i . - . - "' " . i i - -1 . V01AJMK X. Vi1- ; : u NGETH 18, 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 20 it VI ! i ! - Pr" RUSSKLL aN1 KITCIIKN. Sometime ago, our member from this District, in ii pointed speech in Uie Record avowt'd th.it two DmocraL-i'at in the House, one from Florula and pne from North Carolina, who were there by frauds of returning boards Kussell came homa soon .after, and 5'Capt." Kitchen, who claims to be the legal member from the Second District, took occasion in. Russell's absence to reply to his remark, and use some in sulting language. , After' a while Knvsell reluriifd to hia seat ami on the 14th of this month took Kitchen! in hand, rising to a personal explanation. If c Raye hiui a very h.c Ttrc a'itigalion. After llussell closed, Kitchen crazy mad jumped upfran down into the alV-a fronting: the Hpeak cr, and 'deadly pale, commenced"' to aaw the air," scream, and almost cur. ' As near as we can hnd out from the Record, Kitchen made .as great an hh of himself as hi ' - limited capacity would permit. Jle transcended the rules of the House, and 'the rules of decency, and im ally ILussell turned the faWesin him by a witticism, whicli sent hi nr. aui i It he i ee rs of li is Don 10c ra t ic i fcicnd'-.ujj that spout "where the...wood liint: twiuetn." Xhiiis probably the linal quietus W' Kitchen, as well as of the fraud which ho. represents. This disiophtablo ii-llow,' who is mi del taking to himself oII'ms a decent Democrat, t(ok occasion during his dis graceful rahtitrg to say that "few rc aceiui ra ee table w 1 Iiitc inen in the south be- Ion cd:',to the rlepublican party. mere are manv muan fc-.eamps amom' the Deniocratt, bu t not one meaner than Kitchen. ' ! Tlll; IMIOVJCM!lSWTS TO .UUU '. - UAiii;o. , ' To un; Kdiiou of tiiI 1'uwx: ince the first stone was dropped in what hai become a great embankment against the Ocean, a mile aiid-ji halfiin length, tending to restore our oliTshin ehauuel to iU former depth and emails cipitating our commerce irom its severe annual tax, I have watched the progress of the great work with an', interest almost personal, f was aware thnt it was considered by the Engineer De partment iiHha nature of a problem to be solved and that there were grave ' doubts as to iis suece.8 anion- the ablest of the Engineers. Hut it his n,.w -one rou for these ten years, iwimi vii-cour.ige-ments not a little appalling, To the ycry ' eve of eotupletion. so that bv October .next the long and anxioti's anticipations of the commercial iritereCiTbi' pur eity will he yhangetl to an absolute .and positiyc reality. During Ias;t week, in Vcomp;iny with Mr. George Z. "French, the present coh- at lhc tractor, I spent nearly-a d:y soeue where the -greater . part . of the labor has been -" performed New, inlet.- U e . walked irom iek-e s lslatiii iiown a lih-h beach from J.fjOO to 2,000 feet in width, to Bmith'a Island, and when I rciiu mbend fiefdiiy when I qccosnpa- ninl fbe olScer then bavin"; charge of the nuiks in a boat ori an open'sea over tlii'i same fpace, lit seemed more like a li am than the rea'il y. The gn at waves of the Atlantic, !iiven bv a east wind tot .'ays old, were lash in- thin artiticn.1 .-It-He created bv the hamb of man, as V it a modem t'alni!r had insisted the mm which mocked. ;.t i hi' tommaiid.-8 ot ! !e 'aiiei.eut one. TheTnl'bst rcmai ka'de 1 1 m ;s the dam iUTdi ?iTew loh t it s' l!'.. It i a wall of .st,i!M vvhieh" at'tow, tide i-s above- lluv water,; t xlending from Z-keVlsland to FcCtWal Point. This .embankment will be cm.n"'jMetcd ' during the present summer, w hen the .old ehan net will lur iibs.id ially Vectored and tin woik aceojiiplished. Itonv than 1 "JO,000 cui.ic yards of stone 'nave already k en 'dumped in this wall. 1 I'he present jl'oct '-.of thcae oIjsiiisc tiMiis in varh'U-. lven at pf-ent the depth of. wider in Snow's Ctiannel is inereaiiig, in consequence of the water di vet led Ir.oni the New Inlet channel. Far outside is seen a while line of breakers, knowu a.s the Carolina reefs, which are constantly shallowing from the elleetH of closinsr New Inlet, At low tide these hal low- can be walked upon and it is estimated . that thc ulti mate beach will extend from a point near the old Confederate mound battery in a southeasterly direction to Smith's Island. .But the immediate shallowing promises t be nearer inside, starting from a liltfci 'above, battery Buchanan, and running across to Smith's Island, leaylpg a BfPU body of water between it and the works hih will illinjately ha -filled tin bv the drifting saud. So " " x v , we may begin to iook for a time near a hand when a drive way or a railroad will be open from Wilmington to Bald Head, where iu its hatural features will be open one of the most magnificent beach C3 and summer resorts on the Atlantic coast. "v In the meantime a great ship channel Jiooi. Wilmington to Bald Head will be open, admitting vessels drawing at least . ' iwent y feet of wale coming ' straight along the old ship iptarinel.' T Jheri tliefe Democrats irt 'Coogr$sa'i!cli . will re will be no rapro,gbieriag pf '.'.Ocean. suU'in bw bqiug unseated. . - , ? goini; vessels outside -the jbar, but Tea- ? : Yoii,f ot conrce; have heard abobt the sels of the heavier draft 'will load; at last veto of President Hayes. Well, it our wharves and 'proceed jribb3tracted I to the Ocean. What a 'cost will.' be lifted from the cbmnaerce of this ancient port, which has struggled so long with its unequal , advantagts, .What pros- J trade, which has been : dreaming ior all these dreary years of' the time when she would welcome the commerce of the ;;r at ports of the Atlantic. . If -.'ought to be mentioned that the old 'ship channel nowkii6wn as the "ocw.irtl Channel" will have to be liedg.d' for some year , a will . also SnowV eiiannel opposite New Inlef, and the lemajder of the !ogM will bare. to. be takf-u out further up the river. . It may be several years before the whole volume of the Cape Fear will roll to the Ocean, and the channels kept in con- dition without the paternal attention of the government.' It ha been a fortu- nate circumstance that in all these year3 the mercantile element of this cit v has be ii a unit in favor of t.U imnrovo- unni. They have almost as one man J st 01 by the appropriations; often ap- pearing before the committees of Con- grt-ss by their agents and always by their 'leiral renresentatives. and the oHk-i members from the state. I5;il it must bo said that the city and the t'ape Fear region is more indebted to .Senator Kunsom for the appropria tions Vmee the year 1872 than to any other num. Always alert, always in dus'lriously attentive, he has never failed 'to wield his high influence in the 'Senate in favor of this portion of his eonstiluency. Several times the ap- p ro p i i a t hj n s h a vo co m e from the House to the Senate at an iusiguificent figure, to be rescued by the - adroitness and iudefatigabilily and. personal1 influence of Senator Ransom. It was especially so in this late appropriation where it came from the House at the small suni of $25,000, but came out of the con ferenee con!!mittee of which Gen. liasisoui was chairman; we think, with the sum of $100,000., enough to com plete the work. it may not be cousiderea out ol place 1 il ! . I to add mac me nrt appropriation ot ..liil . jm i . StAll AAi ntAD .mn.A-r. 4t,x mrt-'. An ATI 'vvv' j "J" v" iJ,vvlw V1 1 10 wrltcr ttt 114 au amendment to Kiver, and Harbor bill iver anU llaruor inn, - , w close v te in the Senate,- as well as the second appropriations of $75,000, the next year. Though less influential therinafier, there have been few years sinrn whon Iip has not aided to some J ... 1 extent this importaut work. He there- fore participates m common with otheri.iu the general, gratification at its approaching completion, and the benefit which this port will derive from It J.U. A. OUR WASHINGTON .LETiiKH. Washington, D.X!., May 15, 1879. I)i:ak Post.- I have waited as long as timo will permit for this weeks Jssue of your paper (if I don't write to day you will not receive the letter in time to go in Saturday,) to see what would come out of the Kussell, Kitchen con- troversy. lint sullicient lime nas cla'pswl to show .that no blood will be ..;t( f ....... .it flrrlir ami - tlm nt.lmr isi .-(..in. im. i.6..v glad. : ! Our Greenback member of Congress fioio the Third North Carolina District returned to Washington and to his seat after a two weeks absence, on Monday ast. And on Tuesday he made what io called a personal explanation, &c. (Just before he' left Washington, two weeks ago, ho published a speech iti the Conjixsmmal tieconl:. tuat : was' never . . .. .... -ade. in Congress, iu which he re lcdol very jjroperly on' Mr. Kitchen and then went home. While he (' liu-Koll) was away Capt. Kitchen who lis well known holds.hi, seat by the grossest fraudi ever committed ou any poplo or practiced bv them, and it is a.so believed lht corrupt means were ,..1 -i ...rm-t .dfl i hi outran, attack- "?r. r,r l; T i"T? cil Mr. liusseli, as l staieu in my -last week's letter, very ( severely, accused him of lauder aud falsehood. ,, ., . 1 ' , 1VUMUI ". "" i'"w""V v went tot Capt. Kitcaen wim gioycs on, ho fairly scalppd htn to the very great amusement of the members of , Congress and thc lobby. Capt. Ivitchenuudertook .i i r -ir r ii u.,f er thc spcccli of Mr. Russell, but , . Z : . i - i. to answ iU ..-....,.1. inHwitnl lir l?ncall worocn , i ' w 'i x. '" i aovt re that Kitchen could not keep hia ; - i t... under -him. and his own party (DemocratsV had to choke him offi very much to his mortification and dis- .rrace. Kitchen. as vou are aware: ia "a v lrtil miii- rhiracter at home is'sucu as gentlemen hli'idmire Uisypry ltnptihe - J . ' j i? i ' 1 1 i i ocrat oi ms uisrnci naatnougn. mere I'uossible chance to have carried ilf6 District they would never have nominated him fortbe place, r It isim- nossiblcfor him to tellthe troth, and b?W effort has disgusted his brother has inst kfllnd ihk :TPTrinrrt thrr ro 1 like a ship at sea in a storm without a rudder, they do not know which way to turn for safety. The Republicans here arc i in bettcrspirits' than they have whoever the next nominee for President is, he! will be elected by a very large majority. ' ' Hie House tried to pass the army oyev lne President's veto but failed, aU the Greeubackers who voted went with, the Democrats; Mr. Russell did ,'not - vote at all, which surprised us, very much, as we thought, he was a Repub- lican on a11' questions other than the financial' queutioq, but his reticence on 00 1X113 mailer lias cast a very great doubt over his Republicanism. Cora missione Ran m'a report on Tnes- ty concerning illicit distilling and !'Iier violations of the mternal revenue law3 111 thc southern states, was read bv members of Congress from the south with mortification. The renort shows more violations of the Revenue law3 in nve oi me eoutiiern states than the oaiancd ot the United btatesconfbined. 1C W1U c interesting to the colored People to know that Senator Bruce, chairman of the committee on the Freed man's bank investigation, has gone to work in earcst, and will brings the guilty parties to justice. Senator Wiudom nailed the lie direct on Hampton, (yl-o by fraud writes him self a Senator) to-day. j ; Mr. Thurmau, the Senator irom Ohio, made his openiuti: catu ruviern sooech to day in the Senate. He spoke all the seats empty and himself" hoarse. He took more whiskey than he did water. Thurman is a candidate for the Dem ocratic nomination for the Presidency. He is drunk a good part of the time, so much so at times that he has to be taken to bed to bide , his disgrace. If the Dem ocrats nominate Thurmau a'ul thc E,e. publicans Sherman, victory for the lat ter will be a very easy one. N- C. ItEJBULLlUAN. Tho Abbe's 'IV mntatiou, by Lmile Zola, author ol ."L'Assommoir." a nd "Helene." trans .-Hod l.v John tirlinfr I 1 Mi l 1 ' . . . 18 lu Pre vm-ou puuusneu in a.. tew days by T. li. Peterson and Brother' I'hi ade ohia. in nniform slv o. with y . - ...... wl l niucii noted literary editors in New York, in writing to the translator, says : 'It is the sweetest love story I ever read, and is a great book, tor there is mueh in the ' wnrt t.hit. i lnal ,,r1 ,tho;n Tt ia also a work of marvellous ability, not immoral in any sense, while it teaches a great lesson. The Abbe Mpuret, brother of Flelene, who serves to point the moral in'Z-da's" previous work, en- titled. "Helena, jor. uno Pace DM Amour is the Cure of a village whose inhabitants aro stronel in all th iIr- gradation of peasant life. In the Abbe is developed the devotiouality of his mother. Iunoecut of all guile, uncom- lortable and blushing-at the profession of his female parishioners, wedded to J the worship of the Virgin Mary, he, with his half-witted sister, lives a life oi purity, auu . nappincss, . umu. nis mind is unbalanced by the constant strain on liafh mind and boilv. cniissod -1-"- by his incessant vigils, and to save his life he is taken to a deserted . villa, where his reason is gradually restored ; and with returning reason comes health, strength and love. As Zola depicts the innocent love and purity of the unhappy. Abbe, one can scarce be- Hove that he', who wrote 'L'Assmmoir,' can be the author of this sweet, i . ...... -I -pathetic,. and charming love story. National Sukgical Institute.- Two of he Surgeons of this notable Instilute Wilmington, N. ; C. May the and 2,, 1S;0, stopping at th PnrcPll House. Tliev will havo with them a fine outfit of braces and ?' ?uilJ?Af Z ,1, Z c. ., .ivi.xi I aim I'inPKJ lTlil Will tiro. -. v , , Paicu w "lvav yvwi"1MW and.Chronie Diseases, .such as Club . ' . . tx. T'K J L . i 14 Air ti in i iiuofi tid .-s n 'i i i iicpuo 1:. ' ' rx pTnt t? i jrrivav-t; lviatasrs, auc.mco ix mc xiCi 1 &c. " For full particulars, Address National Snrgic il Institute, Atlanta, QaV aP)-',"t , . Of all Ihe' officers commanding the I thirty-two vessels of Commodore M. C. I" J ' . . 1r e.T . Perrv s squadron in the Gulf of Mexico m 1847; only the following sis: ... . ... . are living: Commander Josh naniea - r - limner i m iii'iiinur iiwrni'i ' i rZ. ST l!)ckwood, .commanding steamer Scouree. now retired commodore; Lieut, Timothy. A . Uunt commanding store F.W.tra. now retired commodore: - coZSl J Admiral ; eu. . u, manamg cscuoouei iuuuuwo wii&gj, eu vierit oi me vouru ; vre . now retired Rear Admiral ; Lieut, Jno. Guthrie to answer this question,' arid Dportervas the executive officer ofjtohimto justify his uesUouabja oou- the Spitfire,; . , v ' 1 uct if he can, -? M. ;i i t v ANpUNCJ5irjsHT.,5:..!i .?i, Mr. George W 'Price Jr has taken charge of our citv subscrintion. 'and is authorized to . 'colei'and;"ipt ' for monies due the Post for subscriptions, - AJ1 papers after this issue, .wliich ar not for," trill be promptly stopped.' t The Supreme Court'metta in Raleigh f Monday June 2nd. Board 'of Audit meetu-mdrrow after. noon at nvc o ciocjc. r, Board of Aldermen meet to morrow evening at 8 o'clock, t-i-j. v.; Criminal Court of .New 'Hanorer county meet to-morrow weekv ! n ; -mi Captai ain John Fitzgerald's Httle'child had her arm ' broken ' 'on 'W&ln&dar Died. David Staciery one . of 'the oldest colpred men in our city, died oil Friday last. t - 'llt M arriage lisenses were issued to two white and two colored couples during the past week. It is reported that some one has been j in the habit of late of stealing the oil lamps in the city., , The Treasurer's office, at the City Y llall, lias been thoroughly renovated, I wllich-H very much needed. One hundred and eighty dollars were paid into the Sheriff during the past week,- for retail liquor lisenses. . 1 ; : ' : T Six hundred and nine dollars and thirty-five cents were paid on last week to thc Cily Clerk and Treasures ?ek to the City Clerk and Treasures. " 1 . . j Seven deeds and two chattel mort- gages were prouaiea oy otacy . van- - i -rr 1 Amnuge, JsiM Clerk: ot Superior uourt. The Adjutant General of the state has ordered a rarade of the white bat- CITY ITMSVI talion of this city orf the 20fh, and, thc commencing the 1st Thursday in Au colored on thc 30th instant. . kU3t 1879: J P., Montgomery, of Fed united btatea Uistriet Uourt lor the Lastcrn District ot INorth (Jarolina will ? wicju luuuuajr ouuu -u,- ills Jlonor Jutlge Uoud presiding. Most Venerable Patriarch W. M. T. Forrester will arrive in the city on the 9:30 train from the north, ; Saturday evening, and will be the guest of Geo. W. Price, Jr. j See Lodge Directory nubliahed else- where for time and place of meeting of luo uintriut voa&a in me city, ine I t. . . . - I u;cwry is correct anu can ne eiiea "P00, Mr. E. WV Manninsr. Preshieut of Bellevuo Cemetery, is having it hand- somely fn ted up, by laying pff drives and walk, planting of shade trees, shurbbcrv. &c. The Superior Court conveties in New Hanover county June IM," December 1st. In Pender county June 16th: and December 13th. In Brunswick covin ty March 31st, and September 29th. CoRRECTibx. The article on " the msiue creaneu to tae iaiwnai jepuou- . r t i i l j a - it r r . i cafl) Leaded "Mr. Conkling'gi Hgrand opportunity" should have been credifed to the New York Sua." It was copied -l .r t ,..!. tUn. .Q., ' . uicicij iu ouvmt ,uo . tto saying. Mr. Gutiirie.-Wc understand that, the fraudulent usurper of the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Bruns wick county was in the city last, week, iu r thfiTosT. He need not look around. i or put himself to much trouble about i ... ' fiudihs i the local editor. If he will look at the head of the editorial column i i of this paper he will find the name of a gentreman who is responsible for siry line i) hat appears in tfta,PoTf FisabfuiFALL. A little four, year oia Do iac son axr' Ano3' 0!C1P i not toii rntiii iniv h-iiiiii "sr, irvTiiaraa t n . - ..l. . r ji. & . : x j I v- 1 .v.. ' " " - lJ of Cronley's druR store, on' corner of T, ....... i TrL". .i: r Ji' ouria anu "anVyei svreeu, on iion- rlav lust It . was,thousht at first that i - a " ih child was dead. .The, doctor nr- rived and found it was only shchtlv . ;; - :,. minred, we congraiuute in? paren. 0n the 1 lucky escape of their. loved one; i - - r and hope it will bo a sufficient warning4 to el gainst sueli ,ceW the future. Is it stealing for one man to. put anv i, :.r qi- man's money iu.hU pocket with t . - c . . - . i tne intent, io appropriate ne same. w his own "use? If So, what does: Mr: Guthrie think; of his acUon, in taking the money that rightfully belong Samuel P. Swain, Cleri: of the Superior I n l -d.-.:-u -L 'Juk Court of Brunswick unty, e aof; 777 . X Magnolias are in bloom. There are only eight vessels in port. Fifteen prisoners are confined in the cpubty.jaiL V '.yhe police made fifteen arrest during the past week. , r - Seven vessels sailed from port during the past week. :u-ls 6 interments in the Catholic Cerae. tery last week: r:: - One interment in Belle rue Cemetery for the past week. ' - a " '. Sixteen vessels and steamers arrived in port last week. T.he river steamers hot included. ..j . , 'Fohr-'intermenis in'Oakdale Ccme tery during the week just passed 3 adults and 1 child. Seven interments in Pinp Forest Cemetery durinc the past week 3 adults and 4 children. : The mortuary statistics for the past week were much larger than lor the same period for some time p"s. . Only one sinner confined in the city prison when we went to press. There arc probably more by this time. .The Regatta. The Club has final- ly decided to have the tirst ltegatta in the river, ou the 2Gth instant: your boats ready boys. Get Thcre are 5SG bales of cotton, 5,175 casks of spirits, 100,514 barrels of rosin, 593 do. turpentine, and 15,051 do. tar ashore and afloat at this port. There has been splendid weather dur ing the past two weeks for truck gard eninsr. The raius have oeen trcciuent. w " t and young plants, after being trans- planted, do not seem to stop growing. : Anc touowing gentlemen iiaveDeeu rw i . ' li Hi appoimel Magistrates tor six years, eral Point; Jno. D. Taylor, of Wilming- ton; J. A. Farrow, of Masonboro; Gerritt Walker, of Harnett- Trpdfill .lobnson. of , , , , yape r ear. Mr. Washington Burkhimerdied very suddenly. while attending to business, on Friday last. Mr. B. was well known in this city as a manufacturer and dcal- er iii cigars. He leaves a .wife and j large family of children, to mourn his death Thcy have the sympathy of j ,nuy "ftnus. Military. The following ofiicers were elected by the Wilmington Light Infantry Company on Monday night last: Walter Coney, Captain; Thos. C. James, First Lieut ; II. McL-Green, .Second Lieut.; W. J.Gordon, Junior Second Lieut.; W. B. Goodman, En sign It was decided to have a target practice on the 20th ins.t. Will it.ee Murder. We ask the the acting Sheriff of Brunswick county (Mr. Chinnis) if he don't think it will be murder on his pari io hang a man until he is dead, right in the face of the decision of the Supreme Court, that I ... Edward W. Tavlor is tho reVnlarlv elected sheriff of that county? The columns of the Post arc open, free of charge, . to Mr. Chinnis to an swer the , ... .r , . . . . i aoovo question. Mr. uninnis is a minister of the Gospel, wcuinderstand, therefore we cannot believe that he is wlUlS ? ave such a responsibility on hia band A tliat he have to answer for in another world, and before auoiuer juuge. iur. kj. cannot snirK il. . rl'iri .l l .. . .1 lU0 responsioimy uy ueputiziug anotn 1 4.. .1.. . ir jc : i : .. ,1 i Ul fcU uu fc-u,a "u,a lur 11 1L JS uuuu m his name he is-responsible iust the same, j ne?e are grave maticrj lor mm to const kcr. Magisteatk's CouiiT. Jane Out law, colored, a dame of pugilistic pro pensities, was again guilty of violating the peace,' afjd was required to enter intoa justified bond, on Monday, to I , ,i r. ... Ke!. ef ee lor 81 x m0Ql11 VVHiiam Thomas, coloree . . 'ALr.M Be sure and buy the genuine. Kvery Drug- I UW1 W.CCH' a"u uwynjuouw i w . ,n two ca "ameiy, assauit ana battery and trespass. He was ordered to pay $5 and costs in the first instance ;aui One penny and costs in the other. .Jennie Rhodes was bound -over to the Criminal Court to answer to the charge of stealing a valuable gold waica. - l . If atilda Hall, colored, was required v I to enter into a bond bl $50 to keep the peace !tPolly Vann and Alice lieatty had e; little unpleasantness and their reave was adjudicated by Justice Hall. 1 : An oily-tongued youth from the city roi brotherly lovo was carried before I- '"rAT." rIZZ "7 Z cnargeoi uuuimu guuus uuuw pretences. He was made to disgorge" and people green. He was engaged m getting up an adyertiaing scheme. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS s , 7 CT7rn TO PG, BICH & CO. , Port jjjj L L land. Maine, for best Agency Business in the World. . Expensive outfit iree. may is ly. Free Love Lodge No. 1469, G. W. of 0. F. f TT J. WHITRHEAD, N G Jj.. VT. T. HALL, N F k i ' A T Trt-mTTa -"k T Tl E. M. GREEN, V G T. F. HALL, Treasurer JOS. WILLIS, P 8 I. G. BABNETT, PNG JNO. PAILLIPS, I G P. ft, HARLEY. Warden- . J. K. CUTLAR. ChaDlain Reeular meetine 1st and 3d Tuesday in eacn monui. Loaee uoom upper noor. cor- "er dock and water sts. may is-u Golden Lyre Lodge No. 1608 G. W. J 7? in of 0, F. JOHN W. AVERY, NG " ' GODFREY WILLIS, N F ' . K. A. lUULJii.r JN U . . J.M.SLOAN, VG P. W. LAWRENCE, Treasurer A. A. DUDLEY. P S W. H. MARSTiitLLAR, PNG MORRIS McFAULAND, 1 G THOS. MILLER, Warden , ALEX. ELLISON, Chaplain L. H. DAVIS, Marshal Regular meetinr 1st and 3d Monday night in each month. Lodge Room upter floor, corner Market and South Water streets. may 13 tf REASONS WHY PEHRY DIATIS' P AIN - KILLER is the; 1 twmiy lucuiumu ui. unjust?. And why it should be kept alway neaf fffr hand : 1st. PAiN-Kii.r,EK. Is the most certrtfln. Cholera cure that medical science has produced. 2nd. Patn-Killeu, as a Diarroaa and Dys entery remedy, seldom n ever tails. 3rd. PAiN-KiLLEii will cure Cramps or Pains in any part of the system. A single dose usually anects a cure. iin. 1 auwvijl.1. ait win rnredvepepsiaatia maigesiion, u usea accoraing ru anco- tions. 5th. Pain-Kiliku is aualmosf.never-fiil lug cure for fciuddeu Colds, Coughs, &c G'.h. rAiN-KiniiEU has proved a Sovereign Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured. the most obstiuate cases. 7th. Pain-KiTjLer as a linament is un- equaled for Frost Bites, Chilblains, li urns, liruises, cuts, Sprains, Ac. Sth. rAiN-Kit.i,F.B lias cured cas f of Jihcumalism and Ncuralgiualter years standing PAiN-Kiii-iiK will destroy liolls. Fel ons, Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief irom pain alter lne ursl, appiieaiion. 10th. Pain-Killeu cures Headache, and TooLhache. 11th . Pain-Killeb will save you days ol , sickness and many a dollar in time and Doctor's bills. ; 12tii. PAiN-KiLiiEB has been before the public over thirty-seven years and Is a ; uurely Vegetable preparation, safe to keep and use in everj family. The simplicity attending its use, together with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and the great amount ol pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valu able remedy, and to keep it always near The Paln-KiLiIEE is nowknOWnandap- preclatea in every quarter oi ine cuoce. Phvsicians recommend it In their practice. While all classes of society have found in it gist, and nearly every uoumry uroccr throughout the land keep it for sale.' n is-xy PARKEli & TAILOR, DEALEES IN KBrOSBM OH. StOYBS. MMulS. GllIlS Lanterns, Fairbank's Scales, PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. DIFFERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and ;whblesalei dealera . ; . in PTU aUTl SUPPT TPnH- .WAPP. nu . xiuu t uuuui niua uuuuj ' r. y . No. 19 FRONT STREET, janiiiy WILMINQTON, N. C, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We stood at an open window Leaning far over the slll.i 1 And if something hadn't happened r We might have stood there still; But we reached for svjaanging shutter In H blinding northeast breeze, So our friends will have to be Invited y To Join in the obsequies. . j "I P'WE COULD OLY HAVE KNOWN I Wbat a Ktiirin Was lirpwinrfli n i oant and now far off tbat shutter was, we should never have ventured our head outside of uiai window: Out it is too late iorreei-eta now; we are nonplussed, completely 5SS?ef hef, sat "po". ana ovr mends and the public generally jre io- spectfully invited toatteud the obsequies on SATURDAY MJOXT and we stake our reputation -on its bein-' mogranaestiuucral they ever? witnessed. Ashe sUps he slides, and nvorv "tim Hn slides he slips up most woefully. We le:vo our"kind friends" to find out'the meaning of the above, and Avhile they 3rc doing no luiiuwiug questions; Havn't we the ualiest ami di ! irst kV the State? J -7 --..-.vw.. Havn't we the poorest st Wilmington? . ' Havn't we made prices much hiirsi'noa we commenceu".' o..i t n. . r r --"t, alHVn L WO uecn VCrv Htl:ifpnrntnr.,1jlinfr Havn't WC cliTirsrPt! von for nil Iia r.uulj ueiivercu: J..II , - o v I " b'"' Havn't we maflii a iri p.-ii many mistakes i when ouratten- and refused to correct ther lion was called thereto? -All of our friends who- the above questions will pBease not buy from us any more. liesneStfuliy and truly. answer "yos" f o P. L. BRIDGERS & GO. In glanchiK over last Simdav's iiM,:r wn regretted to notico the tacit acknowledg ment from, some of our brother grocers tbat we had taken away part of their trade, ami making an appeal to the others not to lea vo mem. we regret this exceedingly, eepuciui ly as they were so kind and eonsiderat o about our coming to grief, but suppose, as LAKGEST RETAIL G 1100 Eli BUSINESS . I future iuve to keop irom imJiihj ko temnVi nearted, and CUT IX) WN l'illcliH a litlio more. THE BLOOM CiiASM HAS HE BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKEUS are not ouite gone. .. fine line of TOILET SOAPd ie ceiyed to-day, very low down. The OLD CAPE FE Alt is llourisTiuvfr . and MAliTELLP: swimming. We have been over and smoked that "Cigar of Peace.1" (a line Havana it was),but still think it would be bad policy to Uo lurnishingthe papers with our line literary productions, as they havo the tendency u keep prices very low. which we. of courf-e. with all other good grocers, desire; only want -enough left .to pay for clerk's Iiiro store rent and taxes. NOT PURITANICAL. Although opposed to the drinking of Liquors; P. L. lilllpaFIW & CO-, are not puritanical enough 'to refuse to sell them' as they think no FIItST ClASS OUOCKUY STORE can afford to be Without: but tliev promise the ladies that they would heyer find out there was any on the premises, a it must be taken elsewhere to be drunk. BUMGAKDXEH, 'STUART'S DEW, and DURHAM OLD li YE received this week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LAUD I The purest,, oldest and best CORN WHISKEY in the State, to be-. bought only at - P. L. BRIDGERS 1 CO'S. P. S.-We feel highly flattered at ; the no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow gr&ger, who was not surprised at the absence of our usual Sunday morning ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New York Saturday night, f , dec IS P. It. li. & CO. 4- .1; 1

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