-r- : : -!..,:: - V.l,r' i .. - St . "' "G l'i'., c 'A ! 1.13 ' 5t I Vv t " F A 'A T ' r . I r-lV YA 1 v4 I ; -i r i i i i , i r '.-M. 1 .o ?l tififf -v;,; n .v - t f . t . - r VOLUMEX. 1 WILMINGTON ORTH CROLT iBgfe Copies S Cents iiV NTJMBElt 33 i IK' v ; M it I , I . I hi l,....MLiV' 'i J It:! . I" W.I I l i i I i ill ,. , y i pvu i v i j i I V J .1 I B v I 1 . . 1 I. T t .- U .1 " I -1 aT"" , . ft. 'I SS" M WILMINGTON POST. JESTEHEIJ AT THE rOoTOFFICE AT Wn.MCNo roNN. C, as fc&cuNn ClAhh. Matter 1 I . , , I- RATES OF ADVERTISI NG. I li ( ---T , Fifty cents ! icr line fur the lirsi m -hertion and tweuty-fivo cents per line or each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil typcj con etitute a square. . " JA1I advertisements will lc charged a' 'the above rates, except on special coa . tracts.; - .. ' . 5 . - .Special rates can be had for ;a longer lime tlian one wees. ; . I The subscription price to The Wil mington Tost' is $1 00 per jar; six months 75 cents. ' Allcoinrminicrtionson biisiuea aliuuld be addressed to The Wilmjngvou Post, Wilmington, N. C. r ;j . I.A.TK UKNEUA L X KWs. :" ' Senator Chandler of Michigan, the old war-d'g, p'uke at Tortland, Maine, nfor two liours. Uis discussion of the financial question and the slates riglits 'ftcrcpy elicHcd tremendous applause, lie has .'carried consternation iuto the ranks of the Urceubackers and licniO" crnt. , -' A. ,sort ut war of- r.ice? has broken out. in Quebec between the French Canadian and the Irish ship Uborer. Three thousand were marching llio slreils ou a side,- and live men had been killed. The police were unable to suppress the fearful riot.. The pcslilence dnrTng the week has "neither perceptibly increased nor di: ininished. On Thursday, a by tho . Memphis telegrams, the new cases were 40 and on Friday ouly 11. fto the -number of new cases, ! as of the deaths, has vibrated during the wedi. The course of theHcoiirge'.tends i to show that it will only end with cold; weath er. Tho apprehension that the 1'i vc.r may' spread to other towns does not Hecni so great as heretofore. llcre are three southern items. Two yonng nun at" Washington, clerks for Mr. Casey Yung of Tennessee, one 17 and the i)thc( ID years old. Their duel was not dangerous because neither 'of the pistols were loaded.- Two fel low in Nashville, Teriu., got into a lMrri about .a lady. Tho coat collar of one aid the left arm of the other were -hit. Then they shook hands.- A very beautiful 'lady, from lioutsvillc, only a few months a widow, was thrown r rioleiitly from, her carriage at Long llrancli atid'j taken up for dead. She h.iH reeovertnl. . . .Any one 'among Americans who saw ' that polished English orator, iho Ucv. Pr. Newman Hall, during his visit to America a few years ago, will regret to learn that he, has just been granted a divorce frwm his wife, on account of alleged adultery with a niaii named Ivichardson, a 'stable keeper. The state of Ilhodo Island yet sup pnrls 138 Narragausett Indians, who still maintain their tribal relations and boh their land, under a treaty made in 1 70!, by Niyigrel, their old Sachem. Judge Tarbcll, first comptroller of the Treasury, holds that tho appointees of local boards acting under tho Na lions!' Hoard of Health, are not United States ollicers, but merely agents. The recent revolution in llayti seeiua to be assuming atmore reason ulU. as pect. The; revolutionary drmy .has t ken peaceful possession of the Capl tal. rort-jtl-IVince. and ha divided the country into five provisional mra r partments, under five General. Ifuiet ' ti Tcslored, am election is lo be held for VriVulent Dv" or vacancies in menibcrs the National Assembly, .and a new arid improved government establislinl by l'e absent of the people, j j. , Tjre owu of Scrajevo, tho C'ai i'.ol of llMiia has becu nearly ali burned down with a Un of 50,IH)0,000 florin v , - It appears that Prof. Nonleuhljold on the steamer ,Vrga has arrived at a point neat IWhring strait where whaling vessels gt annually, but is enclosed by i ice, whew he had to winter, j If he gets out safely to Bebrtm; strait it will! bo the first vessel which has made that passage... . ' j ' , ! Mr. Gladstone, speaking at the open ing ol the Art Exhibition, at Chester, said when America learned to trust en tirely to her own splendid natural re sources, the great genius of her people, and their marvelous proficiency in the adaptation oflaborsaving appliance, iu which she was at the head of the world; fa would be a formidable competitor with the English manufacturer. The people of Tennessee have toted net to accept the proposition ht the bond holders to py 50 cent on a dollar on loetr tai The bones of the late A. T. 6lewrt reported found and placed in the crypt at Memorial tiamen ana pnuer cuare ppf turn out not to hap been foqnd at alU. But a mythical indirlsluatrrep-' entd bv an auoraey, appears who trvv,"" 0 v v t ; U; f : i HI'. li ' .l ' '' oO'ers to produce the, banqs ,iprj $250, ... r I j ?'m-K-'.l 'jW- ! - I .... . . . I fi itn milniMll I . am mmtnm mmm li iiiitll I v.uu.UUIVcU u wiun nujixa i to xur. ogrioger oi t luioois, -cerutin t it.) i. J i l . iici i j- : i o -r . t i tercsted of human beings, and doesn't care wuo is ine JJenoeratie canaiaai fur Prcsidmit. Rut hA thinks : that 1 t'larkson N. Potter, of -Cypher Pir- patch" memory, ought to bo candidate j lor Governor of New-York! r-r'f , Tv Yi-,iA Phillinaliiui rvutonta scolds I in tPHr in T?nrf.n I .Kirk fi -n ounces his edtirb dissansfectiori with the' Dentocratic and Republican I par- .u, .w J...btMat w ' ' i"N pf f 'Rfatthew iWbb" the fengllohfi man w'hii'swani' the English Channel in 1875 swam the other day from Sandy Uook' Point to llanhattan '.fieachlS miles as the tide took him, fn 8 bours; and Came in fresh." .. -v. Mr. Secretary Sherman riatends to canvasB Ohio lor Mr. FoBter..' ,:J , ,. CUOOi, LATf . -!tr t ' ' i ' A fubsctiber, makes .an enquiry in regiird to the powers of school com mittees. T bo school committees are .appointed by the County. "Jommission em, iuil under these Commissioners haw entire control of the schools, of course sucject to tfbcli statutes as exist, Aiiyioiy uissaiisuea with the manage- meiit of schools in his county or town- hjiip, can appeal to the County Com-' niiiwuer i for, rinedy, and of course a school, Cfiiumittee, like any other offi cial is liable for improper proceedings or fur mal feasauoo before the courts. Pl'NDER COUNTY MlfRDER - AGAIN. Wy had an article last week criticis the Commissioners of render coun ty, ami mo uovernor, lor not tiering a I reward for the arrest of Walker,, the murderer of Bell. Mr. Shaw the Chair man of the Board of Commissioners, informs uh that it is the, duty of the Sheriff lo notify the Governor and re quest a reward to be offered, and not that of the Commissioners of Pender; why Sheriff T Patterson has not look- cu alter tli t", matter we know not. il micro Is one thing we do know, the . I blood of Hell, the murdered man. cries front the earth for the arreist and pun- j Jshnieot of his murderer, and Sheriff 1 PatlerMiii. should either dqf his duty or resign If he has not the courage to do his duty bo ahould get out of the way and let ninae "one else' do it.- If he has the courage and refuses to perform it, then ho should, be compelled by the, strong arm. of tho law Or Is it, Sheriff, because Bell was a negro and the mur derer a white man? If the latter, it may bo that you will see the day when you will wahl the negro rote of Pender to continue you in office,. So, do your, duty, like Rnian. ' ? ' ; 110 f. It IV BUXTON. T..o , Weed. of JVM all over the state, are looking to him as the next Republican candidate. They claim that J udge Buxton can carry the state by a larger majority than any other man in the state. In 1872 he was the Republican ' candidate for Superior Court Judge in a Demo cratic district of 2,000 majority, not withstanding that fact Judje' Buxton was elected by neatly 100 majority. t r r..: . -I lj i .L il JU.ito wiHon;.oiram.i. ww sauio rates, an over xiuriu varouns, . .. -II . TLT .U ' -.. ts snot mu uc oc iveFuo..u nut0 for governor, no.wouia te eieciea oy 23,000 majority. There is no discount ou Jmliro Buxton's popularity. He is one 'ot thoso men who has been in pub ic life for many yewrs, whose character is pericct.y pure ana unspouea. , Anu the ,f9lJ era of filth cannot sy aught sgsinst is perfectly pure and unspotted. And him, except that he is a Republican.; LSI I t a k 'T.a -Li AS. AB.Mkft' a-k lA. onouiu, juugo iuwu wu come the Republican candidate it will 1. I ll! a" ' lw aa 111 . te equal 10 an ciccuon, wr w wm very ur lo carry ids state, ; A F.very good housekeeper is yery can ft,! in Ham weatberMo Iteeii'Uf htta .i-'m.iviBrV Closet d(aiid:Bnusel nnipn are. sept open mornmgy wmmrw H r?T?Aw. iuuA,".T.r' L? A rXlXZ cttwo place, uoleaa thw temrcftiare U rreatly reaocea, ana nemu a- Ham u rooms mas no uog u ' aW.ta. . 1 . .1 at aa Fa aaV.Klia are allowed to nien .rTLTlt XnwnJn eoois on wry th- h.tt weather U the npper. aast U Uken enUrely out or we wmaow irame. Uiherwise with the boUomaaa merely lifted ftMt aboa. the breaift of pealHetrce, bangs iq ?PfP" va a- mi w"e'" ws - ' a v w at a a i AW av I . aa at a oiaa spanmew, u 'a-" f the house above ana dsjow nareiius In,t. .wtUcrln; JnterfnenUntigU, whena UUWiTaMCJaeV' tbemoT we hoa , In vti I .t1gbtll ihtrt 71 ' r -I.T'r.nTn. nlateT "I "7", "? " fvarJiUfte 10 Ulcow-a4 there U ki-Tey Wire t!, ft, new station. ' ..1 - . new aution X V 4 ! CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. , t.i . ' , lv 1 F xjxy U sVWTt IUUHk icli . - . ... . tate charge of the Tost r-ubscription list, botn city and country. csTtTifT T a uunrrunTiwrvrTl oruvuiu uun vjudajuai a ? We will give a TWENTY DQLZiAR nnr.n rrnr th. " lar9est number f Pa'Jtn!f tcri bert within the next three months: or by . .,AVt ,A . r Lj a L, T "OtXABIOHAL." The person wri- ting fm Washington who nigua bim. . "Occasional" must endorse his real flime on back of communications before VUCJ ITIJl UB IUUIiailU III IUO t U61. Editor. New Inlet is closed. 'Fine rains during the past week; " . Knights of Honor meet to morrow night. . '... ; ; ' , . ; . . Capt. James M. McGowan has a talking crow. ! Washington is a very quie.t place jus at this time. ' ' i", Mr. Alex. T.' London, attorney at law is at the Warm Springs. Five nersons are confined iu thecitv prisonand Beven in the county jail. Rev: Dr. Geo. Patterson will return" the to city about the 30th of August. The storm signal was flying yester-' day, the first time for about two montb?. A very large number ol Wiliuingto-j) , , , i nians have become seasider for the summer. i .Marriage licenses wero issued to one white and two colored eouoles durinc the past week Capt. Patterson has the contract to carry the mails' between Wilmington and Smith vilIe, N. C. It will soon be so that vessel drawing 20 feet of water can come to Wilming ton's wharves. ,, , , ... , , , 4 " " .-T . ? . , , and 10tend.4 to mako it Illd iutUre llOUIC. Prig.' Gen. F. W. Clark, is absent. i the Springs, having.so we learn, a lively time. We will have to look after him. Capt. J: F. Divine, Supetiutendent Of the W. &. W. and the W. C. & A: Railroads has been ou a pleasure trip the Virginia Spring. .. Col.-Blocker, special agent Internal t : ? :.. ir: revenue, is on an espeuiiion ... v a ginia. l ne yonei 18 nrst c.ass in a quiet hunt after the violatois of the WW. i a .1 I a " The Collector of Customs at Norfolk, Col Jno. Braxton, died very suddenly on Saturday night last. His Deputy, Mr.J 00, KV2EJLttFZ.Z i ii i i . i t :.i n f a ' The protracted meeting atlthe Italian A. M. E. Chapel on the sound, seven miles from the city, will continue all next week. We invite all Christians to come and help us. R.. H. W. Leak, Pastor. i j Street Methodist Churvh, who Jim been I :!. r i i 1 f on a visu 01 auou. - ev in u I l : 1 i J i .1.;.. Xtl.. i era vaivnu una iciuiuct m .11119 , vy .nu w,. . i,,.,;,, N.edsomethiDir over one hundred and Jersey, saya that Hon. S. II. 1 tshblate r,fniirritvi.atoninirattholTiitedSUtea v. J o I .. . . nr. 1 .11 Timet will see that our Mayor is pnper- ha Edition to us -afety ., . Bxllur ron tub SuFFEBfeRS.At a I ataar- k W W X 1 meeting of uarouoa xooge, xvmgrrj oi Honor, of this city.held a feV evenings I ' a a. . ' ' a, I ago, the sum or hny doUars was donated their suffering brethren in Memphis. 1 1" aDOTe amoan w micnueu H l-lho" hcktn citywho are unable ot them- i wvct pt w w Tbre rentlemn lit ins ou .Mun hn nonnd had a day of Cue 'eport on I Friday. They caught from one of the i mT.i. B..r tK. Masonboro Inlet one I Viimlrvtl and two fine, larra sheen bead. - "".IZiLi. ' Co c-K -r- Vh. they left the wreck the fi-h were h.iBr fi-elv. but bat ine filled their i mtn compelled to atot fish- - h I ! : j ' The ateamer Oovemora lUqd. Capk rL a Fter. bound iroa New Yorkto House in mat place. uoio uiei'" i i z , . , ' h , . jus was tae uin pbarlealon, was towed up to Uu po . f on Friday W by the lniot Boat Jdyt-l I m u, having been blown in he? boikr when orty saks eouth of the Psp ? Tk on the rd tJlJ, UuR? Wen, wtithei T". .nw-a 5? U V. ; -w 1 .iUa4 waters la that viciaity. ., Mr, Jasper Bis&op, a good, BepublK can, has been appointed route agent 'on the railroad . between. Wilmington and Richmond, inIr. Bailly's District The Department . deservea; credit for this appointment, for it is one of the best that could t0; beeamade. 'Mr? Rishop'is in :teteryiway Qualified, be sides he needed the ' place, and he is a good square Republican. -i,, Col. L. E Sfcr, Deputy Collector of the Port of Wnmwgton leaves to-morrow on a yisit to liawreucd Mass. lie expects to be absent; pear) iuonth . We supposo he intends ,'tdwisUi !Long Branch, Newport, 'Manhattan Beach, Saratoga and a few; other, places where men of great means and talent congre gate for recreation and pleasare.' We hope he will hare a' pleasant tri p and lots of fan, ; '":T',t - ExcursjOn , TO' Columbia SJ C.f There will be aftmcursion to Columbia, South Carolina, to-morrow, Monday. The train. 'will leaVef the Union . Depot at 11 o'olock a. m. .The Manager, Mr. Jno. H- Whiteman, will spare no pains to make the trip- p those who desire to go. easant one for He desires us to state that he has made special ar rangements for thef aocommodation of those white persons who wish to go. . " The following persons, convicted last week in the Criminal Court, left here on Wednesday . morning for the Pen itenteary, at Raleigh, in charge of Dep uty Sheriff Daniel Howard, viz: Harry Lee, alias Bazzle Williams, larceny, 7 years. , i Charles Hansley, aiiat Charles Rob inson, larceny, 7 years. W H Merrick, as.su It with intent to commit rape, o years. . ' -!" The following, also colored, hare been sent to tho House of Correction : Sam Pickett, assiilt and battery, 60 days. ' ';,:'. ' :!. : " Milfrod Hunter, costs, for 30 days. Knights of Honor Endowment. -! Friday morning j the Trustees and Reporter of Carolina Lodge No. 434 Knights of Honor of 4 this . city, paid over to Mrs. Joseph N. Hinton the amount endowed upon the life of the ... ;. . . v . 1' .u uas. I mtnih(r Thn oiutowmOKli tviiiil.l hfivo been received by Carolina Lodge at a much ' earlier period, but ' for the fact thai there had been some changes in the blank forms of death notices used mi the Order, of which the ' Lodge was not coguizant, Mr. Hinton being , the first of its members who had died. The change in the Want forma delayed the payment of the money at least thirty I djl" - nJ :t ia ihoueht bv those who l - ". - . aro nted that Ihe amount wonld I I i hayo bn rfCciTe1 here withiQ lhree i week9 of lhe Iloufication of the death. I 1- .. ; i Tho i-lirr. I A. UU VUV V l wg XMj. I'VMl v w u w w w w city banks Old Folks. From Walker Meares, I fllVlt DJlLiV VIU nulls viugnVVt I in his work. Clem Smith, colored, I claims to be 110 fears old, and gives I as data the following: When quite a young man he belonged to a man named Balloon, and then running on a email coasting vessel between .Lock wood's Fnllv and this citv. - Durincr onn of ,B. , broj.e ODe the rtur I - - . trJll to th:- hit it for tk- I r f 1 :, if wtJrph,takeno the Inlet wasform- t year ago, and if what Clem said is true he is an older man than he thinks r.. A colored woman, whose name, we hftve forgolten cw lo be consider- ably oyer one hundred. Sheaays. he U a genuine Afri an, and was brought irom Afrjc direct to Charleston. She cirea I a jaU 4a i,cr ase and does not twu to .tt u. enjoyment of her I Vf mjCnt3li f.cunics. She has tfee aprear- mcis f Win- an old woman, and is shrivelled and dried-up until she loots 'Hke . mutamy. jUef.. Udt is hardly j lban tbatof larger than tbat of a twelve year old child. : Old Aunt Raaey Cwrcoran,- who is known to many of ur old citixena. claims to be something over a hundred. I cue w we nower i w u bci wuy 1 ' ... . ' m k I Corcoran, who aiea some iwo jeari sco. lt wiU b remeberedUut old go. It wi Uncle Billy, was m drayman for many J ana waa in we e-piuy 01 air, Jno. Dawon for a l Ume Ufbre I u Ad, It u ttnosht that aant .U. rvu v Vr. -jv W 1 m w child, and by a second aUtmtWofCoXrT COHMisj03tw The Board met HonJ oI- (41 V?. ! tjmmmf Ci-orntasLsad Ossaxak tew-1 atoeera R L Worth, :A- J. GimSj. the! JamMo-tioeyraI XL AItaz;- I . . . . - . r t a .-... It,- meeting of the J ustices and County Commissioners on the 4th mst., -being under discussion, t . was ordered, that the taxes for current expenses be re-j duceot iirom 42 cents on, the real, per sonal (and. mixed property to( 34 cents oh the $100 ( Valuation, and the 'poll from$t " f 102,' all ; other. taxes remaining j unchanged.. Se .that the taxleTy for the year 1879 will be - as follows ; V ','.,',:Iv,T;'...; ,'';;r :; r For current expenses,: 31 . cents oa real, personal and mixed property. 1 ; . For Criminal Court, 18 cents on real, personal and mixed' .'proper iy.j J ; 'ZjS'pt' debts, BQ, cents -on, real per sonal and mixed property.", i : f - J J For new debts, 5 cents on. real, per sonal and mixed property.'11'' k .j 1 Making a total of 87 cents on tlie'SlOO. ;jiUft,.:i il'Xli poll tax For current expensed' -For Criminal Court, . ! f. ! 1.03 ii 64 m: f vi'uyn uvitO) i .. . . ,f. 15 Total, J 1.71 The Board of Aldebmen. At a called meeting of the Board of Alder men, held Tuesday afternoon,' Messrs J. R; Blossom & Evans were granted permission to drive a line of piling one hundred feet , long, commencing at the south line ot, Davis street, thirty-five feet from the west line of the nearest wharf and running down' stream, for the purpose of mooring the eastern side of their Floating Dock, the west side to be anchored. -r '' . "The: Board then adjourned, to meet on "Wednesday afternoon, ' " ; ' i " r !. ,The Board of Aldermen met! at 5 o'clock, pursuaut to adjournment pf the afternoon previous, when the following proceedings were hadr J ,u, ' t . Aldermai Hill o ire red a. resolution to tho effect that tho operation, of tho cattle ordinance be suspended until the next regular meeting aof tho Board, in order t give comflaiaauts a hearing. Alderman King moved to amend so a to make the suspension extend to the Istof November bext, which was agreed to, The resolution of Aldermau Hill. -as amended, was then passed. Petitions I of Messrs. ,C. M. Harriss and J. H. Williams, for permission to erect houses on Fourth, between Nun and Chtirch; streets; were granted. ' j.. Petition of Col. J. W. Atkinson, tor permission to erect a wooden building on the wharf in rear of Messrs. New bury & Chasten' store, en North Water street, between Princess aud Chcsnut was referred to Committeo.eu Firo De- partment. . ;.. . ',;. : . , '; I; , The Board then adjourned. j i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PTANHQ and ORGANS, $1. 100 Panos XT I fi 11 VO only $21! 50; H70 OrKan onw iwsiKa ureans only 3T3 75. tkk. MRNUOUH RhUJUCTION during the Mid summer months. Having uvcu jRXmrrisrr MAY UK or my city and entrusted with the bonds should be sufficient proof of my re sponsibility, t Latest circular and Illuxtra. ted Newspaper free. Address UAN1KL K B CATTY, Washingtou. N.J. ang 16 4w AUKrilo wanted For the Best andFaot- et Helling Pictorial Books aud Bibles races reduced aaper cent, xhatiokat. iud lIsuino Co., Fhila., Pa. , . augltflw H1 OOA retames In 30 days on f 100 dot tJ)X uJJ lars vested. Official KeporU and Information free. 1.1 ke protlU weekly on Stock options of 110 to S30. Address T. l"OT- TKR WKIOirr A Co.. Bankers, 36 Wall mU. flew ion, aininiw 1 i BENSON'S , CAPCINE PORUS PLASTERS CURES LAME AND WEAK I BACK. OLD BY ALL DRUGGIST i. . BEABUKY A JOHNSON,, Proprietors 21 Mas v a Dollar formerly spent ones oensive EMiipnnr natns u now avea brsab. siltnUnstnvrefor Glen's Sulphur Hoap. wnieh i Just as beneAiclal but inOnitely eheaaer. 'Local diseases or the skin rlMu- niUMD sa (o areau relieved brims standard remedy. Complexion blemtehes are eradicated t7 It, and it imparts to the reticle a nearly whiteness and velvety son' nm wlik.li greatly enhances female rharma Hold by Drugauu ..-j-. , i w oiuneAnnK The only rorablnartloh OiluVVr Vilaf a of toe true Jamaica (lu- f facer with choice. Aro matic adn rrt Bt h Itraa dy lor Cuolera, Cholera Mortraa. Cra tons and J1S1.I1CA latns. liarrh- nl Dys entery. IHspepnla Flato leney. Wan of Toole and Activity la the Btomach and bowel and avoidtaiK the dancer ot Chanre GINGER i ater, rxxM aa Climate aoclSIW JDr. SLNDFORD'S LIVER INVICORATOR It a Standard Pamlly Remedy far dlseasm of the i Liver. onMCh aad Rowels. Ill pnrety Vsiceiabl. It never Ixpbttitate It 1 OsUtat tie and Tonic It hs bew naed la ttuun 3 ye-ara with napfveedeaUd reantta. sucurcvuar. ! KT, W. BAXurOIUX XL V ICS nroadway. New York City. Any Drmrctst wtU tell yon iu UrpnUtloa FEVERS SIALARI AL and all rverM be avJ4 by kecfUMC UM Momarix. bowvta. II vw and KMnrrt ta r.eaiiy rofraiuos vim ativci AHUs TKrnTALTiKY raytlriana rs IroaUs isflidlMU oC this rvmly tar tbetr safety (root di -, and all who take Ihta toale esvap atcknea and Vrvera d wry kind. Ko tr tveae-ly swrrty ain-aasrswoveery aorbMtia rv. and 11 Mttl b Litsaw tb fmrtvU knidtM mm immu w en itsswrr. Inf Slsta attl IL VAN Bl.aXltU.at 41X M sw ay atrnvf-ew imi tuaa-f tm 17 aStl bv lb l- Ca tal m repaired , wtU stmt Mn, vis iu. nwjra bJtw at w-or swsswaa ax aaytatag tM work H ltt wvark H lt smmI ajiyox eaa r" rixM at tMaaev tass sveibse wiU m4 aivaJei bar t.av. haaf aa IbMf aAJl IMS"' ' 1 iirasa Craav aa awl ysA work are B ' w rr?--rTrT7; Aaa. aa SWSa.JS NEW ADYERTLSEMENI& Wanted at the Old Rock Quarry. T vHREE HUNDRED HANDS WANTED CAPS FKAR - RIVER. STEADY WORK I aoj l2w J. J. CURTIS, Sapt. .-. iv- 1 . "" i SALE OF it t - Tlic ; Wilmington, : " Collmuia i And f Angnsta Rail Boad, j Under Decrea f Foreclosure ,kia- TY VIRTUE OF A DECREE Or THE ? : L.' 1 . '.':'"': .. Circuit Court of the United tf'if.? I 'Ot ueorge 8. 1 District or XJortb. Carolina. District, made in the case ot Ueorge Brown and . Enoch Pratt, trustee' com- lalaaate, against The Wlliotngton.Oolum la and oeusta Rail Road Company. De fendant, the undersigned, - Daucaa . J, Devane, Commissioner appointed -by said decree, will sell by-pnblfc ancUon, to the nignest oiaaer. m im uoan House aoor in the City of WUmlneton,- In the Ett of flortu uaroiina, on w JUWHISDAX, : lab FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D., IS79. at 12 o'clock, JMU the cnUre Rail Road, as the same xists and Is now used known ae the WIXAHNQTON, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA' RAIL ROAD, extending from the Citv of Wilmington, In the state or North Carolina. I to the Citv . or Colombia, in the t&u of I Sooth Carolina, atJisUtnoe of One Hundred I ana filnety-cme MUes, wltb all the Rail ways, Rights of Way, Depot Grounds, and other Lands. Tracks, Bridges, . Viaducts, I lanAto . UlatlXn llnil.AI Vnn-lMA tlA..dA. WIWWi UWIW.'U AAWUO. ..II IUQ A1U1UOB. I tr nouses, rreiguinouses, wooa nouses, 1 - . . . . .? . . . - Maehlne iShODB. and all other sbods.1 Houses I or Buildines. and all Locomotives. Tenders. cars ana outer Honing ttOck or Equip ments, and all Machinery. Tools. Imple ments. Fuel and Material of any kind for constructing, operating, r repairing or re placing ine saia xuui uoaa. or any pan thereof, and all Appurtenances or Fixtures or tne same, Deionging 10, or purcnaaoa Dy, saia oeiore namea aexenaant, togeuier wuu all and singular the Corporate Bights, Jtranchtses ana privileges or th said above named defendant, as the same are set forth in ine indenture or mortgage referred to l n rights, title, interest property claim and demand of said defendant. In and to any and all Real and Personal Proneitv. or i.na Kill n mi in ..in mu a bib ttm att.i. enects nerem before referred to, or which isowuvu vj naiu ueienaani, , The purchaser will be required to pay In Casb. oa the day ot sale, or within Thirty I IVava thnriiflfiAP thA enm nf Tarnntv I purcnase money in tnree equal payments, at Three. Six- and Nine Months, lrom the day of sale, with interest from that date at the rate or Six per centum per annum; The purchaser or purchasers mayfpay any part of the purchase money not required to be nam in i-asn, in any or ine outstanding bonds, or the coupons thereof, secured by the mortgage, or deed of trust, referred to in the BUI and decree in said caase, to the extent or tne pro rata percentage of the par value of the said bonds and ooupons which the holders thereof will be entitled to re ceive upon the distribution of the proceeds of the said sale under the aforesaid decree. The certificates of indebtedness mentioned in the Bill and decree in this cause, will be except the sum of Twenty Thousand Dot-1 iars aDove mentioned, at tne same rate as I coupons of the mortgage bond, provided I tnat tne coupons pledged as ool lateral a for I Baid certmcatcs, and to a like amouut I ther0with,-Bhall accompany aud bo sur- rendered witn ine said ceruncates. '. los8ession will be delivered to tho. nnr chaser whenever and so soon as one naif of ail tne purcnase money snail have been paid to the undersigned Commissioner, and assumed all the contractu and liabilities of iue purcnaser or purcnasers snail nave tne ueceiver neretofore appointed In this cause, and shall have indemnified' him against the same, and when the Court shall so order under the terms of the decree, j - - DUNCAN J. DEVANE, . . Commissioner augS U1 . niu.so wj lEKl DAVIS' PAIN - KILLEli I3 TUX Best Family Medicine of the Age. And why It should be kept al wkys nar at hand: . 1st. PAIN-KlLLEIt la th biosi certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced. . 'nd. Pais Ki i.lkb, nm a Iqarrcra and Dys roMrry remvoj ciim 11 cveriaiis. 3rd. r4r-KltXKB WtU cure Cramps or t am in any pan 01 toe system, a . single dose asually anorts a cure. 1 4th. rAis-KttJUU will rnredysnepaU and I lad Icestlon, if used accordl ng to dlreo- - uwaa. . . v.". '- ii 6th. rAiK-KiLLKn is an almost never-tall Ing cure for Huddcn Colds. Cuugha, ' SLh. Pai J(-K illsk baa proved attoverrica Remedy tot r"ever and Ante, and Chin Fewr; it has cared the moat obstinate ; equaled tor Krot Ilium lHllbUlns, Lurna. Rrniar. ful. Miut Ac Sth. PAIH-ICtlAjiat ha ert ra ! stand lag. Kb. PAI-Krixjra will atslrar (WaUa. rel- 00 a Whitlows H4 Korea, gtvtng relief . rrosa pata after tae am arymsia. lth. Psrw-KrULaa rwres neaitarbe. and Toot bach a. . . .. . lit, r AiS'ltiUAs mu tsvs m 4ut 04 McAa-M atMautajr a 4iM la UaMl an4 Ikiarlrars bUiA. IZJh. i'stx-KtuLSJa bas been & taa vaMMtnvr tatrty-swveai yts;aswl t a bersi Sua Stan l Mairy 'r Tkw JftlsMl l wsv tocetJber adctwai ruWf of ali aay Wrnurviy trs-ikaied by IU sad n crwss axweaxsrt ris tai mat be auva4 tarwweb saaks tt tattwrauva wnae) nery lo awyry taecai ilti stiS tXua vi aaraanedjAatkiyns.w4swSar Tfcerat-lCiaXamta sxenr kswn s4as veeciated ta every svarter e ta .. Hyvbrtan lawaawaal is ta ikwtr stMa aWasU rallies a twrtety baeeA4 ta U I-s-4wwri.'iveni-r y-j rare asi be? Ua r'. l-syy trt tmk, tuMl swanry rry o-xary uim Lirasr- 11 rt r" - NlAIJVEimSlENTS. :; We stood at an open window -yt - Leaning fu over the sUXJ , And IT ammethlng hadnt nappCDed We ml-at have stood there U1I; , Bat we reached Cor a bang ins BtuUtor In n blinding northeast breeze, Bo our niends win have to be Invited," W - Tojoln In the obsequies. " 1 F WE CODLD OXI.Y IT AVH VwftVW what a storm was brewing l La a teapot). never have venLnmi nnr K.a.i ..t.i.i- tint wiBJow; lat UUtoolaTe 'resrWu """1 "j o . uuuiueu, C99Illiy sqneieaed, have beon sat upon, aod oar friends: and the public genera. lv are re. BpvcuuijyuiTticMioaitena tueobsequleaoa SATURDAY NKXT and we stake vat iitation on it iiii h . i!T7 7. ". ' " ,'.u T.?r?" "T- J Ashe all uips urn slides, and every time he , UP woelully. AVeleav w. . a ivmuq , w jiuvi uuk me jiieanuifir ends'', to Hud out the m . . . IU Ul. U1AWA . , , . i v - and while they are dolus so ! .. F. 1 1 . ... 1 .. .. 1 ... u"iuk viueoiiuiix; Ilavn'twetha ullmt nn.i i thekitate? . . " " Havn't We tha Mnrml iw.b- L.. i . WlUnlngtou? r . Ilavn't we made Prices ninch'tti tiMKinM Wo commenced- .... .. . . . TT Ilavn't we been vrrv im :ir.MWms.t. 1 M and impolite to, ou? 7 7 .i-r, Ilavn't wa ohare'Al vnn fr at II ' iAt . A delivered? Ilavn't we matin a urcni a. S a a r- - -w -aajM wa.csm c and refused to correct them when ouralten- the above quckUoiihu I 11 ni A.11 or our . mends who answer "r-s" to lit, ttnv avw-. . k . . 4W P.L. BRIDGERS & C0. rd!!L5t5 n over ,aRt Sunday's j.aper ws .'rr me tacti acanowledg- V V V V ,w"le OI our urotlicr Rrocers that-t " ,., wjr pan 01 uicir trad, and "1 mn PlH,a, theoUiers not to leave H ereKret this exceedingly, esclal 1 r- ...... 1 . VBIll VIM yas they were so kind and eon.lderaia about ourcumlntcto srlef. but ur,.w.u. we bavedelermiued todo the largest iietaiigi:oci:iiy overdone in Uiimii.... m . .. , lilUav THE BLOODY CHASM HAS BEEN HUIDuED OVEH. THE LITTLE JOKE1W arc not quite . . gone. Afiae; lino of TOILET SO AIS re- cciyea to-uay, very low down. The OLD CAI'E FKAU is llonrbhins ana JUAUTELLE swimming. We have bar 11 t,xtr muA umiai 11, .t "tiagar r Peace," a fine Havana It M).bul still think It would be bad policy Ui U lurnishlng the papers with our 11 u liw-fr y production-, aa thty have the tendcorr ta keen prices very low, which we, of cvnrao. wltu all other SHi Kmcera. cU-lr- M1iv want nouh left to pay lor clerk a Itirvi store rent and taxea. NOT PURITANICAL. Althoogh otpm! t tlie driukin tf Uqnora. I . L. laillDOKIiM m f. mrw sms aa tbey Uilnk nri ItKT CIUSH t i IU it: Ml ' KTuilK ranalldrd t be vttttoui: buttwv promta tne uvdlea llutt hey wuutd ftr nna oat tnere was any on u srwnUr, aa It sbwm be laktn nan nvr to be at max. I BUMUaVUUNEU, . I ' fcTUAKTri DKWanJ ' ".-V:1!- j':: -i,.: 5 - DU UH AM OLD UYE rotire4 this week. TBY OUU tUTTKU AND LAiiDt The rarvt, oUed, 4 bent iXHlS WUISKEY Im there, to U . bought oa!r at "!P; L BR1DUERS & CO'S. r. a-w tS svnVIy fta4.d U iWte. tare t eat ayar S& 1 Ml an 1 a U. naf n f i..: r by a Sw.Tieai gr f.aseteiiKna"t4 tassaMwitas tuaaat Saattf a irsae g aA.ex m 1 m e4 a e b'nw-il, kavataJt f-wa trm aSl S-:.jare .

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