Jtl V A. i I VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, MAltCII 23. 1879 Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 14 " J I I II I I I w I I I I 1 - WILMINGTON :POST AD IV Eli TISING RATES. T?:ff r'Piita iifir lin for - tltfi fi rte t in a'yj i , . scrtion aud twenty-five cents r line tor each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil typ con- stitute a square. . ; . All advertisements will be chaiked at the above .rates except on special con - tracts. - i!v. '': Special rates can be had for a lime than one week.) The subscription priec to The mingtox. Post is 00 per six months 75 cents. onger Wil- year; I All communicrtions on busincs t hould be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. TllE LEA.LTF.XS OElt TSST QASK. The corresoondenclo between Air. S All Chittenden and ( 4 ' i . ing to a case; to be eii. Cutler submitted re'at- tbe Supreme Court, lo test the cohstiu tionality of legal tender's issued since me ciose or me ,war, is .attracting a great dealt of attention; not only in business circles, but among the legal The iquos- .lion has been argued at great length . in the pres-", in .Congress, and by po- lltical speakers It has never been authoritatively settled, land it lil es at the very root 'of all thje financial su.es y to uaily stitu oi tne a ay; . ii reiaies not en future legislation, biit to Jaws ac iu j(i no c-i t Jf the Con on the statute-books tion doesiiot peTmit ithcj issue 6 tender notes by the ''Govcmmcut in time of peace, thtu the National and soiue the Kwiug; Democrat .;rn u'it adopt other- K)rai; oi umation t lan ihe olne to which they have hitherfo, furihelincst ,part, given; their attention. And not - - : . - : - i . I - -" t only this, but the act: of last May, di- reeling the reissue audi the ma En ten-' ancc! iy, circulation oCall legal tenders whidli may be preseuteAl vfor redtemp-; tioh, canuot be carrjed out, for the reivsue "Of a redeemed, note must I'.aud upon the same grounjd as its ori giual iasue.. To issue a note is essentially to bojrrow money on an! evidence o in debtedness. The note being paid, the ; transaction is closed, jaud if money be v.as;ain borrowed on the same note, it is a new transaction?, creatfns; a nev in debtedness, and requiring original and distinct authority. r That, this simple . truth is nOt,recognizd a! readily i i the case of the Government Ks in that of a lr vate citizen is due to , the confiksiou which exists as to tle ; eal char icter of a legal lender notj, ' ( aused bj its iet al-teuderquality. People have :ome -to regard these notes: as in thems elves money and therefore jto think thatllhey au be paid ou, receiyed, and paid out again, as 'gold '-could be. But, what ever semblance of money there may be in a United States notje in the hands of a person wh). is permitted by law to paV his debts with itjithere.can be ! no ; lik.Miess tq money in this note in the -hands of -it lid. Government, of whose i cbteduess it is thc Cvidenco. If the . tct case propostd byl lessrs. Ch'itten1 den and Butler should dissipate the illusion which has lodged prevailed on th is. cardinal poiut It metise value. would be of im- " No country on the globe, unless it be our owiij j-improves so rapidly and steadily as! Japau. : Within a very short timc;it has had a new birth; has revo lutionized f itself in nearly every de partment jof commerce and trade. Its postal bu iness, which is usually reck- ' oued as a mark of growin? civilization, has vastly increased Within a few years. , The sy stein was established only in April, 871, and: yet it embraces all our: facilities except the assortment of letters in cars in transition, which is impossible; i fOxn the absence of rail- "ways. To , - i . . postal sav compensate , for this, lack, ugs banks were established in 1875, and they have' been received Vvith grcatj favor. During the last six months of .that year only 19 banks were founded, and the amount deposited counting the yen as Equivalent to the dollar, was $0,108. For the fiscal year ending last June, thee were 292 such banks, with $208,941 deposits.' In 1873, the letters, postal-cards, newspapers, books, &c.j transmitted through the mailsnumbered some; 10,300,000: du ring last year they numbered nearly 30,000,000. 1 Postal-cards, first; used in 1875, increased from 2,000,000 that year, to over 10,000,000 last year. The foreign mail matter augmented in the same years, from 41,185 to 158,203, which is very remarkable considering Japa'nese exclusiveness. The Japanese income last year was 59 per cent, in excess of the outlay, thus -paying $45,- 283 into the national Treasury. The Government generally is administered with an honesty which we enlightened Republicans can fiardly realize. Last year, only 62 letters ii were absolutely lost by. theft, and but 19 of these con- tained money $1324-w.hich was made 1 gopd by the steamer carrying the mails. . .Japan is, indeed, an extraordinary land. t CITY ITEMS. Fine rain yesterday which was very much needed. Taxes is the next order of the day a the City Hail. ,: 8. G. Hall is one of the best job printers in the city." i - yol. Waddell received three votes for Secretary of the Senate Don't forget to buy a residence belore summer of W. P. Canaday. .'.'.. . . - : ' - V Every ma a in Wilmington should assist in building the railroad to the sound. ! The health officers are hard at work. The citizens should do all they can to aid them. I Officer Nelson arrested George An derson and Handy Willia ns on the 19tb, for fighting. ' j . The congregation ol Sr. Luke's Church are having a handsome steeple placed on the building. j M r. O. G. Parsley has resigned as one Of ihe Commissioners of the colored Insane Asylum of the state: Fike." A house belonging to Mr. F. W. llfyer was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night last. Loss small. - - -7- : . ll!., lloverent Bishop Atkinson con firmed eleven persons ,.at St. Mark's Church, in' this city, pn Sunday night last. . ' AlUs ilaria Henderson died of heart disease at the residence of Mr. J. M. Ilei derson, in this city on Monday last. I. W. Murrill was sent to jail on Tuesday last by Justice Gardner. Mr. Gardner is a very great enemy to evil doers. Two colored boys had nothing else to cut on Monday last, o they tried each other., when the claret flowed very freely. A? ay or S. II. Fishblate has returned homo looking much improved. Fish usually has a good time when traveling. We welcome 4iim back to the city. Capt. May died at his residence on Market street of heart disease on yesterday morning, at 6 o'clocki He was a very old and highly respected citizen. j A thief effected an entrance in the hou,-e of a Mr. Elwell, ou Mulberry street j on Wednesday night ! last. The thief was discovered before be acconv plished much. ! 1 - Our friend Frank Darby seems to be in luck. He is now Vice president of the Hibernian Association. See what it is to be good looking! Take warn ing, Macks, or your pard will go ahead of you. j ! . Our very excellent members of the legislature returned home on Monday last looking splendid. ' Messrs. ' Scott and Waddell have done their duty well, and the people have cause to feel proud' of them. U. S. Commissioner McQuigg had a very interesting question up before him on Wednesday last. Mr. John W. Rhodes was up. on a charge of destroy ing his steam tug by beaching her and then setting her on fire. The evidence did not substantiate the charge, so the defendant was dismissed. Dr. H. E. Scott, one of the legisla tors from New Hanover, caused the defeat of the bill taxing the poor man $4 on his poll. The County " Commis sioners desired to levy a special tax, and applied to the General Assembly: for authority to do so, but ,Dr.!Scott defeated the bill, another cause for congratulation. Onethe bedrooms in of Mr. John A. Barnes residence in this city took fire on Tuesday last before his children were up, which came very near destroy ing the building and the sleeping immatcs of the family. Damage was very slight, owing to the presence of mind of Mrs. Barnes, who ran in and extinguish the flames with a blanket. Col. Frank D. Koonce, attorney at law, at Richlands, in Onslow countr, a distinguished and able politician, was in our citv on Thursday last. Many ot Mr. Koonce's friends are speaking of running, him 'as an independent candidate for Governor in 1880. He is a rattling good speaker, and opposed to rings and nominations. He believes in every candidate appealing to the people on his own merits, in other words, he i3 an advocate of every tub standing: on its own bottom. Such a man, with such a record, with the bull dozinsr tenacity that Col. Koonce possesses, would give the two old parties considerable trouble. r! Messrs. Boatwright and McKoy are constantly receiving fresh goods at their place of business on Front street, Wilmington. The North Amerioan Review for April has been received. As usual it is a very interesting paper. The leading contributors for this issue are Gov. Thos. A. Hendricks of Indianna, Thos. Hughes, Henry James, and others. The Review is published in New York city, at 549 and 557 Broadway, by D. Appleton and Co. Subscription price only $5 per year. The legislature saw proper to cut i own the very meagre salary which the uges Of the state were receiving, but did1 not say a word about their own pay. X How a Judge can travel over the State, pay his expenses and support his amily on $2,000 per annum, we know not We believe in paying the Judici- aryjot tne state well, but the legislature seems to believe in starving them. Exceedingly Bright. -The last egislature passed a law prohibiting the ikleiof ljauor within two miles of anv ppliticai speaking. This law will cause great hardships during the next cam paign to the liquor dealers in ourily, as there are. political speakinirs everv night in this citv for at least a month previous to an election. The result Will pe, every bar-rooin in the city jwill hvejto remain closed, Jor the whole of aipolitical campaign. Hotel at the Sound. We undcr- stand that our friends the Cobb Bros.. proprietors of the Purcell House, in his 'city are contemptating the erection of a hotel at the sound. We hope they mayj lo so, for the necessity ot a good hotel ' at the sea shore has been loner elt, and theie is no doubt that a first as boqse would pay. AH whoTcuow these young gentle ueu are satisfied that! tbey would conduct no other kind ban . a first-clas3 hotel in (every par- ticuUr. - Vt- j Sr. 'Patrick's Day in this csty sbav observed by our Irish fellowcitizns in a very quiet manner. The Hibenian Benevolent Association aesembkd at Temperance Hall and were formed into ine by the Chief Marshal, Mr. John McEvpy, and his assistants, Messrs. JamtsjOorbett and Jno. W. Reily, and marched to the Catholic Church, on Dock street, where services were held. Rev. Father Gross delivered the ad dress, taking for his subject St. Patrick and Ireland. He delivered a very in teresting and eloquent discourse. At the Association reformed he conclusion and marched back to. their Hall, when the annual election of officers was de clared in order. The following gentle men were elected: jJOhn Barry; President. Franjk H. Darby, Vice-President. L. Brown, Treasurer. D. Oj'Connor, Secretary. M. Oi'Brian, Assistant Secretary.. Reso utions cf condolence on ac count (f the death of Capt, Isaac fe.' Grainger were numerously adopted. In the afternoon a very large number of the i Society, headed by Mr. D. O'Connor, went to Oakdale Cemetery, and the graves of Capt. Grainger, Mr. James Darby and William Dowling were handsomely decorated with flow- ers. ;C o un ty Commissioners. The I i , Board were in session ; yesterday after noon, present : Col. W. L.Smith Chair man, Commissioners Grady, Worth, Mongomery and Bagg. The Chairman, reported having re ceived !from the Auditor c-f the state balance due for keeping the insane of tbii county to 1st January, 1879, amounting to $06,64, which has been paid to the County Treasurer. Ordered that the claim be presented to the State Treasurer for keeping the insane from the 1st of January, 1879, the dat of the repeal of the law author izing this payment. Communication from Dr. W. W. Lane, concerning hospital, was ordered receivec , and subsequently, on motion of Commissioner Cagg, was ordered referred to a committee of three, which committee was made to consist of the Chairman and Commissioners Bagg and Grady. Ordered that George Sullivan be dis charged! from the House of Correction on approval by His Honor, Judge Meares. ' Ordered that Mary Murreli be ad- mitted to tne root Mouse lor one month'. -Admittance to this institution was also granted to Joanna Homes, an un- fortunaie woman who has suffered the loss of a leg. The Claim of Mecklenburg county, which was referred to the Conuty At torney, was, on the advice of the At tor ney, ordered rejected. ! On motion the Board then adjourn ed. ' Wade Hampton has expressed the opinion that Congress . ought to force the repeal of the supervisor law, if it has to hold out against the President till the crack of doom. Philadelphia. Bulletin. Where is that mule? Give him one more chance. , r '.The editor returns thanks for an in vitation to attend the coalation of the Little Giant boys, given at their en gine house on Friday night last. From the conflicting statements made by the locals of the Sun and Star we are rather of the opinion that we made something by not attending. They evidently had a good time, but they lost tbeir mem ory immediately afterwards. The dredge boat Woodbury will commence dredging .the river next week on the outer bar or Bald Head shoal. We may expect great, results from the work. The work will be una der the management of Mr. Henry Ba con, Ecgineer; the boat will be corns manded by Capt. J. T. Harper. Mr. Baconsays that New Inlet bar will be closed during the summer and fall, and in bis opinion, the bar will increase; in depth very fast, immediately. Birthday Anniversary cf the Emperor of Germany. Mr. Ed ouard Peschau, the Imperial Consul, representing the interests of theGerman Empire at this port, received a large number of national,state and city digni taries, and many of the prominent mer chants and citizens of of Wilmington at the Consulate yesterday; who called on him as a mark of respect to the government he represents, and to ex press their estsem. for him as rn official, citizen and friend Mr. Peschau has been respectively Vict-Oonsul and Consul at this port for many years and his official asts have been ;haracterized by zealous ende.iv or to subserve the interests be repre sents.1 In'.business pursuits and in private life Mr. Teichau is a trusted aud re spected citizen, andias a genial whole souled gentleman and host his large circle of friends do not alone remember his courtesies of yesterday. Mr. Editor : In your paper of the 9th inst, I notice a communication from "A Cape Fear Pilot," in which he af firms that there is less water in the Cape Fear river now than at ary time during the last twenty years: and gives his opinion of the cause. v Now, instead of the above, the fact .vuiat4ne avanaDie deoth nf watr om Wilmington to the sea, has not been as good as at the present time for many years. There is a wide straight channel across the Bald Head bar, where the available depth is over ten feet ,at average low water, or sixteen feet at high spring tides, In the Horse Shoe channel there is an available depth of 10 feet at aver age low water, or 16 feet at high spring tides. These are the shoalest portions of the course to the sea, and the above facts are verified by the present prac tise ot navigation and pilots in x carry ing vessels of deep drafts compared with former practice. If some ot the "Cape Fear Pilots" woutd spend more time in making care lul soundings and examinations they would be better qualified to cive facts. and their opinions might be more valu able. Navigator. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT. The following is the annual ratio of deaths from all causes in various parts of the United States and foreign coun-? tries, compiled from the Bulletin of the Public. Health, issued by the Surgeon- General U. S. Hospital Service under the National Quarantine Act of 1878. Fob the week ending makch, 15, 1879. Boston 22.6 Providence .w............. 20 New. Y6rk...... j.. ...... ti 28.8 Brooklyn .22 Rochester........ . so Pittsburgh...... 12,5 Baltimore........... .... 19 District of Columbia 29.5 uieveiana.......w...... 22 Chicago: 17.8 Cincinnati 21 Hudson County, N. J,.......... ........w.l0 Xu fX&loM 13 Philadelphia.... 17 Richmond............. '....21.7 Savannah . ........ .. ....27 liouisville.... .. 11 St. Lotus .... 17.1 San Francisco. 12.6 New Orleans........... 21 GREAT BRITAIN. Iiondon .......25.5 nxunDurgn.., ..; .....23 Glasgow 29 Dublin........w...M,. . 43 Liverpool... ............ ............. ....31 Ply mouths...... ...i... .18 Brighton........................ ................ ............18 Bristol........... . . U9 Smallpox caused 22 deaths in London. 1 in Manchester ana ia in Dublin. GERMAN EMPIRE. Munich........ ...3SA Dresden f. . &6irli.u Cologne.. Frankfort......... S0.3 ..23 ..29 ..28 .18.4 Strasburg....... Lieipzlc...... ...2G AUSTRIA. Vienna ...30.5 ! RUSSIA. ,St, Peterehhrg..... 47.7 CUBA. Havana: Yellow fever caused 1 death, smallpox is. The Bark Sleepner arriyed at Port Eads, below New Orleans on March 14th from Rio de Janerio. . During the Gl days passage all of the crew suffered from yellow fever; 3 died and one is still sick. The vessel was immediately towed to the Quarantine Station. The conditions of what may be called perfect mechanical work have been realized in the' mammoth testing ma chine erected at the Watertown Arse nal. Among the astonishing experi ments reported of this machine is one where a forged link of hard wrought Iron five inches in diameter was slowly strained and finally broken at a tension of 722,800 pounds, while, to show that the weighing parts of the machine were not disturbed by the recoil, a horse hair was tested immediately afterward It stretched 30 per cent., and broke at one pound. Such a machine is an en gine of power and precision in which lies the possibilities of a revolution in the manufacture of iron and steel and bronze; and in the proportioning and adaptation of structures. PerhapsHhe only equal to thi3 wonderful invention is Sir ! Joseph Whitworth's millionth measuring machine. Now, it is abso lutely impossible; for the naked eye to judge the. millionth part of an inch, and such minute divisions are wholly beyond the resolving power of the most elaborate of modern microscopic appli ances. 1 Nor. can the mind grasp a quantity so minute. The thickness of a page of ordinary French writing paper is about equal to-4,000 of these particles of measurement, or the two hundred and fiftieth part of an inch. But' what the eye Cannot see the nerves can feel, arid that quite readily. One can take a cylinder and pass it through a space left vacant in one of these Whitworth machines. It passes easily, but reducs the aperture by ) the mil lionth part of an inch, and one feels that it sticks slightly. If the space be reduced another millionth, the cylinder sticks fast, thus proving perfect accu racy Of workmanship. Vibe expenses of our slate Govern ment! for the last year were five hundred and thirty thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars and seventy-nine cents. Diocese of Norih Carolina Bishop Atkinsons Appointmema. Wednesday. March 1.9 P M ) Thursday, March 20, AM ) Clinton March 21....; Faison's March 231th Sunday in Lent 3 Friday. Sunday, uoiusDoro Monday, March 21PM Wilson Tuesday, , March 25P M. .Rocky Point Wednesday, March 2tiP M... linneld Friday, March 28. RingWood Sunday, March Sltotn Sunday in Lent Scotland .Neck 1 Hamilton 2. Williamston 3 Jamesville 4.... .Plymouth oSt Luke's Washing ton county Tuesday Wednesday,! Thursday, I Friday, i ! Saturday. Sunday, j Tuesday, Wednesday, ; Thurday, ! Do April April April April April April (JTalm Sunday, ? st jjaviu s 8 Hertford 9 Wood vi lie, Perquimans co April 'April April 10A M.........Camden C H do P M...Davis' Chap. . . ' " Pasquotank Godtl Friday, April 11 Elizabeth City Easter ;Uay, I April 13 Edenton Tuesday, April, lost reter s onapei Gates county April 16 Gatesville ! April 17.. Winton April IS. Murfreesboro April 20lst Sunday after i: Easter Woodville, ! Bertie co Aprils .Windsor wpril 21 Jacksoa April 25P M...... I ! April 26AM.. (Halifax April 272d Sun. after Easter , : f -Wednesday, Tharsday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday,' Friday, Saturday, Sunday; n; - vveiuon Cahtributions made at each place for Dio cesan Missions. NE W AD VI3EMEN.TS. A SURE CURE FORXpIIiES. , A sure Cure for Ihe blind, bleeding, itch ing and ulcerated piles has been discovered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment, A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty years' standing. jno one need suner nve minutes alter ap plying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions, instruments ana electuaries ao more harm than good. William's Oint ment absorbs tne tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in Dea, acts as a poultice, gives in stant and painless, reliei and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts and nothing else. S""I -consulted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, andfownd hj reliel until I obtained a box ofw.i William's Indian Ointment some lour months ago, and it has cured me com pletely.?' I ; ! i josErii m. uyjder, cieaveiand, U. "Has done me more good than all the medicine I ever tried, -and I have spent more than S109 with doctors, besides medi cines lam sure cost me more than $40," I David sparling, mgranam, 111. . "Have suffered twenty years with itchinsr and ulcerated piles, having used every rem edy that came to my notice without benefit. until i usea inaian umimeni ana received immediate relief. James CARKOiiX, (an old miner), Tecoma, 1 c V Ullii. .esr-No Pile Remedy-ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. For sale by T.S.BURBANK. ; j ; ; . March 25-ly. STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT ! SPLENDID MUSICAL BOX, ''' : 1 "TO BE ' GIVEN AWAY to EVERY LEADER of tnis r paper; - THj ANGLO-AMERICAN MUSICAL CO., 23 AM STREET NEW YORM CITY, In order to encourage the public taste for musical art. have made arrangements whereby every reader of this paper will be presented witn aAJN usuaie uuujsiiLVH MUSICAL BOX, capable of playing eight or more airs. The tunes are various and well-selected, and the Box ' itself is an article,, strongly made and beautifully polished., y ' : Aa this Is a genuine presentation, it will only last for two weeks, and the distribu tion wni Dennaiy ana positively ciosea un aiarcu oi. , No Box will be sent without this bond. cut from the paper, and applicants will please state at the same time whether mar ried or single. . The A. A, M. Co., only possess a limited number of Boxes, so it is calculated that some will nave to be reiusea, To Insure safe package, free carriage, and to Dav expenses of advertising, etc. a sum of One Dollar must be forwarded with the bond by P. O. O., or otherwise. SPost Office Order to be made payable lo the secretary, Mr. j?. caiaer. . All Orders must positively be recolved before March l.mar NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XMAS of Wilminptoii piase! and tMiik THE POPULAE GF BOATWRIGHT &; M'XOY. 5 7 AND 8 NORTH FRONT ST. UAVE'oN UA rn Every 1 OF EVERY Crown, Dehosa," Londou, Layera, Loose, lie quantity. . . ' New Citron, New Turkish Prunes, New Crop Currents; vjruruuu en, jiiwortu aouaser ana vingur i i p n '? oi. i t' &C, & English, German and Pure Old Brand "3, Wines and Cordials English and American Crackers of eyery kind. Apples, Oranges and Lemons insufficient quantity to furnish every one. if . Our Three Dollar Brand "B" delect Whiskey has improved by age. J Our Four Dollar Brand' Summerdean Our Old Rye and Baker Whiskeys Our Goods have been selected O U I Remember CHRISTMAS PRESENT you can give the poor is achoice lot of v . family Supplies. Call on usk and we best and Freshest goods. aar tub yemztl z,owesi prices. .BOATWRIGHT & M'KOY, 5 7 AND8 NORTH FRONT STREET. december22 tl i t GROCERY HOUSE D OVER -. , 2 ' gkride: TonNuts DESCRIPTION. Muscatel ana Seedless Raisin's in auyl T - nr 1.1 i?..:t,. ; T.-ii:,- xreseivea, luuiiuiiiauca, ruius, uciiica: ot. . - I American Cheese. Scotch and American Whiskey. for i Whiskey has no equal in the. eity. are equal to any m America. 1 - . . . - ? with great i care especially; for thol D Y S the best. i r promise to give the i ' J- r " i ! - J V:

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