A , -i t 1 Volume WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, MARCH 16. 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 13 t J I POST ADVER J Fiftv ccnt3 .per pc for the fir t iu sertbm and twenty juve- cents pe i VI .-1 ! S -in o 1; 5 rt a n f 5 r n r line V Eight (8) liacs Honpareil typd cou- stitutea square. 1 t All advertisements will be charged at ho. above rates, except on special con tracts. '.. 1 Si! i rinccial rates ca oe hal A or onger time than one wee4- I. ", The subscription! pries to The. mixgton Post feJ$l. 00 per U months 75..cenksV Wil- ycar; All com m u h ic rtj dhs o h b usi u eo j! hould be addressed to TiiK Post, WHmingtoiifN.. p. WlLMJXflTOK SuppVessinfl:" A laiuj-riago '-N btic ev, -' The efforts of j the people to their nahies but ojf IbcLnewcpapfi keep, rs n re res of among Jhc most-interesting feati Journalism, but tl oV sometimes ead to "amusing results?. In a city within three r hundred:, miles of Detroit, Mie k, the Mail is one of the! Qiveliebt paper?, and it; hates tolosea'gopd item. The$augh- ter of one of that ;zens went out fur vonn! man nbon city's wealthic t it citi with a sleigh-ride her father -hi 1 f or- hidden thp hnusol Thev relurivid iiot.J ' - i j . .. " -" . i - ' The excited parehti found, on iiu uirir.g at the Union depot th'iit & similar pair L5rd Lilian the old iniin "last behind them rode" on Hit nexK , tnun, !ut ie reached Boston oiilv: -in , time to.: find hi mself tW father in law of thk lor bklden young manj He returned home, resolved: to have- die account hereof MiDnressed ;in tB4 eiiy iap-r4 The Mail proiiri.seu tl jkeep out the name, d th-t re not "The and ia the body brltheiartieie sa fur "obvious reasor: u a the names i iMveu. s live account enus wiiu. Ti. r.. 11 . t . 1 vounir people were married in 1 os ton, and tlietr mtirriaird riotice is pu Mi shed iu this -'paper." Of course everybody1 tmiis to the coluiiM head, "Marrtages," aind reads: u4 'At Bpn, b' tn b Rev. Mr. etc.; etev. etsi.JetcV No card full of the names being given- This 'is Jon b-Mt instances -ofjs'ijppriessionon iYf?y York Exnrss. ! V ; record. li4 I IJadly Uliindralizcti - - Th'6 insiirancd agents are uoi 'chron- ic xrrumblers," bust there is an e lement t has a 6 td content apjong fthem thi teudency to eld ngate their faces and mke sorae'fof them ill-natureil at the hUper :tabr. Our reporlerj was hang iiik.'aroundone bfjthelpromment' insur aiice ofiiccsUast wlek and overheard the f,.l low i ng -von veu'sjition '-'Applicant- ion insurance ep? in and ch will addresses the agejnt " t f How ml: I you charge for $5 000. insurance on my liousc up on tl; ! years?'' V . 'reserve' for tbjee Agent (smiling y) i'-Ifow nuich are vou willincr to pay ?" - Aunlicaut "I Sam hot willind: to pay anything. I wp,n?t to know hoy cheap it can be done. Afferit (tremblingly) ' My "(acar sir, our rate lias been one cent idr each $100. .! With my policy I shall present you '."with- a pianM'orte, .a sewing raa1 chine, an organ, babyin a patent a bedroom setl a live jumper, or a tax title of 1G0 acre; of st i in p lauds ou r.i i :.k p .. .i oi our gi ft d epat t m e n t i f you leave the me. 'You pays vour money an risk to d takes voiir. choice.' Yil you allow USj sir, ' to write the risk??' ; A,pplicant (turning ,o leave)-?f"No; 1 1 wi-U look about auntie urst ami pernaps - i j.tit uu ucui.ii The agent san into his eh air ex' hausted, arid asktd our reporter if he could lend him h fa dollar wit h which. to increase the riiext "bai t:"Saainaw Herald, ?! OillfojvWatchea When a main ppriug is cleand d, most inexperienced. jv)rkmeri, will take hold of one end and pult the spring! r . . . . about half its length straight out; lo save time a practacb which will break 1; and break springs when hpthing else wi springs treated f-hus, ? generally after the watch lias been deliv bred to the customer onljy a few days. Break to the Thus ne one, ing into many pieces is owing hcid in the oil kvhich is used supposing the main spring a fi and to have been evenly tempered and properly: cleariedr-if now, old oil is used, or that o'f jan inferior quality if fresh, the acid! it contains will the sorintr. and finally destroy ture ; tne con nearest iue ueunc uicas hrst. ana as it recoil it break s every coil there is in the barrel, aud some : times each coil is broken tw ace, tne fart beinor that this sunns: has become so impresjnated Kvith acid, that it has no life left. Tt make the o pnre, , 'take a good siteid bullet, or other piece of lead, which has a thick coating ot lead rust, cut it up fine, put into the biland have it stand for two weeks. ' This causes the acid to settler and it rAhW resembles bilk at the bottom, on being poured off the top, the Oil is in a pure state. (Jojnmon clock ,o(l can be i t.rpated in this manner and made bet ter than some Aptch oil Mama," said a wicked youngster "am I a canoe V "No, child, why do you ask V "iOh, because you always gay you like t see people padille their own canoe, aAdj I didn't knoy but may be 1 was youra 4" lhe boy went out of ;the door . jw'ith speed than grae. more reference, to T" The New quires more Yprk Jlcrald savs iHre ban 150 men to set the type, make the) plates, and print each WILMINGTON TI3IKG CITY ITEMS. Judge McKoy will hold court iu Robeson next week. Madam Demorest can ho found at John, L. Dudley's. The Knights of Honor of this city now ha6 about eighty members. Narrow Ridge post-office in Moore county has been discontinued.. Uuu. A. fc?. Seymour holds court at Grcen vilie, Pitt county next week. Shad are selling cheap in marfce". tv.eyty five cent to adoUir per pair. And the Legislature has adjourned without abolishing the Criminal Court. The bill to establish a Board of Health in this city, parsed the legisla ture. Congress convenes on Tuesday next in ex'ra session, a livelytime is ex pected. Ma eket ; ."House. The removal -of the General Market House 13 excit- i ing our; people. Keep cool. M r. B. F. White, Sr., the father ol our friend the merchaut, is very sick. Mr. White is 83 years of age. "5k. Thos. Monk has donated four acres of land uear the National Ceme tery 'fcr a Catholic cemettery. i , Pot ergon's magazine published at Philadelphia, Pa., is one of the best in the country.- See prospectus. i If you desire to pay tiree prices for any tliing, order it sent you by express. Whicjh is the. greatest swindle of the age. : ;.. : - Our Representative in Congress, Honor Daniel L. Russell, left here on Friday night last for the seat of govern ment, j .- - Col. S. L. Fremont was in the, city on Thursday stopping at tb.3 Purcell House, where his old liends called to welcome him back. Mnj. Henry G. Flanner, of this city, has .s been appointed Chief Marshal of c Roanoke' Agricultural Fair, which th will be held next fall. U. S; Commissioner Cantwell secm3 to have his hand well in the business of trying violation of the law by Sea Captains and others. Wo will haye no more buncombe speeches' in the legislative halls at Raleigh until the first Wednesday in January 188L What a relief. Mr. S. P. Remington Collector of the Port ol Ogdenburg" New York, passed through our city on Thursday last on his way to New Orleans. Corn lias gone up the past week and is slill going, it is now selling at sixty- three .cents per bushel wholesale, a rise oi ten cents per bushel in one week. ' ' The'ncw market company claims that they have' 2,300 tax payers and voters on their petition to remove the old M- market, and that the opposition only has-300. . . The city government had better put the prisoners on the street to wok, than keeping them in the guard house feeding them at the expense of the tax payers. ' ' ..: ma- The Legislature "adjourned on Friday at 12 M. They gave a whole week to the state, but that week cost the state at least 250,000, , in very extravgant appropriations." t Don't forget that W. P. Canaday has one hundred pieces of property for sale. See him or his agent Daniel OTinnnpr who w ill sell chean for cash or on long time. , i he congregation of the Front Street M. E. Church, complains of the con duct of some of the young men who visit there Sunday evenings. Thirty days in jail would stop them. Green Ireland. Our friends from Green Ireland, will not celebrate St Patricks Day, the 17th, in this city out of respect to their former President the late Capt. Isaac B. Grainger. ne aroiiua vcu. ."M iaieigu anu uEuS y? JOaOS are as Uieuuiy ua a p.i We understand freight from Charlotte is shipped via Hamlet to Norfolk with out change of bulk how do our mer chants like that ? T)t? owned. The bodv oi an un known white man was found floating .- , .---I., iu Market oock J?naay morning, Special Coroner Leslie held an inquest over it alter wnicn ue uouy was turn- ed over to the county and intered in the - n.nnAii ppmptprv. Those who want a home should at once see W P. Canaday or his agent, D. O'Conner. DABBY.-fOur friend! Frank Darby is President of the Wilmington Light Infantry Co. i Go it Frank. -'J . r Isaac Bishon is now boarding with Daniel HoWard, sent there by Justice Mosely of Harnett township. - Capt. Brock oar Chief of ! Police is giving attention very properly to the feanitary condition of the city. Our rea'f estate agent, Sir. Daniel O'Conner, Was badly bitten in the hand by a vicious dog on Wednesday last. The Cleric of the Superior Court Mr. Stacy VanAmringe, can at all hours of the day 1)3, found in his oflicej in the court house. The Collector of Customs reduced hii force of Inspectors two ou yester- day, in accordance with orders from Washington. " Senator Asa Ross the Representative in the Statej Senate from Bladen and Brunswick, was in the city ou Friday ou his way home. YorL Jenkins a brakesman on the C, C. Railway accidentally shot himself a fewdays agb, arid died immediately, a warning to others -The Light Ship at Messrs Cassidey & Ross's shio yard in this citv. has - ! ' j " ' Deen entirely taken to pieces, and 'will soon be remodeled and made new. The NYCK.-The beautiful little tug boat that has been in our port for the past four years, owned and operated by iuessrs. joney anu ljemmetau, was on yesterdajy put:charied by Mr. R. E. Heide; J. W . xhlunpson, Esq., the very pop ular auel eilieitnl Treasurer of the V. & W. and the W. C. &' A. railroads, has bein very ill for tte past week, but is now considered out of all d;; riger. His many fi'iencls will very gra;fjy rejoice. Drv IWoodworth Supervising Sa rgeon General of the Marine Hospital fcendce died in Washington Friday morning last Aof erysipelas and penumonia. Dr. Wood worth) was a citizen of New York ana a pnysician oi very iiigu standing. His loss will" bo felt by tho Hospital Service very materially7 and his, place will be hard to fill wifh a person of his character as a physician and ; business man. The canvass for the speakership of the next House is getting to be very exciting at Washington. Samuel Ran dall, the speaker of the last House de- sires to be re ejected. Blackburn of Kentucky, and Cox of New York want it,!and are jdoius everything in their power to win the prize,-but no one knows who will yet succeed. Garfield A, . i,, , . - ,! , , oa vuio vvoutu luium me ucbi auu must satisfactory speaker to the honest men of the country. r A difficulty occurred on the Passport on yesterday, between the Engineer and the Captain. The Engineer drew his pistol oh the Captain and swore the. boat should not leave the wharf. The lagent went on board and the En gineer drew; forth his shooting iron on him also. We unelerstand the Engmeer has been arrested under a .warrant is.i sued by the U. S. Commissioner. -y Since writing the kbove we learn the prisoner was placed Under a $500 bond for his appearance j at the May term of the U. S, Circuit Court. . r I I : Mr. Davis, the representative from Catiwba county, is in' the city, looking well; The citizens of Wilmington are under obligations to Mr. Davis for the very iauuiui manner in wmcu xicmoou to their interest on all occasions, ana we hope they will show their apprecia- Uion by' assistiiig Mr. Davis in his j de sire to run a railroad from Lincolnton to Hickory, N. C, a distance of only zo mnes, wmun wm piauo vuis city g0me 2 miles nearer Hickory and Ashville than the present route. A CIIANGES IN REVENUE COTTERS. ,1 . ,c 4. t The; teamer Colfax, Capt. Barr, com maiiding, arrived here from WiimiQg tonlDel., on Sunday last. The Colfax was;-here up to June 1S78, . and was sent v north ; to be repaired. She has been thoroughly overhauled and length fened some 25 feet,, newly pamted and is now a verv nne anu neauuiui Doat. 5 " i i " n. ' . rtUa ctmor Pnnt T?. Gldver, commanding, arrived here from . Wo. GnfpmhPr liisf ami rp- J Ls matned on, the station ever ; since, has beerj ordered back to Key West by the Department, cne leic me city on Fri day. The " Captain and oflicers made many friends during their short stay in ou IT ! tort. We wish them as many . I .iLj- t. v,Q,i,CT n v. irieuus j - had here. They certainly have the uesi nwuw v v,uiv, vUuiiuuuuf f0f their safety and welfare through UfV lliei 7 , Baltihoue Steamship - Ltke.- Oapt. A. D. Cazaur has" been notified by the owners that the steamship line from Baltimore to Wilmington: will be discontinued this coming weelc The Rite Rev. Thos. Atkinson. D.D. TL. D . will viit RL Mark's Parish and administer the aDOstolic Rite of Confirmation, on the evening of Sun- day. 16th of March. Services to com mence at 8 o'clock p. m. All, are re spectfully invited, Seats free. A Very Excellent Appointment Mr. M. M. Katz, one of pur . most prominent Jewish citbens "and Buccess ful merchants, has been appointed by Governor Jarvis to represent the Board of Trade of this city .ia the Generki Convention of the various trade organ izations of the United States. : to be held in New York on Wednesday, the 12th inst. Wilmington, Weightsville and Coast Line Rail Road. The bill chartering the Wilmington, Wrights ville and Coast JLine Railroad, has passed the legislature of North Caro- lina. Now, if the people really de sire a railroad to the sound and thence 1 Al l"' il. . - m t . aiouK me coast, inev can cet is. HiVerv hiisinfiKs man oeaiaf. tha onfor r.r . "tj"Akj- v-"tv-i" i prise by subscribing liberally to the siock oi tne roaa. it the proper energy is shown, the road will be running to the sound by the first day of May next. There is no kind of doubt but what the enterprise will pay them, as hundreds who will go to the sea shore then to spend the summer, who remains in the city now. Let U3 haye the road. Father Tom and the Pope or a Night at th6 Vatican. By John Fisher Mur- ray. with Illustrative Engraving of thb Scenes that took place there between the Pope and the Priest, Father Tom, is published this day by T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Philadelphia and the New York Christian Observer in noticing it, says: 'iThere a a time to laugh, and we had-it when we read thia book, with the taking title of "Father Tom and the Pope." "Father lorn and the Pope." is issued in uniform style and price with "Theo, -Kathleen," "Miss Crespigny," ifPret ty Polly Pemberton," and "a Quiet Life," by. Mrs. Burnett, price fifty. p3nts a copy, and it will be found for sale by all Booksellers and( News Agents, and on all Railroad Trains, or copies of it will be sent to any place, pstpaid, on remitting Fifty Cents in a letter to the Publishers, T. B, Peter son & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale in this city at P. Heins- berger Live, Book and Music Store. A New Rook by Henri Grcvllle. Slill another novel by Henri Greville, savs a ftt.pr from Hnria "Knnna. Marie" is its title, and the scenes are laid in Normandy and Paris, and its . , , , iransiaimu itrom me aavanco iirencn sheets into English.Tor American pub - lication has been made by Mary Neal Sherwoori wlio transliMon milrpi if onerwooa, wuose transia.ion maces ic aaam olmntf inproflSlila i'not U rtnT1 have been written originally other . than in English. It will be published ; o fam Ana hr, T Ti P0tDrAn ,?r Brothers, in uniform style. in uniform style, with the other works by HeDri Greville -issued by them. Sybil Brotherton, a novel, by Mrs. TT.mma TV V. "N" . Snn th wrnrth nnt.bor of ' "Oelf-made,".' Ishmael,"etC, publish- same, or knowing, or having the authority j .i . , i m r t4. jP, to say why the property and things afore ed this day by T. B. Peterson & said, should not be condemed and snid in ttrnthpra Philadplnhia i a work of .Brothers, rnnaaeipnia, , is a work oi unusual pOwer and thrilling interest, ,, , ,, ... , The characters are all original, and are drawn with a master hand, and actually appear toliveandjmove before us. Mr3. beuthworth IS a woman OI brilliant geaiug and i3 one of the most ori inal and talented of living female writers, while she has no superior. Her style is forcible and bold, and there is a chasteness and purity in all that she writes which commends her ; to the approbatioil of every thoughtful mind. Qn ovo;tin(r inWIf ih compositions, which renders them the most popular novels in the English language, "Sybil Brotherton" f-ut11SiV i . J ' it'., c.r is issued lh uniform Style With "Theo" "Kathleen;" "Miss Crespigny,' "Pret- t tii t ii jj rkri. ly r.uij xcuiucituu, au vuicu Life," by Mrs. Burnett, and its price is but fifty cents a copy, and it Will be , , - l v; ii r i n j found for sale by all .booksellers and vAW, a n-pnt, o nVl on all tlail rnad JNews Agents, ana on an xvanroaaj Trains, or ' copies of it will be sent to any one:, to any place, post-paid, on re mitting Fifty Cents it? a letter to the Publishers, T. B. Peterson & Brothers Philadelphia, , Pa. J . For sale in this city at P. Heins bergeFs Live Book and Music Depotj ,on Market. Lamar, in his speech Saturday night. said Jeff Davis was the equal of Wash- inton in patriotism and loyalty. This ,?hft wav the southern fire-eaters con- ciliate Vhy not put Jeff on the ticket nMt nrae in piace oi xuuum xnen we should have the solid south issue i sureiy enougn. i L The Acanthus isjthe name of a very neat and interesting eight page, literary paper published monthly, by Miss Annie Maria Barnes as editor and pro- pnetor, at Atlanta Ga. Thecanta is the only paper we believe in this country, that is published entirely by I .21. iaaies ana " is an enterprise that should succeed and we believe will. Subscription price only 75 cents. Ad dress Miss Annie Maria Barnes Atlanta, Ga. . - Diocese of Norih Carolina Bishop Atkinsons Appointments. Wednesday. March I9P JI Thursday.' March 20. A M. r rifnWi Friday. I Iarch 21... .Faison's unday, March 231th Sunday in Lent B Goldsboro I Monday, March 24P M. Wilson $Siy;iSI?& ..Rocky Point Enfield Eriday. March 2S.. ..Rinswood Sunday, March oOofct Sunday in Lent f Scotland Neck ApriJ 1 Hamilton April 2 Williamston April S....... Jamesville -April 4 Plymouth April 5St Luke's Washing ton county April 6Palm Sundav, St David's April S.. Hertford April 'JWoodville, , i : Perquimans co April 10 A M ...Camden C H I do P M,.. Davis' Chap. i Pasouotank - i Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, ; Saturday, Sunday, ; ' I 1 Tuesday, Wednesday, Pay Good Frjday, April 11...... Elizabeth City Easter lay, April !:...... .....Edenton Tuesday!, April lobt Peter s Chapel I Gates county April 16... ......Gatesville April 17 Winton April 18 Murfreesboro April 201st Sunday after Easter Woodville, i Bertie co April 22 Windsor April 21. j Jacksoa April 25P M 1 April 26A M f Halifax April 272a Sun. after Easter n t Wednesday, inursaay, " d yv Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, i Saturday, Sunday,! I Weldon Cantributions made at each place for Dio cesan missions. : - NEW, AD VI3EMENTS. STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT ! j SPLENDID id i USIU.1L BOX, 4 TO BE ' given Away; to Evilly leader of this PAPFR. THE ANGLO-AMEItlCAN MUSICAL CO., 29 ANif STRKET YOIiJI CiTY, In order to encourage the public taste for niusical art,; have made nrraneements whereby every reader of this paner will be presented with a HAH DSOME BOHEMIAN MUolUALi JiUX, capable of playing eight or more airs. -The tunes are various and well-selected, and tbe Box itself is an article strongly made and beautiful v poiished. t i ; As thlk lsi a genuine nresentatlofn. it -will oniy last for two weeks, and therdistribu tion will befihaly and positively I closed on No Box Will be sent without this bond. cut rom the paper; and applicants will please state at the same time whether mar ried or single. The A. Ai M. Co.. onlv nossrss a limited number or Boxes, so it is calculated that some will have to be refused, To insure safe Dap.knsrfl. frp on to pay expenses of advertising, etc., a sum of One Dollar must be forwarded with the oonu Dy r. r. i., or otherwise. 'lJ'ost Office Order to be madfl navnhlfl to the Secretary, Mr. F. Calder. All Orders : must nrsitivpl before March 31. mar UJVITED STATES OF AMERICA ""'i vjaiiu- LINA. The United States l: v m. ' ' ? The Schooner Uriah Timmons.i Towhnm ifmnvMnm. 1 XfOTiCE is hereby given, that in obedi- der the seal of the District Court of the urn- 1 owti.es, ioe me uaoe a ear ui.?trict, m tne j Eastern District of North Carolina! dated I the 20th day of Februarv. 1S79. reouirinsr m I w Bciic iuu Amentia ccaooner unaa xim- mons, her boats, tackle, apparel and furni- I until the further order of this court. . I , . Themonition aforesaid is founded on a libel filed in said Court, by J. W. Albertson juliivi, Aitorney ior me unuea states, tor violation of section 423, rule 11, of the re vised statutes of the United States ; and the euiu.focnooner, py consent ;oi the said unl- ica aiates Attorney, having been released to the owners, or claimanis, upon sufficient bond for thesuni of ?f50. the samp hpim? ior double the amount of the prescribed pen alty 9nH frr S9Afl ta imror prxia 1 alty and for S250 to cover costs. i NftW: thprpfi-rc nil npranii g olaimlnn 4Vio I Payment of the. said penalty and costs, are, nereby notmed to appear before said court to be held in and for the District aforesaid, at Wilmington Norh Carolina on the first Monday in May 1S79, at 10, o'clock, in the forenoon or that day, if the same shall be I a uttj.uijuiisuiviuuu, uiuci wise ou iu iicai I day of jurisdiction thereaftei, then and t and make there allegations in that behalf. showing caus, if any to the contrary. J.B. lilLTj. U.S. Marshal. Per J. N. VanSOELEN Deputy Marshal, feb. 23 lm UiNI'piSU STATES OF AMERICA. EASTERN DISTKICT OF NORTH CARO- ; I ! . .. LINA. The! United States es "j rift.) The Schooner Swift ! vs. To whom it may concern N OTICE is hereby given, that in obedi ence to a monitron.io me addressed, nn- der the seal of lhe District Court of tho Uni- ed SUtes, for the Cape Fear District, in the Eastern District of North Carolina, dated eize the Axnlrican JsVhooKe7 Swift? her t hnats. tacKie. apparei ana lurnnure ana ae- be gamb fe-my custody until tne mr ther order of mis court. libel filed in said Court, by J. W. Albertson I District Attorney for the United States, for vioiation of section 4233. rule ii. of the re- vised statutes pf the United States ; and the .s chooner .by consent of the said Uaited States Attorney, having been released to bond for the sum of 650, the same being for double the amount of th prescribed pen alty, and for S250 to cover costs. Now, therefore, all persons claiming the same or knowing, or having the authority tr Hav whv the property and things afore- said, snouia.noi op couufiuueu aim buiu , . as i . i ,a 4. V co l --kii-k oilxr o n rl nncta ore hprenv TIOLllieu. auueiu ucwi o eaiu Court, to be held in and for the District afrrpsaid. at Wilmington North Carolina on the first Monday in May 1ST9, at lfr o'clock in the forenoon of tnat day, if the shall he a dav of jurisdiction, other wise on the next day of jurisdiction there after, then and there to interpose a claim I rrtiiA came, and make there allegations in that hWzU, showing cause, if ftny to the ntra1 J. B. HILL, U. S. Marshal. Per J. N. VanSOELEN, Deputy Marshal, feb. 231 m. -, . : mum j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AiS 1878 ' AS Lettlie QfTOlm and tliink . THE POPULAR! GF BOATWEIGHT & M'KOY. 5 7 AND 8 NORTH FKONT ST, HAVE qN Tons EVERY 2 1 One Ton Nnts OF EVERY Crown, Dehosa, London, Layers, Loose, New Citron, New Turkish Gordon & Dil worth's Shaker and Ginger occ, English, German Pure Old Brandies, Wines and Cordials, jgg English and American Apples, Oranges and Lemons in sufficient quantity to furnish every one. . f t i Our Three Dollar Brand "B" Select Whiskey has improved by ageV ' ' Our Four Dollar Brand Summerdean Out Goods have been selected O L I Remember CHRISTMAS PRESENT you can give the ItLixiilv Callonjis and we BEST AND FRESHEST .GOODS, j AT THE VERY ' - . v -" . B OAT WRIGHT & IFKO Y, 5, 7 AND8 NORTH FRONT STREET, december22!U t t ; - x. mo'ton paus 4 GE OCERY HOUSE 0 -l,v ir.- HA D OVER GrlLJT)Ul DESCRIPTION. Muscatel and Seedless. Raisins' in any 2 quantity. ; i . Prunes, New Crop Currents. Preserves, Marmalade.., Fruits, Jel lie's ot oi. - f ' - and American pieese. i A'. -ZS Scotch and Americaii yhiskeyS; ftt rog. " Crackers .of eyery kind. : f Whiskey has no equal in the city. withA great care especially for f. the ID Y S: the best. poor is a'choice lot of ' . ' v - " 0 "J ----- ,4 promise to give the JLO fVESl PRICES. . - i Supplies issu ot that journal daily. s f i 1 I'

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