.MS r-rCY'Ct VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1S79. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER n Mil Mil 1 v l .ViLINGTON POST APVER TISING RATES, i ,yv ;.' j. ' -.. : j ; Vifty cents per line for the.first in .(rli(Mi and twenty-five cents j per line i,r cacu additional insertion. Kiht (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a 8'iuarc. - j All advertisements will be charged at the above rates, except on special con- 'sir:. .::'t: "..- , l . ' Special rates can be had for a longer time than one week. j . r - , .i -y .'" The subscription price to Til.E'WlL miSqtoN Tost ia $1 00 per year; ix months 75 cents. . -!Allcoininunicrtious on busines should lie addressed to Till Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. NOItTH CAROLIN A I CONGttESS V We had noticed tiiat somej day-i ago when Mr. Fryc of Maine, w,a ad dress ing the House, ou the army appropria lion bill, and was charging tht ibe mulhern stales we ro carried bv the .. .... Democrats by frai 'tiuiidatiou. he was i Steele, our member VlOieuce ailU ill" nterrupted by Col. rom thei sixth di- Irict,! with an interrogatory as to whether his remarks applied to' North Carolina. ( hi Uiat occasion Mr. Frye did not seem t'i be in possession tory j of this state, of the kulilux his- aud rather evaded Mr. S'.e-leV question. But on the IDih M r. Steele himself addressed the House i n a speech evidently prepartd wi th care and devoted to the geiieral que- lion oj ine auuuuv l I . ' i" ll... l of' the southern . -I Inir.tirr'irv liofnr the .country, and in )ie especially to North Carolina. To characterize Mr. Steele's eirrt very mildly, it was to say me least in ..... .. .1 .1 1. I the nature of au apojogy for the trans actions which went on here from the "years ' 1.8(58 to 1872. It could not be considered an absolute and junquali fied defense of kukluxism not quite a bold yiudicatioii of it as a commendable: .means of political procedure but rather a, justification of it under the exf v idtinrr ri rnimd.!inrpR. lie . intimatrd. rudecd, in very Uroad language mat n ever kukluxism was justifiable, that was me particular occasion ior iu jir. Steele's caution wa3 possibly superin duced by, the fact that it is! not at press ent quite as fashionable, even in the Hoiith. to : compliment those masked gentlemen in night gowu as it wa3 in 'the yeai 1S70. "' J It is now pretty generally belieyed by impartial minds that tho kuklux . proceedings- in this state closely ap nroached to the crime of treason.' It. was an attempt to overturn aud break down constitutional law by illegal means. It was; au organized conspiracy to defeat law. It was a successful con spiracy, and did in face defeat the will of the people by unlawful means. In , the course of the infamous events of that period, and in furtherance of the 'purposes of this trcasonabfe conspiracy, murders and other crimes were com mitted to au extent which finally alarmed the public mind. More than twelve ol the ablest Democrats of the state finally, iu a public declaration to Which their names wcroj signed, used upon these proceedings ;the ttamp of theirdisapprobation.' And the restrain ing arm ot the. law was finally stretched out to crush these uulawful proceedings and punish these .terrible crimes.! -Few men of either party desire to recall ihat black and hideous period in southern aflairj. ' 4 ' .'.; : I It is therefore very much to be re gretted that one ot our members of Congrtsr should sp far forget the pro prieties oflhe occasion as to present to i I i i ' '" . f ' 1 1 n ir.i.iLn ilin . (irnuj.rnada version n our politics! There was an opportunity to present j the whole history of the troubled yeas iuHhe south since the war, and to have juttered words which might have benefitted Our state in its reputation;! among the other states and in its material condition. We intend ! to take" the opportunity hereafter to j present some fact3 to out readers which will be bitter food for j reflection, and i nearer historical accuracy than Col. Steele's speech. See ScolCs Eqorl o" Outrages iu tho Southern States," pages 10, 20 and 21, for a ! full list oT outrages in this state. It will be seen that, there were killed at that time 1 inllockiDgbam, 6 in Orange, 3 in Jdnes,ri in Caswell, 1 in Catawba, -i in Alamance and 1 in Lincoln. I j- ' . V In the years lSGD-'Tl) and 71 the in dividual instances of personal ouf rage committed by the so called kuklux numbered 132, besides! numerous other outraires Vnot in the count. These arc matters of record, and occurred in the T . , n counties ef Lincoln, Alamance, Cataw- ba, Craven, Caswell, Chatham, Jones, O r an ge, Rockingham, Rutherford, Wake, Madison, Yancey, Cumberland, Cleveland, Moore, Person, &c, &c, &c. Qf these more than a dozen were murders or assassinations, Some of these outrages were of the most atrocious and barbarous nature.. In the case of Colgrove, the sheriff of Jones, he was shot with Keren bullets, j fired by seven men concealed in am bush, as be was riding along the public highway in the day time toward the town .where the courfewas'to bo held. 1 Outlaw, colored, was hung on the night of the 2Gth of February, 1869, upon ix tree near the court houee in the town of Graham There were between 80 and 100 disguised iinen present. There was m pretense of any charge against him or agaiut his character. Purycar, colored, wss drowned in a mi! I' j'oud with a weight attached to his fca veij!, of Caswell, who was a white man w ho had been a state senator, was US .;i anted in the court house of Cas we il eouuty iu open daylight. fUFFINU. The. practice of puffing weak litera ture received a severe blow from MaCaulay in his criticism on Mont- gomeryV poems. In this-country, where ninetenths of the reading public I . . ... . . i ucnvc lucu Mauuiuiu iiuui uonouafcio, 1 a nuuii liernaps more iriunous habit uerhaps more ipmrious to enlightenment, than puffing literature, h.-.s been-aequired. There is scarcely a newspaper published in this state, eirpeeially those ol Democratic politics, which does not employ term in speak iiiu, 1' political leaders, which would rt quire, qualification if used respecting Cicvn, Pitt or Napoleon. , 'We are led into those remarks by the following squib of the Raleigh News.. Tn- habit of puffing anything and everything from a poodle dog to a po lititiu'i is the crying newspaper vice of tht dav. Every speaker is not-eio quent because he is a Democrat nor is li Ti . every young aspirant a genius It is au insult to the intelligence of the pub lic to tell them so. How true the above ! Yet in the very issue of the Neu'3 before -the one in which the above appears, a, barber, God save the mark 1 recieves an adulatory mention; and it has been copied into more than one Democratic paper, because it included a chance to puff Senator Matt Ransom an op portuuity which servility could not loove. " : : These puffi remind one of what has beOii said of a noble European family the men could give nothing, and the women could refuse nothing. There is no lUttery, no sycophancy, too puerile or too strong to be applied to every poiitkiairof its own party, and no abuse or scufriliiy. too low for its opponents, by a large-majority of our ataie Democratic cotemporaries. Soldier patriot, statesman are the qualities of the cross road ranter, and of Governor Vance ; liar, thief, and scoundrel, the qualities of air Republicans, according u, uit - - lUUinuima C . meaninor and force and the man ot - o sense has one for those who so use them fools., The Natioal epblican has been one 0f those faithful frieuds to the southern Republicans, that are always ap- preciated. It had- at all times stood by and defended the Union men of the south. Every word it says below ;s true : . "Those lawmakers and would-be leaders of the Republican party who, during the past eight or ten years have refused time and again to support and enforce the legitimate consequences of equal sullrage in tho soutn, are as 1 . Ml. I". . it. ! 1 much responsible for the negro exodus as the bull dozers are. If they had done their duty to the extent oi en forcing the logical results of the war, and had consistently ana persistenuy refused to tolerate any upon the original design tion. all of the southern infringement of reconstruc states would now be in the enjoyment of Republican forms of. government, and the bull- Hnzprs' rule would never have been asserted. As it is the' acceptance by weak-kueed Republicans! in the north of Bourbon bOU3 Home tuie a3 tne IpaVe the homes of their! birth, but to curse the false friends and recreant leaders who made them citizens and then deserted them to j the inevitable fate of political persecution or assas sination at the hands of the pro-slavery A Special Offer to the Readers of this Paper. $7.00 FOR 63 CENTS. TT" . . Tm or pronunciation and definitions accords inc to the best English and American I uog it uuv . ' r At 13 UeClUeUIV tilt- mwi. u.v.ivuu.; . pnmcu. v;ontaiua ivy Superbly bound in cloth and i a a. . pages. cilt. Type clear and handsome, oenc free to any eader of thU paper upsn receipt of b3 cents, to pay actual post-, age ind packing Charges, This great 0er ja good for thirty days only, and is made solely for tho purpose of intro duction. xu5 two aiciionaries wm uc sent to one address. This appears but once. " Order now. Send silver, "cur- Tnc7. SfnT I1TRS.S HL UUliD j., j , ' Rockland, Mass. GIT Y ITEMS. - The "Star" local is heaw ou a fih story, but then he is intended to at. Muse the readera of that paper. A colored boy fell overboard at the foot of Orange street dock on Monday last, and narrowly escaped drowning. Died. Geo. D. McMiilian, who for many yearsvas a printer on the Post died with consumption on Monday the 21st inst. The U. S. Circuit, and District Court convenes at Raleigh on the first Mon day in June next. His Honor Hugh L. Bond and Geo. V Brooks presiding. Gov. Jarvi3 and ocretary of Stato fcsaundcrs arrived in the city on Tuesday night last, and left yesterday morning for home. They were entertained while here by a few Democrats. t; Cross Firing. Henderson Davis had Mr. A. C. Wcssell before Justice Hall last week, 'and a day or two after- v , ... . w . .. warus wesseu naa .uavis oeiore justice ir 'You pays your money and you takes your choice." , Capt. ,Bacou claims: that the works at New Inlet were not damaged by the late storm, butwere very greatly bene fitted. Rocks are now being placed in position at the rate of G. 000 yards per month, by Mr. Geo. Z. French the .1 Capt. Jno. W. Gordon haV taken hold of The Whiting RiAm in o-nnrl o i earnest, and h- is. determined to make it a first-chss 'company. Ho is. one of those men when he undertakes to do a thing, doe3" not. stop until it is aceom- plished. The German fleet in port had their flags displayed on Monday, the 21st instant, iu honor of the fiftieth anni- versary of ine wedding of the parents of Hon. JbJ. Peschau, the German Consul at this port, who are well and residing in Germany. National Suegical Institute. Two of the Surgeons of this notable Institute will visit Wilmington, N. C, May the 26 and 27, 1S70 stopping at the Purcell House. 'Ihey will, have with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical appliances, and will be pre pared to treat all kinds of Deformith s and Chronic Diseases, such as Club Feet, Hip Disease, Spinal Disease, Paralysis, Piles" and Fistula, Catarrh, Private Disease, Diseases of the Eve, &c. For full particulars, Address, National Sujrgic 1 Institute, Atlanta, Ga. . ap,27-4t - Commercial Tax. W. J. Egan, Esq., of New York, a commercial agent, waa arrested here on Wednesday last . fifst obtainiog .; ,. TT I . i i . a city license. He was carried before the Mayor who, after hearing able ar guments from M. London Esq., for the defendant, and Mr. F. H.' Darby for the city, give judgment against Mr. Egan for ten dollars and costs, and on his re fusing to pay the amount he. was placed in the custody of the Chief of Police; Mr. London imjnediately applied to Judge Meares for a writ of habeas cor pus, which was' granted and the case heard by Judge Meares the same day. His honor held that Mr. Egan was not liable to a city tax under the state law; therefore discharged the defendant. ThA r.itv nnnpalpd to the Sunremfi r . The Rev. Dr. Geo. Patterson, Rector of St. John'a Parish, some weeks ago tendered his resignation to the Vestry. They unanimously refused to accept it, and requested the Rev. Doctor to with draw it, which he did not do. So, when the new Y estry was elected on Easter Monday, he again sent it is, but it met wth th same result from the new Vestry that it did from tU.ir predeces- sors, and the Vestry appointed a special commitiee to wait on Dr. Patterson and request him to with draw it, which he was finally pursuaded to do, every member of the con gregation joined in the petition asking him to remain. There is no Minister in the citv who has the entire con - fidence and aflections of his congrega- more completely than Dr. Patterson.. On r neighbor the Review says: "On yesterday. (Sunday to) alter morning service, Mr. Henry Nutt, Chairman of a Special Committee - from the Vestry i w - , laeir tUUiUICUtC uu "a nnvuuio iotelligence that he had been maucea to withdraw his resignation. The result was very jrratifvinir to the entire w - . congregation, i . . j i i their beloved Rector with warm corn gratulations. "It is only just and proper to say, that Dr. Patterson's resignation was notthe result of differences between himself and his congregation. We are glad that he is to remain it No Tannery yet. Buy a home of your own. See ad of W. P. Canaday. . - Spring chickens coming in rnarket. havo commenced The subscription price of this paper is only $1.00 per annum. " , Pdecell House. Got. Jarvis and party.! stopped at the Purcell House while in the city. Col. S. Q Hall, book and job printer, would be glad to hear from any one who desires worki his line v ' -.. Mr;lJohn W. Dudley, the grandson of Governor Dudley, died in this city on Tuesday,the 22d instant. ? Corn is plentiful and cheap. Several vessel loads have arrived from HyJe county daring the past week. ' To Farmers. Corao on with your country carts, bring in your produce, the city can't tax your carts now. I Kemp P. Battle and Mr. Henry Nutt weht'down the river and inspect ed the government works oa Friday last. , House and lot on -Ninth street, near Red Cross street, for sale; apply to W. P. Cauaday. Cheap for cash, or on reasonable terms. it. 'rk.!. I ci r r. uxr. jjaviu o. oaunuers, iar in any yeara a bounty Uommissioncr ior JNew Hanover county, is quite ill at his ' residence in Cape Fear lownship. Martha Jackson was before Justice Hill last week for larceney of a, lot of jewelry, &c, the property of Robert Bell. She of $100. was bound over in a bond Next. Now Gen. S. H, Manning, our Sheriff, is having his office in the court house put in first class1 condition. We understand the Register of Deeds is to come in nest. Maerie6. Mr. Bruce Williams of Lillington, Pender county, and Miss Flora M. Baldwin, of Whiteville, N. C. , were married on Wednesday last. We wish them happiness and long life. The Ladies of St. Mark's Parish will hold a festival at the City Hall on next Tuesday evening, April 29th, for the purpose of raising funds to aid in pay ing otf the debts of their chuich, go and help them. iTJ The past week, take it all in ali, has been the finest "weather we have ever kuowu. not a cloud in the sky, every day has been perfectly clear, warm and delightful. Ye believe, take the years striigh I through, that Wilmington beats thewor! l for delightful weather. We j took the trouble yesterday to count the sailing and steam vessels in port, and found 21 sailing vessels and 11 steamers'. There are ordinarily frcm 40 to 60 of the former and about 20 of the latter. The! dullness of the times ac count for the scarcity of shipping. Kemp P. Battle, President of the University of North Carolina, arrived in the citv on Tuesday night last, and on Wednesday, night he delivered a lecture before the Wilmington Histori cal Society. He was the guest while in the city of Edward Kidder, Esq. Mayor of Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Edward Glavin, formerly of this city, but now of Charlotte, is spoken of by many of the citizens as a very suitable person for, Mayorv Mr. Glavin is an exceedingly clever gentlemen and would make an honest officer. Mr. Frank D. Smaw, formerly of Wilmington, but for many year3 has been- residing in- New xork, and a brother of Mr. Walter H Smaw, cierk for Mr. Jas. Stevenson, has .received an important appointment in the city gov ernment of New York. We. congratu- late Mr. &maw on nis success, ne nas very many friends in this city who will be glad to hear of his elevation. 1 Justice Gardner IN CotfTEMrT. j Hon. Hugh L. Bond, Judge of the U- LS. Circuit Court, has granted a rule asamst Justice Gardner to appear before to at the Jrne' terra of the Circuit Court, at Raleigh, to show cause why he should not be held in I t. t , I wi, i to " ceiver oi tne Wilmington, wjiumuia Augusta Railroad, in a civil action for damages for a lot ol cattle that have i ... I i u ii ; l ;f V,oc been in tne Hands oi tne oouru xne TnatSnn vn T A . lll.nmAIlt drfOfnef C-nt uuskiu juuguivu. -wv. Brideers. The defendant's counsel taking the ground, at the time, the , . .. , , r r. road was m tne nanus oi ine u. d. Court, and, therefore, an action - would not lay agai&st the company. We are pleased to learn that Colonel O. H. Blocker will be here on the 7th of May next, in attendance on the Dis trict Court. We learn from official c,,- il.i 11 , i j i sources that the Colonel is doing good work for the Internal Revenue Depart ment, in New Vftrlr staf p. TTa with A. , , , .... . wiuwa, ij;iuim tcu. uisbiuciica, uuu i the Hudson river, a few days ago, one of them the largest whiskey distillery verl lound in that section it would make 2000 gallons in 21 hours. We congratulate Colonel Blocker on his success as an officer. United States District Court. -TUia tribunal convenes in this city on the Gth of Mav we Tinhlish bplow ihp I kuc oi iua , wc puu.isn ueiow ine list ol jurors: . New Hanover county T. C. Mcll- hcuuy, John Maunder, Alfred Har- grave, James H. Caraway, Balaam Fuller, JohnA. Scarborough: Louis S-- Belden, Tho?." U. Johnson, John H. Whitemahr S. W.Noble O. F, W. Bissinger, A. R. Black, Henry Ohlandt, Brunswick CG'lntv Peter Rouarks. . S. Y escott, V in. Drew, C. W. Tay- lor, James C, Grimes, Johu W, Mintz, J. Dicks.ou 3IcRae. Geo. V. Grisset. Duplin county John W. Cox.Thos. S. Watson, i Abner Faisun, S. O. Mid- dleton, Robert -H. i Brown, Silenus Cooper, Isaac B. Kelly, Thos. Perrett. Silver Weddixg of Rev. 1r, G D. Berniieim ;4and Mns. E. G. BErwN- heim. A large number of the friends of Rev. Dr. Berahcim and lady called to congratulate them on their 25th anniversary of their marriage oa Fri day evening iastf and represtntalives from all the religious denominations were iu att?ii'dauce to dcrhouorto those highly- estimable citizens. V A large numbes of very valuable presents were presented to them. The Rev. Dr. and family have been residing in ibis city some ten years, during which time they have made no enemies, but, by their uniform acts of kindness have succeeded in making all their friends. : We wish them many years of sincere happiness. Flioai OTJIt RALiSlU-H CORuES ! PONDET. Raleigh, April 24th, 1871). Editor of Post : The all absorbing topic of conversa tion at church, mill, street corners ana market, this week, is the great revival now progressing in our midst under the auspices of two lady evaugalkts, Mrs. Moon and Miss Painter. The religious furore pervades all classes, and judging from the crowds that fill to overflowing the two ivhite Methodist Churches of the city every evening is rapidly spread ing, urowus unable to gain an entrance are nightly disappointed, and many repair to church at early candle light inprder to' secure seats. No sutfh reli gious excitement cas existed here for years, ine novelty oi the case is alone sufficient to draw, as woman preachers are not a standing institution iq south ern climes. Mrs. Moon, the leading lady, is a matronly looking woman of perhaps forty or more, with a pleasing persuasive face, marked with, a some what broad expansive forehead and high cheek bones, indicative (as Sam Watts, the phrenologist "would say) of a penetrating intellect and strong foro of chajracter. As an elocutionist she faulty indulging in monotone to excess r . aud betraying the evident intent to im press rather by her manner than by any particular merit contained in her argu ment. None however seem to doubt the lady's sincerity, and all seem to agree that her mission to our city "will do proauctive oi good. lour corres pondent ha3 not as yet heard Miss Painter, but learn from thess who have that she is a lady of superior mental caiibre. She is about thirty or thirty? five years of age, and is what may be termed, a fair looking spinster. What is especially creditable about the meet- ings is tueir divestment - ol sectarian character, being attended and partici pated in by members of the Baptist, prcsbvterian and other churches, prom- :npnf, amonrr wimm i ex-Govrnm Holden. of the Salisbury Street Bapti3t Church. Tbc efforts of this gentleman in behalf of the good cause is especially noted and highly commended. For some days past considerable rip pie has sprung up in .consequence of legal proceedings being pushed against inose wuo laneu io aisu tueir pou tax .i i i xi ? il a. for the year 1878. Hundreds of per- sons in this county have laid themselves ,t;r iUn lo na Uannma v.; d th circumstances. M. B. Barbee. Esq., our leading Magistrate discharges his duty in a manner to win the respect - i l .1 ; t:A i .11 :tu u I ana auiuiiauuu ui uii wiuj wuuiu. ue ino ne ,vhYoh th rnmnlains I f 1 r !lL "R T TnKn nnl nnua fl0 iaor witu jixr. uwucc, duu wc has earned the proud title of a faithful ana imparuai ouiccr. The weathor is beautiful and our I t? X? -1 . I" ,FMf. oHx with th r,,? if not the lords of creation lovely women. 1 Centre. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A LIMITED number of active enersretic canvas sers to engage in a pleasant and profitable Knntt Ann M w Z 1 1 . . wuaiucM, viuwi wu win una i iiis a rare chance - . TO MAKE MONEY. Such -will pleash answer this advertise- ment by letter, enclosing stamp for reply) wuad uusmess iuey nave oecn CI1- gageain. xsoce ouiinose who mean busi ness neea appiy. A.aaress. xliMl-Ui, llAHVEY & CO.. april20 ly AUanta,Ga. A SURE CURE FOR PILES. A sure Cure for the blind, blcedins. itch ing ana uiceraiea pues nas Been discovered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty years' standinsr. No, one need suffer five minntes alter ap- PlylnS this wonderful soothing medicine. xg instruments and electuaries do more .harm than good. William's Oint ment absorbs tne tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in oeaj, a2i& as a pouiuce, gives in stant and painless, reliet and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts aid nothing else. . al consulted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, and found no rellel Tintll I obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment some months ago, and it has cured me com- Joseph.M. K ydeb. Cleaveland. O. medicine I ever tried, and I have spent more man tw wnn aocvors, nesiaes meai cines I am sure cost me more than M0." uavid sparling, insrranam. in. "Have suflered twenty years with itchins and ulcerated piles, having used every rem edy that came to,my notice without benefit. until l used Indian umtment and received immediate relier. James Cakboll, (an old miner), Tecoma, Nevada'. J8S-No Pile Remedy ever trained such rapid favor and extensive sale. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. For sale by Mafch, 23-ly. ONE OEVIE NOT THE LARGEST STOCKS OF WHOLESALE GROCERIES OFFERED FOR SALE : IN THE State of North, Carolina . CAN BE FOUND AT Adrian & Tollers Southeast Corner Dock and Froi Streets, Wilmington, N. C. ; "Orders and Purchasers licif.ed. july 7 tf Flour, Sugar,? Meat, Molasses. 1000 BUS IfL'OUR'of various brands. 250 Bbl3 SUGAR, of sundry grades, 150 Boxes MEAT, Hams, Shoulders Sides, strips, Bellies. . 200 Hhds and Bbls MOLASSES, Call on or older dii'ect from dec 21 tf ADRIAN & VOLLERS THE PURCELL HOUSE JJAS PASSED INTO THE HANDS OF the undersigned, has Ibeen newly fur nished throughout, and, as heretofore, will be run strictly as a Xir st-Class Hotel I Board reduced as folio v; ? : S2 50 and 53 per ay; .With Rooms, per month, $85 ; Table Board, per month $25. Best of Wines, LiqUQrs aild Uigars ALWAYS ON HAND AT IS eg iila r City Prices, We hope to see all the old patrons of the house and ALL THEIR FRIENDS, promis ing them tb-ii no pains shall be spared to 'ease ali. ' , , : Jan IS- - COBB BEOS. .Proprietors. Formery of Richmond Formerly of Golds- j va. borQ, iN . u. WERNER & PREMPERT, Personally in attendance at HAIR DRESSING SALOON, No. 11 North Front Street, South ot Purcell House, and No.7 South Front Street, . WILMINGTON, N. C. f None but the most experienced work- men employed in this establishment. Manufacturers of Tonics, Hair Oil, Cologne, Renovators, Dyes, Beau tifiers, &c, &c. aprii 12 tf PARRKU& TAILOR, DEALERS IN rrnnnnhnn nil M WoTntti nnna Ml UMUO Ull, DIUIW, JttDlttlij UUlld Lanterns, Fairbanks Scales, PUMP, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. DIFFERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers ; . in 1 mrrf nTTTinm TriniT rrr i nn I 1111 jUM onJjljl lllUfl II Arili I - No. 19 FRONT STREET, jin ll lji WILMINGTON, N. C, Wanted NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . . i We stood at an open window - " Leaning far over the sill,1 And if something hadn't happened We might have stood there still? But we reached for a banging shutter V , 'In blinding northeast breez" Eo our friends will have to ba Invited . To join in the obsequies. "I F WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOW X what a storm was brewing (in a teapot), and now far oil- that shutter was, we should never have ventured our head out aid a of that window; but itistoolato lorregreta now; we are nonplussed, completely squelched, have been sat upon, and our friends and the public generally are re spectfully invited to attend the obsequies on SATURDAY ISTISXT and wo stake our reputation on its hpino- the grandest funeral they ever witnessed. Ashe sljps he slides, and every time he slides he slips up most woefully. We leave .our 'kind friends" to find out the ineaning of the above, 'and while they are- doinc so we will ask the following questions: Havn't we the ue-liPKt. the State? " Ilavn't'we the Wilminalon? poorest stock of goods In .Havn't we made prices much hlghesimce we commenced? 6 v Havn't we been very unaccommodating and impolite to you? uwaMb denvSd?0 cbarsed you for 1X11 ue soods nKfilLI made .srca"t many mistakes and refused to correct the jo. when our atten tion was called thereto? All of our friends who answer "yes" to the above questions will please not buy from us any more. KespeStfully and truly . P L. BRIDGERS & CO. In glancing over last Sunday's paper we regretted to notice the tacit acknowledg ment from some of our brother grocers that we had taken away part of their trade, and making an appeal to theothers not to leave them. We regret this exceedingly, especial ly as they were so kind and considerate' about our coming to grief, but supposo.as wc have determined to do the . LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS ever done in Wilniimrlon. wc will m tiiA futuro have to keep from belug so tender hearted, and CtJT DOWN-IMIKjES a little more. - BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS arc ;iul quite gone. A fine line of TOILET SOAPS rp. ceiyed to-day, very low down, v The OLD CAPE FEAR is flourishing ana MAitrn,L,L,i!j swimming. , We have been over and smoked that "Cigar of Peace." (a fine Havana it was),but still think it would be bad policy to stop furnishing the papers with our line literary roancuons, as tney nave tne tendency to ;eep prices very low. which we. of course. with allother good grocers, desire; only want enougn leit to-pay lor clerk s hlrej store rent and taxes. NOT PURITANICAL. Although opposed to -the driukimr of Liquors, P. L. BUIDGKIW CO, are not puritanical enough to refuse to sell them. jas they think no FIR.ST CLASS UIIOCEKY siUKi; can auora to be without: but tnev promise the ladies that they would neyer find out there was any on -the premises, as it must be taken elsewhere to be urunk. BUMGARDNER, STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE .received this week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LAUD I The purest, oldest, and best CORN WHISKEY in the State, to be y bought only at P. L. BRIDGKRS & C01 P. S. We feel highly nattered at tho no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised at the absence of our usual Sunday morning ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New York Saturday n'ght. - dec 13' L' CO.

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