if MS 4 v. r T. NUMBER W VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. MAY 11, 1S79. ; Single Copies 5 Cents w 1 n 111 11 i a rTX 7 ft I 1 1 i WlliINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. 'Fifty cents per line, ior vue iiibb; m f ,. , n.. , 1 i a, ifu ..of linn vtiun and twontT-liye cents per line (or each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Noupareil tyift, con sutute a square. ' " All ail Ycriloumuuii in vnui w the above rates, except on special con- , i I V 1 tracts. Special , . . i. i..i i.,'. lime than1 one weelc. JL V- X-' - - - - - " tJ The subsc ption price to Tin; Wil- MiNQToN I PdSTis $1 00 per . year; . tl nrnnta r six months 7o cents. , ' ! All corrimunicrtions on busiucs should be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. - IK HOT TV ATE is. Mr. Blacicburn of Kentucky iis evi- dently trod jon the favorite ". coVn of iho ;i editor of the ; Okalonn, (Mis.s.) 'Mates a Democratic paper which is in the habit of "speaking out in meeting." MrUlackburn, in the early part of the i great debate now going on in-Congress, bapiwtncd to say: "We do not intend to stop until we have sfricken from the statute book the last j vestige of war ' measures like . tlicwe, which had been born of passions incident to civil Strife, and looked alone to the abridgement of . the liberty nf the citizen," i tJpootiiiUueObalona i "kburn's observations. Some ex- fracUfrom the Slat 1 8 having been real in I.Jia 1. ; i ' -r ..l.i'- i,,..' " y 1 t u,c ,l ' "lioiymg lbc tper of the southern cu.uc-rius, Mr. JJiackburn tnid that the Stales Ci'4 not; represent correctly southern' Democratic sentimeut,.tbat it ; was ah out. in inconsfqutntial sheet," with flueuce, and ! did not speak for jthe Mississippi Democracy, that . the junior; editor of the Stain was ati em- itHary im ported from. Ohio to misrep resent the pouth, &c. ! This arouses the ire ur . nrwi the junior j editor himselfUniorms the . "rhetorical flanibeauj,!of Kentucky that s. this utterance shows a small, mean spirit of sectionalism of which the true sonthcrn' mhn is not guilty. It is only y;ur pbUtidal pettifogger who uses the . word -.a'alien,' ''carped bugger,' and 'eia i;irv' i indiscrinunately- when speak- ing of a nertheru man who has located in tlie m;u lli." It adds. ; . These political pettifoggers have done more to drive Cu the White immigra tion from our section than all trie lies and nii!.xepresentation3 set afloat by the bloody shirt press and politicians. They draw a line in politics, and if the northern man who settles in our midst iihould dare refuse, to toe the inarkihey forthwith proceed to brand him as a foreigner and a spy. We have iought this proscriptive spirit' from the first and shall light it to the last. In the vindication of our principles we speak , for the whole Jefrersouian Democracy, and know no north and no south. Mr. Blackburn has been misin ' formed about the editors of the Slates, if not, with ingratitude as black as ever corrupted'" the, core of human heart,!- he sought to overthrow our ihfluencejby insinuations and misrep resentation, If not, it was an act of such base political treachery that the waters off, the multitudinous seas can not wash jit out. The Stales says further, that it be ilieyes in honest .politics, and in couir :'"mon with tlie Democratic masses, want to see "tlie last vestige of the war meas ures j striekep from the statute book; bftt ;e w'ant to sec it done openly, dc tiantly, and not by a hly and under hand manayvre, that stops to dodge and deny, to explain and apologize at every step." It is orluuate that Mr. Blackburn has better judgment, than the Okalona States man. Which the more correctly represeuis southern Democratic opin- ion they can spttle betwoen themselves. A SOUT11K11N -OPINION: $Xr. P. Donan, formerly a noted southern editor, having travelled into the nbrt ) western aatesj thus portrays, rather floridly it is true his sensations : He feels the full force of what an old Virginia friend once said to me ; "I never knew the hopelessness of our at tempt tb whip the Yankees until I made a jrip through the northwestern States after the war, and found'. a town where we have a halt-tilled plantation; a city where we have a cross-roads blacksmith shop." ' r . He finds himself iu a new world and , ..breathing a new atmosphere. Ho has , left! a land of "impoverishment, CQuragement, aud decline j he has come to a landot marvelous growth ; and thrift and prosperity". He has left a land of ! memories an1 ruins j he has come tp a land of hopes and upbuildi ng. He has left a land of glorious past ; he has come to a land of magnificent future He' has left a paradise in decay;' he has come to where stout htajrts and willing hands -are rearing the walls and planting the fruit trees W r- . -ii ' ' h, rr f? v . T".7 7" :.; Paralysis,' Piles anatuia,-4 uatarrn, man.t0 protect the lives and property turfed. No pains will be spared in im north, its vigor, its prosperity and its Private Diseases Diseases of the Eve, Lf lhe dlizeu8 thereof regardless of proving the plot and the recipients as sationson hi. return : : Tn KitiAf,,! !10ir6 hnm ward and southward for the saddening reverse of the radiant picture. . A land fair dnrl fariilo aa atror- lllA-Klin . fthnriA i ii- : I J: : .1 I; on. laniruiSUlUir. eemuiy uviiit.aiuiu i .. . .u r.r ;r ll own ueauiv auu mc puiuiuo, v io( flower8 Qunly 8tate sitUng tal tornd and'liatIisamoniP the ash-heaDS of their fortunes and hopes, ever look- ing backward, and not forward ;. their sons scattered hither auds thither to 4 - , x i I going out from them, instead of im- migration coming in to tnm. .Noble plantations lying waste and weedgrowo or lapsinc u) Drimevai luucie. . viwcis t . a.' T . '-. rviii. like Wilmington, Charleston, , Mobile, Memphis and . New Orleans standing st11. or positively going down ; wharves rotting away with long di their warehouses dilapidated and ei B,i Kort;nn!n t Vrn taeir isuse, empty any measa,?DeginVng?:.i. 8ruw,u many half-emptv streets. ...Mountain- loads of state, county," an '.municipal debt, kfad frantic efforts, at reputation. Every business stagnant, every enter- prise deai), . a people paupericed and .disheartened," and, tb'e -.whole. , air'j felled with despondency and repining. ",' lie is not satisfied: With telling what he has seen and felt himself, ; but he proceeds to give (he south some very incisive advice. . vye mase an extract from it. The simple truth is that, while as .every one must know, immigration and capital can only come to us from or tim-ugh'tlie north, the persistent folly of many" of our southern so-called leaders has, ever since the war,, kept the northern mind inflimed against us aul suspicious of us ; and some of their recent mad blunders and absurdities, which under the circumstances amount The Woody shirt flop. 4-. 1 . . i t vi C .-i f 1 I v t n f a r (i i fv inn pings and Andersonville skeleton and ehuVt parades of our Ben Hills, the Jell Davis glorifying declamations of our L unars, the state rights, hair split- ting diatribes of our Tuckers, and the bl,-(1 iUld. thunder, Confederate.bone and Blackburns,. their threats to-dis- band the army, abolish the government and "wipe out the last vestiges of war legislation j" has raised the whole north against them and their section and people. We do not recollect any northern writer who has talked of southern affairs thus plainly. This Mr. Donan U wfell known in the south as the editor of theI.exingiou (Mo.) Yindi lator and aRerwards of ihe awvmanr 'JIio Latct Invention in Useful Household Articles .Within the last few years there has been ( spend cd a great deal of inventive thought and genius ipoh what may properly be classed as household arti cles, the most noted results of which me the production of the sewing ma eliiuo, the wringer, the . washing ma- chine, the carpet sweeper; &c. Almost perintendehl, R. W. Chadwick; Secre ev. ry we,ek we chronicle tho advent of 1 tary and .Treasurer. W- W. Hodcers; some new invention by which the cares and. Uburs of housekeeping are lessened,! and woman's work made easier. ; The newest thing to challenge our iiLtention and gladden the heart of the housekeeper, ; is, what is called the No VEiiY. Brush ; Holder, Carpet! Sti etcher and Sweeper, a very Bii ple c.outrivance designed, to firmly hold i u 1 position any kind, of a brush -or duster; having, an extension handle that enables one to wash or dust wim dpwsj walls or ceilings without the aid of a stei; ladder. That- is one oi its conveniences, and it is als-j one of the best carpet sweeptrs- in j the. market, holding the brush firmly at an angle. It cleans the carpet thoroughly, raises po oust, ana apes not, wear- me carpet jj ? the orainary nrooTn or orusn, ami J2. - i f i V ,. .' the uest aovice ever maue, no more k'iceling oh the floor, no more back aches of sore fingers. ' :; r- As a carpet stretcher alone it is woith jts cost, a? a carpet of any size can be m outwear a nan uozeu urooms. -as g T Kimmt the General Superinten a, handle for the scrubbing brush it dent br; the life saving service of the laid evenly without -any of the labor of Past Gb and Master's Council and vexation usually attending such Grand Usited Order of Odd Fel work. It is strong, Simple, thoroughly lows.A Council of Past Grand made; cannot get out of order, has no screws, lever or hinges, is compact, cheap and durable. It is manufacturedby Brown x Co., flin innnti. the wpll 'known manufac - iMrinf nsefnl household articles, and V..,i,i i kv .iioJr oirpni. frt hnri- keepers. Tlie real utility of this article will at once be seen by those most in- terested, and we predict for it a large sale. Every housekeeper in the land will want one. , r -i Any reliable lady orgentleman wish- le nunerative. employment, would ing do well to secure the agency for this county, which can ue aone oy enclosing a stamp ior uescripuve uau ,.,o irt 1 KROwlf I ;Cl Grand HPtel liuilding.;incinnaii, u.! ' . .... - ' . . . National Surgical" Institute. Two of he Surgeons ol inis- notapie Institute will visit Wilmington , Nl fi. May the 2G and 27, 1879, stopping, at the Purcell House. Jlhej will have n r. vrv" r "" surgical appliances,, and, will be. pre- parcj to.. treat all kinds of Deformities d chronic Diseases,;: such , as Club J Feet, :. Hip Disease, SpmalJ Disease, Clonal Surgic Institute;) Atlanta, k " " . , ,ap,27-4t . crrr items. A moonlfcrht AXfMlrainri repnt. rlrnvii iW - t.. . ,.w. "v mw xurauaj muuu maw ; iw y,; Bey. ('Mr, Taylor baptised four per.. sons at the Fifth Street Church on Sun- day Jast. ; , r Monday n ljt Jast for WasbiD0D , J b ;i - B ' D. 0, ' See "ad oi the Postmasier General concerning carrying mails in North Carolina. Col. . A. W. Shaffer of ltaleigb, was in , the city, stopping at the Purcell -j . . , Housef the. past, week, , : Jud Watts of Soiithyille, and Col. c fregch of Lurnberton, were in the city ion Thursday last. j i j, , v . L.Q one. can carry, concealed weapous after the hrst of July next, as tLe stale Jaw prohibits it after that date' The crazey woman Mary Smith was captured and returned to her old quarters on Monday last, by the officers. , Fire. The dwelling house of Owen Burney. Esq., took fire on Thursday night, the 1st instant damage slight. A walking match will take place at the City Hall, in a few days, for the benefit of oue of the brass bands of the city. Captain PentonV small vessel, the 'Spray," sunk on Caswell beach, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, on sndn; ljut Sunday la&t. bee ad ot the Collector ot vyutoms. The grocerymen nd dealers in ship Chandlery should pay attention to it ; have your bitls in time. FiKE. On Mondiiy last a house on Princess street, between lOlh and 11th took fire and was damaged , to the amount of about $200r covered by in surance. lloti. Geo. W. Brooks, Disti let Judge loon iirirt. A tioi iVey J B. Hill U. S. Marshal, were all in the city the past week in attendance on the U. S. District Court ; they stopped at the Purcell House while here. The Sunday School of the Front Street M. E. Church elected the fellow ing officers on Sunday last: Superiu-1 tendeht, W. M, Parker; .Assistant Su' j Librarian, D. H. Wash; Assistant Li- brarian, Benj Jacobs. lr- J. C. Walker, Superintendent of -UeallU ot the city, Dr. ihos. a. woou secretary State Board ot Health, and W, Curtis Quarantine Physician of the port, left here the first of the week to attend the Convention of the American Medical Association which convened at at Atlanta Ga., on Thursday last, ; Lieut. Newcombe, of the Revenue Marine Service, has been assigned com mand of the life saving service of the const ofTsforlh Ciirolina. . He left hprfi on TaesdaV last to take chanre of his -i.--.. . . ' i.:,.i . :,-i. -ci:ii. KJ C. The selection of Lieut; fewCombe s for this important seryice waa vprvwise and iudicious. aud'Mr. I ' United ; States, has shown himself a very excellent judge of character, as well as a very efficient officer. Ptim tfi WitT irmv hp ntrirTnirps Master's will be established in this city on Monday May 19th by the S. C. M., of the G. U. O. O. F., who will J arrive in the city on the morning of the I IQfK Th ' miMir installitinn and fMaf will ial. nl9,P nt. h hitv Hall L,- ilia ortf ii ' Th Council will be constituted from the past Officers, from Free Love Lodge, No., 1469, and Golden Lyre Lodge, No. j 1608 very extensive arrangements are 1 beiocr" made aud a erand time is i anticipated by the Fxaternaty 1 There has been some thirty leading I Republicans in the city tlie past week, representing all parts of North Caroh- , . p . n , Federal Court, I "v-- " I A .4 ...a . 1 t- nnina . rvAT .IhAlP auu wc iyuk gica p.nua vuw opinions and preferences about the next 1 Prpsidencv. Oat of the thirtv there was 0t a single man whowasnotin favor of Jounl Sherman as the next Republican candidate for President. There wee six ho were strons: friends of Gen. Grant ana were in iavor oi aim as against, any other man! than Mr. Sherman. They ,. . that if the country wants a man of flrmness to enforce the Constitution a d law8 0f thev United States, and the color or politics of the person, Sec retary John Sherman is the man, But one interment in Bellevuc cem'e-. tery this week. ' - ' !i ' , . ms S) BjSf i " Only one interment in the Oakdale cemctary last week. f' t. ' . m " - No interments in the Catholic cemc tary during the past veek. : v The lot owners of Pine Forest ceme tery are improving their lots. f ' There aro 1,050 bales of cotton in store houses and on ship board ia this city.- ' . '.; ':: Two interments in Pine Forest cemc tery during the week, one adult and one child. . -': . nil' ;. s': The first section of the Empire Fioa ing Dock will be launched from Mcssrsj Blossom & Evans wharf tormorrow, between one and two o'clock. Six deeds, two mortgages and eight chattel mortgages .were probated by Stacy VanAmiringe, Esq., Clerk of the Superior Court, during the past week. ' There are six square rigged foreign vessels in port and five American schooners with a total holding capacity of 2,882 tons. The squadron of corn crackers in port is not included in the above. . The yacht Rosa, of Masonboro, owned by Capt. Jno. M. Cazaux, was brought to the city yesterday to be in readiness Sot the approaching regettas by the fleet of the Carolina Yacht Club in the Cape Fear river. m m DlRECTOES OF THE W. & W. lw E. The Directors of the W. & W. R; Jfc, headed by President R. R. Bridgers, left here on Wedcsday last, on a special train, for Baltimore, for the purpose of holding a meeting, &c. -Hanover LigiiIT Infanory. At a meeting of the above company, on Thursday night," Jos Hill was elected; Captain, Francis Tayne First Lieuteu ant, David Sasser Second Lieutenant, and Caleb Blount Sunior Second Lieu tenant. Adjourned. On account of serious indisposition of His' Honor Judge Brooks the U. S. District Court which. was being held in this city during the past week, was on Friday adjourned for the session. We regret to learn of the sickness of Judge Brooks and trust that a kind Providence will be gracious towaids him and restore him to perfect health. -f -v . . mi -w i r i I i astokal -xneiiev. u . n. uowen, vi:o ior a long time nas oeen tne pastor oiinerirsi, liapust vnurcu, corner oi rum ana ampoeii greets, nas re- sigueu ins cnarge ana is now sojourn .ing in uie;wesiern part oi me state. j Rev. A. M. Conoway has been tendered the pastorship of the church, and hesj accepted the call. He is now conduct ing a revival with gratifying results to himself and flock. m m " National Memorial Day. The General Committee held a meeting on yesterday to make arrangements for Memorial services on the 30lh cf May next. The Orator has not been selected yet' Col Ge0" h' Mabsou has been selected as Chief Marshal : Gen. Jo-eph C. Abboti, Master of Cere- monies ; Rev. Joseph G. Fry ,-ChapIain; Col. E. R. Brink is Chairman of the General Committee. From the manner in which the General Committee " has taken hold of the matter we may safely Dromises that it will be a errand cc ess Grand Concert. Mrs. D. Iahn- "er, luc Suiu oupuiuu .uiansi.udv I u :r i l : 1. . ing been tendered a testimonial benent, has Kcceptrd the same, and the Opera House and Friday evening the 16th inst., have been selected as the place and time. Prof. VanLear will have charge of the musical ' performance. We trust that the citizens of this city will testify their appreciation of the many kind services rendered by Mrs Kahnweiler on past occasions, by filling the theatre. We learn that an entire new programme will be offered and that the music will be of the highest order. r Catholic Cemetery. The plot of land just eas.t of the city limits, donated by Mr. Thos. Monk to St. Thomas' Catholic Church as a buricl ground for those who die in the faith of the church ig beiujr beautified and adorned. The I piu jiuaoraow manj aiuii I M a! x VSC Ad t1 ,nT M A t II i llA4 II 1 f AC and will at no distant Jay be one of the recognized nlaces of beautv of the citv. The drives through; the cemetery are laid gff in the shape of a cross, and all center around a beautiful mound in the middle of the nlot: reserved by the generous aonor ior nis ianuues use. At is about thirty feet in diameter and is beautifullv turfed: on this mound is to be erected a fine marble cross, the base a of which is of masonry and wiU also be - well as donor have just cause; to point I with pride, to their cemetery, on the hill. There are six new dwellings now being erected in the city, j Truck gardens around Wilmington aredooking yery fine. i OKer. AV. H. Banks will - baptise eight oten persons to-day. j .Tad?a Geo. W. I5rooka. left thft citv I - i. , j ., rately) for the use of tho crews and vessels lor his home on yesterday quite 8iC. 0f the United States Revenue Marine Ser ; ' vice ia this Collection District lor the fiscal ! , Ten prisoners are confined m the bounty jaily five males and five females. . - James Holland was thrown from a bbree a few days ago, and was bad'y hurt. 1 ' I ? Superior Court of Onslow county convenes on Monday, Hn. A. S. Sey mour presiding Judge, j 1 Rev. Dr.. Bernheim and Mr. W. H. Gerkea jreturned from the Lutheran. Synod on Wednesday last. . H. The Pioduce Exchange was closed pn the 9th, Confederate Memorial day. AViU'!t.be closed on the 30th, the Na tional Memorial Day ? Colonel O. H. Blocker, Special Inter nal Revenue Agent, made a thorough inspection .of internal revenue matters in this city during the past week. The C. Y. - Club. We nnderstaud that the Carolina Yacht Club . have , decided to have a Regetta in (the Cape Fear River iii front of the city on er about the 23 instant. The race over the; race course at the Fair Ground yesterday - afternoon was hotly contested. Mr. P. L. Bridger's mare came in about a length ahead of Mr. B. Bin ford's horse, time, 2.39 . .. ; - i Col. o. II. Blocker, Special Agent of Internal Revenue for the Treasury Department, and Maj. James G. McRae of Fayetteville, N. C, were in the city the past week, attending the United States Court. The Washington dispatches inform us that Hon. J. J. Martin voted with the Democrats on the army bill. We can't believe it, it was evidently some other Martin, and not our Republican member from the First North Carolina District. )."!-. : 11 I ' . - The Hon. William E. Chandler, of New Hampshire has been elected Secretary of the National Congressional Committee, lie is the best political organizer in the United States, and his appointment means business, lie is a "stalwart" in more senses than one. The father of the Hon. George W. McCarary. thelSecrttarv of War, "was born in the countv f)r Tredell. North Carolina, iu 1707. From there he emigrated to Tennessee, thence to Ken- tlicky and theDC3 to Indiana. He now lives in Iowa &ed 82 Mr. C. Simpson of Pender county, fell into the Cape Fear River,- at the Spruut wharf, on Thursday last, and certainly would have been drowndedl had it notbeen for Mr. James W. Mun- roe, who happened there ' at the time and saved him. Hon. Richard C. Badger, ex-District Attorney, arrived iii this city on Thurs day.-and stopped at the Purcell House, where many friends called to pay their .respects. Mr.. Badger is justly very popular in Wilmington. He was here a3 the counsel for the counterfeiter from Sampson county. JVEW AD VERTISEENMTS. MML .LETTINGS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Post Ofllse Deparlment, ; : WASHINUTO.n', D. Ciay 10, 1879. ' - ' i ' . ! PROPOSALS will bo re -ct ved at the Con- tract Onice of this Department until 3 P. M. of July in. lffi), fjr carrying the niaiis of the - ' ! ' United Stales, upon the routes, an J accord ing t-3 the schedule of arrival and departure spccihed by tho Department, in the State of North Carolina from October 1st, 1S79, to June oOth, 1&S0. Lists of routes, With sched- i ules of arrivals and departures, instructions . - - j. . . i to bidders, with forms for contracts and bonds and all other necessary information. a. ' will be furnished upon applicilion to the Second Assistant Postmaster General. D. M. KEY, may 11 Ow - Postmaster Gencr a NEW AD VEB TISEMENTS Proposals for Furnishing Rations and Ship Chandlery, for Reve nue Vessels. CUSTOM HOUSE, WILMINGTON, N. C. (JOIXECTOB'S OFFICE, , SEALED Proposals will toe receiTea.at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, f Tues- and RhiA Chandlerv to be bid for sepa- av Mir 97t.h 1S79. fnr R' year ending June 30, lssu. Schedules of articles of Ship Chandlery to be bid for will be furnished on application at this office. The right Is reserved o reject any or all bids, and to waive defects, if deemed for the interest of the Government so to do.- - W. 1. CAN AD AY i may 11 3t. " Collector. A A T.TMITTfTI number of active' enereetic canvas sers to engage in a pleasant and profitable business. Uood men will find this a rare chance . j TO MAKE MONEY. Such will pleash answer this advertise ment by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, statins what business they have been en gaged in. None bat those who mean busi ness need apply. ; ... . Address, 1 FINLEY, IIA11VEY & CO., april-SQ ly Atlanta, Ga. - REASONS WHY 1 Si ECU r 'Ul V 1 PAIN - KILLER IS THE Best Family Medicine of the Age. Autl wijy it should be kept always ncaf ft hand: 1st. PAiN-KiiixBK is the most certain Cholera cure that medica l science has produced. 2nd. PAiN.-KiLLiFiK, fis a DirvVroa andlys- 3rd. Pain-Kii.l,eb will cure Cramps or t i-ains in any part oi iuc tsystem. single dose usually affocts a cure. 4th. PAiN-Kjr.T.Eii will cure dyspepsia and lndigestion.il used according to direc tions. - 5th. Pain-KiIiIiER is an almost never-fail ing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, &c Glh. Pain-Killeii has proved a Sovereign icemedy lor t ever and Ague, and emu l'ever; it has cured the most obstinate cases. ' 7th. Paix-Kili.eii as a linament is un- equaled lor Frost Ditcs, Chilblains, . uurns, iiruises, uut, sprains, tv-c. 8th. PAiN-KiLLEft has cured cas v of Kheumatism andNeuralglaafLcryears standing.. 9th. Pain-XilIjER will destroy Doi Is. Fel ons, Whitlows Old Sores, giving rcliei from pain after the nrst application. 10th. Pa ix-Killkr cures Headache, and Toothache. lith . P a i T i .j ler will save you days of sicknebs and many a dollar in lime and SJoctor's bill?. 2th-. I'ain-Killek lias been before the public over thirty-seven years and is a keep and use in every family. The purely vegetable preparation, saie to IrooW Oiirl lira in avaiv foTTTiilTT Tb.O simplicity attending its use, togetner with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and t he great amount ot pain and suffering that can oe alleviated tnrougn its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valu able remedy ,and to keep it always near at hand. The Pain-Kiixer is now kn o wn and ap. preciated in every quarter oi the uioce. Physicians recommend it in their practice. while an classes ot society have round in it rfliff nnd flnrnfort. - fi!vf It. si t.rlal. Be sure and buy the genuine. Every DrugH gist, and nearly every Couniry Grocer1 tiirougnout tne land Keep it lor sale. n ls-iy PARK Eli & TAYLOR, DEALERS IN Kerosene Oil, Stoyes. Metals, Guns, Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. DIPrERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, No. 19 FRONT STREET, jan 11 ly WILMINGTON, N. C. - HOME MADE CANDIES. IXrARRANTED PURE( AND FLAVOIt- V V ED with, the very finest Essential Oils of Nutmee. Lemon. Cloves., PeDnermint. Cinnamon, sassarras. wmtergreen. Aniseed and Hoarhotuid i Herb. A full supply of Bananas, Uranges and Apples, on hand. : 8. O. NOUTIIItOP'S. ! Fruit and Confectionery Store. - marcn k WANTED NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Wo stood at an open window Leaning far over the sill.i And if something hadn't happen c.d -Ve might have stood there stai; But we reached for a banging shutter In u blinding northeast breeze, Eo our friends will have to be InviCcd, To join in the obsequies. IP WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN what a storm was brewing (in a teapot), and now far oil" that shutter was, we should never have ventured our head outside of that window; but it is too late lor regrets now; we are nonplusse'l.. : completely squelchud, have been sat upon, and cur friends -and the public generally are re spectfully invited to attend the obsequies on SATim.TJ A'jf NEXT and we stake cur reputation vii its beiis the grandest raucral they ever Witnessed. : As he slips he slides, and every time he slides ho slips up most woefully. We lea ve our "kind friends" to find out the meaning . of the above, and while they aro doing so we will ask the following questions: . Havn't we the ugliest and dirtiest store In the State? . . Havn't we the poorest slock of goods lo Wilmington?, 1 Havn't we made prices much hlghcsince we commenced? , Havn't we been very unaccomniOdnting ' and impolite to.you? . ; . If avn't we charged you &r all he goods delivered? - .- 7 Havn't we made a great many mistakes uu iuiusu io correct, luem wccuour atlen- uou was caiieu thereto? ' i All of our friends who nnswr "v(a" tn the abo ve questions will please not buy i rom us any more. KespeStfulIy and truly. ' P. L. BRIDGERiS &C0. xxi liiuciiig over last ouuuay s paper wo regretted to notice tho tacit acknowledge nient from some of our brother grocers that we had taken away part ol their trade, and making an appeal to the others not to leavn thcih. We regret this exceedingly, especial- ly s iney were so Kinu and consiueravo about our coming to grief, but- suppose as we uave ueiermineu 10 uo uie LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY - BUSINESS- ever done in Wilmington, we will in tho future have to keep from J.eine'no temlr hearted, and CUT DOWN PliluKS- a little more. i ri'IIl? TJT nuTkV A out tt n Vri ,iit BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS are not quite gone. A fine line of TOILET - "SOAPS' ro- x ceiyed to-day, very low down. The OLb CAPE FEAR is Nourishing anu -MAliriljLli swimming"; We have been over and smokexfihat 'Cigar of Peace." (a fine Havauat vns),but Still think it would be bad policy t'o- Kt op :. Inrnlshinc thfl tifl.ners with ftnr t.nty lilwiru- productions, as they have tho tendency to keep prices very low, which we,-of course, I ...ill, oil rtl, .1. ..i . , i I with all other good crocers. desire: onlv want enough left to pay for clerk's hire store rent and taxes. , NOT PURITANICAL. I Althou l opposed i to -.the" drihkimr ot ' Ldouors. 1 . l.. uiuvu Jilts tfcCO-. are not puritanical enough to refuse to sell them, as they think ho FIIIST CLASS (JIUJUlitY 8TOKE can afford to be without: but they promise the ladies that they would neye'r. : find out there was any on the premises, as , it must be taken elscwhero to be lirunk. BUMGARDNER, STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE received this week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LARD I, The purest oldest, and best CORN WHISKEY in the State, to be ' ' bought only at P. L. BRIDGERS I GO'S. ' P. S. We feel highly flattered at the no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised the absence of our usual Sunday morniu , ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New Yorlr Saturday nfght. r. declS P. LB. & CO. i- - S 0 o (5 i - .. . t S - I - .1 .Ij i .-- . . , J : . : : ::Y-' . ? '-.' ; ' -"-V :' ' ' , ; - ' ' ' . ! ; . -. ..!:-. "i;--:.. ...V: ' , . '. ') ' . :. . - . . y" . :- . ' ', .?