VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY; MAY 25, 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 21 i 1 ' . ; : 4- I, AT 15 NEWS. K Villiun Lloyd-Gamson, the veteran ftboliii'"'1' i aid to be tlyinj: . Ji m expected that the President will ,vcto ' llic Jej;ilative bill oit Monday. Chief Justice Waile ana Judge Bond are holding court in Charleston, and ex Ov Chamberlain, -and Mr. Cojrbin l)ere as counsel for the United State . )-;.';... The tiovertK-r of Iviiii Hs dt iiies that, ibe people, of that state are hostile to the emigration of .colored pcop'e to it., ilc say i he ' stories are gotten up ly person interested in slopping .the exo dus of thsi colored people .-'UYotn their ' Egypt to a land. of freedom - ' The silver biil will probably have paired before, we go' to press in some form. It is dillkult to ascertain at present', op account ot the irregularity of trie amendment, wtiat the bill is Probably it nan DetMi ' aomewiru un proved in its progress through the House. Undertaking o legisi ate., a tious value into silver bullion is a doub. fil busjn s anyhow. A new bill is to be introduced to the House providing modes for regulating the election of President'and Vice Pres-v ident. It provides that in case of con troversies as to the election they shall be uecidedby the highest judicial au thority of the state, whose decision ahaO be final, subject only to the vote of both Houses of Congress. The Hon. William Hunter ,w"ho'has served in the State Department for 50 years, aud is known to all who have had business, in-that-Department, de ceived a most, flattering testimonial of regard on last: Thursday. He is now Second Assistant Secretary of State. " .'Early in the morning th main corridor leading to his office and the desks in it . wepe loaded with j flowers, and he re ceived a perfect deluge of felicitations, from the President in person, Secreta ries. Foreicn Ministers, &c. It was his ; fiftieth day of service, and the old Nes tor of diplomacy was overwhelmed with congratulations acid tendered a com- plimentary dinner. Thi Next Presidency fcecrotary a candidate Ills Keaeons fur Ke, fuslos to nun for Oovemor of Ohio. . ." ' ' '. The New York Herald says, the fol lowing letter addressed by Secretary Shcrraau to a prominent war Democrat in this city, who was associated with Mr. Sherman in the Thirtvfifth and khirly-uxth Congresses, forms! an m- "tercsting addition to the political his- tor y of the day. It has been stated in 8 )me quarters that Mr. Sherman was - 'auxipus to secure the nomination for Governor ot Ohio, if he could have becu well assured of success, and that , doubt as to the result of this year's election in that titate madehini re luctantly abandon thisidea. The letter sets forth very franklv the reasons:' why lue secretary ignored the eltort to hiake1 : ' 1 t . .'I . It also "I hv a canuiuate mis year lorniallyi concedes the fact that Mr. t8hcruian is au aspirant for the Presi ileiuiiil nomination of the Ilepublican party in 18S0, and sou tills, what would be the keynote of the c ampaign in case 'he ' -Secretary's name should be pre Hcnti'd to the country Wash inoton, May 10, "1879. j i -Dear fciR louripersoual letter of I tne oin is received, l assure you mat,. though very much hurried while I was in New xork. I would have made an an- romtment ot time and place- to see you, but there was no address upon yoar ;iiru anu j uiu itov-Know wnererio sena 1 1 T JM-. ii 1. - I i - t I VOU woj-.d, ' a.ne movement to start me a a candidate for Governor of Ohio was urri . ! . . t merely sensational, and while it would ..a. e neeu yery neariiiyaresponaea to luOluoand no uoubt would be success- ful in the sense that I ceuld be elected Governor, irwouldjcleafly be wrong for ore to entertain it. So many persons irf interested in the continued success officer the government could not ea iii refunding andJ resumption that it . . . . u 'nA would secnilikekdesertion of a public trust ts interest to wore gafe and da'v nnr i won npvir h torivPti if anv liindrtinpfisliftiilil ncr.iirm th.v wav vi timer. : Wu!l &f?S5?i pub' lie opinion should decide to make me a candidate for President would bolo unite in- co-operation with the liepub- lican party all the national elements of the Country that poutributed to or aided in any way to the succeeawl vindication of national authority during; the war. I would do this, not for the purpose ot lrrit-itintr trnrROiilh or nnnrpssinp" IhPHl rr.- in anv wjiv lut to assprt and maintain u . . :. 7' rr ' . r . .I. r. ... Z the full extent of all the powers con- terred by the constitution. This, as I 1 kl lid P-c unil t. li IiSp Tn lrvrkii I o in a vpl1 3 the" Republican "view of national powers. "You see m general ideas would lead me to lean greatly upon the war juemocrats and soldiers in the service Who have been! influenced by political erent 'since iHp war to wi;hol(f spppoit from the Republican party j ' VThe true issue for lSOOlis national supremacy in national matters, honest money and an honet dollar. ' Very truly, yours, John Sherman." There is a deadly fever at -Port au- Prince in Hay ti, and nobody knows what it is or whether it is not epidemic. The Mississippi Valley, Immigration Company is the title of a new New Ur leans organization, having a rproposed I capital of "$100,000," and for its object the importation of Chinese labor to I supply the places of the 'exodusing" freed men. .; - r The disease which has broken out in the Caucasus proves fatal in twenty four .Injure. In Derby, which contains 150 houses, seventy persons died. In Mcdivricheni, with 200 houses, there are 100 persons dead. Mortality else where is 'ir the same scale. ; N at iiixm Post Office, Lladep ... . - . . v.uu l i o uavtj fecentu luuuma- i tim that .some of the! white ; people jn the neighborhood of the cbove post- oilivje have organired a club and made threats agaiust certaio colored men and &c, of the fact that the colored men are witnesses in the. w United States Court against certain" white men for violating the United .States laws. We have the names of these white men who term themselves kuklux for the purpose of. intimidation.- and we advise them to disburse at once. If one of these colored men referred to above is hurt, the offenders shall be punished to the V . - I fullest extent of the law. Wo have all the names of the organization, , and of thoie who have -been making threats &c.-;i We advise, the colored men to use no language that is calculated to bring o:: aisturuance. when iney are piacea oi: the witness stand to tell the whole - i truth, the law will protecf them. To the Rditor of the TV ilmtngton . - . .Post. .Fay etteyj lle, N. C, May 19, 1879 Dear ir. I am not in the habit of writing for the press, but thinkiag that a word or twofroua this section of the state, might be interesting to the numerous readers of your valuable pa per, I take tip the quill to give you the local news. The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of North Carolina, conyened' at this place on Friday the 13th mst, and re- iaiued in session for threodays. It was hbodo posed of a fine and dignified look ing body of men. On Wednesday evening O. B. Busbee, Esq., of Ralejgh, delivered aii' address iu the Baptist church, on Odd Fellowism to a ery large and appreciative audience. Mr. Busbee ia a fluent aud impressive Npeaker, and wou for himself and the Order he represented, the hearty com mendation of all those who heard his address Mr. Leyy G Bagley, ofiRaK eigh, was elected Grand Worthy Master of the Order, for the ensuing year. On. Wednesday ' the 14th1 inst the G3 J aunual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Discoea of North Carolina niet at St. John's Church ;in this place. The Rt. Rer. 1 "1USUU -LJ1DUU1' Rv Theodore B. Lyman, Assistant Hifthnn ot --the uiocese neini? uresent. 1 During the week and on the following nnclav D-.vino SRrvices were held b Oi. t j t ij m i o,i nhrUt nhnrph t?.onlrn,h On Thursday ! evening .Bishop Lyman preached to a largo congregation of colored people at bt. Joseph s (colored) Church; aud confirmed two persons. On Sunday night Bishop Atkinson preached to one of the largest congrega tions that I have ever seen at St. John's Church, ana connrmea tea persons. Tiishon . Atkinson Dreached also to a I V laree comrregation at Rockfish and administered the holv light of cona "v. r . - firmation. h Cap. O. H. Blocker, Special Internal Revenue Agent is here, at his old home, . . . . ' : , .. e receiving the hearty congratulations of his many friends and admirers, l'he Cautaio is a true man ahd efficient emcitni nauas. ijv lew weeis-s ago, me nanoMi informed iir Ithat Can tain ninVpi- was in New York citv. doin? irood services for the government; and making it rather hot and uncomfortable for those persons wno were violating internal Revenue law in that k Qq Saturday night last Capt. .8ecll.t:P Wa PfcMfH,Y u ? Blocker made a raid upon me violators of the law in Cumberlana county, ana I .. 1 :m aanratoA in a aarotrin I uaiurcu mu54iiiiws v.u " " r . . f . . .. j. .about eight miles norwi-eaat w ma P1. Rnd deslrojed about a; thousand gallons oi beer ; tne proprietors anu up- capt urea. I see that ; you have esDOUsedrHhe cause of the Hon. John Sherman, of - - -n-ri rt him. in gay a wora or u " the meantime I subscribe myself, yours C " Occasional. Ohio Secretary ot the Treasury oi tne j uapt. xiituoi vi " i uitm, " . . . vhtc unimw i m lcbkmu ui ouwu uusiuwn tt csfotpq for the next candidate Company should be iu line ! by ;SQ i aptitude and careful culture. Admittine; I toms house, shall be deemed a' tua T?pr,nhHcan vaartY. lor President o'.clofck, p. w- on' Friday next. We what is undoubtedly, the fact that Mrs. ping-office, and the Collector or Dep '-' F iV.j-.7-j aVJi i nna f th nnnft to see a full turnout, as these Kahnweiler is our first artist, no one Collector of Customs to whom fniwirtVi' and in my next I will Companies arc made up of men who listening to the" performance could business shall be committed, shall. muQ i.nii w . - . i. , . tt i . CITY JTEMS. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr, George W. Price, Jr., has taken charge of our city subscription, and is authorized to collect and receipt for monies due the Post for subscriptions, All papers after this issue, which are not paid for, will be promptly stopped. Chew Jackson' Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. C; . ly Confederate soldiers, do you respect the men who fought against you, and lost their live? If so, you can show it on . the 30th by strewing their grates with flowers. - , New moon on Wednesday iast. Whortleberries are in the market. Bquasnes, Deans ana cucnmDera in market last week. The Criminal Court convenes in this city to-rcorrow. ' Gen. Colston has arrived in the city from his northern lecturing tour. Examine the programme for Memo rial Day, and be in time for the proccs sion. The Adrian bovs had a oicuic at the German Gardtns on Wednesday night last. ' w The Hook and Ladder boys had their anniversary upper on Tuesday f night last. ' r ' St. Stephens A. M. E. congregation intend to erect a handsome brick Church soon. Mr, Wade H. Harris, hxs returned to his Concord homo, after the last setting of the dail v Sun. , Colonel Mabson has a splendid lot of aids, and wc may expect good order on Memorial Day, both . in the proeessiqn and at the Cemetery. Sampson County Superior Court, Judge Seymour presiding, convenes at Clinton to-morrow. Misses l3urr and James1 school had an eutertaiument at the McGiunv hall on Tuesday night last; Samuel Blossom, of Pender count v, . i had a gold watch and two watch chains stolen on Hiiturday night, the lth inst Col. 0.wJI. Blocker, Special Agent, raided aud captured two illicit whisky distUlerya seven miles from Fayettevillo; on the 17th inst.' There was au excursion parly down the river on Wednesday last, at 2 o'clock p. m., under the charge of the Front Street M. E. Church Do you love the Union? -rIf s.o, turn out on the 30th of May and show your respect and love foe those who lost their lives in defence of the Union. The Wilmington - Light Infantry company had their annual parade on i tne zvm inst. xuey uavi laigcv buwv- ing at Hilton in the afternoon "The 'Wilmington a daily Jo-a- wrauc: wuwu nas a.i.... 1 citv some seven monms aso. ior iu want oi means suspenaea on ouuuuy I. -k . 1 T J !l . I the 18th inst. Peace to its asnes. Whiting Rifles.- The following 0fficers were elected on Monday night: Too T rtarvl-fiin CS "M TtrPWPr. ,. - . . r Tj t- anA First Lieut. ; W. A. Burr, Jr. Second Lieut. ; J. D. Nutt, Second Lieut. The Catholic Bishops will hold a corsistory at Richmond on the 28tb, W ine purpose oi recommeuuiug a 1 .i t i: suitable person to iope L,eo jl-iii., ior a ktu Bishop or Vicar Apostolic of Horth UarOlina. Don't forget the 30th of May, all . .. . - , . , should close up business and join in decorating the graves- of the brave Union dead; who are resting at the National Cemetery. Memorial Day. The GeneraljCom' I mittee. WC understatld. have invited UaDt. MCKae 3 company oi juikuw .r iillery to turn out ' on Memorial Day aud take part m the services . by tiring a saiuic I Tlie -Camp Meeting of tlje A, M, E., Church commenced on Thursday ata place about nine miles below the city, the meetings are conducted Dy i nuhnn Ttrown There will be a verv 1 Wisnop lirown. xueic w". w a vcijr Kor 'A .imn fn.Hav o b(KitSt wbich are plying5bctween cUy tbe gr0Hnuq. ; ; Capt. W. H. Howe of the Brooklyn Fire Company, Capt. Valentine Howe I of the Cape Fear Fire Company ' and tFA true to the Union, ana appreciate ---- - - - . the results ot the Union cause during -the war. ' . Sheephead fishing is like measels, its catching . r : Strawberries are selling at cizut cts. tuart' - Two prisoners are confined in the city prison The police made nine arrests during I the past week. , . ' ' ir I St,John's Sunday School bad a pic- nic at Waccamaw Lake on yesterday. : The Fifth Street M. E. Church had an excursion down the river on Tuesday A large quantity of meat, beef and fish were sent out of the market during the week. , The Regatta comes off on the 28th I lust. We hope the boys will have a Comet Star Light Infantry, under com gopd breeze. ' ? mand oi Capt. Abram Jones. .. One hundred and fifty-six dollars was paid into the SherifTs office during I the past week. -The schooner rigged yacht, Arietta, is being repainted and is getting her summer?clolhes. " m A kerosene lamp exploded in the residence of Mr, Alexander Sholar on Fifth street- on Wednesday night, uamagc siigut. Ihere are five horses in the city to be. raffled, and one yacht, as soon as the rchances can be gotten up. Five marriage licenses were issued during the past week, one white couple and four to colored couples. C. W. Alexander of Charlotte has been re-elected Colonel of the Second Eegiment of the State Guard. Six hundred and seventeen dollars and forty-one cents were paid iuto the city Treasurer during the past week. Great credit is due Colonel Brink,! Chairman of the Committee for the extensive preparations for Memorial Dav. The time for listing your city taxes is most here. Mondav, June 2d, being the day appoiuted for the work to be commenced. iFire. The kitchen on the premises of Mr. Persall corner of Eight and. Princess streets took fire on Friday last damage slight. There are two plugs of tobacco rap ped iu brown paper and stamped with .four three cent stamps awaiting an owner at the postoffice. Hun. A. A. McKoy was in this city on Thursday last, looking well. Judge McKoy is a great favorite in this city, and; wtje he is hero is kept busy entertaii i m his manv 'friends. 5 Business men of Wilmington, you Closed you places of business on the Confederate Memorial Day to show your iove ud respect for 1 the men who i lought against tho Union; now you are reauested to do tne same on the Nation- al Memorial Dav. and therebv show votir love for the American Union. ; ' - " Will vou doil? ai i - " Rev. Dr. Wilson. At the General . i ' ' I . mm r - m m I Assembly f the Presbyterian Church now in session at Louisville, fcy., the, Rev. Dr. Wilson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city was assigned the important position of Mod . : . . , erator or presiding cfSccr, which posi tion, it is said by the Louisville papers' he is filling with distinguished dignity J and ability. He has been the "stated I c At r r in cierK o mis assemuiy atr io years. ine nonors wnicn nave ianen upon ine ta nu. 4i,: it Reverend Doc or m this body ol " nent men win oe very grauiying to ujb friends in this city. Fbiday, Memorial Day. Thedif- ferent school children should be in front of the City Hall at 2:30 p. m. on Mem orial Day. Wc hope to see a full turn- out. It is the duty of parents, minis- ters aid teachers to cultivate true pa triotism to the Union, love of the Stars and Stripes, reverence for the brave men who fought from 1861 to 1875 for he Amcricaa Uaion E ye chnd in the 80Uth shou4 he educated to believe that it 'is their duty to turn out on every National Memorial Daly and take part in the services, decorating the graves witn nowers, xc. The Opera To say that the benefit given to Miss Kahnweil?r on Friday right at jithe Opera House, was a faultless-performance, is not telling the whole truth. Nearly everything in the whole entertainment of these local . I amateuers was full of that absolute help feeling gratification that they lived in a town which contained , so 1 much of musical genius and training. DECORATION DAY. MAY 30TH. 10a PRQGBAMMK. The procession will form in front of the City Hall at 2:45 o'clock, p. m., and move promptly at 3:00. iq the following orer: fiest division, In, charge of Assistant Marshals H. E. Scott - John S. W. Eagles, and Lewis Nixon, will form on Third street, with rjgut resiing on Martet street, in tne following order : Litenant Colonel Cfeo. L. Mabson ad war( S" Aniantry, unaer com- 7T 1 T l i T n t Hanover T.iht Ynfv nnH.r mm. ..mand of CaDt J. O. Hill. Cane Tear Lis-ht TnfAntrv undpr" r.nm- man(i 0e eupL Fre(i jjin. SECOND DIVISION, ia charge of Assistant Marshals J. C. Scott, F. W. Foster and David Jacobf, will form on Third street,right resting on Princess street, in the follow ing order : " Ex-Soldjers and Sailors of the Union 'Army. Cape- Fear Steam Fire Ermine Com pany, under command of Valentine Howe, Foreman. Brooklyn Engine Company, under com mand of Wm. H. Howe, Foreman. Brooklyn Bucket . Company, .under command of E. Nichols, Foreman. Schools in charge of their Teachers. Civic Societies. ., 's , Citizens on Foot. .Citizens in Carriages. Mounted Men. EXERCISES AT NATIONAL CEMETERY Dirge, by Rose Bud Band. Prayer, by Eev. J. G. Fry. Music by Choir. Hon, Joseph C. Abbott, Master Ceremonks, will introduce the Orator of the Day, Hon. W. P. Canaday, Of Wilmington. Music. - r Doxology and Benediction. Decoration of Graves. of Volleys of musketry ever the Graves by the Military. , Joseph C. Abbott, Master of Ceremonies. Rooms National Memorial Associ ation, .. Wilmington, N. C, May 24. The annual service of decorating the graves of the United Estates soldiers buried ia the National Cemetery at this place, will be celebrated on Friday the 3 jnst The procession will start from the City Hall square at 3 o'clock. '- . Services at the Cemetery at 4 o'clock. . The citizens ot Wilmington are all respectfully invited to attend this ser vice; and a partial suspension of busi ness between the hours "of 3 and 5 o'clock would not only enable many to attend, but be very gratifying to the Committee Respectfully,: Ed. Ii. Brink, for General Committee. The North American -Review rru: ; i f a t" i Ams "iu&b aucieuu ui mcnoau reviews e9mes to our table fresh and P"glitly. lt starts ouc wltl1 an u"P.UDti3nea poem of Voltaire, and goes on with a very readable article by Gen. Garfield on i I it 'a: l : r: appropriations uu mi.apprupriauou I II L U Hf Cl U... l. t aW 1S- auutuer cuapier on tne uracinc rauroaa Dy our. ienry I Tf f- il J'-f " 1 1" j ?1 p y . x oor, tne aistiDguisneu compiler oi railroad statstics; another chapter on the sacred books of the east by Max Muller, &c, &c, making a. great amount of information in small space. A paper published at Fayetteville, N. C, says, Capt. O. il. Blocker of the Revenue Department, stationed in New York, but now oil duty for a short time in this state, succeeded in capturing two stills last-Saturday night, 17th inst. They were situated in this coun I ty m a uenss s I Jf frav ty in a dense swamp, seven miles east ahd about a mile north , of the Clinton road near the premises of Ishara Godwin. About, nine hun dred gallons of beer or mash were de I stroyed, but the stills and fixtures were preserved and brought to FayetCeville. The "moonshiners'- themselves were not to be found, but the stills are sup- posed to have been in operation for three or four months This is the first seizure of the kind made in the county since the enforcement of the revenue wg b thfl government, Shipping CoMMissioKER,--For the information of thoe concerned we pub lish below the following law concerning shipping of seamen, &c. On page 870 of the Revised Statutes of the .United I Spates of 1878, sec. 5,503 says: "In any port in which no Shipping Com missioner snail have been appointed, the whole or any part of the business of a Shipping Commissioner, shall be conducted by the Collector or Deputy 1 Collector of Customs of such port; and ship uty such for J all purposes be deemed a Shipping Commissioner within the meaning of this title." '' ''." NEW AD VERTLSEMENTS Q17Am T0 F . RICH & GO. t Port-' OXjtli land. Maine, for best Aerencv Basiness in the World. Expensive outfit iree. may is iy. Free Love Lodge No. 1469, G. W. of 0. F. HJ. WHITRHEAD, N Q . W.-T. HALL.NF A. J. JONES.PNF K. M. QREEN, V Q T. P. HALL, Treasurer JOS. WILLIS, P S . I. G. B ARNETT, P N Q JNO. PAILLIPS, I Q . P. H, HARLEY. Warden J. K. CUTLAR. ChaDlain Regular meeting 1st and 3d Tuesday in eacn montii. iouge lioom upper noor. cor ner Dock and Water sts. ; may IS tf Golden Lyre Lodge No." 1608 G. W. of 0, F. JOHN W. AVERY, N Q GODFREY WILLIS, N F . JBi. A.U U VLiXi X , V JS U J. M. SLOAN; V G , 1 P. W.LAWRENCE, Treasurer A. A. DUDLEY, P S W. H. M ARSTELLAR, PNG MORRIS McFARLAND, 1 G THOS. MILLER, Warden ALEX. ELLISON, Chaplain L. H. DAVIS, Marshal . Regular meetin ' 1st and 3d Monday night in each month. Lodge Room upper floor, corner Market and South Water streets, may 18 tf REASONS -WHY FEItRY DAVIS' PAIN - KILLEli j;is THE Best Family Medicine of the Age. And why it should be kept always neaf gfr-l hand: 1st. Pain-Kiileb is the most certaan Cholera cure that medical science has - produced. 2nd. rAiN-KiL.i,icR, as a Diarroea and Dys entery remedy, sciaom u ever laiis. 3rd. PAra-KiiiiER will euro Cramps or Pains in any. part oi the system. A single dose usually affects a cure. 4th. Pain-Kili-eb will cure dyspepsia and indigestion, if used according to direc tions. 5tb. P A in-K i li e k is an almost never -fail ing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, &c 6th. PAiN-KiiiiiKU has proved a Sovereign Remedy -for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate cases. 7th. Pain-Killer as a linament is tin- equaled for FroRt Bites, Chilblains, isurns, uruises, cuts, sprains, ore. 8th. Paiw-Kiixeb has jcured cas of Pheumatism and Neuralgia after years standing. Uh. Paix-Killkr will destroy Boils. Fel ons, .Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief - xrom pain alter the nrst application. 10th. Pain-Killer cures Headache, and xooinacue. iith . Pain-Killkk will save you days of sickness and many a dollar in time . and Doctor's bills. 12th. Pain-Killer has been before the public over thirty-seven years and is a purely vegetable preparation, safe to , keep and use in every family. The simplicity attending its use. together with the great variety of diseases that may.be entirely eradicated byjt, and . the great amount ot pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valu able remedy, and to keep it always near at nana. ! TVi a A tw-Vttt ttd 1 s nmr trr 6vn anil rv predated in every quarter oi the uioce. jrnysicians recommena it in ineir practice, while all classes of society have found in it relief ana comfort, til ve it a trial. Be sure and buy the genuine. B-rcry Drue gist, and nearly every Couniry Grocer throughout the land keep it for sale. n ls-iy , PARRBU & TAKL0R, DEALERS, IN Kerosene Oil, Stoyes3 Metals, Guns, Lanterns, Fairbanks Scales, PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. . DIPPERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturers and wholesale clealers in WWm SHEET IROH WARE, - No, 19 FRONT STREET, )an 11 1 "WILSIINGTON, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We stood at an open window v i . Leaning far over the Bill.l v i And if something hadn't happened We might have stood there still; But we reached for a banging shutter . , in a blinding northeast breeze, Soj our friends will have to be "invited j To join in the obsequies. IF WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN what a storm was brewing (in a teapot), and how fax off that shutter Avas, we should never have ventured our head outside of "i winuow; out itistoolato lor regrets SrtAy0. ixuvt; - wo are nonpiussel.- completer.' Bpectfully Invited to attend the obsequies on SATURDAY .NEXT. and we stake our reputation on lis bei'n - tne grandest mncrai they e.verwitnessed. Ashe sUdb he slides, arnl evprvtimaim Biiues iio blips upmost Toeiuny. We leavo n,l i if t - our-sina inenus" to find out the meanimr of the above, the above, and while they arc doing nXi will ask the following questions: we Havn't we the ugliest and dlrMpsf. Kt the State? ' ., . Havn't we the noorest. stofk nfmniia in Wilmington? c Havn't wo made prices muchhiffheslnnn ' we commenced? Havn't we been and impolite to you? . Havn't we charged vr.n fnr nil Ua orno.Iu delivered? : . " a""" Havn't we made a ereat m.invmisf,nK:M and refused to correct them when our atten - uoa was caued thereto? - All of our friends who answer "yes" to the above questions will please not buy from, us any more. UepeStfulJy and truly. P T. "D"DTTiriTn"D y nn JLXtXJJU JUiU V30 UU In glanclncr over last Sundav-s nanpr ! regretted to notice the tacit Bnlcuowiw". ment from some of our brother grocers that wo liuaj. wuiBu away part oi lueir traae, ana making an appeal to the. others not to leavo them. We regret this exceedingly, especial ly as they were so kind and consideral o about, our coming to grief, but supposo.as Wfi haVR llpf RrminpH In dn , 7 LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS everdoneiu WilminErton. wo will i!iiri future have to keep from being ho tendd hearted, and CUT DOWN ntluES' a iittlo more. .- ,. . THE BLOODY" CHASM HAS BEEN. BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS arc nolquile - ; . gone. A fine, line of. TOILET SOAP tp. ceiyed to-day, very low dowr. The OLD CAPE FEAR Is flourishing ana MAi;iJJLLJbi swimming. JWe have been over and Krnnknd f li.if. Cigar of Peace." (a fine Havana it was),btu, BtiU think it would be bad nolicv to ktt.r, lurnishlngthe papers with our line literary productions, as they havo tho tendency io Keep, prices very low. which we. ol cours e. with all other good grocers, desire: only want enough left to pay for clerk's hirej store rent and taxes. NOT PURITANiCALr Although opposed to the drinkiii of Liquors, P. L. BHIDGEItS & CO-, are not puriunical enough to refuse to sell thenv as they think ho FIUST CLAS8 GKOCKltY STORE can afford to be without; but'thev promise the ladies that they wauld neyer find out there was any on the premises, an it must be taken elsewhere to be urunk. I JOUiw.vjrivri.jui'xriXw, STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE received this week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LARD! The purest, oldest, and best CORN WHISKEY in the State, to be bought only at P. L. BRIDGERS & CD'S. P. S. We feel highly flattered at the no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised at the absence of our usual. Sunday morning ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New York Saturday night, dec 15 P. L. B. CO.' I - 1 J' 1 M -?