'.- :v, :S. m t J VOLUME X: WILMINGTON, iSUKTH tHM jNAXSUlJYvEEBBUllY 1(. 1S79. Single Copies 5 Cent N tfJMliEK . . at s'zy. - - - - Fiftv cents per li iertiou and twenty or each 'additional .VILTttlNGTok :POST ADVEtt TISING RATES. I, Nonpareil type, con- i Special ti'ine than yixo TON rates one week. Post J Aliconimiiuiu be addressed Tost, Wiiming he for the first in five cents per line insertion. Eight .'() line i it ute a square. All advertisements wiljl be charged at the above jrates, tracts. The legislature w?s ou ito Brink of j passing the Raleigh & -Augusta Air Lin?, hut a' fellow stepped in and Block (er) up. But what chance did t b ey h ave w he n .W i 1 mi n gton h ad Ch r ist mas all the time and three; Carters. Death of L r 1 'V ' .... r. " -r-r1 t except on special con- :aii be had for a longer The iib.scripuiou price to -The AyiL year; is ipl tMJ per ix months 75 dents. rtions ou busines should ,o The Wiljijnqton on, N. C. ' "T' ' CiTM The ity is very healthy now. Ganera Joseph C. Abbott is north on business. The neither the past 1 Edwin at hfniith Leggj Inspector of Customs, kille, has resigned. Tosr. dollar and for 1579 hree days. fTEMS. pas been very fine for Doii't fail; la send, in your get Ciumin'aL i.daT. -This tribunal has been iu session all the veek, Judge O. I'. Meares presi Idin. Market! ' condition1 h juiething dona liarry Tiouiethin street is in a very niisreable 'Can't. the city Fathers have Brocl ; dou kct streci if his making phi a pre e,e this -This j: Ui L; brant ot Goldsboro, is bricks equal to the Philadel- sed lii-ick. , .We are glad to new enterprise. ; tending- 1113 kes A Gd AVDow HOB. to his Col..- I OUDK S Col. itiafil i it 1 1 (rri i n o' very adriotly' his stioijlders luissioner Raum. Can't '.the matter at the ; Wilmington! Post for it. will certainly: have for the benefit of Mar time is extended. loss OF BRUNSWICK.: entleuken is hard at work legislative business. at- He line Jegislator. oi: UFFICER uone. ueorge ling. Deputy Collector ot In- lernaLJeventie in the upper eud cf district, has resigned. and Col. Young's light uu, or uoi. loung nas shoved the fight off of on to his chief, Com . , Two Pilot boats were seized by Capt. Rtifgell Glover, commanding th Rev. Cutttr, on Thursday last, charged with h vilatiou of the law requiring all vessels to have a light at mast head at night. AU vessels will do well tocom ply w iih the law in regard to lights or th ; vi'l bo. brought before the U. S. C urt fr; the penalty. F.ir st delicious aromatic cordial, sumuuuing -ana invigoraung in us iintnilute and in Us remote effectSj nothing has ever equalled Dr. Harter's Elixir of Wild Cherry. A vegetable preparation that is acceptable t.o . the most delicate stomach. S 2t A Question. We desire to ask Mr. Heury Nutt, the Chairman of the Committee of the Chamber of Com merce,jwhy he does not take holdkof the matter and give Congress the necessary information, so that we can get an amount of money that will be of bene fit t our harbor improvements. Is Mr. Kutt properly supported by the Chamber of Commerce, if he is not, in justice to himself the public should know if,. Whatever is done, should be done at once. Invite the legislature to Wilmington. The Board of Aldermen, the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade and the Produce Exchance, should pass resolu tions inviting the Goveirnor and staff, and the General Assembly to visit Wilmington before the session of the legislature closes. We hope Mayor Fishblatevvill take hold of this matter. We should give them a rousing good time before they go home. Thieves Caught. Some weeks ago Mr. R. M. Wescott's store at Smithville was broken open at night and about $300 worth of goods taken therefrom. On Wednesday last special officer, Carr caught and arrested some of the thieves and recovered a large amount of the goods, and we are informed by the said officer that other goods were also found, moro thieves will be arrested in a day or so. Officers Strode and Whitney as sisted officer Carr in his work. Justice Gardner is doing good service in having the officers to make these arrests. Information was n cvivrd jn pus cityj j. ETTiaiicock were appointed a com-' by le!f graph, of t'Lc Jt aiUvof ,'Mj;r. jmitU-eol)opBioate .Trustees for the en Joseph A. Efjcelhard, in lijleigh, veU euipg year, and the following gentlemen terday at three o'clock Pf iIlT iajoi . were npnuuaia ni unanimously eieci Engelhard' has heen sibk for u,biuTtwp j ed:"G.jR; IjVencb, fcr.; Geo, Harriss, weeks, but his friends disease had : assu me those expectauons were disapp'iuledk and a large circle of admirers through,- J out the staty will sninglyj their teasr wlili tliose of hin iamiiy athi uutiaiejy loss. - . . ' .' : I . , mnj. Eiigcihfr;i-v--iia t,ojwell .known in this city that an cxtendfd:;notiee -of him-would l;c a twice told!, ta'e IlTs - t . . . ' - - t resiuence iirro ior iliudv vtaio jr. city acnuireu ior nun , u iurue num of friend, who at the iirdt intiuiation of his danger,, earnestly priyd that his' life would be spared for the seivbe of his country, TlioStdvaiitages which make life desirable he possjessed in an emiment degree. Numerous and de voted friends,, a moat interesting family an honored au"d responsible position in the counsels of the state, health ana strength, all combined; to flatter us that he would reach a cood'olti aire. As a mark of respect tohim, the flag of the Democratic club oil; Frqut Street was suspended at half mast, oil the re ceipt of the painful intelligence! . sick for a-bout two, j. ed: G. Tencb, br.; Geo. Harriss, Dr, R. H, Mclivaine, editor o ii. hoppd r; that 'jiVE.r :. etdei K,-T.-Hancock, G. R. Cedar ' Keys ' Journal,, expresses ,1 u- shape, aic"i irencfy Ir. H. B. EUers, B. F. Mitch- views in tue matter of Governor I Democratic CoNrEitEtsrcE. There was a grand caucus yesterday after noou of all the wards. Cant. David Murchison was made Ch airmail and Mr. Frank Darby acted as Secretary. The caucus j-ard' a. ressolution im structing the city Dsrftocr'atic Execu tive pommittee to draw li.a bill and request the legislature to.jpas.s- - it, ex tending the time of tise ln -eat city Aldermen lor tw,o years.- j ! ' This is a coai:-lcie ulu.tt for the Londoners. Wherever' you couid see a lustier n; an yc-s!v!"i:-i ' he had the grins. . An Ultra democratic View of . Tnem. - East Florida Banner (Dem.) Dr, R. H, Mclivaine, editor of the onr Hull's . J . " . ! 1 1 ' Excitement Ckats. On last AMONG Till: M onuayj'tv. nmg Congress give but $15,000 for Dakiel O'Cojf or. This gentle man is a successful business mail. He has done a larger businees as' a rel uie .'"i nuvoui, mi tuu wF x cai4 v-.- "--'..-"-f . " ' 14th' instant, when they again met liiey ima ueiter not . give any. uur otuer mau m ui xuuv wuo uave , Lq udouer, weroulv ub!e: to . 1 1 " T " 1 : m hold their former position, the second. Democratic Ward mcttialcs',vere held for the purpose of considering t;o ques tion Of the present Bnrdlof AFurmen holding over. We underijiand' the pro ceedings were verv storm vi the lau":u leo nit very complimtntruy (ir chaste. The present M'uyoi see'jned to have tie majority in f.iV)i of him and hi;j J . ' .... i . - . holding bver. lit; claiiiij to hav,c clrriedfbur cut of the live wards; But, the .opposition .headed 'hy Mr Akx- London were not satisfied, jso the city. Democratic Executive-. Committee called a meeting for 'Friday . ni?ht ; the ellE S. Martin, Ed.- Peschau, Roger indictment for complicitv in Drocurin? oriAVAdrian' Inward Kidder, F. a fraudulent return of the vote of "VV Alei. Sprunt and H. M. Brevard county.' There is a chain of t0WUenl . ' -C- , t . I evidtnnfi whip.h wmnprli him riirontlv uu juoiioD, tiie meeung adjourned. with that fraud. Acting upon the sue At -a meeting of the Trustees, held gestion contained in his letter to Mr. iiameuiaieiy auer me sajournment oi royntr, the fraud was perpetrated. :"Ir : e ,o vs lae memoera oi me oo- xnree men occupying humbler pcsU cietMr? Edward Kidder presiding, tions than Mr. Hull, were induced , to this Rnd Mr -K Martin dctxng as Becre- commit this crime. They have since - ..I. i I'fl f V. , . . . I - ... lary, ine ouowxng -gentemen were been convicted and eentenced to serve eAmcen jot mo ensuing year: a term of years iii the Albany Peniten- ueorgef H. French, br., President. tiary at hard labor. In this matter George Harriss. Vice President. Governor Hull art.pil mif irf rf ha .. ' 1 . I : v vwmV w MiU Georgo R. French, Jr., Secretary and party. It was his individual act. and J-TtaSUreri ; : I ! I tio nartv nt wllirh llO w a mnmVvor mr- 1. il. ... . 1 . -ii I . . . . ' j. . genueuieu, iu connection wun not be held responsible therefor. As the following, constitute the Executive regards frauds, the policy of the Demo- vummiuee, y.juessrs. xi. a. fliers, cratic party is clearly pronounced. xj. x. xxauuucK, xv. j. xieiae. i Une of the clearlv expressed tenets of Key; J. W. Craig was elected Chap that party now is not oulv to unearth Ihe J3oard then adjourned. , condonation of fraud; and upon this The receipts of the Seaman's Friend principle the Democrrtic nartv must be Society! for the year ending February kept pure. If individual members cf Uth, (from the parent society at that party, acting upon their own sug- JNew York, annual dues of members, gestions, shall commit frauds unon the rents, and donations by citizens,) ballot, or alter the returns after they amount to S1.4G8 33. I lhe disbursements (including salary the proper officials, thev must suffer of Chaplain, interest oh mortgaged thejeonsequences of their crime. Mr. debt, . and on notes held by the First Hull has gotten himself into an ugly National, Dawson, and, New Hanover banks, repairing and refitting the Home and Bethel, insurance and incidental expenses,) amount to $1,241 90, leaving a balance on hand in the treasury of $226 43, and about $375 interest on debt unpaid. The following report of the President was then submitted to the Society : GeiTLEmex Again we have the pleasure of greeting you1 in this pur gracefully yield him the certificate of lyenty-8ixth annual meeting, which election aud retire ' from politics-a cans .us logemer to consult upon the business for which he seems entirely ways and means best suited to advance nnsnifl TTa ua ui tne maiena prosperiiy and use ulness pe0ple of this district and the party of of our society. The past year, like sev- which he is a member, land thitlm ciui oi its iu euccu, ua ueeu outj oi party ought to demand. As Dr. Ma , i u i V V , . . I livaine says ft is best to have the: j j u'"". suippiiig proud consciousness of having done "ut' " o ""I. rijnt man to attemnt to sttmn torn.- Deio- the mess, and he must extricate' himself as best . he can. If he wrote to Mr. Poyntz with the intent to suggest the perpetration of a fraud, he ought not to co to Uongress, and it ha had r.o better sense nor discretion than tn write sucn a letter without ' intending to convey such a suggestion, he is not fitted to be a representative in Con gress; aud now that it is clearly estab lished tat iilr. fiisbee received a ma jority of the votes, aud was legally elected,, we think that Mr. Hull should exempt from is depressing effects.1 We have not had the financial prosperity we looked for. Our buildings have not rented for as good rates as we had hoped, .ind.wo have not bten able to meet 'mpre'Than our current" expanses,' and lui"e paid nothing on the bomfcd debt. Our main building is still uncompleted, fraudulent return of the election merchants' should take some action in General Department Smithville oil the fort paniedpy hiss -The e Regiment at - i once. lUffer, commanding the bf the south. Visited Monday last, to inspect and troops. - He was accom- aid Maj. Russell. Becoxd Em t; N. C' State Guabd. lection of officers of the Second trusted him with their business knew that he is thoroughly competent for the business. Persons who have housts for rent or sale cannot put them in better hands, or where j they obtain oetter prices, rie gives thorough satu- faction, because he is honest, capable, systematic and prompt in. his deal ings, ihere is no better agent in this city, than Daniel O'Connor. ward breast works. The fishermen were satisfied with holding the forts they gained at- tha Mupd.ty 'night's cetings. We may expect iots of fun before the citv matter is settieu. .January last by the Adj'utahit General of the state, . ami a new election ordered. DcfM T IT M EN T A 11 V TO M A J . ClIAS. M. Si EDM an.- the stockholders of the ; Xew'Hanover Bank, met on Thursday last: (while the Mai. was absent in Ral ' 4 T i ... wmcu eigh,) and unanimously elected him a rnrirP( Director and -The House the bill t-UO cou repeal will no laleigh on the 10th of has been declared void hGermania Lodge On Wednesday next the PJih instant the pores and clog the circulation, rermania Lodge No. 4 K: of P, will Barter's Liver Pills, ; and Dr. Har President of said Bank. celebrate the- loth anniversary of the order by haying a parade cf the mem bers in fnll uniform and mounted on horseback, The 'procession will as serable on Fifth between Mulberry and Chesnutostreets at 2 o'clock P. M., at which lime the procession will be and headed by the Cornet Ladies who1 valiio their complexion should avoid all face powjders, : ; Many; of them are poisonous, ar-d all stop, up circulation. Dr. ter's youthful imitate. .... 2i Iron Tonic soon give, a fresh, lippearauce that no arU can of Representatives passed abolishing the Criminal Court of Wake coutity on Tuesday last. We believe the Criminal Court of New Haiiover has been au actual benefit to nty, and if any bill is offered to he 'aiv creating it we hope it pass The merchants of Witmiugtou, New- bern, BeaufoH aud Fayettville ought to iusisi ou tile amendment offered by V..V. RTchaidson of Columbus, in the legislature, io prevent discrimination agaiusd North Carolina towns by the Railroads ifj passed. Judge William A. Moore, who we all in Wilmiffigtou remember with pleas ure. is now traveling in Switzsrland with a We wish hi joarney, and in a pleasant and happy a sale return to his thou sauds of friends in North Carolina. Mr. pol. Haas, for many years a resi deut and merchant in this citybut'wbo residing in Richmond, VaM and is now oc agent :eupyingihe.position of general freight many friends all over the state desire the i as Richmond & Danville to see Judge Henry occupying some Martin requested to' acta? Secretary. :' vfi,in imnortant position in the state, and we The President; Secretary and Treas - 'I. .. . -r ill I nU...1n!n ;-i nri T oonor r.f Infi 1 trtWP ! ... ... I u A - u.nciriAnr HiVAi will rfJf'f n l y.rf iirpr i .iiiiiiiiiiit uuu jvt y .. We uhderstood that nis Dusiness "p ACMW"- yv . 7 ' . ,, ; - :,rr L..w :k r-i t true merit and tender him one oi tne suumiueu ueirieuius, ;i.vu tuusuii nuu vA-i.Avp, -: . ... I . ... -J.. ..J . ;t.. .t imnnwont. nd rut flnnointments oi tne thev were rcceivcu uhu uiuc uau ht acent oi ine auauuu - -rr - ... ... it 1., T.?nJ onnrnincr tahlishinff State. The United IStateS WOUIQ DO Upon iU mmu.. for freight from this city to; joints very greatly ? benefitted, and the ap. at last have Concert CIud march down Fifth to Aun, down Ann to Front, down Front to Red Cross, up Red Cross to Fourth, up Fourth to Bladen, up Bladen to Sixth down Sixth to Red Cross, up Red Cross to Seventh, down Seventh to Market, down Market to Third, up Third to the City Hall, where the pro cession will pass in review before his Honor Mayor Fishblate, and be dis missed. Judge J. L. Hekry. -The editor had the pleasure Tvhile in Raleigh, the ppst week, to meet Judge Henry, of Ashville. He waB looting well, he has j the sympathy of very many friends on j)'v.Rt Murchison, Don. McRae, H. I account of the affliction in his family. Voliers. R. R. Bridgers.Jao. Atkinson; Bank of New Hauover Annual - . ' ,j -' "Meeting, j -"v' "; The annual meeting oV the stock holder of the Bunk of cw Hanover r 1 1 was held ac their Banking House, in this city on Thursday last. DuBrutz Cutlar, Esq., was called to the chair, and Mr. Wm, Calder requested t-vact as Secretary. vV t ' f " ' V -' A majority of the capital stock being represented in person or jby proxy, ' the meeting was declared duly organized and ready for business, f j ; The report and annual; staiemeut of the alTairs of the Bank wa submitted , by the Vice President arid accepted. ; Un motion, inc nucung men pro ceeded to the election of eleven Direc tors for the ensuing year,., and ' Messrs. C. M. Stedmau, I. B ites Jno. Datvson, Judge Henry is one of the ablest men of the wests his superior legal 'qualifi cation is unquestioned. He served on l ft,t' r the Superior Coiirt Bench of the state i0Urned. deasant party ot friends. r ..' , ... x,- JOurneu. J. A. Leak B. b . lttio and iu. i. Burden, were declarei iiuly electfd- On motion, the meeting th6n ad- V ior ten years, 10 tue euurc aaiiBiavnuu 1 : ... f of the legal fraternity, as well as the Twenty-sixth Annual rTieeiin bf the neonle.. He was a union man during Seaman's r riemi the war. and since he has been a faith. This Society met in : the Bethel,- in ful and true Republican. He left the this city, at 8 o'clock Wednesday even bench in 1878, and has to-day a very ing, February ,12th; lSp;- - ; fine business as an attorney at law. His : On. motionf EdwHrdfKiddef, -Esq., allprl to the chairlauaMr.'E. S. porary advantage by sacrifice of prin ciple." The following' is the Doctor's remarks on the subject in full: lou will see by the aispatchcs that Lieutenant. Governor Hull, has been indicted in thelrjnited States Court' in Jacksonville for conspiracy to secure a in Brevard County. This action is based upon a letter written by Hull to one Nat Poyntz three days after the elec tion, saying that, according to the latex est returns, in (which did not include Brevard and Dade counties), he lacked 202 votes of an election, arid for Poyntz to proceed to Brevard, regardless of ex- nunao onrl coo txrhof. nnillrl Kn rlrn T past and during the past summer they there had been no false return from Pf Dc? ?,verlunder extract to our Brevard county this letter would have Mr. Gilbert, the keeper of the Home. been comparatively harmless; but In compliance with the resolution at coupled as it is with such admitted last meeting we have made application fralfd ifc ha3 an exceedingly ugly iook, to the parent society of New York city and will probabiy lead to very 4rious for a special donation of one hundred COnSeauences dollars to assist us m finishing the third My own Opinion that it will cost floor of the building to make it com- Mr. Hull his seat in the forty-sixth fortable for sleeping apartments which QQXlgs and that justiy. The grand donation We Confidently expect to be old Democratic nartv r.nnnt. affnrrl to aud we woujd especially call your at tention and invoke your aid in devis ing some plan whereby we can put it in , rather a better condition for the comfort i of the inmates. ! During the past year we have succeeded in procur- mil the sick seamen from the govern ment, to accomplish which we have made repeated efforts for several years granted. ; And, upon sucn improve ments being completed, we can reason ably "expect a better reveauenext year. We gratefully acknowledge the gener ¬ osity of the parent society in New York, whose grant of four hundred dollars countenance or uphold fraud in elec tions or sustain the claims of any maa who attempts to retain office by a re sort to fraudulent returns; better let Mr. Hull go by tho board, and seat his opponent, if elected, and have the during the past year enabled us to pay- ud . con8ciousneE3 of having done "x", u T1Rht tnan t0 attempt to attain a tem porary advantage by sacrifice of prin ciple. whose Christian labors we may expect at this meeting. For a detailed state ment of our financial condition you are referred to the report of our Treasurer. Captain Gilbert, keeper of the Home, will render an account of bis depart ment. " ' - ! ' Respectfully submitted, ! George R. French, Sr., , f i ' ' President S. F. Society. Wilmington, N. C, February 4, 1879. j t v Valuable Tree Wash- William Saunders, of the govern ment garden at Washington, uses the following . wash for fruit trees : Put NEW AD VIzEAlENTS. Sale. "VTOTICE is hero by given that iu pursu ance of a power of sale on a Mortage Deed, dated the 21st day ol June, 1570, aud recorded in book M. M. M., on pages ISC, 187, 188 and 189, In the Records of New Hanover County the following described ileal estate win oe sold at puouo isaie to tho hijrhe8t bidder ou TuessJay. February. 25th, 1879, at 12 o'clock M. A House and lot situated in tbe City or Wilmington, on tne south side of Church street between Second and Thira streets. Which, said property 13 half a bushel ol lime.and.four pounds SjSZJSSS!& or powuereu suipuur in a ugub uarrei, i win taice pi ace on tne saia premises moutu oi tne oarrei oemg coverea wiin cloth. Ihis is reduced to. the con a sistehcy of ordinary whitewash,' and at the time of application half an ounce of carbolic acid added to each gallon of liquid. Mr. baunder says : "I gen erally applied it in- the spring, before the leaves make their appearance, but I am convinced that it would be more effective if applied later. But then it is difficult to do so when the tree is in foliage. I i . "Where were you last night?" said lhe Judge, "Carnival Authors," said NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' -i ' fi. - I i . - XJSOlS 1878 XMA8 - - ;- y - . -i . '- r. : v'i. ' .- Let tlie of wilmin Grpod Citizeild 'toii Taxise and tiiinls teE POPULAR GROCERY HOUSE GP BOATWRI n ll. HT & M'ioY, 5 7 AND 8 NORTH FRONT ST. HAVE oN HA D OVK1 2 Tons Canclv -. . e -9 ' OneTonN - i t - 0 EVEltV pESCRiPi:iON. Crown, Dehosa, London, Layers, Loose, Muscatel and icedless Raisins .lujjaa j ' quantity. f New Citron, New Turkish Prunes, New Crop Lurred t-i. D lworth's Shaker and Ginger Preserves, Marmalades, Fraitv English, German and American Cheese.; Pure Old Brandies, Wines and Cordials, Scotch and , . Ejrc Nos;. Euglhtraud American ; Whiskey- j Xmciicau Crackers ofevery kiud. Apples, Oranges and Lemons insufficient quantity to furnish every oneji . 4 Our Three Dollar Brand "ii" delect AVhiskey has- improved by age. Our Four Dollar Brand Summerdeau Whiskey, Jias no. equal in tht Our Old Rye and Baker Whiskeys are equal to anyin America. LP Our Gools have been selected with creat 4 - . ! care especially ' lop y 3Ei Q L IDA Yf S of Kailrdad,"w last. . here was to general frei Coast rates on the North Carolina Railroad. are very glap that our merchants! will Messrs.. H. B.. Filers a eiae ' w pointment would irive great satisfaction were appointed. a committee toi.audit. to trp. enure lipoma, ana vtrrv uariiuu- i me o v-k, - A ' k fine chance to ship goods lariy to the Republicans of North Car- road. I olina. and report "at the next regular meeting of the Executive Committee. ; STATE OP NORTH CAHOLINA NEW HASOVKR CO.tT-vTT. In the Superior Court, before Stacy Van Amnnge, cierK ot tne superior court of New Hanover County, and Judge of Pro- E. G. McDanicl, administrator of Doff G. McDaniel. deceased, suing in behalf of himself, and in behalf of P. i . Koonce, Administrator of Ann Koonce deceased, and In behalf of all others, creditors of the late Daniel L. Russell, deceased, who will Join in this proceeding and contribute to i the expenses thereof. ' . . . Against Dr. W. J. II. Bellamy and Thomas B. Ens j sell, executors of Daniel JL. Ruspell, de ceased.; NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ? the prisoner. "Staid 'til 9 o'clock ; ill CRtDrroRB of thr late dan- was a little Dryden, and went; out and nrovo"einS Goethe drink. I couldn't pay the Scott, will be heard before Stacy VanAmringe.' and a Long fellow at the Wayside Inn - asked my name. Robert i Burns,- say 20th day of March, 1579, t'U o'clock aj m. Remember the best. I 'Put him out, sats he : The Dickens and they are notihed to appear Deioro me - in. .-- 1 . vr.i.. i ou or before that day and file evidence of yon will ;4 says I ; my Holmes in the eyr cairns, and mike themselves parties Hiirhlknds a drmkmsr he beer You'll thereto, or thev will be excluied. from all rhlinds r,rt ATnnrA hprp rsivb h- ntiH thft participation In tbe ranaa ana. oenents . r t . , I derived pursuant tnereto. me in. That's Watts the matter, Judge; I Ciencof tho superior Court and Judge of I would not tell you a false Hood ; I'm ii""t."'v" . " Peb. 95w. innocent as a JLamn." And the Judge thonght so, for be sent -him behind the bars4 for thirty days, a wiser, if not a ' Whittier mn. Boston voinmercial ttl' r m . r m f i k S f yBMrt Ml.ll Hl IHMUWilJ.U CHRISTMAS BEES 1 EM you can give the poor is a'choice lot of - - - -. - - . ?'-'.'' j. f ... ; Calloh us and we promise to eive tlie r ; 1 1 . ' ' . . 4 . ; -. - " ii V . : Ji -1 REST AND FRESHET IQO.OUS. dfT THE VEHY JLO lirEl! PHICES. - JB OAT WRIGHT cV: M K O Y, 7 AND8 NOttTH FUOXT SXEIiX. december221tt t. 1 up the state X

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