vtLniNaTos post; advek J TXSItfG RATES. - Vifiv i:t!fHs ior line for tho first i vrtioil and twenty-live cents per like ( ir c:it;li additional insertion, i. r, Eight (8) linos, Now aitiite asquarc. All advertiscmenis w uireil type, cou- 11 be charged tho above! rates, except on special con tracts. ; Special rates can be had for a longer nne than one wees. The subscription' price to The WlL- MrNGto.V I Post is 1 00 per; yeah six months 75 cents'. Alieontnunicrtion:! on buainea should a) Jdresp.ed to Tjie, Wilmington lt. Wilmington, N. 0. Til iff NOMINATION OF J ODGE : '-: BUXTON. T : ;h The Rupublican niembers 6f the leg islature did a fitting thing ;when tbey nominated Judge Ralph P. Buxton as their choice for United States Senator No man in the state is more nearly a tru 3 'exponent of its Republican sentiment, or more fairly represents it than Ralpl P., Buxton, v lie has always! honored everyplace which he has filled, ana the time is no Carolina will far distant when North demand his services for still higher honors. . . Senator IWerrimon'3 W Itnctrawal, The Senators letter of. wlthdrawa addressed to the Democratic caucus was as the follows . , i , ,-; ; r Raleigh, Jan. 1st 1879; To 'THIS Dkmocratic CAUCUSd .:M friends have ascertained that whatever may be the popular desire for my re trtection to the Senate of the United states, causes aud influences have been that will prevent my tV-leetion J "nave no des ire to disturb the quiet if. the Democr; itic party by furth1 er U tniot over the Senatorshjp,! and ll 'iice, beg. my fricuds not to mention in v iratue further now in that connec t S bo;.; to express hry mot grateful tliankn to friends in and put of the rislaturo whejhave so generously and c iruc-illy mam ested interest in my :i;!j.ilf. 1' can ..b or them with never cease to remera- feclings of pleasure add t.-epeai gratitude, aud -1 venture to irusL" that they Will not have occasion t( regret the confidence that they I have, .f pose.; I ,iu nie. A. S. Merrimon. Til 13 LEGISLATUUI3. ij;' v.- SENATE. .' . La i:tai N. 0., Jan. 10, 1870. I RESOLUTIONS ; I'.y Air. Everett, a resolution looking t a plan for the aumstment or the :tic AiCDt. aienuar. . t 1 J 1 1 Mr. Ddrlcb, introduced eight; more .I'ills. I Calendar. Mr, Alexander, a bill to elec t the -iipreme and Supcnorcourt judges by ' he legislature. 1 :' ; , HOUSE. ' j;' Ht.; "RESOLUTIONS. 15y Sir. Turner:. Iu relation to clec mi frauds, and proposing, to have in i u ure' one box and one ballot witfcl all I' i ' ti.j arcs' and i i'endar. . all., offices" in same paper l.y Mr. Brown, of Alecklenburg: In gard to public debt. Calendar.? Mr-lllirinrdrn. of Columbus) liskprt .1-. Misipensio'n- ol the rules to take up i'uuHc bill No. 1. in relation to p'nvil- ''' tax on merchants. The bill amends ti on 12, chapter loG, law3 of 187G-,77 v striking out the words "$5 and."i Mr. ' -lies, of Caldwell moved that it be i frri'ii lu luv a. luuiibw vuuiuiuitv;. Mr. Richarason opposed this, and iad- Mtcd its speedy passage. A very ; iimatcl and lengthy i discussion) en rd, in wluch many members parttci- ilx. Carter, of Buncombe, offered an arucudment that the special tax snail not apply to merchants doing business I'i'on'acapital of less than $1,000. Be- O 1 (W WbU lb ItiiO IVCVi Mill liichardsou then called the previous, question. The ayes nays were then ilvmanded upon ' the bill, by Mr. bou. and it passed its second read- 111 V r I li a f r 1 lAitriiifV vnf a i i. ' Aves: 3, iiays 11..'.. U" The bill then passed iUlhird read i'S And was ordered to ,be engrossed nlvsont to the Senate- .''!' v i senate.: ; '! . January 11. 1S79. Mr. Harris, of Franklin, introduced U resolution that the Finance Com--uttee be instructed, to "report to thje 5enate a bill.providinjr a tax on spirit- m liquors which shall' enforce trie ; lea, of. the Moffitt Bell' Punch tax, " hwh itax shall . be for the public . r-": M::- i rills. : : Y By Mr. Bryan, of Pender, to reerula e lepav of certain offippra nf fVia fJoii al Assembly. The principal and as- a w - VWA m vuw vji M-staat clerks to receive $5 per day and mileage .t 10 cents per mile: enrolling Afd engrossing clerk $4 and mileage. doorkeeper and assistant doorkeepers $4 and mileagp. Iy the St'nat-.T from Perquimans, a bill to modify the landlord and tetent act. This bill recites that no landlord shall havoa lien on crop for provisions furnished except by a written mortage, and that the tenant shall have full privilege of using on-tenth of the crop raised before housing time without coti 8tituing a misdemeanor. By Air. Bryan(, of fVnder, si bill for tbe relief of W. P. Oidhatu at li others. J.y Mr. Bryan, of Pender, a bill to prrvciii the hale of iuioxicxtipg liquors wiihin two ojiUs of Wesley au chapej. By Mr. Bryan, of Pendery a bill to aiuend t hapte-r 176 of the acta f the G?m rl Assembly of 1873 74. vii act repe.tliug.the January term or the csuperior vurt . Jn New Hanover county. Therulea were suspended, and thebill passed its several readings, andV was ordered to be .engrossed for! rati- fieation. I house. -..j..- January 11,1879. Mr. - Scott, presented a petition from New Hanover, asking for repeal of prohibition law in Harnett town ship." ' 'j'1' ' ; . I resolutions. i By Mr. Blocker, in regard to the ap pdiutinent of a committee of three, to inquife into certain" facts alleged as to Mr, Brown member from j Yadkin Calendar. y ! i By Mr. Turner, in regard to empower ing th(e committee of three, who, : in connection with thd jAttorney General,' are investigating the Swepson matter to loolj into any case of fraud, and al lowing a sum not above $100 for ; ex penses. Calendar. Also, by the sanie member, in regard to the creation of a sinking fund. Calendar. ! Twenty bills were then introduced. Houss Standing Committees. Tho Speaker announced the follow ing House Committees: . Judiciary: Messrs. Cooke, Carter i of Buncombe, Lockhart, Covington, Vau ghan, Foard, Norment, Ethcridge, Bernard, Clarke, Atkinson, Dunn. Finance: , Richardson, of Columbust Brown, of Mecklenburg, Lewis, Cald well, Amis, Blalock, Chadwick, Gat ling, Carter. " of. Yancey, Goldston' Angier, Deans, Reynolds, Carter, of Warren, Lowrie, Ewing. f renal Institutions. English, Mebanei Harrell, Reid, j ol McDowell, Wheeler Laetherwood, Ritchie, , Carroll, Robe, son, Bonner, Turner, Dixon,, Hobbs. Henderson and Brown of Yadkin. I - On Agriculture, Mechanics and Mine ing. Aldrey, Col well, Davis, of Cataw ba, Lewis, Grant, Atkinson,Burrougli3, Woodhouse,:Smith, Ritchey, HufisteU ler, Reid, of Macon, Blalock, Scott White and Newell. ' ! On private bills. Davis, of Catawba, McCorkle,Leatherwood, Foard, Huflf tetler.f Wheeler, ; Carroll, Leach, Bpchan, Lamb, Forbes, Davis, of Madi son, yenauier Lumsaaie, iingnam, pcott, Horton and Blocker. Privileges' and Elections. 4Cobb, Cov ington, Richardson, of Wake, Bizzell: Moore, Clarke, and Osborn. " On Propositions and Grievances. Lockhart, Armstrong, Bizzell, Bur roughs, Angier, Bost, Buchan, Young, Reid ef Macon, Click, Foster, Grant, ilewett, Powers, Bruce, Foy, Turner, lYauuru ana xaitie. On Corporations. Jones, Holt, Or chard, Lindsay, Smith, Grant, Melson, Hines, Lamb, Ferrell, bird, Cale, Car ter, of Warren. " : On Internal Improvements. Carter of luncorabe, Bryson, Goldstdn, Coffield, Dav of Haywood, Brown!, of Meck 1 ;nburg, Rawley, Richardson, of Co limbus, Chadwick, Meares, Lutterloh, Miller, Bateman and Wynne. , The Calendar was taken up. Mr. aughan moved to suspend the rules to take up a resolution in regard ; to the conduct of Mr. Brown,' of Yadkin, and it was granted. Mr. Blocker spoke in favor. of the re solution, saying that the dignity of the House should bei maintained. Mr. Norment oskei that action be delayed. Adopted. Mr. Foard introduced a resolution re pealing the one in force as to tho com mittee to investigate the Swepson-Lit tlefield frauds, stating that the powers oflthe committee wer.e not large enoughj The resolution in lieu of the other pro pdses that a joint committee of eight be apjpointed, instead of the present one. Mr. Turner and Mr. Norment opposed an4 the amendment was lost. Mr. Vaughan under a suspension of the rules, moved to take up House Bill No. 2 from, the Calendar, and put it upon its passage. The bill reduces the cost oi printing one-nan. - - Mr. Atkinson moved to amend by saying one-half the present rates. tlr. Vaughan stated the price agreed on had been 80 cents, bur the printer had charged only 75 cents. Mr. Vaughan, then called the pre Atkinson's The following was announced as the Coramittee on Rules: Messrs Jonca, Vaughan, Bryson and Harrison. ' The House adjourned, on motion of Mr.jVaughan, until 10 a m. Monday. - - - SENATE. " I January.13 1879. I Bills. j By Mr, Graham, of Incoln, a bili to be entitled an act regulating salaries and fees. The bill provides that the- salary of the Governor shall be $3000, with: a private Secretary at $5'30 and fees.J Treasurer $2 ,7o6, with a clerk at $1,250, who frball be ex-ofScio Treasur er of the board ot charitable and pen al institutions. Secretary of the state $100b and ft cs not to exceed $1000, all ess in excess of$1000 to be. paid into he Trea&ury. Auditor $l',500. At torney General, $500 and fees at Attor- ney General,: and $2000 as Reporter to Supreme court. Superintendent Pub- he 'Instruction, $1500. Judges of Superior court, $2000. Librarian $500. Keeper of Capitol, $500., Board of countycommissioners in each county on the 1st Monday in March, 1879, and and every year thereafter, to fix1 com pensation of clerks, etc. house. ; , 1 f- RESOLUTIONS.'1 By Mr. Norment, to relievo. Gov W. W. Holden of his disabilities. Judiciary. By Mr. Clarke, concerning reduction By Mr Henderson, to .instruct the Judiciary icommittee to report the egislation necessary for protection of fheep husbandry. Calendar. BILLS. By Mr. Normeut. To regulate interest. Judiciary. The rules werp, on motion of Mr. Turner, suspended, and th e resolution for the appointment of the investiga tion committee vyas taken up. The re solution passed its final reading. senate, January !;1, 1879.. ' BILLS. , ! Mr.l Bynunr lasted to tsusperid the rules and take up House resolution No. 22, to irais6 ajoint committee to inquire into tle managemeh t of the W. N. C. R. R.: three on the part of the House and two on the part of the Senate, to be appointed forthwith, and proceed immediately to the said road and in vestigate inall i s departmea's, bojk3, records, &c, and make a full and com plete report; said committee to have power to sejad for persons and papfers. After amending, the committee was granted the same power in regard to the Western Insane Asylum at Morganton. Read three times and engrossed for the concurrence of the House. Senate bill No. . 57, asking for the relief of W. P. Oldham and others, passed by for the present by consent. Senate bill No. 5, repealing part of landlord and, tenant act, reported favorably by the Judiciary committee. Tabled. HOUSE. By Mr. Battle, to provide for increas ing the' time of keeping open public schools. i bills. ;. By Mr. York, a bill to amend the charter iof; the Northwestern N. C. Railroad so as to build a branch via Wilkesboro, Wilkes county, to Patter son, Caia well county, lo tne com mittee oh Railroads, Post Roads, &c.' TAXING LAY YERS. . Mr. Cooke obtained leave to take up the resolution instructing the Finance Committee to report a privilege tar on practicing attorneys. He advocated its passage as a matter of justice ; the mer- chant, the farmer and others, were taxed, and he saw no reason why law- yersshould notbe taxed likewise ; he nopea tne resolution wouiu pass. BELL PUNCH. , Mr Colwell asked auspension of the rules, in order that he might call up thef bill in relation to the Moffett bell pu ich. i j ;"; r ;'' After somo resiarks it was referred to the committee on Finance, with in- tU LULU wuimiviw uu j. mauve, umu iil- . . . . structions to, investigate its workings . ,r- - i i--t l 6 port as early as practicabU to the House. SENATE, j January 15, 1S79. Mr. Leach moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolution passad yesterday' appointing a joint select committee, to investigate tne atiairs of ITT XT 11 1 R. R. and Western Insane Asylum. The Senate reconsidered, and Mr. Leach offered an amendment re- ducing the number of the committee and authorizing the Governor to appoint a Civil engineer to accompany the com mittee. The resolution as amen led passed its! several readings. ' Upon motion of Mr. Everett, tl the rules vious question and Mr. amendment was loat. i were suspended and the Senate re3oln- standing in this city had a mostjex tion instructing the comraittee dn State I cellent reputation, and he had the Debt to mace a report was corsiueieu . t--. ! . ' .... j . . Upou motion of Mr. Portch,tlie reso lutron was laid on the table by a vote of 28 to 15. . - ' HOUSE. By Mr. Norment, from citizens of Robeson, asking allowances to a blind soldier. Propositions and Grievances;' bills. " Bv Mr. Richardson, of Wake, in re3 L lation to the case of the State of North Carolina j vs. Swepson and LUtlefield. Judiciary. L r :. i - By Mr. Reynolds, to establish Normal schools for each race; in each Congres sional District in tho State. Calendar. e A bill. to abolish the . ofli2e of State Geologist has passed, i i CITY ITEMS. j Street Cabs. The street cars will be run regular to the; cemetery every afternoon. . ! l . . .. . ' i ii- ; "; . City lot9;re in mucn better demand. The nnmber of sales are very much in creasing. The prices are better, and those who have city! lots for sale are feeling in good spirits. ."W. P. Canaday has a very large number of lota for sale and will sell on splendid terms. ) We are glad to see that the city Railroad is being much be ized now, than it j was1 a ago. i y ter patron short time A New Paper. The Rev. D. J Saunders of this city has issued the first number of the "Africo-American Presbyterian," a sheet about the size of tho Post. The typography is ex- cedent and the columns are filled with well selected and original matter.. We Wish it success in the great field which is ripe for the harvest and laborers 'few. v i 1 Fire Districts. First j District - All that part of the city j north of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad.: Second District--All that section east of Fifth and north of Market street to the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. . - i - 1 " . jThird District That port on of the west of Fifth and r.ortii of market st., to the Railroad. . j .. Fourth District All bast of Fifth and south of Market st. j Fi fih District -All Territory west of Fifth and south of Market street to the corporate limits. j Sixth District Eagle Island. We asked a question of Sheriff Ed ward W. Taylor, of Brunswick county in our last issue, which he has not as yfct answered. We again make the in quiry of Mr. Taylor, why it was you gave a certificate of election to1 Mr. Meares as a member of the legilatuije when -he knew that Mr. JirooJcs was elected? Why is it, Mr. Taylor, you f are now contesting the election of Mr. Chiunis. We understand Mr. Meares received no more votes than Mr. Chin nis, your competit6r, yet you gave Mr. Meares a certificate. You may have done righ-, if so the public should know it. The good people of Bruns wick know that they elected Mr. Brooks to Ithe legislature and you leave, trie certificate to another man. ! What you- reasons for so doing were,-; they desire to be informed. LOCAL -NEWS. ' ; . i : .1 ' Shad have arrived. The Cape Fear has risen 1 55 ' feet at Fayettville. : rion Geo. Davis's lecture in behalf of Lieut. Benner netted, $230. . The Rev. Dr. Hiden, formerly of this city, was accidentally shot near Greenville S. C. while out hunting, but not j dangerously. j j The, whole number of pupils in the county of New Hanover is 4,565, and total amount of the school monev is $9,170. Beings about $2 per scholar. The barque Success has sunk near KUty Hawk and is probably a total loss She had on board 3,197 barrels of rosin, and was bound from this port to Hamburg. - j The Rev. C. F. Dickson formerly the pastor of the first Presbyterian church of this city died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., on the 8th. of pneumonia, i He was t rv . rnt 1 l c 1 rofessor inxsvJheological Seminary . tV! ,. ri - a , , J at the time of his death, aud was an author some note. The following officers have' bei elected ais officers ofthe Oakdale Teem- eterey for the present year: President Donald McRae. ! Directors James II. Chad bourn, Edward Kidder, Wra, . J. Yopp, Geo. R. French,-Dr. A. J DeRosset and Nor wood- Giles. . - ' I A I Sad Death. Capt. James W Lippitt, formerly of this city of which b$ was a native, more laterly a resident of Savannah, died at the Pulaski House last week, aged 44. He served as Captain in the Confederate army and was in several important engage I ments. As a busines man of long I i. i. i ...,1 .:n r . i aiuiuai umveisai.gwu my ui cYcry- - 1 body, who knew him , uTheN cures effected by Dr. Barter's Fever and Ague Specific have the merit of prominence! - It cures cases pronounced incurable; and prevents "a raturnjof the disease. 2t latest news.- Sixty men were imprisoned alive in the Dinas coal-mine in England, and it isjmpossible to relieve them. The Teller committee i3 unearthing an 'immense amount of nastiness and baseness among the cut-throats of Louisiana. . . . - Mrs. Kate Cobb'a case, oa trial at Norwich; Conn., for poisoning her hus band, has gone to tT o jury, and they found her guilt j c f murder in the Second degree. - Tho, Democratic members of Con-, gress of both Houses are tc hold a cau cus to consider whether th"eywill re fuse to pas3 the appropriation bills in order to compel an extra session, ' The U. S. .War Steamer, Richmond, has sailed for Europe, aud will take on board General Grant and family pro bably at Marseilles, and thence proceed to India via ahe Suez canal, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. t - Whitelaw Reidv of the Tribune has dined - Mayor Cooper, ' John Kelley, Augustus Schell and ex-SIayOr Ely, all together at the Lotos Club, and these political animals, who have recently" locked horns; seem to rhavo had an j , . ... .... amicable time. f . The Senates committee on commerce having inquired of the Secretary of the Treasury for ! what reasons Collector Arthur and Naval Officer Cornell were removed, tho Secretary replied to the Senate. A de'oato, said to be very vio lent, sprang up in the executive session in the Senate on the subject, Mr. Conk ling chiefly participating, and finally the whole matter was referred to the committee on commerce who will pro bably give a hearing to Gen. Arthur and Col. Cornell. Senatorial elections going on in sev eral states, are many of them closely contested. In Illinois the two princi pal candidates are General Logan and Oglesby. Logan has before this pro bably been nominated, and nothing but a bolt can defeat him. In Connecticut t O. H. -Piatt has been nominated by the Republicans. Gen. Hawley ha3 once missed the nomination. In New York all the probabilities are in favor of Conkling, as they are for Vance in hra state. The contest seems rather close in Louisiana. In Nevada, New, Hampshire and Pennsylvania there is almost no contest. The contest in Wis consin is sharp. i. 1.;,-- o -i ; Dr. Barter's Iron Tonic promotes a healthy appetite, gives color strength and (tone to the blood, assists digestion, and builds up a! healthy orffanizatibn. ; .: ,. I- ;..v . . - f 2t Wives and Cows. In the land of the Kaffirs the cow is the unit of value, and eight cows will purchase a man a wile. , An Englishman who had in vested, writes: l"My wife cost me six teen, cows. . 1 paid eight to get her and eight to get rid of her." married. In this city at the resi dence of W. H. Hallowy, on Tuesday evening,' by Rev. C. M. Paine. Mr. W. H. Paine to Mrs. Mary J. Allen, i NE W AD VER TISEENMTS. CUSTOMHOUSE, - WILMINGTON, N. C. Collectob's Office, Jan. 13, 1879. NOTICE OF SEIZURE. To whom it may concern: NOTICH is hereby given, under Section 3075 of the Revised r Statutes of the United States, that the following goods were seized at Wilmington, N C, on the 26th day of eepiemDer, is8, as lanaea lronxtne urig Prince Lee Boo. in Tiolation of Sec 2809. R.S. !';-,- .. .. 2 pieces FlahneJ. 1 piece Cassimefe. 2 pieces Coat Cloth. " and that on Bark liesolute on the 20th day oi xnovemDer i78.at me port or Wilminff- ton seizure was made of suadry articles of mens ciotning, namely: 1 . y Croats. 5 pairs Flannel Drawers. ' 15 Flannel Undershirts. ' 18 Flannel Otershirts. 5 pairs Mittens. I Any person claiming any of the above arti cies, is nerepy nouneu to appear and ale with the Collector of Customs for the Dis trict of Wilmington, his claim to the whole or any portion tnereor, witnin twenty days ironi date cf this publication. . , W. P. CANADAY, jauW 3t Collector of Customs. . NOTICE. . ; ;V l. ; Application will be to the Legislature to aUharter the State Giand Lodge 1 No. ll)., I, O, of G. S. & D. 9. A. B. LiND ILW.G.C. FORSALE. 19K Acres of Land in Bladen County, ( A,t' and a half miles from the Cape F one ear River, Prospect Ilill lauding, r OK Acres" of open Land, produces Corn, vubtoii, uiiu is iu iieuuiu vouuibiuu. - Dwelling and out Houses in good con dition. - ':'! ! : .. ' " 3,000 fjords of Pine wood can be cut on this tract v nf r.nrl ii V 4JUVl. i I Partie3 wishing to purchase i will please apply to .A. McDoxAU), - . -i i ' At Prospect i Hill, Bladen County N. C. tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XMA8 Let tlie ,G;ood Gitizeiid orwilminptoii pause and. tliink . THE POPULAlt GF B0ATWRIGHT & WK0Y 5 7 AND 8 NORTH FRONT Stf. HAVE oN 2 Tons S3VERY. 1 One Ton Nuts ' I OF EVERY Crown, Dehosa, London, Layers, Loose, quantity: New Citron, New Turkish Gordon & Dilworth'8 Shaker and Ginger , English, German Pare Old Bra'vlies, Wines and Cordials, - English and American Crackers of every kind. ; Apples, Oranges and Lemons in sufficient .quantity to furnish everyone. -" r Our Four Dollar Brand Summerdean j -v-'.. i. i ini .ill ii. I ii Mini ii f m Our Old rtye and .baker Whiskeys are equal to any in America. i Our Goods have been selected O ILi 1 1 " Remember CHRISTMAS PRESENT you can give the poor is a'choice lot of ' 1 ' : family Snpplies. . Call on us and we BEST .AND FRESHEST GOODS T TJG VERY MjOIVJESI PRICES. BOAT WRIGHT & M'K OY, 5, 7 ANB8 NORTH FRONT STREET, december 22 i tf - - XMAS GEOCEltY HOUSE HA" D OVER Candy O-RADEl DESCRIPTION. Muscatel, and Seedless Raisins in any "i Prunes, New Crop Currents.' Preserves, Marmalades, Fruits, J and American Cheese. . I, ' ; ' Scotch arid American Whiskey, for ii'i.i. mv 1 1 i4 f v iim n I in iivmii. iiv .j iru ""i "j 3V. ' '- - , . . i Whiskey has no equal in the city. with reat. care especially for the 7- jl - f- v- D & Y . . 1 the best. promise to give the 2

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