HE WILMINGTON; POST, "V' WILMIXGTOX, S. a, Sunday Morning, April 13, 1879. as ; iWlii?raker's Hide 'Jubn Lycurgus Whiteaker, luember .of.CongrtvH from; Oregon, elected to -8 r.ve in thy IIikhu, which has just ; con yetietl, h wht is known on thiJ Pacific klr.pe :i$ a r'Trus'a-water Democrat," Not that John Lycurgus is" addicted to tlio use of water of any kind ; no po litician on the Pacific slope absorbs water while whisky preserves its nor mal condition of fiery cheapness. But John Lycurgus Wbiteaker is a fresh water Democrat in the sensy of being a Stranger to salt water until seen on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Burn and raised in Missouri, Arkausas, or some other state remote irom the eastern seaboarcl, John Lycurgus Wbiteaker pursued tho even paths of agricultural life in Orcein, until the Democratic party, aud his country, summoned him from his plow. Large of frame, hughe thighed, flabby, and good-naturcd John Lycurgus chewed tobacco, secreted his share of corn-juice, rajsed white headed children, and pureued the even tenorW his way until elected to CoDgress. And.when, in the privacy of his Oreeronian home, ho read in the - . - weekly paper that he was actually elected to Cougrcsv honest John Whiteaker threw his otter skiii cap on the floor, and f-aid :f "Well. I'm dauged 1" To the "well-informed Pacific coaster, the Oreguniau is known as "a webAfoot' The dampness of the Oregon' climate, i and the chronic conidition of inuuda-. tio'u prevailing in the state seem to . make it necessary that , the acclimated citizen should be we b-looted, like a water fowl. John Lvcutcus Weiteaker RAIL ROADS,. But isiiu ikSBi Devil,T Gate, past the flawing Platte and the rimlinr Cottonwood. Dast the smiling villages of Iowa, past the snow I Wilminfftna & Weld OX si. m uu prairie:? oi xxiiaois, aau past uu frnwninc ridtrps nf thft A 11 p.erh an ipj - th wayworn statesman hurried. At every I . 1 OBIllftO)' station, telegrams, hot with electric speed and frantic with vehement urg- ; l ji j . t . . inc. uroimeu in uuon mm. until nA mm Vita hot nnH or! A m T v. m T I L t. . . ,,i . fifrX't-y yn uu.i, uuvt vitbui aiu x, vi. am J. not, the savior of my country?" on Tuesday, March 18, when the House was called to order by Clerk Adams, a pale, worn, tattered, and dust covered figure tottered into the House of Rep resentatives. Its eyes were sunken. and its limbs reminded pitying behold ers ei the belated cham pions of the late walking match. It was gaunt and unshaven, and a strong llavor of canned provisions was-exhaled from its person. "I am John Lycurgus Whiteaker, of Oregon," he whispered.'. He voted for Randall for Speaker. - The country was safe, Everything went on just as though he had nut spanned' the continent in five days, five hours and eleven min utes. iv. Y. limes. PROSPECTUS. Tlie Post IS ofeick GknebalSupebintehdent, I Wilmington, N. C, Nov 33, 1878. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and titer Sunday Nov 2itn, 1878, rassenger Trains cn the W. & W. Ksilr will ran as follows: J DAY MAIL AD EXPRE&S TRAIN Daily. STRICTLY A REFOBLICAS PAPER. Devoted to the interests oi Wilmington and and the State of North Carolina, as well as a wcbtoot,'' if not web-footed. Ilis views offtatesmaiifship are primitive J. , W. Nesmilb, another fresh water Democrat, who was never east of the MisftL-smni ''ritr until he went to 'iVa'ihiugtou asi Senator, was a good type of the race. Asked by the grandiloquent Sumner hotf he was im pressed by the surroundings and itmosphere of the United States Senate, Ne3inith replied : "Fur the first ssix months L wondered how I ever got here; ever sines thatj I have wondered how any of you ever got here." Whiteaker has got there. Hi will never cease wondering how it all hap pened. To him hi-passage from the. piny woods of Oregon to -the gilt gingerbread splenders of Washington is like a fevered dream. Elected to Congress, and hugging himself with the idea that he , was a Btutesman,' Johu Iycurgus Whiteaki r fondly lingered in the bosom of bis family. Eleven white-headed, not to say white-acredi babes claimed him as progenitor and protector. Slumbering Near SJhtedness and Far Siffhted- : nes?. Pi ely opia, cr what is com monly known as far sightedness, is found to supervene earlier with those who are constantly at work than with other in dividuals, and, as soon as it does, con vi x glasses should at once be resorted to, w ithout which the muscles of accom modation would be fatigued to no pur post; at first, they should be used for working in the evening, after the fatigue ' of the day; but a long sighted person should only use spectacles 'for looking at rear objects, not at far ones. Work requiring close application favors the development of myopia, or near I sight edness, precisely in- proportion as the conditions of illumination are bad; and, if the action of those causes continues, tb" myopia must increase until vision ii lot. Ifthe eyes are fatigued by bad artificial illumination, blue or lightly smoked or smoke colored glasses are useful; and, in order to avoid the lateral rayrf, they should be large and round. In ease of persistent irritation, all work , should be abandoned, and an examina .tion made to see if there be any dis turb.isice or refraction etc. . Leave WilniiogionFront Street Decot, at.... 6:38 A. M .Arrive atWeldon at .1:00 P. Of, Leave Weldon daily at 2:32 P. S Arrive tt WilmiEEton. Front St. : Depot at. 9:53 P. 13 NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, Daily Leave Wilmisgtcn Front Street Depot at. ...........923P. k Arrive at Weldon at .... ........3.53 A M Leave Weldon daily, at ..2.13 A. M Arrive &t Wilmington Jfront St Depot at... 8:16 AM Trains oa Tarboro Branch Road leave Kooky Mount for Tarboro at 5.00 PI M. Daily, and Tuesday, Thujsday and Satur day at .00 A. M. Keturning. leave Tarborc atio.uu A. M-daily, and Mondar. Wednes- U 9 M n 1 I.' J . i . . . l ) oft n iv . - i ruaj auuriroajr at o,ou r, m. : j The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points Worth via Sty Line, daily except Bnnday, and daily tna Kicn- mopd and all-rail route. Tho Great Principles tne Na tional Republican Party, In accordance with the CINCINNATI PLATFORM, Independent a to fileq, But Not MISCELLA1TEO US. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County. - In the Superior Courti before Stacy van Amringe, Clerfe or tue superior jouri or New Hanover County, and Judge of Pro- 13. Q. McDaniel, administrator of Duff GT. McDaniel, deceased, suing in behalf of himself, and in behalf of F. D. Koonce, - Administrator of Ann Koonce. deceased, and in behalf of all others, creditors of the ' late Daniel L. Russell, deceased, who will join in this proceeding and contribute to the expenses thereof, , Against Dr. W. J.H.Bellamy and Thomas B.Rus- sell, executors of Daniel L. Russell, de eeased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A LL CREDITORS OF THR LATE DAN il. IEL L. RUSSELL, deceased, aoe here by notified that tue above entitled- action will be heard before Stacy VanAmringe. Clerk of the Superior Court, and Judge of Probate of New Hanover County on the 20th day of March. 1879, at H o'clock a. m. and they are notified to appear' before me on or before that day and ale evidence of tneir claims, and make tuemseives parties thereto, or they will be excluded from all participation in trie xunas ana oenents derived pursuant thereto. STACY VanAMRIGE. ClerK of the Superior Court and Judge of Probate New Hanover County. Feb. 9 5w. PROF. HARRIS KADICAL CURE V POB SPEE,ATT0RH(EA. SEMINAL iPASTSLLE" I & Valnnble Discovery i U New Departure in Mec I Science, an entirely litew and positively cfleci I Keroedv for the f utedv 1 ftBd permanent Cure ot 1 Ktn mal Emissions 6s i sssricteiicy.bv the onlv mru!iiiO(tji mf KTMewey, viz: direct J tlioation tollipnnii- cipal Seat of the Disease, aclh:; Absorption, and exer ting its specific influence on tliv iwinal Vesicles Ejac ul&tory Ducts, Prostrate GmVJar.d TJretlira. Tlieuse otthe Keinedyis attended t vain or inconvenience, it is quickly dissolved and oosorbed, producing aa Immediate ioothing , and reslUve cfi'ect upon the sex ual and nervous orsfanizatiolia Weckc-.t from rclt-obu'e and excesses, stopping the drt-s 'om the sjtem, Teslor inKthe mind to health aiidBj5i;4 jpiemory, removing the Dimness of Sight, Kerv jk i)ebility. Confusion of Ideas, Aversion to Society. iic.Etc. and the appear ance of premature old ego iHiy,flccoir.pany;ii this trouble, and restoring perfect oafcucl Vigor, -where it ha been dormant for years. This rnei ui treatment has stood the test in very severe cases, is now a pronounced success. AHnga are too nmcn wwTioea in these troubles, and, as many can bear witne. . vr'tih but little if any I m .L1.;':II t a it 4 1 as to Party, Kot bo isasy. The paper?, in these times of general economy, are filled with very learned e?siiH on the ease with which a con rtidtrabje family may support itself on t ii dollars a week. It must be an im mense gratification to a poor man to know that with that moderate sum he can havri plentiful and not very! mys terious hash for breakfast, and a whole some soup and stew for dinner. j.Now, if we can bave a few more learned essays that is a few more essays a little more ItarDed-r-which will kindly inform the poor man where he can pick up that ten dollar bill every week, the consummation so devoutly to be wished will be reached. After many years of tolerable acute observation we are confident that it is not half as nVci-ssary to tell mo how to tfpend m.ney. as how to get it. We can find any number of families who will jshow you how to live on eight dollars a week, if you will kindly furnish the money. ' ' ' . He who 'never, changed any of his 'opinions, never corrected any 6f his mistakes : and he who was never! wise Night Train makes-close connection at Welaon for all points north via Richmond, Sleeping Cars alns. JOHN F. D1VISE, llov 10 tf attached to all N G( nsral Sop't. ght It will be devoted to exposing corruption wherever found, In any and all parties. y s sll SKJTENDBNT'B ohfice us- It will stand up for tne good name o( North Carolina riista K. R. CompaJajj I WuMiOTON, N. C.'Nov 23, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ' N and after Sunday, Nov. 2ith, the f ul- ;iowing schedule will be run ontfcf read: . ! QWe shall Join hands with the prebrf oi i - " ' - North Carolina to encourage immigration I believing that is the only true way to build up Our good old State. enough to find out any mistakes in hidi- in the midst ot these domesticjoys, and self, will not be charitable enough to DAY ... i : - i i. i t ii : l.i'itli : to -i nnrr r, n. h( rarps of excuse wnai, ue reuKoua mistaKea '""" . - tr' ----- - Kt'itpsmanshin. John Fvcaro-ns was others. sr-the eipht yean that it has been in genevil se, wc have thousands of testimonials s to its vah. fced it y row concecd- ed by the Medicai Profcssioii io the most rational means yet aiscoverea oi reacting tca curing this very prev alent trouble, that is well know fc be the cause ot uutold misery to so many, and tiponffeoa quacks prey with their useless nostrums and bi2 U..,hc JJemedvis rjut ud in a neat box, enough to last a itn. and sent m a plain wrapper by mail sealed for gii-wo boxes, (sufficient to effect a permanent cure unless itwre cases) $5t Three boxes lasting three full raonl-ill stop emissions, 8nd restore vifror, in the worst casea s1?. Pull DIEECTIOITS iur 11 M 1 11 will auuuniyui'j ' -j wv. Send for a Descriptive Pamoniat giving AnatomiccfV Illustrations, which will coitvatn, tha most feccptical mai iney can oe msiort'u u rnecc munai fitted forthc duties of life, ina as if nev-er Sect Sealed for stamp to an.e. boldON HARRIS REMEDY MF'G.Ch4E?,STS. NEW AD VER TISEMENTS ONE OE, IF NOT TUE LARGEST STOCKS ' OF WHOLESALE GROCERIES OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE State of North ; Carolina, CAN BE FOUND AT ADRIAN & TOLLERS Southeast Corner Dock aiid Frout Streets, Wilmington, N, C. I J6Orders and Purchasers S licif-ed. jaly 7 tf i MIS CELLANEO US. TO THE HOME LESS. -r O- HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE-CHEAP, ' OLD 1 TESEB, AND WME. People dre getting acfjaalntedand those who are not ought to be with the wonderful merits that great American Remedy, the TREMENDOUS excitementover ther redaction and splendid terms oflera buyers of real tstate by W, P. Casaday JXAMLNE THE LOC ATIONg i-f Aliarge 8 Room Hotis corner of 4th ftndj Walnut streets, opposit Col. IX. H. JIun-i son's. - '-.--.--. i A Six Room House on 7th nnd Walnut streets, the highest part of Wilmlngtou with a splendid view and good water. A N 8 Room nouso and tot, CO ieet -iront J. by 165 feet deep, on 3d between Hanover and Brunswick strpdts. . , i IX Room IIouso 6 th aud 7th streets. ALSO a Six Room Hous,e next to and ad joining the above, In good condition. S1 on Castle bctMEen Premises complete. HOUSE an d Lot on DIcKerson Rankin and Miller streets.' MEXICAN between I HOUSE and Lot on 4th'- street tfct ween Queen and Wooster. streets.. HOUSE and Lot on 9th between and Queen streets. Cast,Ij9 stteccptica.l nhooJ, and H erGced. a NLYbytlis" Market and 8th. Sts. T. LO'J!S, r.'-o. Dec 8 tf. BOOK 1 Fop I the ! A larec. vw and conmlete Guide to Wedlocko ntaimng, -witn many others, thx toilowing chapters: A conipetent.Womanhood, Selection of Wife, Eviese ot Virginity, Tem peraments, coBxpatiDie ana incompati ble. SteriiAff in women, cause and truatuieiu, Aiivice to bridegrovia Advice to husbands. Advice to wives, Prostitution, V causes, Celebacy and Matrimonv compared, Conjugal duties. Conception, Con-, flnement, Xove and Courtship, impediments to Marriage, in male and lemale, Science cl SUToductioii, Single life considered, Law of Marriage, Iaw of Divorce, Legal'rights of married women, etc., ' including Diaeases peculiar to Women, their causes and treatment. A book for private and considerate reading, of S2G paxes, with full flats En gravings, by mail, sealed for 50 cmts, "The Private Med ioal Adviser." on Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Oiet-Stricture, Varicocele &c, also on Spermattorhoea, aaxhal Debility, and Im potency, from Self-abuse ani eesscs, eausing Seminal Kmiesions, Nervousness. Avers Am to Society, Confusion of Ideas, Physical decay, Dimness O iht, Defectite Memory, Loss ot Sexual Power, etc. uwkmg marriage improper or nnhappyt givinw treatmttst. and a great many valuable receipts for the cure of CA4 private diseases ; same size, oyci 60 plates, 50 cents. "Medical ttdtfee," a lecture on Manhood and Vv manhood, 10 eents; or all three in one nicely bound voUune, $1. They contain 000 pages and over tOO UlusiTMionfl, embracing every thing on the generative system tfca is worth knowing, and much that is not published in imv other work. The com bined volume is positively the bet Popular Medical Book t, and those dissatisfied After gettiag it can have published. their money refunded. Physician of many years practioa. Cg is well known,! and ThoAutftoris an experienced e given, and jtuiea turncatnieni be found otgreat value to thoyettlierica "OUSEand Lot onBrunwick between 6th apd 7th streets. Mustang Liniment, h( HOUSE and Lot on Market, between 13th and 14th streets. FOR MAN AND BEAST. This liniment very naturally originated in Ameri ca; where Aatnro provides in her laboratory such surprising antidotes for the maladies of her chil dren, lis fame has been spreading for 85 years, until now it encircles the habitable globe. The Mexican Mustang Liniment is a matchless remedy for all external ailments of man and beast. To stock owners and farmers it is Invaluable. A single bottlo often saves a human life or re stores the usefulness of an excellent horse, ok, cow, or sheep. ' It cures foot-rot, hoof -ail, hollow horn, grub, screw-worm, shoulder-rot, mange, the bites and. stings of poisonous reptiles and insects, and every such drawback to stock breeding and bush, life. It cures every external trouble of horses, such as lameness, scratches, swinny, sprains, founder, wind-gall, ring bone, etc., etc. The Mexican Mustang Liniment is the quickest cure In the world for accidents occurring in tho family, in the absence of a physician, such as burns, scalds, sprains, cuts, etc., and for rheuma tism, and stillness engendered by exposure. Par ticularly valuable to Miners. It is the cheapest remedy In the world, for It penetrates the muscle to the bone, and a single application is generally sufficient to cure. Mexican Mustang liniment Is put up In three sizes of bottles, the larger ones being proportion Btcly much the cheapest. Sold everywhere. ." february 1 ly R HOUSE andLot on andJlth etreets. Queen between 10th HOUSE and Lot on 9th between HainetSfc and Nixon streets. HOUSE and above. Lot ch Oth " r.djoiuIng th4 H OUSE and Lojj on Church between 5ttt - aud bth streets. ...... --i HOUSE an dLotn Dudley between Ottt and 10th streets. .. . . 1. ! HOUSE and Lot on 11th and Castle streets. . between Churctt I HAVE OTHER BUILDINGS IF THT1 ABOVE WI' L NOT SUITE riOPlJCi SPLENDID EUILDINS LOTS AUD II! EXCELLENT LOCALITIES, LOT corner , of 2d and Mulberry treef M GGxl32 feel one of tho ncest in. tho city LOT on Front, street 70 feet. , near 'WocEler 8x j oi tue sysiem, eariy errois.iost Tipor, or an uw fie in EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN (Daily,) " I NEWS DEPARTMENT. from impurities J of the nnmpr- ou troubles comins: under Um head ttS trPriirotn" n "Chronic" diseases.- Sent i tc$le volumes, or complete, in one, for Price in Stamps, SUwor Currency. Consul tation confidential, and letter promptly and trankW ary, IS N. 8th St., St-Iouis, ia CEetabUshedlsal.) lk. BU'lla invite all pewona snftcrin? frnm rudely awakened, one njglit, by a tele gram Irom Portland, informing" him that he must Lie him away to Wash ington, where his vote ;vas needed to assure a Democratic majority in ,the organization' of the House. Tearing himself from the embraces ot his numerous progeny, aud supplying him- selfjyith iresh rations ot tobacco and the, .fluid of the -Willamet region, thy illustrious statesman turned his large face eastward, with reluctant and slouching gait. The .Democrats of the House warned him that he must not 'tarry. Yet, failing to realize the stringency qi the exigency, Jonn Ly curgus took his leisurely way to Sah Francisep by sea. lie Lad never been to sea. He would go to sea if it took all the summer. jJhu Lycurgus ' Whiteaker bitterly repented him.' His anguish , was unut terable. He wa3 deadly sick and, in the agony of internal convulsions, he was ready to throw, up his certificate and retire to the privacy of the piny woods and the eleven white headed children. More dead than alive, and fairly turned inside out, the Oregon stateman finally arrived at Ban Fran eisco. Here, he thought, ho might rest, see the improvements which had been made since ..'49, change his linen, and get a "square meal." But, as the The Army aqd Navy Journal,! New York, is prompt to recognize the im portance of its constituency of the bill to reorganize the Army, just reported by the Joint Committee. The bill is a document of 724 sections or 294 octavo Learc Wilmington.............. 8.S6 F. M Leavo Florence 1.03 A. Arrive at Columbia 4 15 A Leave Columbia. .12.55 P. M Leave Florence. 47 A. Arrive at Wllmintrton ; 9 00 pagps, and to make, room for1 it, the NIGHT EXPSES TRAiN, Miyj r ' i ; . V. u I ! f Journal issues a double number, thirty two pages in all. Whether the bill pass or not, it is of great interest to army men and their triends as a codification of existing army law3, in their effect on the service. With the bill the Journal gives a letter from General Sherman, giving his opinion of the proposed re organization, also a review of the bill with comments on the different sections, and a list of the -officers it will throw out of the service on account qf age, etc., etc. - 1m." .. ., . - The invention of that Superior and Complete Sewing Machine (The Family bhuttle Machine), marks one of the most important eras in the history of machinery, and when we consider its great usefulness and extremely low j pric ($25) , it is very difficult to csnceive of any invention for domestic use af more or even equal importance, smooth, I and uuiet movement, rapid execution, I cer tainty of opperation, and delightful that at once commends st above Leave Wilmidgton . . . , Arrive at Fiorence '. . . Leave Florence. Arrive at Wilmington. .......10.13 A 2 30PM , 2 00 PM fi.lSPM This Train will only stop at FlemiDgton, Whiteville, Fair Bluil, Marion. j i Passengers for Augusta and I beyond should tafce riight impress Train irom wii mingto.n. " 1 Through Sleeping Cars on uiuht trail for Charleston and Augusta; nov JOHN 0-t .F DIVINE, Gen. SupH. We shall give tho latesU Local, National and Foreign News. We will thank . ur friends to send us all the news they have for publ tation. . . Great pains wiH be taken to give 4 Correct Statement of the Market tn Aa- va Stores, Cotton and Produeet of Every Description ZAlee, a correct ease. all others. The working' parts are all cbllapsed, sickened and depleted states- thr6ad the stitch i3 the firmest of all man yeutunu uw wo "'r 0i" st itr imps mnria. neat and regular, ana can Carolina Qentral Rail way Company. OFFICE QEN',L SUPERINTENDENT,! WiiiMli?GTON,Jf.C:Marchl6, 1879. : Commeroialv and; Marine Report iy'as met by ah emmissary of-the Hem cratic party, who told him tbat a spe cial train waited for him, and that he must go east, at once. Ju vain the im pophistipated and s!ea worn - traveler . pleaded , A spepial .train, costing $1500 at the very least had been engaged for be regulated in a moment to sew stitchs from an inch in length on course rna teriai down to the finnest' "so infinitesi mal as t be hardly discernable with the nqked eye, an4 with 4 rapidity ren dering it impossible to count them as faat a madfl it. dnpa tn nfirfftfitinn1 all him by the National Democratic party, I ir:mu nf hw. r.narso. nlnin. irne' or and, yielding up his individual being, fancyneedle-work with ease and far less l. . .At-t- I iiohairi Inn iinahnrn QTlfl I . . w . i unfed, the unhappy statesman ! was in .' i : ' " : . I 1 :. V. n a cta Innrrtlnrva f P a vafr rT "fired into" the waiting train, and. whirled eastward over the Sierras. Vainly at the several way stations he pleaded for a hot meal and, a chance to lake( hi thirst. Like "Fr'ankebbteinV monster,'1 he must go on. Fed with tanned ' gootisi ' deprived ot natural warmth and nourishment, this unhap py man 'was shotVover the Snowy Kan ge, across the gry wastes, of the alkali ' plaiqs, through the chasms of tlie Itocky Mountains," a miserable, un kempt, shaken and sleepless D,emot ratr for: whom a doubtful majority iu the Uou.se waited and longed: redely torn from, the bosom of his family, tue bucolic Oregoniau thought oi , his eleven white headed babes, and cursed the day when he had assumed the cares of statesmanship. The regular train was 5(0 miles ahead of him, and after that the iron horse, dragging the bat- tered Johq Lycurgus, tore with sataniq speed.' The supremacy of the Demo cratic patty in the House wa3 at stake. ' Why should he not fly on the wings pf wiuu, Dustaiuiug nature, meantime, t C tr - H4 ra-v -v r-T.- S . T vu tttuucu Kuuua mu oorn juicei Bast the' Aztec cities 6f tradition, past the Uiant's Stairway and the a t labor than reqnirea on on other ma chines It needs-no commendation, the rapid sales, increasing -demand, and I volunteer encomiums from p,&$K and the thosands of families vjho' use iiern, amviy? tesuiy to ineir unaouDtea worth as a standard and reliable honse nold necessity, extending iis podularity each day: TLis popular machine can be examined at the omce of ths pa.pert AGETS WAISTTD by thi company. Address tnem for information. ?AM- ILY SHUTTLE MACHINE CO.,755 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 10 t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. "YN and after MoBdayJ6th instant, the J following Schedule will be operated on tnis uaiiway : . . BAdSBNaER, 'BkfAIL AND EXPRESS N, GREEN WALD. B' EALER IN DOMESTIC I AND IMPOR TED ' . m ' CIGARS AND SNDFFS, ... '. -!" North Carolina and Virginia Smo: in and Ohewing Tolacco t PIPE SMQER ABTICLE, &a Inaian Girl Cigar Store HO. 36 MARKET BTRilET, jec 21 1 - Wilmiagton, N. C. 4 TRAIN "j Leave Wilmington atJ. No. I. k Arrive at Hamlet at.... l " (jnariotte at.. ) Leave Charlotte h t.. ....... No. 2. -Arrive at Hamlet at........ J " Wilmington at... Communications on manuiactuilng will be published. We will publish commnnl cations when accompanied by responsible name; not otherwise. . All Communications to be addressed to WILMINGTON, N. a ( all Tem KUl'i.DKii to send him Ud aamei an address and hereby assures them tftat thev vnll lonrn Private Hospital, 203 S.Clark St.,Chicago, HI- fc7Specialty, all mvate, ctiromc and Female Diseases. Consultation free. Ladies and Gentle men, send one dollar for samples of best rubber good, aud valuable information by express. Relia ble Female Pills, $5 per box. .Private home and nurse for Ladies during confinement Ll 1 a A new work, price 50 g cents oy mam Myste m ries of Nature, Phrsi Bology of Marriage,,br. g. M paws or Ueneration, ' JJ Diseases of Youth aud Uj.8 Manhood; a wealth of S choioe and valuable io Ci3 B formation, of interest g to both sexes. Nothing m offensive to good taste CC5 S and refinement. Infor- n mation never before m published. Mo family a snouia oe wutimit it. BSJ M fCTAddress, Dr. A. G. se--ra n OLTN. 203 Clark St. dec tf dec 1 tf nv.il HOftPIIIXE habit abso. lutetv 4, speedily cured. Fain less. Macublicity. Send stamp f.ir ioU (Mtrticulars. Ds. Cffrlton, 203 y. iiwk St., C hicago, 111. BOOTI -AN SHOES. J UST RECEIVED mense stock of LADIES' FOXand MOROCCO S1WRS fall varieties, styles and descriptions; also GENTS' VS H O E S f- at --v ureal cfiauce to maice money T I j I 7 If you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and Illustrated iamiiy puDiicaxion, in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that, almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $150 ma week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. Ail wno engage make money fast. You can derote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not do away irom nome over night: You pan dn it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Klegantana expensive uumii ueo. njuu want profitable worfe send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the busi ness. No one who engages iaus to maxe great pay. Address 'The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. augl7-12ia. . THE PURCELL HOUSE. JJ AS PASSED INTO THE HANDS OF the undersigned, has ;been newly fur. nished throughout, and, as heretofore, will LOT on Brunswick between 2ad and3rd streets loxlCO feet. LOT next to and adjoinius the above 45x100 feec. THESE Lots are within one Block of the Wilmiugton &. Weldon iaUroad shops, and within two Blocks of the Carolina Cen tral Railroad Depot. If none of tho above or following will suite, I have others that I will sell. ' . IS- FIFTY LOT I7IFTY Splendid Buildics Lots oil-Market ; and 17th streets, in the very prettiest part of Wilmington. " GOOD ARMING LAND. 100 Acres of Good Pender county. Farming Land in' Small farm Town Creek. in Brunswick conuly on rimii. aDove property, will be sola very: JL cheap for cash, or on terms that will suit tne purcnaser. NOW is the timo to rilO VIDE a home for your family. Do notxon tinue 1o pay high rent and die poor, but buy while you can. The rent you pay will buy you a home of your own, and when-you are old you will be thankful you had, such an opportunity. W. "1 . CAN A DAY. ,A Du 9. Oa Trincessst. bet. Front and ad. s be run strictly as a , 'Fii-st-Class Hotel I AND In every imaginable &l CHILDSE S, SHOES A specialty. dec211y ITIIOMAS J,JfiOWEY. Jb., B a Market street. 6:30 Ai M ... 2:00 P; M ,.Al4 Ai'M ...S:20 Al M . 2:00 P. M .10:00 P.M SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT A PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. Leave Charlotte 7.-00 A. M. No. Arrive at Shelby ....-11:15 A. U in A Leave Shelby,....,,. 1U X Arrive at Charlotte. M. ..1245 P M &00P.IM The above Trains have Passenger accom modations, and are the only ones permit ted to carry Passengers. , V. Q. JOHNSON. Chief Engineer and SuperintendeiU, the Post. Subscription Price, $1 Per Imui We have reduced the subscription price so that every poor man can afford to subscribe for it. The paper will positively not be sent to any one who does not pay for It, so when your paper stops you may know your sub scription Is out. No paper can be run unless the subscribers and other patrons pay their daes promptly. It Is. Important to have newspapers in the land, therefore every 1 - person who Is In favor of civilization should do all he can to encourage the publication of as many newspapers as possible. '. rPrfftare.ortaJd 1 S5 -2 r s ' a Board reduced as follows : $2 50 and S3 per Hv with Rooms, ner month. 535 ; Table MW It M. Board, per month $25. . , Best of Wines, Liquors anduigars ALWAYS ON HAND AT Regular City Prices, We hope to see all the old patrons of the house and ALL THEIR FRIENDS, promis ing them that no pains shall be spared to please all. . Jan 18- COBB BP-OS. .Proprietors. Rogers' Extra Early Peas. -rtw v a TiT.TXESS AND SUPER! OF lVSA,V ifuality cannot be excelled. White Marrow fat. Black Eye and other good varieties. Early Snap Berns, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Rad ish Seed, Potatoes, and a general assort ment of Vegetable and Feld Seed of relia ble quality, at low prices. (Catalogues sent hxr man t snecial attention to orders by j j 110KSE - SHOEING. HAVE OPENED A SHOP AT THE corner of Market and Seventeenth streets, where I am prepared to shoe horses and mules, repair carts, -wagons) buggies and carriages both wood and iron work..' I hope my old friends will remember me when they have afcy work lin mjf line, I guarantee satisfaction in price and quaHt of work. ; KICHAUU WAMKa. feb 1 tf mail, dec. 29 C. B. ROGERS, Seed Grower, -133 Market St., Phlla. S66. 2i week in your own town. 5p Out- I U) liVVf V. - . ' a hni ;nM:a at. which uersons OI either sex can matce great pay ii they work, write for particulars to H. Hai LETT S UO., jroruiuiu, mwaw apll-IV . sm ZELL'S Condensed Cyclopedia, r?arpit. fttinortnnity for making money is now offered to general -agents and can Zaaaora in the South on this exceedingly . t.. - . , -l 1 1MV useful and low pncea uw. xuw .i v.i inTvin Tim pn crravin crs. 10 dOUbie- is not easily earned in these times, but it can oe mausiu three months by any one of. either six, in any part of the , country who is wunng w work sleadily at the employment that we furnish, too per wees in , your yivu You need not be away irom nome pvpr night. You can give your whole time to tbe worK, or ; my -J KV?, W6 nave agents iuu uio '"h T per day. . AH "wno engage at once can make money iasu ai mo j " cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. 11 cosis ., business. Terms ana 50 puiunicc. n.uu.n at once, H. HALLETT CO., Portland, Maine. - ;: July31-9m : m - - - a M A1 OIO a day at Mme. ab" " ifoLZ Outfit and terms free. XRDL&CO', Augusta. Me. page colored maps, uniy 90 I ana sl a Wees to Aeents. i ferms and territory, address T. Etwoon 77 OUTKIT P R E E. P. 0 Zkli., Davis & Co;, Philadelphia.-4t N. VyjYTORE, Augustm Mains. septic W ANTED A few lane iosi t v orders. V.CANADA Annrfi WVAi i 1