A ' i. ' - t .' '-.in. 4 . M u V,". r,; fill j t a i .: -1. -V. VOLUME X. ;flLMm NORTH 'GAOLrNA'SUNDAY:ANIJARY -26 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents- r ;. V ; NTJMHER' $ " ' . ...... ... - - ; s. J 1 ."" '. -i. i r .. I 1 .'(:- ... . K M H KiP i. LI H. u LJty mi. ... .; ,-. . ; n . -ri ; , ' '.' '' '"' J .'' ' '. '' ' '.!-'. L ii iIH, j v:.: r ADVER TISING RATES. Fifty cent per lino for the fir.jt in rton aria twenty-live cents per ime ,-enty- tof each additional insertion. KUlit (.$) Hues, Nonpareil typej con- ii.Hut.-vH square. All -idvertisemcnta will be charged at II us -above rates, except on special con tr.tctn. .pe;a raten can be had for a onger iii( I'ltni) ok week. J ' The Hij!h.i(:ript.!ori price to ii u.i ton! I'o.-rr in $1 00 The per WiL- year; Ail coi.uininici'tionji on bufiines should ;k ai'Mre-HHeU to Thk AVilmjxgton i'o.si', Wilnitugton, N; C. i .Til Z I,KG19LA.TUKE. 1 1U J-EI ;hN. C , Jan. .17, 1879. aENATJE. ; Januarv 17,1870. ameiidi'ue chapter 190 Eep t the fur- lion-1 , Jawa oi ieb- auaing aws of 1876-7 addin end of aid section : and provided tfier, it sli ail not be lawful to farm out any perjfou convicted unless the Court in its iud"rinent shall so autup nz-3 j'asrea ,inQ tuira reaaing I LS. I. 2fi draiuing and da. uimin low lands. ' Passed the third redding. B. 110, referring to exemption of personal Tjroilerty-for sale. Passed its third reading. H. K. 13.8, fc?. K. 107, from joint coav luitteo to take under consideration the fih interest of North Carolina by which the streams of North Carolina may be cleared out and lhh culture Passed.! lis third reading. improved. 1 HOUSIS.! January 17, 1879. . JJy Mr Blocker,, bill tr carry into cllcct the constitutional provisions in relation to jurisdiction of .Tustiqes of the Pace, Judiciary. I By Mrj Norment, bill to prevent the wanton fighting of game bbtting thereon. Judiciary cocks and By Mr, Newell, bill to repeal ,cli apter I, Laws; 1871-.2.- Judiciary By Mr. Blocker, bill to act authiorizing counties convicts.' Judiciary. t ! , Mr. Ellison, by cpnKcnt, ameuU the o farm out preseoied a utit'iou I for certain ditizens of Wa'ke county, ivhich was reftrred to thdCom- i intttee on Propositions and Tha Kill (n omenrl iha ... I- Grievances. of divorce man before so that) unchastity of thew marriage shall be good grounds for divorce, if unknown to the husband time, the aprend- v;as read the second ment proposed by ' the Committee on Judiciary, providing that t lie adultery of either, party should be ground for divorce was auopiea, anu inp dui passea second time.- ... i ! SKXATE. January. 18 1879 Mr. Leach introduced a resolution to buy; lo chairs for committee, not to xosl over one dollar. Passed. i 1 HOUSE. Jannaryj 18, 1 B79. Bill to allow the Raleigh! & Augusta Air-Line Railroad Company to extend its hue to Charlotte was', made special order for 12 o clock of Wednesday next, SioTi:. The petition from the Trns- lees of Davidson College, presented by Mr .ISrnwn. of Meeklenburi?. on wester- davj prayed for the establish meilt of a- Normal school at that place,, and ask- iug an appropriation of .$1,000 therejor. j .- SENATE. 4 January 20. 1879. House Bill 62, Vhich -was call! d up by Mr. McEachern on a suspension of the rules. " This was to change the time of holding the Superior Court! Jin the Fourth District. Passed its thiri yead- i eg and ordered enrolled. i The Courts in this district will now hold their sessions as iouow?s : Moore ; county, the first Monday in February and August-and continue two weeks; iiornntf ..rtnnt.v tim'c thirrl F Mnnflov in February and August and continue two weeks; Cumberland j county, the first Monday, after the fourth Mpnday in February and August and continue ' . I I four weeks unless sooner disposed of; Johnston county, the hfth Mondaly after the fourth Monday in February and August and continue .two weeiia, iiauen county, tu w "l"v-i vv" - , . j and August; Brunswick county the eighth Monday after the fourth Monday in February and August; uoltimous county, the ninth, Monday alter the fourth Monday in epruary anu au. gust; Robeson county, the tenth! Mon- day after the fourth Monday in Febru- ary and August and coutinue twolweeks; and August : Anson county ,-the lour- teenth Mondav ' after the fourtW Hon- (lay in February and August. Adjourned. HOUSE. January 204879. The bill to amend the charteif of the iIti. Airy Railroad Cornpany feqd tg '-II L '- 4 I. 1. .! !-l - I il P if now tnp Dijuaing oi a raurou irou lt. Airy to Ore Knp'b, passed the sec- q4 reading. . POST 1-?,.???ttbycol1e.n'. introduced a bill to amend ohapter 239, laws of!874-, V, which was read and, passed first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary; and a'bi It ta exempt firemen from the-payment; of -s poll tax, which was referred'to the Committee on Prop: options ad CJrieyances. - Air. JUers1moyexif mat me rules ue susiiHfnded and the bill to prevent the enticing ,of ' peaine'ii "away ,1 from their. shim be takQn"up,'; Tiie . motion pre-1 - i W . ; l ; - ysuea nt me on was rena xne second tin..' riir. Normetit said thought the W wvered by the Uoited States Jhaf U had sent wr Miatuw ana aesreajnattne matter be Mrf.cpeii until he could, obtain i till vni postponed for twenm minutes.! ..." - - . . ..:. . ! IDe considmtiou oUiie bill in - re- , . , -SUDjeCt and ttloucu t-" Mij(.wweu,m pviuu Mr. Waddell.8aid. that she , 'did not think that anvbhdvAinX Wilminortnn mAI1i,i ' o,vi- mifi would .entice- seamen to, eijert their snips, tie had no-particular objection cu luu patsairii oi iiie oiii. uubfUiu not i want Wi m mo-ton :ift'hftrpfl?r.tpd on. Judiciary. s . . I Ke olution to pay Judge Schenck for the opring ierm otaransylvania Court, I which he was nrevftntpd . from Imli nr bv sickuess. Passed, second and third limp 3iii to amend -rtue cnarter ot the CuldweltfNarrow Guage Railroad. Pass ed second and third times. The bill to allow the tax collector of Cherokee county to collect arrears of taxes was read the second time. The amendment, offered by the Committee on Finance was adopted and the bill passed the second time. The bilVwas then read and passed the third time. ' fcENATF, . ' .1 ' January. 21, 1879. ay Mr. Bryan, of Duplin, a bill to canal Goshen bwamp, in Dupli n county. At 12 m. the Senate proceeded to the election of U. S. Senator. Mri Dortch nominated Zebulon B. Vance in a brief speech. r Mr. Everett, in an ! aDPropriate 8pech nominated Ralph P. Buxton. mi.. 1 4 ' ii . . i" it . ' me result oi me oauot was an. nounced as follows: Vance. 33: Buxton: 12: Merrimon. 1 Mr. lirower voted tor Judge Mem mon. ':; ' ''--'-.4-' : -' Adjourned. 1 ' house. " ; ' ; January, 21, 1879 At 12, M., the- House proceeded to the election of U. S. Senator. 9 Mr. Cooke, nominated Zehulon B- - Vance, Mr. Normeutspoke'as follows: Mr; Speaker, I rise sir, for the pur pose of placing in nomination for the high and honorable position !of United States Senator one whose name is a synonym of uprightness and purity the upright Judge and the Christian gentleman upon whom the foul ton gue of slander has never yet been able to makft thft slightest imnressinn - Ono sir, whose' purity of. character chal lenges the admiration of his opponents. I place in nomination lor that high position the name of the Hon. R. P Buxton, of Cumberland, f ! . , j t .Mr. Davis, Catawba, seconded the nomination of Gov. Vance. I he result ot the ballot was an ¬ nounced as follows, Vance, 77; Buxton, 39; Ashe, 1, Merrimon, 1. Mr. Harrison voted tor Hon. A. S Merrimon, and Mr. Turner for Hon, inos. &. Ashe. , GENERAL jASSEMBLY. Both Houses met in convention and listened to the declaration of the Senatorial vote, upon which Mr g eakcr Moring declared that Zebulon r. , , , . , ,T Baird Vance was duly elected as U. S. Senator. house. Bv Mr. . Richardson, o Columbus petition from citizens of Bladen, a sking for a prohibitory . law for Trinity church in said county. To the com mit(ee on Propositions and Grievances i T.M1 4- 4- u tt:4 tt: .. Dmw;iucurpu.w. tue xviustyu x J Company No.. I. - Read and passed 8ec0nd and third times. R.,, incorDMata the Bunraw r . - Zt' -aie uuu cmttio xj.vucmjf m wu county. Read and passed second and tnird times. . ."- , v wuuty govwuiucuw tweww. y. tue x eace ana uouuuiy vumuiisaiuucia by popular vote) was read the second, time. Mr. Clarjc argued ' in favor of the bill,, ; The yea and .najs were qrdeyed on demand ot. Mf. Iformgnt, and; thp rn,oton preralled. , .Yeas 66; nays I 4 T pti. Bill to repeal sections 5 and 6 chap- ler 2 of Battle's i Revisal. (Repeals ihuou io .euucisg dBeamea fom snips t wnen i want to assail a waT resumed::- MrJ .Koi&ivead the hj8 back and dare. Federal stal6tes .m lee the allowance of $1,500 to the ritit Agricultural Society.) - The bill was yead the second 'time." Mr. " Joned called for an explanation of the bill, and Mr. Armstrong who introduced the bill, explained its provisions, and the bill passed its second.' and ' third readings. t- . - '" ;i Continued on fourth page.l ?1i 1 r , , . f1 Miv Bragfr, a Democratic member of r T.- - Stacking in the most violent rpCrJtbe Southern Democrats for man- press- lDouthern war claims- In Vf his remarks he threw in t the course the folio w- "l.-r 4... . . 4 av: is nuL my purpose to assail any one. and when the gentleman savs that . man i do it not meet him -aii f n jp ll. nmA roforr.no to tne Jo.UUO.UUU which, it is claimed by southern members, had been ille gaily collected Irom captured and aban- doned property, and which they claimed lond 0 sootlrf .and c"alIed 0Q those members to picture the scenes of va.r, lu iuuk uu iuo seas oi uioou. ana ,me inousana3 and tens ot UKu.auda 't ft 5 V 1 f .Of. them hcQi' thn rrtr rf tna men on the battle-lieid : let them Ri ve an ear. to-the moans oi the hfspita!s ; 1 let them go to the hillsidea and valleys and ee th hundredt and the hundrfd thousands of mourners ; tartly, let them count the billions ot money spent to put down the war, and then strike a balance with the' f 35,000,000 on the credit side and all these count less miseries on the debit side. Mr. Blaine had a tilt with Mr. Beck on the Navy bill. Lord Lome and the Princess are visiting Niagara Falls, and the Princess has stepped on American soil. t Gen.-Butler surrenders to the Potter white washing committee 641 cipher telegrams. I j Senator Chaffee, of Colorado, has introduced a bill to cancel all one and tjvo dollar bills now in the Treasury, and substitute Xherefor standard silver dollars.. I iwsi;yev;ouKuog, ui jlvbw lOiii, JOUI1 A. Logan, ot Illinois, Matt; H. Carpen ter, of Wisconsin, John D. C ameron, of Pennsylvania, and Orville It. Piatt, of, Connecticut, all but the last old Re publican Senators, were elected the same day. Gen, Logan in his speech of acceptance used the following Ir n guage: ; , j "The Government is bound to give such protection as it can to its citizens n land and sea, at home and abroad, and where political rights are guaran teed to citizens undergone Constitution, there should be nol distinction made between those guaranteed to white or plack, to rich or poor, in Illinois or fcouth Carolina, andl wheu the authori ties of a State are powerless, or when they fail or refuse to protect persons or communities against armed mobs while attempting to exercise such political rights as haye been guaranteed them, it is the duty of the Government to use such power a3 it possesses to protect citizens in tne exercise oi sucn rignts, i.'l! 4l 4 1 ' 1 m by efforts which shall be used.to uphold and protect citizens in their guaranteed fights wherve;" they may be, and to maintain the laws of the United States in all parts of the country." CIT Y ITEMS. . - 'LOCAL 2XEWS. Mr. b, VS. Pridgen of Pender county. ot on the jsteamer Wave to come to own. went to sleep and was round dead the next morning. Mr. Gillett Gill, . of -Baltimore is- to visit this city with the purpose of showing people how to raise tea. The bridge on fourth st, over the C. C. Railway is finished. I Mr. Magistrate Gardner, bavin tried and sentenced a man who had already oeen tried and sentenced in tne iMayor's Court, a. question of junsdic . t . :. T. : 1 iuon nas arisen, wnica promises - to ne 'interesting. Chief Engineer Joseph A. Severn andLieut. T. J. Simmons of the Rev enue steamer Crawford, have been 6rdered to the Moccasin at Charleston, greatly to the regret of their Wilming ton friends. ' - ; Dr. S. S. Satchwell, President of the State Board of Health, has called' that board together at Raleigh, in order to make an annual report. Commodore Uheesoorough owner of the Passport has been in town: Weather is fine. Woo4 selling , in market for two doK jars a cord. ; Mr. Robt. Kennedy is quite sick at his home in this city. , h The steamer Passport went up the :North East river on yesterday, Fire in Coltjjib us. A dwelling house and kitchen was burned on last Thursday night in Columbus county, the property of W . H. Holloway. Los about $400. . MEETING OF CITIZENS AT THE ' PRODUCE" EXCHANGE.- V" ; A fair representation of the- business men of Wilmington assembled; at . the Produce exchange yesterday to consider certain matters now before the' legisla tupe, believed to be detrimental to the interest cf Wilmington, especially the bill to extend, the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line from Hamlet to Charlotte. f r J -Donaid McRae wast called to the chair. '- : ' - Cx: Col. Atkinson moved that a ' , com mittee be appointed to - proceed' to Raleigh and to present the ' subject ,-to the legislature.' . This motion wa3 subsequently imodi- fied so as to provide that three; each r should be elected from the Chamber off Commerce; the Produce Exchange and the Board - of. Trade, and threii from tho citizens at large, and'also the chairman of the present meetingonik ingU committee of thirteen; in' all, Tand the motinn was then adopted. Mr. DeB-utz Cutlar then made a report from the committee previously appointed to represent to the legisla ture the injury produced to the . com merce of. Wilmington by the inequality andthc exorbitancy Qf the taxes, Mr. Cutlarread a memorial on the subject addressed to the legislature, which will be signed by the business men of the city, and placed in the hands of the committee of thirteen. The names of committee selected will be found be low. 4-;v'; v Col. RogsrMoore, noticing the pre sence of one of J the members of the legislature from New Hanover, (Mr. H. E. Scott,) made, in a few- graceful and complimentary remarks and pro posed that a vote of thanks be tende ed to. him for the interest which he has manifested in the matter before the meeting, and other matters relating-to the interest of Wilmington. The following i3 the committee : Citizens: " j D. R. Murcbison, Committee. F. W. Kerch en er, j Col. Roger Moore, i Chairman of i Don. McRae, Chairihan, Chamber of Commerce: E. Kidder, - Dr. A. J. DeRossett, J. H. ChadbourOj Produce Exchange, . D.G.Worth, , . m J. H. Currie,. G. Boney, . ' ( i Board of Trade: . ' , J C Stevenson, E J Hancock, F. Rheinstein, Mayor and Board, of Alderman:' S.'H. Fishblate, Mayor, i AlJermen, C, D Myers, HG. Fianner, H Vollers, , - F. W. Foster, Msj. C M Stedman, S W Vick, N Giles, . ' : Col. J W Atkinson, Col. T C Mcllhenny, V General Abbott and vhe "Northern Settlers." We publish below the brief letter written hv ("Jen. AVihott In Mr'niimnnl; in reply to a circular announcing the Charlotte meeting. It . Tt :n u. uiceuug, xt win ue seen will be that while Gen. Abbott refuses to be a party to the false declarations of those Charlotte speculators, he Is in favor of measures to bring immigrants here. This letter is published in consequence of a letter from Charlotte in the N. Y. World misrepresenting Gen. A's posi tion in the matter: , , - I Wilmington. Dec. 23. 1878. Dear Sir: Your circular of the 18th iust. iis at hand, In reply I have to say that I do not care to join in - vour neeting, or commit myself to any de claration which it misrbt make to the northern people! but that I shall be. glad to countenjance any movement whieh will bring people hre who will aid in the prosperity of the state. I am, silvery respectfully, (Signed) Joseph C.abbott. N. Dujiont, Charlotte, N. (J." xjr. narter s xron xonic promotes a r tt . --f'T ' m ' lf . - healthy appetite, giyes color strength and tone to the blood, assists digestion, and builds up -a healthy organization. : V . 2t Fire. The Wilmington & Seaboard Railroad stables, ten horses, car sheds, two large cars and three small cara, four cart3, all their street car and cart harness, about 2,000 feet of lumber, and a small lot of feed, were destroyed by fire, on Monday night last, about 11 o'clock. The fire was unquestionably the work of an incendiary. The los to the proprietor was about $5,500 and the property was insured for 3,155. This is about the fifth incendiary fire that has taken place in the past two months, and' the Mayor should take, 1 some action in the inatter. Let a heavy I regard be offlered, and. these crimes will UtoP- C ; Letter Prom. Sheriff Taylor. ; Town Creek, Brunswick County,N.C; f -.-'. January, 18,1879. k Hon.-W. P. Canaday Sir: . I see in thelPoST of tho-12th an . article -requesting SheriffTaylor to explain why he gave Mr. Mearea a certificate j and why he (Taylor) holds . the office of Sheriff - in Brunswick whether Mr. Brooks i received, as - many votes . as Taylor, &c -. I, suppose you . and . all Uepublicans in the southern states had heard aenbugh of Democratic stealing and bull dozing to answer this ; withput J epy explanation from me,t The Can- vassing board .threw, out,- tho 'Tote of Town Cree'k," ToVnship : and declared Meares elected, along; r with all the other Democrats' except the Surveyor. The returns were sent to Raleigh; and are there cn file and that body "of men would have seated Meajcs if he had no certificate. I herewith send ' ycu a copy of what1 he did have: 1 he election law; makes it a fine to the. Sheriff "of $200 for not giving cartificate to the member," decided, upon by the Can vassing ' board. They would have seated Meares, , c rtificate or no certi ficate. V And thus brought suit against me for the penalty. I did not propose to buy a law suit, particularly as no b dy could jbii benefitted,' but a set of rogues and 'rascals. I gave no certifi- cate to' the 1 county fli rs, declared eiected by the s Democratic ooard of have 'Hccptfd iheir i them to qua i uy, ao r x who dps not lis lend t' bo-.Mj. Yet a commissioners iU X I al i'.ved t soner li'd ''. office w ; - in The wiioit- :WitHrr irs .-.v the' Ui.)"!:Hi 'J- urr, a i --v. up for a. hrn iT, u u h u ? : " -i c.ome not already. I'hnvrf s i;!U rj j ;li 1- h them thau I UuxuKiV m.itrg, itod I have siill fess under tho writ, ot quo ivnrraato oriole jivfwoy in April. Should tuis be the final-termination.' of it, then it ,will prove verr clearly that I was correct . in what I did. O'Hara was elected by over 3000 majority yet he was counted out and will remain out. There is not and will not be any showing in th6 southern" states for a Republican, either white or colored until we have a revolution and are reconstructed over again. The Democrats in this county are growing and bragging over the cheat and steal, and say it is all rights that as long as they can have Canvassing boards of their own stppe, they can count out and count in 'any men they choose. And so it is, and unfortunate ly the courts above will probably sustain them in it. Hoping you may be able to cull enough of the substance of this letter to make an explanation for me. I am Respectfully .Yours, Edward W. Taylor. , Mearea Certificate. State of North Carolina T , Brunswick. County j ; August 22th. 1878. Mr. Albert C. Meares. This is to certify that'at a meeting of the Board of Canvassers of Brunswick county, on the 3d, day of August 1878, at Smith ville,- Albert C. Moares was declared elected to the office of member of the House of Representatives, but according to the returns of the Judges of elections, Albert C. Meares was not elected, out on tne contrary, atcoruu.g to the returns oi tne juaars anu - ac- i ...... j i cordins -to itne votes actually cast reSular!y legally and lawfully return ed. said Albert U., Meores received (697) six hundred and ninety-seven -i votes, and John H. Brooks recewed (807 eight hundred and seven votes, making a majority for John H. Brook of (110) one hundred and ten votes. Edward Taylor Sheriff of Bruuswick Countv. . Military The two companies A , and B. C.S G.j Lieut. Col. Majtaon will form on;the night of Jan 29th, at their armory! for inspection and drill. The corps will appear in fu I uniform. We had the p.thure oi etiu4 Mt. cou.ity in Thos. E.'Giiman, ot Oui..w our City a tew days asj;o on a ro' ii.es visit- i The cur 4 fcifrcifi" by tr. Hr.r's i - - ijevtr and JAaue rpecin nave iue merit ot prominence. It cures leases prououueed incurable, and prevents a return of the disease. '2t Lawson K. Skipper. Esq., was robbed rn Thiirsdav niffht last of a lot of clothes, provisions &c, at his planta tion in Columbus county. Suspects a colored man who was ct work for him, and who disappeared same night. j Q -V His name is John Henry Sciith. Mr. Henry E. Scott, our able repre- sentative in 1 the legislature, arrived in. this city from Raleigh on Friday last. He is looking well and enjoys the con- gratulations ol his many friends lor the j energetic mariner ; in which he nas I looked after the interest of the people J of ihis section. He will return to hia part of duty at Raleigh to-morrow.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - ' - . , . . t ' . v " - - .. , . . i ' pWilmidife pause and. 4 . 4 -1,1 :THE POPULAR GF BOATWIilGHT 5.7 AND 8 NORTH! FRONT SI HAVE qN EVERY 2 JL one 1 One! Ton ! Nuts i OF EVERY Crown, Dehosa, London, Layers, Loose, ' quantity. , . ' V '.'!-'. " - ' ' ; ' C ' New Citron, New Turkish Prunes, New drop Currents. .'! ; " : '' ,. j ' - . - l-V- '..r-v T. "'V Gordon & Dilworth's)Shaker and Ginger Preserves, Marmalades, Fruits, J ! . ; &c, & &. r ' , r --'I English, German and American Cheese. - .t a i - . ' - ,.,... Pare Old Brandies, Winesanl Cordials, English and American Apples, Oranges and Lemons insufficient quantity! 1M Our Four Dollar-Brand Summerdean 'JfV Our Three Dollar Brand "B" Select Whiskey has improved by age Our Old Rye and Baker Whiskeysare equal to any in America. . ' . .i Our Good3 have begn selected O Xj i 1 Remember 1 . .... . CHRISTMAS PEESKET -': "-.-I ;.-i.-r.-v; V. ' you cau give the poor is a'choicc lot of , . - I , 1 - .',' IlTamily xipplies. Callou us and we promise to cive the --, . ' i- " :. BEST A N D i FRESHEST GOODS.: JIT TUB VERY IaO WBH1 PRICES. .i;f.3:r-,: "yrsJ-A r-;:-;-;,.:;i"Vl;y7;-.--Vv.:-;: BOATWr'lGHT & M'KOY, 5, 7 AN08 NORTntUONT STREET. december 22 1 tf !;: - !. GROCERY HOUSE HA D OVER Cancly 2 GrPL-DE DESCRIPTION. Muscatel and Seedless Raisins in any . . . i Scotch and American Whiskeys, for Crackers of every kind, . to furnish every one; Whiskey has no equal in the city, "- . . .- '. .j r with great care especially for the d j y s. the best. . " " ' .1. ;1- -

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