-rS. THE WILMINGTON POST WILMINGTON, N. C. Sunday Mobnjng, Apbil 131879. ! LOCAL BREVITIES. Docls street dock has been repaired. . The banks of the city were closed on Friday last. ; : -; The sidewalks in the city, certainly need looking after. , The bridge across Smith's Creek is reported in a bad condition, f ; The Barque North Carolina has ar rived at her destination all O. K. Mr. John Litereri had a lot of clothing stolen from him on - Thursday night I last. T '. Josh! Telfair was tried by Justice Hall for disorderly conduct on Thurs day last . , Charles Eadens was bound over a few dayi 8go by Justice Gardner for steal ing a turkey. - Our townsman, Dr. Isaac N. Carr, intends to make his future home in Tarboro, N. C. - There is to be a grand pic nic at Cropms' Bridge,, in Pender county, On the 14th instant. Capt. David Mijrchison left on Satur day last for New York, on business con cerning the Carolina Central railroad. Messrs. Williams and Mnrchison of 4 this city, received jn Friday last, in one cargo, a small lot of 1,750 kegs of , EriscorALCoxvESTios. Thesixly- third annual convention of the Episco- pal Diocese ot N. U , meets at layette- ville on the 14th day of May. i Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session, Wednesday night, at tlje City liall. ;. . Full Board present. The Finance Committee, in . the matter bf the petition of Henry Taylor; reported progress The Committee on Fire Department, in the matter ol li.. boiomon, reported mat ine uny uierK ana lreasurer a 1 ..a m r x i 1 r-tn I - - f. 1 ' ' "-'ifi.it i npusv me company mac mey muse , ll 1 J." I 1 1 .1 payime ciaira at once, or ic win De -.r--'. paid by the city and deducted from the appropriation. , The same Committee reported favor, ably on the petition of Mrs. E. Warrei and both reports wero adopted. lne banitary Uommittee recom mended that Health Officer James be instructed to carry out the recom mendations as contained in his letter. The special committee on telephone connection with engine houses made a report, and, on motion, it was referred back to the committee with, request that they malce a written report at the next meeting. r. A CGmmunication was read from Mr. J.VE. Lippitt, containing a proposition of the stockholders of the New Market; one from S. H. Manning. & Co., pro posing to build the MarketHouse : one from T. II. Johnson arid Hermann Heintze covering like proposition, and -resolution of Alderman Hill, on the subject ; together with an offer of F.W. Foster, Esq., to sell the city a site for the Market House on the- corner of Third and Princess streets, were all referred to Committee ou Market and Fees. ',;7-v ;,. Communication from Cape Fear Engine Company was referred to the Committee on Fire Department, , Alderman Iv I i r r t r trnm IhAUniiifnnt I .-rt- "'-.i. f . , , . . A.J t , Ptt if., i . , uwiu ui xicauu us . w uitruuiiuti re gulations, signed by Dr. W. G. Curtis, Quarantine Physician, and Drs. Wood and Walker, Consulting Physicians, which was approved and adopted. Cemmunication from Dr. W. W. - Late, in relation to the. City Hospital, , was referred to the Sanitary Cotnmittee, and a communication from W. Kellogg was referred to the same with power to act. Petition of D. Cartjohn, for a lamp, was reierrea 10 ine committee on Lights. f Bid of Colyille & Co., to-furnish lumber at $11,25 per M., was accepted. jPetitions from J. F. Stolter, Harding Johnson and Colville & Co., to erect buildings, were referred to the Com - mittee on Fire Department, with power to act in the case of Colville & Co. : . .' Application from, N. Morris, for position a3 Standard Keeper, was re .1 .'.!-iJ I i? f - ' ceiYcu, anu on mouon; ne was so ap pointed. On motion. Norwood Giles: "Pen wa3 (at his own request) required to h . - - m give a bond to the city for 5,000, as Commissioner of the Sinking Fund. Proceedings of County Commis- bionerS. The Board met in regular session on Monday last, at 2.30 p. m. Full Board being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Committee on Hospital ; report- eu progress. Complaint bemg made Tm reference to the condition of Smith V Creek 1 ' 5 . 1 .. . , image, tne matter was referred to rx i r '- Commissioner Grady for report. The report of the Treasurer of the General and School fund was received, 1. j - , . jf , exam;ined, found correct, and ordered on the minute The - Treasurer returned of special fund .. Wtow., Sil bond,-of fSOo'maik free.. each, due the 1st of March, 1879, paid by iiim, including his March account ; 36 coupons of old bonds of $15 'each ; 23 coupons of new bonds, of $15 eacli, and 54 coupons of new bonds of $3 each; all of which bonds and coupons were burned in the presence of the whole Board. It was" ordered that the Board of Finance be ; authorized to take such steps as are necessary to. expedite the listing and assessing of the property in Wilmington Township. The Board then proceeded, under the Machinery Act, to the appoint ment of Assessors for all the townships in the county, and two Assessors at large, as follows : Wilmington Township M. Cronly. Cape Fear Township Iredell John son. ; r . -' ' . . Harnett Township A. A. Moseley. Masonboro'Township H. L. Home. Federal Point Township J. II. Home.. The Bsard, from a number of nom inations made, appointed Oicar G. Parsley, Sr., and ,. Dallas M. Fennel?, the Assessors at large for New Hanover countyy .- , ' , A petition was received from citizens of Harnett and Cape Fear Towr.ships lor laying out s public road from the seven mile post to Frank's Landing on the sound, and the Clerk w&3 order ed to notify the owners of land through if. f t m wmcn me roau wouia pass to appear Detore the first Monday in May and show cause; if they have, any, why said rcad should not be laid off. lne following were ordered to be notified : . A. R. Black, ' John Lof tin, James Grant, Vvriu. Winters, Tobias Carney, John McNeill, Jordan Lemons heirs of D. K. Futch. a petition ot J. Jb. Urarrell. for the a . m . . erection of a building at his own ex pense, on his premises, for the addis tional comfort and security of prision ers under his charge, was granted. The petition from citizens of Mason- boro and Federal Point Townships, for authority, to lay off a ; public road, was granted, and the Sheriff was directed to summon a iury bf five freehold? tn lay off said road. A lieensAin rpfnil Bnir;i.n. -1; - i . -.,--... .'h'iiuuud uvxixuxo I - wa3 granted to D. Stelees. u Tne Board then nronp tn m.v -w -. the leyy on Schedule B. and C tax fnr the ensuing year, and" the Clerk was instructed to notify the newlv aDDoint ea Assessors to meet at the Commis - sioners' room on the first Monday in May, at 11 o'clock a. m., lor consulta tion, agreeable to section 2 of the Machinery Act. A- communication was received bv the Board from Mayor Fishblate, stat ing, in response to an inquiry, that the city government had no authority nor had it appropriated any money for me pay ox .assessors. mi . l lie Mendelssohn Piano Co. . No. 21 Eastloth street, N.,7Y., whose adver tisement appears elsewhere, is sellino- i-ianos direct to the people at Factory x-rices, wunout the intervention of agents or dealers, thereby savins them more than one half, the -prices usually cnarged for strictly First-class instru ments. lne leading papers of the country apeak in the very highest terms of th Company and their Pianos, as will be seen in the following extracts selected from their Catalogue : lhe Mendelssohn Piano , impressed us greatly, first by its power, .mrl - - . . . . secona Dy us rare beauty of tone. It is f , .. . . ' brilliant without beins- thi n ' n nil powerful without noise The treble is bright and pure, the middle ranire warm and sympathetic, and the hass . . . . a - decided and sonorous, whiie the touch is excellent. Watsorfs Art Journal iW l or :. One of the Square Pianos, (Mathus net's bcale) exhibited by the Mpn. delssohn Piano Co , is constructed upon entirely new principles, and is said a tit a m i- M z a 1 1 ixo iuwi, puweriiu tonea square F'u u -me. woria, with a. singing quality rarely, it ever, before obtained in anyPiano.-C'ca7o Times. For a number of years the Mendels sohn Piano Co., haye aimed at th - I Fiuuuutiuu 01 a spienaiu piaroat a low price, mey nave more than s dccef,;t .1 U..1... , . .... uu.ra mecnanism, skill and genius vauuu, pruuuee a netter piano, while the price is below that of anv other ixm. . , . ... " I u.183 e.-jucsviae Courier- xne revolution m the American Piano trade has leadership of .the Mendelssohn Piano Co., of New York. That revolution meansLower Prices Jbr ins:, u Yu-iUs equal in material,' Warueiivu uad elegance to the best yet produced-- 01. JLoms Hevubliean. we; notice that the Mendelssohn fiano uo., ot New, York, have taken ne neia against hi am nrices TIip matchless perfection of the Mendels- sohn piano disarms criticism. flfcw. land Herald. . ' 1 ine culture and exacting mnui taste of Cincinnati eives the Menf. sohn a rank second to no othpr ninn. forte: and their sale is rapidlv inrre,,. in Th,am nu'nA,A "" ; , r .uouumeuis, and the wonder iali J ouiu at so low a price.-Cincinnati Gaa, We would Wnmmend ,nv Zl readers who - have anv i,W nf . . . - v vim buying a piano: not to fail to writA af onca for their Illustrated and De" scriptive Catalogue. : "Don't Tut in the Paper. i : "For heaven's sake 1 don't let it get into the papers," is the first cry" 61 a person caught in a mean scrape. Keep it out ot the papers and it is all right. No matter how contemptible or dis honest the position may be, or how much reason the offender may have for shame; remorse and contrition, if the circumstances can be kept from the "cormorants of the press," as the peo- pie who have good reason to be afraid of newspaper reporters sometimes call them, he is tranquil and happy. We are no champion for that extreme license of the press that is sometimes displayed, but we have noticed that the ones who cry out the loudest against newspaper disclosures are generally those whose own lives and acts would not bear inspection.- People who live clean i straightforward lives have little to fear from the newspapers.- Cfactn nati Saturday Night. , ; : NE W AD VERTISEENMTB: THE GENUINE ' Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC ''" OR SYMPTOMS OF WORMS; THE countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes or a circumscribed snot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle) runs alone the lower eve-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with lmraminc or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of .saliva; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning-: aDDetite variable. sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of thetnmaeh. at ntlirs. entirely gone; fleeting1 pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive: stools slimv. not unfrenwent- Iy tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard : urine turbid ; restoration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive uneasv and dis turbed sleep, with grinding'- of the A. x 1 . x 'It m -m -a teem ; temper variable, out generally irritable, &c. v Whenever the above symptoms are tound to exist, . DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form;: it isan innocent prepa- rauon , 7101 capaoie oj doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant ine genuine Dr. McLanes Ver mifuge bears the signatures of ,C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. ;p: BE, G, McLANE'S ElVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy 'for au ine 1113 tnat flesh 15 heir to," but in affections of the liver.' and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick: Head- - acne, or diseases ot that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. - ' No better cathartic can be usprt nrensf. atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple;: purgative they are un equaled. BE WAKE OP I3IITATIOXS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box! has a red wax seal on tht lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's JIVER i'lLLS. Each wrapper bears the sicrnfltnrp nf C. McLane and Fleming BrcJs. .Insist upon -havino- the frenuinp T)r. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being fulL of imitations of the name 31cLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. dec',8 ly, V WILMINGTON MARKETS. April 5. SnitiTS Ttjkpentixe. Th 0 market opened easier, with ,29 cents asked. Sales renorted later of SftO rnlva of 9Q v w vmk;uw UW Kf cents per gallon for country packages, Eosin The market opened dull at l 05 for Strained ana $1 10 for Good Btrained. No sales reun'rtnrf Tar. Market was steady at 90 cents per bbl, of 280 lbs, the receints of the day being disposed of. at that price. . eude Turpentine Market nnie and unchanged, the receipts of the day - a -v., vuu being placed at $1 00 for &ard and Sl.GOfor Yplinwr; nr, '"Tu CoTTO.-The market for this articla opened quiet at with salPS rrK 16 'balea on O;o ne inx , " Wi J-va vcxiu per iu. forMiddling, closing steady.The follow- iug ftio tuc viuuiui 4uuianuns: Ordinary Cts f lb S- Good Ordinary, 10 " 10 1 " 10 Low Middling null! : it iiXUUUDg : Cr'M Middlinir IiECEiTP. Cotton ' 130 bales Spirits turpentine 175 casks ICosm 1,764 bbls 796 bbls 200 bbls Tar, Crude turpentine .v ' '-' April 7. ; Spirits Turpentine. The market tnr tVi la art?TA nn-. n..x.j -ff i. cn renf ftn hA v,v,.- nnrterl nf i.n rv M,v,.a J::Z"- jusin. xne maritet was dull and iKttK iii i vj ior otramea ana al io fnr axn J . T-Z." repu"ea' on 7. 48 v vmwya uuu ua iou lus, tne recemtt nf a ,is.- V . - - V Sii ' " " being placed at fl 00 for Hard and $1 60 for Yellow Dip. CoTTOir The market for this article opened and closed quiet and steady, wfth small sales reported on a basis cf 10 cents per lb for middling. The fol lowing are the official quotations: , Ordinary, ' - cts lb GoodlOrdinarv. 91 " Strict Grood Ordinary, Low Middling, Middling, Good Middling, "5 10 J " " or t" itECEIPTS. Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, " Tar, . Crude Turpentine, 102 bales 173 casks 1,223 bbla 445 bbls 999 bbls April 8. Spirits .Turpentine- The market was quiet, at 29 cents per gallon, for country packages, with sales reposed of 200 casks at that figure. Eosin The market was quiet at $1 05 for Strained and $1 10 for Good Stained. Sales reported of 250 bbls Strained at $1 05, 40 do Extra No. 1 at $2 25, and 42 do Pale at $3 50 per bbl Tab Market for, this article was steady; the receipts of the day being placed at 90 cents per bbl, of 28fr lbs. Crude Turpentine. The market was'isteady .and unchanged, the re ceipts of the day being placed at $1 00 for Hard and $1 GO for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Cotton. The market for this article opened easier, with sales of 25 bales on a basis of lOJ'cents for Middling. closing firm. . The following are the official quotations : Ordinary, Good Ordinary, Low Middling, Middling, Good Middling. cents f ll 9 : 10 " " 10J " tt a receipts; Jbtton, Spirits Turpentine Rosin, Tar, Crude Turpentine 285 bales 167 casks 1314 bbls 6.49 . bbls 941 bbls April 9 Spirits Turpentine. The market opened weak at 29 cts per gallon for country packages, but later there was an active demand and 275 casks changed hands, closing firm. Rosin. The market quiet, inactive and nominal at $1 05 for Strained and $1 07 for Good Strained. Sales re ported of 300 bbls Good Strained at quotation?, and 52 Extra Pale3 at $3 50 per bbl. Tar. Market steady and unchanged at 90 cts per bbl, at which the receipts of the day were sold. Crude Turpentine. The market for this article was unchanged, the re ceipts of the day being placed at $1 .00 for Hard and $1 CO for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Cotton. The market . for this arti cle was firm, with sales reported of 17 bales on a basis of 10$ cents per lb for Middling The llollowing are the ofli cial quotations: Ordinary, Good Ordinary, -Cts lb : t s 9 10 J 10J ns Strict Good Ordinary, ti Low Middling, Middling, Good Middling, tt tt tt a ' , April 10. spirits Turpentine. The market opened firm at 30 cents per gallon lor regular packages, with sales of 150 casks at that price, closing firm. Rosin The market was dull at $1 05 for Strained. $1 10 for Good Strained. No sales reported. Tar. Market quiet and unchanged, the receipts of the day being disposed of at 90 cents per bbl. Crude Turpentine Sales reported of 300 bbls at $1 00 forHard and $1 65 for Yellow Dip and Virgin, being an advance of 5 cents on the latter grades" since last report; closing steady. Cotton The market opened steady with sales reported of 230 bales on a basis of 10f10f cents per lb for mid dling. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary, cts lb uooa uramary, 9f Strict Good Ordinary 10 " Low Middling, 10 tt tt tt tt tt it Middling 10f Good Middling, ft tt RECEIPI'S. Cotton, . Spirits turpentine, Rosin, Tar, Crude turpentine, 131 bales. 88 casks. 761 bbls. 430 " 665 v . April 11. To day beicg Good Friday and ob served as a, holiday, there were no transactions in cotton, spirits turpen tine or rosin. Tar, Market was steady at 90 eta per bbl., of 280 lbs, the receipts of the day being dijppsed of 4t that price. ; Crude Turpentine The market was steady and unchanged, the re ceipts of the day being placed at SI 00 for Hard and $1 60 Yellow Dip and "Virgin. Flour, Sngar, Meat, Molasses.' 1000 BUsFLOURof various brands. - 250 Bbls SUGAR, of sundry grades, . v X50 Boxes MEAT, Hams, Shoulders " . - . . Sides, Strips, Bellies. v SOOHhdsan Call ou oroi dec21tf "tfOLASSES, m ' 4 YOLLERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JbtJhCA.J3 We stood at an open window . Leaning far over the sill,! ; And if something hadn't happened " . We might have stood there etlW; But we reached for a banging shutter ' In n blinding northeast breeze, -Po our friends will have to be invited To join in the obsequies. TP WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN -1- .hat a storm was brewing (in a teapot), and now far off that shutter was, we should never have ventured our head outside of that window; but; it Is too late lor regrets now; we are nonplussed, completely squelched, have been sat upon, and our friends and the public generally are re spectfully invited to attend the obsequies oa SATURDAY ISTXT. and we stake our reputation on its being the grandest funeral they ever witnessed. Ashe slips he slides, and every time he slides he slips up most woefully. We leave our "kind friends" to find out the meanine of the above, and while they are doincso we will ask the following questions: . ,?Ia,Yn.' 'we the ugliest and dirtiest storefin the State? - . r,Savn't e tiie Poorest stock of goods in Wilmington? . llavn't we ljiade prjcoa much hlghealace we commenced? . . Ilavn't we been very nnaccommodatlDK and impolite to ycu? Ilavn't wechargedVou for all he good delivered? Ilavn't we made a great many mistake and refused to correct them when our atten tion was called thereto? -. Alrof our friend who answer "yes" to the above questions will please not buy from us any more. KespeStfully and truly. 2. L. BRIDGfERS & CO. In glancing over last. Sunday's paper we regretted to notice .the tacit acknowledg ment from some of our brother grocers that we had taken away part ol their trad, and making an appeal to theothers not to leave them. We regret this exceedingly, especial ly as they were so kind and considerate about our coming to grief, but suppose, as we have determined to do the LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY . BUSINESS ever done in Wilmington, we will in the future have to keep from being so tender hearted, and CUT 1)0 WN PliluJES a little more. - .. . THE BLOOD CHASM HAS BEEN BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS are not quite gone. A fiae line of TOILET SOAPS re . j ceiyed to-day, very low down. The OLD CAPE FEAR is flourishing anu iiA.K,LH,LiLlXj swimming. ' vV 6 have been ovfir nnr! smntod (liof "Gigar of Peace." (a fine Havana it was),but etili think it would be bad policy to stop furnishing the papers with our fine literary productions, as they have the. tendency to keep prices very low, which we, of course, with allother good grocers, desire: only uutiu icn iu pay iur ciem g mre store rent and taxes. NOT PUHITANiOAL. Although onnosed tn tho d Liquors, p. L. BRIDGERS t CO-, are not yuuwmrai euougn 10 reiuse to sell them, as they think ho FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE can afford tn h wi.h. hnnw promise the ladies that they would neyer uLiVA uui iuer was any on tne premises, as xu uiua. mo iu.A.t,u eiewuere to DQ arunK. BUMGARDNER, STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE received this week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LARD i The purest, oldest, and best CORN" WHISKEY in tire State; to be bought only at P. L. BRIDIW & CO'S. v"r.7 a,t iiio no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised at the absence of on r nsn a 1 Rnnrimr -rv, i ad, on account of one of our friends havintr gone to New York Saturday night. 6 "v" Jtr.ij.ii.ts: fjj. X. ICOitlLI-,, Uiijferialer, Carjenter ani CaMnet ' . . , Mater," On Third Street . 3iXntRNISII?OIiLFINS' CASKETS, notice e, a very shortest tendedrto " from 1116 countlT promptly at- Ordera for Carpenter and Cabinet Work solicited, and work guaranteed " Work as low as any in the city. ' " Jan 18-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , FOR SALE, "1 q K Acres of Land in Bladen County, one . and a half miles from, the Cap Fear River, Prospect HU1 landing, o , Acres of open Land, produces Corn, A,Cotton, and is in splendid condition. Dwelling and out Hoas la good con dition. 3,000 nerds of Pine wood can be cut 6n this tract v of Lsnd. f! Parties wishlnf to purchase will please apply Id A. KcDoKAm, rrospect II111, Bladen County N. C. - tf. HOHEY HARKT.i BUTIWa, UOiUMtMlMUNMMtMHtNfMl()9 SKLLIJfU ill 106 Exehange sight on northern cities.- M. Exchange SO days on Northern i S disc . ;..lli cdis Par Val Sellinff Bank of New Hanover Btock......" 25 First National Bank.... 10 29 106 94 81 m Wilmington Buildinsr Btock CO 00 Mechanics' Navassa Guano Co " , N C Bonds Old Ex-Cocipon 000 21 Do Funding 11 .as DO " 1808... 14 Do NeTT.........-.........13 Do Special Tax ....... 08 Do to u UKaiiroad . .42 - W4WR B Bonds 7 fic(Gold IntWO COBB Bonds, 6 ft c...........70 Wilmington City Bosds, 8 fso 70 7 fco 85 . ; M : old 6 c 65 : " New Hanover Co Bonds (10 years) Vo (Gold Int)r W4WBB 8tok (Par 100)......66 NCBB . " ( " 100).. 35 C O Railread " ( " ran .,., qi WGLCO ' I" 60). 70 V4S8B R ( . 15 RATES OP FREIGHT. Per Bail ing Ves sel. Per Btmr : Tn Niew Ynwir. Crude turpentine tt bbl 0 040 0 40 0 00 035 050 0 35 000 75 000 35 000 125 0 00 0 10 0 00 050 0 00 0 50 000 080 000 fr50 0 00 200 0 00 0 75 0 00 010 700 aoo pw ll ..................... Spts Turpentine tt bbl 03 OWf 000! iOSlHDDl..... Cotton abalfi.. 040( 000 000 2009 Pejintita "Si hn 0S0 000 To Pttttjatit.p,ttt a Crude Turpentine tt bbl xar ddi Spts Turpentine tt bbl. Rosin tt bbl.. Cotton tt bale. 000(& 200 Cotton Groods bale.. 000 075! Peanuts busnei...... Lumber $ M. , To BALTiMOiia 10 IS 010 700 000 Crude Turpentine tt bbl 0301 045 0 00 0 00 oooS 000 0 00 6 50 0 4 0 4 0 7 04 iar ddi Spts Turpentine ttbbl... 0353 0 45 075 090 0303 0 45 rtosin DDI..... Cotton tt bale.. 0 00a 2 00 20 Peanuts tt bushel- 0 00 0 11 00 Liumber tt M , Tn Rnnrmr 5 60 WOO Crude Turpentine n bbl Jo 55( 0 00 000 065 0 65 0 70 nosin ddi........ fJott.nn hn.1 1 Peanuts tt buahel.....J;.000d 0 00 Lumber M -J 000 2 50 0 00 012 010 V PRINT AND PROSPER, t THE ; ; Nf& W " STATE, ; PUBLISHED AT GREENSBORO, Is ene of the LEADING REBUBLICAN PAPERS OF NORTH CAROLINA: ' It eniOVS alaro-A clrnnlafinnL ti nfTora superior facilities to the advrtipr Tfa mi. umnswili con taiu orlgiual articles, choice KmeuLiuxis. neini ior us jarng. ana House hold, Bummary of the latest new, etc.. in tact, everything to make it A FIRST CLASS NEWRPAPFr; IX, ublished every Thursday at Two Pollars V JLtsaa.. . OCI 1A CONSUMPTION JPOSlTBVEti y CURED All K IX TTPTArfl lfAm tM x iDOfioa V t n n anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kissner's Celebrated Consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no huabug, we will for ward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free Trial Box. - We don't want yeur money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative powers. xijuuf lueis worm saving, aon't aeiay m giving these Powders at trial, as they will surely cnr vnn. , Price, for large box. 53.00, ssnt to any part x luo umwu ouibeB or jnaaa Dy mail on ASH & ROBBiS?, 3G0 F0LTOK Stbbet, Bhooklyk. N. Y. March 30 1 y. M. DART, , PRACTICAL PLUMBER, STEAM AND GAS FITTER, WILMINGTON, N. a, QAN STILL BE FOUND AT HIS OLD slSnd 'Journal Building, PrinceSB street, w v xo mci-ui eu i,u uo uli KinuB oi work vr xuu vujituiauy on nana ' Bath Tuds, i Water Closets, ' V'.. Wash Stands, , : . , pumps 0f aii deecriptions, Dram Pipes, Gas Pipes, . . ? : Gas Fxtares, &c, &c. Personal attention given to all work. .Satisfaction guaranteed. . december 21 tf CIVIL AND MECHANICAL E N G I N E E H I G AV?oTNnvelI7tehe Institute Tue S'rTfA?.8. Sept: 12; , t ; , ivi wig uuxiiwiixB a 11SL Of the eradnfltui fm-tho .- "v.." J iiU . . D L, RUSSELL Attorney at Law, OfffAARtnwMnnxa- , .. . ' DockStrt; v ' -?a.nd n thfn11111? faster ork for us n,1"1111 se Capital notre- 7 . - "xix cwfcxkjfuu. gl& per oay Srnfemade,i)y the industrious. Men, toTbdie! . t t u tiiue. jostlv 935$ 0 00 OS5& 0 50 090Q 100 0S5 050 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . .. .- ...' 'It is worth double its price" Ottawa (Canada), Advertiser. - JCSTCUEAPEST AD, BEST!- PETERSON'S MAGAZINE ; FULL SIZE PAPER PATTERNS' .. !.: " . . - tS-A Supplement will be glvon in evei y number lor 1870, containing a '-full - izV, pattern eheet for a lady's, or child's dres Every subscriber will receive Jarlngi the year, twelve of these patterns, to that thet alone will beworthmore than tbeeubtcrip- ' tion price. Great improvement will ic9 be made in other respects." r ' . ' "Petcrann'a l.I'ocrawiTio'f. na! ' ' year. 1000 pages, u steel plates, V2 colored Berlin patterns, 12 mammoth colored-- wsujuu Hticff, k- yu&vx 01 muur, and about 900 wood cuts, s Its princlpii m. " belllshments are. - . SUPERB STEEL ENGRAVINGS I Its immense circulation enable? lis pro prietor to spend more oa embellishment stories, Ac., than any other. It gives- raeri for the money than any In the world. lta thrilling tales and not elettes; " Are the best published anywhere. All fjl9 most popular writers are employed to wrii originally for "Peterson." In 1679, In t.d dition to the usual quantity of short Btbriei Five Original Copyright Novelettes will hi given, by Ann S. fcstephens, -Frank Le Jienedicr, Frances Hodgscn Burnett, JsiDe G. Austin; and that unrivalied bumoriit the author of "Josiah Allen's wile." " c- ". Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates. V Ahead of all others. These plates ara icn graved on steel, twiee tpe usual sise. fend are unequalled for beauty. They will bt superbly colored colored. Also, Household N and other receipts; in short everythln interesting tn lArflPs! ' - J "5 ,N As the publisher now pre-ra-tae postage to all mall - subscribers.' 'Peterson" is cheaper than evor; in fact fi the Cheapest In the World. : ' TERMS (Always la Advance) 2, A THAfi. IReduced Prices to dubs.- Tvo Copies for $3:50, three copies for .l".07 of tue Premium picture (21 Z "Christ Blessing Xlttle Children,'' a CTa .1IaLeJlgr'vinS. to the persoir-eetting n& the clttb. Four Copies for 5G.50, sis ewjlca for J9.00, ten copies for 511 .00, with an etra copy of the Magazine for 1S79. as a premYura to the perron getting up the club; jtItq Copies ;for S8.00, seven- copies for 110 D I twelve copies for $17.00, with both an axtta copy of the Magazine for 187S), and tfes premium picture, a five dollar evEi&fir, to the person getting up the Club. . Address, post-paid, f CHARLES J. PETERSON, : f 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, n. . H.Specimens ssnt gratis if vrritiea for. tf. DYKC3RS&Rnnum A lt7ndKf.VCiK-oT.ri. foux kwVw i i REASONS WHY 1 . - r ;PAiN;;-:XILLEE ' y IS THE ; , , Best Family Medicine of tlia Agc. And why it should be hept always near af hand: . . : " 1st: Taix-Killek is the most cerMIn Cholera cure that medical science has. produced. 2nd. Pain-Kili.ee, as a DiArioea and TiyB- 3rd.PAiN-KiJLi.ES will cure Craraps or Pains in any part of the system. A single dose usually affects a cure. ; 4thP4P"KlI'L:EB VUl cure dyspepsia and Indigestion, if used according to dirre tions. , ;.: . 5th. Pain-Kiixeb is an almost uever-frfl ingeure for Sudden Colds, CoagHs, 6th. Pain-Kieeek has proveIa o-ereli-n Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chili - li uas curea ice most cbstfcste . cases. ; - . . 7th. Pain-Kileek as a Jiuament is un-' equale-X for Frost Bites, Cbilblahts, Burns, Bruises.XJuts, Sprains, tc. 8tnd Pain-Kieeeb has cured cas s of Rheumatism aud Neuralgia after yc&ra standing. 9th. Pain-Kieeer will destroy Boils. F!- ons, Whitlows Oli Sores, giving fell' from pain after the first application. 10th. PAiN-KrxEEK cures HeadRh, ersd Toothache. . l- i 11th . Pain-Kieeee will save you days ot sickness and many a dollar in lion . and Doctor's bllls. 4 Ain-Kieeeb has been before th public over thirty-seven years and is a purely Vegetable preparatien, eaf ti keep and use ih every family. Th Bimplicity attending its use, tosfhcr with the great variety of disease that . may be entirely eradicated bjbiM&ad thegreat amount ol pain and suljsrlaj that can be alleviated through its uV make It imperative upon every persoa to supply themselves with . this vala- aoie remedy.and to keep it always near The Pain-Kieeeb is now kn o Wn and ap preciated in every quarter ot the Glet. rllTElfi 911!) rp(ATn m an H I r.t,d while all classes ol society have found la it t,T v"tv"a w vaive ii a trial. Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Drc2- throughout the land keep it fr sale. STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT ! A: SPLENDID MUSICAL BOX, TO BE GIVEN AWAY tO EVERY.EEASF.il (xithh PAPER. i THE ANGLO-AMERICAN MUSICAL CO ,' 29 Ay2T STKEET NEW TOBM 01X1;,"- In order to encourage the public taite for TiT iibtb mace arraneeincin J -'Ui I XjXilS LlUPtl1 Witt w ukjiwiu dua, capaoie or piaying eis"1-, Or more B.ir K- Thn tiinoe ao ,..i;,o ami well-selected, and tha -Rw . itcnir ia an article strongly made and hpanf ifulJy " polished. .. : " As this IS a CPnnlna nri.l:in If Trill only last for two weeks, and the distribu- M h 91 Vely ClOBt'U NO BOX Will Via cnnKtrltKn., x t, ; o 'Krtn (1 . ; cut from the paper, and applicants w?tf . please state at the same time whether mar- tied or single. y . - r uv. ouiy possess a nuiiiw SHmbei.?Boxes KOTEt is calculated tuat vxxx0 mu wave io do reiuseci', r To insure safe package, free carriage, and ! lODilV fTninCaairnnr...tl.;- .x nnl .' One Dollar must be forwarded wltb tb, "vuu . v., or otnerwise. - : tft-Pnst. dvnn n.,in. '''-!,.""l!(tvnll' - the Secretary, ivix. F. Calden v 9&re Maccb. l.-niar .