VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. APRIL 20, 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMRER 16 WILMINGTON kPOST ADVER TISING RATES. J Fifty cents per lino for the first in ?erti.n and twenty-five cents per line for each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. v All n.lrtisompnts will be charged at the above rates, except on special con tracts. ': i: '. . i ' r . I Special rates can be had for a longer time than one week. ; x ;' . j ' !-""' The subscription priee to The Wil mington Post is $1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. j, '.. :; ' i . ' : !' " ; , '--'l ' ; Alicominunicrtioasonbusincs should be addressed to The "Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. I ; ICON. JOUN SHKmHIf. Secretary Sherman if the-.hi.o8t popu lar man in (lie United States, to-day. llis brilliant success m cstauusning specie payment, and in funding the publi'vdebt, at a low rate of interest, as well a his great ability as a statesman and Irvihr, have very j justly .combined, to make I'isu Wei believe he can gr V more votes, to-day, -for President, than any man in the United States. H is record as a Republican has been firm, and u nil inching; as a Senator, pure and statesmanlike, and as -Secretary of the Treasury it has proved him to be the greatest financier d that the y country cveij produced. irie should be nominated by the Na ti mal Republican Convention in 18S0, he would be elected by a large majori ty. The inonied and business interests of the country will demand his nc,mi nation; the mechanics and otlicr labor ing men will join in the demand, and the Republican Union men of the south, 'whom John Sherman1, with Oliver P. Morton, stood by and defended in the Senate of the United States, will come out ami-work and vote, for him a they have for no other man;man since Grant, in 1868. and as they would for no other living mai to day. they can and will '., - u:, ,l n.i, mn mk moreor him than any other man m me country, irom vue iaci, luaiurj know he w,ould, when elecied, stand by and defend their rights to the last, lie is the best friend, in public life, to-day, 'that the colored people have,, and Should he be nominated and elected, not only their rights as citizens would be protected, but he would, recognize rn,in public positions ot the govern- rtoL. ' Under, him business would prosper, manufactures improve, labor trs would get work at fair wnges, and the country would be happy. There is jlher man in or out of the Republi- I'j party who could accomplish as inany good results, as President of the United Slates, as John Sherman.) " I LfcguriTV PItAUUS A Fit EE r'in i t i it a r. li I an IIONkST ,-V,'m. 'w I I "frjatPJT is all tuai Hwuii- LICaNS DESIltEJ We confess some; surprise at the principles enunciated in an editoral of the Star of the lth instant. If the 5ame had originated from a Republican source at tnis time auu uay, ;.u nuuiu have called down on (the head of the unlucky quill, all the spare ink of Democracy throughout the Old North State..' T I .1 Mipre it k ipogt gratifying Ju all people, whatever may be their political creed, who love their country, the Union, the principles or liberty, iree - im . f government, and equal' rights to all citizens before the law, in I view of the past to witness this if it is a spasmodic 'idence qf an awal?c:ne4 c9Usqe.nce, and a releagation ot the great and grand principles ' which constitutes the foundation of 'the Republic and of all our greatness and prosperity as a nation,, on the part of the , leading pemopratlc ppc of tlie state. The feeling, however, s sonaewhat toneu in view of the transactions of that party in the past year. We leave out the usurpation of the f tho neonle of Wilmington 'by the last legislature, and turn our "uv"'" M.--S-- w eyes to our neignoor, una statu nmu? WICK, auu w wtku nuai uuuiuouiuj, cheek, .the advice, of the Star was carried out. Here is the quotation from the 6arofthe loth inst. p no intimidation j i TViA Dflmocrata have asrecd that all future elections must be free and un- irammeneu maw iucic - - . . , I 1 J. . right to yote, and mere must oa a jutr nunf - - i.'ii ui-rt. Tii,, o'nti.Ar nf this declaration has forgotten the ; jt . recent election iu .iuc mcb wu vuuu.j of Rruhawick. or does he "seek in this indirprt UR of laniruaire to convey to : Iu. ' .I,. Jiffl' mo Hiiuu. ui w hcuw hvivvw ot that county, made so by an uncalled for and illeeal combromise. a warnine noi ior one moment sustain tnem in f - J .1 heir rlmirtia flnnlar l.nmaiana I, Inrula and South Carolina fraud? Holding their offices, as they do, "upon and by virtue of a signature of but one member of the Canvassing Board. "It i- because we are the earnest advo cates and friends of a free ballot, a pure ballot, and an honest count." If the author of .this U honest and absolutely means just what he says", we have no doubt but what he would rea der a good and great service to the public at large and Brunswick espe cially by publishing the full history of the Brunswick steal or count. It is a subject near at borne, where all the facts in the case are comeatable, and no dull but what the Star correspondent at Smith ville would look the full thing up if desired by our neighbor, it would save the editor many a flighty trip in imagination to the wiids of Louisiana, M if.is-ipi, Florida and South Carolina, l oking up bad frauds, and give nniver sal satisfaction to the people. If Mr. Cbinnis the de facto, (by an illegal compromise) sheriff will be guilty of murder if he bangs Davis, what virtue or validity will attach to any proceeding of the Clerk or Judgo of Piola'e? . Would it not be advisable for all, parties who have any business -of iuVporijance to withold for . the pres-c-ift; iiiiiii the Clerk dej are is seated iu hU i iii:e,aud may not the rule appiy t ; :i!l de facto by cotupromiso in the c.;;jiity ? , ' " : DOUG IT. J'" r softness, flatness, and insipidity "the average obscure southern Derno crativ. newspaper surpasses unbaked bread, putty and other like substances. What can the people of the civilized world think of a community which can tolerate inside it such an ass as pro duced the following which we cut from the Wliaugdoodle Snorter : The r:al - reason of this grand and amazing upheaval of affairs which has resulted in placing the southern people in triumph in the chief places ol the national Government, is due to the . x ' y,' ,0 ooon 11nfw tha sUn . so nrr-nd. so steadfast, so faithful and true, so full of sublime patience, s quiet under unmerited oppresssions, so generous, so brave, so full of all temperate wisdom, and ex- qui8ite knowledge how to; act. All these qualities, combined with that wonder- iai recuperative faculty which is' so eminently a southern characteristic, have produced their natural result, so thi t now the precedence and gpwer of the south-in Corigreess is like any other established fact. It only remains for our people to show themselves as truly great in the time of their triumph as they havo been m the dark hours ol their most sad and bitter experience. Success is the true touchstone of merit, iid we do not doubt our people will show themselves fully competent to mairitain and exalt the honor which has with so much justness been laid upon them. 1 " It is a law of physics that action and reaction are equal. Nature preserves l nnnlnoion in oil flia dnnnif m anta ff being. Therefore when Democrats and their nanera abuse Judfre Russell, and ' resent his maiden speech m Congress, the conclusion is irresistable that he lmi sniil n'trnnd tnfr.. The Philoso- pf old indignantly asked, what have t done that those men should praise me. The American patriot can 8ay , i am ritrht. the enemies oi my country assail me. Gjv. Hampton has at last appeared iu Washington, and has been sworn in as a Senator. A position he never would, and never should, have filled if it had not been for the shot gun policy. ". ' .... - But if the Republicans had been as plucky as "that mule," he never would have reaped the reward which he committed so many crimes to accom pijslj. j Senator Dawes made an able and powerful speech in the Senate, on Wednesday Us;. mm . , The friepds. of the ciurdererOglesby , are tryiog t'o make it appear that he is crazy, , . ' . ... The Prince of liars is the editor of the Washington Post. I r o. t.i!.:j -t-DiTOB rosTTEAB o;- wifu. iQ lbe 0f agents on the river. . jpow, Wnat tue people nauii is w uavc the mail taken from the boats and sent by land., .a ; k.uno- oil th offices (and morel nil ti in i i u - - w m fwirA a week, for less money than it now costs on the mer, The boats T are irregular," and in low water the mail is i uum w as. 1 1 i 1 lM H. VkAWaAVkS coats oemg soirregmar uuuen uciowua are WllllD? W UCU aa uuawuoowioHiuu there are butfbur omces estabiisnea, i nrhcrota it tea nn in.nti ruuLHt. LUts ; . resrular. and woaid be carried on me puDiio roaus wuere mo - ntoole live, and there would be TOQre I - . ,. . mi : M. othces efciaqiisned. xne goverumeai. could serve the people much better, ana ch ,even cheaper), by giving us iand r0utes instead of by the steamer, The reonle on the river have desired a I 1 1VR fill tllD iiin - "v.r noroiioi t v,a I . i... V m,l 4a v .mues irom i Yours truly, CITY JTEMS. Owners of fast horses are having a very gay time at the race track this city.' o near J :: JMahine Disaster.- A flat load of stoves was sunk by the high winds on Thursday night last. Mr. Samuel P. Stfain, clerk of the Superior Court of Brdnswick county, we are informed, is very ill.' The horse recently owned by the late Dr. Burkhardt ran away on Friday and smashed up the buggy very badly. Hart, Bailey & Co., met with quite a loss by fire in" their-foundry, on Tues day night. the l5tli instant. Loss about : : ; One of the ship carpetiters. at Messrs. Cassidey & Ross's ship yard cut his, hand very, badly, on Moad iv last, with an adz?.. The freshet in the fiver is bringing down large amounts of "timbej, lurpen tuits ana var 10 idc ciiy, -.which n now- selling for very excellent prices. . : - . . lion. atiMel.-W. Watts, attorney at law, ws in our city a few days j ago. He speaks very highly of his new home and of the people of Smithville, v Capfc. D. R. Murichson.was re-elected Preside ut by the Directors of the -Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Company, oh Monday the 14th instant. " . !. i The dwelling house on Mr. Samuel Davis' plantation, about six milesjfrom this city," was destroyed by fire on Tues day last. ; Nearly covered by insurance. Fike. The dwelling of Mr, Eiwell on Walnut street, between 5th and 6th streets, was destroyed by fire on Wed nesday lat. Loss fu!15r covered by in surance. Military. Col." C. W. Alexander of Charloite, Colonel of the 21 RegU menfH. C. State Guard, bus resigued. Lieut. Col. A. II. Worth is i ; command of the regiment. W II. Boyette, a colored mar;, was arrested and his house searched by officer Carr on Monday , last, an 1 a large lot of stolen property found ip his possession. Mr. J. J. Fowler, the very efficient Assistant Clerk and Treasurer of the city, who has beenv sick for several weeks has sufficiently recovered to! be at his post of duty again Mr. J. W Thompson, the very popui lar Secretary and Treasurer, of the W. & W. Railroad Company, ha3 returned to duty after an absence of several months, confined at home by sickness. The horse of the Adrian Engine while going to the fire oa Wednesday morning last, ran away and Mr. Walter Furlong was very badly hurt. Care lesness, unquestionably, in somebody. A little girl, the child of Mr. Geo. Doyle of this city, was -assaulted and robbed of a lot of iewelry, on 4th street a few day3 ago, The very efficient police have not yet arrested the of fender. Rev. E. A. Yeates, the very popular Minister of the Front Street At M. E.t Church, left for Fayetteville ba Monday last, were he was called by the dangerous sickness of his mother. He returned on Friday. A. C. Wessell, white, and Henderson Dayis, colored, had a ght on Market and Second streets on Friday morning last. Wessell wa3 brought before Jus tice Hall aad fined one penny and costs. Defendant appealed. Jack Bryant and family of Long Creek, Pender county, was poisoned on last week by eating wild honey. Geo. Bryant, the son of Jack, died in a few minutes after eating the honey, and the rest of the family are dangerously sick. Our Raleigh correspondent nomi. nates, for the consideration of the Re publican convention, the name of Dr. Eugene ' Grissom for Governor in 1SS0. Dr. Grissom is an honorable man, an able debater, and would cake a yery bold canvass, ' - Dead Infant .On Sunday morning last Mr. S. A. Currie found a dead infant (colored) laying just inside of his front fence,- where some ont had left it during the night previous. Coroner Hewlett held and inquest-over it the same day, at 12 o'clock. Qur correspondent X., makes some very important statements, and from the character and business standing1 of the gentlemen we can assure the de partment that what he says can be strictly relied on. There is no doubt but what the mails would be of more service to the people if carried by land, and if it cost twice the amount it now, does, it should be done. j . -y , LOCAL BUfi.YITJ.ES. Strawberries are plentiful in market. New Irish potatoes in market on Friday. The erection of the tobacco factory is progressing finely. There will bp an excursion party from Shelby to this city on the 19th of May. The late high wind has caused a large portion of the government works at New Inlei to wash away.. The repairs to the City Hall has been awarded b Mr.sJas. F. Post by the Committee of Public Buildings. Heavy Rain. The very heaviest ram of the season took place on Thurs day ,and Friday of the past week. Daniel Howard, deputy sheriff, left on Wednesday morning for Ualeigb2 with three prisoners for the peniten tiary. '.j' 1 '.. Who will the Federal Memorial As sociation get to deliver the oration at the National Cemetery on the 30th of May? - . G. W. Charlotte, Esq. , of Beaufort, N. C, intends to run a passenger boat between Wilmington, and 'Beaufort' du r ing the present summer. Mr. A. M. Waddell has been invited to deliver the Confederate Memorial address on the 10th of May at New born, N. C., and has accepted. Suct'ESSFUL. We have succeeded at iasi . The editor of the JFtar actually issued three editions of that yaper the past week without speaking of Senator Chandler, f W. H. Boyette, colored, was bound over by Justice Gardner in eight differ ent cases on Friday for Jarceney. He stands a chance to go to the peniten tiary for' more than five years If a cross roads politician happens to be elected to the U. S; benate by the southern Democrats and he attempts to make a speech, it is characterized by the Star as one of the ablest speeches since the time of Clay and Webster; but let Coiikling or Edmunds say any thing and the Star don't think it amouuts to bosh. Who is Responsible ? The papers in the Superior Court Clerk's office, especially Wills, have been very badly damaged by rats and mice. If the County Commissioners would put the court house in proper condition, im- jortant papers would not he lost. As it is now persons are always uneasy when they have papers on deposit in any of the offices of that building. ft. Olesby, who was brought to this :y some weeks ago by U. S. Deputy Marshal Lawson, and lodged in jail for a violation of the Revenue law, was reicised on Thursday last. He re turned to Laurinburg, his home, and on Saturday night ho murdered a merchant by , the name of D. J. Williams, by shooting him iu theheadi And sojt goes. f The followiisg named persons have been appointed by the building com mittee of St. Luke's Church to solicit aid to enable them to purchase a bell for the "Schurch just erected on the corner of Seventh and Church streeet committeerIL W, Green, W. B.Green, Emanuel ' Jones, Henry LofUn, Wm Burn, Lewis Bryant, Charles Walker, W B. Hill, IL B. Walker, Valentine Howe, Paryis Jones, and Henry Elli3. Col A. W. Shaffer's book is creating consiaerajpie notoriety in ss, kj. ihe Colonel uses a pen with great power and makes his antagonist feel that he has a man of great ability to deal with. We advise him to stop throwing mud, and to cultivate hs extraordinary talent in a different and higher direction of life He has it in his power to make a name, and wc mistake the man's char acter if he does not avail himself of his opportunity. J; - Can't YarQradell be induced to take the photographs of those beautiful ferry boats which are at the toot of Market street, in this city, for the purposeof transporting man and beast across the Cape Fear river. Why, they are the same style, if not the came boats, that were vised when Lord Cornwallis trans ported his army across the river a cen tury ago. Therefore, Mr. Van, our celebrated photographer, would make a mint of money by selling the picture! Missionaey, On Sunday afternoon last, in accordance with the recom mendatioQ o the last General Con ference, a missionary society, composed of ladies, was organized at Front Street M. E., Church with- the following officers : President Mrs. C. G. Kennedy. Vice Presidents Mrs. H. M. Bowden and Miss Alice M. Wallace. Recording Secretary--Mrs. W. M. Poissbn. Correspondjing SecxetarvMrs. Wm. Bpringer IreasurerMra. H. P. West. Judge Russell's horses have gotten over the cpazootic. It is conceded by prominent men of b oth parties in Washington, that John Sherman is the ablest Secretary of the Tueasury since Alexander Hamilton. Elizabeth City Carolinian. ; rt : The delegates appointed by St. James' Vestry to attend Episcopal Convention are:. Dr. A. J. DeRosset, A. H. Van Bokkelen, R. E. Calder and W. L DeRosset. Alternates Judge R. S French, Clayton Giles, J. G. Burr and Jas. Dawtdo. Exciting Fight, Knives, Razois &C W. E. Davis and McCauslin, two of the fish fcjjsktera in" the Mirket house, had a fight on Friday evening last, about 3 o'clock, Davis got his left arm badly hurt, and McCauslino was cut by Davis. Both parties were glad when a policeman fiaUy made his appearance and put a stop to the dis graceful performance. Extraordinary preparations are al ready being made for the celebration of Decoration Day. This is as it should be; if the day is to be kept at all it de serves more extensive outward respect than it has on all occasions obtained in New York. Herald.,, - What is Col. Brink and his Associa tion doing about the 30th of May in Wilmingtor? It should be observed by every lover of theJUnion, and the graves at the National.XJemetery should be decorated with the lest flowers to be had in the land. Easte Elections. At the annual elections for Vestrymen, &c, of the various Episcopal Churches of this city, held on Monday last, the follow ing were chosen: . ST. JAMES CIIUBClt. Vest ryalen Dr. A. JDeRosset, Dr. W. G. Tho'mas, Alfred Martin, James Dawson, Col. J. G. Burr, James Anderson, Z. Latimer, A. H. Van Bokkelen, Col.' W. L. DeRossst, J. L. Boatwright, R. E. Calder, Clayton Giles. ,; ST. PAUL'S CIIIJ ECU. Vestrymen J. W. Atkinson, Du Brutz CuLlar, V. II. Bernard, R. E. Heide Rob'V G. Rmkin, F, H Mitchell, R. IJ. Wood, Sr. Delegates , to Convention J. W. Atkinson, W. H. Bernard, R.E. Heide, DuBrutz Cutlar. ' Alternates Robert G. Rankin, F. H. Mitchell, R. B. Wood, Sr. H. A. Burr., ST. JOHN'S CIIUECH. Vestrymen S." L. Fremont, CVD. Myers, Henry Nutt, JohnVL. Holmes,. John E. Lippilt, W. IL Green, J. W. Gordon, Jas. A. Willard, M. A. Curtis, Ed. King all members of the previous year except Messrs, Gordon and King, The Vestry -elected Mr. James A. Willard Senior Warden in place of Col."- Fremont, who i3 now a non- . resident, and Mr. John L. Holmes Junior Warden. , Treasurer W. H. Green. Secretary J. W. Gordon. Delegates to Convention Messrs. Holmes, Myers, Lippitt and GreeD. Alternates Messrs. Nutt, -King, M P. Taylor and Gordoni ST. maek's chuech. Vestrymen John G Norwo6d, Sam'l Reed, John D, N'ixon, John O. Nixon, H. D. Sampson, C. W. Avant, J. W, Holland, Henry Sweat, John H. Davis. Delegates to Convention John G. Norwood, George Jackson. Alternates Joseph D. Sampson, J. H. Davis. A Special Offer to the Iteadcra of t.h!s Paper. $7.00 FOR 63 CENTS. The American Diamond Dictionary, containing 30,000 words orthography, pronunciation and definitions accords ing to the hest English, and American Lexicographers, illustrated with nearly 200 engravings; satisfies the wants of the scholar and at the same time is just what a plain learned person needs It is decidedly the best dictionary ever printed. Contains 70Q double column pages Superbly bound in cloth and gilt. Type clear and handsome. Sent free to any reader of this paper upon receipt of 63 cents, to pay actual post age and packing charges. . This great offer is good for thirty davs only, and is made solely for jthe purpose of intro duction. But two dictionaries will be sent to one address. This appears but once. Order now. Send silver, cur- . . rencv or 3 cent postage stamps. Ad dress at once National ' Booh Company, Rockland, Mass. A member of the rhetorical class in a certain college had just finished his declamation, when the professor said : vMr.- ,do you suppose a general would address hi3 soldiera in the mannp.r in which vou SDoke that piece?" "Yes, sir, I do," was the reply. wif ha was nau scareu u uea-.u NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A Ii IMITED number of active' sers to engage ia a pleasant and profitable uuaiucsH, vruuu uiea wiu una tnis a rare chance . TO MAKE MONEY. Such will pleash answer this advertise ment by letter, enclosing stamp for. reply, statlne what business they have been en- gageu in. noce out mose wno mean busi ness need apply. Address, M , FINLEY, HARVEY & CO., april 2Q-ly Atlanta, Qa. A SURE CURE FORlPILES. A sure cure for the blind, bleeding; itch ing una uiceraieapues nas Deen ais covered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A s1n?l box has cured, the worst old chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty years' standing. No one need suffer five minutes alter ap plying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Oint ment absorbs tue tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm, iu oea;, iijis as a prraiiice, give? in stant and painless, relier and is prepared' only for Piles, itching f the private parts1 3" I consulted bhvslcians in Philadel. phia, Louisville, Cincinnati Indianapolis" and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, and found no reliei until I obtained a box of. Dr. William's Indian Ointment some lour mfaths ago, and it has cured me com- pieiejy." Joseph M. Rtbeb. Cleaveland. 6. ' "Has done me more good than - all the medicine I ever tried, and I have spent more man $uxj wnn aociors, Desiaes medi cines I am sure cost me more than $40," David Sparlino. Ineraham. Hi: "Have suflered twenty years with itching and ulcerated piles, having used every rem edy that came to my notice without benefit. unui x usea inaian uimmeni ana received immediate relief. - James Cabboix, (an old miner), Tecpma, Nevada. - r 8No Pile Remedy ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. For sale by March 23 ly. ONE OF, IF NOT ' TIRE LARGEST STOCKS 1 OF WHOLESALE J GROCERIES OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE ' State of v North Carolina, 7 CAN BE FOUND . AT ADRIAN & TOLLERS Southeast Corner Dock axd - Froi.i 1 v . Streets, Wilmington, N. C. lyOrders and Purchasers o licif-ed. july 7 tf v Flour, Sugar,. Meat, Molasses,, JQQQ Blls FLOUR, of various brands. 250 Bbls SUGAR, of sundry grades, 150 Boxes MEAT, Hams, Shoulders iaes, strips, ueines. 200 Hhds and Bbls MOLAgSEff, j Call on or older direct from; ' dee 21 tf . ADRIAN & VOLLERS THE PURCELL HOUSE jrTAS PASSED INTO THE HANDS OF the undersigned, has-been newly fur nished throughout, and, as heretofore, will be ran strictly as a , . . - - IFfirst-Class Hotel I Board reduced as follows : 52 50 and $3 per day ; With Rooms, per month, $35; Table Board, per month 25. Best of Wines, Liquors and uigars ALWAYS ON HAND AT Regular City Prices. . if. We hope to see all the old patrons of the house and ALL TIIEIR FRIENDS, promis ing them ,bat ho pains shall be spared to please all. . - v jan 18- COBB BEOS. .Proprietors. Formery of Richmond Formerly of G olds- va. Doro, iN, v. j WERNER & PREMPERT Personally in attendance at HAIR DRESSING SALOON, No. 11 North Front Street, South oi , rurcell House, and No. 7 teouth Front Street, v ' ; - .. WILMINGTON, N. C. None but the most experienced work men employed in this establishment. j&Sy Manufacturers of Tonics, Hair Oil, Cologne, Renovators, Dyes, Bcrau- tifiers, &c., &c. april 12 tf PARRElt & TAYLOR, , DEALEES;iN Kerosene Oil, Stoves, Mais, Gnus, Lanterns, Fairbanks Scales, PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. DIPPERS AND SKIMMERS: Manufacturers and wholesale dealers - : - in til AMD SHEET IRON WARE, No. 19 FRONT STREET, Ian 11 lv WILMINGTON, N. C. - w ... WANTED . -3b NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We stood at an open window j Leaning far over the sill.l And. if something hadn't happened -We might have stood there still; But we reached for a banging shutttr , In a blinding northeast breeze, Eo our friends will have to be invited To join in the obsequies. , , "IF WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN Vhat ft Rmmi vac hronrinfvln n 4rw . ana now far off that, chntto n-oa rViANii never have ventured our head outside of mow wmuow; dui it is too late, lor regrets now; we -; are nonplusscl. .completely squelched, have been sat upon, and Our friends and the public generally are re- ouuujr laviica loauenainecDsequieson and we stake our reputation on its beluff "b fciu.uu.coj, luuaai iuey ever witnessed. As he sllna ho rIIi'po ini i slides he slips up most woefully. We leave our"kinr friends" to find out the meaninc . of the above, and while they are doing so f we will ask the followicff questions: Havn't we the utriiesf ird liH rcf ctm i thestate? -. .. . t. Wilmington? Havn't. - ...Av ivv Auuuu uiiimjaiauu we cpmmencetf? asm Koon iTnvi n . . 1 .1 1 and impolite to ycu? delivered? fTiWTl't. UrnniQilan .'. n . ; - j i . and refused to correct them when our atten- 'iK? our frlends who answer "yos" to . .uuua wm ficasoiiot uuy iron us any more. RespeStfully and truly. P. L. BRIDGERS &G0. In clancincr nvpr laai. reeretted in nntipA iia tnif ..ir.-Au, ment from some of our brother grocers that away pari oi meir traae, ana making an appeal to the, others not to leave them. We regret this excee'dlngiy, especial ly as they were so kind and considerate about our coming to .grief, but suppose, as LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY - BUSINESS ever done in W 1 1 m i nif nn future have to keep from'beiiig so tender hearted, and CUT DOWN PiliuES a little lUVUCi - THE BLOODY CHASM HAS BE UN BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS are not quite gone. , A fine Jine of TOILET SOAPS re- 6eiyed to-day, very low dovn. The OLD CAPEFEaR is flouriahiug ana MAKlivLLL swimming. We have been over and smoked that "Cigar of Peace." (a fine Havana it was),but still think it would be bad policy to ttop lurnishing the papers with our fine literary productions, as they have the tendency to T 1 1 t- J i . . . neeppuues veryiow, wmuu we, ui courBtJi- witn auoiner gooa grocers, aesire; only want enough left to pay for clerk's hire store rent and taxes. NOT PURITANICAL. Liquors, F.L. BKIDQERS CO-, are not puritanical enough to refuse , to sell them, Aituuui:u uuuuecu iu .tue uriiiiiiLiir ui as mey inina bo a itvsi: uliabs uttuufiivi. STOKE can afford to be without; but they promise me laaies inai mey wouia neyer find out' there was any on the premises, as It must be taken elsewhere to bo drunk. BUMGARDNER, STUART'S DEW and -".... . - , -i - I " " V ' DURHAM OLD RYE i - . v. - received this week. - TRY OUR BUTTER AND LARD I The purest, oldest, and best CORN YHISKEY in the State, to be bought only at P L. BRIDBSRS & CO'S. i - P s. We feel highly nattered at the no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised at the absence of our usual Sunday morning ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New. York Saturday night. dec 15 V F. L. 15. fc CO. r

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