x .-v " . W-NV NEW - ADVERTISEMENTS. I VOLUME X. ' DjMINGTONi NORTH CARO I , INA SUNDAY, .) UNE . . 1879. Single Copies .5 Cents i ' !r,r vtv- L., TUB UwlVMltSITY ' UOJIMSNCK. . . HKTST. . ' At ho CoinnicnccnienV UiU yvar an uUBually large crowd came i:i from., th .surrounding cjuntry, and from more distant places. Oil flie 4tU the cxercUoH commenced, jVi the old "Bull Pen" iir front of the xostrum, there beins preit a large numher of the disUnguiscd Alumni. Senator1 Thurqa an had been invited to diliver tho'scciety address, but was de-,? laiacd at Washington as Tresident Pro Ten oli the Senate, and great was the disappointment. ' iut the llev. Dr. Hogc of Richmond; Va, , an cinincnt aid brilliant Prcsbylcriau' Divio:, !iad ben invited to deliver the IJacculaunu - ettc S.'Jinoo, mid was . .iirm'iit. Uc c !J3?nted t) fill Senator Tjiurmati'.-i pi ice, which he did in an e. tempore address on the "Beauty ami nobility-ot , an unselfish lile," .which gave great s ilisfactiou. The Hon. C5. F. rhillii5, the sreund law.oflicer of llio United Staler the Solicitor General i'elivcred the add res - eulogistic Aloore, the Thurman wa3 kin, and that ihemiaor 245 doc had lty had not been permitted id see it unr 7" ri ..t r -i v;i . Corn cracke wi au nriur ueiore toe coram,uieBnauj acted updn'it; whettrit wris twi late to consiuer upropenyi 1 badges told this weeV. ft . . j , -, . ,, ; . crackers scarce in the harbor. IIjq weather the past week baa been splendid.- r . .: -.r- ' .' ThQ police made ,fl?c arrcsU during the week t.j rrT Only five poners confined in monies due the Post- for subscriptions. I njring the' past week . r . ... . , l. ii -! -ili i' Brunhild 8 ( tobacco factory is doing not l1' J fr, will bo promptly stopped.; $plendid ,Whd 8tart anJther? . -,. . - - - " i i - ? ;. CUrw Jackson's Best Sweet N&vy the A5I'OUNCBMKNT ( Mr. George . richaaiik iLut;,;! V charge of our ctyj RnoscMpUoi JjtjdjhJ I i ..,, wTf , .. authorized to .neand- collected $I,33Q 09 The exports for the week were Only j Uue interment in' Oakdal Cfiete 21 JO barrels of spirits, G993 do rssih. An cxcnrklfi nartv from Shelby. N. pj.was injhglty on Thursday last. N interments in Bclle?ae Cemetery for the nat week f ,i. t ; ,V There are 21 vessels now irort' and.' $l!2 50 iiVorictufrd, tlosc at $8 to 'one am! as many more sailed for Itliis ' poVt. third,' 'and those at 3 to one-tliird TT'iiTiys. v!J " ?NEWrADVEnTJSEiIENTS. cr moved that the Iemple of ISRAiLTbe; annual ; XV Sunday evening at the ' te$lr tdom u' i.! f ' 1 uii V i DOCKET, of; New Hanover i So . .i . . , . the market shall bo so amended that will net be -called until Tin tmuw V1 ruurtM- auu "Mai?kP' the "value of said nroi&rr-r lWd lmiM f??"! when the following officers were elected - w 'AU Ll 0: . i in: .1 ii m i .... ii.. : i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ii 1 1 1 ii i i i iir .... w ,- i a 1 f ' i J . i, SUPERIOR COURT,' t , ' . NKAy .11 AKOVER tUOifTY, r AM DIRECTED by bis 1 Honor, Judge E SAVTnnnr fA(HvanAtlAA4hAt IbftOf ATt1 DOCKET ofiNew Hanover i Superior Court Tnursaay or tne 9 V r senior xne ensning - .enn : ; - ' be all6wcd i Ye5tini"riShts: or fran Vice-PresidentAt Weill it is-'id chr'rrled ' Afdef man Planner noved to ameiicl I jnne 1 It if Clerk Superior Court. -i ; New; liattyer Coualy, n: 1 the cbiitract'with 'the fallowing' pro- Treasurer Hi Brnnhild,w j riTZftC'm Vision yproiiyar! That" the old 1 Trustees F. , fibeinsteioil M: Ml' ULjlzA r ;y ; 1 1 ' - " T xr i '"'a tt -'w cui' -'-tm' marset shall not bd removed until ,u , uomf p . mkel h suitable :for m irket pur Wm. Goodman.) ni -U )u,t,fL .Jir.'i t..-k;'i,'Li iv t " t wi Vip'-c-' Free j Love Lodge - Ho vw - of O.n F. i An the First and 2 To be built 1 t V 1 "if V " poses sball' be crecied in tl election was also iicldy for 'a de iftuhirut o; t iV.:H: : t! . -,.. .i t J-ltln WarcJsaid buildi.Ds n at -..j s Ot wood aha enclosed! under the direc Tf J. WHITRKEAJ);'NM St? ! Sherifl" Marinibg,has been.' confined t 'There wefe arrivals and 5 saiiine Oi vessels from this port during the 'past I Weill Esq. weeK. j i oi American iieDrew lJongrj gallons, to, (jafr;egj ' !iH; be held in 'New- York' itijttrujy-'ncjtt,. UaUXwx i).-! .4.;f.M-, v-vKtM u Ti - Aiuermau r aster v'-t , n -Tr.w Vfr'T.nVv WUOIO matter oil the i k !3 I . ill i l - i . p : : . r f f I KtVllM .before .the Alumni, notices; of the laic I. F. Hon. Hugh Waddell, Col. 1 M. Carter, Judge 13attle and the Hon. Lewis Bond of Tennessee The address is iro riouueed by those who heard it, to ive .been a niost appropriate and' salrsl'.tc--' tory .production as everything U t which Mr. Phillips -addresses' hiir.scH. Theu there was a incetinj; of tho Alumni, and in the. evening addresses by students of the Philanthropic and Uialeclic Societies.-' There, was one hludcnt who bore the redundant 'name of Marcua Cicero Stephens-Noble, who made a speech on "National Unity'' , Then there was a hop and a llerfnau later in the evening;, where beauty, chivalry and youthful aspirations "trip ped the light fantastic toe." pa the 5th, the great day, there was a procession, in, which were many dis tinguished men, and the oration- of the Seniors. Ot the address of young Robert strange, of this city, on Compulsory Education, the reporter of the Oh-scrvcr says: . -; .. His peculiarly-handsome. young face was earnest, his animation to genuine and his voice so rich that when he called upon the. "wilds of the west and cypress' swamps of the east to disgorge their ragged urchins" and lend tlicni -to the utatc to bo civilized and educated wc lelt that it would take just such men as he to do the great work and work this great reform. j The Scnatus Acadcmicus (the Fai. ully and board ot' Trustees) conferred the following Honorary Degrees: Poetors of 'Divinity J. T. Pickett, lvutaw, Ala., David Sanderson, F. II. j Kcrfoot and Aristides S. brriith. Doctors of. 'Law--Thomas , S. Ashe. t his hoai0 the past week by aiclcness. I 'gy yanAijiridge, Esq., probated u r' T7nUiV nr' r? l.' hopn In thA to Jeeds and one mortgage during city the past week attending to private peweeir. noved to Tay the tab'e, and called for the ayes and ay' With' thc'lollow business -, Si uu-rv The Board of County C i larriagc licenes were issuea to one mct n regular monthly- x ifiteniientsin Pine Forest Gem. j Hapdtocpioretl couples during Monday last. Col. W, L.:Bfiilh,Chair Junng the past weeK aauus tne past week. ; man:, and Commissionerst4 rJ; Grady, I . .. u.-,..Ci , , 'I i Mr. Geo. Z. Irench the contractor 500 Mr. nsizaiix' Vaeht Rsa caDsized on filling up New Inlet, has about r rmay evening lasj.ianu gay') w v. "Ivi;.yrr; , :urd crew a welting. ;; fi rr t irnr nhi-: ,,...r The congregation, t wo afci informed,. rtvr--jiu Fnsf'r Vrtn f?-1hl mlssforicrs ( i . ession on 1 'NaysV-TTioMjiyoV Vollers Kirigf Jibw r W. T. HALL. N V A. J. JONES, P NT T -T. F. HALIj, Treasurer JCS.AVlLliKf!4PrS i I -I. G. BARNECT. PNG JNO. PAILUPW I G l. ii, UAHiitax, w,ardea J. Ki CUTIjAR- Chftplairi ' ' ' ' I !' J. we stood! at an'opea window - , over me Bin, j t And if something hadn't happeueil , : I ? :t ii v -uisuiuavu, siooa mere siui; 1 'Hut we reached for a baTurlrxr cimtfpi. ' ' In blinding northeast breeze, So our friends will have to be Invited fj ,To join in the obsequies..';' j .i It' .1 ill ;i.dbi.f.. lit 4iiti IP WE COULD ONLY HAVE KXOWX what a storm was hrpwincfin o and how far off that shutter was, w should never have voiituieii nnr . that window; but it is too lato ior regrets we arc. noaniussoa. nnmnipiptw sqnelched, have been sat upon, and our friends and the public generally are re svumij! mviicu toaucnu tneous?iuiespu Regular naeeting. 1st, and 3d "Ii3Cf-day in. eacn momu, ijoage ltoom; upper uoor. cor- ! t ii'.? i ii er Docis. and jWatei' sts. Tho molibti to! laV b'.i the' . table ' was ljst.' iowtletr, ThihWrJ- .ir i -t ot s ; 4 . ATdernVcn Myers, y and Jiiil. Golden Lyre LOdg-e No.' 1608 G;"U. . m of Qf p. JOHN W. AVEIiY.-NG Pe n J i u r 1 1 : c .a b o v e . ... -uu-ru,n,Wu4, j DdWJerf vodk tbe flbor and "made va were present. Kv-v,.;- .! rii: i, - ! ill'.' ... : . ,:t--v; . m mm Cl'VJVU OaiUOU IUU liV)T iliaiA-UU onerut Manning reported jnavimMaiui iL ni'j? ibh Alderman GODFREY WILLIS, N J. M. SLOAN. V G P, W. LAWRENCE, Trpasurot A. A. DUDLEY. P S I W H.- ji AR3TELLARJ P N Cn i i : MORRIS McFARLANDr J G , . n and we stake our reputation oh- i's hoin-4 tnegranaestiauerai they evervAvitncssed. I I As ho slips he slides, and every time he jlidtis he slips up most atocIuUv. w ipm-h Qur"kind friends" to And out tlio mfianir f the above, and wbile they arc doing fco 7 e will ask the following questions: ... ead- "a roa( fr?"1 the 8even kUc1 post !6ri M'd, D. J. Devauo has beenappointed ing Geamau. citizens left for Europe on .ni'l-ro liona a uommissioner 10 sen Tuesdav last. .,. liv the W the, plank , road , to Frank Middlo Sound. . s i The application of Lews ; T . . , . t-, , 1 ,Tho receipt of naval stores this week j be admitted to the poor Jiulw Bond dismissed :the rule for L r.i.i,L rtWJ , . t ' - t - i ,'ibtempt against. Justice Gardner at uarreis spirits, iu,yo ao. graniea. :i, ; t;! uliit ,t Ralvigli the past week. ",. , ; rosin, 501 ao. tar, ui ao. turpentine. I A revival has "been going on in tho ; -New MARK KT.? It will be seen from B'miit Street M. E Church in Uii cityi the proceedings of the Board of Alder- :. ii . . i. j iV . it . l l .1 -'-i'.lnw.-l uuiouk ouierc, 'uiui tuy uwivmi uuouiu luring the past week; : The Eayetteville steamboata hare been going and coming loaded to their, utmost capacity the past week. L T WUU,!':' be putto alvo d of-tho people of the citv of :VilnifiP"ton.. si Hines,-to r ;. Ai t . uutr . j., mt,. house, was the contrue . tlt 'na; dry goods, Petition of Graham (Daves, truard-ari; 1 . , . ,i . . -, . . iit' saia martei, i wnicii amenuaeut was granted. , I I V: Wh tt,ujkifU , The following schedule wiS adopted A v.J-Tlm1 MavnL A Urnn R ,w- for the assessment of Hyp itcck,for the denFlanm.r: :!iwtr. .Mv. -Vnlfc year 1879 : Horses and Wules, No. ft.fl ;Von olahV I ., - Msv ;.vuu),iyc, lu-iiiwiiuH iuuhscb i fivv, xiv. a,-vxyy, XI U. J sPo; XI O. rt, r , Jyyy - Alder lUCJ to bp-interesting. The folio wing yachts 50; No. 5, at the discrcUoii of assessor, r .- ,- ! I Alderman llilbm Recular meetin rltt andod Monday jiitnht lu eacn mOQLli. ljoaza iLoom imtifir lionr. 1 no. . : froiir.fi- i corner niarKi anu aouiu water fctrccssi1 m ' I .... i ' 4 e , i 1 11 fc V l.-V L.I I.. i . , . i , r fli ti--; iT-i'i'l KEASONSj,WHY : : !i .,! j ( t - ,' I. ! ' ' I f -- ? . -I r i. ,m :-.M. I 1 i lS'0 men that the city is at last to have a new market House. PlIN -"KILLER mr tr io bp interebting. The following yachts f.- The very larce and handsome couu- I will beentered : Frolic, LiEsie, Annie, Hogs at the discretion of try residence of Mr. David S. Saunders Borine; Lassie, Gipsey, Itosa. I Sheep, lamb and t goat! was entirely destioyed bv firaon Thurs- lay last. 1he Superior Court convened in this , , ... , . . ' .j, I city oh. Manday last, His Honor , Those who owe back taxes had better 1 J ' . y . .r -i r . "i-. i t ti i I hflvmnnr i nrpsidinof. I no. i nf iro see air. .r . xi. uaroy. uuy Aiiqrucv ui, i f -- o- udge week the assessor. $l-25' acb? steers, No. i; $30; No.' 2; $15 'No: 3i $10; dry, cattle : , No. 1, $12; Not 2, f S tl3 THE King,-. Hill : ithd ovoJ that the con- Best Family Medicine oi thaAge. dncef as he has the tax list in his pos- was taken up in the trial of civil bases. vi'vif hi fur I'lOlot'tmn. I : . : Mr. John G. Harden has bee There are 39r bales of cotton; 6.018 Uaptaiu-qflho WMting llilles. ...id (J ofoMirit.' ii.i.iai harrpWofrosin. nope lie win accept, lor this "k- 1 !.t VrVfif to, liUlecompanyhave had ahard time to U,- MK. I Ui : II LJ 11V.., UU IUjIiI UU. Ml ashore anu afloat at this port. ' w. . V, "V-.-O, V:W, VUJ folIowiuJ; reSuit J O.;lfrW;O. af-fZ0;'lHOV8;fl0. - ; ,AvPSTho Mnvnr Al.Wmo !vrv,M T1. r t.i-t.. -ix-i.l IT i " --j i e Wd"u, nuurg counvy Volley Kingi-Wey, Hill. tracts, as -ameudedj- be received aud adopted. 'The. ayes aiid nays were called, with And why it should he ket alwajis near at hand: ncted for the care, of Frank Johnn, a pauper Nldermeil -Fmicr IJoAV(leUj YVe do was not allowed, he not bpipg a citizen T7innnr vpi i r,4Hd ur.xcw la,)vc ., . . - . Flaanor, VonGbl;,,,, . ,1 La f 1 : s ; rMinnrv n.r.i inn. wnr." ivcfivpi atiri get a person-who who would take charre ot them. A-? iThe il'Kev. Thos. Atki Dviring the month of May 431 bales iThe ilC'Kcv. Thos. Atkinson, X), L)J, oi cotton; 7,725 barnela'iof m r' wHr'niakb "- a Special visitation o St, fte no:roin. S,07f "do -flk'r1433 -do . liaWs'rarish. atid conlirm. also' ad- turpentiHc were received at this port.'" master .the Holy Coinmuuiou on John II. Dillard. and SanUiel F. I'hil- Mps.i Prof. Kerr was made a l'h. !., and the Master of Arts Deirree was conferred in course on Fab. 11, Dusbce, F-q.f and John Webb, of Tennessee. L.VTJ'i NKWfS. Kx Senator Gdnovcr of Fl-.Mid.i lias been nominated-' by .the President as Internal Fercnue Collector for all that state. - ' . C - ' . The Senate Committee on Friycleges and Elections have taken upj tho Kel logg Spofford cas?, at:d witnesses were examined. Gen. Shield, who hud been a Senator Iroui three difTercut'states, and a Major (ieneral in ihc Army, and who was cut all to pieces in Mexico, is dead, tren. Joseph 'E. Johnson, was Mar slial at Winchester, Va.,'at the unveil ing ol' two -monuments to' the Con fed crate dead, on which occasion several state fliitrs. the Confederate 11 r -and --. D -- the United States Hag were displayed,; "while CioV. lIoU.iday of Virginia aud Senator Morgan of Alabama delivered addresses. No mention was made in the proceedings of Jefl'erson Da vi-. The" Senato.Committee on Finance have voted 1 to 3 tp 'postpone' further consideiatiou of the ' Warner silver bill until the iirfuMonday in. December tiet. The vote stood, 'ayes, .Bayard, Kernan, Ferry ''audAUisou ; miys TTepk, Voorhees and Jones of Florida. Mr. Morrill was pairred wilh Mr. "Wallace. The Senate adopted the re bort of the Committee, aud this is the -' ' end of the silver! bill until -December I in the debate in the' Senate on re pealing the juror's test oath Mr. Kd- ! munds olfered as an amendment, "That no citizen possessing all other qualfi- I patiqns. hch are or may be presented "by law, shall be disqualilied for service on any grand or petit jury in any United States or any other state court, on ao count of race, color, of previous1 coudi' tion of servitude. " At tl is a sharp contest arose between Messrs. Conklirig and Edmunds, aud Hill and Thiirman. the latter claiming that there was "bad faith" pn the part of the Kcpublican Senators, to which Mr. Edmunds re plied ; t'Alluding to Mr. Thurmati's charge that his 'aiuendmcnt had not heen presented to the Judiciary Com. mjttee, he said that the minority o that committee had not had fair play 'that the bill as presented was the edict of the Pemocratic caucus, of wljich Mr Exports for the month ot May , wcre n a liirht and were as lollows : : S Domestic Holy , serv m. Seats free. injhis.ter, the Holy Commuuiou on Sun day (to day), services commenciug at ... . ' I I I W ."--. f I ' I..' ..'J I T X. . V ....f,V. iiiu iiuaua' vuimiLice rcporicu I rr,rvrrrfi , The iWiimingtoi JLight - Iutautry r.sq , ior computing anu compieung me were granted the uie of t-Uoold Armory lour tax books for the c. uuty, for the room, in the basement of the City. Hall, sum ofCGO, and their, action was an- On motion Alderman Fianner, the iii i i -i i ' r--i : - - r . r - rir,..,ri . .; , , i ..'.j I. . I oiu ioaru oi commissioners oi aviga- s A tffnen ' rn.nl nnf n . An additional distribution of School 1 ibH0W8: j. u. Chadbouru. James Fund was made , On 4,583 pupils at 10 Sprunt, Donald Milcliae, H. 13. Filers, L. a. Worth. Ytttou...... Spirits Hosin ,1'ar..'......... "(irudy Collon.. S-pirits.. Ko.sin.... Ti Crude . 1'orciga. -i Tlio Board decided that Trustees for the several schools in the bounty be an 4 I ACOkUUUJ ' UlViJU AVIVIWWV X IJ Tl 1.1 ij l 'JiiK t uml llo7,iah Atkinson hpfann invnivea 5,719 . ... , m J i l Ji noiuted at the next raeetiDsr .'2 Wi 1 in an altercation wnen xowers siaooea . n ift5l i,. -i ... . , . r. i k! a communicauon was Atkinson in the side with a knife At- s r-1 kinson's condition is thought to bo pre .....30,005 carious. - .!: ... um tBV F ; 'Messrs.' Howell Cobb and ,C. I). N ! ' ' . . - ' f fTrtnh - rrrrripf.nr- nf t hr PiitvpI I llfiiisfi I m. it. .ji. sJ. i (Jen. A. M.' Darfley, Special Agent- T . -r' v - , ii " u 'r w-a'r"WB O Wwy wmm$- A, !&i3.? Justice Mail soon discovered Treasury Department, was in thecity in this City' have, dissolved copartpner sioners of Acw UamvcU , t..., that the prosecutor was crazy aud dis- Uio past tveek exjninipg tho workings, &hTp; and the' House will be hereafter DearSir: Your attenjtion is hereby missed the easel c., of oil r Custom House. His district r by M : Howell Cobb who has c.alIed t0 the supplemental to the t Seve'ral timber dealers ere before a extends lrom the Virginia line to Key hin -nJA n;; plf.'ii;Ji,mpnt Act cr?uAD& a le, 0Ha of Health," j.1 IJ during the Week- charged -with Wt .FLirirln, , : beeh connected with the establishment herewith transmitted and especia ly to .r.t.in navW.a m... bnt. kAl.n llavnft we the us-1 ics t thoState? . --r--7- ; ' .- . . . .;-- ; - . - --' f IIavn!t wo tho poorest stock of goods io Wilminslon? Ilavn't wemade prices iiiuchhisrhninnn we commenced? . - .-. . , Havn't we been vcrv nnfminnni'Qiincf and impolite to yon? T Ilavn't we cliara-o.1 fiir fill l.nm.ld delivered? " " rVbU : ilavn't womadca and refused to correct them when curatten- wou was caneu inereto? -., i All of our friends "who answer "yes" o the above questions will please not buy iroiu. Us any more. KespeStfully auI trul v. -L P.; L. BRIDGrERS & GO. 1st. I'Aix-KiJLLt:i; is the mofcl certain Cholera cure that medica l science has produced. 2nd. I'ALN-Kitijiiis, JWS ii. eutery remedy, hcldm if ever fails. 3rd. I'AiN-Tvii.L.Kit will cure Crnnips.or Tl. . I . . 1. ' j . . .... . Iuii8 in any part of the system., A single dose usually affects a cure. The Board then adjourned. Justice Magistrate's '(Iou rt. . , . I Gadner srave V. If. Merrick a nrelim- rcceivea anu inary lieanng Cn Monday morning. Wood. Secret I UTorrTM- 4th, PA in-Kj LLEii will Indigestion, if used tions. i read from Dr. Thomas F. tary ol ihe North Carolina Board of aud an attempt at rape : he Was sent to Health, in regard to ihy;nrWni nation jail in default of bond: ' ; : .ii 'T e . i , nii.i:.ii t). .r ,j.i. of a County Board of Health, as follows: rot .ih . .nt kinri. rii.nm I x v ou vtu ww tfc . 'tt XIXU1 VUUtU I JL V X 5th. rAiN-Ktt,rKK is an almost never-fAil injr cure for budden iiiU In glanciiipr over Jast uiidav's; iinnbrwn regretted to notice the tacit x lcnowleu' v ment from someof our brother yrocers'that we had taken away part of their trade, and making an appeal to the others not to leave Jiem. We regret this exceedingly, especial-" ly as they were so kind and eoHshlersitn DiArrcen and Dys- about our coming to grief, but suppose, as pure dy spephia and nccordintj to direc- jC'qlds, Coughs, ; &c , PAiN-KiLE ti has proved a fcvereign' ilemedy for Fever swid Aeue. and Clull Fever; it has cured itUe niost obstinate cases. '-.Our friend Mr. Calton " Ressoins has been spending ! the greater iart of the for past ten years Hon. Samuel J. Kimball, bupenn Ihia iutiV loolcin? .after I fAnrtpni nf ihtk TAfo. Savinfr Service of I Caring lOf tuG SICK 111 the naval store business. .Ho baa wouod lh. lVniled Stalc. . saV3 ' that ,a! board DU pena ;insiuuuons oi -"5it H' "Sampson blues." ' - 1 ; W. iooti5 and make arrangements lor tne is earnestly aesirea. . .-"" ' '-.-' , V I erection of two lifo savinjr stations I xvespecwuiiy, ' XT..-., fir.T lTf wn'a ' ' flirrPlltl V ' r I 'ulnnrr rill k rrtnat ' I I kirted on the'1 streets last week that : Dink T lohnes liad'suddehly, died from h Capo . Fear . Fire Engiue Cojmpiny ; r . . i 1 lnirl ovnlan illnn ftf tfa bctm 4Tt' h linrstiner 01 a Diooa vessel, aau boi i ""- "luuuu; n v-..w. -- C 3 - . rortoA in tb last issue ? of the Post, the, . following officers lor the We saw Holmes on the street Thursday twelye months:; too lively for a corpse. ; Ho was swing ing his arms ljlic a pendulilm and he still lives to swap horss. ;! V -Valentine Howe - Captain. Emanuel B. Jones Asssistant Cap- tain.' . ; ' "BVnjaniin Eoeh Treasurer Godfrey Willis Secretary. Art. 5th and Gih, directing the manner f was-some Ayhat .nivel the Majristratc i ri wiii f ii i ii m ,i in ii i v i i l'l ri i a iii i-ipri in i I l - ,i : : i shall be organized, and; the; provisions lsaac Baker ot the ' Bilker brothers the charitable Was charged ith an assault and tho county of j trespass -Isaac epentSunday nicrht with ' - i , ''ir I Dan. Howard ana was locked in for the with the taw, I cost on vesterdav. I tiHmf-roii f.lila' wpV nnVT tho AriTifttivil eft' inoMAS 1?. WppD.M. D., . have had sufficient time to keen thcui- ??ec y JN. u. JJoara oi rlcalltf. selves cool . Jby, 1 ho aid of a palmetto Dr. YV ood was present and gave a J Ian. 7th. Pain-Ivilleu as equaled for Frost Burns, Bruises; Cuts, Sprains; dv. " -i !! 8th. I'ais-Kitxeu has LARGEST IIETaIJJ (JUOCEKY ' : BUSINESS ' - ' - ever done in Wilmiuslon. we will in ilia future have to keep frotn bcinfe ko ' lender -hearted, and CUT DOWN niKjiiS alittlo more. . i-,-- THE BLOODS CHASM HAS BKiiN BRIDGED 0VEK. THE LITTLE JUKEliS arc noUuilo . ,. .; gone. V . hub- line ui xyjiidVjL otAl " ic ceiyed to-day, very low dowi'. a Jluament'ls un- Bites. .Cbilblains, ? The OLD CAPE FEAll is llouri hir. and MARTELLE swimming. Khenniatisn' and Ketiralitla after years fcuuiuu)-:. -1 t ? rj.h. PAis-Krrl.Kii v. Ui) dcji'rqy J'.ils, Hel en red , cas- i.fter; f '- of Si. MS f (ll'ill'Vi ( V II'IT 1?J,li.i-,l trnUlnM i I its linarinrra whcrDlinnrt IP wna nMarorl 'I . - . r next v1 coloreti was sct,4 th;itv prison for iui iuvj vuitiiujiiii ui tuc uuaiu take i twe.nLv riavs tor rfsistiri"'. anr! ahukinir I . . ' - i r - - 1 o e oreanizatibri a police ohicer. . irl nf TTmIi Ti' i vnaries jjorKiiis was up on tne cnarcre vy.N. 1i.lL 11..L - I-' 1 f I or uruimeunuss uu was uiscnartreu. Jahe Foy a colored worshipper of 11D- Fnr the information of our friends we state that the tax listers can bo found at the City Hall each day;betwee;the ' bours ofOa. m. and b p. 'm., ana au j tir--s4,V-.lM.linv' Uipv nan -MinilrW" (Imse who do not list by , thq ,W 0t , - f ihe pov threa8 f rom -ii J.T 1 Do i the bourbons of the county the necessary steps for iti of a County Auxiliary Bd It was ordered that Commissioner vm,7 luonunivu i V3 iiuuiuuurti j- uacnims was uuea- ior getting on a rooms Duiit to the insane lepartment l tie oreeze, 'oreezef ' was oiseharg of -thn Poor oi.s and a fnnf-p. tint Mary El nza' Lively, colored, , T . I I .1 mi p 1K71) will have to pay a double v - . - . . " of arouud the premisesi performing a duty be owes the people? of Aldeumex. The Board ermen met, in regular monthly , irL liixii iir iiii iii n. .''niiia aaiii-i ji ii:m- . - - ---'it-- - . . . . - and relusojtoidvertise 'Uick county, at the. headquarters of the 3esslon on Monday Jas ma. uuys uu Democracy at Kaleigh, or in the Halls present &ih5 pendf ur own! money The proc Vr;"J:v: a?a ams,ana noi ea. dMnk and disorderly : nneii$10 or twenty dittfe irt thiy citv trison. shl wont below' jineioaru men aujourueu loiueiirsi to lry the' corne 'parts. of the station Monday nl July; at halt! past 2 o'clock: X house.- . XQtli. PAin-Killek cuj-cs Headachy, ; xootnaene. 8ores, giving relief i . ons.-VVliitlows Old from pain alter the Urst application.1 .1-;r We have been over and smoked ih.'tV "Cigar of Peace." (a line Havana it w'as),bi!;t..' still think it -Hronld hn li.nl ixilicv iuruishing the papers wilh our line literary Eroductlons, as they have the tendency U eep prices yerylow. which wc. of course. fith all other good grocers, desire; only want enough left to nav for -lrlr't liiro i store rcut anu ixes. - i llta . PAiN-Kitt-En will Favo yoft days ol sickness and many a doiiar in lime ' aud Doctor's bill. 12th. Pain-Kjx:ler has been before the public over thirty -seven years and is a ourely;. Vegetable preparation, safe to keep and use in every family. The simplicity attending its use,-'together i NOT PURITANICAL. Al thou arh odboswI Jo the drinkfiv Vf Liquors, P. L. UK1DQKRS & CUi, ixvo not. m wv& - - . ,' , , . - . ' . ' ' with the great variety of diseases that fiuruan cai enougn to reiuso ro sell tru ni. motf ho sntii1vi orhHInaliiiV hT It tfnA i tney IU1UK HO rilui CUjAJSIS GKOCiLlil. the great amount ol pain andsuflerlng. HTOItB can afford to be without; but they . mat can oe aiieviatea tiiroujrii its use. i zt'-:-r wjr wuuiu ut j make it imperative upon every person 1 Jtud ut there wds any on the prem ATi' It' AJD V& Li ilSEMENTS. Full Board roceedinsa jot thc.iast meeting ) n TAX LISTING bollM-oliticai papers.,; vm the, Bony that . honestly belbura to ' T " . ti ,. form tbo ffiSMJS:! Us. final.. and Taylor, the regularly - r'"?'!9. n!'w' lilies or noi to oo wui advertising patronage. in the T AM N.QW AJID WILL BE AXTUI'ITV L Hall, iii 'this city, daily p a. m. to 1 p. m. andSpLinitod p. 'in.), to reocivo the j Tax Lists ptt)te residents of this Townshipj . As a' reassessment of the cntird -Ileal Estateof this city has to be made' -within a limited period, I shall be compelled to close to supply themselves with this valii- : able remedy,and to keep tt always near at hand.. I , .. ... . The Pain-Kill En Is now kn 3 wh and ap preciatea in every quarter oi tue Ulopo. Physicians recommend it in their practice. while all classes ot society havefouik4 ,n it relief and comfort. . Give it a trial. ' Ba saro and buy the erenuine. JSYeryiytmSi gst, and nearly every Couniry Grocer tnrougnont me lana keep it for sale.' J ' i IS. IV : . I I J . ' .... ! ;. .. : . -t ses, a hk. . m . . r i n i ni m. tnni&i ia. jtii i ay mi . luc r-j uidi a wi . . i ii ControiecLr by."1 tBeir I 4- j c-u :" f t- .j-i. 1 mtt f rVv;rtW OnliAnnn the listinz at the expiration of. the 20th day arrp "ii' ,:,liu ' : 'WW'WMkMaouuui uiumn.p-v a .,---.., .w. (J(l0e21tE 9); and: give thlls timely notice i i rtmirirr arm m?r win aaw nn mnre aniuii I nnrtmi nrnifrac: , .1 11, PARRElt & r ri county, ami we will say no more about I norted prociress. i ,v,.v.V, .;, rrs;v.-We! aik tlie ?':ianlil.lhen w'!1 B'?P SbT Market! au.l Fee, I . . . f i I O ' I I rtii nmt l.in tt MVVAnf .rwilr mif fin (Via Df.atit of ax Old II. S.. Soldier, market, reported nrdsrress. Mr. Guthrie is stiiispenuing tne money chirks UoWiand; formerly of Com- The Committee on Fire Department,, u pJlfayfD.;,8thfU.S., Infantry, Colonel in reference to the kenweue tet,: re- i Does Mr Chirinb, the matf'Wha' has Franks Command, died of consumption ported progress. charge of tl SUerifTs, office think it 4t the plantation oDrJ. E. AVinants, St. Luke's Church, ' through Alder- will 'be murder Idr'biut to-nanguaTisi tbWiniles from this city on Thursday man Hill, withdrew theiCpetitiou for , Haa the actinsr Register of Deeds no L ..jt-.c? i .Vti,. w ! . vi-y - M .s nain? n?Anoh bfilievftik law-J asVu4n J special permission oi m aiq 10 purcnase a; ocu. & . V J LlJs m i-mjKS . v. -"' T 7 T ' : 1 . -- ' ' ful iqr hioi to:spend'th,e; money M,fr. fcecreUry of Vir, tha.tthe i esponeibility of annoyance aDd extra ;expenOn.used by. failure, to ere it properiy uuiouks. ery' Act. list, Keroseno Oil, StoTCs. Metals. Mis: - . . . . . . . . ,- Lanterns, Fairbanks Scale s,' 4 TAY'tOB; DEALERS rIlT "!-sr. 71 i - no:,: it must be taken elsewhere to be aru BITMG A'RDNEIt, STUART'S DEW and J . DURHAM OLD RYE' received this week. :.l vvas yesterday buried I The Special Com mi tee Oa ' New Rourk the honestly, gl?$p 4egster oi id the i National Uemetery. Deceased Market ottered in repore ine contract Deeds? " ''" . wks ' native'ot Buffalo, Nl Y., and; an as dra.wn up by tlVtityf City ttoney. iSSfwll indent q.rnlaaciti.cu and Aiaerm,uVt. moved, ta. a.ucud .. .ii!.-ru nnntv o ih nflp. d Kv.all who knew him. Mauycitisena the contract, by. insertinc oa tne second may .rest wh6re it properlj : 1 is Sections, MacIiik ''At the time and place appointed by the ; assessors, the tax-payer shall attend and shall hie with the assessor, on a bian k to m-nnaml jvnd fnniishnll hv t.hfi fStiit.A Troao. urer, a verified Statement of afi the property' of every-kind and description owned by the mt . I ... 1 1 i Sffivai nrpVop PUMPS, BRASS AND , IRON ROSUN cnooses in aciiuu, except, iuu, inicn snail be valued by tuo assessors." ... , , i Section 4, Maciilxeky Act Each person required tq list property shall make out and, deliver to the Township Assessors a statement, verified by his ioatli. of ail the real aait personal "property, Manufacturers and wholesale" ' dealers I 1 STRAINERS. DIPVERS ANp SKIMMERS. , i mnnpvs crertii.l in VPs .mftni.9 in hniwfa 8txKkf, toint stock, companies-, annuities, ol otherwise, in his possession or under his cohtrol,'on the first day ot June, either as owner or uoaaerxnereoi, or a parentj has- in men whp wereelected b,y,the peoplef incllyjcontrib'ted tpwa.rd the oouuty ,10,1 them, j A m tlrp- old soldier .i ..finiiA t n gnend , other . Deonle.s ' it . . . inc .:Ff;, sleep, witft ftis vcrrirauea in tne ,WWd, bis burial, page, fwr the wor4 toiofe; "for all oat-.- r;r,SfeirSi!w elWttor' f M't. ; 5lfcr, ihi3 i,st Side falla." ;Oatrle.v.- ' ; SSrihS NaUooal the oontract by limiting the alalia at 1 n ft 1 TA . 1 ' 1. I a a. a . ; ii. i v-ujjjji L.X , assessor. Wilmington Township. TIN AND - SHEET IRON " WARE, No. 10 FRONT STREEtr : v- - i - ; -v '.'. iantlly ; WILMIGTOnn. C. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LAUD ! The purest, -oldest, and bcdt CORN WHISKEY in the State, to be j , bought only at . PL BRIDBERS k GO'S. P. g.-Wo feel highly flattered at the no tice taken of our advertisements, especi'Cliy. by a fellow grocer, who, was not surprisedut the absence of our usual Sunday morning ad, on account of one of our friends navinjr ' gone to New York Saturday night. : ; decl5 . P. L. B. & CO. (!-' 11 : '""'if" :-Jh 'f- ! Lr: .1 t 'M ' I '..''.'.''--- j . . .1 .: ''.....' . J ' ' . : " - f :,',-! 'I--' 1 1: ': -:-:-- .- . ' -..; .;vi.-;; j ; ; : v r- ry ' ' ' . '