A VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA; SUNDAY; JULY 20, 1879. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 29 r-m. A " ' "K. M a V i rTN T 'N T III I I MM WILMINGTON POST YELLOW F EVE It IN JaEMPIHS. This terrible disease has again bro ken out iu Memphis.- Sixteen persons have taken it in the past week', and six deaths have already occurred. It ' U icared that the disease will aWo get up to St. Louis, in fact there is very great danger of the whole Mississippi valley having it, arid it bids fair to be i much worse than in 1878 when thous ands upon thousands died with it. Now, the -question is asked all around, "are our city fathers alive to the importance of the sanitary condition of this city. It is true that we have not had a. case' of yellow fever here in 18 years, a ud when it was here, it was brought on a blockade runner during the war, and there is not the slightest danger of the fever breaking out here if the authori ties do their dujiy, and from our per? sonal knowledge of the .qualifications rf the officers, we believe they will do their full duty. But should this terri ble disease get here it wiH be their fault, because they have the law to protect the place, and the unqualified support of every person in the city in perform ing -their duty. They caunot be too httict, and should not take the. slightest risk not one chance out of 100,000.. f Therefore when they have the law and the suppoU of the citizens 'tlicy should pertortn thcir'whole duty. VVi; understand that a young inanity the name cf J. 13. Ilurst, who has been recently appointed route agent 011 the Wil. & Charleston road belonged, dur ing tlic last campaign, to a company of men whose business it was to bulldoze Kepublican-i frjm voting.. And it is charged by a reliable party that the company committed many outrages . upon 'Republicans during the last cam paigu.- lie is opeuly, and brags on the fact, that he is a 'Democrat, and was appointed on Democratic -influence, and says he has sufficient Democratic back ing to keep his place. This reliable in formation we publish so that our peo plo and the Republicans of the north can see and appreciate the many disad vantages that we labor under. And we call upon our friends at. the north to come to our assistance. Our Republi- ,1 cans are whipped, shot down at the polls, property destroyed, run away from their families and friends, and then Tthe very, fellows who commit these1 hellish outrages are given offices under the United States government.- We call upon the President of the Uni ted States, who is a Republican, and mi .account' of the fact tinU southern Republicans tetood. by, and voted far hiiu, hundreds of then werekillcd, and thousands .shipped, to order the Post master Geueral to stop appointiiigjhese guilty Democratic cul prits to office. Many of whom," 11 is charged, should he serving out a ter.n in tlie peniteu- liafy f"r violations of law, instead of occupyioir important positions under tin." government. - '. Thu Neiv North Stale has again loi its temper because Col. Taos. Powers has been removed and Capr. . While, of the First District, has beeu appointed Collector , of Internal Revenue. We believe Col. Powers made a rood officer: we were in favor, of his retention in the ..position; wo are sorry that ho was rev nvyvtd; but because the President -uses' the authority vested in him by the law aiid appoints some .other good Republi-, cm, ii not sufficient, iu our opiaion, to c;une us to abuse him and every other man who had anything lo do ith the matter. We believe in square dealing, . therefore we think some of the parties -acted badly in working agaiiist Col. Powers, but the President and fefcreta.'y .Herman are not responsible, for it. There is no light in North Carolina on the carpet-baggers, as axlasSjif there was we shoii u stand by thm, but the State uses other language that we tAall lake notice of in our next iu a friendly way. . . . 1 " ' I- ' . - Iford Terrell, the Demcfcratic Su perintendent, of the Fourth District of the' Railway Mail Service, has not paid his subjects in this state a visit lately; We suppose when he appoints another Democrat to the . route agen cy position he will do us the honor to call by for a day or so. We 'hopehe is enjoying good health, for many, yry many, of the poor suffering Reput Means would shed many tears over his death, Of course no railroad train will run over. such a man, therefore we will navel nim to stand until Mr, pherman is made President, when we inay expect that iRepublicaus will be appointed to fill such places. Lord Terrell aud Thomp son have the contract for running the machine in the south to .manufacture Democratic campaign grease. Mr.Siiperiutendent Thompson, the niaa yho' has" charge of the Railway Mail Service,' we understand " has ap pointed, or promised to appoint, an other Democrat to office. i CORRUPTION IN DEMOCRATIC OFFICIALS. The telegrams inform u that Comp troller General Goldsmith, of the Dem ocratic itate of Georgia, is about to be impeached for corruption in office. But what of tEat, the Democratic Gov ernor, dolquitt, of the same state, was charged by Democratic Senator Hill of bribe taking, and he was acquitted or whitewashed. Secretary Sherman has gone to Maine on a brief visit, lie is booked for a financial speech at Portland. Maine. and then will visit Senator Bliine at Augusta, and Senator Hamlin at Ban gor, lie is expected to speak at both plac s. . :- Hon. Vr. E. Chandler, the very ablest campaigner in the Country and Secre tary of the Congressional Republican Committee, says that President Grant will not be a candidate for the nomina tion next year, in fact, private advices from the General, lately received, state that he does not want the nomination and will not have it. He is very much dissatisfied at the conduct of his friends in pressing his name, and it 13 expected he will write an open letter soon de clining the nomination in pointed lan- guaco. Our advice to the New North State is - - .- . to be more discreet in its language, and not make use of words that will be unpleasant to retract in case of its viewa not being iudorsed by the -National-Convention. There is not a man spoken-nf for President by the Repub licans who could not easely be elected, but we prefer Mr. Sherman, therefore support him, should our views not be indorsed, we shall taJce pleasure in working for the nominee. There is no use in loosing vour temper, brother. Keep cool, don't allow the not weather to effect vbur brain, or you may change several times before the nomination is made. DEMOCRATIC MAIL AGENTS. There are six of the Route Agents that go from this city who are Demo crat?, and one Greenbacker, who says if there is no Greenback candidates in the field he will vote the Democratic ticket. The Democratic papers of the state seem to think if we are dissatisfied with what few Democratic agents that have been appointed we will have con- sideruble more of it to stand, as some of them intimate that it i3' the inten tion of the .department to appoint a great many more ot the same political faith. We suppose they know, as the department is being run in the interest of that party, or at least, it is iu the south. Oi course we shall have it to stand as long us Democrats are running the 1'osto m ce Department. Some months ago Supt. Terrell dis charged J so. H. Whiteman, a color ed Republican, who. was a route agent ou th Wilmington & Columbia road. lie wrote Whiteman that there were no ctarges against him, but that he was dismissed on account of the appropria tion for his division of the Post office Departrneni falling short. He, Whiteman, was told that just as soon as the appropriation was made he should be reinstated. Well, the ap propriation was made, but instead of this, very worthy colored man, who has been in the Fostolfice Department lor the 1 past ten years, and who is thor- oughly acquainted with the business, being re-appointed, as he had been promised the Department lias since appointed three Democrats ana one Greenbacker, who are not as well qua! ified as Mr. Whiteman. For it is wel known that Whiteman is thoroughly honest, well educated; a man who is well known for his sobriety and indus try, but he is an outspoken, uncompro mising Republican. 1 he character o some of the men who have been ap pointed, in his place is known to be exeedingly bad, besides their disloyalty to the itepuoiicau party, it iooks as 1 some one has been guilty of lying oru lerrell, we expect; Wo copy the following from the Statesvillc American with our hearty oyaL iQ fact Brother Drake has 4 way of aiways 3ayiDg the right thing ay 01 always saying tne ngnt tn:ng at the proper time : "The name ot John Sherman men tioned with a. Presidential nomination is quite awe-inspiring to certain pro lesseu Republicans, as likewise to many Democratic politicians. Perhaps the J wo wil--ttgmihrion. aom' M. 1 manv or ml tnrother gooaRepublican be put forth by the nominating con- vehtian he will be cordially supported by Mr. J ohn Sherman's friends. Is A as oher- onKimg, We publish bdow a communication signed "Emigrant," concerning taxes &c. We are informed that Col. W. L. Smith, Chairman of the Board of Coun- y Commissioner?, says that there is no doubt but " that many of the retail merchants have made statements of heir purchases which are entirely too small, and he intends to have them up before the County Commissioners and examine into the matter. Why our retail merchants are picked out partic ularly by Chairman Smith, we cannot say. It is true that ninety-nine one hundredths of them arej foreigners, but hey pay more taxes thai any other class of our citizens, and from our per sonal experience and intercourse with hem for. many years, we can say that no state or city ever had a better class of citizens than the foreigners of this city make. We understand that the order sent out to the retail dealers of thiscity, signed by Jos. E. Sampson, Register, was seni by the order of Col, W.L. Smith. Now, this is a verv po ke way of telling our merchants that they have committed perjury; therefore they jnust admit the charges and come and amend their original tax list. Our advice to them is, if they have lied they shonld say so, and do the honest thing by the county, but we do not be- leve that they have been guilty of such a gross violation of law. Therefore we believe the insult to them, offered in the letter referred to. was entirely wanton. - communication J From reliable information about 75 copies Of the within notices were hand- ed to ;as many forigners, citizens, all reading as follows : ' " Register's Office. YVilmington, N. C , July 17, 1S79. Sir Upon examination of purchases made by you as compared with the ists, of other persons engaged 111 the same business it appears to me that you have misunderstood the law, and not listed purchases for six months, a3 required. I wis you to examine your books carefully and report to my office and amend the same, 'and thereby pre vent thq necessity-ot my referring tne matter tb the Board of County Com missioners, Respectfully, J. E. Sampson. Register. Upon inquiry at the proper office, I was lniormea tnac ine saiu j register had received, and retained a copy of thet foregoing from the Chairman of the County Commissioners, ot JNew Hanover county. He was pohtel7re- quested to retain the original for future reference, at the same time remarking, that his letters should have been signed as per order, and as in vindication of himself, so that the parties addressed should know and .understand from where they came I am not aware of a meeting of the Commissioners having been held and such orders issued. It may be right, however, and in accord ance with law, and the gentlemen only acting in strict conformity with the allfj wist provisos, enacted by our last and most considerate legislature, therefore, the notices that the parties interested did not understand the law. or miscon strued itj-xnay be they do uot, as Ihey are an,, wnnouc excepuon, 1 AT f . 1 icrnorant foreigners. But let me ask a few ques tions : The law was ratified ou the 14th day 01 March, loy. liut taxes are asked for nearly three months previous and also in excess 01 the privilege tax Dreviouslv paid. Then again, as there seems to bo no difference, whether pur0iaiyauvuucuu chases made in or out of the state, does tne law L"npiy mai laxun iKiuurs, nliniilH Yr nairl Kir tha n rr n a cor olark nn ro.ri;",: TT;:S V: V.r-0t7r.fi nn tho vprv samn liniinr tn- I wLW vu-o., """" ' " " aether with.thc profits, freight, etc., as VU Vf" " ' J J " onlv and the original cost of the liquors? Rig hi ot wrong the laws made by the dominant party win nave to ue oueyeu and lor the present mere may De n re ana ior uio prweui, i-uww uiaj u dress, but by the fact, that nono but foreigners should be prosecuted, it smells rather of a party that was sup posed to be extinct. ' : - Emigrant. I Editor Post: ; - i Dear Sir: Will you please allow me space in your columns to ask of the Chairman of the Board of County Com mi8sioners a few questions, viz: By what right or authority of law doea he order the Register of Deeds of this county to summon business men to call at the omce or saia xtegisier to amend returns of purchase made by them after the same had been sworn to ? Why were these notices served only upon; foreigners with one exception or does tthe Chairman of said Baard, or the Board itself, believe that .they are thfr only business men'in the city who make mistakes, or, as was intimated in the notices served, swear falsely llow lone since has so much wisdom been stowed UDon him that he knows the ount of purchases made ' by mer Ints better than they themselves? v make the Register of Deeds shoul u rpsnnnsihilitv of sending these - v i-f-'v-- "j a ng missives, when it was done v a Democratic Board of Com- jers of their Chairman. Let these be answered. Foreigner. Winston, JN. O'., July 16, w -n. t rv 4 nA V. P. Canaday, Wilmington, N. u. -"National supremacy in na- J affairs, honest money and an &dollarisaplatformofgoldand arble upheld by the giant ahoulders of arhlpiinhpld bv the eiant shoulders of truth, iustice and freedom, and worthy of the' crreat man that - : .1 . . - t 1 conceiYea anu fj huilt it. The splendid ability and heroic re publicanism of John Sherman are fully j ll L T. YT .-. . . ' appreciateci Bymeiw;i'uu"V''uw wcav rn North Carolina, and with the ex ception of a few ' officials there is no influential opposition tanis nomiaation M 1 ior ne rresiaenuy. ' Very respectfully, R. - I J CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. J 1 WANTED An active young man to take charge of the Post subscription list, both city and country. . - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We will give a TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECE to the person who sends us the largest number of paying Subscri. bers within the next three months: or by the l$th dag of October, 1879 Dan Howard has six boarderr. Knights of Honor meet to-morrow night. I . Only five prisoners confined in the city prison. -' , ; The police made seven arrests dur ing the week. ' ' Col. O. H. Blocker was in the city on Friday last. ' - The Board of Aldermen and Board of Audit meet to-morrow afternoon. Two interments in Bellevue Celnetery last week. Neither from sickness or disease. St. Mark's Parish Services at 11 a. m. Sabbath School at m., and b p. 4 30. Seats free. Mike Pedan and Tom Tit, two well known gutter snipes, served 1 oat -their term of imprisonment in the city prison and were released last week. : Col. R. h. Patterson, ne of the most prominent and wealthy citisens iii this state, died at his home in Salem, N. C., on the 15th instant, after a short illness Frustrated. An attempt was made on Friday night to burglarize the resi dence oi Mr. A. D. Lippitt, on the cor ner of Fourth and Chesnut streets. The thief was detected in trying to open the window and made good time getting off when he saw Mr. L. coming at him Body Recovered Tb e body of the young Swede who 'was drowned from the Norwegian brig Diana on Friday was recovered about two hours- and a half after the accident. all known means of recussitation were applied but without result. Tho. unfortunate yotfng man was buried in Bellevue cemetery vtsterdav. Thanks to Messrs. Jas. Daniels, Jas- M. Howard and Geo. W. 'Carr for an, invitation to be present at the Third Annual Convention of the North Caro Una Amateur Press Association, to be - held at Goldsboro, N. C, the 21st inst. If our time woild permit, we should 1 certainly accept the invitation; we hope the you njr, editors will have a verv pleasant lime. Horricls Tragedy. James Ilea ton, date Clerk of . the Superior Court fr r Tfi w TT 'i riiH'nr rvMi n f oKrt and l-!llorl , . ana luarKei streets on Saturday night last. no auerwaras snot nimseil I iii. ia.r0UgQ Ue "eaa a.a. aiea ln. a Iew I niinn.cc! thavcottor This horrible trag- I J 1 ,1 1 J. uy "appeueu aoout i u auiK ai mm after we had gone to press. Dkowned. On Friday afternoon. about 4t30 o'doc a seaman belonging r' . . b - on the JNorwecian brig Uiana. now leading on the, western side of the river, fell between the brig and the wharf and was drowned. The man, whose name was John-. , was a Swede and was quite young. We could not ascer tain exactly the cause of the accident or the unfortunate man's full name or residence. K. S. B. Installation. At a re gular meeting 01 Manhattan Lodge No. 158, K. S. B., P P I Bear, assisted by P P S Hanstein, installed thefol- lowing officers : M Hanstein. V P N Greenwald, S J Weil. A S H Brunhild, J S Blumenthal, : C N Mayer, A C E Scharff, I G P Newman, O G N Jacobi. Shot At. Friday morning one of the thieves who was run from the resi dence of Mr. A. V. Sykes oil Seventh between Market and Dock streets, took shelter in the house of Mr. J. Baker on Dock between 7th and 8th streets, but wis run from his roost by Mr. B. The 4r , p then ran into was run from then the next yard and was run irom tnere and as ne scaled there and as he scaled the fence Mr. Baker fired at him. It is no vnown whethe the shot took effort but the man was either hurt or badly frightened as he hallooed. my -Lord don't kill me. It is a great pity that the scoundrel was not caught and made to answer for the charge of burglarly of which he was guilty. Visitors Feom Shoe Heel.-A party of lady and gentlemen excursionists from UD the road arrived in this citv on Ue Carolina Central train Wednesday " rpi 3 4l J 3 uiujuiug itub. xiiejr pasacvi tue uajr auu night in the city, and Thursday morn ing went to Smith ville on the Passport. The party was composed of prominent citizens of Robeson county, and we hope their trip may prove both profitable and pleasant. ' They i returned to their jjomes on Friday night last. homicide at Dudley.-Wo learn from passengers arriving in the city on the W. & W. Railroad that a quarrel took place near Dudley in Wayne county, last Tuesday night, which, re sulted in the killing of David Lanier, white, by David Faison, colored. It seems that- Faison was a tenant on Lanier's land, and that a dispute arose at the house of the former relative to the cotton crop, when Faison seized an axe and struck Lanier two blows upon the head, from the effects of which he died. Faison escaped, but armed men were in pursuit of lim yestesday, and he will undoubtedly soon be captured. Narrow Escape from Drowning A young lad by the name of C. M Applewhite, had a narrovr escape from drowning late Wednesdsiy afternoon, while bathing in the riveij near the W. & W. R. R., depot. - It seems that the little fellow, who has not yet learned the art of swimming, ventured too far and got beyond his., depth, when the alarm was given by some of his com panioas and Master Johnnie Hartsfield another young lad of about 16 or 17 years of age,1 went to the rescue and succeeded in. saving his : companion from a watery grave. T A . t- m iue alaem of IRE. mere was an alarm of fire n Wednesday morning at half past eleven o'clock, on the corner of Fourth and ifrhett streets, wuicn was iound io proceed, irom a room over the store of Mr. Keegan in the above named locality, occupied by a family by the name of Merritt. Officer Biddle who, was in the neigh borhood at the time and hurried to the Spot, we are informed, that it is thought the broom with which the hearth had recently been swept must have , caught fire while the ashes were being swept up, and Jjfen thrown carelessly down hear the bed while it was still on fire when it blazed up and caught some of the bed covering and pillows which we are told, is about the only damage done, as the flames were soon extin guished by several well directed buckets full of water being thrown upon them, Which in this instance we understand was done entirely by the female portion of the neighborhood. City Court. His -Honor has had very few- cases to adjudiciate during the week just closed : i Victoria Collins was seutencsdj. to serve 10 days in the city prison or pay a fine of $5 tor being drunk and dis I . . yiuerijr. was caught in the act 0f inju'ring a shade tree and was fiQed $2, in default of the payment of ! L J the fine he was sent below to board two daya with the janitor. i?Mr,l- TiaT-w , ,,(:, disorderly manner in the Hollow and was fined $2. In default of the required amount he was also sent below for two days. A young white man from the country had an occasion to punish a boy for his insolence and did so. He was arrested upon a warrant sworn out by the boy, he submitted the case and paid the fine imposed by his Honor. - Maria Covington who was assaulted by Sam Picket was before his Honor Thursday but refused , to prosecute her assailtant; she was recognized for her appearance oh yesterday. i Special Session of the Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in accordance with the motion for adjournment at the last Tegular session, at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. Pres ent, Mayor Fishblate and" Aldermen Myers, Flanner, Bowden, Vollers, Von Glahn, Foster, King, Lowery and Hill. The reading of the minutes was dis pensed with. Col. D. K. McRae stated that he had been employed by the Bell Telephone Company to represent their case before the Board of Aldermen, but fod. various reasons he was not prepared to argue their case, and, in justice, thought the matter should be deferred until he could have important parties present. Maj. Stedman, counsel for the Wil mington Telephone Exchange, could see no reason wny me matter snouia De 1 A 'A '111 put off, and argued that it should be disDosed of at this meeting. 1 - - - " Alderman Lowrey moved that the matter be. postponed until Mr. Orme. Col. McRae's client, arrives, and until called together by the Mayor. I Alderman Flanner moved to lay Al- derman Lowery 's motion on the table. IThe Mayor explained his reasons for the letter he had written to Gen. Taylor aid published by him, and was clearly of the opinion that he was justified in doing so. . ; Alderrnan King moved that the whole matter be referred back to the Special Committee, to report to the Board of Alderman at the next regular meeting. Lost. '--. Alderman. Flanner. moved that the whole matter be referred back to the Special Committee, to report to the Board of Aldermen at a meeting to be laeld on Thursday, July 24th, which motion was agreed to. A ' petition from the Wilmington Hook & Ladder Company, for aid to buy a horse to replace the one that died on Saturday last, ' was presented, whereupon, on motion, $100 was appro " priated to help the Company purchase another horse. M' The Board then adjourned to Thurs day the 24th inst. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Wilmington, N. C. Jul 16, 1879. Atfa meeting of the Cornelius Har nett Council, No. 231, Royal Arcanum, held on July 14th, the following Rre- amble and Resolutions were ! unani- mously adopted : k This Council having heen visited by the Messenger of Death, wko hath snatched away from our midst our be loved Brother, Joseph N. Hinton, thus creating a deeply felt void in cur meetings and deliberations, depriving us of his valuable services as Secretary and of his genial companionship, be it Resolved, That while we humbly and submissiyely bow to the alKwise decree of the Supreme Eegent of the Universe, firmly believing that in His govern ment no injustice is ever committed, and that our loss is our lamented Brother's gain, we sincerely deplore the great loss this Council has sustained in the demise of our late Brother Joseph N. Hinton, and miss his cheerful presence and influence in the Council Hall. W j Resolved, That in the decease of Brother Hinton his widow has sustained the loss of a devoted and dutiful hus band, his orphans that, of a kind and affectionate father, his friends that of a true and loving companion, and this Council that of a useful and considerate member. Resolved, That we extend our heart felt sympathy and condolence to the widow and orphans of our deceased Brother, ; and trust that they will look up to Him "who doeth all things well.'"' for comfort and for consolation. in this their great sorrow and affliction.,, y. . " " Resolved, That a page in our Record Book be dedicated to the memory of our, departed Brother, that a copy of these, resolutions bel forwarded to the bereaved family, and that the above be spread upon the Records of our Coun cil and published in the local press. . NEW AD VER TISEMENTS REASONS .WHY V E UR X DAY I'Sjl- PAIN - KILLER IS TAB Best Family Medicine of the Age. Ancl why it should be kept always near at hand: 1st. Pain-Kiiler is the most certain - Cholera cure that medical science has produced. 2nd. Pat; k iller, as a Diarrcea autl Dys entery remedy, Fcldom if ever fails. 3rd. PAin-Kilier will cure Cramps or ' Pains in any part of the system. A single dose usually affects a cure. 4th. PAiN-KmLER will cure dyspepsia and Indigestion, if used according to direc tions. 5th. PAirr-KraiER is an almost never-fail ing cure for Sudden Cold. Coughs, &c Cth. Pain-Kii,ier has proved a Sovereign Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate cases. 1 - . 7th. Pain-Kix,ler as a licament is un- equaled for Frost Cites, Chilblains Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, drc. 8th. Paik-Kilxeb has cured cas of Rheumatism and .Neuralgiaafter years standing. 9th. PAET-KiiiLER will destroy Boils, Fel ons, Whitlows Old Bores, giving relief from pain after the first application. 10th. Pakt-Killer cures Headache, and Toothache. - , , 11th . Paix-Kixi.er will save yon days of sickness and many a dollar in time and Doctor's bills. , 12th. Pain-Killeb has been before the . public over thirty-seven years and is a . purely vegetable preparation, safe to keep and use in every family. The simplicity attending its nse, together with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by ft, and the great amount ot pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valu able remedy , and to keep it always near at hand. I . The Pain-Kiiiek ia nowknOwnandap- preciatea in every quarter 01 ine uioce. Physicians recommend it in their practice. while all classes ot society have found in it relief and comfort. Give it a trial. Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Drug gist, and nearly every Couniry Grocer throughout the land keep it for sale. -nl8-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We stood at an open window Leaning lar oyer the slll.l And if something hadn't happened We mighthave stood there still; But we reached for a banging shutter In a blinding northeast breeze. So our friends will have to be Invited To Join in the obsequies. ' v. IF WE COULD ONLY II AVE KNOWJl what a storm was brewing (in a teapot), and now far off that shutter was, we should never have ventured our head outside of that window; nut it is too lato tor regrets now; we , are nonplussed, completely squelched, have been sat upon, and our friends and the public generally are ie spectfuily invited to attend the obsequies on SATURDAY NEXT ' r'.-. - ( ; and we stake our "reputation on its Iieing the grandest funeral they ever witneEsed. As he slipg he slides, and every time he slides he slips up most woefull v. w w our"kind friends" to find out the' meaniiur of the above, and while they are doin so we win asic tne loiiowing questions; ; Havn't we the ugliest and dirtiest store in the State? Havn't we the poorest stock Wilmington? of good in Havn't we made prices much hiehesinca we commenced? x Havn't we been very unaccommodatinir and impolite to you? Havn't we charged you delivered? , for all he goods Havn't we made a great many mistakes and refused to correct them when, our atten tion was called thereto? . All of our friends who answer "yes" to theabove questions will please noUmy from us any more. Respectfully nd truly. P. L. BRIDGERS &CQ. In glancing over last Sunday's paper we regretted to notice the tacit acknowledg ment from some of our brother grocers that we had taken away part ol their trado. and W rklVVtHA.. wu 1 -! A t ppeai Lo:ineoiuers not to leave them. We regret this exceedingly, especial ly as they were so kind and considerate about our coming to grief, but suppose", as we have determined to do the ' LARGEST RETAIL GROCkl BUSINESS v ever done in .Wilmington, we will in the future have to keep from being so tender hearted, and CUT IX) WN rilluiiS a little more. THE BLOOD fJHASM HAS BEEN BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERS arc not quite gone. A fine line of TOILET SOAPS ceiyed to-day, very low down. re The OLD CAPE FEAR is flourishing and MARTELLE swimming. We have been over and smoked that "Cigar of Peace." (a fine Havana it was),but still think it would be bad policy to stop, lurnishing the papers with our line literary productions, as they have the tendency to keep prices very low, which we, of course, with all other good grocers, desire; only want enough left to pay for clerk's hirJ store rent and taxes. - - NOT PURITANICAL. Although l opposed to the drink ing ot Liquors,- P. L. 13IUDGERS fcCO, are not puritanical enough to refuse to sell them, as they think no FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE can afford to bo without; but thev promise the. ladies that they would neyer nnd out there was any on the premises, as it must be taken (elsewhere to be arunk. BUMGARHN ;r, STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE received this week. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LARDL, The purest, oldest, and best CORN WHISKEY in the State, to be '. - bought only at - Ps L . BRIDGERS & GO'S. : P. S. We feel highly flattered at the no tice taken of our advertisements, especially by a fellow grocer, who was not surprised at theaDsenceof our usual Sunday morning ad, on account of one of our friends having gone to New York Saturday nighU deolS P. L. B. & CO

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