V LUKE X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 1 WILMINGTON POST ADVBU iTISING "RATES. Fifty cents per Hue for the first in .sertUm and twenty 'five cents per line for each additional insertion. Eight (B) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. All advertisements will be charged at the above rates, except on special con- tracts, . . i '! '.':' Special rates can be had for a longer time than one week: j I , . The subscription price to The Wil jMinqton Post is $1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. ' " -v AH conimunicrtions on busines should be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N, C. CITY ITEMS. e fourth page for locals. Rosin is plentiful in market. '-rM.-'i' ' - ' . 1 For liealth never sleep in any of the Arment$ you ware during theday. Youno Fools. About twenty young men of tliis city start out south to mor row as minstrels. . - ; W. P. Giiuaday, Collector of Custom?, his been ) design ateel by the Secretary of the Treasury to sell U. S; 4 per cent. , bonds 'i j.bis city; . Rbf. linden, the! grandfather of tho wife of Uev. W. II. Ban ks, of th is city, died on Thursday last, at Mr. Batiks' residence.; He was 99 years cf His funeril toofc,i!aeej on Friday. I .. , ... i - . . U: "fc.J peputy Marshal, L.uvtou, ar rived here on Thur-'day wiih II. Otesbyj who was convicted of violating the Internal Revenue Law at the last term of the District. court. JIe was out ou bail, and when he heard of his eon victiuii took to the woods, but through hj ei&rti of Mr. Lawton, on Tuesday he was captured. I 2 Harbou Master's; Report. From Capt Joseph Price, Harbor Master, we ba?e the following report of the arrival of vessels' at. this port. &c, for ,the mouth of I March : J . American Schooners 16, steamers 8; totally Tonnage 9,060. Foreign Barques 8, barquentiues 2 ; brigs schooners I ,; total 15. Tonnage T 4,770. I Total! arrivals 39. Total tonnage 13,830. N i The Pilot's report'of sounding at low wutcr is:as follows : Bald Head Channel 10 feet 0 iuches. Western Bar Channel 12'" 00 " -.Rip Bari Channel ; 7 " 00 " . .Justice Scott had one Jesse McLean before him on Tuesday the 1st inbtant, -. A : li -L!il. i .1.1.:..: .1 - J I charged i with! obtaining goods ; under false .'.'pretense,'.' the j evMenca showed, that; MeLoan went to the storo of Mr, Moodv and gave him an order on the Caroliua Central Railway company for h'is pay for the month of March, and got goods for the amount. Then he went to lOapt. Becks; aud repeated the same, when Cant. Beck presented his claim he was informed-that the money bad b5en paid Mr. Moody, whereupon . Cnpt. Beck had McLean arrested, and Justice Scott bound him over in the sum of fifty dollars for his appearance at the pest term of the Criminal Court; Cunt. John F. Fitzgerald ' was made Captain of the cily police force in 1868, "about June, the first and has served continually in that position ever since :has never beeu out ; of the city but once during that time and only lor a day. He never drinks, and ia a strict ' member of the Catholic Church, he has never taken any part im politics, out was and1 has always been a sincere Union man. Yet Uhis independent Board of Aldermen of ours, who were .Tw1.ns1 in mn (Ko riiv nut rF ' nnlitipa I turned Capt. J? uzgeraiu , oud ana ap ' . '' . . ". r :t 1 - ' k. - . J - I pointed a Democratic politician in his place, aud some think that his religion had something to dd with his mis- fortunate also, as there has not been a single Catholic left on the police force. Tar iIaw. j The General Assembhi of North Carolina do enact: . ! r Section 1. That two hundred and eighty pbunds avoirdupois weht shall be a barrel of tar. i ' Sec. 21 That hereafter tar shall be sold by weight, at the rate of two hun dredan4 eighty pounds to the barrel, under the same ruies mat appiy to tur nentine' as to excess of weight fiec. "oi xnai li anyjperauu euaii ctu or buv tar in any other, manner than by weight, such person : so offending snail pay nve uonars iu uy lormijngi to do reserved w tue use ui the person informing, before any Jus-J tice Qt jfcue reace navingjunsaicuon ox . . : n 1 . 1 .. : .1 ' if the place and contract, upon written information supported by affidavit: Provided, it shall not apply where tar is sold in less quantity than one barrel. Sec, !4.' That all laws in conflict with this actl are hereby, repealed. Bee, ;5. S That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification Vatified ftp von tk.a. Af ir u a D.;1870. l ! I " The Wilmington steam Are engine! company No. 1, have received a newi uniform. '': . L Mr. James M. Brown of thjs city; belongs to the Bartley Cambell H. M.N S. Pinafore troupe. - Died. -Edgar Miller, a highly re spected colored man, died at his resi dence on Tuesday morning last. The proceedings of the Board of Aldermen show the re-election of Harry Brock as Chief of Police for the next ensuing year. M r. Teel, of the firm of Henuing & Teel, loft here on Monday last to enter . in ttie nardware business . in Eome wesV rn city. ' II Republicans desire a Radical Democratic city government, they should continue to vote for Indepen dent Democratic candidate, for Alder men, ) ' . , ' ' Fire. On Thursday morning at 3 o'clock, the kitchen on the premises occupied by F. Mayer, Esq, corner of 21 and Nun streets, was destroyed by fiiv. , - Died. Mr. Robert Hewitt of Lock woods Folly, in Brunswick county, died very suddenly on Monday last, from heart disease, while on his way to Bru.-fcwick court. Vulvell Hcuse., The Proprietors art having their house thoroughly ovtihiiuled preparing for summer travt-K They offer special inducements toM mnicr boarders. TSu' c jrner stoue of the Seven Mile new A, M. E. Church (Newbern road) will be laid, April 13th, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop John M. Brown, D.D., and others. The public are inviteJ. R. H W. Leak, Pastor. Died. Mr. Benj. White, sr., one of our oldest and most respected citizens, died oh Friday last, in his 82 vear. His funeral will take place from the residence of his son, Mr. Benj. White, jr.1, on Market between 9th and 10th streets to-day.- A colored military company was organized on Monday night last, the following officers were elected : Abram Jones, Captain; Jack More, first Lieutenmt; Thos. Spicer, second Lieu- tenant ; James Richardson, third Lieu- tenant ; and Westley Davis Sergeant. The last paragraph in the decision of the Supreme ' Court of the state in Brtauswick county case certainly decides that! the County Canvassers were wrong in throwing out Town Crcek, Township. Therefore theRe- publicans are entitled to the county, 1 .. . . . . . . . "... I Tle sane " decision virtually decides that Mr. Jas. E. O'Hara, was entitled to the certificate from the Second District.. j Tannery. Why some of our wide awake business men do not start a tan nery in Wilmington, we are unable to say. ceverai ot tne nnest sues ior tne business, to be found in the Btate, are within half a mile of thi city. The necessary material, such as bark, &c, are easy of access, Thousands of hides are shipped from this port every year to northern cities, when they could be tannca risut iiere, ana soia 10 reuui dealei3, without the expense of ship ping. Such an undertaking would employ many of our friends who are now idle. Bv all means, some one should start the business. 4 Hon. J. J. Martin, member of Con gress, will please accept our thanks for puoiic documents, we, as weu as ail of Mr. Martin's many friends in North Carolina, expect to hear a good report from him while he is in Congress. No tnnn atnnrla Vpf.fpr At home than Vnnpt. T ' r ' i t il L . 1 joe xuariin, ana we inow mat wner- ever be goes he is able to make his mark. He is a lawyer of abilty, and as a politician aud public speaker he is to be feared by his competitors. Smituville Items. Judge McKoy sent a man by the name of Joesph Thompson to jail for thirty days for di&tur Dinar the court at smltnville. on Monday last. Thompson came into the court house drunk and disturbed . M . the court. His Honor ordered him to nav a fine of fifty dollars or co to iail pulled a role of money out of his -- 1 pocket, aud said to the Judge that he had the money, but he would see him the jupe) iah 11 before he should have a cent of it. and when the officer. . . . .. . . started with Thompson to jail he turn . J J .. 1 :. 1 a . t ' - i x J. 1 eu ana remaraea to me court mat uu Thompson! was a srood Democrat, but . wn,A oaa , T Am -mv -,n II before he wonld ever vote for him again. That same afternoon Judge McKoy let Thompson out of jail, out of respect for Thompson's father and family. So we suppose he will vote for the Judge again. Phinny Jr., has fled the city. a ue Carolina Central .Railway Co. have b en recently extending and iok proving their wharf property, i Capti Thomas J. Southerland is having; very extensive repairs! put ea his livery stable, on Second street. The city of Wilmington, the Rip Van Winkle of the world, has net yet woke up, when she does we shall have a sound railroad. Ju3tice Gardener, one of the very best equitable lawyers in the city, can always be found at his office opposite the conrt house. I ... . .... ; .:.";; We have received a copy of the laws concerning trie Board of Health of this state, from the Secretary of thoi Board, Mr. Wood, of this city. Record of the Weather for the Past Week. Monday it rained ; and was cool, Tuesaay and Wed nesday it was fair and pleasant, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday it w, as fair and cool with Knmo winrl l ! 1KCJJKD2RY iee. Seme one set fire to the wood house of Maj. T. H McKoy on Friday morning last, one end of a rope around the neck, the other ond atta shed to a lain p post, would stop all such "violations of the ..law.: ; ' . . J no. Davis , and Hill James were tried the past week at Smithville for the murder of one Henry McDufty, in Brunswick cu'uaiv: some months arn Hill Jamps vva at quit ted, and. John Davis was canvicleJ of murder, and sentenced by the court lo be hung oa the 1 1th day of July tit xt. Mr. E. Legg, the tilar correppor dent at Smithr ville, says in a t-onirnuuicatiou to that paper that, "in the Ci se of John Davis and Hill Jaaie. lot the murder of Henry McDufly, ' great interest was manifested by the people, and while the main fact of the killing -.vas hot de nied, the particulars of tbe Tragedy,-as detailed by witnesses, was of a mixed nature, to say the leas, and, in hae in stance, not of a character to impress the public with the griefs of widowhood. Hill was acquitted, and put upon the stand, and more fully detailed the cir cumstances cf the crime, the result 1r the conviction of Davi, notwith standing he was ably and zealously defended by Messrs. Bellamy and;Watts who wera assigned counsel for the prisoners. " i j: To-day the court house was crowded wit people to hear the sentence of John Dayis. At 11 o'clock, his Honor called up the prisoner and in a most eloquent and feeling manner, addressed him for nearly an hour. The remark. " , o were of such a nature that tears came unbidden to the eyes of the strong and stalwart, some leaving the court room in order that their weakness if vnu could so term itof nature should not be witnessed by their fellowman.i Nev er did man discharge a duty of so un pleasant a nature with so much feeling. At one time the Judge was compelled to slop, and so intense was the feeliDg on the. part of the audience that you could almost havo heard a pin drop when the words came, 'John Davis, I sentence you to be hanged on the 11th day of Ju 1879betwcen the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, by the neck, until you are dead! dead ! dead I' the feeling be came intense." Grant's Cabinet. Of the several members of President Grant's last cabinet five of them are occupying high positions at this time. Don Cameron, his . Secretary of War, Zacn Chandler, his Secretary of the Interior, are now Senators; Geo. M.Robinson, his Secretary of the Navy, is a memoer of-1 the House of Representatives r of Congress; Tyne his Postmaster Gen eral is now First Assistant Postmaster General, and Mr. Morrill, his Secretary of Treasury, is now Collector of Customs in Maine. The other three have been tendered important places. Mr. Hamilton Fish was offered the mission '. to St. Jame3, and refused it ; Mr. Tafc will be nom inated by the Republicans of Ohio for I W t. . , . 1 LUovernor ; Mr. i-ierrepont nas remsea several places of impattance. So the above "shows that the counselors-ot Granfc stand hiSh ia the estimation of I peopie. J The Democratic public printer in the J state of Indiana, stole, by swearing to false bills, $120,000 fiom the state and these bills were paid by a Democratic Treasurer, and a Democratic court has allowed i a nol pros by a Democratic Solicitor. Senator vance uuercu a uxxx m tu Senate on Monday last, appropriating a suitable amount to purchase a build ing in the city of Newbern, for the use of the Postoffice, Custom House, and United States District Court. William Basiceij is dall in the city, T ' U. S. District Court convenes in this i city in May. March Went out like a lien en Men day last, certain. ; Ool. O. H. Blocker address is Park Avenue Hotel New York city, i The lawyers are nearly all absent at nding coerts hi different counties, j Mr. Frank H. Darby, city attorney has been quite siek, bat Is now better. Two or three men were badly injured some qty ago at Kocky i'omt rocs: quarry. :r '. i I s y:x: -:j : :F- ' John Merrick was very seriously in ured en Tuesday last by a kicking aorse. : .- The Ladies Benevolent Society of this city, held a meeting at their hall on Tuesday last. Messrs. Colville & Hill are running he lumber factory at Abbottsburg very successfully, so. ire learn. ; ;V;- Col. J. G. Burr has been at Raleigh, the past week, attending a meeting of he Directors of the Insane Asylum. Werner & Prempert have the very best and polite workmen in their bar ber shop, that can be 'Obtained, in the state. If you want a good durable cocking stove, you should certainly give Parker & Taylor a call before purchasing else where. " i ' , , Hon. A. S. Seymour will hold: ecurt at Goldsboro. and Hon. A. A. McKoy at Elizabeth town, next week? com- menceing to-morrow. . - Gen. J. A. Garfield delivered one of he best speecbes in Congress, ou the 29th of March passed, that ha3 been made for. many years. -V If the tnacy men who are loafing around the street corners, complaining of the hard times, would. go to work. the times would get better. j The Confederate Memorial Day, we understand, will come off this year on the 9th rf May, owing to the fact that the JOth comes on Saturday, Gen. Jos. C. Abtott arrived at home . i. oa Monday last, afcer an absence north of tw6 months, on business. He is in splendid health, we are glad to inform our readers. To persons who wish to build or re pair houses, now is the time, labor and material is very cheap. You can build 50 per cent cheaper ; now than two months hence. ' ! The body of Richard Crawford, col ored, who was drowned near Market ock, on Saturday night, the; 24th of March, as recovered on Monday-last, at Point Peter. A block of ice fell from the elevator at Mr. J. E. Lippitt's ice house, on Tuesdav last, and" badly wounded one of the workmen. Such carelessness should not be allowed. A lire broke out. in the woods near " -i Farmer's Turnout, on the W. U1& A. R. R., in Brunswick" county on last Tuesday, and destroyed the fences around several plantations. Not a Republican on the present police force, notwithstanding the many, very many pledges certain gentlemen made for the sako of being elected! to their present positions. - David M. Dart, one of the very best looking men in the city, is still ready to do any amount of plumbing and gas fitting in the very shortest notice. He Darts right often, and cheap, for cash. Mr. B. D. Morrill has removed to the basement of the old Journal building, where he is prepared to serve his old customers, and he is not very particular about their age cither so they have, the money. ' ; j I ' 1 i We understand I that; some of the Magistrates are' in the habit of paying ryjiners a dollar for each case brought tBem. This is a matter that we call the attention of His Hon. Judge 0. P. Meares of the Criminal Court to. I Mr. James Walker is in ho danger, Nve assure our 'Morganton friends. He is very fast recovering, and is not near so thin as when be arrived; the Cobb Brothers at the Pur cell House are put ting him in order for the summer work" In consequence of an Order from the Postoffice Department, relating to route agents, for the purpose of reducing the expenses of the Department," John H. Whiteman drew one of the unlucky numbers, and has been dismissed; not on account of any fault of his. Col. Brink informs us that Whiteman made a very excellent agepL t Dallas Chesnut a Republican who has been mail agent on the river be tween Wilmington and Fayettevilie for the past six years, and a man who has uniformally.uone his duty, a man of the very best character, and a,, man of intelligence, has ; been 'remoyed from that position, ; and Capt. A. II. Worth a Democrat has been appoint ed. Why we cannot tell. We Will have more to say about this matter. Cotton is now bringing much better prices than it did. the first of the season. v An important railroad consultation was held at Raleigh, on last Monday, by the officers of the different roads in the state: Speaker. Randall will announce the standing committees on Monday or Tuesday of the coming week, ' so the telegrams informs us. j Senator elect D.T. Co'rbin, of South' Carelina, who was refused his seat for one Hamburg Butler, has been nom inated by the President as Chief Justice of Utah Territory, ;? "; i Old Senator Cameron, of Pennsyl vania, has been entirely and honorably acquitted of the charge of oner Mrs. Oiliver, had brought against him. All of his many friends will rejoice at the verdict of the jury. . -.7 .; . US Ci ' Gov Jarvis. has appointed Dr. II. G Fianher, of this city , Chief of Artillery of the state with rank of Colonel. A better appointment could not have been mide. Ool. FJanner is one of the . few men in this state who has military titles who won them on the field of battl , and not in a bombproof. The Okolona (Mis3.) Southern Stafei ii a Democratic journal that, regard less of policy, speaks Democratic sentiments as meant and understood by the south In its issue of March 26. it thus referi M - to the Democratic victory in assuming control of the United States Senate, and pays a tribute lo the head of the Democratic party. The article can be understood without explanatory notes . v - . O, how fit how passing fit it was that the Radical party should breathe a nnal inss at our Confederate President' a3 its dying carcass was borne from the Senate Chamber of the States Union I Hating all that '13 good and pure, and grand, and true, it was peculiarly proper tnat it snouidliate Jeuerson Davis with a deathless hate. Its history was one long lie and crime. It flung our country into war; It murdered three hundred thousand gallant southrons, like the common cut throat that it was; It gave our homes to the torch, like the common incendiarv that it was: it plundered our pockets and coffers. like the common thief that it was. It sent its iail birds to lord over us. and imprisoned the purest patriots of the north; like the common tyrant that ifr was; " - . It corrupted a whole seneration. like the common pimp that it was: Finally, with bloodv hands and pock ets bulging with stolen monevs. it fell before the wrath of an indisrnant and outraged peoplehood. liut its malignant spirit was strong in death, and while the rattle was sound ing in its slimy throat .it managed to utter a farpvell hiss at our illustrious chieftain. Let this fact b,e forgetless. fit contributes one more stininc leaf to the splendid laurel crown of gloiy that circles the brow of our grand old Confederate President. It intensifies the immortal love and honor for our second Washington! Diocese of North Carolina Bishop Atkinsons Appointments. Wednesday. March 19P M 1 Thursday, March 20,AM- Clinton Friday. March 21... '..Faison's Sunday, March 231th Sunday in Lent . , . . GoldsDoro Monday, -March 24P M....... Wilson Tuesday. March 25P M Rocky Point Wednesday, March 26P M.. Enfield Friaay. March 23............. Ringwood Sunday, March 305ttt Sunday In Lent , ....Scotland Neck ApriJ r. ...Hamilton April 2 Williamston April 3... Jamesville April 4 ..........Plymouth April 5St Luke's Washing ton county A.pril 6Palm Sunday, St David's April 8.. ..Hertford April 9Voodville, , Perquimans eo April 10A M.........Camden C H dc P M...Davia' Chap. Pasauotank Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurday, GoCid Friday, April ll............Elizabeth City master i?ay, April 13....... Edenton Tuesday, April lost Peter's Chapel -Gates county April 16.......i Gatesville April 17....L... Winton April 18 Murfreesboro April 201st Sunday after .4 Easter Woodville, " Bertie co April 22..... ....Windsor April 21 Jacksoa April 25P M. I April 26 A M ("Halifax April 272u Sun. after Easter Weldon Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday, Saturdaj', Sunday, 1 Cantributions made at each place for Dio cesan Missions.. NEW ADVISEMENTS. A SURE CURE FOR PILES. A sure cure for the blind, bleeding, itch ing and ulcerated piles has been discovered by Dr. William (an Indian. remedy), called 1 Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box. has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty years' standing. No one need suffer five minutes alter ap plying this woaderful soothing medicine. Lotions, ' instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Oint ment absorbs tne tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), aots as a poultice, gives in stant and painless, reliet and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts and nothing else. JW"I consulted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, and found no reliel until I obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment some lour months ago, and it has cured me com pletely." . . Joseph M. Rtdeb, Cleaveland, O. "Has done me more good than all the medicine . I ever tried, and I have spent more than $100 with doctors, besides medi cines I am sure cost me more than f40," David Spaklikg, Ingraham, 111. 1 "Have suflered twenty years with itching and ulcerated piles, having used'every rem edy that came to my notice without benefit, until I used Indian Ointment and received immediate renei. -James Cakbqix, (an old miner), Tecoma, Nevada. 4 . jyNo Pile Remedy ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. . For sale by T.S.liUiUJAim.. March 2& ly. NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. XJVEA.S Let tle (3-ood of WilmiiiP-toii parish and think. THE POPULAR OF BOATWBIGHT & M'KOI. 5 7 AND 8 NOKTH FRONT ST. HAVE qN rn 1 One Ton Nuts OF EVERY Crown, Dehosa, Loadai), Layers,. Loose, i 1 quantity. " ' New Citron, New Turkish Prunes, New Crop Currents. Gordon & Dilwortli'a Shaker and Ginger &c., & English, German and Pure Old Brandies. Wines and Cordials. Lgg INOg. - . ! EuglUh and American Crackers of every kifrd. Apples, Oranges and Lemon3 insufficient quantity to furnish every one. t Our Three Dollar Brand "B" delect Whiskey has improved by age. Our Four Dollar Brand Summerdean .Our Old Kye and Baker Whiskeys are equal to any in America. i f- Our Goods have been selected O L ilD -A. Y S- Remember CHEISTMAS PRESENH - --- - .. : - -. ' . " . - -.- , 1- : ; " - you can give the poor is a'choice lot of I family Supplies. . ! .1 - s ;..-v Call on us and we promise to give the - BEST AND FRESHEST GOODS. IT THE YEIIY JLOWES1 PRICES. B O AT W R I G HT & M 'K O Y, 59 7 AND8 IVOI1TII i llONT STREET, december22iU r 18T8 .XEAB '" " 1 " "' - ;- -?'j'-y-s':'" '-'.- j '-'i GROCERY HOTJSIj HA D OVEll -v. -i 1 . i DESCRIPTION. Muscatel and aeeuless Kaisins rn kuj Preserves, Marmalades, Fruits, Je 13S &. American Cheese., Scotch and American Whiskeys, for Whiskey has no equal in the cty. with great care especially for (hs the best. 11 .1

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