray Deparhncnt, 27; ; Uureau of Military Jus haplains, 8. There is to i ii tiiuuce, r. lice, r: and Cl t).' a eousoli lation of regiments, acd the whole pi in, it auopteii, is to, ue ' rtorktnl out I y a board, which must be- (.'wt operatiol s ,luly 1. 1S7D, and finish U'iriiig that ear. It has bee li brooht to the attention" of the lVi eitt an tho Attorncy- Uenerul uy e liiuejitiy reliable aulliori- iv in ij-misiiftiii that in the vicinity-of ('ho'OiiachiUi rivera in that elate "two hundred yokred hvoh have been wttii- pi d since the the recent eWtioii, with .he view of e- .iiijH'lling them to teMify Iiefoie the-grind jury of tin parish of Otiachila lb. t two wellrkuown and esteemed wb te citixens, Republicans, ' had tried to instigate the colored peo ple to rise asruinst the whites. Dur itij; the iu vet- ligation just had of the prejHK-terous charge by the grand jury, viie 01 their l umber, who was familiar with- Urn fact i, compelled the witnesses to remove their clothes, when .their back were t'Hiud to bo crusted with' o.ils, the refill of recent whippings 1 hrcuHn, 'j.ith iiiucU reluctance and ureal trepidofuou, they (the witnesses) coiiIcshhI to he whippings and threats of ftli'l greiter puniihmeot If they failed to testify as they were directed. The ivhite j liepublicans alluded to are natives of Iidutsiana. and men of high a -c.al and political sundiny, but have given mortal offence U their political vuemi.s by adrocaliug the llepublieao ltriueinles a -id deuouueinff Democratic outrages. Hd the grsnd juiy indicted them, a wastintendtli they would liave been placed In jail and then mobbed and butchered, as tho Ooushstta pris oowwere simeume ay. , Oa tiit oli;er hand, thp liAj-eren liieubers of the House who met ia Carolina 1141, on account of the llle- rility oi the; title of the Rdrellch) snj faurtn deffS Q eat lacked two a( bein- ft legal quorum. Tb U itletal body acted with ft body cUluiog to bs the ifenate. though having U 1m thn a majority of that bodr. ftnd proceeded. rh full le-il Senate, with ft leral iHruw,net!cr l aay way rccoaUed the illecst liooe. Iherrport uirooja ut supports the claim of (Aw bin aad denie that r Bluer; but itgoessut further mi Uei tht pAwtioa that if ft! POST AO b tl milted that Butler rlainw for the Carolina Hall body ntmelj,' that it was lawfully organized and had ft legal qiioriuii ' prmrnt -while thin ; rolltd invalidate CVbin'a title,- it trould not make HutlerV valid, sinco ft single, isolatedllouie of Reprcsentativea can not Uj nay process of iwwiiosc beheld tti coustiiuto the Iegishtare of,, South a a Vt Lr,fraf, mad whether or ot CotW elected, Duller has uo;dof i9fl claim. Uiidrr tJhiVport,ih4gftte il . .. " .' . - ' 1 VI.i.: it miut verUl. "oaeat Belief f?-, r, A eorrcioiideut of tho Y, jlwUt wriii" from 8elma, Ala.,1 ? r s Ai ih election in November ;!. thou valid' f colored Republican yoters in thndis net (with ill 16,000 Bepubli tn oidf-trity) , were depriyed '-jof the ri'h' o-v'.tif for member of Congress. &c, nio.-t of tit- Urge Republican pre-' ciiHts Oeiiiiw:ratic officia's ' secured poHC8oiofr ir the ballot-boxes, poll But they waited in vain. The Demo- cratic party has control of all the elec tion machinery in this state. Demo cratic Judge appoint all the election a . . I niHtiaserh: Democrats make up the I returns, and Democratic Supervisors do J the counting. In this large i Republi- Iivj .It." 11 111 I L-PI.I LhflllSfl vet tiid all I day thus PJW not have made auyt;.A.8iderable prodrs poIlt. rhouands oi coloreu. voters re- if ,i, ' i... ' . .,-. 1 . , naincl around the polls throughout 'i!1???1' duw beV . .... . ..: r.r'.i.:.. tcr than in the two or three years past. ine oay, wainuK or tor cn district there was riot one single J ages, &c.f of New'Haveu, wooten lac Reouhlican election official appointed. I tories of itockville and elsewhere tlm In the Second Distiijt, which is very I cios-, nui wnicn re my nas a , wir im- ine uai business oi the western, cot publi; an mnjoiity. the Grcenbackers ton and woollen indiutriea of the east. nominated a candidate in opposition to Herbert, the Democratic nominee and present, meaioer. xuv xwepuuiiuaus ,i suppoi ted the Ureenbacker afl a choice I of evil.' It vas known throughout the state that Herbert's renomination gave great ofteuce to tho Democracy; that large numbers cl white men in every county of the district publicly wade known their determination to support Arm strong, tho Greenback candidate. On the night of the election it was believed thrt Armstrong had been elected.- The rcturnsfrom the various counties fooled up a fair majority for Armstrong. But the Democratic managers bad the bu lervlsora of two counties, remote from the railroad, to hold back their returns I until all the others were in. . No efforts to get new from those two counties were successful. At last they came up with overwhelming majorities lor Her bertmajorities bo large thai; every jq-it tpan in Alabama muBt admit that 1'ipy are the result of fraud. State Political. ; !i The ('howan Gazette is a good deal distressed at the waning strength of Ik. iLin.uitiiiSn i...i. Ti .iV. .lir.;ri- I vH"jr, A" ppopio uji-Cu8vw; wiiu i ' j: ...ii tiu I (tith partie7 Have they lost heart and I interest in public affaire?' "It is evi dent that for some reason or other the i)eni'cracy is losing its hold upon the masses, and so is the Republican," , r 1 w r; . j - Tho A)iicelaw will probably becoaie in a measure a IoUtical question in this state. It' the legislature pass a lence law, thev will roake a Sreainany people very md. . f they don't pass I any law relating to uuat subject lucre will be a good deal of dissatisfaction. Fencing is a very ei pensive business, but it is common to all civilized countries. We hope no law will pax, preventing anybody from putting as many fences on his own land h) pleases, . d - X. X. Robbins is announced as a compromise candidate for U. 8. Sena tor, "lieLjus have peace," j t! When the State nnvernmeut i ws in the hands of the "Radicals" the Demo eratic whanjrdoodle cry was "extrava- gituH! and turn 'em out;" and- now the Democratic otliciaU eel oo per : cent, taking ttie same salaries ana decreased I cot ofliving-the people meanwhile hii uif no rtHiuetion -r Uim. to Day t which' they are forced to sell the; pro. ducts of their labor lat half what was I ooiatuea uouer -ivacat ruicv-owrei- k . ft t ft-ftK t-ftW The travelling correspondent of the Cincinnati Qmmaxii f tors. us with ihw item; Judgti Settle, now of Florida, form erly of this vtate, is spoken f as the . tr,"- nominee ior ice-t -resident on- mfti" ---. ,v . . rtm,hli...n tlL Th R.nnklUM I rd the olher naked, ahared him cbwe. think that Grant and Settle would carry North Carolina ftnd Florida. I juug teitie epeac tne mamcr, wiw bis family at lteidsyUle in i tnts sute, i and la still there. I saw him ft few I days aen. and spoke of the political I outlook. Tht JuJgft bHT in stroor Government, and will gladly rUy left nana to u rant's rtgftU n i I havft UVaf MialA flA I ..v- ewv-.4--, T" maua py uugn v Disutci Juaze ior oomui vanmoa, ia w KASffn iftftAHvift left r it . m wbicu ue says uas 4ruiy wwov . . l V t..Mr Af Ma mm , .u . TAT- 71 rt.ir.T3 lib probable 'thai ilr. EusUs, the prvaeat Senator hm LoaUUaa, ft!3 b r-!rcttJL f I was done under ftolor of hU See. Thia pguuM, not many years asncc, with a u u IL Tut ,h ahcali ctaa r tl.0,tXK. rrtviooa, how- Shah of Tenia by Csrcrcr cfAc. Uftt it 0ttlA; ever, U thtirdepai tare rnihl. tria.y-If the Cieutcdairea r .vf.VS tywxiltta the cenUea fm eircial trty with the hai If b Dick lhat which they teem to tHak to whoa they had received th saoaey, . . . v. merilorW Jadgft Dick has reptab. and itcal a cireuatsUac o tl, t f? edly decide th. aaa per-"oa ia th t to fab fecoilectio-, paid Mat the " oUaifted, whkh fclgU U of v2?o , u fnacipftl later- wKh thaais. crecul ftdraaU tocsr oaeuaa. Wt4F .li4ft i, . - - TI'ftr 1.. II.IIL.I Bnsiu'83 Prtvpecls The Herald has ant a corrfpjondtut into different stated to isecure as Ut as K-sible information, in, regard to the prospects for - coming : busine1. i;' writes " cheerfully from JIartford He as follows: ' . ' V, - Tbore can b no iuelioii tiiC the ceneral condition of thefctate has -un uiKvuv m uvvivvu a irTvmjviw vein ibJpvi few month -not rapid, but stead and sure, Mauufactureru, farmers, all classes v( - i mployers, in fact, see briirhter times a head nut the flush days oi belore the imwic, but more of the stead y business of nte- leUum times. 1 Recovering from the great depression f several yen re past they find contentment jn more limned, bat safer business, and t ma'l an I cer (ain instead of specuU-ive- prfiu aacb. profi's as arc la't xWiiU, iived standard ol vHic, rathtr tHaiu the that might lj, ieajed , r ibejCoinV pondin; amouot that mght be Ujt ia the fluctu.vt wna of (be. matkeU uuder the operations of an uustablvi currency. ..,u W,,H , " 1 " J tjUIIIMIflll.IT II. aJa .'I.IIIH - The mabutactories .of metal good the silverware lactones of Meriden brass works of Waterbury, brooz-i and iron good3of New Britain, arms. carri clock works of Bristol, Thomaston. Ac em, and the silk business radiating the smaller plaoca from the great Cheney iuvub, uiuh leei me impeiua ot better times. In illustration of this fact uo better proof can be uiveu than nm. densed quotations from the daily pre-: daring tne past three months and facts obtained through personal hircatign- I tion. Ho says ihtifc the g.ncral feelinii in Conueotlcut is that the hard thoei are nearly if not quite at an end, and that henceforward ma nufactures of all kinds will improve; that real tutato is grand ally improving; that there are increase- 641 orders and sales of mechanical pro- ducts; and tbat there is a general starts ing up and liveUness Things do nut look quite ro well in Rhode Island, but there is a healthy and steady improvement. He wivs: m - - J " Mr. .Cameron is confideiit that the people are more hopeful now than they nave Deen ior a long time, and lie pro diets the speedy revival of all kinds of u : . i . t . i . uusiuess. cora:i)on wun omcrj ne believes that the result of the recent greaueai to an i l 1 .. . i t . , . . "- - -o'y '' " o in business circles. The reple in Rhode Island, however,' were not veri ously disturbeil iu regar I to the recent state elections, and tbey did not in the least predict the success ol either Greenback or Democratic candidates for Congress or other important ollices. " - - It is believed that the resumption of specie payments will give stability to W0rkiivg a gradual inii,rovcnieat ia business. The manufacturing business. vaiues, auu mai n W4ii oe me means of however, is the great fountain-bead. It is believed that as this memorable panic, so it will be one of the last to I leei me expected and long nopel for I responsible fri damages when ft per tSZLt 1 XBJJLyTJfi.,.ft! - is over by fire apparaius while trade Wt s affected, here. ( ?f. Th Wrespoudeut adds that ibis lit Ue but very wealthy stale, was injured I very much by the down fall of the Spraguea, who toppled over with V 000,000, and with a buvinesa which had ramificatiou which affected the whole of that hive of industry. With good, solid money, and moderately io creased ' orders for their manu factures business will gradually revive to the j ' r - , --'-j-j Ri8iuir rani . About fifty years back twu voung fellows, brothers, went to Jamair? 9 n ,rade blacksmiths. Find ing. soon after their arri vaj that they talitUemouey wtuu uu uuuiiujuu(iui uvue money I 1 J . V : i. ' mlt K. .KrtA r.ri ik Mt tb th f .iloiin-nr..t j J wmion. MneJiel: On nHih n ttin. - -r . o and blackened him from head to foot. jbU ceremony beios performed, he . v . . . Am .tU . - w " v..v. who was so pleased with the appear-1 ftnee of the vounr fellow ' that he al 400 currtocy opoa'Uw bUl r . . ... . . ' . I . T 7 . ing this wanufactarca negro wad hi escape to hU brother, wshd ymself rwaia-a his former ftppear- m... au. ea xK r I ..'..! i ance, uewaras were laen in vain i uwiuiNi I Vi "U lUKVini, ui VMS 1IXV- Uoi rtnjOTd iarnctioKc The Craach.Wt ftti lf , aad oa waka i.l " Iialestl,e-w3-j 1 t 4 I r MrTlvdttiunds electoral bill has pass ed the Senate. . , .-. - r.:.. ' "i. j'Tlrenl -Jsr.grtat distrci in Great Britatn'aaiongihe business mea ami the laboring classe?, and xjeetings are being held h. the grea t . cities for ; ro lief 7 - ----' The slate ftard of Cauvassers have ftiv;n the certificate to Kitchen for th atjcond district, vftithoch the fellow wj in a" minority i 5000, on the tual Vote. This U stealing iVpistrict-' Gov. Brpjden ,has introduced. a J re- solution ; ' in 'rCoagresa to' infestigate ' -certain reVenue '.officers. He 'chargea Idl sQrlf of things" against Iheao officera .: but aaya the President wont take any' notkvtf what he says. ; -: '' tfwti? .' . - - V--? ! -r ; i n if ? -The Seuate has passed ihe House bill f tiOOOO.to provide for f he deficiency iecessar to keep tip (jf Postal Car Service as it existed 4kfelsaB7S. The last provision will result in taking off several important mails. ' ; ' TJie Senate committee under Blaine'a resolution consist of Teller of ColoradoV Cameron of Wisponsin, Kirkwood of Iowa, Hoac ofMasaachusetlH ;nd McMillau of Minnesota. Mr.; JHoar will probaJbly be designated as Chair man. v ' ,;'' 'uw?1e : A meeting of lha southern: Senators and members of Congress ! was- held whereat e'oqucnt speeches were made, and resolutions adopted in Jrecognilion of the aid rendered by the north to the south, during the affliction pi the yel low fever. : -: ' ' - r;-'-l'J , 1 ; Bayard Taylor the American' Minis tcr to Berlin has just dicu at his post of duty, at the age of 5D. , - He was o such remarkable literary powers! and his productions were bo voluminous . - . . . and various, and his life was so earnest and sincere, thatjwe cannot now enter upon anything lurtber than the mere announcement of his death. The House j Commi ttce on Naval affairs has amended the bill 'heretofore introduced by Mr. Harris of Massachu setts, providing for a board of assistants to the Secretary ot'j the' Navy. The board is to bo comped of five , Chief) of Bureaus of tbol Navy Department and three Hue idSjecrs, togetchr with two persons skilled la eugineering and construction to be selected either from the navy or from ciyil life. Instead of appnoi riating.3,000,000 for tho recon struttiou of the navy, the, committee providea that the proceeds of the sale of condemned and worthless ships shall be applied to that DuroW. 1 T mi i mt : CUhUiSJIT MATTERS. Sum tris remain are not found vet. Senator T.Of Hwe, ex-Senator Matt Carpeut r, and tw or three othew, aro caudid.iu-i f jr Senator Howe's place in Wisconsin. , A decision baijust beea rendered iu St. Louts that the city cannot be held h.Mti!y auswering an alarm. 11 only two years since lime. Iuraud the French novelist who write under the pscudonymc of "Henri Gre- ville' first becamo known to French readers, and at present her works of fiction number more than ft dozen. An American j egg prcisrying' com pany has been established at Shanghai for woiac, time. The object is to pre serve efgs in such a manner that they will be useful for cooking at any time and in any climate. . The lueines is entirely eipott, kbit fly to En-land. Tim,' said : the parton aevcrely,' "suppoee tbat the Lord should call you mi an oaih WM ou Up? "1 .fiV' .Tim. ."Ah! my , . . . . i ineou, rrjomcu uic prcacuer, "you uu "cape. v e must auDmn to ii ; i ti. ... . ... Uis laws. We cannot escape the law I .. , ..w. - ' i " r '"wn, aaia Aim, 1 MhH made mu int n thn lUht maae fT Pul Ul0s ll2u 108 rod? 15081011 IVarH The I'rincess Alice, daughUr of Queen Victoria-'died al Darmsiadt . - - . " - ajptheri. She was bora ia 1311, and married th Grand Duke of lies Darmstadt. The blinds are drawn in all the royal residences in London, and j Wiadsor Castle, : The Queen n at Windsor, ftnd Dean ytanley has gone there. The flas en the Cstlj M half mt. h at half-mast. The Queen though greatly grieved is not UL This u the i . I t jm(k tK r .t,- I pmeot ttmSr. I - , - . Jliobltt Kiaoa, la a letttt la tht ftra Iftart!m tmaAM I StWctmUrt4Uasustars5arJy CITY JTEMS. The Criiptnal Court has adjourned. QSee fourth page for Boitwiighl and McKoy's ad. ' -- '. Mr. A. David is making new over coate and furnbhing hats for the police, in which they will appear on Chriitmas day. Let none who are afflicted with chills ftnd : fever despond, i Dr. .' Uarter's Fever and Ague Specific is a sovereign remedy that; has never yet s failed ; to cure. . ; . ' . .".-St.-1 Mr! ' W l. Fowlefcrmerlyoftlis city, wa3 knocked down by some ruffi ans, with a clnb, Inst week, at Moorci-I Tine' iu . xrecicii rj umy, wrrrp i e Jiveo and died on r rulav, tinru:mir " i i t r Gerg Fox. the eoiuctmian,,"Jluiap tyjDmnpty" died- from paralysU . at! tribulab'efio upon- the face for his. c-oniio- mat cup.' Let ladies cultivate only the pink and whfta of health that follow tho' u c.of Dr. ; Hurler's Liver rill amj Iron Tonic. V- , iiOCAL kotick. Tho advertisement of. Walters Import jug I Company, of fjiheinnati, O., appears in this paper- They are 'largo dealers and importers of foreign watches, and oli'r a bank rupt stock of watches, i warranted one year for accurate lime at only $') cach.j ; They (are a reliable firm, aud all that desire a good watch, for a small amount of money, should tend to this firm and secure a goxl timepicco . ; ' ; 2m A vcry ;heavy storm of wind and rain opened upou us on Saturday morningal daylight tho win'l Btwd about cast anl then rvrtuig ' around about to siiith,aud a little after 12 atu went back to northeast, roariug and thundering, and back to - Use south west. ' The storm flag is nj and the wind guage is whirling at such speed that it was impossible to see it. The South Atlantic Th is very crcditablo home Review conducted by Mrs. Cicero W. Harris, comes to our table this month full- of interesting matter. The article ou tho "Botany of North Carolina," though lacking in completeness, contatus a' large amount of curious i a formation. : Tho writer, Dr. Hunter does not seem to be awaro of the existence on tho Cape Fear of the Dioncca JUuscijiuta, or '"Venus Fly Trap," ! one of the rarest of plants, norof the fact lhat thcro are desceud- anfs of William Bertram, the earliest J of American botanists, now living on the Capo Fear in Bladen county, j The article ou "Fort Barnwell by moonlight," by Judgo Cantwell is short but pleasant. ,v There is a lyric -trom Paul W. Haync, ono of our best lyric poets; and. two acts of a drama which, while it takes iho namo of Eugene Aram, does not preteud to be that work dramatized, but . whose de fects of measure may be excused ou ac count of its dramatic power. ClTT BttlEF3. Mr. Henry II." Lane heretofore lbs courteous clnk at the Empire House, on Monday took ft similar position behind the counter of the rurccll " House. Cd. J. 11. Davis, formerly of the I'urceU House, has taken the Kmory House at Weldon, where, we wager, you can hereafter get ft good breakfast. --Three young mcu and a lad, went on a sail u Suuday down the river, when tho boat capsi?d and they bung to her tw-i -.tour, uutil they were relieved by klhe LHrulaAs. Their names were, HJcoBirr, Kufan Skipper, William Whcclcr, aud W. Burke.- Hon. Co.. Davis will de liver an address for the benct of the widow f ! Lieut. Benaer of the Navy, who sacrificed his life: ia going to Memphis to relieve the tufferem from yellow lever. Dagald Clark of B'ad- c, having; been brought before U. S. Commissioner, Kd. Cant el I for scllicg tobacco without iictne, ws dischargt d for want of cvidiuce.-- Job a Kovo er, ana ets louowers w ui appear on Christ mxr djy, and likewise many boim iasd fir ravctt.--!----lVMr MaJcm.'irc LHtat badly strapped here on accouat of the siupidity of her aaa&agers ia putUog the pike of ad- mwdon to high. The cabject f Geo. DavU's address it An LjHscde ia Cap Feaur UUwy.,--H;--Tb Bar have done boaor to the eittj cf the laie Uofl. Hugh Wad IcU by redas i commcmoralory cf tu giiUatry aad hu virtac ftd by gvaceikl faacrsl ftdlrcse by IL Lsadaa LVi aod tho Hon. F,l CatwcIL - C3oL Thomas B.Iug.fasla the city Ut wk a his cfSclal loer as Ias.tt4, ef Vm a,!,rJL-Th 11. W. Graad a a3 LoJe tf the 1 and A A JJ rt (crcl) i&cl at Xwknw Ul week a tt ssVT f al fractel isa lkih Yk-Cfl was l .hjklf-ms4 oa thslCsydr tbe fatr! fcbwj'.w , Tilsit A'k. Christmas is right; fti hand with its pleasures for the children ftnd for older heads, with its hops, ftnd geraans, aud sports ftnd jojlificatlon f and family gatherings, ftnd Vxeligious ceremoneis, we wish, all Christais. ' our J, ' readers ft merry ' f,; . T - . .. AM i The cntertainmant at Tilestoa upper room given tty i thd ZThaliaa amateurs out Friday iras charming. There'are few pcrrjnsinbnr city who are ftware that we have a, company ia lout tityr who can present light drama in such '"taste anl cjcellance.1 iIiBrai t.l :"rx ; i'i! . " i The ' $XTip&j& ieetiog Ptthft clluciis Vnu fajp jiavrs ftnd bondhold erswwf ,hchjuj Uie Z CifCout Room on Thursday evening to i reeeiye the report of tKcirconimiltee appointed to ileviso ways to manage our city debt. 'T!.' .1." " ' ." " 11.1 iuu (tcjniugi iug cosuoibiee xecoui lundcd a Ciunding act to tako up that par t oC the bonds' f claa and aooa to.bci comejauethout 1200,000) withintercsj at s.ix per cerTJio-M la the chatr, MrJlenry Ntfc -moved bi strike but that part of the report which remmeed udsshoutii be exempted from taxation up6r4 which utjac ;tcdmau stated that a reccut dctouv of Uie U. S" Supreme Court prohibited any cty from .. taxing Upon this a piyely debalo Vpraog up Which iu 1 some : parts was1. rsulficieatjp rambling and t discursire tb'jget rather beyond the oUy limits, and, Into. th qucsilon '."mbney against labbnM Finally however, -Mr.; Nulf a motiou was carried , and HessTa'-, II, .Crbnly Dopajd',McJlae-,and James lLgkifc bournejwre ftpCftd.by th'.Uhftfrf ft a commiUee ia' accpraace with' Uh third resolution of tho report, whkh; Jkcssolved T!hai'9. committee of 'thrcd be appointed by the chalrmanto whom shall be'givea ia charge the drafting of tue.aci and ail matters pertaining: there to, until fiu final passage by both branches of the Legislature . ol . this state. ' t - - -.;. -j - ...SAIJVT .CJi'ft.USH. j TTTK CALTi THK ATTENTION OF .""'our friends aud patrons' that we have just received da uudtional assort. uicutoffino'j ; j .- , Growrica, V " --- ? ConfeclidnarieSj "' 1 . .' ' ' Candies, '' ' " , 7-Nuts, - -' ' , . . " - .5, .;5 Kaiscns, ..- ' ; , ' 'i ; t Apples, ' . r. , , Oranges, . Covoauul,- - 1 . .. . Fine aorled Crackers, Ac, - Also a Large and Select juuorU utent ol Toys, , , . And Christmas Goods, Things a Inch will male the LUUo Folks Happy and the Old Folks Smile. ' '-ri '" in :t 'rai ?:;f COOVLRA Co., No. JO, South Front st ml next door to Oeorgrt Myerx; "r t . f , Dec. 21 a, . AO fl. s n.c. ' ft ; II iitca tnd Hqtioru ;. aiaich ltf't. i ;M'il i-i T,-ri THE PURCELL HOUSE tf AH r.tteKD INTO TltC IlAiCWOF il a4crwsiiil. t7ra bml rar autxd ihrooboct, aol, s Lcrtiu&f, wt:t brttt ttU-tljrLI , , ... . . f liixlCIm(i llotui: lud rtxlocrd M ULtrw l Ml M aad IS fmt Ux; With CooaU, fti two Ik. fS; TUe Pjd, ft WBtb tS. - ;. - r , - . Eest cf Wiits, Uzi:ti as! ss ALWAYS CTt UXXD AX lleinlar CU$ I9 A ct Wt Urt Irfioet alius cJ ri.cs e U4 f 43t ail. ?.l'1,vj-4ii .;;;-i!.. ' : i"; rt tKSi fXOv Ca-lS kt H im ctsnr. iLtit!!- r sr. it,- -.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " We fctood at an cpen window' Leantns fiir over U1U4 -And If aomctklng badn'l tuijivucd ' . We nUxhtbavo stood there stU': But we reached for a bansinsfchutt. r . In tllnillns northeast brwKp, (- Eo our friends wUl have to b InvlUd j... - To Join In the obsequies. '. IF WE COULD ONLY 1IAVK KKilW.V vrhut a fctornt was brewlns(lm Ujju.h, and now 6ur oU that cUutter wm, w kIuu .i never have ventured our bead ouui.U- .c thai window; but U ta too Ui tor r,-m nowi wa are noapluKyeU. rouiiiU I . squelcbttd,- have been aa upon. id oiir frleadt aud Uie public reaeratly i u eptctAiUy luvittd loattud tUcobsculesou 4 .J - ' !- - - aud weKHko4r repuUUoa on HsIcib tuegrauvkst fuctrJd Uiey vur v ttutecd. Asb liibe alldea. and ever v time I . 1iUit Uo blip up iuobI woefully.. We lt-ut our-aind Xrlcnd" to find out tho meaulnu or the above, and wblto tbey are dotuc Havn;i we the u;Uctlauddrtl-tUM-t: tu UieHUle? . . ' - ' f . - ' :-J .'- ' i " ' '- . V llavn'l we the poorest atuck of toodtt id Wilnunstua? " i - Ilavu'l we made prices much LUher unco ' We couimeuced? , vltavn't webecu very uunciHiutiuvilUh t: and impolite to your - Uavn't wecharsolou for all thi;ootU delivered . s - i . . , Ilavn't we mato a great .nj- ruit.L Mi refused to ctrrcl Uit-ui Uc our i tuu lion wn called tUeixt.? . All of our rrtouds wlio answer "y" t. the abovo y ue lou will please not S tt jr frwiu us any more. lUpeiitrnlly And Ubiy. P.L.BEIDGERS&G0. lo tlanditff over liutt Kun.u,'a rtf:r;lKMl lo uollro Uio Urll rkuuMj. men 1 from uniouT our bmih cmn.r.n.,.i wo had uken away mrt ut ihvlt lradi o.i """"i" ppci vo luooHioni not U Uva ' tliem. W 9 rvxnet tbla cxeoedlncir. imniai. IT a Uiey wvro ho kind and c.ai.ldcr. about our eomlnr to arior. luu nnn we have determined to do tho - , ' UVUUEST KITTaIL UlIOCKlir EUSINESS, verdooln Mlhulucton. tviU tntio futuro bavti tAkttn rnm Ih ing mi teotlrr liaOf 9 THE B LOUD If CHASM HAS BEtM BRIDGED 0VEH. I-"-' ' . THE LITTLE JOKEl au noliii Cone. A floe line of TOlLEP fcOAiy i- ceirca to-day, very low Uoru The OLD C.VPE FEAEU uVm-uU . sod MAETELLE WO bV bMtl d.rr t..t ,,,l..l -Cnee of r'tAce;" nuo iivia u kuutotak II wui4 ic )Mtrr it n-. loroUbiits Uto ir Uii Uum tit-iat y prodttcUoos, m Uicy fcvo ib UoJcut v i,, kti wicw very low, wbuu oi t.t r, wliu oJloibor yu4 ait. ,u,iy wol rtuuiU Uu tor? lur cirabo. tor mi wd Uji. K0t PUIlirAlUCAL urti-rt tn. CAM D.f4 iMf (UttMll- iMtt tterl ivme tb bkivt .ht KUwy tf if J 1 Ibr WMHtfttd ItMtirrMiMiSM It ! W t h t ixri 14 b urvek. LunaiaNEi: x lifUALTJi lir.lVA4 DCEUAU OLD HVi; rttiifed thH rfc. tuvuui; Lurru; jusujauu:' TJ rrr. oU4,asd UhI UJE.V W U k K EV ia IU Jfia WW lwciUtft!fat P. L BR1D0ERS S-C'0'u.- I. t,i j CM,io(a4' is.' -. i ' , 9 ; ..,, , , f "tlK('t..j.i1f1 . ... . i'Uu4 lt

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