v... 4 1 wo VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROIJNA, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 179 Miigit? U'jpies 5 Cents JNUMJ3it J rrsT.: v. VOX N v VtTjltNQTON POST IADVER .j T13INO RATES. 1 Fifty vents per line for lh o first , in a. per lino typf.vcyii- Wti.m and twenty-iivp cen f..r v.irh additional insertion areil . ' (;'.'; v.lj.. - Alt tulvert!etneuts w ill be fcharged fft tti iiUovo tttrr., except. eciai coii- i .Special rat'e.'.cau -be lime than One week. uaU tor a louder The si!.).Mcrit!oi ptieeto illE WlL n Nu-v Po.jr i $ 00 per year; k Lii)iihk 7o cent. j A Ifmnmuuicrtioiis tjii bus ! ndd reused . to The W-i uesshould I 'o.st, Wilmington, N. C. tN IMPORTANT llie Supreme Court DECISION, of th 4 Unitf-a . .States Ao. 7oG, The '; Unvln ,lwijic Hails rvail Chut j Hr u ', i vigilant 's he United :t Stales;. This was u suit brou ;htby the Uuiou ; Pacific Railroad Company in the Court 'of Claims to recover i from the United states, under the act of Congress of -.luly J, 10.1, and March 3, tt871, one 'j half of the compensation due it Tor the ! transportation of mails; troops, supplies, i r and munitions of war. amounting: in Hhe! aggregate to $800,000- As a de fence to this suit the government set up ; a counter claim under the sixth section of the act of July 1, 1SH2, to five per I cent of the net earnings of said road i from the date of ia fcompl ition Nov- ember C, ISGO; to November 0, 1874, . amounting to $1,400,000. 'This claim the Union Pacific Compa ly resisted on the ground that its roal wa3 not ; fiompleted in 18G' aslalleged by the I governineiit, but iu'1Sy4, and that the j interest uijon its indebtedness, as well i as it ruunijug expenses, should be de ducted fro n its gross receip a iu com puting the net earnings upon which the v United States mi3 entitled to receive : a percentage. A trial in the Court I offplaima reshlted in k vietprv for the j government, j that uourt holding the j road was completed id 1809 and that j ihe goveru uicnt wa3 eptitlet. to retieive ; the difference betweeii-half compen3a i tijp, nhich, it admitted, v as due to ; tht1 railnad company aid the full ! amount of its counter claim. From thut dccrci! the Uiiou Pacilic Company apbcaled. The fjuestions presented to 1th: 3 Court for decision are : ? !' i : iji When ras the Uuiou Pacific f Edlroad complete 1? : , X-coud- -What should be included iu tWo wordd "net earnings "" and ruYi-j-llow aud under Uhat coudir ti nid are baymeuls to be made j Tho Cufirt holds- ;.; lrsl-That uuder the hct ot Con ,3n .; a11 irtfcfct-. tne roaa Trasompifcxeu it. iooj Setu ii'Jj-That the net earnings are it l . earnings from all sources, govern 1U ent and otherwise. - Third . 1 uu Fl cimua tuua ;yu4--uLcu suauc miinM,. . . I . ( , I 1. i 1 1 1 1 n ,t I n the payment of the interest-on the first luortyaKe bonds of the road, and then the claim of the government. Also teurnius reniaiuinX;ior one year can- ot be c drricd over lo another, under the terms of the act. rhe same decision is rebdercd in re- ukrtl to fihe Centra Pacific Railroad joinpauy One hiu udred ceuts for lihe Wilmiug- u l'obi'' for 13 Moon'g, l'ho Richmond tells a horrible Gorv abo it the state) ot things in vir uia, -0 ie of those happy t.iiai never had anv rule but Bourbon:--- i t - - i r Lverybouy wiinin uer uoruers 13 Mixed for beiniz: orl doing whatever he i or dots', Real-estate, personal pro p'crty, cvttry male over twejaty-ouc years i aire, all incomes oyer six liundred dollars, fifty-two diftercut occupations or kinds )f busiueasJ merchants, sample nicrchanu is, retailers of tobacco, rprivate banker, attorucva and physicians, all of these : .re groaning under the load of taxatiou; aud, yet, we are falling be hind moic than a million of dollars a year.. ' . ', -: I I . ' ' ' ' 1 A man is taxed in Virginia is taxed not only jn all the; property he has, and then upon all that it yields; him, but also; on every effort that he makes to get' property." The very attainment .of one's majority here is celebrated by a signal to the collector to come around it nil nrpJpiif. tax nill. I in.- .. 1 . 1. t.. a Uij . : . ' ,f S u uo R uuu , u moiiey tnat .ue spenus, t ne spenus tor liquor, auu tue grave .even uoes uuu relieve nim,ior tnere is p " pery wi ieu or inuenieu auu ou;ueeus and mortgages. : i! . i Tuii very important organization uf thft Hebrews, the name of which means - " i ' I . .. .... J..1 ,uM.,i -,.V o 1k;i.1.,1..V.; us geut iui vy.: p in numbers in nuuiuera States dud is increasing 11 fr.im hd he.-A c euicui oi lue ncurew . I . . , I . f .1 . IT.1... tionuladou. i. . ..i at .... .ii.naiia w- f VVIVV brt"" uu . in all 14 parposJ aim self protective to Us uicnibir. It "auskiri the pur pose of a life insurance, buly (hat it is I . .. . .. -j - rr- less expensive. But iu its c&aritics a4 wa-sivitncsscd in its liberality to the sullercrs from the ycl low lever, n promises to become ouc of the : mt.it useful of American for scyenddayi. lwohuuired and fifty and management was during all time order of ability. Maj. Stedmau speaks ti urU nroo.if fi"iiA I nf aiirh insurrection or rebellion loval I , .-. i,,i i ;.. n... tT..:.i in fact to the covernmoit of tfie Umted oWnn- 1 ! OldSr uuixiUvia -u.vvv.', u soe'etiei. L VTEST NEWS ' Ges'i. JShercaan hak ja'st :Ttsited At laiita for the first time since the", ar. The local papers treat bira civilly, and the state otScials call on him. The Teller committee have closed their investigation at Charleston. The result of the inquiries of this committee confirms the charges in regard to tho, southern elections. ' " tftuator Christiancy, of Michigan, has resigtied, and has been appointed Min ister f o IVru. He goes there on account of hit health J Ex Senator Chandler tue oHi sidiwari war-norse win, h 13 j .t" a . , . . . !. &a.J suf cpeanim. v i'ul. W. L SaUJideK has resigned as inv oJi.nr of Observer, and . - t . .4 . r enrtu iro.p jouroausm, oi .accuuui, ui i iii health. i.U ksaid (bat, he is going I to try again the -curative properties of Arkansas' Spring s " -;;; " There is a1 terrible plague raging iii some parts of Russia. It seems to havo originated near .the. ino.uth ol the Volga and is sweeping northward. All, Eui I.fj :JO jjnonj aitaivu; aw uuu i are taking energetic measures to check lr ' o 4 ' ' ' r I J "eiuici. iiiis ueeii reimeicu iu tuo case; of tne Arlington estate agaistthe government. , ine aecision transiers i-ne whole property to the heirs of Gen. K. - a Ml 1 .I 1 iu. i,ee. xjecimenis win ue issueu arr'jiiii ino tirouonr. nrp nnnnio. i iia 6.v .WvU. vwrUvU. govtrnmenc uas appeaieu. r I . . . , . . i i The Potter committee is bothering about the cipher telegrams, but do not seem taeliu jd to pursue inquiries as to what was charged in the Tribune, that these telegrams were connected with Gramercy Park and Tilden. That is what people want to know ahout. They are saying that Jay Gould is in a very tight place, having under taken "bull" gold and the government ,na the whole American peop.e, his losses have been not Ie3s than $100.-; 000 per week, and that he Is now hold ing at fearful losses, piles on piles of stocks. . ' : The Secretary of the Treasury having staled hid reasons for removing Collect or Arthur and Naval Officer Cornell, these . officers have made replies in vin dication of themselves which are now before the Senate. It seerus probable that the nomination of the present offis cers of the New York Custom House will be, rejected by the Senate. Wabuigiox, Jan. 21K The resolu-. tiou introduced yesterday in the House by-Representative Steele, of North Car oliiia, asking the Secretary of the Inte- nor to iurnisu tue xlousu uy nuau uu- thonty tne Boutnern racinc ranioau Uoa KniU, thrill Hh nnWIn' I . . . . . . -.. ) -lands ot Arizona territory, is creating sortie excitement among the friends of that enterprise. On examination of the revised statutes granting railroads the rieht to build and construct rail roads through the public lands Of the government, it i3 ascertained that every sixteenth section is reserved, except oy special legislation of Congress, This right the , builders ot tnat road nave disregarded., and In view of that Mr. Steele will introduce a bill to prevent a,' furthet trespass on the public lands by this company.' As he is a member ot the committee on railways and canals, he. will press it with vigor, and if there is a flaw in the bill by which 1 tne roau is ueiuK tuuauuuicu it win uo 1 . I 1 1 Z , . nri I 1 f .... . . . ... , speedily shown up and the proper leg- 1.... - , - . 1 :ir i3ianon to remcay tae eYii wm ue en acted How Cheap, only one dollar for whole year "The (Wilmington Post. New Amendment to the Constitution, The following full text of the prppo- sition reported from the Senate J udici- ary Committee as a substitute for the laud amendment as the same subject proposed by the joint resolution, which passed the House under a suspension of the rules on last day of last session. Article xvi. No claim against United btates shall ,ever nereaiterDe sustained or allowed by Pongress, or any dept. officer or coun of the U.S. or money paid by the U. S. or from tneir iunas, wuemer as uamagts, wm- nnncaimn fti- mhprwisp. tnr or on sr.. 1 f '' .- count of auy property, real or personal, usd, injured or destroyed by United Btatea troopSj or by 0i; through any om- cer. civilor military, or other persons ting or professing to act under or by I nnttmritv nf t.hp United States or of uMHuvf r ' " meir euemiea ; or imu, uocu, juicu or destroyed from any other causes whatever, during the existencet of the late insurrection or rebellion against I . 1 il T t ? J I tf . - A r v - - .. - - , . corporation its governing autnoruy 1 AJ.4 MM 1 M MB Mil 4- W M States' and gave neither aid nor eu couragemcnt to the enetoy. No pen "-"-0" ... "..I.?. B;,n hmmtv. crant. uecuniarv muem- nity'or pecuniary benefit shall ever be ivnfnoranv State, for or on i nam. uroviueu ur w m;iitarv or other service - or iuiurv suflered in hostility to the I I . .! TT.. k. A . Tv government i - . .- - . , , government oi tae uiuieu (Abates. . xu I I pardon or amnesty, past or luture, anaii cau au -.ww re-r?i case or claim out oi tue purview wi m rtiplp." t ; noai, rUnt. fail to send the caMh for 4The Wilmington Post". . . JUl'V ' LEGISLATIVE NOTKS. The Senate bill 105 providing for the payment. of the mileage and per diem; of witnesses in theSwepson and Littie field case has been indefinitly pcst poned. . ' ; The bill to prevent the desecration of Sundays was passed a third reading. in the House. ' The bill which practically restores: the old fees of the clerks of the county passed a third reading in the House Mr. Eichardson, of Columbus, bv consent, introduced a bill to create two new townships in Bladen county, which was referred to the committee on coun ties i&c. Mr. Waddell, on a suspension of the rules, called up the bill changing ti e. fin?e ?,f &o!dig the courts in the tourth ; judicial aistrict The judiciary com lilted recommended a substitute -which was adoptea and passed its third rading, and Was ordered engrossed for r A i- rt o Mr. Bynum", on a suspension of the rules presented a substitute from the judiciary committee in retard to the ndingi ot the Superior Court Judges,-; wnicn was aaoptea ana passed lts tinra JJjq XXOUSe The bill requesting our Kepresenta fives in tfrvn rrrotu frk DAinra o orvi.t iat - for the imnrovement of the Q Fear riverj aud to make rayette- ville a port'of entry passed its readings A bill, declaring the right, of clerksj 0f Inferior Courts to take probate . of i n . i , aeeus to oe reci3ierea ana imvv ex- w . amiuationa of married women, passed its readings. The House bill, amendius: chapter' 104, Battle's Kcvisal, prescribing that the public roads shall be laid off by three Commissioners, who are lb be Bpecially- appointed, insteadof a jury of twelve persons,chosen by the Sheriff, as is now the law. Another provision of the bill repeals the exemption to coun ty officials. On motion of Mr. Covr ffiSK ington, the bill was was postponed and noon on - '' - I Tuesday, February 4th. The bill providing that no lawyer, nor no person inuemniticea hy a law yer, shall become security on .in otficiai bond, has been indefinitely postponed;. The bill to prevent discrimination in freight rates, having been amended to include steamboats, passed the House, The bill1 to provide for the revision of the statutes. Discussed in the H'Hhj by Vaughn, Lockhart,' Blocker and others, and rejected SO to 25. j The bill to improve the Cape Fcai and make Fayetteville a )ort of entry;, paSsed its second reading. a , 177 c. . .R.l7, on sale ot 1 intoxicatiug liquor.3 no person to sell liquor within one mite 01 any cnurcn or acauemy m the state, outside of incoroorated-towns. L This bill called out a lengthy debate. Rejected ayes 12 nays 32. In the matter of creating a new couq- tv out o Darts 0f Sampson. Johnston and Wayne, and to -be named Vance on motion ot Mr. Bryan of this district it was agreed to submit the question to the people of the region in'terested.' h' The Secretary of State put in his report. He gets only $1000,' salary, and $2902, fees this last year. Mr. Blocker, introduced a bill to pro tect rafts in the Cape Fear river. To - - . . ' - ' ! the committee on Propositions and Grievances. The "Dark Ages" bill, that for establishing that remnant of barbarity the whipping post, was voted down f n the House yeas, 51 nays, 45. j Bill to amend thq charter of the" Mt. Airy Railroad was read the third time and discussed briefly by Messrs. .Vaug hn. Tord. Carter of Buncombe and nt;and passed a third tillie. To those who desire to continue read iDK "the Wilmingtou Post." The proprietor request you to send ' in jat 0nce to this ' office the money to pay Vnur subscription. Address: The Wilmington: Post. Wilmington, N. TC. r fa ,u J T r ailiioad Excitement. The Xreasurer'3 private office was filled yes t firdav evening until there wa3 scarce .. .j: i . v, ,e ;j,fH HLauuiusi iuuw u r "o wuu pstfl. "rties and lookers on in the Rail- , Tne committee on Internal imDrovements sat patiently and listen n t.i rm.mon of Mai. Winded iTfti.. R c Tucker and E. R. StamoB I t'-. r.N 1 111 laviu 1 l luq dLbuoiuii ja buu & A, a. Li. rt. It. to unariQtie, and I uro; n Ar torlman nrl T). R. Afnr. ci,iaon rm Opposition to granting a charter for such extension. The ? I - . . - . and tno3e or iur. otauiua auu iuoi. vu.) vv nnw otipr that we heard of a h gh I - a... I For 50 weeks, send and get ithe "WTlmington Post" ouly one hundred cents. Mrs, TCatio Cobb has a pro3pecjtof securing a new trial. j respecsaDie . ! . . I ladv has -been found whom Cobb Sold i v , i r.rt-fianfiaiiv that he had a habit o tatinfr ar-enic. and didn't let his tvife 0 Know it. In the iNebrasita iegisiaiuie mere is - , , , 1. TT. 'one lady cier m eacu xaouse. Tho French Cri3ls President McMahon fcas resigned and ...... t " M. Grevy has been elected, receiving in the, cunventioc of the two houses 200 more votes than was necessary to his election. M. Grevy baa entered upon his official duties, and the old ministry have tendered their resignations, but were requested by tho new -President o remain at least lor tHe present. M4 uauioeuanas oeen maae presiaem pi uaiieu to pay ms respects w ine . new President. Immense but - peaceful crowds had assembled on the boule- yards, and the ex' ilemeut was great. ; The cause of McMahon's resignat'on was -lat'the new Senate insisted, on his making certain changes in the high military commands, which he refused to do. He says in hia letter of resig. nation: -. . A I cannot subscribe to them. Any other, ministry taken from the majority wouii imi?S A6-;?6 couuiiiou. x wusiuer uijaew, mere- fere, bound to shorten the duration of the mandate which the National As sembly confided to me, and I, therefore, tender niv resignation. In quitttng power 1 nave tne consolation 01 tninK- ing that daring tne , M years l devoted soldier or citizen ,T have never been guided by sentiments other than those ot nonor and duty and absolute devo- tion to my country. xuo rrai oujtct 01 tue xvepuuiicaus iu mcicnnif nn tha TAtrinrQ rr T.no nirrn 1 military officers is to purge the army, of officers opposed to the perpetuation of the Republic, j Every, family should have it f ' The Wilmington Post." One dollar for 365 days. ' C1T ITEMSr "Weather is very fine. The firm of Williams & Murchisoii of this city, has shipped 25 vessel loads of cotton this season. Mr. Muse, the local of the Star, who is confined by an affection of the eyes, wc rgret to learn is no better. Mr, James Knight JrM of the AVeldon Railroad died last week, much regrett ed by a large circle of friends. ' ill V , The store of Hon. Geo. W. Price was 4adly injured by fire on Monday morn ing. Loss $000 Insurance $3507 t About one-fourth of the cotton sold u Raleigh the past season, has ben purchased byi Wilmington merchants. G.iog at ono dollar, for 12 months 'The Wilmington Post." Sergeant D. C. Ralston, has been re ieved from the S'gnal Service station here, lias left for Dakotah, his new station. A Mrs. Murrill, living on Middle Sound, was seriously attacked by some sort of a disease and filed in less than, an hour. The Rt.-Rev. T. B.Lyman, Assifctant Bishop of thi3 Diocese, will preach this morning, at Stl James' Church, at 11 o'clock. An old negro 70 years old -named James Mosely, sentenced to .be hung for committing .a - rapehas been pardon ed by the Governor. -:- , The committee who visited Raleigh in behalf of the interest of Wilmington have all returned much wiser than they were, if not so Hush. Fihe. A colored man, whose name we could not learn, was burned out on Wednesday last, in, Brunswick county. just this side of Smithville. Every person in the state - should have "The Post, the price is so low that all can pay for its V . i - Edward W. Taylor, Sheriff of Bruns wick county, has paid to the state treasury $1,419 oo for public taxes, and $1,332. 79 for special taxes. Col. ThomaSvB. Long, Special Agent for the Postoffice Department, was in the city Friday last, looking well and enjoying his labors very much. 'A i ... i . t .i . .' - - j i The Nava3sa' Guano Company,! the W. C. & A. 1 Railroad, and the C. C. Railroad, are estajiishing a telephone between this city &nd Meare3 JblutT. "Excelsior Band" of this city has new instruments in the expre33 ' 02106. The excelsior band ia composed of young colored men, of very excellent musical talent. . -. -i tinued success: We wish them con- Gen. Colston, aftrr a long absence in Egypt where he rlistinguished himself in the military bervice of the Khedive, was received on his arrival in town by say whether tlm defendant Khali be al his old students and other citizens. $ .come f'rt 'Z hu US!' We learn that it is the purpose of th General to deliver some lectures on Egypt. ' their respects to Rifgh th pnix week ; Tf6 ' pI"!U--- f. i;:Hi c;u:ime:'ii to Repi se t't v ; Sci t, lor ih eut-rge ic manner :n wtrch h looks after the in terests of Wiliniigrun. Mr. Jais. Hi t haab urn, .u of the wealthiest gentle .neu im thtci-y, who han - n sided in Wilmington for thirty veirs. visited Ra eitrh. the Canital of the itae r the tim the pat week.. Mcjs certain tv to be congratu- Tm- -ch'-ii. icii i.ie hnrqua MHiU'.rdia wad iei -. dr.t4ii up the Kfjss's snip: yard, snot writ "d'Avn s' ' i iC' d deal of ways of OiiBi dev & broke, and the int ttv river. 2HUi g i : excitement bui doing uot iiiUou dam ,age.; . I ...The 1 Charlotte VbHcrverltxyn iDavis, of Wilmington, and Miss Pick ensVot Edgefield, S. C.; both of wiom fiave many acquaintances in CharlolteJ ... . . , , . . i are visiting m Atlanta: Night before last, an elegant ball was given in their honor at the KimbaU House." MisaioifAUY Su&xwzs. There will bo missioaary service3 at St. Mark,s Church 1 011 next Monday evening, on which occasion Rev. Wm. G. Boone, Episcopal Missionary to-China, will preach. Bishops Atkiuson-an Lyman are both espected to be present iriy the m mi 1 . Church. The. public are resnectfullv invitedj Services commence at S o'clock Seats free. ' Opinions were filed by the Justices on Monday in the following cases: Siate vs. Lewis James, from New Hanover 'reversed, i ! Elijah A. Tevy vs- Rebecca A. Tew, from Sam r5Stn : affirmed. V F. W. Kchner vs. Henry Fairley et al., from. Richmond ; judgment af firmed.1 1 Goutii Atlantic The January number haa Leeu laid on our table looking fresh as usual. Contents Mrs. Preston's "Old Songs and New,'- by Paul n. Hayne; Benediction, James G. Lamb; Eugen8 ''Arani, Espy W. H.S Williams ; The Jordan &c, W. L. Johnstone; An Episode in Cape l' ear History, lieorge JJavis ; &c, The article, by Mr. Dav attention nt this miou will command Col. McUae's Lectli:e The long talked of addrcaa dthvt-rrd on Friday at the Opem ll n.a , . , I i e i,b I ject 'Genius and fateut," occupied nearly; two hours iu delivery, ail v$ iintened t wnh wrapt ailed, i .. o;. a large auJieuce. T- i- fi.jvaidt 5 i .rre oraior? ou thh "cca- on aui a znagicinii. lie toot a neany alt the promiuen. chaructets u ietteia, in art, in staiesmanstiip ai d in war. When he closed, his audience A "I . 1 ' . t ' h seemed to be in a mazn in wuich they had 'wittiess-ed iloiut-r, Dante, lluma, StJakeparf', L C3vu"j D-m ilUenes Xerxes, Suipio, Nap yco, Uanuioa). Wnilingtou, Ltf, Granr, Washington, JtrSV'Sou, Clay, Burke, B.-toviu, Pitt Fox, Sher.Jan, Miraueiu, Ia, Otiiel lo, Uamlet, Ophelia, Shy lock, Desde mona, Falstafl", and thousand other celebrities,' all moving along in one great, mixed ! up crowd, so near to. gether that tUe stately Caiheriua could punch Cardinal Woolsey under the rios, and Wellington could hob.kncb with Alexander the Great. As gentle men walked homeward, they I mistook the lamp posts for the Duk3 of , Well iugtonf and ike tono posts! for the shorter Napoleon, and u respettable Old feliow under an umbrella for Cervantes. So great was the hallucination that the next .morning it was found hat most of the audience had been dreaming that they had been in a grand levee in which there had been hand shaking with llomer'who bad come down from the I Enow-capped Parnassu3 and Napoleon who had got away from St., Helena, and Queen Elizabeth and AnneBjlyea and the wife of the Thane 0f Cawdor. Physicians now admit that, "The shield is nobler than the spear.". How much better then to hhieid ,tbe system I against bilious attacks, by using Dr. Harter's Liver Pills, than to cure the 2t disease i when firmly seated. . Woods Household Magazine (Vol. 16) for. 1879, enlarged to 100 pages, contains the cream of the world's liter ature arranged in twenty departments, for the entertainment, instruction, and profit of every reader. Yearly, $2.00 ; samDle1 copy. 10 cents. Order from newsdealers or direct. Unprecedented terms free to agents. Send 10 c. for outfi t, worth SI. S. S . . W7ood, Tribune Building. N. Y. City. " "Gentlemen of the jury," said an Irish barrister, "it wiliT3e"f r you to ,g ia hig mouth. and draw three p j ullocks out of mv client's pocket with llnpunity." NEWT ADVERTISEMENTS. XMA8 18T8 Let fclie G ood of VTilmiiT and. tlaink THE POPULAR GF - BOAT WEIGHT & M'KOY, 5 7 AND 8 NORTH FRONT ST. HAVE oN HA Tons EVERY 2 1 One Ton Miits ! 1 OF EVERY Crown,-Dehosa, Loudon, Layers, Loose, Muscatel and Seedles3 Raisins in any quantity. j New Citron, New Turkish Prune3, New Crop Currents. . Gordon & Dil worth's Shaker aud Ginger Preserves, Marmalades, FriRs, " Euglish, German - - :-:- : --"i:f w -w -n Pure Old Brandies', Wines aul Cordials, Scotch aud Americau Whiskeys, for f- . Egg Nog. - j ; ' . ' , '.. , . . ' v- ; -M-i- . English and American Crackerj of every kind. . I i . r - ; - ' Apples, Oranges and Lemons insufiicient quantity to furnish every one. ! Uur Three Dollar Brand j"B" Select Whiskey has improved by! a Our Four Dollar Braud Summerdean ' Whiskey has no equal in j the city.! ; Our Old Rye and Baker Whiskeys are equal to any in America. s ; ! Our Goods have been selected , O Hi I Remember CHRISTMAS PRESENT . ; ' j .. -. - j . you can give the .poor is a'choice lot of : ! i Iamily r Call on us and wc -' ." .. ' -- ---- - , - . BEST AND -FRESHEST GOODS. 15T THE VJEilY JLO WHSl X It ICES. BO AT WRIGHT & M'KoM 5, 7 nd8 rioniu I KON december22tf pton pa.ij.se GROCERY ROUS D fJVE R Candy v DESCRIPTION. aud lAmericau Cueese. . ! " -0 I (TO with great care especially ifor the ID Y .-1. 1- J-I the best. Sxipplies. promise to give the -. . . ' . : - J -? T STREET, 1 - i.-

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