VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUuD:. :. DHC3UBEII 20, 1S78. . 4 urrjr TI3ING fc'iftv cent per I POST AD V Bit RATES. : u lor iue hroi m- n-rtiio and twenty -five cents per line hir each additional iusertion. Kitrht (8 linos. Nrnna.rU t.viw .w.t,. .VII a lvertiseuienlta will be charged at Uij above rates, except on special con- 3p?u.l rate ci ii be bad for a longer ,i ne than one week. . The subscription; priee to The VlJ rtsarox Post is f 1 00 per year; si c month. 75 cents. ' All communicrtious oa busines should le addressed to I The . Wilmikotok Post, Wilmington, N. C. ' LATEST ftliWS. - in i J " If 1. i- r-ported that 600 death daily art icvurr:njr ia north CrazlJ from the : eiii.t pox. ; . J Oot. Frrd Grant has received leave of abience to accompany his lather on his trip to Asia. ; ; J There ia terrible distress in some portions of Great Britain among the labeling class. V Disturbances and rioU are feared. .;; ' .':..'. Th Ameer ha run away out cf hi domiuion and the wuuie Afahan coun try ir vhis t falling into the hands of the Rntuh troop. T- Treasurer has ordered a:l Sub- Tre.tU4vt iv tltcuulinoe apecial coin nc uit! Ke' $U and to malt no dbi.iH.tiou after that tiate between le gal ituir Bote and eoiiu . . .'. Vi :'i y? The government has CIOO.OOO.OOO gold In New York ready for resump tion. , The bank throughout the coun try are actually engaged ia aidiugl the government in bringing about resump tion. t !.. ' ' ,.-"--i-- j' - There is trouble with. Fttzduion the Democratic Marshal of Georgia, ap pointed ou the recommendation of Sen ator Gardon. , He U negligent In en forcing the law, aud a . sharp detective ia on', hi track. .' .' t' . It having beeu ascertained that'uuder CITY JJEMS.. James Hcatoi baviig been found in this city was arrested by sberilT Man ning and confined in jail. Messes. boAwsiQU3 & McKoy. See double column ad. of the above old and well known Grocery firm. Give them a call. A man has been : arreste J in Hurry reward of 1160 is ctTered by BN Kit L POLITIC AL- x seems that the three colored men v ) to tie legislature ot South ".Lave saved the state from X Jllwtttbli Hva before the II use repu Jiating; the entire state debt and the vote was so close that the three colored vote: turned the scale. They voted againist repudiathn and saved the honor ofjthe state. i Five me n"ers of th? preieat Cou- great have already died Welch, of Nebraska; -J" Leonard, of Louisiana; 'Quinn of New York; Williams, and Uoui'.ass.' liiddlej of Tennessee, has' be ju taken borne i;n a condition bor derins on ! insanity, but bis friend -think he will be restored by rest and medical treatment Another southern Cunzn-samin is under treatment for dt'Hrium tremeui. i SeuAtor EiHtisy jof Louisiana, stated in the Senate a few day ago that no witness who was summoned before the lilaine committee hirould be intimidat- 43 1, but could testify with perfeeUafety and freedom. Now it turns out that every witness who has started for New Orleans Under a dub pceona has been J 5, 0f Oongres. tnurdereu. A mob boarded tne steam er Caledonia onUed river, took off a b.i'.ch of witness and ruthlessly murd ered them. I This Information has been telegraphed by officers to the attorrey General at Washington. Tha state Canvassing board, at Tal Uha33ee has completed the canvass, a id gave a certificate to llull (Dem.) Lii majority being thirteen, Tbis re sult was arrived at by throwing out llcvard county, which gave a Demo cratic majoriiy, on the ground that the 000. r.-turus were irauuu:eni, ana juauison - county, h:ch gate a iJepublicau ma- .... f . I tamnvad - " - - that county. The Brevard' county Canvasaiog Board has been indicted by . m t t hrf rrana mrv lor majtmz s irauuui ; The steamer Lds is to be put on the Jfjute between Ibis city and Point Cas well, in . place of the N-rih EaHt, de stroyed by fire. The Rev. Dr. llepbur vPreid-nt of Davidson College has been spending the holidays i-t the city, a-n is the gutt of Mr. Gdore Clia lb .urn. tie leave for home on the 2nd prnx. -Let none wbb are afflicted with chills and , fever despond. Dr. Ilarter Fever and Ague Specific it a s'vre eign remedy that bus' never yet fiile l to care. 2t ME3RES. PfiESTOS B2ID3EEi & Co., This firm ha a very handsome store on the west aide of Front Btreet be tween Priucess und Market t. Their , stock of Groceries is also very handsome and of the best' quality. Mr. Omar D; Ccr:r tr. I ,.:.:, cf Michigan, artiTei tt t"; Tz::M Zlz-zz on Saturday morning. Ha : j 3 cicn ber of Congress frcra tla 7iT. "-.:l:t of Michigan, and i3 tot? ca 1 ZSJh. term, having alio' t-:a cl:.l. I ta lis forty sixth Congress. IT: fi s '.-t:: maa who has enjoys! & x.V 2 cxp:ri e ice, aud i recognlxoi 3 czi cf tha ablest and firmest Ec-utl':--s ia tia present Hou3eof H2pr:::it-UTt3, 7e Iearo that he todav. , " a 1 oryn iet tlie G-ood Oi ti ia to renain here over the expenses of the Blaiue committee, that body' has decided to await action till alier ihe assembling of Congress, and then ask an appropriation. j Tb cld spell at the north exceeds anything known for the last' twenty years.' The Hudsou river U nearly all closed, tb4 Ohio is closed nearly down ti CiuclunaH, trains ara obstructed' by heavy snows, and the thermometer rap whom a the state. The sheriff ot Uorry doubt ing his authority to put him in jail let him loose. Sheriff Ma-miug has writ ten him to 8e5z$ and hoi 1 the man fur identification. f I George Fox, the coniei;:: - "Hump 4 t TiimTlir, Aac frtm 't - 'rU fit tributable to the "ake-w Llts," .laid upon the face for; bis com! 2 makeup. Let ladies cultivate only ti.3 pink and white f)f health that follo-.v tLe use of Dr.; Harler' Liver ril'.a tad Iron Touic- ' . 2t f -' - ' 1 a fc i- 1 1 .- The study of the XrlLh issgusse uas Dcome a passion aucr - tae in teliieiit natives ia iEiii.. -ir i.t- ery of It U wonderfal. Here iaa epeci- men. it is a letter written by native military CoScial to his commanding omcen Honored ; oir uaving been amputated from my family for some years, and as I have complaints of the abdomen coupled with ereat conflagra tions of the interval, and prostration of all desire for work, with .also the disgorging of my dinner, I hope your highness will excuse me attending at orderly room lor ten or nine more days, and iu duty bound shall ever crar fr the salubruy of your temper and the enlargement or yeur family. The com inanding ofScer.". of T ilmiiip-toii i V.'e t:wJ f tt.n, -. .1 v, I.f:.r.:-r.;rc-.rt: - .1 If ; ;l " .'e 1 ivi i : I;tTre i " - 1 : ra 1 Ia i;.ri."... foe '.rf. ;c: 'n.l i v Christmas dy wNthe quietest ever known in this city by the oldest inhab itant. There was a little luu at the jdly sinking. Several people have been I corner ot Market and Froat.but the frozen to death, including one ex-mem-1 streets at 8 K m., looked like Sunday. However, - Job a Kooner finally came out and the inevitable hornv and some people drank egg uo and rat igood dinners. STATE ITEMS. They have put 80,000, Californl a Salmon in tbe. i ad kin in ualdwell county. 5 ' . 1 Sute Treasurer Worth decides that cotton dealers shall pay the odious "priVelege tax." ' . : Au effort is to be made to put the Raleigh aud Augusta Air Line into the hands of receivers for a debt of tloO,- Col. Kelley has been appointed uk perv W of Internal Revenue of the 6th local notice. The adver.Uemeut of Walters Importiug Compatr; of Cincinnati, O., appears in this papejr They are, large dealers and importers of foreign watches and offer a bank rupt stock of watches, warranted one year for accurate time at only $3 each. They area reliable firm, and all thkt desire a good watch, for a small amount of money, should send t this firm and secure a good time-piece 2a andtMnk THE POPULAR GHOGERY HOUSE F : CuL'I.T) oi.v ,..t:.'Miv 1 ! J i" ; r t l t' it r I . a 1 . : it l tva L t lii t 4 I.. fj at u ii d ay 2;:::;v, r sua wo t o r 1 t. y . v r v , GF A lie lrt fee f'.Zt r t vi ; s.iu' lie (. cr I'Mui wr. . :v. our"klcd ineu.t'' 1 1 r .a 1 ..t of the Above, :i t i.i,aufn( we wi.i aJt V19 loiiowuz iv. .... vttRnJulrt; BOAT WRIGHT & M'KOY. -IlAvn't wetbe uiU tliefctan? ITavn't vr tia ruu-.ri-vt. iir '- Wiiiutuston? . t 1 NEW AD VJfilSJBSAlTS. Rogers' Extra peas. The Postmaster General bns isMue4 an order to the'effect 'lhtt aftec Janua ry 6th every description of matter pro duced by Uie type writer, the electric removed. Big hogs are increasing it number in this state- There are a great many ett return, and ita members are in j ail reported Veighing 800 pounds, one of Pen or papyrograpb procefw, shall be ia default of f300bail each. 1 653 pounds, and one in Iredell weigh Charged letter rates of postage. First- Judge rurier First Comptroller of ppunds, class matter is held 1 to embrace manu- Lhe Treasury, has decided that the I A mnnumtnt to Hon. W- A Graham I BcnP aau jae Bimiiea 01 me same, ex- appropriation contained in the second hu'bec erected In Hillsboro. It ia cePk Utnograph and pho tographs.The term "printed matter' is Held to mean impressions from moveable type. rr.. . .1 1 T .in I-- .i.ixAn act to iurovide for the ex- "m fje work of the N. E. Granite penscs of the select committee on al I Compacy, Hartford Conn., and con laired frauds In the late Presidential ,i5t3 0f five pieces of bluish white Section," was oy, ine lerms 01 inni , ww, lte RUng opoo brick foncdjk, made applicable only to the expenses . ' . ,i ... EA.RHNBS3 AND 8 U P E It I OR quality cauuot be excelled. - Wblte'Marrow fat, Black rye and other good varieties. ! Early Snap Berne, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Rad ian Heed, Potatoes, and a general assort mentof Vegetable aud Feld Seed of rolla- ; b!e quality, at low prices. (Catologuca sont I by mall.) Special attention to rlcrs by ' mall. i a B. ROGERS, seed Grower, dec. 20 v , 133 Market M. PUlla. WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF our friends and. p&trons that we nave jusi received au addtional assort- ment 01 one -; ( Groceries, Caofectionaiies, j Candies, Nuts, . . Kaisens, : Apples, Oranjred, " - 1 , . Fig. Cocoa nub?, y - 'ime assorted Cracker?. 4p v Also a Large and SelectlassorU meat ut loys. And Christmas Uoods, - Things which will make the '. Little Folks Happy and 1 the Old Folk Smile. . - . COOPER & Co.. No. 10, South Front street next door to Ueorge Myer. - . uec. Zi 5 7 AND 8 NORTH FRONT ST. HAVE ON niD OVEB . Uuva'twutDada rrie.i l;iuch Li.!.t f wecouimcucta? llvnt webeca verv unHi-.-nr:;!!! . - - and iaipolito to you? I Ilavn't we charged you Tor rll t h k " ' uciiveretlr ITavi't M-e made r pr. ,'tf iv.inv 1 - ' and rt-.uMNl toctrrct Huiiivl..aurs.. - Uoo wjis CAlird thci itir All of our fricua who phsw rr v 1 ' i taeabovequeiUun win j i :t., t v j.t 1 1 P.L. BRIDSERy C;C0. 2 j Tons Candy '2 of uch committee! as might be appoint Uon w l vd by the Senate to investigate alleged ground to the fraud j in connection with the Presl dculhil election, aud not to defraying i!ie expenses of the committee appoint od under the Riaiee resolution. Con Hequeutly, I until Congress reassembles aud mikes an appropriation for de i'rjLj iugthe expenses ot the committee, but little can be done. tion, and is twenty fett high from the apex. Appropriate in- ; Two Great ; Fmiuj. Oa Suaday night a fire broke out in Southerlanda stables and the whole building together ntl, ...iuiih,.1!.! l .In. nripUou adorn the north, cast and """ west .ides, the south tide remaining um"lJ uu V 7 .T " i I nesses were all got out aud saved the mooth. . r - i nones oeiuj( larueu iuwo iu we tucci A geutlemen hie recently died ia 1 The fire did not spread to any extent EJenton, named 8. T. Bind, who j to other buildings, although sdme were traced hu family back to the time ofa little damaged. Tho loss ot Mr. Having Wcured control f the Gov 1 Qcen Elixabeth, and who I connected Southerland was partially covered by insurance. i On Monday moruiag at 3 30 an alarm was tarnei on from the fourth district and it turned 'out to be in the steamer Underhill lying a: Pane ley's wood anil coal wharf. The wind was blowing a gale from the south-west, and the fire first spread oa the wharf, then across Water etrcet, and e peedily ot with the Cottons and Haakins Chowan. The (Jfaxti says of him: Durinz the war he remained a firm and unwavering Union man without cmuijut of the state, tbe Democratic Legislature now in operation at Mont eouiery hat enacted law which teek directly . . , IUJ wail. xo.a lrwaa jjrjjifcui i peon hai pasicdan act, applrios to all the I wards relieving the asperities of war. . . . i . I ft & m awa aw fi tVt ruf ? ' Uree co.orel ccuntie soieiy, vna no i - rrvrwt . I who owe their release from Federal waa SbauBeiia pouuaoiseeu wa, UoQilo LU iaUr. or anv lint COttOO. in quantities of ICS I PM.inn in r-.n Ineliwrr nrAp.ntrn tn than 3)0 pounds. In nearly all the I themj whilst on two occasions at least I to Front, taking down everything on to drive he colored people to d()i any thing ainst hU state or I. This partisan Legislature people, and accomplished ranch lo- clorel countlei white owners of farms Uuo rtnlel their land to colored farmers, generally at very low rates, fjr otherwise: the colored man would purchase lacd of hi own. The object of this law is t force the colored firm- ers to diiida their crops with the white he was one of the principal mediators j the south half of the block up as fir as extea roario; Cases threatened to cross Jr rjut, in which case the destruction of pryperty in prevenUo tha bosbardssst tsi LirPiui ice house, and doing destruction of oar ceiutifil Itown, I . . .t uuiu v yi fcc. iWhm. I ite damage, Atone tmo the MsflB)VBWMaaM . ' ' I j Got Cwala. That rood old can who CV.ll so large a space ih the htsxt cf the peo cle of North Carouss, lu tzzzzzrs r.:n frca wtsta they hive rented L. i-s!.tsra ia tba rcir 1Z22. I : '..,ia tdiitisja lajajirjia uoaey EVERY G-HADE One Ton Nuts- Iu clancinc over last Siiii.ijt'i rertitoa to notice the tM-n t i . . ". i mvuifrom ftouiaof our tin-t her cro ' i : 't we naa takea awmy rt oi tin .rir u hi i Uicm. ro;rfiililf tir-tJi)i! v, '. ,. ly Uieywcre o kind na i'h, i about our coral lis to erir. bt we Uvt UenrmiueJ tod tUu ' LARGEST KETalL GIIllVvRV DU.SINEt.S f.:;ur Lnvotal.- I J.lUl,lluil lit - I ' I I ' I I OF EVERY DE5CRUTION. THE I LOUD If CUAiiri II BHIDGED UVO. ase::; 5s vJ-SA s CiYV Apple,, 1 Crown, Dehoss, London, Layer, Loose, ilus:akl and cevd.vs. .. . quantity iUUina iu any T11E LITTLE JOICLUs re uA ii-3 gone. New Citron, New Turkish Prunes, New Crop Current. Gordon & Dil worth' Shaker and Ginger Preserves, Marmalade, Fruit, Jeilic c., Eoglisb, German aud Amercau Cheese. Pare Old Brandies, Wines an rc II Cordials, Scotch and American Whiskey, fjr Lgg Nog. English and U. 'p t!:Ii lue co.crea urcjer t r:t tla t.U'.a caa ta tell his cat- t i f. r Lla, f,r it is only the nero wVa is fur-Uh;! fjr stllirg seed cotton r.:tthwU:a!iua3. Cv!:r; 1 tV.IJtca Lay tktuall beta . f;.r-i the rul'.Ic school. Not a v ' 1 :.::.a nA Lt'.l aa c-.a ial . 1 ii not rerbUtc! any csore to . i ;:.., c?r U beCTca allowed t , i i try nar.n;r ia )Ytra- tive Lcca rultt J cttercd worJl that wcrs rcMca.-; Ills worii which are as t7l!:il!o t:Tr rs they were thta. This riatl;Ur:-a cf the vtse'rablsaal rtvcr:J r.-. '-. ' T! sc.". :t wilch Ithurrc'-tr 1 t-a wculd have been almost incalculable. because it would have passed beyond tha centre! cf the steaa re es'iaw. Tht trails ia r,r?at Cakes tit air azl paed ia showers of d.-e as far tstcTtlh street, aal at that tltaace tct t53a laildlrs a fc. kTc'alb.ic ascustci to tw'-t i. cf tla ti' t -1 t: The Us?e wem th ,t:r. L cderhul, r cf ill cIJ::-s la t r i. fJ.!y icsurc), tie etr. NcrthEt r i o r. V.l: ly tts it' . , -4 1 ia Ttcraina t'3 fats n c;r. :l : nf.rr- i ti t. lUi t' 3 i-.:r: :cft: i .. . c;nr..-. jr: . ra Ifcc t..: t:s i.:-" J :a:.. it r. 11. e c'. i. . i cf ut . ( t--i :zx ti . htli ! .- , t:.5 I : V t: crt: ;:a Lit3 t. .1 :r t: ::a t. 1 C partlaUy isurcd, the brick bailing c Hr.C tcc::ua3, i:v.rcl f.r C!,-C;3,a-d&,l .the rc?t the lu:: s Cc?trrj ci tc'.r the i rccrty J. 11 L!nUt,:ihaL:icfC17,' i ; r;l YSUxcx and JLtmicrs tcr I , JZctlicitirt Use. march 1 tf ' THE PURCELL HOUSE JJAS TASSD INTO ?HH 11ANL3 UF the uDJermlxned, taiT-eca newly far Bl&ed throughout. an3. as tcrcUfTre, wUl 1 be ran ttrtctly a Board rvdccd as fwlloTt i 111) r-r - -day; With r..v. j;r uc-tX Eoa.rd, per eaosth t-. . r:acr7ii:e, L:;::ri ciiti ALT.WY3 C:i UM 'J AT American CiVcrs t f every Lisd. Oranges and Lt ntvns iu rulliticnt quantity to funsUh every cue. Three Dollar Rraud r'elic; Whiskey has improved by -. . Our Four Dollar Rratd Summcrdcao WLisley has do c;uxl la the c.ty. Oar Old Rye and Rakir Whiskeys are cjual to ay ia Accrlra. A Cao lino of TOILET, OA lv ceiyed to-day, very low Cira, The OLD CAPE FEaU U CjjiI and ZJAUTELLE .ai;.;ir; Yt hre tei t Bii , i 4C r t lV"r." i4 r u l. . it,. l.llvlkk ltOi..lt It fit . . turpi -. 1 ; ? L.e -t t t; - t , rrtvi , a t ytmt.it vt ft.l c.: r r -jI r ? ,-. ; , bt !.-!l 1. ,1 l).7,f l, , 1 ... t.wrttil uj tr. ::or rur.irA:;i:AL Our Goods! have been ecltcted with rrcat cam t?pc; fjr the K O LID A 7 S Ecccclfr the tcJ. CHHISTUAS PI'SSIfiilT a::;.i. X-1 -ui. ; !l ;..tv - t r i .. i .-,. , ; t , e 4 t I !- I i. . I q I t I - ft 1 i t ir r i t t t ycu caagiee th r-.-;r tf a.ch. icf a. 1 :3 rtaaiiily': 4. , ii ri f. r- Vi- at' 1 ; Co c t . I : O.G. 4 j ti r: r 1 il;: II. T . , i-. . .. t -Ji v - ' -y Jr. . tt.r; t'. ? rr. IV : . ' . , ! w .t r au t - t. a ; a ALi.Tr. ii i .at- c- i : ... ? ti, i 1 ti CV.lca i. ar l c n n p rp ;;d: :R:sHajSTG00D3 1.

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