1 uaorn e i iztlt L'tn. ft " t 4 Jji! v.i ..V. i 4 V dill 10! In l-i-i. VOLUME X. WILM , NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, -MAY 4. 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents "S f '- f -r liLI VI. J VI ..L-J it I I i lit- 1 1 i i i i -I ! .1 POST "ADVER RATES. Fifty cents per line for the first in sertion and twenty -five cents per line for each additional insertion. ) Eight (8) lines NonpardVtypej coni. atitute a square. , a AH advertisements will be charged at the above rates, except on special con tracts. - Special rates can be had for a longer tme than' one week., ..J ' $ ; : The subscription priee to The Wil mington Post is $1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. k All communicrtipns on busines should be addressed to The AVilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. Gen. U. S. Grant and parly has ar rived at Hoog Kong The party have had a very prosperous trip and the Qenerat is'in excellent health. ' The northern Republican papers are fust chapgi 02 from Gen Grant to Sec retary Shermao, advocating the latter as the Republican Candidate for Presi dent in 1880. Since his last greatsuc cess as a financier he is justly looked Upon as the strongest man in the coun try. i." ''.'"'; : -y r- I I Poor , Senator Logan, he fought throughout the late war with distinc tion only to be completely annihilated, .scalped, by one Lowe a Grpenbacker, an Alabama bull-dozer, who no gentle men could figut without disgracing himself. Joking aside, we think Gen. Logan showed his good sense by not fighting the fellow; a man of such a character. " - The last legislature passed an act cutting down the fees of all the county officers in the state, but the act ,nly referred to Pitt county alone. There fore the County Solicitor, Mr. B. R. Moore, give it as his legal opinion that it only referred to the officers of Pitt county, he communicated with the, At torney General of the state and received' the following answer, which seems to settle the question for the present: ''State of North Carolina, !" Office of- Attorney Genekal, i "Raleigu, April 29, 1879. uMy Dear Sir; The act referred to in your letter is in Chap; 293, Laws 1879, aud I tiuink, by its title, is to be taken ha only applicable to Pitt county. It entitled 'An Act to Regulate the Fees of Certain Officers in Pitt County." Yours truly, ;i Tuos. S. Kenan. B. R. Moore, Esq.. Solicitor for the State. We are iu formed that there has been one morrf charge of the Light LTon?e Pemocracy in our neighboring county of Brunswick. This time by the rear guard, and. ended in the capture of that efficient and trustworthy officer, Wm. Brown, Deputy Sheriff and keeper of the county jail. The squadron was un der the command of Capt. Chinnis, of Town Creek, who signed his name with a title in the face of the earnest protest of a large majority of the legal voters of that county, as well as in defiance td every principle of Republican or Dem ocratic form of Government to which the people of that good old peaceful county have been educated by their good lathers of old 76. ' ' j A man bythe nameof Corporal Davis, we nnderetand, is uow.on patrol duty at tho jail. , I The other squad under the command of Capt. Rourk, of Shallotte, charged hrayely and boldly upqn Capt. Walkr in the hope of an easy capture and rich spoils ot the Treasury, but cama out second best, Capt. W. having taken the precaution to remove all of thecommis-. sary stores of value before the attack.: So disgusted, was Capt. j Rourk at his failure to ciyiureHh tnpst; "lai'Jnd sTeiiessarily desirable of ail store, the cash box, for the support of his hungry and weather beaten squad, that he re signed and beat a hasty retreat to 'the suburbs of Green Swamp, leaving Capt. W. master of the field There is a new mpye on lete a;nforme4,: notlaW down in the-regulat' politicians book which may very soon test the legality of the right of any class of persons wilfully make inroads, and invade the constitutional rights of the citizens of our neighb,ojting" county, antf will, no doubtresult in forever putting at rest the question, as to the right ot any set of men to set aside the ( expressed 'wiU oi. me peopiCi ana ineir .powcrw the legal franchises of honest citizens into the waste basket at will. - SrYe PFP9?? fofjublwh' the full his pory of the Bnf nswicV elctiqn -as sooil as time will permit, as it will prove of great interest to all of. the people of that county. f I i ' i 0 I ! A Vassar College girl challenges any girl of any institution' in' the United States to chew gum with her. She offers to chew a hundred quarters worth of gum in one hundred consecutive Iiuartejr days. Gum to be clear of hair P4 n6y filled witbTshQetnaker's wai.' J WILMINGTON TISING ciai situation m tne Treasn Washington, May 1 The debt statement issued to-day shows the in crease of debt for April to be $1,995,216; gold certificates, $15,772,600; silver xjertificatesl,; certificates of depolit c4tslahdiBf, $31.635,000 ; re funding certificates, $3,104,250; legal tenders outstanding, j $34,668,101,600 : fractional currency outstanding, $15, 913,009 52 ; U. S. notes held for redemp tion of fractional currency, $3,446.333 ; called bonds not matured, for which 4 I per cent, bonds have been issued, f 171, 100 01. . . - i - -- - Cedar Creek, N. C.; April 28, 1879. V Editor Post Dear Sir: In my communication signed X, in your tssue oflihe 20th inst., instead of "tbere is but four ofiices on the river," it should be "few olSces" there are six or eight iuditfVrently kept. There would be fitteen to twenty if the mails went by land. The error above may provoke a repl.vH Jt jdoef JJeig cotifvrare on a postalrcardar blcptfyl and I will write 'more VtetglurSve can write down, or vote down, the river mail at any season of the year. The river mail is a nuisance, and I refer to any man on the river that uses the mails, and is not under obligations to the owners of the Cape Fear Company. We 'want ..better mail facilities the The fellow Kitchen wha by- means of corruption aud fraud got his certificate in Congress, r took the advantage of thVabsrtice'df'one member of Congress on Thursday last to make an attack on him, we clip the following from the asscioate press telegrams. - Mr. Kitchen, of N. C, rising to a question of privileger-denounced an.i allsioapiiinel which appeared irii speech of his colleague (Mr. Russell.) lie characterized the speech as in famously false and slanderous, but said that he was not surprised at his col leangue's violating -every parliamentary rule, nd. eyery rule. ,of decency and nroDrietv? - V- V 44. Mr. Garfield made the point of order that Mr. Kitchin's language was un r 1 ... parliamentary, but the point was over ruled by bpcaker Randall, who re marked that the eentleman (Mr. Kit- icljin) had previprtsiVtstawd that he meant to say ; nothing" personal. ". AMr.Kitchin ireserved further remarks until his colleague should be present. TUe House adjourned until Saturday. llun; D.1 Li lvtisseli member of Con, gresx, arnvea nome on luesaay nmos last. The lad ies of St. James' ;hurch made $150 nett, at their festiyal in the City iiaii last. weett . vuncxi ,iiiou tiw4 . Mr. John Hughes, of Newberu, was in the ;vityou. Ff',dy.f QPPjpg at the Pu reel 1 House. 'bie' Re lir? firfrD fierlliel Ot, been requested to act as Chaplain on Con federate Menrja,Lday. Judge O. P. Meares has called an cxtrsessioJ 6f thetmiriil Criiri;fXoi convene the 26th day of May next. ' MaryNSnnthfa&ipsano colored woman, who has been in the County Asylum for . aeyeraj dajfJ,tpa.der,)lir cscapo on r riuay last. ' v)IE1b:,oli,cra6b? of Elizabeth Citv. N. U . who served in liu home on Monday last. :, A large number of bir- oom 'Ofthe citv haVe closed on account of the in creased taxes levied on them by the Rev. D. D. Dodge left here on'Thurs day last to attend a Conference of the Congregational Churches of the state, at Raleigh, on Friday last. The Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, D. DwiU .pleSclff b. llafs (pr tWaAsLyltlte44fli oTlJliyi 4..O;CI0CK. Aiiura iuiieu, biiic, A scrimmage between two colored men Hook ptactfonaht wharf at foot of Princess street Thursday last. M. knocked the molasses out of B., and M. was sent to jail. m The followlnsf namedf eaUeaeri JiAre been selected as the Marshals for the Confederate Memorial ;iay : 0ol. H. dManher, tIeMirshal ; Assistant Marshals, Capt, Jas, l;..lcQQWnf Messrs. J. N. Scnraff, J. Merritt, W. R Patterson, C. W.! Yates, Wm. Hawkins, John Mf Robinson,, Geo. V. Higgins. Henry Ohlandt. Our attention was called to a baby carriage on r Market street yesterday jjyfcti aaf aulphe4 ipffCa4 tjip following written on it; "From the ladiea of the "Colfax" . - 25 cents a.chance, To win the babys name which surprised us very ItSUcirfewja were not aware that any of the officers tsr rrpw of the "Colfax were of the mm V- V II -mmm . ftmihine gfiQder, jtini : fetiful1 and cheapo api' Walter ' Furlong is out again XT. district Court. Hon. G. W lirbok presiding, convenes in this city on toincrroiv FOUNd Dead. Dr. B. S. Thy wick, of Idnroe, was found dead in his office a fifwaysagol' ; 1 . , i I)rEb.--Miss Sallie Kinyon, of At IanJt5a:) formerly of this city died Th telegraph cable across the Cape Fekr-jiyej was taken up on the 29th of ApfrlMbr iepairtj i - : - pfi battle M. Toner, ot Washington, D. O.i'-was in the city last weekj stop ma at the Purcell House. Tbie,' heavy rains for the past few da have done considerab in and around Favetteville. e damage A store near Chad bourn's mill jn the citv; was robbed on Sunday night last of k very small amounl-of cash, i Rob't Shaw of this county was killed neirBickory on the 234 of April, in a figtt frith another penitentiary convict. The fraudulent Sheriff of Brunswiclc turned out jailor Brown on Monday lasand put in a man by the name of Davis. . , , . v ',: lBE.-Mr.Archie Taylor of Moore's Crek, Pender county, had his house destroyed by fire loss about $1,500, no insurance. - 'i Japt R. S. Radcliff was awarded the contract to build a large number f uew cisterns Sot the city He commenced oniMonday last. 'nights of Pythias .To is verv excellent order is in a flourishing' con ditoli.lT The Eudowment Rank has i b. A v ; . ...... bvirflixty niembers. Hon."Darid S. Sanders, we are nleased jo Report;' is'out again attei ding to his ft)uiDess,'hating recoveretl frcm his re cent attack of sickness. ? lit attack of: Col. Edwin f i . W. Kerr, of Sau:pson, was ,in- thcity. the first of last week. TheOoi Js wjiat 'Andrew. Junes would call .a "vheel horse on the stump. fie Whiting Rifles are making e-x terisiviB preparations to be in crool trihrteiUlro Confederate Memorial Day. thy;IttteTid 16 turn out in force. 'ie.office of, 3ilr. 'Thos. Evaus was broken, into on Sunday night last. noh"Dg taken, therefore they merely br&t$ in for practice, we suppose. I)rfeD? Col. Walter L. Leak, one of 4ha largest l,rmanufactu:rers in the staledied at his home in Rockingham oni Monday ' 'afteriioqn last, aged SO years., ,l ----- , . j i . . , blED.-Mrs. Alexander Auderson, It he molher of Dr. E. A. Anderson and Jatns Anderson, Esq,, died in this city at (7:30 o'clock on the 30th of April. She :was 90 jears of age. ; H)i '' . ; The JJbard of Aldermen convenes .Monday: night in regular monthly The County Commissioners also have fi.mU-Hm,nm Unn The concert on Tuesday night last, IgNen by -the Sunday School ot the Frprit; Street Methodist Church i3 pro- nojincjby. those who were present to have been a grand success. j- 1 -tfdiV .--I -fr t . - Reyi Dr. Bcrnheim and Mr. W. . H Gerkenaro the representative of the Lutheran Church of this city at the Lutjrjm Synod, in Stan tley county, thWmlf be home next week. ,; j tr.tll '". 11 -, ' We call attention to the advertise ment of Messrs. TJdolphoWofe?? Son & Col, published in another column, this is anbfdrestablished firm and we take pleasure in recom mending the tn . ;' CoX"jHeiry ;g; Flanner, Chief of ArtUJert oih tlie:- state, Jias been ap pointed ind ha : accented the Ghief jaarsuaisnip ior, me xuiuot iuavoi ine ucpHeaeraie juemonai orrosessioii. the1 Baptist Sunday School had. an excursion to Waccamaw Lake on Wed- esdy biL Very large member of adlltapaxticipated in it. We under staiid'o very thing passed off pleasantly; National Surgical Institute. TwofHne1 Surgeons? of this notable Inititumjt tlsit4 Wilmington, N. C. MiyrlheCfjinl 27, 1879, stopping at thA o?nrH flouse. uVJ WiU fcaye wilh'Hh'em a' fine outfit of ' braces and surgical appliances,: and will' be pre" palea treat all kinds of Deformities anaCnronioiDiseases, auch as Club FejefHip Disease, Spinal Disease, Pax&;nes and Fistula, Catarrh; Private Diseases, Diseases of the Eve &d. For full particulars, Address, National Surgical Institute, Atlanta, 8ih - Hi!: Don't fail to examine the ad of ?ecry Davis & Son in the adyertising column i . Hon; A. M. Waddcll ha.s' been re quested to deliver the CtommericeSenjT Address, about the 20th of Jane. - - ' i ! Messrs. Bruuhild & Brother, tobacco manufacturess commenced 'receiyipg tobacco for their factory,; on, Thnreday last. They inform; us that they intend to employ -about 30 .bands, n; their es ; tablishment.' Kj'-Si l.-oii'iiuliiib . ots.w y i During the thunder JafdrmNvMich visited this city on Wednesday morning last, the lightning struct: the First Presb vterian Cnnrch! J sieebl el also the kitchen adjoining the residence of Col A. Pope. No one hurt.? .' : , e The Carolina Yacht Club have under consideration . the question whether they shall give several races in ithe Cape Fear River, before ithe July Regetta at tho sound. We understand that a large number of the club are , in favor of it. By all means let the boys try thetf boats in the Cape Fear waters Mr. Heinsberger has all the lates novels, of the best writers of the coun try, and histories ot all description. Also the latest music, fiqo" orahs pianos, and melodeons, magazines, illus trated newspapers, stationery, &c j'Bfr. H. is a live man therefore keeps Ihe very best stock on hand, and believes in quick sales and small profits. . . ' ReY. B. Mendelssohn our" esteemed fellow-citizen, will be united in, mar- 9 i . 4 riage to Miss Esther Jastraw, theneice of Rev, Dr. M. Jastraw of Philadelphia,' on tlie 11th day of May 'next-at 7 o'clock P. M. We congratulate :Mr. Mendelssohn on" his good fortune we know he will make a model husband. Discontinuance o p S u n Trains. The Suuday traiii on, the W. & W. Railroad, which, arrives, here:at 8!16 A. M., has been discontinued, as also the one leaving Wilmington every: Sunday morniDg at 9:20 Pi M. 7 On the W. C. & A. R. R., the Sunday trains arriving at 9 P. M. and depart ing at 8:36 P. M , have also-been dis continued. ; ' ' " '' No change iu other trains, -This we suppose is in accordance with the state law prohibitiijg the running of trains on Sunday, unless carrying the U. S mail. , , : FiFrn Battalion. Of the,, North UsiroSina State Guard held an election for olficers in the City Court Roopi'- on the 29th of April. Col. Geo. L! Mabson' was uiiHuimously re elected Lieut. Col- mT m ' . m mr -m -r- ' outi, and Lacut. M. n. .jjevr. was elected Major ; about Levy's qualificai tions we kuow nothing, but Col.MAbson is one of the very best qualified officers in the state guard. f v - The pjilowing are the appointive officers made by ' Lieutenant Colonel Geo. L. Mabson : .; 5 s, . ; 'V ;- James H. Caraway, Adjutant,, rank First Lieutenant, - Daniel Buxton Quarter Master, rank Captain, r Wm". Marstella, Commissary j rank Captain Rev. Joseph J. Fry, Chaplain. I i-.. i The meeting was presided over 1 by Capt. Lewis Smith. Capt J.. C. , '.Hill, was Secretary. The field ofilcrs occu:l pied seats as invited guests. t ;5i AI fioaif, munication relating to the interest of the Fifth Battalion was received from Col.JGeo. L. Mabson, Adj't Jams A, Carraway andQ. R. M., Daniel Buxton. By request Col. Mabson addressed the meeting as regards dressing, discipline1, etc. A vote of thanks for the use, of the city court room concluded t the; proceedings. - i " " Mail Robber. On Monday .last Col. Brink', our .efficient Postmaster, received information that ; one Qeo, Davis, a train hand on. the Wilmington and Charleston road, had robbed the mail; he immediately sent after Davis. who came down to the Postoffice. Col. Brink arrested him at once and lodged him in jail, and dispatched snofBcler to Charleston to look . after the misi xxail. The ofilcer. found a large bag of mail buried in the mud about 100 yards from the Charleston depot and brought it to Wilmington "on . Tuesday nigtiL- On Wednesday Col. Brink; received a message from One James payis who: ia in jau fot ate&Upg a plr of shoes, re questing the Colonel's presence. . Col. Brink visited him at once, when' James Davis stated that he was the mail robber anoT not George Davis',' and aiso .'impli cated others in the crime. The defend-. ant Geo. Davis was brought before U. S. Commissioner , McQuigg on fiiuri- 4. ' .... ? tl George Davis was bound, over by the Commissioner in & bond of one - thou- fend dollars to the V, "&iPistljCaff, which convenes to-morrow in this1 city. J&s. DaVis and . Charles i Williams were bound over on - Friday . to the U S. Court for robbing the mails, in a bond of $500 dollars each.' Mr. J.' 1. Macks; appeared for the United States. Tie- ndanbj b,ad n.o gotmscl 4 ; I'U l4f JIay IJtAY.-Tho first day of Mav wivsijjoye py a very t targe numoer oi coforea 'people, jn excursion , parties, picntjs, fife and drum could be heard in all directions! " ' ilaj 'i C. :M. Stedman, President of the Bank of New! HanoTer, of this city, ?was robbed of his watch and chain by a' pickpocket, on a steamer' going from New" York to Boston, a few davs ago.5 i &i A new postbfiice has just been C3tab.v listed on the G. C.- Ry., between bhoe heel and Plumersville, . . Mr. J. A. Fore has been appointed Postmaster! .. ; Capt; Russell : Glover, who:1 was Jih H. Crawford while she was stationed in pur waters, arrived here from Ceder Keys' on Saturday morning.' lie is here as a witness A n the-U. S.! District Court, the Captain was welcomed, back r by a large nurnber ; of friends, in fact he succeeded "in ' hiakihsr r evervbodv his- -friend who carao in contact with him, while ho" was stationed here. : ' There are many good officers i a the Revenue Service we have uo doubt, but u'e know there is none' better or . iri ore faithful than Capt.; Gloyer,-'h.e is a1 perfect gen tUmen in every sense of the word. :Mayop.'s . Court. The , following cases have been tried by Mayor Fish blate the past week. 4 - John Bakerr drunk, judgment sus ponded.' - . Isaac Baker,, drunk, fined 10 or fifteen days in prision." " -l Jas. Harris; resisting police office judgment suspended. ; ; Uharlef Ry burg; dru tik ; 0 ned $5 or five days in prision..-' ' - ' ' -v Dwen Brinkley, drunk : fined $15 or twenty days iu prison. Faiiny Malletdisorderly; fined $2.50. Robert1 Manning, affray ; fined- two days in - prison.' " i, Robert Scarlor, selling iiijuor without license ; dismissed. M. Howell, drunk ; fined $20. lS Col. E. D. Hall tried three violations of state law last week.' i n Memorial Day. The Federal Ma morial Association held a meeting cn Friday;last for the purpose, of making proper arrangements; ibr Memorial Ser vices, at the National uemeterv . near this city on the 80th of May next. The follwiphig gentleuieu. worc..aipojn.fiedi a :cotnmittee..tQ'maVollall . the necessary preparations far the procession decora ting the graves, &c. : J Col. E R. Brink, Jas. A. Lowry; S. II. Manning, Jos. C. Hillv and;W. P. Canaday, For the in formation of those who art? ignorant of the fact, we will state that the National Memorial; Day is on the SOlh and not the 31st of May, andthe 30th of May m the year of our Lord 1S79 comes on Friday. Wc hope to see all of our people show their loyalty to the Union by displaying their flags at half mast and particularly those; who are jeceiving their,. salt, and hominy, from the U. S. Treasury. ;The 30Lh is a day that all our people should close up their places of businoss for the) purpose of showing -proper ;respect, to those .brave men who laid down their lives for their country's good. If the business men of this city arc true to their professions of loyalty to .the' United Slates goycrrjment they will do so on the afternoon of the 30th of Mav next, and attend in a' body the services at the Union Cemetery. u'.Tlio true pemocratic feeling? is com in put iu regard, to the colored exodus from 'the inoderii Egypt.' Let them wait' with4 patience the great1 north will ;t4ko care of'these poor people now as in iae war. .a nauon cannot7 move in a-day, nor when it doesmoye. can it be stopped in a day. Kansas City Journal 1 .XY: JM YEliTISEENMTSm FOR IISCAT8 AND v GO TO :. : v, ,; ; CELEBRATED OHE3E SPRINGS are situated four miles A ttnnth of Shelhv arirl.slx milfiS north of Whitafeer'g. on the Air-LAne a.- n. a xhe miheral.waters are sulphur and chaly beate. .The properties of the sulphur 'are iron, sulphur . ana . magnesia, iroperues com bined are beneficial to all disease, andnevr fail to cure the most obstinate cases, as many will testify. The chalbeate waters canuoi oe surpassed, navwg wrougni many alm&tt miraculous cures, t .lu 1 . ! . ' y ; rim t . 1 ill 1. first of Aprilv and the prices are in reach of ain having , been greatly reduced this sea son. ' ' . -Bathing houses, croquet grounds, ten-pen alley, and other amusements and attrac llons free for visitors. Hades running from this place will meet visitors aVShelby or at ,Whi taker's, on Air-Line "K. KTupoa shca't M-V RTE3 ONBOARD; ' " " P,ur day Per th" -' - - - - -j '-i 20 00 For two or more months 13 00 Children and servants half price, - i For further particulars, address f , 1 W. a: PATTERSON, Prop'r. . "Shelby, N. O, March 18th, 187. v . . THE MTTJJOAIRE.' : a T. TT, O'Brian. of San Francisco. L'aL. says : "Herald Comiound is the best Ce ment for broken wares I ever saw. I have' articles mended, with it that stands as good as before they were, broken," , Sold by all druggists and country merchants, - or If your druggisUhasn't got it; nor wont send for It, send 2-5 cents for a bottle to JNO. T. PATRICK, Bole Slaamfacfr, -v YAM:saojao, N. O. may JtEW AD VERTISEMENTS ,-. r WMTEBi A LIMITED number of active. sera to engage in. a pleasant and profitable business, Good men twlll find this a- rare TO MAKE MONEY:.1- - 1 : Such' will pleash answer this advertise- ment by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, statine what business they have been En gaged in. None but those Who mean busi ness need apply, . 5 - - - t 'Address, , ' llM 1 FINLEY, HABVEY & CO . aprll20-ly : Atlanta, da, A SURE CURE FORPILES. A sure c'ure for the blind. 'bleeding; Itch ing and ulcerated piles has been dl covered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. WilUam's Indian Ointanent. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty years' standing. No one- need suffer five minutes niter ap plying this - won derful soothing " medicine." .Lotions, instruments and r electuaries do more harm than good. William's Oint ment absorbs tne tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, give? in stant and painless, relief and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts aid nothing else. - : 5 i L - f t-.t consulted physicians' in Philadel phia, Louisville, , Cincinnati Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars. and found no relief until I obtained a box of Dr. William's - Indian Ointment some lour months ago, and it has cured me com pletely." :U -y i. . , :. Joseph M. Rydeb, Cleaveland, O. "Has done me more good than : all the medicine-1 ever tried, -and-It have spent more than $100 with doctors, besides medi cines I am sure cost me more than $40."- -David Spaeuitg, Ingraham, ill. "Have suffered twenty years with itching and ulcerated piles, having used everyrem edy that came to my notice without benefit, until I used Indian Ointment and -received immediate relief. - James CAEaoi.ii, (an old miner), Tecoma.' Nevada." - -. 'V sNo Piles Remedy ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. -For sale by T. S. BURBANK. . ; - ; V March 23-ly; -' 7 . reasons .why; . ;:; PAIN - KILLER IS THE Best Family Medicine of the Age; And why it should be kept always near av . . - ' ' " hand: ' ' -' 1st. Pain-KiUMui is the most certain , Cholera cure-that medlcai science has produced.. . . ,!i t- . y - :- " ' ,- ' ... .r .-4 ,rf j i (-; ' . . 2nd.. Fain-Killke, as a Dirroeu aniny& , entery remedy, seldom if ever fails. - 3rd. Pain-Killer will cure Cramps or Pains in any part of the .system,. .A. ; ; single dose usually affects a cure. 4th. Pain-Kili,eh will cure dy Kpcpshi ajad . Indigestion, if used according to direc tions. . "' 5th, Pain-Killeji is an almost never-fall ' ing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, &o 6th. Pain-Killer has proved a Sovereign : Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Clilll : Fever; it has cured the most-obstinate ,f - cases. " : 7 . 1, - i 7th; Pain-Killer as a lloament is uiv - equaled for Frost Bites. Chilblains, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, tc , 8th: Pain-Killeb has cured casr '" of . Rheumatism and Neuralgia after years standing. . , , ' Hh., Pa in-Killee will. destroy oils, Fel- ons, Whitlows Old 8ores. giving relief from pain alter tho first application. tk Y J r, 10th. Pain-Kiuleu cures .noadacheanil j Toothache. - 1 , HLh . Pain-Ktxleb wilL save you days ol . sickness and many a dollar i' time 5 and Doctor's bills. 1 'V " " ' 12th. Pain-Killer, has. been Defore the public over thirty-seven years and Is a - : .purely Vegetable preparation, safe to -keep -and use Ih: every family.' -The : : . simplicity attending its use, together: : with the great variety f diseases that : may be entirely eradicated : by it, and . : the great amount ot pain and suffering that can be alleviated, through its use,. make it imperative upon every person -. to supply themselves with this valu : I able remedy, and to keen it always near i at hand, i - - - .. The Pain-Killer Js, hcrw kn O wn and ap rociated in every quarter of the Globe, hysicians recommend it In their practice. while all classes oi society have found In it relief and comfort. ! Give it a trial. - Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Drug gist, and nearly every Couniry ' Grocer throushout the land keep t Jar.tate. ; j . : n w-iy f::DEALEES IN ' mi Kerosene Oil. Steyesi Uctals; Bnns, PUMPS, BRASS AND lEt)N RQSIN . STRAINERS.' - v i ; DIPl'ERS AND SKIMMERS. . . t . . . . . ,T ... Manufacturers, ? and 'wholesale 'dealers in TIN AND SHEET - IRON WARE, : M - ' - 19 1 FRONT z STREET; : I jahllly WILMINGTON, N. C, NEWADVEETISEMENTS. " . 'We stood at an open window I , Leaning far over the sill, , And if something hadn't happened ' x" -. yvemignt nave stood there still; . 5- 'But we reached for a banging shutter I 1 In u blinding northeast breeze . k ,Ko our friends 'will have to bo Invited - ,. To Join in tho obsequies. 1 J i 1 - vi ;X -; ; - -Vri ' i . V..- . " il "I It WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN T X ! what a storm was brewing (m a teapot). i and how far off that shutter was.fl i shffliii J. never have ventured taur head outsldeof y that wlndowr but it is too lato iorregrsta I SS2S2'W- hwonPlussed. 'completely " I tlSr8,',11 .he Pulllc generally- are te- , I spectfully invited to attend theobsequles.on -1 vl'-- v -: :-V ' " " ' 1 1 :8ATU3DAY ISTKT'-V and we stako our reputation on itabeiD" the grandest funeral they ever witnessed. 0 . ...... . .;. j ... , As he slips he slides, and every time-he slides he slips up most woefully. We leave ourklnd friends" to find out the mean! dk of the, above, and while theyaro doing so we will ask the following questions: "l .1 , ! theltate?Ve th uslicstand.irliest storo In WUm?nlton?ie pprofit Stpqk ot ' - " f . ",- - - j ' Hayn't we made prices much higheslnco we commenced? . f - ' - . ,' andolUetou? unacmmodatIng - Itavn't we cnargca delivered? J OV oM Oil ii sroads Ilavn't we made a great many misUikes . and refused to correct them when our atten tion was called thereto? All of our- friends -who answer ys" to theabovo questions will pleasehotbuy from -us any more. RespeStfully And truly. Pi L. BRIDGERS '.& GO. In glancing over last Sunday's paper wa' regretted to notico tho tacit acknowledg ment from some of our brother grocers that we had taken away part ot their trade, and -making an appeal to the others not to leave tnom. VVe regret this exceedingly, especial ly as they were so kind and considerate about our coming to grief, but suppQse.as we have determined to do the tiAltG EST RETAI L GtlOQERX : BUSINESS ever done In Vlmlngloii. we' will in the ti-1,":", "YK'V Acing so tender uwci. icu, auu vUx UK )0v rmcJEs-amu" more, j THE BLOODY CHASM HAS BJSE1I BRIDGED OVEK. THE LITTLE JOKERS are not quite r-v. ' gone. - . ; - ' t . " - ' 1 , r 1 '! J. -. -.-". , - J , - " ' ' ,'""'" " A fine line of TOILET KOAPd re ; ; ceiyed to-day, very low dowi. ' The OLD CAPE FEAll is JlourisLing : and MARTELLE swimmiuir. WeJhave been' over ami Btnotvi finf. VCigar of Peace." (a fine Havana it was),but still think it would be bad nnllcvto .thrt lurnishing the papers with our tine literary urouuewous, as mey navo tne tenueocy to keep prices very low, which wej of courto. with allother good grocers, desire; only want enough left to pay for clerk's hire store rent and taxes. - KOT'PUEITANICAL. AlthOUSrll ODlJOSd to ihtnlrlnUinf' f Liquors, P. L. BUIUQEKs & CO-, are not puritanical enough to refuse tonell them, as they think ho FIRST CLASH GItOCJilt V STORE .can afford to be without; but thev promise the ladies that tbevvonldncvcr find out there was auy on the premises, as it must De taken elsewhere to be arunk. BTJMGARDNER. . : , STUART'S DEW and DUIIHAM OLD RYE received thu week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LAIIDI The purest, oldest, and best CORN V YHISE:EY in the State, to boL ' ' bought only at .' ' Ei.L. BRIDGERS -fi C0'S.: liihlyl P. S.We feel hiehly flattcrod at tha no tice taken of our advertisements. esDeciall v by a feUow grocer, who waH not surprisednt the absence of our usual Sunday morning ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New York Saturday night, dec 13 p. L. 13. t CO. - r

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