iuLA a ft r-, . i . . - ..-)- ra i ' nN f VST. VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY; JUNE 15!, 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 2-1 f f A M 11 7v 1 "V 4 - ffi : Id err V r-. 1 v ; HEW JWI ULuar-iJ. On yesterday, the load of stone was dumped into the narrow gap left in tbe New Inlet embankment and people walked on dry laud to Zeke's Island. It will he some months before the em bankment will be entirely finished aud rounded off. But of course all the commerce will now come in at the old jchanuel. THKMTIJATION. I As'.we write, which is on Saturday, it seems as if all the appropriation bills would pass both Houses, and probably be approved by the President in their, modified form. Of course in arriving at this result the Democrats have to1 ally abandoned the purposes .with which they commenced this wrangle, stopped a great deal of , their arrogance and braggadocio, and toned down the"phrase- ology of their uftensivc legislation. But th?y will claim that tjliey have not "backed down" but ..that, the -President and the Republicans have. That the most judicious of the Democrats think that they have made a bad job of it, is without doubt true. When tiie bill came up in the House it appeared that enough had been added so that it amouuted "to $20,000,000. Strangely 'enough the 9th section was stricken out on the motion of- CJer. Jos E. Johnston, whose- old West Point spirit revolted al this injusLicle i si tto ping the promotion f ihe"oUicers above the' rank of Captain. The sixth section', (Jtn. Gailleld characterized ys only "a Jump speech"; ami did not aflVeC much of anything. '. 1 When this bill arrived in the Senate it was furiously attacked by .Senators Windomi Conkling, Allison and IUuine, the latter stigmatising it as absolutely disgraceful and saying that it ought to be kicked under the tabje.. It however passed by a party vote. - !':' "' , LATH wlfOWB The annual examinations at Wcot ,- Point and Annapolis are just closing. The Republican fcjenatora ate a can.. cussing, and so are the Democrats. ; The Chairman of the Ilcpublican .state committee of Pennsylvania, JMr. Quay, lias called the state buivrntion lo bo held at llairisburg on the lJrd., of July. The calTTncludfs all who are in favor of a "faithful- discharge of na , tional obligations," the opposition to a, restoration to power in the naV'onai Qvernment of the influences which procured tjje rebellion of 18G1." The llepublican members ot thcJNcw 1 liampshire legislature have nominated ior U. K, Senator the Hon. lldnry V. : Blair, on the ninth ballot. Mr. Wad- leigh, the late Senator foil out of sight early in the balloting aud Gen. A. F. iStevens became Blair's chief opponent ' until on the eight ballot he and Blair received 91 votes each, and 5 scattering. Blair was a Lieut. Colonel in the war, "'had held various ollices in "the state, and had been four years in Congress'.. r lie is forty-five years of age, and is ot : the highly moral aud stalwart style -in :., p(litlCS. " .. The report on .foreign missions made jo hp lSTorthrrn Presbyteruui" Assembly ahowed the receipts for 1878-79 to be 127 ,031 ; expenditures, $-lil,831. The deficit added to the deficiency . of the . p r cc ed i n g y oa r . I e a V e s, a to t a I d e b t o ( 2,531; The Board has in forty-two' :)ears xpeuded 9,700,000. A Tegacyj which soon becomes available will, it is 1 expected, pay the debt .The Freodmeu's Committeeis income for the year .amount ed to $57,1G7, and expenditures to $30,317. The commktee has the care .of 10,.077 colored communicants, and employs forty-eight' ordained mission aries, thirty-six of whom are. colored. The Board of Church Erection reporlcd its receipts for 187S'-79 to be $S7,-loO, Tho number of churches built by its did' during the year . was 17o. IJy a 'vote of 311 io 109 the Assembly decide ed not to traifsfcr the Frccdmen's Com mittee to the Home Mission Board. A fesqlutiqa was ijuaniujouy adopted requesting Dr. Patton, of Ciiicago," not x to accept the call to England recently- made. i The Assembly appointed a commit--. ; tee to select thirty-two delegates to the General Alliance of Presbyterian Churches, which holds its next session in Philadelphia, September. 21, 1S80. jtesolutioijs aajst-tho tbgatre-goiur oV church members and the rcadiug ol st;culir papers ouSunday were adopted. The next session will be held in Madi . i son,. Wisconsin. i Oa.the 27th the Assembly adjourned, after a session of twelve days. f u eutoguiug C.alejj Clushiug, L,eibfe r-jthe United States Circuit Court in Boston, General Butler told this story r "In December, 1SG0, Mr. pushing deemed war a certain vent. On the 23d of December of that year, with two or three personal friends at Washington, 'certainty of the approach of J war " was discussed, aud onefof these friends ' turned to myselt aud. said, 'well, Genc . ral Butler, you are a general it the Maaachu3ett s militia, and if the war comes vou will have to CO. rou had -better resign your commission now fVo,-General,' interposed Mr. Cuahing, ' 'fcertainly not : it may 'bo that to the miiitary.organiz ition of the. uorth i the bbuntry will have to look for its safety.' Then, lost in thought for a moment, he looked up aud said i 'What would one -giye o knqw vlpclj Bulialteiu pf tle ) nitea Dtates Army wm oe me uet President of the Uniteo; states ' CLTY ITEMS: Chew Jacksohs ,itest Swet Navy Tobacco. W ANTED An 'active young iii an to take charge ot Vl& j?OST abscription list, bth city and 'country t"jV.V',j"'j- Bishop AtkinsoaViind 'Wife ; leftTcr Europe oh Tbar8da;v last; . ' v.r , Col. y. JL. Fremont -Was in I the city th6 past week, atopipg: at r 5 the Purteit M aj.TIowell Cobbshas;niade quite ah improvement in the general -office of the Piircell House,' ' ' ;i; ,,f ' " .';-ust ' f t?'k J ' ' f ' v- i i;.?Tf Tf'K Xh- ti nderstand there? has been about 75 converts; a4 tbei Fdnt Strict M.IS. u roi i : a u r l n g in e ret vai, vu e . , pas t two wee !." " ';i!'1 " i"i,i ,7Vi!.-.mvi(. ilev. Drt! George Patterson lefjfc oni Thu rsday last fp'r Raleigh, i He preach es the commencement .isermou before St. Mary's school to-day.1 Drl Patterson is very popular iu the City. of ,pakg,,aa well us in our Cityi by tne fcea.. , l-Kl, . v.- The fobls wlid, managed the last' leg islature bavc got things so badly mixed up that it is a very hard matter for any otk'To understand4what the law. i?; fher e- fortthe Attorney General',, bas" Id make the. (aw as he goes along. ,r ' ;!f n vSiiperior Court ha? been in session hdi c e ssion hero for the. past two tfeefca ai d ailjournetl on yesterday. Judges A. iS jvmour has,' by his uniform courte sy r.;ide many friends. . .The J3ar uni vers Uiy speak of him as oneof the very besi Judges of law on the bench, to-day in 'North Carolina. s .T . - .' : if. the Postoffice jDepartmenti iu the south, is to be run in the interest of the iXnu'cratic party, the Republicans would like lo have the information., It will save considerable expense in post- age stamps, as well as .time in writing to the ofticials, making applications, recommendations, &c. Mr. Oscar Oldburg. Chief Clerk of ilic Marine Hospital .; Service, of the Treasury Dr partmeut, was lin the city on yesterday. He paid; a visit to the old Marine Hospital and inspected the private quarters of the sick sailors at the Seamen's Home. Mr. Oldburg has bccnSsotith as far as Florida, on a tour of; inspection, and is now on his way back to Washington. - , Majiy Mor.GAN. The Mary.MorgaD, si ii( w steamer; constructed in New York for the Morgan line of. steamers which , ply between Key West, New Orleans and Galveston, went south some mouths ago, but the qompany refused, to receive the Mary Morgan theiefoje she relumed, and pu. Wednesday last she come up to our city, for tjbie; purpose of coaling, .and on 'Thursday, morning wciiuou her way northward. She is a verv larjre, fast and beautiful boat. . 11 ' Lieut. Charles 1 Shoemaker, of the Eife: -Saving Seryice of the Treasury J )epartment, and Mr. M. D Parker, of the Department of Justice, were in the city on Wednesday last, and oh Thurs: day they went down the river for the purpose of locating a life saving station on Bald head beach. They go from thence on the U. S. llevenue Cutter to Point Look Out for the purpose of se lecting a site- for a. . situation ; at that point also. Lieut, Soedaker'informs that the station' will be; placed on Bald Head beach if the. 'Department can get a good title for the property; T n A L i A n A m ATEUits. The play 'Among the BrcakersV Vwas?. roduceil under the direction; of Mis3 Amy M, IVradley, at Tileston Upper Booms, last evening. Not only, was, the perform ante: very entertaining? but the,, actors hliovt-d' excelleiU training, apd industry in pieparation.: These )youpg ladies an.l gentlemen are always 'welcomed with t special gratification arid crowded audience..' - ;' '' ;. " '. ' T W.utiNu Ari;AREL ExEMrr.r-fThe following corrpspondence ? speaks ? lor itself: -i-t ' . . ; i lion: T. S. Kcuan, Attorney Gejlerql liiUeigh; iV. --' '-m' y DkaJ; -fcjiitj Will you : advice me as earlv as practicable, whether' -or not wearing apparel; though omitted in section o, is not embraced in section 7 of the machining act. Also are minis ters of the1 gospel Miabjlot6 'if )bMa, ana upon income in . eut's pi IP'Pi? 1 Very Respectfully,- 'ii. CROXL. t Asejjsor Wi'ungt(tt ;10Wn9nipo' f have decided with.lhe approval of the Attorney General, That wearing ap parel is exempt froni taxation ;v, i j. ill. woxtitii, otaie Aieasurer. v M A Kb 11 A LS TOR TIIE Weldon1 FaiE; Col. H. Q.- Planner,, Chief Marshal fo the next Fair Of the Roanoke and TJr River Agricultural BocietKt,.'4;- nouuees the loiiowing iisi if Assisiaufc Marshals. . ' ' J It Staton, J C Powell, .Tarboro ;j J N Whittedayetteville T.'A Williams; Ringwood; W L Long, "A J(, ,BurtQn. H W Rausom, jr., A C Zollicoffer, AVei don; Frank .pofden, aojporonl; S Harney Elizabeth City; IT JTeebles, John Mellae, J E Phillips, Jackson; !C i rTuekerJ Gaston: G L Hf rnin4lHalUT fax: W Martin; Elizabeth City;;A!Wi ' t i i T-i r a Til.- llaywoou, ' uaieignji ,wm. .a jouusou, Clinton: W. A. Davis, Oxford; R A Mnshvil e: J L, Bailey. .Toi¬: Hr. b S Ellis, Garysburg;1 3 B 1 Vines; WiJiv fW U taison:ju.argarensviiic; - . -r ? l j Aili Z II vj i n i v i ne. Florence, C; W- U r o niu Nforfcilk. Va.: Jas; J3 Bebrell, Farmers Grove,JajvWBv Franklin, "Va.; Q 5al5dt I tyyl E D lirownpg,r-t ui x v?, - rfliqtoq. Hi The' pagoda on the beach is finished. Only one person confined in the city prisbiu r; " , . j.TiQard'of Audit and Finance meet to morrow.; - , . " . , Board of Aldermen meet tomorrow afterrioon. '-'! : ;!VThe police made eight arrests during the week, ' t f. s, Uix prisoners confined,: iu the Icounit-jail: Al ,f( 11 - ;- ; -'Treasurer Savage collected $702 G3 during the past week. if f $0 iflterments in iBellc uo Ccmettry 'for the' past week. . : - - ' ? ' Three interments in Oakdale Come- ,1 : Two interments in Pine Forest Cem- during the past. week. f Pender cQunty Superior Court con venes to-morrow at Burgawv ! j; - ; w " : 1' Thirteen hundred ahd seventy-seven perWns have listed their taxes. ,V 'Stacy VanAmringe, Esq., probated five deeds and' one mortgage during the week.' '1 : 5 i .;';;;.("- i" - Sixty, jdpg badsres were sold last week making a total of 2G7 badges sold since the 1st inst. ;'. .Carriage licenses werv issued to two white audeven colored couples during the; past, ;wpek.s i . - - . T :- ' Messrs. ' M Hanstein and Adolph Bear will leave ii Wednesday for a visit to the old country. : During the week1 just past 11.121 barrels 40 f rosin and l00,d' spirits w s shipped irom this, port, v V There are 352 bales ot cotton, 3,119 casks of 'kiritk,' 107,S2 1 . ba'rrels of rosin 3,CS3 cfo. t'tirpyntiiie, an'd 15,377 do. tar ashore arid' afloat at During the past we'ek -10-bales of cotton, 2,509, barrels of spirits, 9,580 do rosin, 4S,do tar and 2,312 do turpen tine were received at this poit. Mayoes Court. Tim iluiniitou, col., was before the Mayor oa the charge of disorderly conduct. He was con ducted below to remain for the space, of ten. days. . Joe Kelly who robbed the office of, Messrs. ; ynrqnt -'Son some tipie ago, and who has served out a tenu in -the .."pen.;' was arrested and takes i in as he had, taken in too imcU of the liquid extract ot corn. He was d!s charged upon the promise to leave the city. J no. Wright, charged with being drunk' was 'discharged 'as it was his first offence. " 5 ' MAdlSTRATES COURT. The tratcs have been very well engaged the past week in trial ot cases. The usual number 'of assault and battery cases were disposed of. . rVfui: Wilson s wa3 arraigned on' . the charge of assault tid battery and for uicatio'n and aaultery. He was sent to stay with others in the county jail until the next term of the cou rt. , -i A jug headed villain was arrested on the charge of atfempt at rape upon his daughter. He was held for trial at the next term of the. court. ! j ' Kitty tS'.ord was, ufraigued on a peace warrant and sent to jail in default of payment of cost and necessary bond. r Henry I Jackson, up on the charge' ot assanltrao4 jbatterj, was committed for the'eost, , ,(. : ;-,,,,; , : - ' - Jack Lee, - charged with false pre tenses 'was 'committed in derault of S100 bond.- " " :;!- - fault of (the requisite amount to pay the cost lrr a case of assault and battery. 51';. t .fl'j;';-''. i ; t'1 ' - jir. "r .' ' MrAugel Jias( commenced stringing the wire,for. the (Telephone Exchange and it will; be in 'operation very 'soon and a great convenience for business mepJ - l!noWha3 about fifty subscrib ers -with, a. probability of fifty more be fore ne gets it iu operation. He intends to connect itti; the City Hall, Post Office," ' Cuslppi-Hpusei Court llouset .business houses, banks, Livery stables, .U JS. Signal ohiice, all- the UFraiI roads, f , i ' 1 "t.XT.j 1 -nr.' sapl tnp, anqinga ana: oieis. xx, wiIl,become au indispensable acquisiuon to theonvepieqee qf business men and ia.less4qaa six months every business establhuwrit . of ary r responsibility in the city wijl.have a telephone connec tion withe, the -Exchange. But those business - men . wlo sujcrho ta the W estem-, vn.iOMf eiepnone ixcuange vrlllhae: a greaVad vantage oyer those who subscribe to othei; telephones from the fact that the Western , IInin wiil give the business men rrevrsduring an election or of tningl' df'impoitaie'. If 5a!business' man desires' sending a ele gram ne can uo so wn.noui( ueimmg or i ;i J, 1 t. .1 -. going1 himself' to the telegraph office qimpljr by using his telephone. The Doctors of the city shcuia nave jt; nc wjjU fojf tjjojpbysicians who subscribe and iiaje th? beneiStof the Exchange will liavea.very great advantage over those who' do not ; every Dentist and Lawyer in tb'e cit shU hve a tele-; jpboe in.llieir office whieh will pfove of-great convenieucie and beupfH tq i?ir pHoni Regular quarterly meeting and elec tion of officers of Carolina Lodge 431 K. of H. to-morrow evening. Route Agents. The Ppstoffice De partment has just appointed another Democrat as rute agent on the Wil mington & Charleston line. We would recommend that the Post Office Depart ment turn all : good ! Republicans out of office, and appoiat red-mouthed Democrats in their places, both, in Washington and the south. For it ap pears that a Democrat' stands a better chance in Washington than a Republi can If. the Postoffice .Department wants Democrats instead of Republi cans, then they should take them i en tirely and not impose them upon the south alone,. Has 'that Department a contract to disband the Republican partv of .the south ? If o 'what will ' it receive in consideration T The ; way appointments are maide is a disgrace to the administration.1 ! ' i '' -: Of the route agents running out of Wilmington, one half are Democrats.. And yet the chief officials in the Post office Department pretend to be - Rea publicans, and we cannot believe that' the Post Master General knows; any thing about this matter from 'the fact that he has said to ' the editor ' of the Post that he desired to appoint Re publicans wherever good reliable .mem bers of that party could be found who wanted the positions. ' 5 ' ' Now it is well known that there are thousands of Republicans who. desire. those places who are in every way supe rior to the Democrats appointed." There fore we take it for granted that Judge Key knows nothing of these Democrats appointed. We would be very glad if Mr. Thompson; the Superintendent of the Railway Mail Service will, inform us and our readers why ho appoints Democrats instead of Republicans when there ars- so many good Republicans who want.' the' places? Our columns' ore open to him tor an explanation why it is he allows it. ' St. Ivaul and Butter Funnily Mixed. Mauy years. since there lived irt Vir ginia a Baptist preacher: named B" Though uneducated he r. was a sound thinker and an eloquent speaker, and no minister had a more devoted ilock. It was the custom during the inclement seasons to hold the "meetings at the preachers house. For years it was ob served that B -neither preached ,nor conducted the meeting 'when held at his house, but secured the services of some neighboring minister. -lie was often pressed for an explana tion without success; but fiually, in rc-v spouse lo the importunities ot Ins Hock, gave the following: 'When I was much younger thau now-rin fact, not tJ6ng after the commencement of my admin istrations I held a mettiug at my housed It being customary for many of the congregation to remain To?-din ner, Mrs. B. sent our negro boy, Tim," to neighbor , Paul's for s some butter. Tim returned and located himself, standing on one foot at a time on the outskirts of the congregation. Being wrell warmed in my sermon. thinking neither of Tim nor his errand: but pniy of the most successful mode of impressing upon my hearers one of my strongest arguments, I demanded, with ai i the energy in mv power 5 Sand what did Paul say ?' ' ' 1 lim. at thQ ton of his squeakins voice. exclaimed, as Tim only could have done: . ' - . . , "He thed vou couldn't git anv more butter till you paid for what you got " 1 his brought dowri the house and cut short one of the finest efforts of my early ministry. Sincehen I have kept my preaching dhcoanected from my domestic afiairs ... . . Wheu the afectionate,'self-sacrificiug young wife, awakes to the conviction that the man who was her slave before marriage is quite inclined to be her master now, she is dismayed and disap pointed. In the old courtship day he used to say that he was going to marry he? to get her out of this or that condi tion, away from these or those people, to give her the pleasure she sought to have --in short, to make her happy; in these latter days, if h$'' thinks of it at all, he wutd, :co ;pfelled to frankness, say that he did marry in order to make himselt happy. Jbor that is exactly what it amounts to in this sort of mar riage, v It is,' mare frequently than other wise, the wife who' neglects none of the little things, it is the husbanu who for gets them every .oner J$ "is. the wife who tries to nvike home what it should he, aim Uersclt as lovely an obiect as may 'be, in lier iprd'ii eyes;; who has the easy chair ready by tae lire, the Blip pew waiting, the pipes filled, the paper aired, the appetizing dish prepared; and it is oiten by. this very course of hers that his neglect has come about. She has pampered him till he forgets to pamper her in turn. On the other hand, there are sqrno wjve who never thick oi the apetizins dish, or the arm chair, or the pipe, and who look out for their own case so strenuously that there is no need of anvone else to! look out for it; who demand and t therefore re ceive, and who seem to bV entirely 'saf isfied with that sta.te.6f things more, who satisfy their, husbahds, as well. What is the moral to be gained from this fact? That Wives should be selfish and exacting if they desire to retain the respect and love of their husbauds? There's bquud ta be trouSle ia this c4i ctwulry yet. They are' Taunton Massachusetts and 3Iacon Georgia mad. llaiokc-je. And South .Carolina's Aiken for anolher whipping.-Vad'f-phia liullehn, in4 Vycohsin ISaJ V3on " d'd Jien an eYCn little Rhode Island is ' beginning to I3.riatl up. jjoston Post. 'And New Jersey begiu liing to IJatei"soq the hxck-Herald, Andf North Carolina has macfe aa ad- Vance towards the Kitchen. NEW AD VERT1SEMENT&, TO THE SUMMER RESORTS '- Of Western Nortel Carolina ; By the new and attractive Spartanburg WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA RALLitrJAD: :y ' ? . PASSENGER pEPARTilENT, 'June 10th. 1879. COMMENQ1NG JUNE 11TU, 1879r The Following FERFECr AND CONTINUE OUS Schedule wilt be operated on the SPAR TANBURQ - ROUTE, by which , ROUND TRIP TICKETS to all prominent Western North Carolina Excursion Points will be on sale, goou until N O VEM BER 1st , 1879. ' -!' Leave Wilmington (by sleeping . " ' i Car to Columbia).. 10:13 P M s Leave Colambia..i.....;..........:...JO:oO A M ArrivftSpartanbrirg , , p M . ' Arrive Hendersonville... 6:10 P M Arrive Asheville -10:20 P M 21 ilOUilS WILMINGTON TO ASHEVILLE I To connect with this very attractive Schedule Passengers can reave Weldon.. f... ... iison Tarboro.........i.j.; Newborn. Goldsboro.:'.::.;!,.. Magnolia... .. .... 5:40 PM ...10:00 A M 5:41 A M G:W I'M ... 8:00. P M For Tickets, Time Cards - Engagement of Sleeping Car Accommodations,5 &c, &c, enquire of Agents at the Stiitions named, oroflho undersigned, v ,-..' , ; .- i K A. POPE, je 15 if i , General Passenger Agent.' - THE WILMINGTON. TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, ; D0N'Iv MAKE. A MISTAKE! S UiiSCltlLIE TO THE WILMING TON TELEPHONE . EXCHANGE, aiid thus' secure couiniunieation with all the Priueipal 1'oints in the city and the most prominent Liisiness Houses. Wilmington is not large enough for two Telephone Exchanges, aud it will be to your.iutercst to connect with the one oflering the, Lest Facilities' under ,the control of a responsible corporation and . rR ACTIO A 1 TELEGIt Al'H MEN.' ''-'V. ' : " ''-"" " ; The BEST Telephone yet invented will be supplied, aud satisfactory ser vice guaranteed. The advantages of connecting with this Exchange are ap parent, and the value of the Telephone caitnot bo appreciated until tried. In naming a few parties that will connect with uS we will mention ' Thos. E. Bond, Jfcw York Steamship Co. ' Boat wright & McKoy, Grocers. ; Carolina Ceulral Railway. R, E. Ileide, Swedish, Danish, and Nor wegian Vice Consul. - . , ; . . ; A. H. YanBokkelen, Com. Mcr. at office, f " - . Dnion Distilleries. Geo. Myers, Grocer. ; . ,,. ' Atlantic t;oast Line. ' 1 ' Graham paves, Soliciting Agent. . , W, H; Bernard, resideuce, Southern Express Office, .' , ; Morning Star Office. lieRosset & Co.; Oom. Mer. ! .Purcell House, Howell Cobb, Proprietor. western union xeiegrapn umce, . Alex Sprunt t Son, Com. MerchanlP. ; First National Bank.E. E. Burruss, Prcs't Wilder & Morton, Distillers. i .'J.-R. Blossom & Evans, Distillers, at yard, " . " ... " at ollice. . Kenan fe Forslie, Brokers. Hall & Pearsall Com. Merchants. ; , ' ! ' ' at Johnson's Disliiiery. by cable across the river Jolm K, Turrentine, Broker., , ; W. P. Cannday,; Custom-ilouse,' at rcsid . ' ence atid Custom-House ; i T. .T. Southeiiaud, Livery Stable. ' Northrop & CummiDg, Wilmington S-aw Mills., , ' John E. Crow, Broker, amuelJNorLhraiv Insurance Agent. ' Wilmington Cotton Mills. , Navasa Guano Company, ofijee, -. Williar4 Bros. Com Mer. by cable across . , - the river. Patterson, Downing fc Co., Commission Merchants by CoU Roger Moore, Uhitf of the Fire Department, at office. Patterson, Downing t Co., by cable aeross . - . the river. ; tl. S. Signal? Office. Cbamber of Commerce. , , Produce Exchange. J. B. WoRb. . 1 1 G. Boucy & Sons. . .. i . . And the Souud, . , . . V- --- S - ' ' ' ' , . . THIS -COMPANY ITS SUBSCRIBERS WILL GIVE AS GOOD A FIRE ALARM SERVICE AS CAN BE FURNISHED BY ANY: OTHER COMPANYii u jni-.,: n ":A .-. .e.'- ,;I L. A; ANGEL, -1 : . -.-'A - ; - Agent. - ; The Wilmington i jXeleplionc) Etxcliaiitre. Edisoa- s Instruriieuts! . A SON 11 OR O, GREEN VILLK , and tvRigilTSVILLE SOUNDS will be con nected exclusively" with this EschangQ by Telepeonc. . . - ?:. ' 1 Parties Eonllng our Telephones can cou verse ATitli the different Sounds from their . residences or offices. Jell It L. A. ANGEIj, Agent. NEW AD VEE TISEMENTS The WilmiuiTiOn tt ii. TELEPHONE EXCHANGE .SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ; I E HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OF THE EDISON, TELEPHONE (COMPLETE OUTFIT). TO S3G PER ANNUM. -"l '- ' "" l V Those of our PaUons whoauliscribed at a higher price will receive the;bene fit of this rededtion, aad j those subscribed for the Magnetic Telephone will be furnished f with' Edison1 ?at ? the same price, thus placing1' all on the same scale;;? ri r ? I f U 71 You know ofcoursei tuat tne'Ectfson Telephone "ti ahead ' bt "any 'thing5 yef iuTented. ! Other -parties' will charge' you $36 for an inferior, article.ro "n-Tp;; We arp pleased ta say that our list of isuhscribers is increasing daily. It can be seen .at the Western -Union Tele' graph Oflice. laTangeL' . . , . . .Agent.-. je U;; 1879 Excursion Season: 1879 WlIiMiNGTOX A WEIiDON RAITjHADv' :hi' Passenger DEP4.KTMEKT, Wilmington, N. Jnne 8th, lST?.' E OUND TRIP TICKETS TO TIIE V AIJI oui Virginia Springs, Western North Caro lina Summer Resorts, Morehead .City, N. C., and. Old Point Comfort, Va., good until November 1st, 1S79, are nbv obtainable at Union Ticket Onlce, Wilmington, Golds boro, Wilson and Tarboro, and will remain on sale until October 1st, 1879.' ' Close connection for points on A. 3I.'- O. R. R. by 9.20 P. M. train from Wilmington1 Close connections for points on C. & D.1 R R. by both trains from Wilmington. Close connections for points on Western North Carolina R. R.,by train leaving v;,( Wilmington.........-..... ...6.38 A. M, Weldon. : .....2.13 A. M. Wilson.......... -4.21 A. M. Tarboro . 8.30 P, M. Lcavinsr Gtoldsboro at 10.10 A.M. dally arriv- ng at Salisbury 10.36 P. M., there connecting wiin Sleeping cars on v. N. u. K. it., ana reaching . Swannauoa ; at 6.30 A. , M., and Ashevillo 10.30 A. M., being beyond question the line of quicker transit and ' spperior comfort to all" others running to Western North Carolina. For tickets, ,time cards, engagement f sleeping car accommodations, inquire oi Agents at citations named or to tne unaer signed. A. Pope, je 8 6t (leu. Pass. Agent. EEASONSVHY P JE lfc Y- D A V IS? PAIN - KILLER 13 THE Best Family Medicine of the Age. And why It should be kept always near at : ; hand: : ';.- : : "' ' j ' 1st. Pain-Killer is tho most certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced.; , , . , 2ud- Pa in-Killek as a Dlarrcea'and Dys entery remedy, seldom Hi eyer fails. -! , - i "rd. Pa?nKillku cure Cramps or Pai.n-i in any, part of the system.. f.A single dose usually affects a cure. ' ':,-;.. - ' . ... ..' ' .? t- I s ; -. ' . - . , ' :'";'. , ' ! j .' ithi Pain-Killer will cure dyBpepsia arid Indigestion, if used luxordtug to direc-; tions. . ' ' ' ' 5th. PAiN-ItiLLEft is an almost ncver-fail , : ; . ing euro for fcjudden Colds, Coughs,1 6lc- 6th. PAijr-KiLLEuhas proved a Sovereign Kemedy for Fever and Afrue, and Chill Feycr; it has cured the most obstinate i cases. ' .:;: ... , i . .- - ;.-:r. : - ' ,-'- 'f iS'.-.-j 7th. Paii-Killei; as a Jinament is un . equaled for 'Frost Bites. Chilblain,' . Bums, Bruiser, Cutst p rains, 4'C.fj,) j 8th. Paia-Killf.b lirts cured -can 'of .Rheumatism andNcuralgiaailcr jcarg tan ding. "i-j ' j :r- 9th. Pain-Killer will destroy Boils) Fel - ons. Whitlows Old Bores.' giving relief from pain after the first application f 4 10th. Pain-Kiileb cures Headache, and Toothache. 11th . PAKfKiLLKE will save voa days of . sickness and many a dollar in time ana uoctors bills.. 12th. Pain-Killer has been before the : public over thirtv-seven vears and is a keep and use in every family, s The . Kimplicity attending its use, together . with tho great variety of diseases that . may be entirely eradicated by it, and the great amount ot pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to sunnly themselves with this valu- able remedy ,and to keep.it always near ' at hand. I . '-:- ; - :.- - The pAUf-KiLLEB is now kn o wn and ap preciated In every quarter of the Globe. Physicians recommend it in their practice. while all classes ot society have found in it relief and comfort. Give it a trial. " Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Drug gist, and nearly every Couniry Grocer throughout the land keep it for sale. n!8-ly ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We stood at an open window ;:; j Leaning far over the b111,1 '- Aad if something Hadn't happened . I We might have stood there still; T v jBat we reached for a banging shutter In a blinding northeast breeze, ' So ouririendg will have to be invited .,j i To join in the obsequies. T F WE COULt) ONLY HAVE KNOWN J- What a storm was brewing (in a teapot). uu uuw iar on mat snutter was, we should Py?'- ve ventured ourhead outside of tnatr window; but it.is too late lor reirrets 1 we . are nonplussed. , completely squelched, have been sat. upon and our mends and the public generally are re. spectfuly inyitod to attend the obsequies oa i n I t SiTUBDAY Nioi ; I - , and we stake bur mnitati the gmndest funeral they everfwilnessed " ''As-He" slips ho slides, and every time ho ' slides he slips up most woefully. We leave irLd friends" to find out the meanintr of the above,- and while they aro doing so ; we will ask the following questions: . tHavn't we the ugliest and dirtiest store in the State?. , , r Ilavn't wo the poorest stot ii of goods in r Wilmington? iM:;::ii: V;,- ''.' '- - - ;V' Ilavn't we msule prices lnuchhl'gucslnee we commenced? Ilavn't- we been very uuaccommodatina and iaipolite to you? i - Havn't we charged you . for all ho goods i delivered? Ilavn't ve made a great many mistakes -and refused to correct them w hen our atten tion Avas called thereto?. All of our friends who answer "yes''. 16 theabove questions will please not buy from us any more. UespeStfuliy and truly. PJi. BRIDGEES & C0. f In glancing over lafet- Sunday's paper wo regretted to notice the tacit ackuowled'. ment from someof our brother grocers that we had taken away part of their trade and making an appeal to the others not to leavo them. Ve regret this exceedingly, especial ly as they were so kind and considerate about our coming to grief, bit suppose, as we have determined to do the - LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY '' BUSINESS - -' . ever done in ilmiugton. we will in the future have to keep from be! ug so tender hearted, and CUT DOWN PRIuiCa a little more. ; . THfi BLOOD CHASiU. IIAS B (iN ,- . j BRIDGED OVEK. THE LITTLE J OKEIK5 aro not quite : '' gone. fine line of TOILET SOAPS re ceiyed to-day, very.low dowc. The OLD CAPE FE All is ilourishin- ; u and MARTELLE swimming. . Wo have .been over "and "smoked Unit ."Uigar or Peace." (a tine Havana it was),bu t still think it would be bad policy to htoo lunlishing the papers with our fine 1 iterarV productions, as iney navotho tendency to keep prices very low, which. Ave, of course,' with ali other good grocers, desire; only want enough left to pay for clerk's hiibj store rent and taxes. t M NOT PURITANICAL. : ' " ! ''' . - - " '; J " - '-' .-'' -. i . . - - ' ' ;'.:.-':; J Although opposed to the drinking ot Liquors. P. h. BRLUGEItS 4& CO aro noi puritanical enough to refuse tofiell th'crti. . as they Ihink o FIRST CLASS GROCi-HtY STORE can afford to be without; but they profause the ladies that they would neycr find ovuVthere was any on the premises, u It must be taken else whero to be arun k. ; j .Hii!'k ?-' -::'.:':?..'''?'-;.:'--;.;'' '';-'' ".' BUMGARDNER, : , STUART S DEW and T : : DURlIAil OLD RsYE i Received this week. iiit our; buttei AND LAUD I : ? The purest, oldest, and best CORN .:. WHISKEY ia the State, to be s '. bought only at P, L BRIDliKRH CO'S. ' p; S.-We feel highly flattered at the no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised a t the absence of our usual Sunday mornin ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New York; Saturday night, dec 13 P. L. B."d CO; -i' f A