VOLUME X. M : 11 I I . AI I- AJ 1 rilX-.-r . r- a . . . : ' . j- ir4. , . r..i J.jl . . " ' ' - -T - I . ll I I V II IK U i - , n.. " - v n . . I Z . i .v. ; o.us.B uspies o tents NTTMHKTf '27 WlLMITSTGTOISr POST RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fifty ccnU per -line for flie first in iert'un and twenty-five , ccnU per line for each additional insertion. bight (8) liaes, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. AH advertisements will be cliarged'at the above rates, except on ypecial con- M OK E DEMOCRATIC MAIL X , AUJSNTS. Wc arc informed (and we can Touch Chew Jackson' Best vurrecmess oi the information) A"acco Sweet Navy that three ot the faur Rniit Ania .d.r the line between Charlotte. Columbia Uh 51: aive y?ng ,nan nd Augusta are Democrat, W11 " lish . f ...,.v. , -vi uuU v-uuuiry, i7rji . MiiiTriB Ksnnn inaii No interments in Oakdale Ceme tery the past week. The total number of dbsr badfrp. up to date arc 462. Onlv 11 wnrp enu during the week. The American leading Republican paper published by Horn Eugene B. Drake, at Statesville, N. C, has this to say about Hon; John Sherman. Single Copies 5 Cents DIRECTORY OF LODGES. shouhl be thankful that it is no worse. T m ; " f ... we nope Mr. Thompson will let the - , , ixr. Auompson will let the onecial rates can Tin Im.l fr mn t . lime than one week. ' s". r" fe iorfno other reason The .ubnption price to Tin, Wi,. : a?"Ut f PIack showa MiNGTof Post m l n( ,.,., ,,, ,,UL signing before this. - I'vi i a i i six months 75 cents. Allcommunicrtion.soiibu.sinessliould be addressed to The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. HONTlrOHN SHERMAN? We are receiving letters every day from every part ofNorth fiamlin, dorfeingjour course in iiipportiog the Hon. John Sherman for the Presidency. He certainly seems to be the most pop ular maii in the country, lo day, among the stalwarts as well as the liberal Kc publicuns. The monicd and the sub stantial, men of America arc for Joh n -Sherman; the laboring men as well as tbo gentlemen of leisure arc lor l.im. fie will get many Democratic votes on account - of the soft money proclivities of the leading .J)eiiiucraU. The colors cd UqAiblicJns are for bim because he is an old time Sumner abolitionist, therefore he will be elected lnjr the dksiockats in OFPicr. ' We want it understood that we do not IiIhiiJc a Democrat for. acceptiDg a good paying office, nd . any thingwe "my say in condemnation of a Republi can administration appointing Demo uui meant ior the ap poiutce. Thouffh we must c.nnfpRa it. in be cheeky for a Democrat to apply to a Republican administration for a posi tion, yet, there is 'no 'law to prevent it. We have never known a Democratic administration to appoint a Republican to Office I if One Was to makA nnnliraw tion to a Democrat fnr on u I the past week. -v UU V Ul JJO I i See nrocppfl intra nf T?'i..U t..i , . --.."(ju vi .l uuiiu ui only cicuranon ac iiiton on fourth page. confined in the MASOiriC-fWniTE,) .I.FaA TlT eacn month, at Ma. t The resumption of specie ' payments 3d TuSdl1?58 3W- p A M, meets and equalizing greenback; gold and ail- &h0 I2J "1 f storing the credit of the ffov- month, at Masonlq Hall. snlc Hal NEWADVERTISENTa. .; -- u. jveogn leit Ureensboro equalizing greenback; gold and sil- last night for Atlanta, Ga., where he ver ani restoring the credit of the irov trnts n r. n t ..... . ernment ta n mirl ofni--j . uusiness visit. ? - IQ - "I . "luupon wmcn meet 2d Monday iniVh mnnth "A, . . . - I Ioans can be effected at 4 Hali. Bcn month, at Masonic '! Only seven prisoners confined in the Two uuodred and three dollars and annttma te of interest much less than mwti?niminande L K T city prison. fi'two cents were collected by Treas- tr' R;l ' Urer baV3Siringthe past week. aaTSSr X jRS?Pi!S. OPRonob. . ! A person signinghimseTfJackson " ning PiS writing from I'avettcville shonW-? Kfwing .popalarity with tiro masses- U , , L o.O. P. win be considered at all. Of course we terested in the election of SJL In T SnT meete cry Wcdaes, .lur. lueyoiail otners havesnflfirpd mnaf' aTiPment No. l. meets 1st monu. r: it Six prisoner county jail. The police made thirteen arrests dur week. : ' (- : We stood at an open window" , i Leanins Xar over the sill,y " ' v ! ' Andif something hadn't happened ;)t? V mieuthave stood there stiU; ' .iJut we reached for a banging shutter BJ In WlndInS.uortheaSt breeze Eo our mends will have to be invited ; To join in the obsequies. : never publish names .1 . uesire tnem withhoiri w uu f&u . trim Mm A colored bov lv-ai,uu8- Ahe same as tn i vy course we I " wvv " cieuuon oi jiir. JSnerman TCX: u.. i if the ; parUe, &J?kf!W suffered mo f5i ' W TW I J 1 1 I. r. U T I j I nnw - ' ' '-lie Houses, Lots, Homes. Houses by the lot, for sale by W. P. Canaday. See his ad. tion Bicrned "A Pr,ki: .-.- "vyuuuwu, J Custom House STATTQxma wuiviai gures at the Custom TT during the month of June, 1879, the we must carrel 5'' HTJ owing 10 John Sherman. . , . I. o. R. n. , T r', , ; , Mend, "and th - nMW. oar . . . -jr . a. ui ill mjiTM I -4 ma "t wa 3d Sunday in each month, at meet 1st ami 3 o'clock p m iBect.ftiiii,i7r..4'uy." Kcncraily are re. T "ltuw,tttl?ud-t ho obsequies on Malriage Iieenses were iMMl ::??ath- 1879, the white! and five colnrpd Vu -r and sports of this port were vv u y i lo UNI illir i a a rt i i and five colored couples during would be lighted,., out of his booU in two minute I . L. M. T5BRELL; f Is a rery extraordinary m tu lW hili size, he in Superintendent of the llll I)i trict of the Postotiice Department, run ning from the Virginia line Jo Florida. We understand that this Lord of the Postomce service is responsible for many of the Democratic nppointmeus IM)ElENnNnM U'e feel very independent at times ; we fa-1 all the time ai though we would prefer being independent. But we never have bppn.Rn cur ; ' iUUCCUUBUt hat we did not feel bound to suDnort the Ke publican nominees for office. ineieiore, as au editor, we condemn in ti e very strongest language known the action of the Post Office Depart ment in appointing Democrats t office, or any other department that does it ... i ,i aa iung as tnc democrats make Demo cracy a qualification for office. whPn as. follows : There were exnorf pd nr. i i ot rosm, valued at $89,480, and 606,500 Siot "o, sPlrils'turPentine, valued at 17,31.- Total valuation f $226,128. . - ia Magistrates have been busy in Import duties collected ibr the samp The Light House aud LiVht employees were Duid off ht thn n,,0 T i . - - - onse ins past week. I The al. from l?riincr:u . ' A' a1 uuy in- umie3 collected for the same lIilluJtu- for thofn grSaU,U battery Cases PCri?d amounted to 1,262 19. Total State v J Heaton, from New i 1 " "J- ., i cuujuw oi customs on' fnr; -tiu xlblUKS OPTIIE SUPKEME COURT. O. K. S. B. ' The following decisions, all hfwn, VI, .,MSH?ttan Lodge No 158. meets ai An. hta nf . . , ' r ouuuny in each month, at 3 o'clock f. V are of interest to the people of this city KOYAL arcanum? P and vicinity, were filed by the Justices UfMCoxmcU Nom. meets -kmXs m wiuj vs icnartt Williamson, from New Hanover. Affirmed. Henry VonGlahn- nf. i . .. a - t Jjertosset, et al I Lots, Houses, Homes. Houses for uuuicicm, iur saie cheap, by W. P Canaday. Call aud see him. $67.10 was the amount of lines col lected from violators of the peace by Treasurer Savage during the month of iuue. 1 1 . 1 , 1 ' aml lllc llnmpaon make a note of this? eaid brother-in-law is-a sound Dpmn. J lkii.COMailfiNlINa DEMOUItATR Read communication signed "A Col u.u itepuDiican," irom Tarboro, N. C -t,i0 ui customs on foreign exports -lvl sports 33. For the year ending June 30tb, 1879, 332 foreign trade vessels and 223 coast- vyiso vessels were entered, making a to tal of 555 arrivals. Coastwise vessels under 100 tons burthen are not includ ed in the above. Receints fnr i!, $48,852 23. Total cxpons for the year VU l,Otl. An Outeage Upon a Arv Officep..-Wu are informed that as over. Reversed. State vs John W., Alphin, from Wayne. Appeal dismissed. - By Dillard, J. : Mary W. Hall vs. H. 1J. Sl.ort ,,:. Halifax. Affirmed. State vsr Lewis" Spencer, from New Hanover. Affirmed. crat. It seems to hiwo Unnn i .,.r,i nv.' rell's policy to appoint Deaiocratspand when he could not make a vacancv He recommends a very strong team for FFICEP" Wts a informed that as the next heat. the excursion boat in charge of Mr any other way, he would If any of our readers will go to the de- uttim uu , 4.4. . m" . ",v tuu pinions ior oihee from this state vayjr win nnu mat a majority of the ap plicants are' Democrats, and tti a .o. ! wmw jority of the signatures on their papers recoiumouaing them are R-Dublicana Now, this, should be stonned ! FTnw a a it can Republicans nominees expect the the votes of the party when as soon as the nominee is elected to office h2 im. mediately, uses his official signature to ... t i Fouuni of July. This Hnrm,, aDnivemry of American Independence F. G. Robinson, on the 4th of .Tl about leaving Smithville to return to partuicut at Waihiniri,. i T """"f-'r "liimencan ma cpsndence -".'..oeming.surgeoa at the Post ZY.1?? ? W1' i a od in f F"rt Johnson, eame aboard for the ruM,uMj ox coming up, when he was in formed that his presence was not wanted tnat the boat waa j vuaitciiiu KNIGHTSOP Pythtaq dSltolSINo- Meets every Mon fwSr llfon TWrd street. Germania Lodge No. 4, meets every Thnrs day evening at Castle ikall. y KrS" Endowment Bank. No. 221. meet Prld-iv in each month, at Castle h,Lii 1 U rlday ) . I.O.O G.T. WedZKe No. Cl. meets every on Third sLrePt; ' ""iunco .nail, tween front and Second striifo A rmcc s be" MASONIC-KCOLOKEi).) . G. U. U. O. F. in'SS,16 fjdsc, meet 1st and 3d Tuesday in each month, corner Dock and Watpr Rt dv ln6 meetlandSdMoi! WernstraeC5.s m0Iltl1' corner Met and I. O, OF G. S, AND D, S. Otlftfin V.a1 Vi ins. 1UCCW very Monday even- Wor of Liberty, meets every Tuesday Aa ho cltr l. .h i. slidTiT r" "i"- all every time lio our-iind mSndg to flMlt if deleave of the abov" and x?hii l?ut the leaning we wiU ffiht -5 thesSe? lhC uS"tddirlkbt .tore in. WuSfiiSj Pooroatslot-k of L'oods in Havn't wemade prices imu i i.i -i We commenced? 1 titc-'luucUu,hcsinc8 ITavn'r. and impolite to you?"' ua"uiodalinS deredrscayou he goods ftnarI?'L!ri?lade a Rrrat many mistnu tion warcTllSfi10"1 ourattci: thVaboVn.a.s...w . swcr "yos t(, usanymoitespe me sKies. Everybody in and Wiiminfeton had a good time. - Sudden Death. Mrs. Jane W IHIf. ntoti tol.t . . - I ' s , ,li -u n -T W Willil,m - ' venerable relative of Mr., ubl uu. pi.rly ia office. We know I. It. Grainger, Jiedi very suddenly of lua he,e fact, are unPla5ant, bat; a, heart Uiafe. at Ma Orainge" e,," a public lournalist wo miic .,.vi:u ,r . . " l' r V .i , , runou ueuce on Masonboro sound on Thurs lacts.-thouch thev arfl.nnwlii-. j i . 1 xuurs r j T; C wwmo fcU UJ evening:. Iler body was "vuyuwu uouia to tnis citv for interment w.v,u.uu m uw signature, to (intu o roil 4 A r 1. i - i ,9 7:"i- . , , U,utI 11,5 mul DeeM th,v -will find tl,n, -;:.7.;:. kttlD .H,V?- -everybody in, and around Misoucycu oy some r.oute agent, and then tbc poor agent has to walk the plank, which makes a place fur some .one of the said Lord- Terrell's Duiiocratic friends. No Republican Las e ver been consul ted by Lord TcrrelJ, as to who should or should not be appointed. On one occasion, when certain Republican's in ,ii . i . im.i . vicinity mustered KiilHcient backbone to write the said Lord '.Ter rell and made Home recommendations. they were sent word tliat he (Lord Ter rell) wanted no suggestions from them; lie "knew his bussiucs and should dy as he saw proper' Very near, one-half of -yuuv; iicnis oi uns ui.visiou are Democrat, and Lord Terrell ha had considerable tovdo with buying tlem appoiiitiil. !' ' . . Suddenly, on Wednesday morning our matutinal cotemporary was seized with that mental aberration known as secession. It is discovered that ' our fathers" did not intend to" create a "ua ,jo" but only a sort of voluntary as sociation of independent and sovereign .yitfS,L rum' which any one of them cyuld retire at any-time, in a perfectly legal manner, as fcouih Carol i ha trii d i. ,1.. in iq"- i ; ii i , , J iwu. me two colored route -A - , :. i : .. . .... i - - - v ttuii v 7 1 1 Li ii .m.mii 'inn rnr am i iiiov n itnt tu . : Jahera intended to form a . City CouuT.-Upou the arrival of His Honor at the Citv . - mf w , w vwiU JLk Monday morning he .found: three prisoners in the prison box awaitimr him: , Larry Williams, colorpn r.i,o a with disorderly conduct and insulting Eday p j T)p.TTp pp o nrk a police officer was first arraigned and m M JJJtliJijJiK & CO ior nis olience he was ordered to pay evening Union' "WdlesdV :1Ue 01 W J ' serve 15 Js in the thias, meet every Thurs 5L" ff - P on be, Bbu: o 1 w. . iui ma iiimit. - ia irirrniirh n. . -; did notlcome 'down ioto ll,eVi ,7 ..I . ? . 'r"00 01 .PPW spent trie day d,r .1,. C7 .r ' 00ac a9Sport) makes " WJvu cv u t li vj uepoc, Several persons have for riding over the turnp who gave who were penalty. Governor Jar vis for a state appoint ment, what do our readers suppose ouiu-oe tnc result-; We can tell you the Republicans would be told "that to the victors belong '.the ' snoilsL" W should not blame the Democrat for refusing to recommend a Republican to a Democratic administrati on lanA if nu did it would be the same.) : Therefore no Democrat khould expect Renuhli- cans to recommend him to a Republi can administration for office. Will Lord Terrell of the 4th Divi l i tr miure OCC , Will I 1 ostc nee Department .tell his. subjects of Octobel next. W1V Fin Ifirilr 1iq 1 i . -i i ... z" ""t"to uaiiy use of the covernment. wharf Smithville, he was finally allowed to ride up in the pilot house. Dr. Seining is a gentleman of high character and standing in his profes sion, and in conjeqnenie.ofbi lQSing A kg in the Modoc war ka uuiu- , v.vq iv- i . l- r rf .1 tlrml nnrl u: . t r - I VOUTiJ In nnnoon . t- brought " tuia occasion was leaving - V oi xsrown hav- Fort Johnson for his heme on the 1D?. been 8everely punished by. the cic coasts Probably his great sin was T: , i uer me llne was lixed at $25 city prison. He went bolmv Henry Thomas a colored lad of about 12 years of aire was arrairmpvl c i, ' larceny of a package of hominy from the store of Mr. j. H. McGarity, The proof ot his guilt admitted no doubt and the youthful thief was committed to jail in default of bond for his ap pearance at the next term of the Criranal Court. Daniel Brown charged with assault ing a police officer, entered nU;a. . .? Ii VUAAtS aiou an,u craved the Ienieccy of vouri. the Fidel it.v. T)io Qi t "ay evening, third sto18 occuPy the second and building on PSiH.! yj!"A A of Evans's U. ion meets 1st and 2d Monday in pifh month, corner second and rrcSstreefi ' ADVERTISEMENTS REASONS WHY I' EHK Y DA V IS' PAIN - KILLEU IS TUB T.. . ' ' about oaXft coiifclderatu Ave have determined to dS the buW,os. LA11GEST RETAIL ' G RO CL HY V BUSINESS he fee charged. Ten cases been arrested m having upon him the national army , Wa3 paid . J pike without uniform. Tuesday , morning Scipio Howard Bast Faniilf Mediciilo of ihoAce I. Ten cases - - charged; with drunkedaesa was sent be ' . - . : rail 'vpinr.i9v iilE- Race. A lamp, rmw.i low for ten days in' default nf n on the beaeh. nt Wrir,M0.;n. Posed. CVP.r lntia in u-ii..! . , ' 1 futuri have to ke rmm"! V VJli hearted, aJd CUT to WN IMMiW te,I1.llVr more. , L"J ij.aLlLS ulittla paying werfi hpnrd hv Tnofi'i irn . .. i 7 onvc 4uu vesieruay I " ,IfeC erowu judgment against tho aecuapd bTire" on Uie eacb, at Wriehtsvillo l. i, outiuu. UI1 lllfl hntlrlh 4n il I . lPlllf Harrrro r n . 1t . iv.Tn,uu5Ks ine I "feto"1'! u re tri ine iioilow requiredto pay the cost, and The building which is being erected by MessrsL Sol Bear & Bros., on Front uU x iuul I i tj mcir Mil I IPS inanirori street neit south of Geo. R. French the youthful yachtmen to hope for Sons Rbnii ctnro ij I.,. J i. .1 I virfnrw T!... & 11 . vwv, iS, uo pstu uy me unowing; yachts were Southern Express Company. -'The fur. entered. Bessie Lee. Liul niture &c , will be moved in on the firt Restless, Rosa. Lizzie, and T.'m.io , v.- I . - xiiu ;io, Al : I MlA Ktorf U . : 1 "tn iuo ruunu. lo.witnpss fh xiaffceic. a dovp. of r i irnT biJ race of the season, by the yachts same cuarSe 3 above, shared Howard's of the Carolina Yucht Club. Many e, but for five days longer.' ladies graced tho u ji. I .Wednpsil.iv innf; mi: -wx....v., uji meir - j "vijiu . incre was presence, aiid by their smiles inspired odIF one triflinS case of disorderly con- the youthful vanhtmnri l U-- duct. Thfi dpfpnrlo, i- the start the bree?e was blowi from tlie southeast, and the starts made Wiim; . a , ttcu xuKTLE.jj-riaay evening, py the yachts was very prettv Timfnf Wilmington and Charleston, and put on iust after the ranp Snmo UAioa l i.r vfry pretty. Justai- two Democrats in thpir wJ,T,i .r'T" r . . . " 4.u - --S ; miet nuoy ou the first 1 T ' naming uu me oeacfl at wnghtsville course the - Lizzie broke down -n been informed that vnimr t.i. L., .iLk , . , V uroke aonni and was . j vu- dUCt. Thfi dpfp'n'flnnf 1 . u na uisunarjrea upon promise of better behavior ibi Gold Minining iu IN'ortH Carobnu .iupeciB 01 tae Bearer Dam1 uom- iiiiy aew unicei-3 Ifilectcd. A meeting of the stocdholders of the Beaver Dam Gold Mining Company was held, at whiph T tt i?io , ington; General J. A. Garfield, of Ohio: .Benjamin Wilson,' M. C, of West Vir- p "vci, a wen Known rain. inn Avnnvi- f XT A r 1 .. And why it should be fcept always near at hand: t j v- LE?u is the most certain trrH. eraHcure that medical science has 2nd. Pain-Killer, as a biarrcea and Dyg entery remedy, seldom if ever fails. ln,l any Prt of the system. A nmfeio uwb usually anects a cure. THE BLOOD 5T CHASM HAS BK&N BRIDGED OVER. . ' THE LITTLE JOKERS are not qnile A fiue iin of TOILET SOARS re ceiyed to-day, very low down. 1 TLe 0L1HHA11: FEAU " HouiMii,,., and MARTELLE swimming " our - b, v t - eminent which had a M,cdal mJ ,.r,. 1.... .. 717 IJ , V ". -"L- " """"'"S P .Deac' " PM if. H kv which it conia itctro, fa JnV o htolZZ f 1 "1,M- The Ko3a's ceu'tre board itself. Thev h nil mioiiir 1; ;--'in,nU - - r"ie agents in ster was crawling up out of the water; was broken shortlv nfta vr.i., "ingthcgovcrnn.cntrtl.cm ZZfJ3 Their .reUs attract their maie f chanoe. huy, aum H, iSSJtS frf n .Iciring lo Sce itUclroycC W ry W iU la t t1'"' WTet0 tusle 4 u" the W ea them', when the ere8 elected directorsIr. Fkgg beTng cvidentlv il,,.hi ! ."O fflUien. oflhu pily, Md-why turcd a mammoth turtle which irovu riceins of tho nJ ... .. , subsequently chosen Pr;Hf? ! m f.i, was withdraw, 4U,i J'di1' !5 ' L1'f ? wiL' cure dyspepsia and tion. l m 'lfused according to direc- 5111 iJTAiN"K1,KR,Is almwtnever-fill ing cure for Sudden Colds, Cougbs, &" struct . rig quite .1 stable and solid unlit 1. i , ' 1 0 ' " ue 100 Ior We strength of four was w thdrawn. No other WMm. S . " tuun were J. A. Smith, id fabric .,nd a n I' " l'; '"M'9" Columbia, men. Ifi described as bcinK as .aree were reported and th" r." f If'j IttL S? Tre'. 4 J. C - ' . .-v. v. 1 ivt5 u it i nr. rnnnetra unions i. i 1 ! . , . . . . . 1 . hmo uuuucu i usvuimc, ui vyaiinirnin. ctinormf .-..,,1 Wa5Wgl , aid so. If our ,icishbor the fact . a . rZ..,:Ll "T " f.1 Tf by epecures by the Eipple iD one hour and thirty company's mlns ...ii . . . I iimuiitim Wild 1 ui ue inn nnPSL tV(r in this i-.-.o r-lrt 1 Wv,;.. Tit t. . I In ninntrmmll.ir.n,...i -vr . nrisps imwnnl. n:f 9nn r: t. HAt,"lXirl,LIi has Proved a Sovereign ' f&SfWS 1 ever and Asne, and Cliill I ever; it has cured the moBtobstfnate cases. 11 . 1 IV III t , 1- i . . j . . 1 1 . 1 .... r, uouo.e to loot uno ihe has a da?k skin. But we can tell Lord oDutitutiou of the United States. . ' 1 - mat ur win not always be ner- tormiiM ii!ivif l.in '1 a . . ... " r "Cigar of Peace "Vfln n Ud "B,n.i"kd that. MM wivu another good grocers. diKiro- .i.iJ want enough left to pay for clerk's ri store rent and taxes. hircj NOT PURITANICAL. milted to treat Republicans as he has 1 . uccn uoing ior the past three orfour t-ars?. loute aeent Tavlor livM xith will lind'-gonie very terions objection to his doctrines. That little provision about treason might upset his notions fotnewnal. "Our lathers" thought that ireaon against the Uuitcd States shall roi:si-t only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, or in giving them aid and comfort." That needs no common.. I In will flml . , -o ue auministerea by li . hat thefcuprcme Court has authority cans. Whctt a fraud on the name, --ui uunttu two or more states, .- . ' ! between a Mate and citizens of another bei,1l0r Zack Chandler's bill of char state, or between citizens ot the same Cga,DSt tU Demcratic party will "tate." ' These little things ook very sub,llltt to the people in 1879and much, as if "our fathers" thou-ht thev and W have no doubfc but they will ere making a nation. . J ick nas a TALION N. features of PPvESENTATION TO THE FlLTH CAT- C. S. G. One. of the main the Fourth of July cclebra nnfl minutes TU T u u i -vvui xuc idea IKW "I,:Mf nnr tho I . 3 . : -iji in u iiuu 11m. : . . fa Dnses uoivard nf 900 nnroo p -:u . v e the third. bearmgT gravel" ach aveJage, bZi Sad Affi.icwos.A telegram waS -r'lfPif in."freSd-" received in this city vef terSav ,Vm SSn'Sl" Sn,c ??t ."P"!' ti , i. - I , T-vv,vvv w oaiu ui nave been I'ort Macon convevin2r tho sad inioii; already extracted th geucc of the death by drowning of four v e Per.atl0ns hitherto have been con- uapt. Appleton OaksmithJ TiXi w" V"" ana unr vity. lie with his four The Dresent .... a 1 ., 7 P niHCIUUIUT . ill 1 iitiu utn - n t-s-n mm 9 at ri a m n . . v - -.p. -'UW 111J I W Y Ami lullla l.IJIll IIIM I I Illir I II 11 I 'AY I O ' vruw OUU AIAI l.t-'l I 1 WfTT I V1AJ UlOi D X H, Vr 1 1 L llll II If 1 V Li 1 TV1 T Ii . . I ln xi u T... . .! ui . ... "..u.WUUU8 auu i""" A tue x osiomce -department Pany made a neat and appropriate aruuaa Clly a small boat lor Beau- f"acuiucrJ anu are conhdent of rcaliz claim lo be administered by ReDubliJ speech on the occasiL Wn,Vh fort about 2 o'clock on Friday -ff,J !?S very jarge returns. . Mr. Edgcumbe. m,k ii'AVv.. ii.." .... v v-. i, " n .ru.; , , ' me superintendent, comes -from cwi Tttl. rAlN-KlLLEIt as ft linnmrnt D KfitLbiain t AUlioagh oppo, to the drlnki,,. Of 8ponded to by Capt. J. C Battalion. last night our citizens. UUl .for i. "' When aDout ha.W acr ss SZKfflfi'J The Company left for home BoSue sund the boat sapsized aud his development, and he thinks thpr JL iwifn Knot :rn four daughters wpw ilrownori t!,- I few richer mines nf thi -Vioot lllvu 1UV VOU lOUCO ll Hll I " w mvnuvui rllU'llHAH FOR DEKPWATKIi; Ir. J3cbn, the Engineer in charge of the river and harbor improvements. way of saying more plain truths, in less space, than any man in America. . -r: , T" The Postoliice Department proposes inlorms us that there is 12tnf H au date, to extend fastmail in ua- iTaA ..i. i . , V, service on south over two routes, i One " tAld Head channel at mean low t de, rflMl ;ii k r x.' T r 7.. . . . I rOUlC Will D fmm IipPP (ft Toft-annrlll. ana snins draw mi- 17 ft no,, ; . v-viU,.,C . , . ; - -r- -r"s i'3 pay, ana the ftth.gh water, and there is 15 feet in Ncw Qrlm hf eunnei on ordinary bicrh tides i . nr r Ti,;., ii J h 1 lanta, Montgomery and Mobile uis is really very fine np Merchants and shinncrs. nnd - Imno A nd Oo'n press has inf. jet to see a ship drawing 25 feet of It is a grea pity that they Water rrrx lU. ..ft J 11111 . ' . -.v.. feV jiuiu iub my. OI Wilmington meet again, ine country "VOCtt? i 'joy a rest. 7 - i us vuiuksi mere are i n i v buio Mr rn bodies of three of them were sonn M. the Pacifi? 90ast or elsewhere in the v V"I.. III. 1 i nnrorrti oH w , uuumry. Ajmer uauiornia experts Im ! -.pwi"Miuc uopes were renent v ifTom norl T ROWSED.-rnday freemen started entertained that they could he restored exnress' i L. ana atteau. but they died about sv.n Vlr,nir f I men Luttrell and Wirorintnn -.u ' standing. - curaigia after years !)tll Pl1W.iriTTt.ll ,M1 -- .. ' ons. Whitlows Old Sores, giyUjgflili from rain nftpriho U,Tirr5 1C1 "iou "I'l'ilU LiUU. 101 Too'Se. CUreS IIeadac1. and rTir.o, '.'r' "'""ivo V-UO-. arc not a7thTythink STORE can kV1T??? .f,,u.It lind out there was any on the nrwnisM ii it must be taken elsewhere to be i SSSk BUMGAPwDNEE, ' 4 . STUART'S DEW aud 1 -). DUR1IAM 0LD.RYI3 across i the yhen near received this week. ; j " I citoo upimuus. ixuonsrress Small batteau. but thev died ahnnt aa,an v r4t: I men T.nttrpll anrl W.nr.;n . ,. i . , T.i-v. oy,tu u iiukAui iae . - Miuuiuu, ui vjau- r .u i . lornia. are scocknoiders anri - itvLi ex aminations made confirm the reports auuve siveu a to ine. great value of the llth 'pAiK-KiXLEB will save you days oi a dollar in time ,2lhn,ii; the Vetang-5 TRY OUR BUTTER AND LAUD! ?7if ViTl ""uiuS its use, logetner with the great variety of diseases that - may be entirely eradicated bTit and the great amount oi pain andiufferlSe that can be aliAviafofi ii,..u .."'"s make it imrT;,! """S" us use, to surolv Tn.-i Sv?7Persptt ThfirvArw.L'TTTT.- areoilt i r. r"' u"w J wn and ap- The purest, oldest, and best CORN" AVHISKEY in the State, to be bought only at BRIDUERS 1T.11 Li I fCO'S, aster at work tor us else Capital not re- homeiiiMe by the indirW? rk for us. Siou the tlmrf:iere o n,i tt a fru 'L1.116 "me. ' costi v 4.PrVecel h'Shly flattered at the no- tice taken of our advertisements. esDeciaiiV by a fellow grocer, who was not snrprHed l &t th eanenceof our usual Sunday moral " ' r ' 'i gone to New York Saturday night.8 baviDS